Fourth Assignment, due 22nd October
Electronic Submission, hw4
Design your own database of connected records like but not the same as the one
we hve been using for examples in class (e.g. classes and the students taking them,
CDs and the tracks on them, Libraries and the books in them, etc.). Implement a
program that can read the database from files into arrays of structs and answer
simple queries entred by the user.
Text-processing for the queries is not required, you may offer the user a
menu of numeric options. However, some string inputs will be required.
The following is Optional Extra Credit for section Q1, but Required for section Q2:
Allow the user to add or modify the data in the arrays of structs, and write
the modified database back into the original files in the correct format, so that it can
be read back by the program next time it is run.