
Communication Attendance Submitting Assignments
  1. Assignments must be submitted as word documents.
  2. They must begin with your name and which assignment it is.
  3. Next include the path, exactly where I can find it in your rabbit account
  4. Then any comments or explanations for me.
  5. If resubmitting after feedback:
  6. Include all of your code as plain text, not as screen-shot images.
  7. Make sure your code is readable, and that I will be able to copy and paste it somewhere if necessary.
  8. No dark backgrounds.
  9. No absurdly long lines. A line of code must only occupy one line of your document.
  10. And don't try to get around that with tricks. No tiny fonts either.
  11. Good coding practice: consistent proper indentation and spacing is required. Unreadable means ungradeable.
  12. Include useful thought-about test runs.
  13. Be sure that your test runs really test all the important features.
  14. Your test runs should also be plain text, not screen-shot images.
  15. Except that if you do produce some graphical output, then of course a regular screen-shot is OK.
  16. Faked test runs will be treated like any other form of cheating: a zero with no resubmissions allowed.
  17. All assignments are to be submitted through blackboard under Assignments.
  18. Grades will be posted on blackboard.
Do it yourself Profeesional standards Lateness Where to do your assignments Collusion and Plagiarism Final Grades The Book