ECE218 R Data Structures Spring 2024
Tue & Thur, 2:00 to 3:15, in LC 182

Useful information and things



Read the Important Rules link above.
All to be submitted on blackboard (under Assignments) - I HOPE THIS WILL CHANGE SOON.
Submissions should be clearly readable word documents.

    1   Due: Sunday 28th January.
       The RPN calculator.
2Due: Thursday 15th February
Make your own superior kind of vector.
3Due: Friday 8th March
4Due: Monday 25th March
Add division and modulo to your bigints and supercalculator.
5Due: Saturday 13th April
Linked-list database of people
6Due: Sunday 5th May
Database of people in a binary tree

Class History

Class 1 - Tue 16-1-2024    Quick introductions.
A word about pointers.
Can't cover everything, C++ is a very big language.
If anyone registers for this class late, send me an email right away so I can create an account for you on our server.
Today's things:
     Checking the memory addresses of various things, seeing the stack frames
     The abstract data type Stack
     C++'s vectors as far as they relate to stacks
     Reverse polish notation
Class 2 - Thur 18-1-2024 More things you can do with a vector, they aren't only good for stacks.
Beginning to work out how we can make a vector for ourselves. Remember no zoom, take notes.
A lot of the details of what we did today.
Class 3 - Tue 23-1-2024 The "input all from one line" method, C++ does that automatically.
The real point of vector's .data() and string's .c_str(), they should almost never be used.
More on pointers vs arrays, * p, *(p + 3), p[3], p[0], and p. Never use the second one in C++.
Vectors, comparing v[3],,[3], *( + 3), don't do the fourth one.
The dangerous array demonstration, the sizes tried were 10, 100, 200, and 1000.
Complete run-through of strtol.
Class 4 - Thur 25-1-2024 Details of requirements and expectations for work done.
An accurate but incomplete look at how the heap works, including new and delete.
Our own implementation of vector_of_string, still some bits left to do.
Class 5 - Tue 30-1-2024 The do not use list.
An ASR-33 Teletype (1963, $1,000 + add-ons, avg. fam. ann. income $6,200).
Random access methods for the vector_of_string are easy.
Redirecting input and output. Always use cerr instead of cout for error messages.
Exceptions by many examples: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.
"class" is identical to "struct" except for default protection level. Only use struct for simple little things.
Class 6 - Thur 1-2-2024 Just for completeness, the different kinds of exception.
Look at thirteen again, I missed something.
public, protected, and private.
many constructors, including default and copy, avoiding accidental data sharing.
Class 7 - Tue 6-2-2024 Check for the five absentees.
More on exception example 13; POD and non-POD data items.
The different meanings of const, depending on exactly where it appears.
Destructors, just as important as constructors, but need etra care.
Objects should nearly always be passed as (const) references; early destruction otherwise.
Reference variables and results.
Function parameters again.
Making operators work on your own objects, even [i] for array-like access.
A first very quick look at gdb the debugger.
Class 8 - Thur 8-2-2024 Second assignment was already pushed back.
On more try for the five absentees.
Different kinds of error, and
More about gdb the debugger.
Constructors and destructors for tracing functions, static members.
Class 9 - Tue 13-2-2024 Forgot this both days last week: Dean's special event.
Why there's no plain old pop().
The Assignment operator.
Graphical operations and animations as matrices, why a 3-D world requires 4x4 matrices.
Class 10 - Thur 15-2-2024 C++'s troublesome idea of a matrix: the starting point, typedef - a little easier to read,
Analysing time complexity, the big-O notation and consequences.
Unacceptable, will be rejected without further inspection.
#include <cstdarg> for POD parameters only.
This would be better but for the fact that it doesn't work.
Class 11 - Tue 20-2-2024 Guidelines and requirements fot the soon to be set third assignment, Supercalculator.
Vector-like storage of digits, digit type must be unsigned char, bool for negatives, constructors from string and ordinary int,
unsigned add first, test, then signed add. Same for subtract, multiplication by ordinary and, then by another bigint.
Class 12 - Thur 22-2-2024 .cpp and .h files and separate compilation, using an example containing almost everything class/struct related.
Class 13 - Tue 27-2-2024 The reason for not being able to look at /home/www.
.hpp files and *.o
Inheritance used to create a French-speaking version of Thursday's date class.
Multidimensional arrays done properly.
Class 14 - Thur 29-2-2024 private does have one use.
array of array of array ... as multi-dimensional array implementation, unwieldy but valid.
Three quadratic sorting algorithms: selection sort, insertion sort, and bubble sort.
Class 15 - Tue 5-3-2024 A few more things about bubble sort: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9.
BS can stop early if only a few small values are in the wrong place.
A BS in the other direction can stop early if only a few big values are in the wrong place.
Shaker sort alternates the two, so the big loop only runs once for each out-of-place value.
One of the reasons sorting matters: a reminder of binary chop search.
Logarithmic timing and why it matters so much.
Class 16 - Thur 7-3-2024 An attempted database.
Pointers to the rescue again.
At the supermarket.
Break 11th to 17th
Class 17 - Tue 19-3-2024 Linked lists day.
Class 18 - Thur 21-3-2024 First mid-term, there are four possible topics but that does not necessarily mean there will be four questions:
       Vectors: making your own.
       Multi-dimensional arrays.
       Classes, methods, con/de-structors, operators, static things...
       Quadratic sorting algorithms.
And of course general C++ and programming will be tested.
A sample test (not question 1), and its solution,
Another sample (only question 3), and its solution.
Another sample (only question 6),
Yet another sample (only question 5), and its solution.
Class 19 - Tue 26-3-2024 Important Unix commands and most pico/nano operations.
More on linked lists.
Three ways to add to the end, only one is fast.
Structure sharing, reasons and problems, reference counts don't always work.
Insert in right place in already sorted list, leads easily to insertion sort.
Class 20 - Thur 28-3-2024 Being a grown-up programmer, Using the emacs editor.
Linked lists for sparse arrays.
Splitting a linked list into two as-close-as-possible equal length halves.
Class 21 - Tue 2-4-2024 (backspace and delete now work with emacs)
Discovering mergesort.
Class 22 - Thur 4-4-2024 Tidy review of merge-sort on a linked list and the time analysis.
Fractals and recursion have quite a lot in common.
The natural implementation of mergesort on a linked list is a very simple recursive function.
Mergesort on an array is almost obvious but an efficient implementation is a bit tricky.
Full analysis of vector growth strategies: add makes it quadratic, multiply makes it linear.
Class 23 - Tue 9-4-2024 (zoom needed)
Mergesort the old way, pictures: one, many.
Mergesort on an array requires an extra temporary array, the loops are rather complicated.
Recursion makes it much easier to understand and has no significant drawbacks.
Class 24 - Thur 11-4-2024 (zoom needed)
A partition method animated,
The entire quicksort algorithm animated.
Quicksort's first appearance, the algorithm part 1, part 2. The test system.
Class 25 - Tue 16-4-2024 Binary trees: linked lists adapted so that binary chop search works.
The structure, always insert at a leaf.
Search, insert (both with loop and recursion), print.
How to make print show the tree's shape, how to turn it into a sorting algorithm.
Class 26 - Thur 18-4-2024 Depth first search (DFS) or breadth first search (BFS)?
Four traversals, in-order DFS, pre-order DFS, post-order DFS, and BFS.
The correct way to save a tree in a file.
Removing from a binary tree.
Class 27 - Tue 23-4-2024 Second test: Linked lists, fast sorting, and binary trees.
Sample 1: Questions 5 and 7 only.
Sample 2: Questions 6 and 7 only.
Sample 3: Questions 5 and 7 only.
Class 28 - Thur 25-4-2024 Examinations.
The starting point for virtual methods.
Where we reached by the end.