EEN318, Programming III, Autumn 2007


  1. (due 20th September) A program that is able to read the text from a file, and display it fully justified (with even left and right margins, except the last line), in a window whose size is chosen by the user.
  2. example (due 1st November) Extend your word processor so that commands may be embedded in the text. The commands should not be directly displayed on the screen, instead they should modify how text is displayed. At least being able to change the font type, size, and colour, and to start a new paragraph. Allow block structure, behaving like curly-brackets in C++, so that changes made inside a block are reversed when that block ends. Syntax like [font=arial] or [size=16] are quite good enough, but you can choose your own syntax. You can use perhaps [begin] and [end] to delimit blocks, or C++'s { and }, or anything else within reason.
  3. The Map Program, the easy part. (due 10th November).
  4. The Map Program, the not-difficult part. (due 9th December).

Notes about Prerequisite Topics

  1. objects.html introductory stuff about objects, classes, structs
  2. fractions.html more of that
  3. introtoclasses.html and more
  4. startobject2.html and even more
  5. growarray.html Arrays that grow (vectors)
  6. Goldfish Club, (older C-based version just for interest)
  7. FlexArray.doc Simple C++ vector of strings with "friends"
  8. GrowingArrays.doc Smaller examples of that
  9. declarations.html Complicated declarations in C++

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