ECE 118 Autumn 2024 Introductory Bits
- reassure about lab times, just 105 minutes,
may leave early if finished
- must be seen by lab guy
- Labs are in McArthur (EB) 304
- lab = assignment, one per week. Labs start next week.
- book old is fine, not strictly necessary at all, but you might want it
- expecting complete beginners
- neat, layout, structure, consistency, almost meaningless at start
- cite everything external, but nothing may be external (images?)
- do it yourself, do it the class way, it is all carefully planned.
- in person, attendance required, remote doesn't count except with proper reason
- reach by email or in person, not blackboard, not phone. State name and class
in person afternoons and evenings or arrange appointment by email
-, office McArthur Engineering building room 516.
- all assignments and stuff on rabbit
- submit and receive grades on blackboard
- can resubmit quickly if on time
- exactly one week is latest for on time. One week from lab start, not midnight.
enforced deadlines, each day another point from 10
- exceptions only for exceptional circumstances, nobody forces last minute starts
- start last minute asking for trouble
- two mid terms plus final, regular classroom, official time
- incomplete almost never. really good reason out of your control
- windows and a bit of unix, trouble for new macs? Were you warned?
laptop possibly essential
- no phone use or web browsing in class
- strictly individual effort
- cheating, collusion, from the web/a book, faked test runs, all zero no resubmissions
- but study groups are good. draw a line, know when to split up.
- every assignment involves programming, must submit in word docx:
name and assignment at top
- then anything unusual that the grader should know
- then your program,
neatly and readably presented,
- no unreasonable gaps
- plain text, not image
- test runs: screen shots mostly, but cat and paste (not a typo) for unix
- usual pronouns and things, harassment, offense, honour code, disabilities, religious
see syllabus for details.