Third Assignment, due 8th October
Electronic Submission, hw3
Using the Automatic Judging System,
Solve either TWO of the intermediate problems, numbers 11-16 inclusive, OR ONE
of the more difficult problems, numbers 101-113 inclusive. Use the automatic
judge to help ensure that your program is correct, but do not get obsessive
over having the judge accept your solution. The judge is very picky and has
some tricky test cases to try on your programs. When you have finished (or done
as well as you can) submit your program(s) for grading in the normal way,
as hw3.
Warning: Do not assume that doing one of the three-digit problems will
be less work than doing two of the two-digit problems. The two-digit problems
are designed to be doable by people in 218. The three-digit problems are
not necessarily so. Some of them are not at all straight-forward, and may
require some inventiveness or inspiration.