The Special Array Create a class that behaves like an error-proof resizable array. The data items to be stored in the array are the names (first and last) and telephone numbers of people. But design your class so that it could easily be changed to support a different kind of data. If you don't want to make your own test data, and that is a very reasonable position to take, remember that there are some big files on rabbit used for een118 (introduction to programming)'s lab 10. You can just ignore the unnecessary extra information they contain. By default it should be created with very low capacity, but should grow in an efficient way to be able to hold whatever is stored in it. Programs using this class should not be protected from error if they access items that are outside the correct range of indexes. Required public methods: + get_size() returns a number, let's call it N, such that indexes 0 to N-1 inclusive exist, and can be accessed. + get(int i) returns the data item at position i + set(int i, data_item d) stores the data item at position i, resizing if necessary + from_file(string name) reads a file that contains the information for an unknown number of people and stores them in the array, starting at the first unused position. The format of the file will be many lines each containing firstname lastname phonenumber, spaces are irrelevant separators. e.g. Sally Smith 3051112222 Jimmy Jones 4067778888 Petunia Hamburglar 2085431234 + sort() sorts all the data items, so that they appear in alphabetical order of last names, or of first names when two last names are identical + insert(data_item d) assumes that the data has already been sorted, and finds the finds the right place to insert the new item to keep them all sorted. Move all following items down by one position, and insert the new item in the space left. Use your class in a program that demonstrates all of these features working properly. To be done under unix on rabbit (or something with the same system setup). Create a nice, clear, readable word document, make sure it includes your name and which assignment it is. Include in it your code (be really careful about readability - use a fixed width font, don't let lines get too long), and screenshots/transcripts of a test run. Submit by email to, make the subject say your name and which assignment it is.