#include "library.h" const int win_width = 600, win_height = 600; double range_min_real = -1.5, range_max_real = 1.5, range_min_imag = -1.5, range_max_imag = 1.5; struct complex { double r, i; }; complex make_c(double r0, double i0) { complex x; x.r = r0; x.i = i0; return x; } complex add(complex a, complex b) { complex x; x.r = a.r + b.r; x.i = a.i + b.i; return x; } complex sub(complex a, complex b) { complex x; x.r = a.r - b.r; x.i = a.i - b.i; return x; } complex mul(complex a, complex b) { complex x; x.r = a.r * b.r - a.i * b.i; x.i = a.r * b.i + a.i * b.r; return x; } complex div(complex a, complex b) { double bottom = b.r * b.r + b.i * b.i; if (bottom == 0) cout << "Look out! Division by zero\n"; complex x; x.r = (a.r * b.r + a.i * b.i) / bottom; x.i = (a.i * b.r - a.r * b.i) / bottom; return x; } double magnitude(complex a) { return sqrt(a.r * a.r + a.i * a.i); } ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, complex a) { out << a.r; if (a.i > 0) out << "+" << a.i << "i"; else if (a.i < 0) out << a.i << "i"; return out; } bool operator==(complex a, complex b) { return a.r == b.r && a.i == b.i; } bool operator!=(complex a, complex b) { return a.r != b.r || a.i != b.i; } double r_to_x(double r) { double p = (r - range_min_real) / (range_max_real - range_min_real); return p * win_width; } double x_to_r(double x) { double p = x / win_width; return range_min_real + p * (range_max_real - range_min_real); } double i_to_y(double i) { double p = (i - range_min_imag) / (range_max_imag - range_min_imag); return win_height - p * win_height; } double y_to_i(double y) { double p = (win_height - y) / win_height; return range_min_imag + p * (range_max_imag - range_min_imag); } struct point { double x, y; }; point make_p(double x, double y) { point p; p.x = x; p.y = y; return p; } ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, point p) { out << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")"; return out; } point complex_to_point(complex a) { point p; p.x = r_to_x(a.r); p.y = i_to_y(a.i); return p; } complex point_to_complex(point p) { complex c; c.r = x_to_r(p.x); c.i = y_to_i(p.y); return c; } void move_to(complex c) { point p = complex_to_point(c); move_to(p.x, p.y); } void draw_to(complex c) { point p = complex_to_point(c); draw_to(p.x, p.y); } void draw_point(complex c) { point q = complex_to_point(c); draw_point(q.x, q.y); } void draw_axes() { set_pen_width(1); set_pen_color(color::grey); complex c; double axis_step = (range_max_real - range_min_real) / 10; for (c.r = range_min_real; c.r <= range_max_real; c.r += axis_step) { c.i = range_min_imag; move_to(c); c.i = range_max_imag; draw_to(c); } axis_step = (range_max_imag - range_min_imag) / 10; for (c.i = range_min_imag; c.i <= range_max_imag; c.i += axis_step) { c.r = range_min_real; move_to(c); c.r = range_max_real; draw_to(c); } set_pen_color(color::black); if (range_min_real <= 0 && 0 <= range_max_real) { move_to(make_c(0.0, range_min_imag)); draw_to(make_c(0.0, range_max_imag)); } if (range_min_imag <= 0 && 0 <= range_max_imag) { move_to(make_c(range_min_real, 0.0)); draw_to(make_c(range_max_real, 0.0)); } } point click_to_point() { wait_for_mouse_click(); point p; p.x = get_click_x(); p.y = get_click_y(); return p; } complex click_to_complex() { return point_to_complex(click_to_point()); } int steps_to_explosion(complex z, complex c, int max_steps) { int steps = 0; while (true) { if (magnitude(z) > 5) break; if (steps >= max_steps) break; z = add(mul(z, z), c); steps += 1; } return steps; } void produce_shape(complex c, int max_steps, int & least_steps, int & most_steps) { cout << "range " << make_c(range_min_real, range_min_imag) << " to " << make_c(range_max_real, range_max_imag) << " (size " << range_max_real - range_min_real << "), c = " << c << ", max steps " << max_steps << "\n"; set_pen_color(color::black); move_to(0, win_height - 1); draw_to(win_width, win_height - 1); int l_steps = INT_MAX, m_steps = 1; for (int x = 0; x < win_width; x += 1) for (int y = win_height; y >= 0; y -= 1) { complex z = point_to_complex(make_p(x, y)); int s = steps_to_explosion(z, c, max_steps); if (s > m_steps) m_steps = s; if (s < l_steps) l_steps = s; int c = make_color_hls(0.666666 + 0.333333 * (s - least_steps) / (most_steps - least_steps), 0.5, 1); set_pixel_color(x, y, c); set_pixel_color(x, win_height - 2, color::black); set_pixel_color(x, win_height - 1, color::white); } least_steps = l_steps; most_steps = m_steps; cout << "least steps = " << least_steps << ", most steps = " << most_steps << "\n"; } const int normal = 1, select_new_c = 2, try_again = 3, set_max_steps = 4, new_range = 5; int deal_with_key_press(complex & c) { char kt = get_key_typed(); if (kt == 'z') { cout << "click on opposite corners\n"; complex c1 = click_to_complex(); complex c2 = click_to_complex(); double minr = min(c1.r, c2.r), maxr = max(c1.r, c2.r), mini = min(c1.i, c2.i), maxi = max(c1.i, c2.i); double range = max(maxr - minr, maxi - mini); range_min_real = minr; range_max_real = minr + range; range_min_imag = mini; range_max_imag = mini + range; return normal; } else if (kt == 'r') { range_min_real = -1.5; range_max_real = 1.5; range_min_imag = -1.5; range_max_imag = 1.5; return select_new_c; } else if (kt == 'm') { double size; cout << "select this window then enter min-real min-imag size c-real c-imag: "; cin >> range_min_real >> range_min_imag >> size >> c.r >> c.i; range_max_real = range_min_real + size; range_max_imag = range_min_imag + size; return new_range; } else if (kt == 'c') { range_min_real = -1.5; range_max_real = 1.5; range_min_imag = -1.5; range_max_imag = 1.5; return select_new_c; } else if (kt == 's') return set_max_steps; else { cout << "key " << kt << " meaningless\n"; return try_again; } } void main() { make_window(win_width, win_height); cout << "type z to zoom in, r to reset, m to manually enter details, s to change max steps, c to select new c\n"; set_pen_width(1); complex c = make_c(0, 0); draw_axes(); int action = select_new_c, min_steps = 1, max_steps = 100; while (true) { if (action == select_new_c) { clear(); draw_axes(); cout << "click to select new c\n"; c = click_to_complex(); action = normal; max_steps = 100; } else { cout << "ready\n"; wait_for_key_typed(); action = deal_with_key_press(c); } if (action == new_range) { max_steps = 100; action = normal; } if (action == set_max_steps) { cout << "select this window then enter maximum steps: "; cin >> max_steps; action = normal; } if (action == normal) { min_steps = 2; int old_max_steps = max_steps; produce_shape(c, max_steps, min_steps, max_steps); if (min_steps != 2 || max_steps != old_max_steps) produce_shape(c, max_steps, min_steps, max_steps); } } }