EEN218 (Programming 2) Spring 2008, Tue Thur 3:30-4:45
- Official Syllabus.
- Downloads: Software to make things work
- The Book: "C++ programming: Program design including Data Structures", D. S. Malik, ISBN 1418836400.
- For Reference or Review:
- Examinations:
- Mid-Term Examination: Thursday 6th March, 3.30 p.m.
- End-Term Examination: Thursday 17th April, 3.30 p.m.
- Final Examination: Thursday 1st May, 2.00 p.m.
- Assignments:
- Empirical Speed Study, due Tuesday 12th February
- (very easy) Implement one of the slow sorting algorithms
- (very easy) Make it generate its own random data and time itself sorting it
- (thoughtful) Implement Merge-sort
- (very easy) Make it generate its own random data and time itself sorting it
- (easy) Perform the tests on a few different data sizes and graph the results.
- Using fractals, create an infinite variety of realistic-looking trees. Graphics required of course.
- (easy version) Just stick figures, realism not required, due Sunday 2nd March
- (full version) Realism (within reason), due Sunday 9th March
- Class History:
- Class 1 (15-1-2008) ???? (prerequisites self-test)
- Class 2 (17-1-2008) ???? (big O introduction).
- Class 3 (22-1-2008) The complete picture of mergesort, deducing that it is O(NlogN).
- Class 4 (24-1-2008) Making sure we're all sure about pointers and objects, began linked lists.
(gorilla timescale).
- Class 5 (29-1-2008) Serious work with linked lists.
- Class 6 (31-1-2008) More advanced operations on linked lists.
- Class 7 (5-2-2008) Even more advanced list operations.
- Class 8 (7-2-2008)
- Class 9 (12-2-2008) No class today.
- Class 10 (14-2-2008)
- Class 11 (19-2-2008)
- Class 12 (21-2-2008)
- Class 13 (26-2-2008) Hoping to make a recursion-based assignment less alarming.
- Class 14 (28-2-2008) Introducing binary trees.
- Class 15 (4-3-2008) Making use of binary trees.
- Class 16 (6-3-2008) Exam day
- Spring Break 8-3-2008 to 16-3-2008)
- Class 17 (18-3-2008)
- Class 18 (20-3-2008) p
- Class 19 (25-3-2008) p
- Class 20 (27-3-2008) Complete work-through of recursive reverse-polish formula reader, in pdf and .doc formats.
- Class 21 (1-4-2008)
- Class 22 (3-4-2008)
- Class 23 (8-4-2008)
- Class 24 (10-4-2008)
- Class 25 (15-4-2008)
- Class 26 (17-4-2008)
- Class 27 (22-4-2008)
- Class 28 (24-4-2008)