Essential things to remember from today's class (class 13, 3rd October) Understand the method for finding the maximum possible int square root, and why we need it. Understand how the Newton-Raphson method works, just as a general concept. If you haven't started calculus yet, don't worry about the differentiation step where x squared minus n became two times x, just thing in terms of the steepness of the graph. Be sure that (given time) you could code the method in C++ just like we did in class, but without looking at what we did in class. Again, if you are not in calculus yet, assume that someone would give you the correct formula for the gradient (steepness). Understand how the accurate print function works. For this, there are enough complexities that I would not expect all of you to be able to code it in a reasonable amount of time, but if you think you could then do it, it would be a valuable learning experience.