Class 1 ‑ | Tue 20‑8‑2019 | Hello to everyone. Why computers use binary instead of decimal. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to do. | ||||
Class 2 ‑ | Thur 22‑8‑2019 | The rules of arithmetic, strings, ints, doubles, and bools. A sample first test. Building a very basic program. | ||||
Class 3 ‑ | Tue 27‑8‑2019 | Setting up a visual studio project Drawing lots of squares on top of each other Solving a quadratic equation. | ||||
Class 4 ‑ | Thur 29‑8‑2019 | Controlling repetition in a program, Properly solving quadratic equations, Plotting a graph, Plotting two graphs on the same axes. | ||||
Class 5 ‑ | Tue 3‑9‑2019 | (Closed) | ||||
Class 6 ‑ | Thur 5‑9‑2019 | Common patterns for recursive functions, Why use recursion at all? A function that says the digits of a number, The effects of integer overflow, A ridiculously long program - it needs a redesign. | ||||
Class 7 ‑ | Tue 10‑9‑2019 | The complete number saying program. | ||||
Class 8 ‑ | Thur 12‑9‑2019 | A program that writes another program for us, The sum of a series, Searching for animals | ||||
Class 9 ‑ | Tue 17‑9‑2019 | The Binary Chop search method. | ||||
Class 10 ‑ | Thur 19‑9‑2019 | Drawing polygons or cicles. Another way to produce a circle. More uses of the while loop. Exploring the Collatz sequence. | ||||
Class 11 ‑ | Tue 24‑9‑2019 | Graphing the length of the Collatz sequence. Finding square roots by binary chop search on a table. | ||||
Class 12 ‑ | Thur 26‑9‑2019 | Finding square roots by binary chop search without a table. Some very basic encryption. | ||||
Class 13 ‑ | Tue 1‑10‑2019 | Introduction to unix. | ||||
Class 14 ‑ | Thur 3‑10‑2019 | Searching for a character in a string, encryption and decryption | ||||
Class 15 ‑ | Tue 8‑10‑2019 | Test day. | ||||
Class 16 ‑ | Thur 10‑10‑2019 | Introducing variables. | ||||
Class 17 ‑ | Tue 15‑10‑2019 | More with variables: Binary chop search, the sine function, Update operators and the for loop. | ||||
Class 18 ‑ | Tue 22‑10‑2019 | What we learned from the test. | ||||
Class 19 ‑ | Thur 24‑10‑2019 | A reason for not being complacent. Using ifstreams and ofstreams or access to disc files. A chemistry data file for us to work with, and our first program using it, second, third, and fourth. | ||||
Class 20 ‑ | Tue 29‑10‑2019 | Sorting in three steps:
three, and randomising an array and resorting the result. | ||||
Class 21 ‑ | Thur 31‑10‑2019 | Introducing structs. The chemistry calculator refined. | ||||
Class 22 ‑ | Tue 5‑11‑2019 | 1000 * 0.1 might not == 100. Why not? Teaching C++ how to use fractions. | ||||
Class 23 ‑ | Thur 7‑11‑2019 | Arrays and structs and files, all together. | ||||
Class 24 ‑ | Tue 12‑11‑2019 | Second test. A sample. Another sample. | ||||
Class 25 ‑ | Thur 14‑11‑2019 | A simulation: the boy, the bull, and the dinosaur. | ||||
Class 26 ‑ | Tue 19‑11‑2019 | Complex numbers and the Mandelbrot set. | ||||
Class 27 ‑ | Thur 21‑11‑2019 | What we learned from the test. | ||||
Break | ||||||
Class 28 ‑ | Tue 3‑12‑2019 | Review of everything. |
Lab 1, | Mon 26 Aug - Thur 29 Aug | |||||
(pdf) | Using visual C++ to run programs; drawing stars and stick figures. | |||||
Lab 2, | Wed 4 Sep - Tue 10 Sep | |||||
(pdf) | Divide and conquer: building big programs from little functions. | |||||
Lab 3, | Wed 11 Sep - Tue 17 Sep | |||||
(pdf) | Controlling repetition in programs. | |||||
Lab 4, | Wed 18 Sep - Tue 24 Sep | |||||
(pdf) | A video game: Space Invaders with a cannon. | |||||
Lab 5, | Wed 25 Sep - Tue 1 Oct | |||||
(pdf) | A real-time animated clock application. | |||||
Lab 6, | Wed 2 Oct - Tue 8 Oct | |||||
(pdf) | Generating calendars and using Unix. | |||||
Lab 7, | Wed 9 Oct - Tue 15 Oct | |||||
(pdf) | A randomly generated Happy Street Scene. | |||||
Lab 8, | Wed 16 Oct - Thur 24 Oct | |||||
(pdf) | An interactive desk calculator. | |||||
Lab 9, | Mon 28 Oct - Thur 31 Oct | |||||
(pdf) | Meteorological data processing and visualisation. the data files | |||||
Lab 10, | Mon 4 Nov - Thur 7 Nov | |||||
(pdf) | Database programming under Unix. The special timing function. | |||||
Lab 11, | Mon 11 Nov - Thur 14 Nov | |||||
(pdf) | A robot seaching for treasure in a maze.
sample maze;
alternate sample. | |||||
Lab 12, | Mon 18 Nov - Thur 21 Nov | |||||
(pdf) | An automatic robot: he turned into a video game. |
Latest | Wed 12 December | |||||
Last day anything can be accepted for grading. |