EEN218 Spring 2004, Seventh and Eighth Assignments
You are to write in interactive "adventure" game similar to the one illustrated
in the sample run. The exact nature of the game and
the artificial world that it takes place in are entirely up to you. The following are the requirements:
- The world must be described in a text file which the program reads on
startup. Changing that text file should be ALL that is required to change
that map of the world and the objects within it.
- The running game should simulate a person/robot moving through the world
at the command of the user. The user must be able to give simple typed commands
telling the person/robot what to do. It must be able to turn in various
directions, move forwards, pick up and put down objects, and describe
its surroundings. Of course, you may make the person/robot able to move
and act of its own volition, but that is not a requirement.
- The commands understood by the person/robot should be simple typed
English words or phrases, not numbers or single letters selected from
a menu.
- The must be a "help" command that lists the available commands
for new users.
- The person/robot must be restricted by some aspects of the environment.
This means that the text map file must be able to describe some connections
between locations which can be traversed, and some which can't (e.g.
windows and walls). The person/robot should not be able to walk through walls.
- There should be a number of objects in the world, which the person/robot
can pick up, carry around, and put down. Once an object has been put down
in a location, it should stay in that location until something moves it.
You may treat some objects as "treasure", or valuable in the sense of
scoring points, but that is not important.
- The program must be well written and have a clear design. The grade
will be based on the quality of the programming, not on the interestingness
or excitement of the game.
You may of course add to the basic requirements, but must get the basic
requirements right first. Just because the person/robot is required to
follow the users commands, that doesn't mean you can't have other
"animate" creatures moving around by their own will, for instance.