+ judiciary a. Of or pertaining to courts of judicature, or legal tribunals; judicial; as, a judiciary proceeding. + jovian a. Of or pertaining to Jove, or Jupiter (either the deity or the planet). + johnadreams n. A dreamy, idle fellow. + justle n. An encounter or shock; a jostle. + jacksmith n. A smith who makes jacks. See 2d Jack, 4, c. + jangling p.pr.|vb.n. of Jangle + jinrikisha n. A small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men. + jugular a. Of or pertaining to the jugular vein; as, the jugular foramen. + jugglery n. The art or act of a juggler; sleight of hand. + jeopardy v.t. To jeopardize. + juppon n. A petticoat. + jump v.t. To expose to danger; to risk; to hazard. + jump n. The act of jumping; a leap; a spring; a bound. + juvenility n. Youthfulness; adolescence. + jimp a. Neat; handsome; elegant. See Gimp. + jess n. A short strap of leather or silk secured round the leg of a hawk, to which the leash or line, wrapped round the falconer's hand, was attached when used. See Illust. of Falcon. + julep n. A beverage composed of brandy, whisky, or some other spirituous liquor, with sugar, pounded ice, and sprigs of mint; -- called also mint julep. + jut v.i. To butt. + justle v.i. To run or strike against each other; to encounter; to clash; to jostle. + jubilant a. Uttering songs of triumph; shouting with joy; triumphant; exulting. + jarring a. Shaking; disturbing; discordant. + jetteau n. See Jet d'eau. + jacobian a. Of or pertaining to a style of architecture and decoration in the time of James the First, of England. + janusheaded a. Double-headed. + jarosite n. An ocher-yellow mineral occurring on minute rhombohedral crystals. It is a hydrous sulphate of iron and potash. + juggernaut n. One of the names under which Vishnu, in his incarnation as Krishna, is worshiped by the Hindoos. + jounced imp.|p.p. of Jounce + justificator n. One who justifies or vindicates; a justifier. + journalize v.t. To enter or record in a journal or diary. + jar n. A turn. [Only in phrase.] + jam n. A kind of frock for children. + jacket n. In ordnance, a strengthening band surrounding and reenforcing the tube in which the charge is fired. + jaspery a. Of the nature of jasper; mixed with jasper. + janthina n. See Ianthina. + jantu n. A machine of great antiquity, used in Bengal for raising water to irrigate land. + just adv. Precisely; exactly; -- in place, time, or degree; neither more nor less than is stated. + juryman n. One who is impaneled on a jury, or who serves as a juror. + jinny road An inclined road in a coal mine, on which loaded cars descend by gravity, drawing up empty ones. + jest v.i. To take part in a merrymaking; -- especially, to act in a mask or interlude. + joint a. Shared by, or affecting two or more; held in common; as, joint property; a joint bond. + journeyed imp.|p.p. of Journey + jaw n. One of a pair of opposing parts which are movable towards or from each other, for grasping or crushing anything between them, as, the jaws of a vise, or the jaws of a stone-crushing machine. + jigger n. A species of flea (Sarcopsylla, / Pulex, penetrans), which burrows beneath the skin. See Chigoe. + jupe n. Same as Jupon. + juggler n. One who practices or exhibits tricks by sleight of hand; one skilled in legerdemain; a conjurer. + jar v.t. To tick; to beat; to mark or tell off. + journeys pl. of Journey + jurisprudent a. Understanding law; skilled in jurisprudence. + judicature n. The state or profession of those employed in the administration of justice; also, the dispensing or administration of justice. + joseph n. An outer garment worn in the 18th century; esp., a woman's riding habit, buttoned down the front. + journal a. That portion of a rotating piece, as a shaft, axle, spindle, etc., which turns in a bearing or box. See Illust. of Axle box. + jacobin n. A fancy pigeon, in which the feathers of the neck form a hood, -- whence the name. The wings and tail are long, and the beak moderately short. + jailer n. The keeper of a jail or prison. + jug n. A vessel, usually of coarse earthenware, with a swelling belly and narrow mouth, and having a handle on one side. + jumble n. A confused mixture; a mass or collection without order; as, a jumble of words. + jibe v.t. To agree; to harmonize. + jural a. Of or pertaining to jurisprudence. + jealousies pl. of Jealousy + jennet n. A small Spanish horse; a genet. + juvenal n. A youth. + juristical a. Of or pertaining to a jurist, to the legal profession, or to jurisprudence. + jumblingly adv. In a confused manner. + jaconet n. A thin cotton fabric, between and muslin, used for dresses, neckcloths, etc. + jig n. An apparatus or a machine for jigging ore. + jowler n. A dog with large jowls, as the beagle. + jaunt n. A short excursion for pleasure or refreshment; a ramble; a short journey. + jangled imp.|p.p. of Jangle + joy n. The sign or exhibition of joy; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity. + jehovist n. One who maintains that the vowel points of the word Jehovah, in Hebrew, are the proper vowels of that word; -- opposed to adonist. + jenny n. A familiar name of the European wren. + jingled imp.|p.p. of Jingle + jaculable a. Fit for throwing. + jacket v.t. To thrash; to beat. + jacobitism n. The principles of the Jacobites. + jar v.i. To give forth a rudely quivering or tremulous sound; to sound harshly or discordantly; as, the notes jarred on my ears. + jinglingly adv. So as to jingle. + jaunted imp.|p.p. of Jaunt + juncture n. A joining; a union; an alliance. + justice a. Agreeableness to right; equity; justness; as, the justice of a claim. + jetblack a. Black as jet; deep black. + jainism n. The heterodox Hindoo religion, of which the most striking features are the exaltation of saints or holy mortals, called jins, above the ordinary Hindoo gods, and the denial of the divine origin and infallibility of the Vedas. It is intermediate between Brahmanism and Buddhism, having some things in common with each. + juicy superl. A bounding with juice; succulent. + jointer n. The longest plane used by a joiner. + jumpweld v.t. See Buttweld, v. t. + jubilantly adv. In a jubilant manner. + joram n. See Jorum. + joint n. A plane of fracture, or divisional plane, of a rock transverse to the stratification. + jerk v.t. To throw with a quick and suddenly arrested motion of the hand; as, to jerk a stone. + juggled imp.|p.p. of Juggle + juggle n. A trick by sleight of hand. + juise n. Judgment; justice; sentence. + jail n. A kind of prison; a building for the confinement of persons held in lawful custody, especially for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding. + jacqueminot n. A half-hardy, deep crimson rose of the remontant class; -- so named after General Jacqueminot, of France. + jujube n. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus Zizyphus, especially the Z. jujuba, Z. vulgaris, Z. mucronata, and Z. Lotus. The last named is thought to have furnished the lotus of the ancient Libyan Lotophagi, or lotus eaters. + jockey n. A cheat; one given to sharp practice in trade. + jugula pl. of Jugulum + justification n. The act of justifying, or the state of being justified, in respect to God's requirements. + juramentum n. An oath. + jacobaean lily A bulbous plant (Amaryllis, / Sprekelia, formosissima) from Mexico. It bears a single, large, deep, red, lilylike flower. + juga pl. of Jugum + jigger n.|v. A small fishing vessel, rigged like a yawl. + jugging p.pr.|vb.n. of Jug + jasperated a. mixed with jasper; containing particles of jasper; as, jasperated agate. + jag n. A cleft or division. + jamaican n. A native or inhabitant of Jamaica. + justice a. The rendering to every one his due or right; just treatment; requital of desert; merited reward or punishment; that which is due to one's conduct or motives. + jillflirt n. A light, giddy, or wanton girl or woman. See Gill-flirt. + jingal n. A small portable piece of ordnance, mounted on a swivel. + jacobitical a. Of or pertaining to the Jacobites; characterized by Jacobitism. + jingle n. A rattling, clinking, or tinkling sound, as of little bells or pieces of metal. + jocundity n. The state or quality of being jocund; gayety; sportiveness. + jacare n. A cayman. See Yacare. + jawed a. Having jaws; -- chiefly in composition; as, lantern-jawed. + jejune a. Lacking matter; empty; void of substance. + jumble v.i. To meet or unite in a confused way; to mix confusedly. + jockeying p.pr.|vb.n. of Jockey + jade v.t. To exhaust by overdriving or long-continued labor of any kind; to tire or wear out by severe or tedious tasks; to harass. + juggling n. Jugglery; underhand practice. + joiner n. One whose occupation is to construct articles by joining pieces of wood; a mechanic who does the woodwork (as doors, stairs, etc.) necessary for the finishing of buildings. + jump adv. Exactly; pat. + jaborandi n. The native name of a South American rutaceous shrub (Pilocarpus pennatifolius). The leaves are used in medicine as an diaphoretic and sialogogue. + jaborine n. An alkaloid found in jaborandi leaves, from which it is extracted as a white amorphous substance. In its action it resembles atropine. + johnny n. A familiar diminutive of John. + jelly n. Anything brought to a gelatinous condition; a viscous, translucent substance in a condition between liquid and solid; a stiffened solution of gelatin, gum, or the like. + jewel n. An object regarded with special affection; a precious thing. + justifiable a. Capable of being justified, or shown to be just. + jurisdictive a. Having jurisdiction. + juxtapositing p.pr.|vb.n. of Juxtaposit + joke v.t. To make merry with; to make jokes upon; to rally; to banter; as, to joke a comrade. + jacquerie n. The name given to a revolt of French peasants against the nobles in 1358, the leader assuming the contemptuous title, Jacques Bonhomme, given by the nobles to the peasantry. Hence, any revolt of peasants. + join v.t. To associate one's self to; to be or become connected with; to league one's self with; to unite with; as, to join a party; to join the church. + jouissance n. Jollity; merriment. + jockeyed imp.|p.p. of Jockey + jaundiced a. Affected with jaundice. + jetty n. A wharf or pier extending from the shore. + jargon n. Confused, unintelligible language; gibberish; hence, an artificial idiom or dialect; cant language; slang. + jug n. A pitcher; a ewer. + jeered imp.|p.p. of Jeer + joint n. The space between the adjacent surfaces of two bodies joined and held together, as by means of cement, mortar, etc.; as, a thin joint. + jalousie n. A Venetian or slatted inside window blind. + jar n. The measure of what is contained in a jar; as, a jar of oil; a jar of preserves. + jigger n.|v. A light tackle, consisting of a double and single block and the fall, used for various purposes, as to increase the purchase on a topsail sheet in hauling it home; the watch tackle. + jocund Merry; cheerful; gay; airy; lively; sportive. + jealous a. Zealous; solicitous; vigilant; anxiously watchful. + jagg v.t.|n. See Jag. + jenneting n. A variety of early apple. See Juneating. + judaization n. The act of Judaizing; a conforming to the Jewish religion or ritual. + jilted imp.|p.p. of Jilt + judiciously adv. In a judicious manner; with good judgment; wisely. + joker n. See Rest bower, under 2d Bower. + judaizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Judaize + juniper n. Any evergreen shrub or tree, of the genus Juniperus and order Coniferae. + jack n. The small bowl used as a mark in the game of bowls. + jemminess n. Spruceness. + japanner n. A bootblack. + jagua palm A great Brazilian palm (Maximiliana regia), having immense spathes which are used for baskets and tubs. + journalistic a. Pertaining to journals or to journalists; contained in, or characteristic of, the public journals; as journalistic literature or enterprise. + japhetic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, Japheth, one of the sons of Noah; as, Japhetic nations, the nations of Europe and Northern Asia; Japhetic languages. + jobbing a. Using opportunities of public service for private gain; as, a jobbing politician. + juramenta pl. of Juramentum + jumbled imp.|p.p. of Jumble + jar v.i. To act in opposition or disagreement; to clash; to interfere; to quarrel; to dispute. + judaizer n. One who conforms to or inculcates Judaism; specifically, pl. (Ch. Hist.), those Jews who accepted Christianity but still adhered to the law of Moses and worshiped in the temple at Jerusalem. + jeopardize v.t. To expose to loss or injury; to risk; to jeopard. + jolly superl. Expressing mirth, or inspiring it; exciting mirth and gayety. + jee v.t.|i. See Gee. + jurymen pl. of Juryman + job n. A situation or opportunity of work; as, he lost his job. + jovial a. Sunny; serene. + jag v.t. To carry, as a load; as, to jag hay, etc. + jasmine n. A shrubby plant of the genus Jasminum, bearing flowers of a peculiarly fragrant odor. The J. officinale, common in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian jasmine is J. Sambac, and, with J. angustifolia, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false jasmine in the Gelseminum sempervirens (see Gelsemium). Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies, as species of Calotropis and Faramea. + jewsharp n. The shackle for joining a chain cable to an anchor. + john n. A proper name of a man. + jack n. A mechanical contrivance, an auxiliary machine, or a subordinate part of a machine, rendering convenient service, and often supplying the place of a boy or attendant who was commonly called Jack + judaize v.i. To conform to the doctrines, observances, or methods of the Jews; to inculcate or impose Judaism. + journey v.t. To traverse; to travel over or through. + jewfish n. A large herringlike fish; the tarpum. + judgment v.i. A calamity regarded as sent by God, by way of recompense for wrong committed; a providential punishment. + jube n. chancel screen or rood screen. + justification n. Adjustment of type by spacing it so as to make it exactly fill a line, or of a cut so as to hold it in the right place; also, the leads, quads, etc., used for making such adjustment. + jack n. An impertinent or silly fellow; a simpleton; a boor; a clown; also, a servant; a rustic. + javelin v.t. To pierce with a javelin. + judiciary n. That branch of government in which judicial power is vested; the system of courts of justice in a country; the judges, taken collectively; as, an independent judiciary; the senate committee on the judiciary. + justice a. A person duly commissioned to hold courts, or to try and decide controversies and administer justice. + job n. A sudden thrust or stab; a jab. + jayhawker n. A name given to a free-booting, unenlisted, armed man or guerrilla. + jeweler n. One who makes, or deals in, jewels, precious stones, and similar ornaments. + jugged imp.|p.p. of Jug + joinant a. Adjoining. + jovialness n. Noisy mirth; joviality. + jockey v.t. " To jostle by riding against one." + jet n. Same as 2d Get. + jack n. A large, California rock fish (Sebastodes paucispinus); -- called also boccaccio, and merou. + jointress n. A woman who has a jointure. + jumper n. One who, or that which, jumps. + jards n. A callous tumor on the leg of a horse, below the hock. + jetty v.i. To jut out; to project. + judicative a. Having power to judge; judicial; as, the judicative faculty. + joggle n. A notch or tooth in the joining surface of any piece of building material to prevent slipping; sometimes, but incorrectly, applied to a separate piece fitted into two adjacent stones, or the like. + judge v.t. To hear and determine by authority, as a case before a court, or a controversy between two parties. + jawing p.pr.|vb.n. of Jaw + japanese a. Of or pertaining to Japan, or its inhabitants. + jury a. A body of men, usually twelve, selected according to law, impaneled and sworn to inquire into and try any matter of fact, and to render their true verdict according to the evidence legally adduced. See Grand jury under Grand, and Inquest. + jubilate v.i. To exult; to rejoice. + judaistic a. Of or pertaining to Judaism. + jump n. A bodice worn instead of stays by women in the 18th century. + jemmy a. Spruce. + judicially adv. In a judicial capacity or judicial manner. + jeoparding p.pr.|vb.n. of Jeopard + jellyfish n. Any one of the acalephs, esp. one of the larger species, having a jellylike appearance. See Medusa. + jointer n. A long stationary plane, for plaining the edges of barrel staves. + jellying p.pr.|vb.n. of Jelly + jewel v.t. To dress, adorn, deck, or supply with jewels, as a dress, a sword hilt, or a watch; to bespangle, as with jewels. + juggle v.i. To play tricks by sleight of hand; to cause amusement and sport by tricks of skill; to conjure. + janitrix n. A female janitor. + jaunt v.t. To jolt; to jounce. + jambolana n. A myrtaceous tree of the West Indies and tropical America (Calyptranthes Jambolana), with astringent bark, used for dyeing. It bears an edible fruit. + jackal n. One who does mean work for another's advantage, as jackals were once thought to kill game which lions appropriated. + jeniquen n. A Mexican name for the Sisal hemp (Agave rigida, var. Sisalana); also, its fiber. + joisting p.pr.|vb.n. of Joist + job v.t. To thrust in, as a pointed instrument. + jardiniere n. An ornamental stand or receptacle for plants, flowers, etc., used as a piece of decorative furniture in room. + jump a. Nice; exact; matched; fitting; precise. + jangling n. Idle babbling; vain disputation. + janeofapes n. A silly, pert girl; -- corresponding to jackanapes. + jolliness n. Jollity; noisy mirth. + jolter n. One who, or that which, jolts. + jacksaw n. The merganser. + jalons n.pl. Long poles, topped with wisps of straw, used as landmarks and signals. + judgment v.i. That act of the mind by which two notions or ideas which are apprehended as distinct are compared for the purpose of ascertaining their agreement or disagreement. See 1. The comparison may be threefold: (1) Of individual objects forming a concept. (2) Of concepts giving what is technically called a judgment. (3) Of two judgments giving an inference. Judgments have been further classed as analytic, synthetic, and identical. + jumble n. A small, thin, sugared cake, usually ring-shaped. + jawed imp.|p.p. of Jaw + judean n. A native of Judea; a Jew. + joint a. Joined; united; combined; concerted; as joint action. + jeopardizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Jeopardize + jewel n. A bearing for a pivot a pivot in a watch, formed of a crystal or precious stone, as a ruby. + jewel n. A precious stone; a gem. + judascolored a. Red; -- from a tradition that Judas Iscariot had red hair and beard. + jingle n. That which makes a jingling sound, as a rattle. + jiggish a. Resembling, or suitable for, a jig, or lively movement. + jippo n. A waistcoat or kind of stays for women. + jog n. A rub; a slight stop; an obstruction; hence, an irregularity in motion of from; a hitch; a break in the direction of a line or the surface of a plane. + jobber n. A dealer in the public stocks or funds; a stockjobber. + jargonist n. One addicted to jargon; one who uses cant or slang. + judgment v.i. The conclusion or result of judging; an opinion; a decision. + janizarian a. Of or pertaining to the janizaries, or their government. + jetty n. A structure of wood or stone extended into the sea to influence the current or tide, or to protect a harbor; a mole; as, the Eads system of jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi River. + jade v.t. To make ridiculous and contemptible. + jut v.i. To shoot out or forward; to project beyond the main body; as, the jutting part of a building. + journey v.i. To travel from place to place; to go from home to a distance. + joggle v.t. To join by means of joggles, so as to prevent sliding apart; sometimes, loosely, to dowel. + joint n. A joining of two things or parts so as to admit of motion; an articulation, whether movable or not; a hinge; as, the knee joint; a node or joint of a stem; a ball and socket joint. See Articulation. + jabbernowl n. Same as Jobbernowl. + jerquing n. The searching of a ship for unentered goods. + jerk v.i. To flout with contempt. + jealousy n. The quality of being jealous; earnest concern or solicitude; painful apprehension of rivalship in cases nearly affecting one's happiness; painful suspicion of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover. + jetton n. A metal counter used in playing cards. + joust v.i. A tilting match; a mock combat on horseback between two knights in the lists or inclosed field. + just v.i. To joust. + janusfaced a. Double-faced; deceitful. + jungly a. Consisting of jungles; abounding with jungles; of the nature of a jungle. + jeames n. A footman; a flunky. + johnson grass A tall perennial grass (Sorghum Halepense), valuable in the Southern and Western States for pasture and hay. The rootstocks are large and juicy and are eagerly sought by swine. Called also Cuba grass, Means grass, Evergreen millet, and Arabian millet. + justiceable a. Liable to trial in a court of justice. + judgment v.i. The final award; the last sentence. + justiciable a. Proper to be examined in a court of justice. + jawing n. Scolding; clamorous or abusive talk. + jacobinized imp.|p.p. of Jacobinize + jerquing n. The searching of a ship for unentered goods. + jakes n. A privy. + judicious a. Directed or governed by sound judgment; having sound judgment; wise; prudent; sagacious; discreet. + jockeyism n. The practice of jockeys. + javanese a. Of or pertaining to Java, or to the people of Java. + june n. The sister and wife of Jupiter, the queen of heaven, and the goddess who presided over marriage. She corresponds to the Greek Hera. + japannish a. After the manner of the Japanese; resembling japanned articles. + jungle n. A dense growth of brushwood, grasses, reeds, vines, etc.; an almost impenetrable thicket of trees, canes, and reedy vegetation, as in India, Africa, Australia, and Brazil. + jackolantern n. See Jack-with-a-lantern, under 2d Jack. + jeu desprit A witticism. + jin n. Alt. of Jinn + jurassic a. Of the age of the middle Mesozoic, including, as divided in England and Europe, the Lias, Oolite, and Wealden; -- named from certain rocks of the Jura mountains. + jackadandy n. A little dandy; a little, foppish, impertinent fellow. + juba n. The mane of an animal. + jester n. A person addicted to jesting, or to indulgence in light and amusing talk. + jako n. An African parrot (Psittacus erithacus), very commonly kept as a cage bird; -- called also gray parrot. + joust v.i. To engage in mock combat on horseback, as two knights in the lists; to tilt. + jumper n. The larva of the cheese fly. See Cheese fly, under Cheese. + jagger n. One who, or that which, jags; specifically: (a) jagging iron used for crimping pies, cakes, etc. (b) A toothed chisel. See Jag, v. t. + jaculating p.pr.|vb.n. of Jaculate + jig v.t. To trick or cheat; to cajole; to delude. + joe n. See Johannes. + jubilee n. A season of general joy. + judaism n. Conformity to the Jewish rites and ceremonies. + joke v.i. To do something for sport, or as a joke; to be merry in words or actions; to jest. + jingler n. One who, or that which, jingles. + jerk v.t. To give a quick and suddenly arrested thrust, push, pull, or twist, to; to yerk; as, to jerk one with the elbow; to jerk a coat off. + jackstone n. One of the pebbles or pieces used in the game of jackstones. + jaw v.t. To assail or abuse by scolding. + joggle v.i. To shake or totter; to slip out of place. + julyflower n. See Gillyflower. + jig n. A small machine or handy tool + jaunt v.i. To ride on a jaunting car. + jongler n. In the Middle Ages, a court attendant or other person who, for hire, recited or sang verses, usually of his own composition. See Troubadour. + jew n. Originally, one belonging to the tribe or kingdom of Judah; after the return from the Babylonish captivity, any member of the new state; a Hebrew; an Israelite. + jantiness n. See Jauntiness. + jug n. A prison; a jail; a lockup. + jeer n. A railing remark or reflection; a scoff; a taunt; a biting jest; a flout; a jibe; mockery. + jabber n. One who jabbers. + johnnies pl. of Johnny + jointfir n. A genus (Ephedra) of leafless shrubs, with the stems conspicuously jointed; -- called also shrubby horsetail. There are about thirty species, of which two or three are found from Texas to California. + jaw v.i. To scold; to clamor. + jobbery n. Underhand management; official corruption; as, municipal jobbery. + jilting p.pr.|vb.n. of Jilt + jarowl n. The goatsucker. + justify a. To make even or true, as lines of type, by proper spacing; to adjust, as type. See Justification, 4. + jewel n. An ornament of dress usually made of a precious metal, and having enamel or precious stones as a part of its design. + judging p.pr.|vb.n. of Judge + janitor n. A door-keeper; a porter; one who has the care of a public building, or a building occupied for offices, suites of rooms, etc. + jackal n. Any one of several species of carnivorous animals inhabiting Africa and Asia, related to the dog and wolf. They are cowardly, nocturnal, and gregarious. They feed largely on carrion, and are noted for their piercing and dismal howling. + jump n. A dislocation in a stratum; a fault. + juggle n. A block of timber cut to a length, either in the round or split. + jocular a. Sportive; merry. + join v.t. To bring together, literally or figuratively; to place in contact; to connect; to couple; to unite; to combine; to associate; to add; to append. + jerboa n. Any small jumping rodent of the genus Dipus, esp. D. Aegyptius, which is common in Egypt and the adjacent countries. The jerboas have very long hind legs and a long tail. + jigger n.|v. A horizontal table carrying a revolving mold, on which earthen vessels are shaped by rapid motion; a potter's wheel. + jangler n. An idle talker; a babbler; a prater. + job n. A public transaction done for private profit; something performed ostensibly as a part of official duty, but really for private gain; a corrupt official business. + jarrah n. The mahoganylike wood of the Australian Eucalyptus marginata. See Eucalyptus. + janissary n. See Janizary. + jewsharp n. An instrument of music, which, when placed between the teeth, gives, by means of a bent metal tongue struck by the finger, a sound which is modulated by the breath; -- called also Jew's-trump. + jolted imp.|p.p. of Jolt + jugal a. Relating to a yoke, or to marriage. + joso n. A small gudgeon. + journalist n. One who keeps a journal or diary. + jack n. A device to pull off boots. + jockeyship n. The art, character, or position, of a jockey; the personality of a jockey. + jatrophic a. Of or pertaining to physic nuts, the seeds of plants of the genus Jatropha. + jerseys pl. of Jersey + jauntiness n. The quality of being jaunty. + junket v.t. To give entertainment to; to feast. + jabbering p.pr.|vb.n. of Jabber + jangle v.t. To cause to sound harshly or inharmoniously; to produce discordant sounds with. + jupon n. Alt. of Juppon + jade v.i. To become weary; to lose spirit. + juba n. A loose panicle, the axis of which falls to pieces, as in certain grasses. + jonah n. The Hebrew prophet, who was cast overboard as one who endangered the ship; hence, any person whose presence is unpropitious. + jumblement n. Confused mixture. + junket n. A feast; an entertainment. + juke n. The neck of a bird. + jaundiced a. Prejudiced; envious; as, a jaundiced judgment. + japanese n.sing.|pl. The language of the people of Japan. + jugulate v.t. To cut the throat of. + jewellery n. See Jewelry. + juxtaposited imp.|p.p. of Juxtaposit + joss n. A Chinese household divinity; a Chinese idol. + jerk v.i. To make a sudden motion; to move with a start, or by starts. + jump v.i. To coincide; to agree; to accord; to tally; -- followed by with. + jacobin n. A Dominican friar; -- so named because, before the French Revolution, that order had a convent in the Rue St. Jacques, Paris. + jilt v.t. To cast off capriciously or unfeeling, as a lover; to deceive in love. + jacobinic a. Alt. of Jacobinical + jerk n. A sudden start or spring. + julienne n. A kind of soup containing thin slices or shreds of carrots, onions, etc. + jaw n. In the plural, the mouth. + jole v.t.|n. Alt. of Joll + japanese n.sing.|pl. A native or inhabitant of Japan; collectively, the people of Japan. + jerking n. The act of pulling, pushing, or throwing, with a jerk. + judgment v.i. The act of determining, as in courts of law, what is conformable to law and justice; also, the determination, decision, or sentence of a court, or of a judge; the mandate or sentence of God as the judge of all. + jugulum n. The lower throat, or that part of the neck just above the breast. + justify a. To pronounce free from guilt or blame; to declare or prove to have done that which is just, right, proper, etc.; to absolve; to exonerate; to clear. + joisted imp.|p.p. of Joist + jointure v.t. To settle a jointure upon. + jejunity n. The quality of being jejune; jejuneness. + joes pl. of Jo + jashawk n. A young hawk. + jugums pl. of Jugum + justifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Justify + jaculate v.t. To throw or cast, as a dart; to throw out; to emit. + jolterhead n. Alt. of Jolthead + jaspilite n. A compact siliceous rock resembling jasper. + japanning n. The art or act of varnishing in the Japanese manner. + joiner n. A wood-working machine, for sawing, plaining, mortising, tenoning, grooving, etc. + just adv. Barely; merely; scarcely; only; by a very small space or time; as, he just missed the train; just too late. + judge v.i. A public officer who is invested with authority to hear and determine litigated causes, and to administer justice between parties in courts held for that purpose. + johnnycake n. A kind of bread made of the meal of maize (Indian corn), mixed with water or milk, etc., and baked. + jubilee n. A state of joy or exultation. + jogged imp.|p.p. of Jog + judger n. One who judges. + jackman n. A cream cheese. + jura n. 1. A range of mountains between France and Switzerland. + jimmy n. A short crowbar used by burglars in breaking open doors. + jobber n. One who buys goods from importers, wholesalers, or manufacturers, and sells to retailers. + junketing p.pr.|vb.n. of Junket + juntas pl. of Junta + jabiru n. One of several large wading birds of the genera Mycteria and Xenorhynchus, allied to the storks in form and habits. + jog v.i. To move by jogs or small shocks, like those of a slow trot; to move slowly, leisurely, or monotonously; -- usually with on, sometimes with over. + jak n. see Ils Jack. + jean n. A twilled cotton cloth. + jettison n. See Jetsam, 1. + jack n. In hunting, the pan or frame holding the fuel of the torch used to attract game at night; also, the light itself. + johannes n. A Portuguese gold coin of the value of eight dollars, named from the figure of King John which it bears; -- often contracted into joe; as, a joe, or a half joe. + jackstraw n. One of a set of straws of strips of ivory, bone, wood, etc., for playing a child's game, the jackstraws being thrown confusedly together on a table, to be gathered up singly by a hooked instrument, without touching or disturbing the rest of the pile. See Spilikin. + jettee n. See Jetty, n. + judge v.i. One who has skill, knowledge, or experience, sufficient to decide on the merits of a question, or on the quality or value of anything; one who discerns properties or relations with skill and readiness; a connoisseur; an expert; a critic. + jump n. The space traversed by a leap. + journalist n. The conductor of a public journal, or one whose business it to write for a public journal; an editorial or other professional writer for a periodical. + jesuitocracy n. Government by Jesuits; also, the whole body of Jesuits in a country. + jupati palm A great Brazilian palm tree (Raphia taedigera), used by the natives for many purposes. + jabber v.t. To utter rapidly or indistinctly; to gabble; as, to jabber French. + jube n. gallery above such a screen, from which certain parts of the service were formerly read. + jarnut n. An earthnut. + joint a. Involving the united activity of two or more; done or produced by two or more working together. + janizary n. A soldier of a privileged military class, which formed the nucleus of the Turkish infantry, but was suppressed in 1826. + jears n.pl. See 1st Jeer (b). + jabbered imp.|p.p. of Jabber + jesuitess n. One of an order of nuns established on the principles of the Jesuits, but suppressed by Pope Urban in 1633. + judgment v.i. The power or faculty of performing such operations (see 1); esp., when unqualified, the faculty of judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely; good sense; as, a man of judgment; a politician without judgment. + jerk v.t. To cut into long slices or strips and dry in the sun; as, jerk beef. See Charqui. + jemlah goat The jharal. + jumper n. A name applied in the 18th century to certain Calvinistic Methodists in Wales whose worship was characterized by violent convulsions. + jostlement n. Crowding; hustling. + jacchus n. The common marmoset (Hapale vulgaris). Formerly, the name was also applied to other species of the same genus. + jaspachate n. Agate jasper. + judicial a. Judicious. + jalapic a. Of or pertaining to jalap. + lawfall n. Depression of the jaw; hence, depression of spirits. + jingoes pl. of Jingo + jarl n. A chief; an earl; in English history, one of the leaders in the Danish and Norse invasions. + jaculator The archer fish (Toxotes jaculator). + juggleress n. A female juggler. + jambes n. Alt. of Jambeux + jongleur n. Alt. of Jongler + jereed n. A blunt javelin used by the people of the Levant, especially in mock fights. + juridic a. Alt. of Juridical + juwise n. Same as Juise. + jager n. A sharpshooter. See Yager. + jading p.pr.|vb.n. of Jade + japhethite n. A Japhetite. + justiciary n. An old name for the judges of the higher English courts. + jewsear n. A species of fungus (Hirneola Auricula-Judae, / Auricula), bearing some resemblance to the human ear. + jeer v.t. To treat with scoffs or derision; to address with jeers; to taunt; to flout; to mock at. + junk n. Pieces of old cable or old cordage, used for making gaskets, mats, swabs, etc., and when picked to pieces, forming oakum for filling the seams of ships. + jactitation n. A frequent tossing or moving of the body; restlessness, as in delirium. + junto n. A secret council to deliberate on affairs of government or politics; a number of men combined for party intrigue; a faction; a cabal; as, a junto of ministers; a junto of politicians. + jerguer n. See Jerquer. + joiner n. One who, or that which, joins. + justicement n. Administration of justice; procedure in courts of justice. + junior n. Belonging to a younger person, or an earlier time of life. + jinn pl. of Jinnee + jutlandish a. Of or pertaining to Jutland, or to the people of Jutland. + jamess powder Antimonial powder, first prepared by Dr. James, ar English physician; -- called also fever powder. + join v.t. To accept, or engage in, as a contest; as, to join encounter, battle, issue. + jararaca n. A poisonous serpent of Brazil (Bothrops jararaca), about eighteen inches long, and of a dusky, brownish color, variegated with red and black spots. + jointless a. Without a joint; rigid; stiff. + jump v.t. To pass by a spring or leap; to overleap; as, to jump a stream. + justificative a. Having power to justify; justificatory. + jurisdiction a. The authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate; the right of making or enforcing laws; the power or right of exercising authority. + jack n. The male of certain animals, as of the ass. + jactancy n. A boasting; a bragging. + jove n. The metal tin. + julep n. a sweet, demulcent, acidulous, or mucilaginous mixture, used as a vehicle. + jocular a. Given to jesting; jocose; as, a jocular person. + jarvy n. The driver of a hackney coach. + jetty n. A part of a building that jets or projects beyond the rest, and overhangs the wall below. + jewfish n. The black grouper of Florida and Texas. + jangle n. Idle talk; prate; chatter; babble. + jewise n. Same as Juise. + jaunting p.pr.|vb.n. of Jaunt + jam n. See Jamb. + juxtapose v.t. To place in juxtaposition. + jeel n. A morass; a shallow lake. + jet n. A shooting forth; a spouting; a spurt; a sudden rush or gush, as of water from a pipe, or of flame from an orifice; also, that which issues in a jet. + jeoparded imp.|p.p. of Jeopard + jehu n. A coachman; a driver; especially, one who drives furiously. + julus n. A catkin or ament. See Ament. + jarringly adv. In a jarring or discordant manner. + jawn v.i. See Yawn. + jack v.i. To hunt game at night by means of a jack. See 2d Jack, n., 4, n. + jejunum n. The middle division of the small intestine, between the duodenum and ileum; -- so called because usually found empty after death. + jesses pl. of Jess + jessed a. Having jesses on, as a hawk. + jibber n. A horse that jibs. + jaggy a. Having jags; set with teeth; notched; uneven; as, jaggy teeth. + justicehood n. Justiceship. + jam n. A mass of people or objects crowded together; also, the pressure from a crowd; a crush; as, a jam in a street; a jam of logs in a river. + jig n. A light, humorous piece of writing, esp. in rhyme; a farce in verse; a ballad. + jaganatha n. Alt. of Jaganatha + joy v.t. To give joy to; to congratulate. + just a. Conforming or conformable to rectitude or justice; not doing wrong to any; violating no right or obligation; upright; righteous; honest; true; -- said both of persons and things. + jug v.t. To commit to jail; to imprison. + jumper n. A fur garment worn in Arctic journeys. + jest n. A mask; a pageant; an interlude. + jumper n. A rude kind of sleigh; -- usually, a simple box on runners which are in one piece with the poles that form the thills. + jobbed imp.|p.p. of Job + jackstone n. A game played with five small stones or pieces of metal. See 6th Chuck. + jerker n. One who jerks or moves with a jerk. + johnswort n. See St. John's-wort. + jeterus n. A yellowness of the parts of plants which are normally green; yellows. + jigger n.|v. One who, or that which, jigs; specifically, a miner who sorts or cleans ore by the process of jigging; also, the sieve used in jigging. + jactation n. A throwing or tossing of the body; a shaking or agitation. + joy n. That which causes joy or happiness. + johnny n. A sculpin. + jugated a. Coupled together. + jane n. A coin of Genoa; any small coin. + jack ketch A public executioner, or hangman. + joke n. Something not said seriously, or not actually meant; something done in sport. + jeopardized imp.|p.p. of Jeopardize + jesse n. Any representation or suggestion of the genealogy of Christ, in decorative art + jointer n. A bent piece of iron inserted to strengthen the joints of a wall. + junketed imp.|p.p. of Junket + join v.t. To enjoin upon; to command. + jade v.t. To treat like a jade; to spurn. + jadeite n. See Jade, the stone. + jest n. Something done or said in order to amuse; a joke; a witticism; a jocose or sportive remark or phrase. See Synonyms under Jest, v. i. + jugular a. One of the large veins which return the blood from the head to the heart through two chief trunks, an external and an internal, on each side of the neck; -- called also the jugular vein. + jacamar n. Any one of numerous species of tropical American birds of the genus Galbula and allied genera. They are allied to the kingfishers, but climb on tree trunks like nuthatches, and feed upon insects. Their colors are often brilliant. + jackass n. The male ass; a donkey. + jimson weed See Jamestown weed. + jaguarondi n. A South American wild cat (Felis jaguarondi), having a long, slim body and very short legs. Its color is grayish brown, varied with a blackish hue. It is arboreal in its habits and feeds mostly on birds. + joy n. To rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult. + jenkins n. name of contempt for a flatterer of persons high in social or official life; as, the Jenkins employed by a newspaper. + jam v.t. To bring (a vessel) so close to the wind that half her upper sails are laid aback. + jestingly adv. In a jesting manner. + jump v.t. To bore with a jumper. + jockeys pl. of Jockey + jewry n. Judea; also, a district inhabited by Jews; a Jews' quarter. + joll v.t.|n. Same as Jowl. + jadish a. Unchaste; -- applied to a woman. + jarred imp.|p.p. of Jar + justling p.pr.|vb.n. of Justle + jerk v.t. To beat; to strike. + jaunt v.i. To ramble here and there; to stroll; to make an excursion. + jam v.t. To crush or bruise; as, to jam a finger in the crack of a door. + judicatory a. Pertaining to the administration of justice; dispensing justice; judicial; as, judicatory tribunals. + jurist a. One who professes the science of law; one versed in the law, especially in the civil law; a writer on civil and international law. + jaw n. One of the bones, usually bearing teeth, which form the framework of the mouth. + jib v.i. To move restively backward or sidewise, -- said of a horse; to balk. + jaspoid a. Resembling jasper. + juneating n. A kind of early apple. + journey n. The travel or work of a day. + jamb n. Any thick mass of rock which prevents miners from following the lode or vein. + jump v.i. To move as if by jumping; to bounce; to jolt. + justly a. In a just manner; in conformity to law, justice, or propriety; by right; honestly; fairly; accurately. + joinhand n. Writing in which letters are joined in words; -- distinguished from writing in single letters. + jollyboat n. A boat of medium size belonging to a ship. + juvenescent a. Growing or becoming young. + jurisprudence a. The science of juridical law; the knowledge of the laws, customs, and rights of men in a state or community, necessary for the due administration of justice. + jingling n. The act or process of producing a jingle; also, the sound itself; a chink. + junos pl. of June + jaded imp.|p.p. of Jade + jag n. A notch; a cleft; a barb; a ragged or sharp protuberance; a denticulation. + jig n. A light, brisk musical movement. + joint n. The means whereby the meeting surfaces of pieces in a structure are secured together. + jarring n. Discord; a clashing of interests. + jointworm n. The larva of a small, hymenopterous fly (Eurytoma hordei), which is found in gall-like swellings on the stalks of wheat, usually at or just above the first joint. In some parts of America it does great damage to the crop. + jugular a. Any fish which has the ventral fins situated forward of the pectoral fins, or beneath the throat; one of a division of fishes (Jugulares). + jentling n. A fish of the genus Leuciscus; the blue chub of the Danube. + job v.i. To seek private gain under pretense of public service; to turn public matters to private advantage. + janglery n. Jangling. + jawfallen a. Dejected; chopfallen. + jealous a. Disposed to suspect rivalry in matters of interest and affection; apprehensive regarding the motives of possible rivals, or the fidelity of friends; distrustful; having morbid fear of rivalry in love or preference given to another; painfully suspicious of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover. + jinnee n. A genius or demon; one of the fabled genii, good and evil spirits, supposed to be the children of fire, and to have the power of assuming various forms. + jaw n. A notched or forked part, adapted for holding an object in place; as, the jaw of a railway-car pedestal. See Axle guard. + justinian a. Of or pertaining to the Institutes or laws of the Roman Justinian. + jostle n. A conflict by collisions; a crowding or bumping together; interference. + justify a. To treat as if righteous and just; to pardon; to exculpate; to absolve. + jetty a. Made of jet, or like jet in color. + junold a. See Gimmal. + jollyhead n. Jollity. + jog v.t. To suggest to; to notify; to remind; to call the attention of; as, to jog the memory. + joist v.t. To fit or furnish with joists. + jockey v.i. To play or act the jockey; to cheat. + juncite n. A fossil rush. + jeopard v.t. To put in jeopardy; to expose to loss or injury; to imperil; to hazard. + jackstay n. A rail of wood or iron stretching along a yard of a vessel, to which the sails are fastened. + journey n. Travel or passage from one place to another; hence, figuratively, a passage through life. + jocantry n. The act or practice of jesting. + jaculated imp.|p.p. of Jaculate + jetter n. One who struts; one who bears himself jauntily; a fop. + juridical a. Pertaining to a judge or to jurisprudence; acting in the distribution of justice; used in courts of law; according to law; legal; as, juridical law. + jessant a. Springing up or emerging; -- said of a plant or animal. + jaspidean a. Alt. of Jaspideous + jealousness n. State or quality of being jealous. + jack n. A popular colloquial name for a sailor; -- called also Jack tar, and Jack afloat. + juglandine n. An alkaloid found in the leaves of the walnut (Juglans regia). + juglans n. A genus of valuable trees, including the true walnut of Europe, and the America black walnut, and butternut. + jutted imp.|p.p. of Jut + jewfish n. A very large serranoid fish (Promicrops itaiara) of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. It often reaches the weight of five hundred pounds. Its color is olivaceous or yellowish, with numerous brown spots. Called also guasa, and warsaw. + juppon n. A sleeveless jacket worn over the armor in the 14th century. It fitted closely, and descended below the hips. + jenite n. See Yenite. + janker n. A long pole on two wheels, used in hauling logs. + jacobuses pl. of Jacobus + jairou n. The ahu or Asiatic gazelle. + jalap n. The tubers of the Mexican plant Ipomoea purga (or Exogonium purga), a climber much like the morning-glory. The abstract, extract, and powder, prepared from the tubers, are well known purgative medicines. Other species of Ipomoea yield several inferior kinds of jalap, as the I. Orizabensis, and I. tuberosa. + jot n. An iota; a point; a tittle; the smallest particle. Cf. Bit, n. + joculary a. Jocular; jocose; sportive. + jobation n. A scolding; a hand, tedious reproof. + jib v.i. The projecting arm of a crane, from which the load is suspended. + jacaranda n. A genus of bignoniaceous Brazilian trees with showy trumpet-shaped flowers. + junior a. Less advanced in age than another; younger. + joinery n. The art, or trade, of a joiner; the work of a joiner. + jersey n. The finest of wool separated from the rest; combed wool; also, fine yarn of wool. + jack n. A lever for depressing the sinkers which push the loops down on the needles. + juvenile a. Of or pertaining to youth; as, juvenile sports. + judge v.t. To examine and pass sentence on; to try; to doom. + jog n. A slight shake; a shake or push intended to give notice or awaken attention; a push; a jolt. + jarble v.t. To wet; to bemire. + jig v.t. To sing to the tune of a jig. + juniority n. The state or quality of being junior. + journeyer n. One who journeys. + jabber n. Rapid or incoherent talk, with indistinct utterance; gibberish. + joker n. One who makes jokes or jests. + just a. Not transgressing the requirement of truth and propriety; conformed to the truth of things, to reason, or to a proper standard; exact; normal; reasonable; regular; due; as, a just statement; a just inference. + jacobean a. Alt. of Jacobian + jolty a. That jolts; as, a jolty coach. + javelinier n. A soldier armed with a javelin. + j J is the tenth letter of the English alphabet. It is a later variant form of the Roman letter I, used to express a consonantal sound, that is, originally, the sound of English y in yet. The forms J and I have, until a recent time, been classed together, and they have been used interchangeably. + judean a. Of or pertaining to Judea. + jointed imp.|p.p. of Joint + jacana n. Any of several wading birds belonging to the genus Jacana and several allied genera, all of which have spurs on the wings. They are able to run about over floating water weeds by means of their very long, spreading toes. Called also surgeon bird. + jove n. The planet Jupiter. + junker n. A young German noble or squire; esp., a member of the aristocratic party in Prussia. + jammed imp.|p.p. of Jam + judaist n. One who believes and practices Judaism. + jubate a. Fringed with long, pendent hair. + jerquer n. A customhouse officer who searches ships for unentered goods. + jacobinizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Jacobinize + juggs n.pl. See Jougs. + joined imp.|p.p. of Join + jactitation n. Vain boasting or assertions repeated to the prejudice of another's right; false claim. + jerfalcon n. The gyrfalcon. + journeying p.pr.|vb.n. of Journey + journal a. A newspaper published daily; by extension, a weekly newspaper or any periodical publication, giving an account of passing events, the proceedings and memoirs of societies, etc. + jerkin n. A male gyrfalcon. + jucundity n. Pleasantness; agreeableness. See Jocundity. + jab v.t. To thrust; to stab; to punch. See Job, v. t. + jungermanniae pl. of Jungermannia + joint v.t. To join; to connect; to unite; to combine. + junior a. Lower in standing or in rank; later in office; as, a junior partner; junior counsel; junior captain. + juli pl. of Julus + jockey n. A professional rider of horses in races. + jingo n. A statesman who pursues, or who favors, aggressive, domineering policy in foreign affairs. + jostle v.i. To push; to crowd; to hustle. + judaical a. Of or pertaining to the Jews. + jacobinical a. Of or pertaining to the Jacobins of France; revolutionary; of the nature of, or characterized by, Jacobinism. + jurdon n. Jordan. + joyancy n. Joyance. + japan a. Of or pertaining to Japan, or to the lacquered work of that country; as, Japan ware. + judaism n. The religious doctrines and rites of the Jews as enjoined in the laws of Moses. + judge a. To hear and determine, as in causes on trial; to decide as a judge; to give judgment; to pass sentence. + jaculator One who throws or casts. + joking p.pr.|vb.n. of Joke + jackwood n. Wood of the jack (Artocarpus integrifolia), used in cabinetwork. + junkerism n. The principles of the aristocratic party in Prussia. + jackanapes n. A monkey; an ape. + jackmen pl. of Jackman + jointer n. A tool for pointing the joints in brickwork. + junta n. A council; a convention; a tribunal; an assembly; esp., the grand council of state in Spain. + junartie n. Jeopardy. + jubae pl. of Juba + joyless a. Not having joy; not causing joy; unenjoyable. + jest n. A deed; an action; a gest. + jovial a. Gay; merry; joyous; jolly; mirth-inspiring; hilarious; characterized by mirth or jollity; as, a jovial youth; a jovial company; a jovial poem. + jet n. A variety of lignite, of a very compact texture and velvet black color, susceptible of a good polish, and often wrought into mourning jewelry, toys, buttons, etc. Formerly called also black amber. + jesuitism n. The principles and practices of the Jesuits. + jumble v.t. To mix in a confused mass; to put or throw together without order; -- often followed by together or up. + jupiter n. The supreme deity, king of gods and men, and reputed to be the son of Saturn and Rhea; Jove. He corresponds to the Greek Zeus. + jehovistic a. Relating to, or containing, Jehovah, as a name of God; -- said of certain parts of the Old Testament, especially of the Pentateuch, in which Jehovah appears as the name of the Deity. See Elohistic. + jackslave n. A low servant; a mean fellow. + jut n. That which projects or juts; a projection. + jimcrow n. A machine for bending or straightening rails. + julep n. A refreshing drink flavored with aromatic herbs + jejune a. Void of interest; barren; meager; dry; as, a jejune narrative. + juryrigged a. Rigged for temporary service. See Jury, a. + jessamine n. Same as Jasmine. + jerkin n. A jacket or short coat; a close waistcoat. + joggling p.pr.|vb.n. of Joggle + jeffersonite n. A variety of pyroxene of olive-green color passing into brown. It contains zinc. + jack n. A machine for twisting the sliver as it leaves the carding machine. + jackalent n. A small stuffed puppet to be pelted in Lent; hence, a simple fellow. + jewbush n. A euphorbiaceous shrub of the genus Pedilanthus (P. tithymaloides), found in the West Indies, and possessing powerful emetic and drastic qualities. + jongler n. A juggler; a conjuror. See Juggler. + jaina n. One of a numerous sect in British India, holding the tenets of Jainism. + jack n. A portable machine variously constructed, for exerting great pressure, or lifting or moving a heavy body through a small distance. It consists of a lever, screw, rack and pinion, hydraulic press, or any simple combination of mechanical powers, working in a compact pedestal or support and operated by a lever, crank, capstan bar, etc. The name is often given to a jackscrew, which is a kind of jack. + juvenescence n. A growing young. + jocund adv. Merrily; cheerfully. + jabber v.i. To talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly; to utter gibberish or nonsense; to chatter. + jerrybuilt a. Built hastily and of bad materials; as, jerry-built houses. + japer n. A jester; a buffoon. + jersey n. One of a breed of cattle in the Island of Jersey. Jerseys are noted for the richness of their milk. + jacket n. An outer covering for anything, esp. a covering of some nonconducting material such as wood or felt, used to prevent radiation of heat, as from a steam boiler, cylinder, pipe, etc. + japanned a. Treated, or coated, with varnish in the Japanese manner. + journeyman n. Formerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has mastered a handicraft or trade; -- distinguished from apprentice and from master workman. + judge a. To assume the right to pass judgment on another; to sit in judgment or commendation; to criticise or pass adverse judgment upon others. See Judge, v. t., 3. + jonquil n. Alt. of Jonquille + jarvey n. Alt. of Jarvy + justice v.t. To administer justice to. + juncaceous a. Of. pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Juncaceae), of which the common rush (Juncus) is the type. + jack n. A bar of iron athwart ships at a topgallant masthead, to support a royal mast, and give spread to the royal shrouds; -- called also jack crosstree. + jointureless a. Having no jointure. + jolly superl. Of fine appearance; handsome; excellent; lively; agreeable; pleasant. + jig v.i. To dance a jig; to skip about. + jest v.i. To make merriment by words or actions; to joke; to make light of anything. + jiggle v.i. To wriggle or frisk about; to move awkwardly; to shake up and down. + jotter n. One who jots down memoranda. + juncate n. See Junket. + jostle v.t. To run against and shake; to push out of the way; to elbow; to hustle; to disturb by crowding; to crowd against. + jubilee n. Every fiftieth year, being the year following the completion of each seventh sabbath of years, at which time all the slaves of Hebrew blood were liberated, and all lands which had been alienated during the whole period reverted to their former owners. + jugger n. An East Indian falcon. See Lugger. + jabot n. Originally, a kind of ruffle worn by men on the bosom of the shirt. + justifier n. One who justifies; one who vindicates, supports, defends, or absolves. + jocularity n. Jesting; merriment. + jedding ax n. A stone mason's tool, having a flat face and a pointed part. + jugal a. Pertaining to, or in the region of, the malar, or cheek bone. + jolly superl. Full of life and mirth; jovial; joyous; merry; mirthful. + juristic a. Alt. of Juristical + joked imp.|p.p. of Joke + jail v.t. To imprison. + jewstone n. A large clavate spine of a fossil sea urchin. + jocosity n. A jocose act or saying; jocoseness. + jennies pl. of Jenny + joltingly adv. In a jolting manner. + juneberry n. The small applelike berry of American trees of genus Amelanchier; -- also called service berry. + japanned imp.|p.p. of Japan + junior n. A younger person. + jinn n. See Jinnee. + jovially adv. In a jovial manner; merrily; gayly. + jeer v. To utter sarcastic or scoffing reflections; to speak with mockery or derision; to use taunting language; to scoff; as, to jeer at a speaker. + jutes n.pl. Jutlanders; one of the Low German tribes, a portion of which settled in Kent, England, in the 5th century. + jingle v.t. To cause to give a sharp metallic sound as a little bell, or as coins shaken together; to tinkle. + jangle v.i. To talk idly; to prate; to babble; to chatter; to gossip. + jacobite a. Of or pertaining to the Jacobites. + junk n. A fragment of any solid substance; a thick piece. See Chunk. + judicious a. Of or relating to a court; judicial. + jeerer n. A scoffer; a railer; a mocker. + jacobin a. Same as Jacobinic. + jubilee n. The joyful commemoration held on the fiftieth anniversary of any event; as, the jubilee of Queen Victoria's reign; the jubilee of the American Board of Missions. + jamb n. The vertical side of any opening, as a door or fireplace; hence, less properly, any narrow vertical surface of wall, as the of a chimney-breast or of a pier, as distinguished from its face. + jossa interj. A command to a horse, probably meaning "stand still." + junior a. Composed of juniors, whether younger or a lower standing; as, the junior class; of or pertaining to juniors or to a junior class. See Junior, n., 2. + jaw n. A notch or opening. + juvia n. A Brazilian name for the lofty myrtaceous tree (Bertholetia excelsa) which produces the large seeds known as Brazil nuts. + judge v.i. A person appointed to decide in a/trial of skill, speed, etc., between two or more parties; an umpire; as, a judge in a horse race. + joggled imp.|p.p. of Joggle + jugulating p.pr.|vb.n. of Jugulate + jargon v.i. To utter jargon; to emit confused or unintelligible sounds; to talk unintelligibly, or in a harsh and noisy manner. + jounce n. A jolt; a shake; a hard trot. + jetsam n. Alt. of Jetson + jar v.t. To cause a short, tremulous motion of, to cause to tremble, as by a sudden shock or blow; to shake; to shock; as, to jar the earth; to jar one's faith. + jealously adv. In a jealous manner. + juwansa n. The camel's thorn. See under Camel. + jacobine n. A Jacobin. + jets deau pl. of Jet d'eau + japanning p.pr.|vb.n. of Japan + jurat n. The memorandum or certificate at the end of an asffidavit, or a bill or answer in chancery, showing when, before whom, and (in English practice), where, it was sworn or affirmed. + juvenile a. Young; youthful; as, a juvenile appearance. + jharal n. A wild goat (Capra Jemlaica) which inhabits the loftiest mountains of India. It has long, coarse hair, forming a thick mane on its head and neck. + jugglery n. Trickery; imposture; as, political jugglery. + jack n. A pitcher or can of waxed leather; -- called also black jack. + jacketed a. Wearing, or furnished with, a jacket. + jugum n. One of the ridges commonly found on the fruit of umbelliferous plants. + judicable v.i. Capable of being judged; capable of being tried or decided upon. + jump v.i. To spring free from the ground by the muscular action of the feet and legs; to project one's self through the air; to spring; to bound; to leap. + join v.t. To unite in marriage. + jaggery n. Raw palm sugar, made in the East Indies by evaporating the fresh juice of several kinds of palm trees, but specifically that of the palmyra (Borassus flabelliformis). + juvenile n. A young person or youth; -- used sportively or familiarly. + jotting p.pr.|vb.n. of Jot + jolloment n. Jollity. + javanese n.sing.|pl. A native or natives of Java. + jaghir n. A village or district the government and revenues of which are assigned to some person, usually in consideration of some service to be rendered, esp. the maintenance of troops. + jaundice n. A morbid condition, characterized by yellowness of the eyes, skin, and urine, whiteness of the faeces, constipation, uneasiness in the region of the stomach, loss of appetite, and general languor and lassitude. It is caused usually by obstruction of the biliary passages and consequent damming up, in the liver, of the bile, which is then absorbed into the blood. + jogging p.pr.|vb.n. of Jog + jointing p.pr.|vb.n. of Joint + journal a. Daily; diurnal. + jokingly adv. In a joking way; sportively. + jovial a. Of or pertaining to the god, or the planet, Jupiter. + juniperin n. A yellow amorphous substance extracted from juniper berries. + jesting a. Sportive; not serious; fit for jests. + jingle v.i. To sound with a fine, sharp, rattling, clinking, or tinkling sound; as, sleigh bells jingle. + jubilate n. A name of the 100th Psalm; -- so called from its opening word in the Latin version. + juries pl. of Jury + journal a. A book of accounts, in which is entered a condensed and grouped statement of the daily transactions. + jar n. A rattling, tremulous vibration or shock; a shake; a harsh sound; a discord; as, the jar of a train; the jar of harsh sounds. + jeronymite n. One belonging of the mediaeval religious orders called Hermits of St. Jerome. + jasperize v.t. To convert into, or make to resemble, jasper. + jack n. The knave of a suit of playing cards. + jack n. A hood or other device placed over a chimney or vent pipe, to prevent a back draught. + jellies pl. of Jelly + joint v.t. To separate the joints; of; to divide at the joint or joints; to disjoint; to cut up into joints, as meat. + jargoned imp.|p.p. of Jargon + jumper n. A loose upper garment + jump v.t. To join by a butt weld. + julian a. Relating to, or derived from, Julius Caesar. + jawfoot n. See Maxilliped. + jack v.t. To move or lift, as a house, by means of a jack or jacks. See 2d Jack, n., 5. + jointuress n. See Jointress. + jagged imp.|p.p. of Jag + justification n. The act of justifying or the state of being justified; a showing or proving to be just or conformable to law, justice, right, or duty; defense; vindication; support; as, arguments in justification of the prisoner's conduct; his disobedience admits justification. + justiciar n. Same as Justiciary. + jilt v.i. To play the jilt; to practice deception in love; to discard lovers capriciously. + journeybated a. Worn out with journeying. + jaeger n. See Jager. + jutting p.pr.|vb.n. of Jut + jaundice v.t. To affect with jaundice; to color by prejudice or envy; to prejudice. + jeers n.pl. See 1st Jeer (b). + jervine n. A poisonous alkaloid resembling veratrine, and found with it in white hellebore (Veratrum album); -- called also jervina. + jealoushood n. Jealousy. + judas a. Treacherous; betraying. + justify a. To prove or show to be just; to vindicate; to maintain or defend as conformable to law, right, justice, propriety, or duty. + jovialty n. Joviality. + jointly adv. In a joint manner; together; unitedly; in concert; not separately. + juice n. The characteristic fluid of any vegetable or animal substance; the sap or part which can be expressed from fruit, etc.; the fluid part which separates from meat in cooking. + jack n. A familiar nickname of, or substitute for, John. + jigjog a. Having a jolting motion. + jacobus n. An English gold coin, of the value of twenty-five shillings sterling, struck in the reign of James I. + jointuring p.pr.|vb.n. of Jointure + jussi n. A delicate fiber, produced in the Philippine Islands from an unidentified plant, of which dresses, etc., are made. + junket v.i. To feast; to banquet; to make an entertainment; -- sometimes applied opprobriously to feasting by public officers at the public cost. + jovialist n. One who lives a jovial life. + juvenilities pl. of Juvenility + janizar n. A janizary. + jet v.i. To jerk; to jolt; to be shaken. + job v.i. To do chance work for hire; to work by the piece; to do petty work. + jack n. A machine or contrivance for turning a spit; a smoke jack, or kitchen jack. + joysome a. Causing joyfulness. + jigger n.|v. A supplementary sail. See Dandy, n., 2 (b). + jelly v.i. To become jelly; to come to the state or consistency of jelly. + judgeship n. The office of a judge. + jigger n.|v. A templet or tool by which vessels are shaped on a potter's wheel. + juneberry n. The shrub or tree which bears this fruit; -- also called shad bush, and had tree. + juiceless a. Lacking juice; dry. + jestful a. Given to jesting; full of jokes. + juncture n. A point of time; esp., one made critical or important by a concurrence of circumstances; hence, a crisis; an exigency. + jeweling p.pr.|vb.n. of Jewel + johnsonian a. Pertaining to or resembling Dr. Johnson or his style; pompous; inflated. + judicial a. Belonging to the judiciary, as distinguished from legislative, administrative, or executive. See Executive. + jam n. A preserve of fruit boiled with sugar and water; as, raspberry jam; currant jam; grape jam. + julies pl. of July + jumbler n. One who confuses things. + jezebel n. A bold, vicious woman; a termagant. + joinder v.t. A joining of causes of action or defense in civil suits or criminal prosecutions. + journalizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Journalize + jettiness n. The state of being jetty; blackness. + judicatory n. Administration of justice. + job v.i. To carry on the business of a jobber in merchandise or stocks. + jacobinism n. The principles of the Jacobins; violent and factious opposition to legitimate government. + jack n. A coarse and cheap mediaeval coat of defense, esp. one made of leather. + joul v.t. See Jowl. + jocularly adv. In jest; for sport or mirth; jocosely. + jelly n. The juice of fruits or meats boiled with sugar to an elastic consistence; as, currant jelly; calf's-foot jelly. + jeopardous a. Perilous; hazardous. + job n. The hero of the book of that name in the Old Testament; the typical patient man. + jerky a. Moving by jerks and starts; characterized by abrupt transitions; as, a jerky vehicle; a jerky style. + just a. Rendering or disposed to render to each one his due; equitable; fair; impartial; as, just judge. + jelerang n. A large, handsome squirrel (Sciurus Javensis), native of Java and Southern Asia; -- called also Java squirrel. + jointweed n. A slender, nearly leafless, American herb (Polygonum articulatum), with jointed spikes of small flowers. + jesuitical a. Of or pertaining to the Jesuits, or to their principles and methods. + jab n. A thrust or stab. + jacketing n. The material of a jacket; as, nonconducting jacketing. + juntos pl. of Junto + juggler n. A deceiver; a cheat. + jack n. A drinking measure holding half a pint; also, one holding a quarter of a pint. + jazerant n. A coat of defense made of small plates of metal sewed upon linen or the like; also, this kind of armor taken generally; as, a coat of jazerant. + judged imp.|p.p. of Judge + jut n. A shove; a push. + jest v.i. The object of laughter or sport; a laughingstock. + jested imp.|p.p. of Jest + joint n. The place or part where two things or parts are joined or united; the union of two or more smooth or even surfaces admitting of a close-fitting or junction; junction as, a joint between two pieces of timber; a joint in a pipe. + jobbery n. The act or practice of jobbing. + jettison n. The throwing overboard of goods from necessity, in order to lighten a vessel in danger of wreck. + july n. The seventh month of the year, containing thirty-one days. + jibe v.i. To shift, as the boom of a fore-and-aft sail, from one side of a vessel to the other when the wind is aft or on the quarter. See Gybe. + jade n. A young woman; -- generally so called in irony or slight contempt. + jangleress n. A female prater or babbler. + jenny n. A familiar or pet form of the proper name Jane. + jackstraw n. An effigy stuffed with straw; a scarecrow; hence, a man without property or influence. + jump n. An abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry. + jasper n. An opaque, impure variety of quartz, of red, yellow, and other dull colors, breaking with a smooth surface. It admits of a high polish, and is used for vases, seals, snuff boxes, etc. When the colors are in stripes or bands, it is called striped / banded jasper. The Egyptian pebble is a brownish yellow jasper. + jack n. A grating to separate and guide the threads; a heck box. + judge v.i. The title of the seventh book of the Old Testament; the Book of Judges. + jackass n. A conceited dolt; a perverse blockhead. + jovicentric a. Revolving around the planet Jupiter; appearing as viewed from Jupiter. + jerked imp.|p.p. of Jerk + jain n. Alt. of Jaina + junk n. Old iron, or other metal, glass, paper, etc., bought and sold by junk dealers. + juliform a. Having the shape or appearance of a julus or catkin. + june n. The sixth month of the year, containing thirty days. + jetson n. Goods which sink when cast into the sea, and remain under water; -- distinguished from flotsam, goods which float, and ligan, goods which are sunk attached to a buoy. + jemidar n. The chief or leader of a hand or body of persons; esp., in the native army of India, an officer of a rank corresponding to that of lieutenant in the English army. + jugata n.pl. The figures of two heads on a medal or coin, either side by side or joined. + jill n. A young woman; a sweetheart. See Gill. + jargon n. A variety of zircon. See Zircon. + jack n. In the harpsichord, an intermediate piece communicating the action of the key to the quill; -- called also hopper. + jolt n. A sudden shock or jerk; a jolting motion, as in a carriage moving over rough ground. + jayet n. See Jet. + jacobite n. One of the sect of Syrian Monophysites. The sect is named after Jacob Baradaeus, its leader in the sixth century. + jurassic n. The Jurassic period or formation; -- called also the Jura. + jadding n. See Holing. + jehovist n. The writer of the passages of the Old Testament, especially those of the Pentateuch, in which the Supreme Being is styled Jehovah. See Elohist. + japhetite n. A descendant of Japheth. + jimmies pl. of Jimmy + jaunce v.i. To ride hard; to jounce. + journeymen pl. of Journeyman + jostling p.pr.|vb.n. of Jostle + jorum n. A large drinking vessel; also, its contents. + jeering n. A mocking utterance. + jutty n. A projection in a building; also, a pier or mole; a jetty. + jamesonite n. A steel-gray mineral, of metallic luster, commonly fibrous massive. It is a sulphide of antimony and lead, with a little iron. + judge v.i. One of supreme magistrates, with both civil and military powers, who governed Israel for more than four hundred years. + jakie n. A South American striped frog (Pseudis paradoxa), remarkable for having a tadpole larger than the adult, and hence called also paradoxical frog. + johannisberger n. A fine white wine produced on the estate of Schloss (or Castle) Johannisberg, on the Rhine. + jack n. A machine for slicking or pebbling leather. + jewess fem. A Hebrew woman. + joyful a. Full of joy; having or causing joy; very glad; as, a joyful heart. + jouk v.i. See Juke. + journal a. A diary; an account of daily transactions and events. + jeg n. See Jig, 6. + juratory a. Relating to or comprising an oath; as, juratory caution. + jordan n. Alt. of Jorden + jingle v.i. To rhyme or sound with a jingling effect. + jo n. A sweetheart; a darling. + jury a. For temporary use; -- applied to a temporary contrivance. + jangling n. Wrangling; altercation. + jolt v.t. To cause to shake with a sudden up and down motion, as in a carriage going over rough ground, or on a high-trotting horse; as, the horse jolts the rider; fast driving jolts the carriage and the passengers. + japanner n. One who varnishes in the manner of the Japanese, or one skilled in the art. + journal a. The record of daily proceedings, kept by the clerk. + jig n. To cut or form, as a piece of metal, in a jigging machine. + jingle n. A correspondence of sound in rhymes, especially when the verse has little merit; hence, the verse itself. + justice a. The quality of being just; conformity to the principles of righteousness and rectitude in all things; strict performance of moral obligations; practical conformity to human or divine law; integrity in the dealings of men with each other; rectitude; equity; uprightness. + jaal goat A species of wild goat (Capra Nubiana) found in the mountains of Abyssinia, Upper Egypt, and Arabia; -- called also beden, and jaela. + jape v.i. To jest; to play tricks; to jeer. + jugum n. A pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate plant. + janizaries pl. of Janizary + jersey n. A kind of knitted jacket; hence, in general, a closefitting jacket or upper garment made of an elastic fabric (as stockinet). + jove n. The chief divinity of the ancient Romans; Jupiter. + jollily adv. In a jolly manner. + jacobinize v.t. To taint with, or convert to, Jacobinism. + justify v.i. To form an even surface or true line with something else; to fit exactly. + job v.t. To hire or let by the job or for a period of service; as, to job a carriage. + jockey v.t. To play the jockey toward; to cheat; to trick; to impose upon in trade; as, to jockey a customer. + judaized imp.|p.p. of Judaize + jawy a. Relating to the jaws. + jugulated imp.|p.p. of Jugulate + joy n. The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by success, good fortune, and the like, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exhilaration of spirits; delight. + just adv. Closely; nearly; almost. + juke v.i. To perch on anything, as birds do. + jorden n. A chamber pot. + jot v.t. To set down; to make a brief note of; -- usually followed by down. + jamdani n. A silk fabric, with a woven pattern of sprigs of flowers. + jambeux n. In the Middle Ages, armor for the legs below the knees. + jet n. The sprue of a type, which is broken from it when the type is cold. + joviality n. The quality or state of being jovial. + jesus n. The Savior; the name of the Son of God as announced by the angel to his parents; the personal name of Our Lord, in distinction from Christ, his official appellation. + jangler n. A wrangling, noisy fellow. + jug v.i. To nestle or collect together in a covey; -- said of quails and partridges. + javelin n. A sort of light spear, to be thrown or cast by thew hand; anciently, a weapon of war used by horsemen and foot soldiers; now used chiefly in hunting the wild boar and other fierce game. + jog v.t. To push or shake with the elbow or hand; to jostle; esp., to push or touch, in order to give notice, to excite one's attention, or to warn. + joint n. The part or space included between two joints, knots, nodes, or articulations; as, a joint of cane or of a grass stem; a joint of the leg. + juvenileness n. The state or quality of being juvenile; juvenility. + jubilation n. A triumphant shouting; rejoicing; exultation. + jigged imp.|p.p. of Jig + jug v.i. To utter a sound resembling this word, as certain birds do, especially the nightingale. + juror n. A member of any jury for awarding prizes, etc. + jemmy n. A baked sheep's head. + jah n. Jehovah. + jansenist n. A follower of Cornelius Jansen, a Roman Catholic bishop of Ypres, in Flanders, in the 17th century, who taught certain doctrines denying free will and the possibility of resisting divine grace. + joint n. Any one of the large pieces of meat, as cut into portions by the butcher for roasting. + jug v.t. To seethe or stew, as in a jug or jar placed in boiling water; as, to jug a hare. + jugement n. Judgment. + jubilate n. The third Sunday after Easter; -- so called because the introit is the 66th Psalm, which, in the Latin version, begins with the words, "Jubilate Deo." + journalize v.i. to conduct or contribute to a public journal; to follow the profession of a journalist. + jawbone n. The bone of either jaw; a maxilla or a mandible. + juggle n. An imposture; a deception. + jurisdiction a. The legal power, right, or authority of a particular court to hear and determine causes, to try criminals, or to execute justice; judicial authority over a cause or class of causes; as, certain suits or actions, or the cognizance of certain crimes, are within the jurisdiction of a particular court, that is, within the limits of its authority or commission. + josephs flower A composite herb (Tragopogon pratensis), of the same genus as the salsify. + jamaica n. One of the West India is islands. + jar n. Clash of interest or opinions; collision; discord; debate; slight disagreement. + jump n. A kind of loose jacket for men. + jockey n. A dealer in horses; a horse trader. + jamacina n. Jamaicine. + jugular a. Having the ventral fins beneath the throat; -- said of certain fishes. + jointer n. One who, or that which, joints. + juge n. A judge. + jesuitically adv. In a jesuitical manner. + johnsonianism n. A manner of acting or of writing peculiar to, or characteristic of, Dr. Johnson. + jumbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Jumble + jabot n. An arrangement of lace or tulle, looped ornamentally, and worn by women on the front of the dress. + joyed imp.|p.p. of Joy + jonesian a. Of or pertaining to Jones. + jobbernowl n. A blockhead. + joggle v.t. To shake slightly; to push suddenly but slightly, so as to cause to shake or totter; to jostle; to jog. + jerking p.pr.|vb.n. of Jerk + judicatory n. A court of justice; a tribunal. + jester n. A buffoon; a merry-andrew; a court fool. + jan n. One of intermediate order between angels and men. + janty a. See Jaunty. + jacent a. Lying at length; as, the jacent posture. + june n. One of the early discovered asteroids. + junction n. The act of joining, or the state of being joined; union; combination; coalition; as, the junction of two armies or detachments; the junction of paths. + jasp n. Jasper. + joying p.pr.|vb.n. of Joy + jangle v.i. To quarrel in words; to altercate; to wrangle. + job n. Any affair or event which affects one, whether fortunately or unfortunately. + javel n. A vagabond. + jadish a. Vicious; ill-tempered; resembling a jade; -- applied to a horse. + juvenility n. The manners or character of youth; immaturity. + jet deau A stream of water spouting from a fountain or pipe (especially from one arranged to throw water upward), in a public place or in a garden, for ornament. + junior n. Hence: One of a lower or later standing; specifically, in American colleges, one in the third year of his course, one in the fourth or final year being designated a senior; in some seminaries, one in the first year, in others, one in the second year, of a three years' course. + jub n. A vessel for holding ale or wine; a jug. + jehovah n. A Scripture name of the Supreme Being, by which he was revealed to the Jews as their covenant God or Sovereign of the theocracy; the "ineffable name" of the Supreme Being, which was not pronounced by the Jews. + jig n. A piece of sport; a trick; a prank. + jewelweed n. See Impatiens. + jetties pl. of Jetty + jade n. A disreputable or vicious woman; a wench; a quean; also, sometimes, a worthless man. + jowl v.t. To throw, dash, or knock. + joyace n. Enjoyment; gayety; festivity; joyfulness. + jay n. Any one of the numerous species of birds belonging to Garrulus, Cyanocitta, and allied genera. They are allied to the crows, but are smaller, more graceful in form, often handsomely colored, and usually have a crest. + justification n. The showing in court of a sufficient lawful reason why a party charged or accused did that for which he is called to answer. + jaunt n. A wearisome journey. + jurel n. A yellow carangoid fish of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts (Caranx chrysos), most abundant southward, where it is valued as a food fish; -- called also hardtail, horse crevalle, jack, buffalo jack, skipjack, yellow mackerel, and sometimes, improperly, horse mackerel. Other species of Caranx (as C. fallax) are also sometimes called jurel. + jogger n. One who jogs. + judgment v.i. That power or faculty by which knowledge dependent upon comparison and discrimination is acquired. See 2. + juggling a. Cheating; tricky. + jougs n. An iron collar fastened to a wall or post, formerly used in Scotland as a kind of pillory. [Written also juggs.] See Juke. + johnsonese n. The literary style of Dr. Samuel Johnson, or one formed in imitation of it; an inflated, stilted, or pompous style, affecting classical words. + jig v.t. To sort or separate, as ore in a jigger or sieve. See Jigging, n. + jakwood n. See Jackwood. + jiffy n. A moment; an instant; as, I will be ready in a jiffy. + justico n. Alt. of Justicoat + jag n. A part broken off; a fragment. + job v.t. To do or cause to be done by separate portions or lots; to sublet (work); as, to job a contract. + judge v.t. To arrogate judicial authority over; to sit in judgment upon; to be censorious toward. + jacket v.t. To put a jacket on; to furnish, as a boiler, with a jacket. + jackscrew n. A jack in which a screw is used for lifting, or exerting pressure. See Illust. of 2d Jack, n., 5. + jibe v.i. To change a ship's course so as to cause a shifting of the boom. See Jibe, v. t., and Gybe. + jaunty superl. Airy; showy; finical; hence, characterized by an affected or fantastical manner. + jam n. An injury caused by jamming. + jointing n. The act or process of making a joint; also, the joints thus produced. + jovinianist n. An adherent to the doctrines of Jovinian, a monk of the fourth century, who denied the virginity of Mary, and opposed the asceticism of his time. + joculatory a. Droll; sportive. + jigger n. A pendulum rolling machine for slicking or graining leather; same as Jack, 4 (i). + jeoparder n. One who puts in jeopardy. + juror n. A member of a jury; a juryman. + jointed a. Having joints; articulated; full of nodes; knotty; as, a jointed doll; jointed structure. + jorden n. A pot or vessel with a large neck, formerly used by physicians and alchemists. + junketries n.pl. Sweetmeats. + juger n. A Roman measure of land, measuring 28,800 square feet, or 240 feet in length by 120 in breadth. + judaize v.t. To impose Jewish observances or rites upon; to convert to Judaism. + jutlander n. A native or inhabitant of Jutland in Denmark. + jingoism n. The policy of the Jingoes, so called. See Jingo, 2. + jerk n. A short, sudden pull, thrust, push, twitch, jolt, shake, or similar motion. + justified imp.|p.p. of Justify + junction n. The place or point of union, meeting, or junction; specifically, the place where two or more lines of railway meet or cross. + judas n. The disciple who betrayed Christ. Hence: A treacherous person; one who betrays under the semblance of friendship. + jackman n. One wearing a jack; a horse soldier; a retainer. See 3d Jack, n. + jaculatory a. Darting or throwing out suddenly; also, suddenly thrown out; uttered in short sentences; ejaculatory; as, jaculatory prayers. + junk n. A large vessel, without keel or prominent stem, and with huge masts in one piece, used by the Chinese, Japanese, Siamese, Malays, etc., in navigating their waters. + jazel n. A gem of an azure color. + jet v.i. To strut; to walk with a lofty or haughty gait; to be insolent; to obtrude. + join n. The line joining two points; the point common to two intersecting lines. + justle v.t. To push; to drive; to force by running against; to jostle. + juke v.i. To bend the neck; to bow or duck the head. + jerker n. A North American river chub (Hybopsis biguttatus). + jib v.i. A triangular sail set upon a stay or halyard extending from the foremast or fore-topmast to the bowsprit or the jib boom. Large vessels often carry several jibe; as, inner jib; outer jib; flying jib; etc. + jigjog n. A jolting motion; a jogging pace. + junk n. Hard salted beef supplied to ships. + juddock n. See Jacksnipe. + jogging n. The act of giving a jog or jogs; traveling at a jog. + jack n. A flag, containing only the union, without the fly, usually hoisted on a jack staff at the bowsprit cap; -- called also union jack. The American jack is a small blue flag, with a star for each State. + jack n. A large tree, the Artocarpus integrifolia, common in the East Indies, closely allied to the breadfruit, from which it differs in having its leaves entire. The fruit is of great size, weighing from thirty to forty pounds, and through its soft fibrous matter are scattered the seeds, which are roasted and eaten. The wood is of a yellow color, fine grain, and rather heavy, and is much used in cabinetwork. It is also used for dyeing a brilliant yellow. + jamestown weed The poisonous thorn apple or stramonium (Datura stramonium), a rank weed early noticed at Jamestown, Virginia. See Datura. + journeywork n. Originally, work done by the day; work done by a journeyman at his trade. + jewelling of Jewel + jointured imp.|p.p. of Jointure + jumper n. A long drilling tool used by masons and quarrymen. + jar n. A regular vibration, as of a pendulum. + join v.i. To be contiguous, close, or in contact; to come together; to unite; to mingle; to form a union; as, the hones of the skull join; two rivers join. + juice v.t. To moisten; to wet. + jotter n. A memorandum book. + jibing p.pr.|vb.n. of Jibe + japonica n. A species of Camellia (Camellia Japonica), a native of Japan, bearing beautiful red or white flowers. Many other genera have species of the same name. + janus n. A Latin deity represented with two faces looking in opposite directions. Numa is said to have dedicated to Janus the covered passage at Rome, near the Forum, which is usually called the Temple of Janus. This passage was open in war and closed in peace. + jack n. A young pike; a pickerel. + jowl n. The cheek; the jaw. + jarring n. A shaking; a tremulous motion; as, the jarring of a steamship, caused by its engines. + judiciousness n. The quality or state of being judicious; sagacity; sound judgment. + jesuitic a. Alt. of Jesuitical + job n. A piece of chance or occasional work; any definite work undertaken in gross for a fixed price; as, he did the job for a thousand dollars. + jollity n. Noisy mirth; gayety; merriment; festivity; boisterous enjoyment. + jeffersonia n. An American herb with a pretty, white, solitary blossom, and deeply two-cleft leaves (Jeffersonia diphylla); twinleaf. + juratrias n. A term applied to many American Mesozoic strata, in which the characteristics of the Jurassic and Triassic periods appear to be blended. + jar n. In deep well boring, a device resembling two long chain links, for connecting a percussion drill to the rod or rope which works it, so that the drill is driven down by impact and is jerked loose when jammed. + job v.t. To buy and sell, as a broker; to purchase of importers or manufacturers for the purpose of selling to retailers; as, to job goods. + jamb v.t. See Jam, v. t. + juglone n. A yellow crystalline substance resembling quinone, extracted from green shucks of the walnut (Juglans regia); -- called also nucin. + jigging p.pr.|vb.n. of Jig + jager n. Any species of gull of the genus Stercorarius. Three species occur on the Atlantic coast. The jagers pursue other species of gulls and force them to disgorge their prey. The two middle tail feathers are usually decidedly longer than the rest. Called also boatswain, and marline-spike bird. The name is also applied to the skua, or Arctic gull (Megalestris skua). + jetted imp.|p.p. of Jet + justness n. The quality of being just; conformity to truth, propriety, accuracy, exactness, and the like; justice; reasonableness; fairness; equity; as, justness of proportions; the justness of a description or representation; the justness of a cause. + johannean a. Of or pertaining to John, esp. to the Apostle John or his writings. + jangle v.i. To sound harshly or discordantly, as bells out of tune. + judaic a. Alt. of Judaical + journal a. That which has occurred in a day; a day's work or travel; a day's journey. + jenny n. A machine for spinning a number of threads at once, -- used in factories. + jurisconsult n. A man learned in the civil law; an expert in juridical science; a professor of jurisprudence; a jurist. + jute n. The coarse, strong fiber of the East Indian Corchorus olitorius, and C. capsularis; also, the plant itself. The fiber is much used for making mats, gunny cloth, cordage, hangings, paper, etc. + jargle v.i. To emit a harsh or discordant sound. + jugular a. Of or pertaining to the throat or neck; as, the jugular vein. + jackeen n. A drunken, dissolute fellow. + jerusalem n. The chief city of Palestine, intimately associated with the glory of the Jewish nation, and the life and death of Jesus Christ. + jet v.i. To shoot forward or out; to project; to jut out. + jargonic a. Of or pertaining to the mineral jargon. + jabberingly adv. In a jabbering manner. + journal a. A daily register of the ship's course and distance, the winds, weather, incidents of the voyage, etc. + jabberment n. Jabber. + jewsstone n. Alt. of Jewstone + jewfish n. A similar gigantic fish (Stereolepis gigas) of Southern California, valued as a food fish. + joke n. Something said for the sake of exciting a laugh; something witty or sportive (commonly indicating more of hilarity or humor than jest); a jest; a witticism; as, to crack good-natured jokes. + jurisprudential a. Of or pertaining to jurisprudence. + jointure n. A joining; a joint. + jiggish a. Playful; frisky. + judicature n. A court of justice; a judicatory. + joinder v.t. A joining of parties as plaintiffs or defendants in a suit. + journalized imp.|p.p. of Journalize + jubilar a. Pertaining to, or having the character of, a jubilee. + jesuitry n. Jesuitism; subtle argument. + jemmy n. A short crowbar. See Jimmy. + juncous a. Full of rushes: resembling rushes; juncaceous. + jewelled of Jewel + jumping p.a.|vb.n. of Jump, to leap. + jesuitism n. Cunning; deceit; deceptive practices to effect a purpose; subtle argument; -- an opprobrious use of the word. + judge v.t. To exercise the functions of a magistrate over; to govern. + jounce v.t.|i. To jolt; to shake, especially by rough riding or by driving over obstructions. + justify a. To prove; to ratify; to confirm. + jowter n. A mounted peddler of fish; -- called also jouster. + jesting n. The act or practice of making jests; joking; pleasantry. + joint v.t. To provide with a joint or joints; to articulate. + jigging n. The act or using a jig; the act of separating ore with a jigger, or wire-bottomed sieve, which is moved up and down in water. + jeer n. A gear; a tackle. + jape v.t. To mock; to trick. + jeremiad n. Alt. of Jeremiade + jangling a. Producing discordant sounds. + janitress n. Alt. of Janitrix + jewelry n. Jewels, collectively; as, a bride's jewelry. + jurisdictional a. Of or pertaining to jurisdiction; as jurisdictional rights. + jesuitical a. Designing; cunning; deceitful; crafty; -- an opprobrious use of the word. + jantily adv. See Jauntily. + juggle v.t. To deceive by trick or artifice. + jagged a. Having jags; having rough, sharp notches, protuberances, or teeth; cleft; laciniate; divided; as, jagged rocks. + jurisprudent n. One skilled in law or jurisprudence. + jumper n. A sort of blouse worn by workmen over their ordinary dress to protect it. + joint v.t. To unite by a joint or joints; to fit together; to prepare so as to fit together; as, to joint boards. + jewelry n. The art or trade of a jeweler. + jobbing a. Doing chance work or add jobs; as, a jobbing carpenter. + japery n. Jesting; buffoonery. + judaically adv. After the Jewish manner. + justicer n. One who administers justice; a judge. + jaganatha n. See Juggernaut. + jumping p.pr.|vb.n. of Jump + joe miller A jest book; a stale jest; a worn-out joke. + jumper n. spring to impel the star wheel, also a pawl to lock fast a wheel, in a repeating timepiece. + jeering p.pr.|vb.n. of Jeer + junketing n. A feast or entertainment; a revel. + jimcrack n. See Gimcrack. + jamadar n. Same as Jemidar. + jesting p.pr.|vb.n. of Jest + juniperite n. One of the fossil Coniferae, evidently allied to the juniper. + joist n. A piece of timber laid horizontally, or nearly so, to which the planks of the floor, or the laths or furring strips of a ceiling, are nailed; -- called, according to its position or use, binding joist, bridging joist, ceiling joist, trimming joist, etc. See Illust. of Double-framed floor, under Double, a. + jonquille n. A bulbous plant of the genus Narcissus (N. Jonquilla), allied to the daffodil. It has long, rushlike leaves, and yellow or white fragrant flowers. The root has emetic properties. It is sometimes called the rush-leaved daffodil. See Illust. of Corona. + joepye weed A tall composite plant of the genus Eupatorium (E. purpureum), with purplish flowers, and whorled leaves. + jaw n. Fig.: Anything resembling the jaw of an animal in form or action; esp., pl., the mouth or way of entrance; as, the jaws of a pass; the jaws of darkness; the jaws of death. + jacksnipe n. A small American sandpiper (Tringa maculata); -- called also pectoral sandpiper, and grass snipe. + jocose a. Given to jokes and jesting; containing a joke, or abounding in jokes; merry; sportive; humorous. + juiciness n. The state or quality of being juicy; succulence plants. + jura n. The Jurassic period. See Jurassic. + justificatory a. Vindicatory; defensory; justificative. + jeweled imp.|p.p. of Jewel + jarring p.pr.|vb.n. of Jar + jacobitic a. Alt. of Jacobitical + jackknife n. A large, strong clasp knife for the pocket; a pocket knife. + jutty v.t.|i. To project beyond. + jack n. The wall-eyed pike. + jobber n. One who works by the job. + jubilee n. A church solemnity or ceremony celebrated at Rome, at stated intervals, originally of one hundred years, but latterly of twenty-five; a plenary and extraordinary indulgence grated by the sovereign pontiff to the universal church. One invariable condition of granting this indulgence is the confession of sins and receiving of the eucharist. + jumart n. The fabled offspring of a bull and a mare. + jaw n. Impudent or abusive talk. + joining p.pr.|vb.n. of Join + jacconet n. See Jaconet. + jell v.i. To jelly. + jack n. A compact, portable machine for planing metal. + job v.t. To strike or stab with a pointed instrument. + jaw n. Hence, also, the bone itself with the teeth and covering. + joyous a. Glad; gay; merry; joyful; also, affording or inspiring joy; with of before the word or words expressing the cause of joy. + jade n. A mean or tired horse; a worthless nag. + jointer n. A plane for smoothing the surfaces of pieces which are to be accurately joined + juggle v.i. To practice artifice or imposture. + justice a. Conformity to truth and reality in expressing opinions and in conduct; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit; honesty; fidelity; impartiality; as, the justice of a description or of a judgment; historical justice. + jacket n. A short upper garment, extending downward to the hips; a short coat without skirts. + jamaicine n. An alkaloid said to be contained in the bark of Geoffroya inermis, a leguminous tree growing in Jamaica and Surinam; -- called also jamacina. + jouncing p.pr.|vb.n. of Jounce + jesuited a. Conforming to the principles of the Jesuits. + jambee n. A fashionable cane. + jupiter n. One of the planets, being the brightest except Venus, and the largest of them all, its mean diameter being about 85,000 miles. It revolves about the sun in 4,332.6 days, at a mean distance of 5.2028 from the sun, the earth's mean distance being taken as unity. + jag n. A small load, as of hay or grain in the straw, or of ore. + jerid n. Same as Jereed. + jade n. A stone, commonly of a pale to dark green color but sometimes whitish. It is very hard and compact, capable of fine polish, and is used for ornamental purposes and for implements, esp. in Eastern countries and among many early peoples. + justicoat n. Formerly, a close coat or waistcoat with sleeves. + jeer n. An assemblage or combination of tackles, for hoisting or lowering the lower yards of a ship. + jasponyx n. An onyx, part or all of whose layers consist of jasper. + japan n. Work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner; also, the varnish or lacquer used in japanning. + junket n. A cheese cake; a sweetmeat; any delicate food. + jolt v.i. To shake with short, abrupt risings and fallings, as a carriage moving on rough ground; as, the coach jolts. + jolif a. Joyful; merry; pleasant; jolly. + jump v.t. To cause to jump; as, he jumped his horse across the ditch. + jeering a. Mocking; scoffing. + jerkinhead n. The hipped part of a roof which is hipped only for a part of its height, leaving a truncated gable. + jackanapes n. A coxcomb; an impertinent or conceited fellow. + jangle n. Discordant sound; wrangling. + jeofail n. An oversight in pleading, or the acknowledgment of a mistake or oversight. + judicial a. Fitted or apt for judging or deciding; as, a judicial mind. + jar n. A deep, broad-mouthed vessel of earthenware or glass, for holding fruit, preserves, etc., or for ornamental purposes; as, a jar of honey; a rose jar. + jaculation n. The act of tossing, throwing, or hurling, as spears. + jury a. A committee for determining relative merit or awarding prizes at an exhibition or competition; as, the art jury gave him the first prize. + jesuit n. One of a religious order founded by Ignatius Loyola, and approved in 1540, under the title of The Society of Jesus. + julaceous a. Like an ament, or bearing aments; amentaceous. + jaw n. The inner end of a boom or gaff, hollowed in a half circle so as to move freely on a mast. + jingling p.pr.|vb.n. of Jingle + jacobin n. One of a society of violent agitators in France, during the revolution of 1789, who held secret meetings in the Jacobin convent in the Rue St. Jacques, Paris, and concerted measures to control the proceedings of the National Assembly. Hence: A plotter against an existing government; a turbulent demagogue. + juridically adv. In a juridical manner. + jeffersonian a. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, Thomas Jefferson or his policy or political doctrines. + jetson n. Jettison. See Jettison, 1. + jet n. Drift; scope; range, as of an argument. + joint v.i. To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do; as, the stones joint, neatly. + jesse n. A genealogical tree represented in stained glass. + jasey n. A wig; -- so called, perhaps, from being made of, or resembling, Jersey yarn. + jealous a. Exacting exclusive devotion; intolerant of rivalry. + jamaican a. Of or pertaining to Jamaica. + january n. The first month of the year, containing thirty-one days. + judge v.t. To determine upon or deliberation; to esteem; to think; to reckon. + justiceship n. The office or dignity of a justice. + juncture n. The line or point at which two bodies are joined; a joint; an articulation; a seam; as, the junctures of a vessel or of the bones. + jointure n. An estate settled on a wife, which she is to enjoy after husband's decease, for her own life at least, in satisfaction of dower. + jeopardy n. Exposure to death, loss, or injury; hazard; danger. + jargonelle n. A variety of pear which ripens early. + joinder v.t. Acceptance of an issue tendered in law or fact. + jaspideous a. Consisting of jasper, or containing jasper; jaspery; jasperlike. + jacobite n. A partisan or adherent of James the Second, after his abdication, or of his descendants, an opposer of the revolution in 1688 in favor of William and Mary. + just n. A joust. + jacket n. A garment resembling a waistcoat lined with cork, to serve as a life preserver; -- called also cork jacket. + joint a. United, joined, or sharing with another or with others; not solitary in interest or action; holding in common with an associate, or with associates; acting together; as, joint heir; joint creditor; joint debtor, etc. + jeremiade n. A tale of sorrow, disappointment, or complaint; a doleful story; a dolorous tirade; -- generally used satirically. + jacob n. A Hebrew patriarch (son of Isaac, and ancestor of the Jews), who in a vision saw a ladder reaching up to heaven (Gen. xxviii. 12); -- also called Israel. + jotted imp.|p.p. of Jot + jalousied a. Furnished with jalousies; as, jalousied porches. + judicial a. Pertaining or appropriate to courts of justice, or to a judge; practiced or conformed to in the administration of justice; sanctioned or ordered by a court; as, judicial power; judicial proceedings; a judicial sale. + jalapin n. A glucoside found in the stems of the jalap plant and scammony. It is a strong purgative. + jack n. A wooden wedge for separating rocks rent by blasting. + jeat n. See Jet. + jerker n. A beater. + jauntily adv. In a jaunty manner. + jacaranda n. The native Brazilian name for certain leguminous trees, which produce the beautiful woods called king wood, tiger wood, and violet wood. + jig n. A trolling bait, consisting of a bright spoon and a hook attached. + jingo n. A word used as a jocular oath. + joy v.t. To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate. + judgment v.i. The act of judging; the operation of the mind, involving comparison and discrimination, by which a knowledge of the values and relations of thins, whether of moral qualities, intellectual concepts, logical propositions, or material facts, is obtained; as, by careful judgment he avoided the peril; by a series of wrong judgments he forfeited confidence. + jollification n. A merrymaking; noisy festivity. + jobber n. One who turns official or public business to private advantage; hence, one who performs low or mercenary work in office, politics, or intrigue. + jurat n. A person under oath; specifically, an officer of the nature of an alderman, in certain municipal corporations in England. + jack n. The jurel. + jesse n. A candlestick with many branches, each of which bears the name of some one of the descendants of Jesse; -- called also tree of Jesse. + jane n. A kind of twilled cotton cloth. See Jean. + jewish a. Of or pertaining to the Jews or Hebrews; characteristic of or resembling the Jews or their customs; Israelitish. + java n. One of the islands of the Malay Archipelago belonging to the Netherlands. + jocoserious a. Mingling mirth and seriousness. + jural a. Pertaining to natural or positive right. + juggling p.pr.|vb.n. of Juggle + jack n. A sawhorse or sawbuck. + judicature n. The right of judicial action; jurisdiction; extent jurisdiction of a judge or court. + jument n. A beast; especially, a beast of burden. + jimcrow n. A planing machine with a reversing tool, to plane both ways. + japan v.t. To give a glossy black to, as shoes. + judahite n. One of the tribe of Judah; a member of the kingdom of Judah; a Jew. + jellied a. Brought to the state or consistence of jelly. + jibed imp.|p.p. of Jibe + jaghirdar n. The holder of a jaghir. + joinder v.t. The act of joining; a putting together; conjunction. + jealous a. Apprehensive; anxious; suspiciously watchful. + jilt n. A woman who capriciously deceives her lover; a coquette; a flirt. + jet v.t. To spout; to emit in a stream or jet. + judge v.t. To compare facts or ideas, and perceive their relations and attributes, and thus distinguish truth from falsehood; to determine; to discern; to distinguish; to form an opinion about. + jump n. An effort; an attempt; a venture. + junco n. Any bird of the genus Junco, which includes several species of North American finches; -- called also snowbird, or blue snowbird. + jargoning p.pr.|vb.n. of Jargon + juxtaposit v.t. To place in close connection or contiguity; to juxtapose. + justled imp.|p.p. of Justle + jant v.i. See Jaunt. + juglandin n. An extractive matter contained in the juice of the green shucks of the walnut (Juglans regia). It is used medicinally as an alterative, and also as a black hair dye. + java n. Java coffee, a kind of coffee brought from Java. + jagging p.pr.|vb.n. of Jag + jermoonal n. The Himalayan now partridge. + joule n. A unit of work which is equal to 107 units of work in the C. G. S. system of units (ergs), and is practically equivalent to the energy expended in one second by an electric current of one ampere in a resistance of one ohm. One joule is approximately equal to 0.738 foot pounds. + jaguar n. A large and powerful feline animal (Felis onca), ranging from Texas and Mexico to Patagonia. It is usually brownish yellow, with large, dark, somewhat angular rings, each generally inclosing one or two dark spots. It is chiefly arboreal in its habits. Called also the American tiger. + japan v.t. To cover with a coat of hard, brilliant varnish, in the manner of the Japanese; to lacquer. + jig n. A contrivance fastened to or inclosing a piece of work, and having hard steel surfaces to guide a tool, as a drill, or to form a shield or templet to work to, as in filing. + jacquard a. Pertaining to, or invented by, Jacquard, a French mechanician, who died in 1834. + jam v.t. To press into a close or tight position; to crowd; to squeeze; to wedge in. + juxtaposition v.i. A placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity, or side by side; as, a juxtaposition of words. + jejunal a. Pertaining to the jejunum. + jetting p.pr.|vb.n. of Jet + jurdiccion n. Jurisdiction. + jack n. A system of gearing driven by a horse power, for multiplying speed. + journalism n. The keeping of a journal or diary. + jarvy n. A hackney coach. + jacksnipe n. A small European snipe (Limnocryptes gallinula); -- called also judcock, jedcock, juddock, jed, and half snipe. + jostled imp.|p.p. of Jostle + joy v.t. To enjoy. + jansenism n. The doctrine of Jansen regarding free will and divine grace. + joculator n. A jester; a joker. + jungermannia n. A genus of hepatic mosses, now much circumscribed, but formerly comprising most plants of the order, which is sometimes therefore called Jungermanniaceae. + jamming p.pr.|vb.n. of Jam + justify v.i. To take oath to the ownership of property sufficient to qualify one's self as bail or surety. + jouster n. One who jousts or tilts. + jutting a. Projecting, as corbels, cornices, etc. + jolthead n. A dunce; a blockhead. + jockeying n. The act or management of one who jockeys; trickery. + jadery n. The tricks of a jade. + jeropigia n. See Geropigia. + jump v.t. To thicken or enlarge by endwise blows; to upset. + jumped imp.|p.p. of Jump + jesuit n. Fig.: A crafty person; an intriguer. + jacinth n. See Hyacinth. + jobbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Job + jurisdiction a. Sphere of authority; the limits within which any particular power may be exercised, or within which a government or a court has authority. + jellied imp.|p.p. of Jelly + journalism n. The periodical collection and publication of current news; the business of managing, editing, or writing for, journals or newspapers; as, political journalism. + jackpudding n. A merry-andrew; a buffoon. + jag v.t. To cut into notches or teeth like those of a saw; to notch. + jagger n. One who carries about a small load; a peddler. See 2d Jag. + jog v.t. To cause to jog; to drive at a jog, as a horse. See Jog, v. i. + jackdaw n. See Daw, n. -