EEN318, Programming III, Autumn 2006


  1. (Due Tues 12th Sept) Investigate the Mystery File. Find a way to meaningfully, usefully, and conveniently display its contents. Email your program (just the source .cpp file)
  2. (Due Thurs 28th Sept) To your perfectly working display program for the now decoded mystery file, add the ability to accept two place names typed by the user, find their geographical coordinates in the alphaplaces file, show their locations correctly on the map, and compute the distance between them.
    Note: The alphaplaces file has been modified to remove the annoying "city", "CDP", and other suffixes to place names. If you want the old unmodified file, it is here.
  3. Turn in dates for items 4, 5, and 6 are but you choose which order you do them in.
  4. (Due on one of the above three dates, Group Project) Combine/integrate the alphaplaces.txt, majorroads.txt, and locations.txt files (all found here) so that for any names city the roads that connect to it can be found, and for any road the places that it connects can be quickly found.
  5. (Due on one of the above three dates, Group Project) Add a zoom-in, zoom-out, pan-west, pan-east, pan-north, and pan-south mouse-clickable feature to your display. You must be careful to work out correctly which map file is needed at each stage.
  6. (Due on one of the above three dates, Group Project) Interactive interative road renderer. The user enters a location, then the computer gives a menu of all roads connected to that location. The user selects one, that road is drawn onto the map, its "other" end becomes the user located location, and the process repeats.
  7. (Due Tuesday 5th December, Group Project) Navigation. User enters two place names, program finds a path path between those two places, and displays the whole route in a user-friendly fashion.

Class History

Last year's class history

From the following, you can see what the class is all about, and get a good idea of what to expect. Although you should understand that things do change from year to year, if they didn't, we would all get very bored.

Class History 2005: