EEN118 P (Programming 1) Autumn 2012
Tues, Thurs at 11:00 am in MM201

Class History

Class 1  Thur 23‑8‑2012   Quick introductions, what to expect from the class and labs, The inside of a computer, partly illustrated by Colossus: A, B, C, a pentode vacuum tube.
Why computers use binary, and what programming them would be like without modern programming languages.
Class 2  Tue 28‑8‑2012   Things we are lucky to be able to avoid: A, B.
tiny program
This is why programming libraries are always used.
Class 3  Thur 30‑8‑2012   Defining our own functions,
Squares and Triangles and Spirographs.
Class 4  Tue 4‑9‑2012   Small simple flexible functions are the key to reliable programming. The Spirography program improved.
Some rather dull C++ language rules to be aware of.
Class 5  Thur 6‑9‑2012   A program that needs improvement: version 1, version 2, and attempted improvement, successful improvement, and simplification.
Generalising to controlled repetition, counting up and down.
Adapted to a temperature conversion table.
Class 6  Tue 11‑9‑2012   Microsoft announcement.
Expressions, priorities, types, statements, declarations.
The quadratic solving function, introducing named constants.
Class 7  Thur 13‑9‑2012   More complex repetition patterns, and interacting with the user.
The converter to binary.
Class 8  Tue 18‑9‑2012   Non-void functions: Converter, Big unreadable quadratic tester, Much better version.
The circular factorial definition, and how it works.
Class 9  Thur 20‑9‑2012   Big complicated functions are bad. Little simple functions work together to perform big complicated tasks reliably.
What would this odd function do? What about these ones?
The fractal star that used to be a triangle.
Class 10  Tue 25‑9‑2012   How to make bees, what a caprimulgus does at night.
Brownian motion and the while loop.
The start of something big, and the complete version.
Class 11  Thur 27‑9‑2012   Prototypes, and a tidied-up and structured number speaker.
Rabbit unix accounts,
Basic unix commands.
Class 12  Tue 2‑10‑2012   an old test.
More unixing.
Class 13  Thur 4‑10‑2012   another old test.
The guessing game, a logarithmic algorithm, and finding square roots the same way.
Class 14  Tue 9‑10‑2012   Some more test preparation.
Divide and Conquer: cut your enemy clean in half. square root function for integers fixed, and another square root function that finds the closest double to the square root of X in 50-ish steps.
Class 15  Thur 11‑10‑2012   Test day.
Class 16  Tue 16‑10‑2012   Variables: simple patterns, and the fibonacci experiments.
Class 17  Thur 18‑10‑2012   The ratio of successive terms in the fibonacci sequence rapidly converges on (1+sqrt(5))/2, which is the ratio of width to length of the architectural golden rectangle.
Loops within loops, and introducing the update operators +=, *=, /=, etc, and the "for loop". When used properly, they can simplify and clarify a program.
Class 18  Tue 23‑10‑2012   Arrays. Strings are objects (samples: one, two, three). Files, ifstreams and ofstreams are objects too (samples: writing, reading).
Class 19  Thur 25‑10‑2012   The dangers of over-confidence.
Do loops, break, continue, and the irritatingly ill-conceived switch statement.
The badly designed program, and how good programming habits could have saved us.
Class 20  Tue 30‑10‑2012   Reference parameters, and how slow sorting could be.
Class 21  Thur 1‑11‑2012   Introducing objects and physical simulations: The boy and the bull.
Class 22  Tue 6‑11‑2012   Announcement.
Finishing the simulation, Trees that move, and a dinosaur.
Beginning a molecular weight calculator, the data file.
Class 23  Thur 8‑11‑2012   Lots of objects working together and simplifying design: more of the chemistry calculator.
At the moment it processes a formula correctly, but then says "no such element" a few hundred times and has a segmentation fault. See if you can work out a good clean way of fixing that, and think about how to deal with numbers as in H2O, CaSO4, or even Mg(OH)2.
Class 24  Tue 13‑11‑2012   Practice with arrays and files.
"Bubble sort": it's slow but it's short.
Class 25  Thur 15‑11‑2012   Test Day. Here is last year's second test.
And here's another older one.
Class 26  Tue 20‑11‑2012   Two dimensional arrays. Calculating with complex numbers.
Class 27  Tue 27‑11‑2012   The complex number fractal explorer (tidied up a bit).
Class 28  Thur 29‑11‑2012   What we learned from the test.

Lab Assignments

                    Lab Setup Guide
Library downloads and documentation
Lab 1 28-30 Aug (pdf) Using visual C++ to run programs; drawing stars and stick figures.
Lab 2 4-6 Sep (pdf) Divide and conquer: building big programs from little functions.
Lab 3 11-13 Sep (pdf) Controlling repetition in programs.
Lab 4 18-20 Sep (pdf) A video game: exploding the enemy with a cannon (assistance with the drawing).
Lab 5 25-27 Sep (pdf) A real-time animated clock application.
Lab 6 2-4 Oct (pdf) Generating calendars and using Unix.
Lab 7 9-11 Oct (pdf) A randomly generated Happy Street Scene.
Lab 8 16-18 Oct      (pdf) An interactive desk calculator.
Lab 9 23-25 Oct (pdf) Meteorological data processing and visualisation. the data files
Lab 10 30 Oct - 1 Nov (pdf) Interactive map of the United States. Data files: state outlines, capitals.
Lab 11 6-8 Nov (pdf) Database programming under Unix.
Data files: database1.txt, 2, 35, 10, 20.
The special timing function.
Lab 12 13-15 Nov (pdf) A robot seaching for treasure in a maze. sample maze
Lab 13 27-29 Nov (pdf) An automatic robot: he turned into a video game.