Fourth Assignment, due 5th March 2002

Electronic Submission, hw4

Write a program that converts dates (year, month, day) to day-of-week, and displays the results nicely, using the CGI interface for access through web browsers.

For a demonstration of how the program should behave, look here.

For a bit of extra credit, make it do calculations like this.

With this assignment, the important thing is to make sure you can do CGI programming. If you can't quite get the day-of-week calculation right, don't panic. At least make it work for this year. Concentrate on getting the CGI interface right, because you will need that for future assignemnts.

There is no need to be concerned with when we changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, you may assume the modern (Gregorian) system for all dates, but if you want to be fancy, by all means take the change into account (if you care, the change happened in 1752; Wednesday 2nd September 1752 was immediately followed by Thursday 14th September 1752).

For a reminder of how to do CGI programming, look here.