Make the reverse-polish calculator available for use in any program that wants to use it. This should be based on a stack of doubles, for which you may use a global variable. You should provide at least four functions: void start_calc(); makes sure the stack is empty. void deal_with(double val); push the value onto the stack void deal_with(string op); for operators: peform the operation indicated by the string. You should cover at least "+", "-", "*", "/" and a few more to make it useful. double answer(); return the current answer from the stack(); For example, to print out the value of (2+3)*(4+5): start_calc(); deal_with(2); deal_with(3); deal_with("+"); deal_with(4); deal_with(5); deal_with("+"); deal_with("*"); cout << answer(); ERROR-CHECKING: Make sure your program never crashes: detect and avoid attempts to divide by zero never pop from an empty stack etc