Seventh Assignment, due 19th November
Electronic Submission, hw7
Write a program that calculates and prints exact factorials of numbers
entered by the user. The numbers entered will be integers in the range
0 to 1000.
Your program must follow an exact specification for input and output.
It should print no prompt, just allowing the user to enter an
integer. If the number entered is negative, the program should stop
without producing any further output. If the number is between 0 and
1000, the program should print on one line, exactly: the number entered,
followed by the factorial sign '!', followed by one space, followed by
an equals sign '=' followed by one space, followed by the exact factorial
of the number in decimal, with no leading zeros. After producing this
output, the program should continue from the beginning, allowing the
user to enter another number.
Here is a sample transcript of a session with your program. What the
user types is underlined.
$ a.out
3! = 6
5! = 120
0! = 1
1000! = 4023........0
11! = 39916800
Note that for 1000! you should not print the dots as above, you should
print the actual digits of the factorial of one thousand.
Of course you may make your program produce extra output while you
are developing or debigging it, but remember to remove all extra
output before submitting.
You may test you solution using the
Automatic Judging System;
this homework assignment appears as problem number 114.