+ deposit v.t. That which is deposited, or laid or thrown down; as, a deposit in a flue; especially, matter precipitated from a solution (as the siliceous deposits of hot springs), or that which is mechanically deposited (as the mud, gravel, etc., deposits of a river). + digress n. Digression. + derk a. Dark. + duller imp.|p.p. of Dull + dimsighted a. Having dim sight; lacking perception. + dream n. The thoughts, or series of thoughts, or imaginary transactions, which occupy the mind during sleep; a sleeping vision. + dulcinea n. A mistress; a sweetheart. + desire v.t. Anything which is desired; an object of longing. + dureless a. Not lasting. + demicannon n. A kind of ordnance, carrying a ball weighing from thirty to thirty-six pounds. + deferring p.pr.|vb.n. of Defer + diselder v.t. To deprive of an elder or elders, or of the office of an elder. + desquamatory n. An instrument formerly used in removing the laminae of exfoliated bones. + dor n. A large European scaraboid beetle (Geotrupes stercorarius), which makes a droning noise while flying. The name is also applied to allied American species, as the June bug. Called also dorr, dorbeetle, or dorrbeetle, dorbug, dorrfly, and buzzard clock. + disembarked imp.|p.p. of Disembark + dissident a. No agreeing; dissenting; discordant; different. + depiction n. A painting or depicting; a representation. + dividable a. Divided; separated; parted. + dented v.t. Indented; impressed with little hollows. + decalog n. Decalogue. + draggle v.t. To wet and soil by dragging on the ground, mud, or wet grass; to drabble; to trail. + dissembled imp.|p.p. of Dissemble + dasypaedes n.pl. Those birds whose young are covered with down when hatched. + deepen v.t. To make deep or deeper; to increase the depth of; to sink lower; as, to deepen a well or a channel. + decalcification n. The removal of calcareous matter. + dissectible a. Capable of being dissected, or separated by dissection. + delate v. To carry abroad; to spread; to make public. + detracting p.pr.|vb.n. of Detract + daw n. A European bird of the Crow family (Corvus monedula), often nesting in church towers and ruins; a jackdaw. + dull superl. Furnishing little delight, spirit, or variety; uninteresting; tedious; cheerless; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; as, a dull story or sermon; a dull occupation or period; hence, cloudy; overcast; as, a dull day. + dishorse v.t. To dismount. + digne a. Suitable; adequate; fit. + dap v.i. To drop the bait gently on the surface of the water. + dusk v.i. To grow dusk. + derisive a. Expressing, serving for, or characterized by, derision. + dermestes n. A genus of coleopterous insects, the larvae of which feed animal substances. They are very destructive to dries meats, skins, woolens, and furs. The most common species is D. lardarius, known as the bacon beetle. + demissive a. Downcast; submissive; humble. + discountenance v.t. To refuse to countenance, or give the support of one's approval to; to give one's influence against; to restrain by cold treatment; to discourage. + drove n. A road for driving cattle; a driftway. + drag v.t. To draw along, as something burdensome; hence, to pass in pain or with difficulty. + depone v.t. To lay down. + drudgery n. The act of drudging; disagreeable and wearisome labor; ignoble or slavish toil. + definite a. Having certain or distinct; determinate in extent or greatness; limited; fixed; as, definite dimensions; a definite measure; a definite period or interval. + dialing n. A method of surveying, especially in mines, in which the bearings of the courses, or the angles which they make with each other, are determined by means of the circumferentor. + deodorize v.t. To deprive of odor, especially of such as results from impurities. + driblet n. A small piece or part; a small sum; a small quantity of money in making up a sum; as, the money was paid in dribblets. + drop v.i. To fall short of a mark. + dubitative a. Tending to doubt; doubtful. + doorkeeper n. One who guards the entrance of a house or apartment; a porter; a janitor. + douar n. A village composed of Arab tents arranged in streets. + dunbird n. The pochard; -- called also dunair, and dunker, or dun-curre. + diversity n. A state of difference; dissimilitude; unlikeness. + dispensatory n. A book or medicinal formulary containing a systematic description of drugs, and of preparations made from them. It is usually, but not always, distinguished from a pharmacop/ia in that it issued by private parties, and not by an official body or by government. + disposition n. Natural or prevailing spirit, or temperament of mind, especially as shown in intercourse with one's fellow-men; temper of mind. + dread v.i. To be in dread, or great fear. + daintrel n. Adelicacy. + determined a. Decided; resolute. + dialectical a. Pertaining to a dialect or to dialects. + demureness n. The state of being demure; gravity; the show of gravity or modesty. + dichogamous a. Manifesting dichogamy. + deceivably adv. In a deceivable manner. + deodate n. A gift or offering to God. + discriminate a. Having the difference marked; distinguished by certain tokens. + deprivation n. The state of being deprived; privation; loss; want; bereavement. + discourse n. The art and manner of speaking and conversing. + disaccommodation n. A state of being unaccommodated or unsuited. + demonstration n. (Mil.) a decisive exhibition of force, or a movement indicating an attack. + detonation n. An explosion or sudden report made by the instantaneous decomposition or combustion of unstable substances' as, the detonation of gun cotton. + docility n. teachableness; aptness for being taught; docibleness. + dismail v.t. To divest of coat of mail. + decussated a. Growing in pairs, each of which is at right angles to the next pair above or below; as, decussated leaves or branches. + dang imp. of Ding. + del n. Share; portion; part. + die v.i. To disappear gradually in another surface, as where moldings are lost in a sloped or curved face. + dominator n. A ruler or ruling power. + dispositor n. A disposer. + duplicative a. Having the quality of duplicating or doubling. + diagonal a. Joining two not adjacent angles of a quadrilateral or multilateral figure; running across from corner to corner; crossing at an angle with one of the sides. + dioecious a. Having the sexes in two separate individuals; -- applied to plants in which the female flowers occur on one individual and the male flowers on another of the same species, and to animals in which the ovum is produced by one individual and the sperm cell by another; -- opposed to monoecious. + does The 3d pers. sing. pres. of Do. + deflagrating p.pr.|vb.n. of Deflagrate + diverberation n. A sounding through. + defeatured p.p. Changed in features; deformed. + daydream n. A vain fancy speculation; a reverie; a castle in the air; unfounded hope. + discuss v.t. To examine in detail or by disputation; to reason upon by presenting favorable and adverse considerations; to debate; to sift; to investigate; to ventilate. + dedolent a. Feeling no compunction; apathetic. + doom v.t. To judge; to estimate or determine as a judge. + dissolution n. Corruption of morals; dissipation; dissoluteness. + dislodge v.t. To drive from a lodge or place of rest; to remove from a place of quiet or repose; as, shells resting in the sea at a considerate depth are not dislodged by storms. + downward a. Tending to a lower condition or state; depressed; dejected; as, downward thoughts. + discusser n. One who discusses; one who sifts or examines. + deception n. The act of deceiving or misleading. + deanery n. The territorial jurisdiction of a dean. + dose n. Anything nauseous that one is obliged to take; a disagreeable portion thrust upon one. + deaurate v.t. To gild. + dagger n. A mark of reference in the form of a dagger [/]. It is the second in order when more than one reference occurs on a page; -- called also obelisk. + disclosed p.a. Represented with wings expanded; -- applied to doves and other birds not of prey. + daybook n. A journal of accounts; a primary record book in which are recorded the debts and credits, or accounts of the day, in their order, and from which they are transferred to the journal. + draw v.i. To unsheathe a weapon, especially a sword. + deal n. Distribution; apportionment. + discharge v.t. The act of discharging; the act of relieving of a charge or load; removal of a load or burden; unloading; as, the discharge of a ship; discharge of a cargo. + dress v.t. To arrange in exact continuity of line, as soldiers; commonly to adjust to a straight line and at proper distance; to align; as, to dress the ranks. + discount v.i. To lend, or make a practice of lending, money, abating the discount; as, the discount for sixty or ninety days. + disquietly adv. In a disquiet manner; uneasily; as, he rested disquietly that night. + drill n. A row of seed sown in a furrow. + dentition n. The system of teeth peculiar to an animal. + dialogism n. An imaginary speech or discussion between two or more; dialogue. + depure v.t. To depurate; to purify. + discerning a. Acute; shrewd; sagacious; sharp-sighted. + dawn v.i. To begin to grow light in the morning; to grow light; to break, or begin to appear; as, the day dawns; the morning dawns. + depthless a. Having no depth; shallow. + disencumbering p.pr.|vb.n. of Disencumber + disporous a. Having two spores. + dater n. One who dates. + duebill n. A brief written acknowledgment of a debt, not made payable to order, like a promissory note. + demonologic a. Alt. of Demonological + deltoid a. Shaped like the Greek / (delta); delta-shaped; triangular. + dempster n. Alt. of Demster + djerrid n. A game played with it. + disputing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispute + discovering p.pr.|vb.n. of Discover + demonstration n. The act of proving by the syllogistic process, or the proof itself. + deferent a. Serving to carry; bearing. + drapery n. A textile fabric used for decorative purposes, especially when hung loosely and in folds carefully disturbed; as: (a) Garments or vestments of this character worn upon the body, or shown in the representations of the human figure in art. (b) Hangings of a room or hall, or about a bed. + dangle v.i. To hang loosely, or with a swinging or jerking motion. + dioxide n. An oxide containing but one atom or equivalent of oxygen to two of a metal; a suboxide. + diagram v.t. To put into the form of a diagram. + derm n. A suffix or terminal formative, much used in anatomical terms, and signifying skin, integument, covering; as, blastoderm, ectoderm, etc. + diurnation n. Continuance during the day. + deflux n. Downward flow. + drusy a. Alt. of Drused + dry superl. Of animals: Not giving milk; as, the cow is dry. + drumbeat n. The sound of a beaten drum; drum music. + dated imp.|p.p. of Date + dying n. The act of expiring; passage from life to death; loss of life. + disgarland v.t. To strip of a garland. + darted imp.|p.p. of Dart + due a. Justly claimed as a right or property; proper; suitable; becoming; appropriate; fit. + daintified imp.|p.p. of Daintify + defeat v.t. To render null and void, as a title; to frustrate, as hope; to deprive, as of an estate. + dared p.p. of Dare + debatement n. Controversy; deliberation; debate. + diadelphous a. Of or pertaining to the class Diadelphia; having the stamens united into two bodies by their filaments (said of a plant or flower); grouped into two bundles or sets by coalescence of the filaments (said of stamens). + dissimule v.t.|i. To dissemble. + debauched imp.|p.p. of Debauch + divorcer n. The person or cause that produces or effects a divorce. + directress n. A woman who directs. + dotish a. Foolish; weak; imbecile. + directrix n. A line along which a point in another line moves, or which in any way governs the motion of the point and determines the position of the curve generated by it; the line along which the generatrix moves in generating a surface. + draintrap n. See 4th Trap, 5. + dusky a. Intellectually clouded. + dichotomous a. Regularly dividing by pairs from bottom to top; as, a dichotomous stem. + dairies pl. of Dairy + demigration n. Emigration. + dissipable a. Capable of being scattered or dissipated. + dilaniate v.t. To rend in pieces; to tear. + divulge v.i. To become publicly known. + druidic a. Alt. of Druidical + deal n. An arrangement to attain a desired result by a combination of interested parties; -- applied to stock speculations and political bargains. + duramen n. The heartwood of an exogenous tree. + darlingtonia n. A genus of California pitcher plants consisting of a single species. The long tubular leaves are hooded at the top, and frequently contain many insects drowned in the secretion of the leaves. + deploration n. The act of deploring or lamenting; lamentation. + disrooting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disroot + distress n. To seize for debt; to distrain. + dakotas n.pl An extensive race or stock of Indians, including many tribes, mostly dwelling west of the Mississippi River; -- also, in part, called Sioux. + disseizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disseize + depone v.i. To testify under oath; to depose; to bear witness. + dragoon v.t. To harass or reduce to subjection by dragoons; to persecute by abandoning a place to the rage of soldiers. + derbyshire spar A massive variety of fluor spar, found in Derbyshire, England, and wrought into vases and other ornamental work. + denim n. A coarse cotton drilling used for overalls, etc. + dissentient v.i. Disagreeing; declaring dissent; dissenting. + decemvir n. A member of any body of ten men in authority. + droit n. A right; law in its aspect of the foundation of rights; also, in old law, the writ of right. + digitain n. A supposedly distinct vegetable principle as the essential ingredient of the extracts. It is a white, crystalline substance, and is regarded as a glucoside. + disjoint v.i. To fall in pieces. + dreamland n. An unreal, delightful country such as in sometimes pictured in dreams; region of fancies; fairyland. + dimit v.t. To dismiss, let go, or release. + deglutinate v.t. To loosen or separate by dissolving the glue which unties; to unglue. + discriminant n. The eliminant of the n partial differentials of any homogenous function of n variables. See Eliminant. + disported imp.|p.p. of Disport + dump n. A car or boat for dumping refuse, etc. + denary a. Containing ten; tenfold; proceeding by tens; as, the denary, or decimal, scale. + debased imp.|p.p. of Debase + dagswain n. A coarse woolen fabric made of daglocks, or the refuse of wool. + dogma n. A doctrinal notion asserted without regard to evidence or truth; an arbitrary dictum. + domineered imp.|p.p. of Domineer + deprehensible a. That may be caught or discovered; apprehensible. + dangerous a. In a condition of danger, as from illness; threatened with death. + disdain v.i. To be filled with scorn; to feel contemptuous anger; to be haughty. + deviling n. A young devil. + duct n. Any tube or canal by which a fluid or other substance is conducted or conveyed. + divinely adv. In a divine or godlike manner; holily; admirably or excellently in a supreme degree. + dilate v.t. To expand; to distend; to enlarge or extend in all directions; to swell; -- opposed to contract; as, the air dilates the lungs; air is dilated by increase of heat. + differently adv. In a different manner; variously. + dependent a. Relying on, or subject to, something else for support; not able to exist, or sustain itself, or to perform anything, without the will, power, or aid of something else; not self-sustaining; contingent or conditioned; subordinate; -- often with on or upon; as, dependent on God; dependent upon friends. + dusted imp.|p.p. of Dust + denizen v.t. To provide with denizens; to populate with adopted or naturalized occupants. + decoyman n. A man employed in decoying wild fowl. + devonian n. The Devonian age or formation. + dirty v.t. To foul; to make filthy; to soil; as, to dirty the clothes or hands. + duenna n. The chief lady in waiting on the queen of Spain. + delicate n. A delicate, luxurious, or effeminate person. + disconsolation n. Dejection; grief. + disgrace n. To put out favor; to dismiss with dishonor. + dryth n. Alt. of Drith + dickcissel n. The American black-throated bunting (Spiza Americana). + doff v.i. To put off dress; to take off the hat. + digitate v.t. To point out as with the finger. + designator n. One who designates. + deposed imp.|p.p. of Depose + decimal n. A number expressed in the scale of tens; specifically, and almost exclusively, used as synonymous with a decimal fraction. + damage n. The estimated reparation in money for detriment or injury sustained; a compensation, recompense, or satisfaction to one party, for a wrong or injury actually done to him by another. + disk n. A part of the receptacle enlarged or expanded under, or around, or even on top of, the pistil. + deodorant n. A deodorizer. + dempne v.t. To damn; to condemn. + deep superl. Muddy; boggy; sandy; -- said of roads. + disapproval n. Disapprobation; dislike; censure; adverse judgment. + deligation n. A binding up; a bandaging. + doxologized imp.|p.p. of Doxologize + decurt v.t. To cut short; to curtail. + diversion n. The act of turning aside from any course, occupation, or object; as, the diversion of a stream from its channel; diversion of the mind from business. + deplume v.t. To strip or pluck off the feather of; to deprive of of plumage. + drake n. Wild oats, brome grass, or darnel grass; -- called also drawk, dravick, and drank. + deafen v.t. To make deaf; to deprive of the power of hearing; to render incapable of perceiving sounds distinctly. + dean n. The chief or senior of a company on occasion of ceremony; as, the dean of the diplomatic corps; -- so called by courtesy. + diduction n. The act of drawing apart; separation. + decline v.i. A gradual sinking and wasting away of the physical faculties; any wasting disease, esp. pulmonary consumption; as, to die of a decline. + diathetic a. Pertaining to, or dependent on, a diathesis or special constitution of the body; as, diathetic disease. + diplomate v.t. To invest with a title o/ privilege by diploma. + druid n. A member of a social and benevolent order, founded in London in 1781, and professedly based on the traditions of the ancient Druids. Lodges or groves of the society are established in other countries. + departmental a. Pertaining to a department or division. + dehortatory a. Fitted or designed to dehort or dissuade. + discomposition n. Inconsistency; discordance. + descant v.i. The upper voice in part music. + dualism n. The theory that each cerebral hemisphere acts independently of the other. + diffract v.t. To break or separate into parts; to deflect, or decompose by deflection, a/ rays of light. + dactylet n. A dactyl. + dies non A day on which courts are not held, as Sunday or any legal holiday. + diptera n.pl. An extensive order of insects having only two functional wings and two balancers, as the house fly, mosquito, etc. They have a suctorial proboscis, often including two pairs of sharp organs (mandibles and maxillae) with which they pierce the skin of animals. They undergo a complete metamorphosis, their larvae (called maggots) being usually without feet. + drift n. The angle which the line of a ship's motion makes with the meridian, in drifting. + die v.i. To become vapid, flat, or spiritless, as liquor. + doliolum n. A genus of freeswimming oceanic tunicates, allied to Salpa, and having alternate generations. + defalcation n. A lopping off; a diminution; abatement; deficit. Specifically: Reduction of a claim by deducting a counterclaim; set- off. + dame n. A mistress of a family, who is a lady; a woman in authority; especially, a lady. + daff v.i. To act foolishly; to be foolish or sportive; to toy. + deception n. That which deceives or is intended to deceive; false representation; artifice; cheat; fraud. + disci pl. of Discus + domain n. The territory over which dominion or authority is exerted; the possessions of a sovereign or commonwealth, or the like. Also used figuratively. + dorsel n. A pannier. + displanting p.pr.|vb.n. of Displant + definite a. Determined; resolved. + deplorement n. Deploration. + dolly n. A compact, narrow-gauge locomotive used for moving construction trains, switching, etc. + dispose n. Disposal; ordering; management; power or right of control. + diarrhea n. Alt. of Diarrhoea + dislodge n. Dwelling apart; separation. + dispeopler n. One who, or that which, dispeoples; a depopulator. + dead a. Flat; without gloss; -- said of painting which has been applied purposely to have this effect. + distichously adv. In a distichous manner. + damask a. Having the color of the damask rose. + disuse n. Cessation of use, practice, or exercise; inusitation; desuetude; as, the limbs lose their strength by disuse. + dotterel a. Decayed. + downsteepy a. Very steep. + decollation n. A painting representing the beheading of a saint or martyr, esp. of St. John the Baptist. + dexterical a. Dexterous. + dhoorra n. Alt. of Dhurra + dormitories pl. of Dormitory + damnation n. A sin deserving of everlasting punishment. + division n. The separation of a genus into its constituent species. + decrustation n. The removal of a crust. + desirous n. Feeling desire; eagerly wishing; solicitous; eager to obtain; covetous. + daroo n. The Egyptian sycamore (Ficus Sycamorus). See Sycamore. + displosion n. Explosion. + digestible a. Capable of being digested. + dusty superl. Like dust; of the color of dust; as a dusty white. + disclaimer n. One who disclaims, disowns, or renounces. + discrimination n. The state of being discriminated, distinguished, or set apart. + demulsion n. The act of soothing; that which soothes. + disflesh v.t. To reduce the flesh or obesity of. + decard v.t. To discard. + disintegrated imp.|p.p. of Disintegrate + damp n. Moisture; humidity; fog; fogginess; vapor. + despise v.t. To look down upon with disfavor or contempt; to contemn; to scorn; to disdain; to have a low opinion or contemptuous dislike of. + dentilingual a. Produced by applying the tongue to the teeth or to the gums; or representing a sound so formed. + debark v.t.|i. To go ashore from a ship or boat; to disembark; to put ashore. + despond n. Despondency. + draughts n.pl. A game, now more commonly called checkers. See Checkers. + dietetist n. A physician who applies the rules of dietetics to the cure of diseases. + dura n. Short form for Dura mater. + driving p.pr.|vb.n. of Drive + divulgation n. The act of divulging or publishing. + dilucid a. Clear; lucid. + despoiler n. One who despoils. + dampen v.t. To depress; to check; to make dull; to lessen. + dipropargyl n. A pungent, mobile, volatile liquid, C6H6, produced artificially from certain allyl derivatives. Though isomeric with benzine, it is very different in its chemical relations. Called also dipropinyl. + duration n. The state or quality of lasting; continuance in time; the portion of time during which anything exists. + davenport n. A kind of small writing table, generally somewhat ornamental, and forming a piece of furniture for the parlor or boudoir. + disemployment n. The state of being disemployed, or deprived of employment. + dampness n. Moderate humidity; moisture; fogginess; moistness. + dere v.t. To hurt; to harm; to injure. + disreputability n. The state of being disreputable. + dampy a. Dejected; gloomy; sorrowful. + dissyllable n. A word of two syllables; as, pa-per. + degradation n. The act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing; a lowering from one's standing or rank in office or society; diminution; as, the degradation of a peer, a knight, a general, or a bishop. + drawback n. A loss of advantage, or deduction from profit, value, success, etc.; a discouragement or hindrance; objectionable feature. + diplomatical a. Pertaining to diplomatics; paleographic. + disrespecter n. One who disrespects. + daglock n. A dirty or clotted lock of wool on a sheep; a taglock. + droplet n. A little drop; a tear. + dogbolt n. The bolt of the cap-square over the trunnion of a cannon. + dern a. Solitary; sad. + doling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dole + dormitive n. A medicine to promote sleep; a soporific; an opiate. + dejection n. A low condition; weakness; inability. + disbind v.t. To unbind; to loosen. + docile a. Disposed to be taught; tractable; easily managed; as, a docile child. + ances pl. of Discrepancy + dipolar a. Having two poles, as a magnetic bar. + distyle a. Having two columns in front; -- said of a temple, portico, or the like. + disagreeable a. Exciting repugnance; offensive to the feelings or senses; displeasing; unpleasant. + devote v.t. To execrate; to curse. + dyspeptical a. Pertaining to dyspepsia; having dyspepsia; as, a dyspeptic or dyspeptical symptom. + due a. Such as (a thing) ought to be; fulfilling obligation; proper; lawful; regular; appointed; sufficient; exact; as, due process of law; due service; in due time. + diatom n. A particle or atom endowed with the vital principle. + discomforting p.pr.|vb.n. of Discomfort + dition n. Dominion; rule. + detriment v.t. To do injury to; to hurt. + determination n. The act of defining a concept or notion by giving its essential constituents. + disseveration n. The act of disserving; disseverance. + dyke n. See Dike. The spelling dyke is restricted by some to the geological meaning. + dispope v.t. To refuse to consider as pope; to depose from the popedom. + deuteropathy n. A sympathetic affection of any part of the body, as headache from an overloaded stomach. + discomforted imp.|p.p. of Discomfort + dittany n. The Dictamnus Fraxinella. See Dictamnus. + distaste n. Discomfort; uneasiness. + doxology n. In Christian worship: A hymn expressing praise and honor to God; a form of praise to God designed to be sung or chanted by the choir or the congregation. + dugout n. A house made partly in a hillside or slighter elevation. + disclosed imp.|p.p. of Disclose + deuterozooid n. One of the secondary, and usually sexual, zooids produced by budding or fission from the primary zooids, in animals having alternate generations. In the tapeworms, the joints are deuterozooids. + deiformity n. Likeness to deity. + dovetail v.t. To join by means of dovetails. + denominator n. That number placed below the line in vulgar fractions which shows into how many parts the integer or unit is divided. + defeat v. An overthrow, as of an army in battle; loss of a battle; repulse suffered; discomfiture; -- opposed to victory. + dowser n. One who uses the dowser or divining rod. + discoidal a. Disk-shaped; discoid. + domesticate a. To tame or reclaim from a wild state; as, to domesticate wild animals; to domesticate a plant. + dispatch v.t. The finishing up of a business; speedy performance, as of business; prompt execution; diligence; haste. + debtless a. Free from debt. + disease n. An alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness; malady; affection; illness; sickness; disorder; -- applied figuratively to the mind, to the moral character and habits, to institutions, the state, etc. + dally v.i. To waste time in effeminate or voluptuous pleasures, or in idleness; to fool away time; to delay unnecessarily; to tarry; to trifle. + decarburization n. The act, process, or result of decarburizing. + deltohedron n. A solid bounded by twelve quadrilateral faces. It is a hemihedral form of the isometric system, allied to the tetrahedron. + dribber n. One who dribs; one who shoots weakly or badly. + dandyise v.t.|i. To make, or to act, like a dandy; to dandify. + douter n. An extinguisher for candles. + dizz v.t. To make dizzy; to astonish; to puzzle. + dish v.t. To put in a dish, ready for the table. + dammara n. An oleoresin used in making varnishes; dammar gum; dammara resin. It is obtained from certain resin trees indigenous to the East Indies, esp. Shorea robusta and the dammar pine. + distortion n. The act of distorting, or twisting out of natural or regular shape; a twisting or writhing motion; as, the distortions of the face or body. + derogating p.pr.|vb.n. of Derogate + desport v.t.|i. See Disport. + demagogical a. Relating to, or like, a demagogue; factious. + drawer n. A sliding box or receptacle in a case, which is opened by pulling or drawing out, and closed by pushing in. + distinct a. Not identical; different; individual. + deep n. That which is deep, especially deep water, as the sea or ocean; an abyss; a great depth. + damoiselle n. See Damsel. + drawbore v.t. To make a drawbore in; as, to drawbore a tenon. + dangerful a. Full of danger; dangerous. + discomfit v.t. To scatter in fight; to put to rout; to defeat. + deteriority n. Worse state or quality; inferiority. + deceive v.t. To deprive by fraud or stealth; to defraud. + discontenting a. Discontented. + delineate a. Delineated; portrayed. + discernance n. Discernment. + debaucher n. One who debauches or corrupts others; especially, a seducer to lewdness. + degree n. State as indicated by sum of exponents; more particularly, the degree of a term is indicated by the sum of the exponents of its literal factors; thus, a2b3c is a term of the sixth degree. The degree of a power, or radical, is denoted by its index, that of an equation by the greatest sum of the exponents of the unknown quantities in any term; thus, ax4 + bx2 = c, and mx2y2 + nyx = p, are both equations of the fourth degree. + disendow v.t. To deprive of an endowment, as a church. + demure a. Of sober or serious mien; composed and decorous in bearing; of modest look; staid; grave. + dissolute a. With nerves unstrung; weak. + denominating p.pr.|vb.n. of Denominate + dioecism n. The condition of being dioecious. + dihexagonal a. Consisting of two hexagonal parts united; thus, a dihexagonal pyramid is composed of two hexagonal pyramids placed base to base. + denigrate v.t. To blacken thoroughly; to make very black. + dehumanize v.t. To divest of human qualities, such as pity, tenderness, etc.; as, dehumanizing influences. + determinable v.t. Capable of being determined, definitely ascertained, decided upon, or brought to a conclusion. + denture n. An artificial tooth, block, or set of teeth. + distress n. A state of danger or necessity; as, a ship in distress, from leaking, loss of spars, want of provisions or water, etc. + doggedness n. Sullenness; moroseness. + dogtie n. A cramp. + dupable a. Capable of being duped. + dinotherium n. A large extinct proboscidean mammal from the miocene beds of Europe and Asia. It is remarkable fora pair of tusks directed downward from the decurved apex of the lower jaw. + deck v.t. To dress, as the person; to clothe; especially, to clothe with more than ordinary elegance; to array; to adorn; to embellish. + debutant Alt. of Debutante + deaf v.t. To deafen. + dismay v.i. To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay. + doted a. Stupid; foolish. + debate v.t. To engage in combat for; to strive for. + dredged imp.|p.p. of Dredge + dresser n. A kind of pick for shaping large coal. + deutoplastic a. Pertaining to, or composed of, deutoplasm. + disgracive a. Disgracing. + destitute v.t. To leave destitute; to forsake; to abandon. + duplication n. The act or process of dividing by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, the duplication of cartilage cells. + dout v.t. To put out. + drow imp. of Draw. + distinguishment n. Observation of difference; distinction. + discodactyl n. One of the tree frogs. + dobbin n. An old jaded horse. + donation n. That which is given as a present; that which is transferred to another gratuitously; a gift. + dome n. A building; a house; an edifice; -- used chiefly in poetry. + defluous a. Flowing down; falling off. + dissidently adv. In a dissident manner. + deduction n. Act or process of deducing or inferring. + decaying p.pr.|vb.n. of Decay + drover n. A boat driven by the tide. + deacon v.t. To read aloud each line of (a psalm or hymn) before singing it, -- usually with off. + dandle v.t. To treat with fondness, as if a child; to fondle; to toy with; to pet. + deuce n. Two; a card or a die with two spots; as, the deuce of hearts. + dangleberry n. A dark blue, edible berry with a white bloom, and its shrub (Gaylussacia frondosa) closely allied to the common huckleberry. The bush is also called blue tangle, and is found from New England to Kentucky, and southward. + drum n. A noisy, tumultuous assembly of fashionable people at a private house; a rout. + denigration n. Fig.: A blackening; defamation. + desiderable a. Desirable. + drupaceous a. Producing, or pertaining to, drupes; having the form of drupes; as, drupaceous trees or fruits. + discase v.t. To strip; to undress. + diereses pl. of Dieresis + diagnoses pl. of Diagnosis + demency n. Dementia; loss of mental powers. See Insanity. + dialyze v.t. To separate, prepare, or obtain, by dialysis or osmose; to pass through an animal membrane; to subject to dialysis. + desultorily adv. In a desultory manner; without method; loosely; immethodically. + decoying p.pr.|vb.n. of Decoy + drongo n. A passerine bird of the family Dicruridae. They are usually black with a deeply forked tail. They are natives of Asia, Africa, and Australia; -- called also drongo shrikes. + drogue n. See Drag, n., 6, and Drag sail, under Drag, n. + diagnosis n. Scientific determination of any kind; the concise description of characterization of a species. + dilute a. Diluted; thin; weak. + decubitus n. An attitude assumed in lying down; as, the dorsal decubitus. + ditokous a. Having two kinds of young, as certain annelids. + devoted imp.|p.p. of Devote + duck v.i. To drop the head or person suddenly; to bow. + dancy a. Same as Dancette. + dray n. A kind of sledge or sled. + disvalue v.t. To undervalue; to depreciate. + despiciency n. A looking down; despection. + decimally adv. By tens; by means of decimals. + dipper n. A small grebe; the dabchick. + disenchantment n. The act of disenchanting, or state of being disenchanted. + draughting p.pr.|vb.n. of Draught + detersively adv. In a way to cleanse. + dint v.t. To make a mark or cavity on or in, by a blow or by pressure; to dent. + dag n. A dagger; a poniard. + delph n. Delftware. + ducker n. One who, or that which, ducks; a plunger; a diver. + deceitfulness n. The disposition to deceive; as, a man's deceitfulness may be habitual. + drain v.t. To filter. + desking p.pr.|vb.n. of Desk + dogmaticalness n. The quality of being dogmatical; positiveness. + degree n. A step, stair, or staircase. + dictatorial a. Characteristic of a dictator; imperious; dogmatical; overbearing; as, a dictatorial tone or manner. + directly adv. Straightway; next in order; without delay; immediately. + dim v.i. To grow dim. + disobedient a. Not yielding. + describing p.pr.|vb.n. of Describe + ding v.t. To dash; to throw violently. + drop n. A machine for lowering heavy weights, as packages, coal wagons, etc., to a ship's deck. + dissident n. One who disagrees or dissents; one who separates from the established religion. + denunciative a. Same as Denunciatory. + driver n. An overseer of a gang of slaves or gang of convicts at their work. + disappeared imp.|p.p. of Disappear + drum major The marching leader of a military band. + dartrous a. Relating to, or partaking of the nature of, the disease called tetter; herpetic. + dogshore n. One of several shores used to hold a ship firmly and prevent her moving while the blocks are knocked away before launching. + demain n. See Demesne. + death v.i. The cessation of all vital phenomena without capability of resuscitation, either in animals or plants. + dropwise adv. After the manner of a drop; in the form of drops. + disinherited imp.|p.p. of Disinherit + dishable v.t. To disparage. + duplicate n. That which exactly resembles or corresponds to something else; another, correspondent to the first; hence, a copy; a transcript; a counterpart. + disdeify v.t. To divest or deprive of deity or of a deific rank or condition. + dysnomy n. Bad legislation; the enactment of bad laws. + distraction n. That which diverts attention; a diversion. + dapperling n. A dwarf; a dandiprat. + decillion n. According to the English notation, a million involved to the tenth power, or a unit with sixty ciphers annexed; according to the French and American notation, a thousand involved to the eleventh power, or a unit with thirty-three ciphers annexed. [See the Note under Numeration.] + dispersing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disperse + dwindled imp.|p.p. of Dwindle + disabuse v.t. To set free from mistakes; to undeceive; to disengage from fallacy or deception; to set right. + deviation n. The state or result of having deviated; a transgression; an act of sin; an error; an offense. + deficit n. Deficiency in amount or quality; a falling short; lack; as, a deficit in taxes, revenue, etc. + duck n. A pet; a darling. + decoloration n. The removal or absence of color. + dainty superl. Rare; valuable; costly. + dismarch v.i. To march away. + divaricately adv. With divarication. + dabbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dab + disparted imp.|p.p. of Dispart + detail n. To relate in particulars; to particularize; to report minutely and distinctly; to enumerate; to specify; as, he detailed all the facts in due order. + design n. A preliminary sketch; an outline or pattern of the main features of something to be executed, as of a picture, a building, or a decoration; a delineation; a plan. + detention n. Confinement; restraint; custody. + dimetric a. Same as Tetragonal. + devisable a. Capable of being bequeathed, or given by will. + duplicate n. An original instrument repeated; a document which is the same as another in all essential particulars, and differing from a mere copy in having all the validity of an original. + dulceness n. Sweetness. + division n. Difference of condition; state of distinction; distinction; contrast. + diversifiability n. The quality or capacity of being diversifiable. + dacoity n. The practice of gang robbery in India; robbery committed by dacoits. + dish v.t. To make concave, or depress in the middle, like a dish; as, to dish a wheel by inclining the spokes. + decoy n. A fowl, or the likeness of one, used by sportsmen to entice other fowl into a net or within shot. + dragbar n. Same as Drawbar (b). Called also draglink, and drawlink. + do n. A syllable attached to the first tone of the major diatonic scale for the purpose of solmization, or solfeggio. It is the first of the seven syllables used by the Italians as manes of musical tones, and replaced, for the sake of euphony, the syllable Ut, applied to the note C. In England and America the same syllables are used by mane as a scale pattern, while the tones in respect to absolute pitch are named from the first seven letters of the alphabet. + doubly adv. Deceitfully. + defunct a. Having finished the course of life; dead; deceased. + defeat v.t. To undo; to disfigure; to destroy. + dishonest a. Wanting in honesty; void of integrity; faithless; disposed to cheat or defraud; not trustworthy; as, a dishonest man. + drudger n. A dredging box. + digital a. Of or performance to the fingers, or to digits; done with the fingers; as, digital compression; digital examination. + drollist n. A droll. + diurnal a. Daily; recurring every day; performed in a day; going through its changes in a day; constituting the measure of a day; as, a diurnal fever; a diurnal task; diurnal aberration, or diurnal parallax; the diurnal revolution of the earth. + dartos n. A thin layer of peculiar contractile tissue directly beneath the skin of the scrotum. + diallage n. A figure by which arguments are placed in various points of view, and then turned to one point. + defamingly adv. In a defamatory manner. + darwinian n. An advocate of Darwinism. + drudger n. One who drudges; a drudge. + disleal a. Disloyal; perfidious. + deccagynous a. Belonging to the Decagynia; having ten styles. + disquiet n. Want of quiet; want of tranquility in body or mind; uneasiness; restlessness; disturbance; anxiety. + dare v.t. To terrify; to daunt. + disappointment n. The act of disappointing, or the state of being disappointed; defeat or failure of expectation or hope; miscarriage of design or plan; frustration. + debauch n. To lead away from purity or excellence; to corrupt in character or principles; to mar; to vitiate; to pollute; to seduce; as, to debauch one's self by intemperance; to debauch a woman; to debauch an army. + domiciliated imp.|p.p. of Domiciliate + decompose v.t. To separate the constituent parts of; to resolve into original elements; to set free from previously existing forms of chemical combination; to bring to dissolution; to rot or decay. + disk n. The circular figure of a celestial body, as seen projected of the heavens. + diversity n. Variegation. + descent n. Inclination downward; a descending way; inclined or sloping surface; declivity; slope; as, a steep descent. + dilatability n. The quality of being dilatable, or admitting expansion; -- opposed to contractibility. + dissidence a. Disagreement; dissent; separation from the established religion. + damsel n. A young person, either male or female, of noble or gentle extraction; as, Damsel Pepin; Damsel Richard, Prince of Wales. + dissuader n. One who dissuades; a dehorter. + dimidiation n. The act of dimidiating or halving; the state of being dimidiate. + diluvial a. Effected or produced by a flood or deluge of water; -- said of coarse and imperfectly stratified deposits along ancient or existing water courses. Similar unstratified deposits were formed by the agency of ice. The time of deposition has been called the Diluvian epoch. + detestably adv. In a detestable manner. + decompoundable a. Capable of being decompounded. + denticulated a. Furnished with denticles; notched into little toothlike projections; as, a denticulate leaf of calyx. + dandify v.t. To cause to resemble a dandy; to make dandyish. + disacryl n. A white amorphous substance obtained as a polymeric modification of acrolein. + disoccident v.t. To turn away from the west; to throw out of reckoning as to longitude. + dahlias pl. of Dahlia + deserting p.pr.|vb.n. of Desert + doffer n. A revolving cylinder, or a vibrating bar with teeth, in a carding machine, which doffs, or strips off, the cotton from the cards. + depression n. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in little protuberances and depressions. + dissolution n. The new product formed by dissolving a body; a solution. + disestimation n. Disesteem. + divinify v.t. To render divine; to deify. + democracy n. The principles and policy of the Democratic party, so called. + dereliction n. A retiring of the sea, occasioning a change of high-water mark, whereby land is gained. + dormant a. Sleeping; as, a dormant animal; hence, not in action or exercise; quiescent; at rest; in abeyance; not disclosed, asserted, or insisted on; as, dormant passions; dormant claims or titles. + doing n. Anything done; a deed; an action good or bad; hence, in the plural, conduct; behavior. See Do. + dispraisable a. Blamable. + division n. Separation of the members of a deliberative body, esp. of the Houses of Parliament, to ascertain the vote. + dildo n. A burden in popular songs. + dagoba n. A dome-shaped structure built over relics of Buddha or some Buddhist saint. + door n. The frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges, by which an entrance way into a house or apartment is closed and opened. + displacement n. The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body. + disrespectful a. Wanting in respect; manifesting disesteem or lack of respect; uncivil; as, disrespectful behavior. + deedy a. Industrious; active. + discontinuable a. Admitting of being discontinued. + dichotomize v.i. To separate into two parts; to branch dichotomously; to become dichotomous. + dainty n. Value; estimation; the gratification or pleasure taken in anything. + deserving a. Meritorious; worthy; as, a deserving person or act. + dimension n. The manifoldness with which the fundamental units of time, length, and mass are involved in determining the units of other physical quantities. + dignotion n. Distinguishing mark; diagnostic. + destined imp.|p.p. of Destine + die n. A metal or plate (often one of a pair) so cut or shaped as to give a certain desired form to, or impress any desired device on, an object or surface, by pressure or by a blow; used in forging metals, coining, striking up sheet metal, etc. + drape v.t. To cover or adorn with drapery or folds of cloth, or as with drapery; as, to drape a bust, a building, etc. + dairy n. That department of farming which is concerned in the production of milk, and its conversion into butter and cheese. + dish n. The food served in a dish; hence, any particular kind of food; as, a cold dish; a warm dish; a delicious dish. "A dish fit for the gods." + daturine n. Atropine; -- called also daturia and daturina. + dissected a. Cut into several parts; divided into sections; as, a dissected map. + disengaging a. Loosing; setting free; detaching. + daubing n. A rough coat of mortar put upon a wall to give it the appearance of stone; rough-cast. + disenshrouded a. Freed from a shroudlike covering; unveiled. + daltonian n. One afflicted with color blindness. + dignifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dignify + displeasure n. State of disgrace or disfavor; disfavor. + downcome n. A pipe for leading combustible gases downward from the top of the blast furnace to the hot-blast stoves, boilers, etc., where they are burned. + divertimento n. A light and pleasing composition. + down prep. A tract of poor, sandy, undulating or hilly land near the sea, covered with fine turf which serves chiefly for the grazing of sheep; -- usually in the plural. + diiamb n. A diiambus. + discage v.t. To uncage. + divaricate v.t. To divide into two branches; to cause to branch apart. + dispense v.t. To exempt; to excuse; to absolve; -- with from. + deliriant n. A poison which occasions a persistent delirium, or mental aberration (as belladonna). + deambulation n. A walking abroad; a promenading. + durity n. Harshness; cruelty. + deflexure n. A bending or turning aside; deflection. + delineable a. Capable of being, or liable to be, delineated. + discerpible a. Alt. of Discerptible + den n. A small cavern or hollow place in the side of a hill, or among rocks; esp., a cave used by a wild beast for shelter or concealment; as, a lion's den; a den of robbers. + dwindling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dwindle + dissolve v.i. To waste away; to be dissipated; to be decomposed or broken up. + devout v.t. Devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties; absorbed in religious exercises; given to devotion; pious; reverent; religious. + dead a. Bringing death; deadly. + disple v.t. To discipline; to correct. + diagraphics n. The art or science of descriptive drawing; especially, the art or science of drawing by mechanical appliances and mathematical rule. + dimple v.i. To form dimples; to sink into depressions or little inequalities. + digest v.t. To quiet or abate, as anger or grief. + diplococci pl. of Diplococcus + deturpation n. A making foul. + dusk v.t. To make dusk. + diverticulum n. A blind tube branching out of a longer one. + diminisher n. One who, or that which, diminishes anything. + divided a. Cut into distinct parts, by incisions which reach the midrib; -- said of a leaf. + deprehend v.t. To take unwares or by surprise; to seize, as a person commiting an unlawful act; to catch; to apprehend. + drumble v.i. To be sluggish or lazy; to be confused. + distemper v.t. A painting done with this preparation. + device n. A spectacle or show. + diplomat n. Alt. of Diplomate + dermoptera n.pl. The division of insects which includes the earwigs (Forticulidae). + devised imp.|p.p. of Devise + dumfound v.t. To strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment. + disemploy v.t. To throw out of employment. + defiled imp.|p.p. of Defile + ductile a. Easily led; tractable; complying; yielding to motives, persuasion, or instruction; as, a ductile people. + dorrhawk n. See Dorhawk. + disturn v.t. To turn aside. + disulphuret n. See Disulphide. + difficultly adv. With difficulty. + dechristianizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dechristianize + degeneracy a. The state of having become degenerate; decline in good qualities; deterioration; meanness. + deflagrate v.i. To burn with a sudden and sparkling combustion, as niter; also, to snap and crackle with slight explosions when heated, as salt. + dimness n. The state or quality / being dim; lack of brightness, clearness, or distinctness; dullness; obscurity. + dasher n. That which dashes or agitates; as, the dasher of a churn. + dredge v.t. To sift or sprinkle flour, etc., on, as on roasting meat. + drawgear n. The means or parts by which cars are connected to be drawn. + desiccated imp.|p.p. of Desiccate + decuple a. Tenfold. + diaphonical a. Diacoustic. + draffish a. Worthless; draffy. + droppinly adv. In drops. + downgyved a. Hanging down like gyves or fetters. + deluge n. Fig.: Anything which overwhelms, or causes great destruction. + draymen pl. of Drayman + deepened imp.|p.p. of Deepen + desperation n. A state of despair, or utter hopeless; abandonment of hope; extreme recklessness; reckless fury. + declarant n. One who declares. + diapente n. The interval of the fifth. + disturbance n. An interruption of a state of peace or quiet; derangement of the regular course of things; disquiet; disorder; as, a disturbance of religious exercises; a disturbance of the galvanic current. + dummy n. A sham package in a shop, or one which does not contain what its exterior indicates. + development n. The equivalent expression into which another has been developed. + dim v.t. To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct; to take away the luster of; to darken; to dull; to obscure; to eclipse. + dispersion n. The act or process of scattering or dispersing, or the state of being scattered or separated; as, the Jews in their dispersion retained their rites and ceremonies; a great dispersion of the human family took place at the building of Babel. + demit v.t. To let fall; to depress. + dabb n. A large, spine-tailed lizard (Uromastix spinipes), found in Egypt, Arabia, and Palestine; -- called also dhobb, and dhabb. + discrown v.t. To deprive of a crown. + deduce v.t. To derive or draw; to derive by logical process; to obtain or arrive at as the result of reasoning; to gather, as a truth or opinion, from what precedes or from premises; to infer; -- with from or out of. + depth n. Profoundness; extent or degree of intensity; abundance; completeness; as, depth of knowledge, or color. + dispute v.i. To contend in argument; to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another; to discuss; to reason; to debate; to altercate; to wrangle. + diradiation n. The emission and diffusion of rays of light. + doubt v.t. To fill with fear; to affright. + distaste v.i. To be distasteful; to taste ill or disagreeable. + depravity n. The state of being depraved or corrupted; a vitiated state of moral character; general badness of character; wickedness of mind or heart; absence of religious feeling and principle. + dispatch v.t. A message dispatched or sent with speed; especially, an important official letter sent from one public officer to another; -- often used in the plural; as, a messenger has arrived with dispatches for the American minister; naval or military dispatches. + demanding p.pr.|vb.n. of Demand + deceptory a. Deceptive. + disembodying p.pr.|vb.n. of Disembody + defile v.t. To injure in purity of character; to corrupt. + defendant a. Serving, or suitable, for defense; defensive. + dissemble v.i. To conceal the real fact, motives, /tention, or sentiments, under some pretense; to assume a false appearance; to act the hypocrite. + distributiveness n. Quality of being distributive. + deontological a. Pertaining to deontology. + disguise n. Artificial language or manner assumed for deception; false appearance; counterfeit semblance or show. + disheartenment n. Discouragement; dejection; depression of spirits. + dillydally v.i. To loiter or trifle; to waste time. + dispersion n. The separation of light into its different colored rays, arising from their different refrangibilities. + directed imp.|p.p. of Direct + distill v.t. To subject to distillation; as, to distill molasses in making rum; to distill barley, rye, corn, etc. + dom A suffix denoting + demean v.t. Behavior; conduct; bearing; demeanor. + dentately adv. In a dentate or toothed manner; as, dentately ciliated, etc. + demonian a. Relating to, or having the nature of, a demon. + debaser n. One who, or that which, debases. + diesinker n. An engraver of dies for stamping coins, medals, etc. + deniable a. Capable of being, or liable to be, denied. + dreynt p. p., of Drench to drown. + dynactinometer n. An instrument for measuring the intensity of the photogenic (light-producing) rays, and computing the power of object glasses. + deys pl. of Dey + daydreamer n. One given to daydreams. + discolith n. One of a species of coccoliths, having an oval discoidal body, with a thick strongly refracting rim, and a thinner central portion. One of them measures about / of an inch in its longest diameter. + dittander n. A kind of peppergrass (Lepidium latifolium). + demur v.i. To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings or judgment in view of a doubt or difficulty; to hesitate; to put off the determination or conclusion of an affair. + data n.pl. See Datum. + daylight n. The light of day as opposed to the darkness of night; the light of the sun, as opposed to that of the moon or to artificial light. + dowdyish a. Like a dowdy. + disesteemer n. One who disesteems. + diatessaron n. A continuous narrative arranged from the first four books of the New Testament. + dialing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dial + developer n. One who, or that which, develops. + diversification n. The act of making various, or of changing form or quality. + detriment n. A charge made to students and barristers for incidental repairs of the rooms they occupy. + defy v.t. To provoke to combat or strife; to call out to combat; to challenge; to dare; to brave; to set at defiance; to treat with contempt; as, to defy an enemy; to defy the power of a magistrate; to defy the arguments of an opponent; to defy public opinion. + drift n. A passage driven or cut between shaft and shaft; a driftway; a small subterranean gallery; an adit or tunnel. + didacticity n. Aptitude for teaching. + disk n. In owls, the space around the eyes. + doggerman n. A sailor belonging to a dogger. + derangement n. The act of deranging or putting out of order, or the state of being deranged; disarrangement; disorder; confusion; especially, mental disorder; insanity. + druse n. A cavity in a rock, having its interior surface studded with crystals and sometimes filled with water; a geode. + drastic n. A violent purgative. See Cathartic. + divulge v.t. To indicate publicly; to proclaim. + downlying n. The time of retiring to rest; time of repose. + density n. The quality of being dense, close, or thick; compactness; -- opposed to rarity. + dialector n. One skilled in dialectics. + decametre n. A measure of length in the metric system; ten meters, equal to about 393.7 inches. + decagynian a. Alt. of Deccagynous + disarrange v.t. To unsettle or disturb the order or due arrangement of; to throw out of order. + disquieter n. One who, or that which, disquiets, or makes uneasy; a disturber. + denial n. A refusal to acknowledge; disclaimer of connection with; disavowal; -- the contrary of confession; as, the denial of a fault charged on one; a denial of God. + dactyliology n. That branch of archaeology which has to do with finger rings. + ditch v.t. To throw into a ditch; as, the engine was ditched and turned on its side. + dawdling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dawdle + dalesmen pl. of Dalesman + documental a. Of or pertaining to written evidence; documentary; as, documental testimony. + drawing n. The process of pulling out and elongating the sliver from the carding machine, by revolving rollers, to prepare it for spinning. + draw v.t. To extend in length; to lengthen; to protract; to stretch; to extend, as a mass of metal into wire. + doled imp.|p.p. of Dole + drape v.t. To rail at; to banter. + delve v.t. To dig; to open (the ground) as with a spade. + departure n. The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another. + dump n. That which is dumped. + deaconry n. See Deaconship. + difficult a. Hard to do or to make; beset with difficulty; attended with labor, trouble, or pains; not easy; arduous. + donor n. One who grants an estate; in later use, one who confers a power; -- the opposite of donee. + drill n. An instrument with an edged or pointed end used for making holes in hard substances; strictly, a tool that cuts with its end, by revolving, as in drilling metals, or by a succession of blows, as in drilling stone; also, a drill press. + durant n. See Durance, 3. + deliquesced imp.|p.p. of Deliquesce + detractious a. Containing detraction; detractory. + drooled imp.|p.p. of Drool + doit n. A thing of small value; as, I care not a doit. + duplicate v.t. To make a duplicate of (something); to make a copy or transcript of. + disinterest n. Indifference to profit; want of regard to private advantage; disinterestedness. + deme n. A territorial subdivision of Attica (also of modern Greece), corresponding to a township. + decapitated imp.|p.p. of Decapitate + disageeing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disagree + delectate v.t. To delight; to charm. + dupe n. To deceive; to trick; to mislead by imposing on one's credulity; to gull; as, dupe one by flattery. + durance n. In modern manufacture, a worsted of one color used for window blinds and similar purposes. + diner n. One who dines. + dree a. Wearisome; tedious. + drier n. Drying oil; a substance mingled with the oil used in oil painting to make it dry quickly. + disrudder v.t. To deprive of the rudder, as a ship. + declaration n. That which is declared or proclaimed; announcement; distinct statement; formal expression; avowal. + diapnoic a. Slightly increasing an insensible perspiration; mildly diaphoretic. + doorplane n. A plane on a door, giving the name, and sometimes the employment, of the occupant. + dight v.t. To have sexual intercourse with. + delate v. To carry on; to conduct. + doomster n. Same as Dempster. + damage n. To ocassion damage to the soudness, goodness, or value of; to hurt; to injure; to impair. + dogmatized imp.|p.p. of Dogmatize + drain n. That means of which anything is drained; a channel; a trench; a water course; a sewer; a sink. + deliver v.t. To free from, or disburden of, young; to relieve of a child in childbirth; to bring forth; -- often with of. + destitute v.t. To make destitute; to cause to be in want; to deprive; -- followed by of. + dysteleology n. The doctrine of purposelessness; a term applied by Haeckel to that branch of physiology which treats of rudimentary organs, in view of their being useless to the life of the organism. + dropper n. A branch vein which drops off from, or leaves, the main lode. + deliquescing p.pr.|vb.n. of Deliquesce + dishonor n. Lack of honor; disgrace; ignominy; shame; reproach. + dreadless a. Free from dread; fearless; intrepid; dauntless; as, dreadless heart. + deadeye n. A round, flattish, wooden block, encircled by a rope, or an iron band, and pierced with three holes to receive the lanyard; -- used to extend the shrouds and stays, and for other purposes. Called also deadman's eye. + dizened imp.|p.p. of Dizen + dactyl n. The claw or terminal joint of a leg of an insect or crustacean. + duff n. Dough or paste. + dramatically adv. In a dramatic manner; theatrically; vividly. + demean n. Resources; means. + discussive a. Able or tending to discuss or disperse tumors or coagulated matter. + dressing n. Dress; raiment; especially, ornamental habiliment or attire. + desquamative a. Alt. of Desquamatory + displease v.t. To make not pleased; to excite a feeling of disapprobation or dislike in; to be disagreeable to; to offend; to vex; -- often followed by with or at. It usually expresses less than to anger, vex, irritate, or provoke. + doggerel a. Low in style, and irregular in measure; as, doggerel rhymes. + derworth a. Precious. + doubletonguing n. A peculiar action of the tongue by flute players in articulating staccato notes; also, the rapid repetition of notes in cornet playing. + dies juridici pl. of Dies juridicus + decline v.i. To turn or bend aside; to deviate; to stray; to withdraw; as, a line that declines from straightness; conduct that declines from sound morals. + denounce v.t. To point out as deserving of reprehension or punishment, etc.; to accuse in a threatening manner; to invoke censure upon; to stigmatize. + draw v.i. To pull; to exert strength in drawing anything; to have force to move anything by pulling; as, a horse draws well; the sails of a ship draw well. + defensive a. In a state or posture of defense. + diprismatic a. Doubly prismatic. + drabbler n. A piece of canvas fastened by lacing to the bonnet of a sail, to give it a greater depth, or more drop. + duumvirs pl. of Duumvir + daub v.t. To cover with a specious or deceitful exterior; to disguise; to conceal. + dribble v.i. To fall weakly and slowly. + dogwatch n. A half watch; a watch of two hours, of which there are two, the first dogwatch from 4 to 6 o'clock, p. m., and the second dogwatch from 6 to 8 o'clock, p. m. + disreputably adv. In a disreputable manner. + devitrify v.t. To deprive of glasslike character; to take away vitreous luster and transparency from. + deterioration n. The process of growing worse, or the state of having grown worse. + despite prep. In spite of; against, or in defiance of; notwithstanding; as, despite his prejudices. + desertness n. A deserted condition. + dew n. Moisture from the atmosphere condensed by cool bodies upon their surfaces, particularly at night. + doer v.t.|i. One who does; one performs or executes; one who is wont and ready to act; an actor; an agent. + dilate v.i. To grow wide; to expand; to swell or extend in all directions. + drive n. A place suitable or agreeable for driving; a road prepared for driving. + drilled imp.|p.p. of Drill + distributive a. Tending to distribute; serving to divide and assign in portions; dealing to each his proper share. + dummy n. A thick-witted person; a dolt. + dactylioglyph n. The inscription of the engraver's name on a finger ring or gem. + discernment n. The act of discerning. + disponee n. The person to whom any property is legally conveyed. + dough n. Anything of the consistency of such paste. + disbark v.t. To disembark. + deliberate a. Not hasty or sudden; slow. + dissertationist n. A writer of dissertations. + discordful a. Full of discord; contentious. + deem v.i. To be of opinion; to think; to estimate; to opine; to suppose. + daphne n. A genus of diminutive Shrubs, mostly evergreen, and with fragrant blossoms. + dzeron n. The Chinese yellow antelope (Procapra gutturosa), a remarkably swift-footed animal, inhabiting the deserts of Central Asia, Thibet, and China. + delawares n.pl. A tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting the valley of the Delaware River, but now mostly located in the Indian Territory. + dished imp.|p.p. of Dish + deck v. A heap or store. + distraining p.pr.|vb.n. of Distrain + diffident a. Wanting confidence in one's self; distrustful of one's own powers; not self-reliant; timid; modest; bashful; characterized by modest reserve. + digitorium n. A small dumb keyboard used by pianists for exercising the fingers; -- called also dumb piano. + distrust n. State of being suspected; loss of trust. + doffing p.pr.|vb.n. of Doff + deathwatch n. A small wingless insect, of the family Psocidae, which makes a similar but fainter sound; -- called also deathtick. + dog bee A male or drone bee. + daughtren pl. of Daughter + deitate a. Deified. + devise n. The act of giving or disposing of real estate by will; -- sometimes improperly applied to a bequest of personal estate. + didynamian a. Didynamous. + dame n. The mistress of a family in common life, or the mistress of a common school; as, a dame's school. + deed v.t. Performance; -- followed by of. + deliberateness n. The quality of being deliberate; calm consideration; circumspection. + drabble v.i. To fish with a long line and rod; as, to drabble for barbels. + dunter n. A porpoise. + diapnoic n. A gentle diaphoretic. + dentel n. Same as Dentil. + doctress n. A female doctor. + decomposition n. The state of being reduced into original elements. + dehydrogenation n. The act or process of freeing from hydrogen; also, the condition resulting from the removal of hydrogen. + decennial n. A tenth year or tenth anniversary. + disfigurement n. That which disfigures; a defacement; a blot. + demonstrativeness n. The state or quality of being demonstrative. + disspirit v.t. See Dispirit. + drowth n. See Drought. + discipled imp.|p.p. of Disciple + despotical a. Having the character of, or pertaining to, a despot; absolute in power; possessing and abusing unlimited power; evincing despotism; tyrannical; arbitrary. + decachord n. Alt. of Decachordon + discruciate v.t. To torture; to excruciate. + ditone n. The Greek major third, which comprehend two major tones (the modern major third contains one major and one minor whole tone). + discounter n. One who discounts; a discount broker. + deturpate v.t. To defile; to disfigure. + dip v.t. To wet, as if by immersing; to moisten. + demiurgic a. Pertaining to a demiurge; formative; creative. + desiccant a. Drying; desiccative. + drachmas pl. of Drachma + depeinct v.t. To paint. + dock n. A case of leather to cover the clipped or cut tail of a horse. + daun n. A variant of Dan, a title of honor. + daub n. A viscous, sticky application; a spot smeared or dabed; a smear. + digitize v.t. To finger; as, to digitize a pen. + desertion n. The state of being forsaken; desolation; as, the king in his desertion. + declivitous a. Alt. of Declivous + drolling p.pr.|vb.n. of Droll + dactylic n. Dactylic meters. + drum v.i. To beat with the fingers, as with drumsticks; to beat with a rapid succession of strokes; to make a noise like that of a beaten drum; as, the ruffed grouse drums with his wings. + drum n. The tympanum of the ear; -- often, but incorrectly, applied to the tympanic membrane. + dissembler n. One who dissembles; one who conceals his opinions or dispositions under a false appearance; a hypocrite. + dissonance n. Want of agreement; incongruity. + decillionth n. The quotient of unity divided by a decillion. + discina n. A genus of Branchiopoda, having a disklike shell, attached by one valve, which is perforated by the peduncle. + dactyliomancy n. Divination by means of finger rings. + diffission n. Act of cleaving or splitting. + doffed imp.|p.p. of Doff + death v.i. Cause of loss of life. + death v.i. Personified: The destroyer of life, -- conventionally represented as a skeleton with a scythe. + draw v.t. To drain by emptying; to suck dry. + district n. The territory within which the lord has the power of coercing and punishing. + dun v.t.|i. To ask or beset, as a debtor, for payment; to urge importunately. + drain v.t. To exhaust of liquid contents by drawing them off; to make gradually dry or empty; to remove surface water, as from streets, by gutters, etc.; to deprive of moisture; hence, to exhaust; to empty of wealth, resources, or the like; as, to drain a country of its specie. + demagogy n. Demagogism. + damask n. Linen so woven that a pattern in produced by the different directions of the thread, without contrast of color. + deranging p.pr.|vb.n. of Derange + disseminative a. Tending to disseminate, or to become disseminated. + decline v.t. To inflect, or rehearse in order the changes of grammatical form of; as, to decline a noun or an adjective. + disseizee n. A person disseized, or put out of possession of an estate unlawfully; -- correlative to disseizor. + depend v.i. To serve; to attend; to act as a dependent or retainer. + dargue n. A day's work; also, a fixed amount of work, whether more or less than that of a day. + defend v.t. To prohibit; to forbid. + domineering p.pr.|vb.n. of Domineer + digest v.i. To undergo digestion; as, food digests well or ill. + dysmenorrhea n. Difficult and painful menstruation. + depasture v.t.|i. To pasture; to feed; to graze; also, to use for pasture. + despicable a. Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; as, a despicable man; despicable company; a despicable gift. + disrupt v.t. To break asunder; to rend. + dipping n. The act of lifting or moving a liquid with a dipper, ladle, or the like. + declaim v.i. To speak for rhetorical display; to speak pompously, noisily, or theatrically; to make an empty speech; to rehearse trite arguments in debate; to rant. + deciphered imp.|p.p. of Decipher + dug n. A teat, pap, or nipple; -- formerly that of a human mother, now that of a cow or other beast. + dissonant a. Sounding harshly; discordant; unharmonious. + denomination n. A class, or society of individuals, called by the same name; a sect; as, a denomination of Christians. + devourer n. One who, or that which, devours. + dozy a. Drowsy; inclined to doze; sleepy; sluggish; as, a dozy head. + delinquencies pl. of Delinquency + dentex n. An edible European marine fish (Sparus dentex, or Dentex vulgaris) of the family Percidae. + digest v.t. To appropriate for strengthening and comfort. + disbelieved imp.|p.p. of Disbelieve + debarring p.pr.|vb.n. of Debar + dermaptera n. Alt. of Dermapteran + dry superl. Of the eyes: Not shedding tears. + diminishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Diminish + dispense v.t. To pay for; to atone for. + dangerous a. Attended or beset with danger; full of risk; perilous; hazardous; unsafe. + darg n. Alt. of Dargue + dentistic a. Alt. of Dentistical + digger n. One who, or that which, digs. + defendee n. One who is defended. + delegacy a. The act of delegating, or state of being delegated; deputed power. + diplopod n. One of the Diplopoda. + digne a. Haughty; disdainful. + drachm n. Same as Dram. + delegation n. The act of delegating, or investing with authority to act for another; the appointment of a delegate or delegates. + discriminal a. In palmistry, applied to the line which marks the separation between the hand and the arm. + discharge v.t. To throw off the obligation of, as a duty or debt; to relieve one's self of, by fulfilling conditions, performing duty, trust, and the like; hence, to perform or execute, as an office, or part. + dressing n. An application (a remedy, bandage, etc.) to a sore or wound. + dawned imp.|p.p. of Dawn + dawning p.pr.|vb.n. of Dawn + dette n. Debt. + duarchy n. Government by two persons. + devilry n. The whole body of evil spirits. + dialyzer n. The instrument or medium used to effect chemical dialysis. + distemper v.t. To temper or mix unduly; to make disproportionate; to change the due proportions of. + daltonism n. Inability to perceive or distinguish certain colors, esp. red; color blindness. It has various forms and degrees. So called from the chemist Dalton, who had this infirmity. + detester n. One who detes// + decorating p.pr.|vb.n. of Decorate + draco n. A genus of lizards. See Dragon, 6. + demandant n. One who demands; the plaintiff in a real action; any plaintiff. + domesday n. A day of judgment. See Doomsday. + dynamo n. A dynamo-electric machine. + departure n. Separation or removal from a place; the act or process of departing or going away. + discoid a. Having the form of a disk, as those univalve shells which have the whorls in one plane, so as to form a disk, as the pearly nautilus. + delude v.t. To frustrate or disappoint. + debentured a. Entitled to drawback or debenture; as, debentured goods. + dismast v.t. To deprive of a mast of masts; to break and carry away the masts from; as, a storm dismasted the ship. + daguerreotyper n. Alt. of Daguerreotypist + dispassionate a. Not dictated by passion; not proceeding from temper or bias; impartial; as, dispassionate proceedings; a dispassionate view. + dwaule v.i. To be delirious. + drove imp. of Drive. + drag v.t. To break, as land, by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to harrow; to draw a drag along the bottom of, as a stream or other water; hence, to search, as by means of a drag. + dishumor n. Ill humor. + drape v.i. To make cloth. + diseasement n. Uneasiness; inconvenience. + druidism n. The system of religion, philosophy, and instruction, received and taught by the Druids; the rites and ceremonies of the Druids. + disincorporate a. Separated from, or not included in, a corporation; disincorporated. + depredation n. The act of depredating, or the state of being depredated; the act of despoiling or making inroads; as, the sea often makes depredation on the land. + discloud v.t. To clear from clouds. + druidical a. Pertaining to, or resembling, the Druids. + dambonite n. A white, crystalline, sugary substance obtained from an African caoutchouc. + deerstongue n. A plant (Liatris odoratissima) whose fleshy leaves give out a fragrance compared to vanilla. + disembroiling p.pr.|vb.n. of Disembroil + depluming p.pr.|vb.n. of Deplume + dog n. One of the two constellations, Canis Major and Canis Minor, or the Greater Dog and the Lesser Dog. Canis Major contains the Dog Star (Sirius). + depict v.t. To represent in words; to describe vividly. + demicircle n. An instrument for measuring angles, in surveying, etc. It resembles a protractor, but has an alidade, sights, and a compass. + disme n. A tenth; a tenth part; a tithe. + debosh v.t. To debauch. + dottrel n. See Dotterel. + drab n. A low, sluttish woman. + diverse a. Capable of various forms; multiform. + disclaimer n. A denial, disavowal, or renunciation, as of a title, claim, interest, estate, or trust; relinquishment or waiver of an interest or estate. + dizzy superl. Having in the head a sensation of whirling, with a tendency to fall; vertiginous; giddy; hence, confused; indistinct. + depulse v.t. To drive away. + denomination n. That by which anything is denominated or styled; an epithet; a name, designation, or title; especially, a general name indicating a class of like individuals; a category; as, the denomination of units, or of thousands, or of fourths, or of shillings, or of tons. + displacer n. The funnel part of the apparatus for solution by displacement. + disparity n. Inequality; difference in age, rank, condition, or excellence; dissimilitude; -- followed by between, in, of, as to, etc.; as, disparity in, or of, years; a disparity as to color. + democracy n. Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained and directly exercised by the people. + duodenum n. The part of the small intestines between the stomach and the jejunum. See Illust. of Digestive apparatus, under Digestive. + dispatcher n. One who dispatches. + disproportionable a. Disproportional; unsuitable in form, size, quantity, or adaptation; disproportionate; inadequate. + damasse a. Woven like damask. + deathbird n. Tengmalm's or Richardson's owl (Nyctale Tengmalmi); -- so called from a superstition of the North American Indians that its note presages death. + dysphagia n. Alt. of Dysphagy + devolve v.t. To transfer from one person to another; to deliver over; to hand down; -- generally with upon, sometimes with to or into. + duressor n. One who subjects another to duress + distinguish v.t. To separate from others by a mark of honor; to make eminent or known; to confer distinction upon; -- with by or for. + dilate v.t. To enlarge upon; to relate at large; to tell copiously or diffusely. + descend v.i. To fall in pitch; to pass from a higher to a lower tone. + deignous a. Haughty; disdainful. + delibrate v.t. To strip off the bark; to peel. + disobligation n. Release from obligation. + deforciant n. One who keeps out of possession the rightful owner of an estate. + debruised a. Surmounted by an ordinary; as, a lion is debruised when a bend or other ordinary is placed over it, as in the cut. + designator n. An officer who assigned to each his rank and place in public shows and ceremonies. + december n. The twelfth and last month of the year, containing thirty-one days. During this month occurs the winter solstice. + dextro having the property of turning the plane of polarized light to the right; as, dextrotartaric acid. + defatigable a. Capable of being wearied or tired out. + drumlin n. A hill of compact, unstratified, glacial drift or till, usually elongate or oval, with the larger axis parallel to the former local glacial motion. + dulcamara n. A plant (Solanum Dulcamara). See Bittersweet, n., 3 (a). + discountenance n. Unfavorable aspect; unfriendly regard; cold treatment; disapprobation; whatever tends to check or discourage. + descension n. The act of going downward; descent; falling or sinking; declension; degradation. + declension n. The act or the state of declining; declination; descent; slope. + discursist n. A discourser. + demoniacally adv. In a demoniacal manner. + demean v.t. To manage; to conduct; to treat. + dibble v.t. To plant with a dibble; to make holes in (soil) with a dibble, for planting. + dithyramb n. A kind of lyric poetry in honor of Bacchus, usually sung by a band of revelers to a flute accompaniment; hence, in general, a poem written in a wild irregular strain. + dodd v.t. Alt. of Dod + disassimilative a. Having power to disassimilate; of the nature of disassimilation. + dentalium n. A genus of marine mollusks belonging to the Scaphopoda, having a tubular conical shell. + doubled imp.|p.p. of Double + duress v.t. To subject to duress. + disimprove v.t. To make worse; -- the opposite of improve. + demonstrative n. A demonstrative pronoun; as, "this" and "that" are demonstratives. + decoctible a. Capable of being boiled or digested. + decennaries pl. of Decennary + delicacies pl. of Delicacy + declined a. Declinate. + discommendable a. Deserving, disapprobation or blame. + dismay v.i. To disable with alarm or apprehensions; to depress the spirits or courage of; to deprive or firmness and energy through fear; to daunt; to appall; to terrify. + digammate a. Alt. of Digammated + depositary n. One with whom anything is lodged in the trust; one who receives a deposit; -- the correlative of depositor. + deepen v.t. To make more poignant or affecting; to increase in degree; as, to deepen grief or sorrow. + dory n. A small, strong, flat-bottomed rowboat, with sharp prow and flaring sides. + deposer n. One who testifies or deposes; a deponent. + driveled imp.|p.p. of Drivel + dearly adv. Exquisitely. + drum v.t. To execute on a drum, as a tune. + discifloral a. Alt. of Disciflorous + demander n. One who demands. + detailing p.pr.|vb.n. of Detail + descent n. Progress downward, as in station, virtue, as in station, virtue, and the like, from a higher to a lower state, from a higher to a lower state, from the more to the less important, from the better to the worse, etc. + decimalism n. The system of a decimal currency, decimal weights, measures, etc. + diking p.pr.|vb.n. of Dike + drug n. Any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable; an article of slow sale, or in no demand. + delinition n. A smearing. + discourtship n. Want of courtesy. + doggerel n. A sort of loose or irregular verse; mean or undignified poetry. + decachordon n. Something consisting of ten parts. + discount v.t. A deduction made for interest, in advancing money upon, or purchasing, a bill or note not due; payment in advance of interest upon money. + destructive a. Causing destruction; tending to bring about ruin, death, or devastation; ruinous; fatal; productive of serious evil; mischievous; pernicious; -- often with of or to; as, intemperance is destructive of health; evil examples are destructive to the morals of youth. + derailment n. The act of going off, or the state of being off, the rails of a railroad. + delineate v.t. To portray to the mind or understanding by words; to set forth; to describe. + demibrigade n. A half brigade. + driftage n. Deviation from a ship's course due to leeway. + disregard n. The act of disregarding, or the state of being disregarded; intentional neglect; omission of notice; want of attention; slight. + delayingly adv. By delays. + dele v.t. To deal; to divide; to distribute. + dovecot n. Alt. of Dovecote + derogatoriness n. Quality of being derogatory. + disheritor n. One who puts another out of his inheritance. + double n. That which is doubled over or together; a doubling; a plait; a fold. + dungaree n. A coarse kind of unbleached cotton stuff. + discriminate v.i. To treat unequally. + detained imp.|p.p. of Detain + discompose v.t. To throw into disorder; to ruffle; to destroy the composure or equanimity; to agitate. + diffusible a. Capable of passing through animal membranes by osmosis. + disentail v.t. To free from entailment. + dashboard n. A board placed on the fore part of a carriage, sleigh, or other vehicle, to intercept water, mud, or snow, thrown up by the heels of the horses; -- in England commonly called splashboard. + dudgeon n. A dudgeon-hafted dagger; a dagger. + double first A degree of the first class both in classics and mathematics. + disfigure v.t. To mar the figure of; to render less complete, perfect, or beautiful in appearance; to deface; to deform. + dev n. Alt. of Deva + definiteness n. The state of being definite; determinateness; precision; certainty. + demy n. A half fellow at Magdalen College, Oxford. + dies pl. of Die + diplomatist n. A person employed in, or skilled in, diplomacy; a diplomat. + duction n. Guidance. + division n. The act or process of diving anything into parts, or the state of being so divided; separation. + disciplinary a. Pertaining to discipline; intended for discipline; corrective; belonging to a course of training. + disordinately adv. Inordinately. + desuete a. Disused; out of use. + dancing p.a.|vb.n. from Dance. + depression n. The operation of reducing to a lower degree; -- said of equations. + decision n. An account or report of a conclusion, especially of a legal adjudication or judicial determination of a question or cause; as, a decision of arbitrators; a decision of the Supreme Court. + dispensatively adv. By dispensation. + drunk p.p. of Drink + dithyrambic n. A dithyrambic poem; a dithyramb. + daily a. Happening, or belonging to, each successive day; diurnal; as, daily labor; a daily bulletin. + desert v.t. To abandon (the service) without leave; to forsake in violation of duty; to abscond from; as, to desert the army; to desert one's colors. + dieresis n. A mark consisting of two dots [/], placed over the second of two adjacent vowels, to denote that they are to be pronounced as distinct letters; as, cooperate, aerial. + discipline v.t. To improve by corrective and penal methods; to chastise; to correct. + demand v.t. To call into court; to summon. + declaim v.t. To defend by declamation; to advocate loudly. + disherit v.t. To disinherit; to cut off, or detain, from the possession or enjoyment of an inheritance. + dapple n. One of the spots on a dappled animal. + determinant n. That which serves to determine; that which causes determination. + decretal a. Appertaining to a decree; containing a decree; as, a decretal epistle. + domain n. Ownership of land; an estate or patrimony which one has in his own right; absolute proprietorship; paramount or sovereign ownership. + desmid n. Alt. of Desmidian + diffluence n. Alt. of Diffluency + discreditor n. One who discredits. + derivational a. Relating to derivation. + dispunge v.t. See Disponge. + delightless a. Void of delight. + decoy n. A place into which wild fowl, esp. ducks, are enticed in order to take or shoot them. + devotion n. Disposal; power of disposal. + dispensable a. Capable of being dispensed or administered. + driveling p.pr.|vb.n. of Drivel + disremember v.t. To fail to remember; to forget. + doctor n. One duly licensed to practice medicine; a member of the medical profession; a physician. + drive v.t. To urge, impel, or hurry forward; to force; to constrain; to urge, press, or bring to a point or state; as, to drive a person by necessity, by persuasion, by force of circumstances, by argument, and the like. + deathsman n. An executioner; a headsman or hangman. + diapase n. Same as Diapason. + diskindness n. Unkindness; disservice. + duodecahedron n. See Dodecahedral, and Dodecahedron. + dogeless a. Without a doge. + drumhead n. The top of a capstan which is pierced with sockets for levers used in turning it. See Illust. of Capstan. + discommodate v.t. To discommode. + draw v.i. To admit the action of pulling or dragging; to undergo draught; as, a carriage draws easily. + drizzle n. Fine rain or mist. + dog n. A quadruped of the genus Canis, esp. the domestic dog (C. familiaris). + deceitfully adv. With intent to deceive. + dot v.t. To mark with dots or small spots; as, to dot a line. + detaining p.pr.|vb.n. of Detain + duo n. A composition for two performers; a duet. + definitional a. Relating to definition; of the nature of a definition; employed in defining. + deceivable a. Fitted to deceive; deceitful. + deeply adv. Gravely; with low or deep tone; as, a deeply toned instrument. + distractful a. Distracting. + drift v.t. To enlarge or shape, as a hole, with a drift. + diabetes n. A disease which is attended with a persistent, excessive discharge of urine. Most frequently the urine is not only increased in quantity, but contains saccharine matter, in which case the disease is generally fatal. + declinable a. Capable of being declined; admitting of declension or inflection; as, declinable parts of speech. + dhony n. A Ceylonese boat. See Doni. + depth n. That which is deep; a deep, or the deepest, part or place; the deep; the middle part; as, the depth of night, or of winter. + distillery n. The act of distilling spirits. + depopulator n. One who depopulates; a dispeopler. + decapoda n.pl. A division of the dibranchiate cephalopods including the cuttlefishes and squids. See Decacera. + disincarcerate v.t. To liberate from prison. + debarkation n. Disembarkation. + degenerate v.i. To fall off from the normal quality or the healthy structure of its kind; to become of a lower type. + derivative n. A derived function; a function obtained from a given function by a certain algebraic process. + dowle n. Feathery or wool-like down; filament of a feather. + decorament v.t. Ornament. + decree n. A determination or judgment of an umpire on a case submitted to him. + driftwood n. Fig.: Whatever is drifting or floating as on water. + demilance n. A light lance; a short spear; a half pike; also, a demilancer. + disarticulate v.t. To sunder; to separate, as joints. + dress goods A term applied to fabrics for the gowns of women and girls; -- most commonly to fabrics of mixed materials, but also applicable to silks, printed linens, and calicoes. + decuman a. Large; chief; -- applied to an extraordinary billow, supposed by some to be every tenth in order. [R.] Also used substantively. + dogsick a. Sick as a dog sometimes is very sick. + despoil v.t. To deprive for spoil; to plunder; to rob; to pillage; to strip; to divest; -- usually followed by of. + debarrass v.t. To disembarrass; to relieve. + ductor n. One who leads. + dhow n. A coasting vessel of Arabia, East Africa, and the Indian Ocean. It has generally but one mast and a lateen sail. + decency n. The quality or state of being decent, suitable, or becoming, in words or behavior; propriety of form in social intercourse, in actions, or in discourse; proper formality; becoming ceremony; seemliness; hence, freedom from obscenity or indecorum; modesty. + distill n.|v To practice the art of distillation. + drowsy superl. Disposing to sleep; lulling; soporific. + doldrums n.pl. A part of the ocean near the equator, abounding in calms, squalls, and light, baffling winds, which sometimes prevent all progress for weeks; -- so called by sailors. + deltas pl. of Delta + despondingly adv. In a desponding manner. + duncedom n. The realm or domain of dunces. + dispirited imp.|p.p. of Dispirit + dullhead n. A blockhead; a dolt. + dispraised imp.|p.p. of Dispraise + dandie n. One of a breed of small terriers; -- called also Dandie Dinmont. + delapsation n. See Delapsion. + disinter v.t. To take out of the grave or tomb; to unbury; to exhume; to dig up. + dunlin n. A species of sandpiper (Tringa alpina); -- called also churr, dorbie, grass bird, and red-backed sandpiper. It is found both in Europe and America. + dimidiate v.t. To divide into two equal parts. + directness n. The quality of being direct; straightness; straightforwardness; immediateness. + deified a. Honored or worshiped as a deity; treated with supreme regard; godlike. + diphthongization n. The act of changing into a diphthong. + dicing n. An ornamenting in squares or cubes. + decerp v.t. To pluck off; to crop; to gather. + determinist n. One who believes in determinism. Also adj.; as, determinist theories. + doctor v.t. To tamper with and arrange for one's own purposes; to falsify; to adulterate; as, to doctor election returns; to doctor whisky. + dermobranchiate a. Having the skin modified to serve as a gill. + difficilitate v.t. To make difficult. + dibble v.i. To dib or dip frequently, as in angling. + demand v.i. To make a demand; to inquire. + decane n. A liquid hydrocarbon, C10H22, of the paraffin series, including several isomeric modifications. + desperate a. Extreme, in a bad sense; outrageous; -- used to mark the extreme predominance of a bad quality. + diddler n. A cheat. + diaphote n. An instrument designed for transmitting pictures by telegraph. + demarcate v.t. To mark by bounds; to set the limits of; to separate; to discriminate. + discruciated imp.|p.p. of Discruciate + dubbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dub + dribblet n. Alt. of Driblet + downhaul n. A rope to haul down, or to assist in hauling down, a sail; as, a staysail downhaul; a trysail downhaul. + defervescency n. A subsiding from a state of ebullition; loss of heat; lukewarmness. + dhurra n. Indian millet. See Durra. + dakota group A subdivision at the base of the cretaceous formation in Western North America; -- so named from the region where the strata were first studied. + dunned imp.|p.p. of Dun + dreamful a. Full of dreams. + drawl v.t. To utter in a slow, lengthened tone. + deform v.t. To spoil the form of; to mar in form; to misshape; to disfigure. + denounce v.t. To make known in a solemn or official manner; to declare; to proclaim (especially an evil). + drag v.t. A heavy harrow, for breaking up ground. + divine v.i. To have or feel a presage or foreboding. + devilment n. Deviltry. + dicotyledon n. A plant whose seeds divide into two seed lobes, or cotyledons, in germinating. + distress n. To cause pain or anguish to; to pain; to oppress with calamity; to afflict; to harass; to make miserable. + depilation n. Act of pulling out or removing the hair; unhairing. + dingle n. A narrow dale; a small dell; a small, secluded, and embowered valley. + darter n. The snakebird, a water bird of the genus Plotus; -- so called because it darts out its long, snakelike neck at its prey. See Snakebird. + disinflame v.t. To divest of flame or ardor. + diapophysis n. The dorsal transverse, or tubercular, process of a vertebra. See Vertebra. + dilaceration n. The act of rending asunder. + dilucidation n. The act of making clear. + disabusing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disabuse + dorr v.t. To deceive. [Obs.] See Dor, v. t. + disembarrass v.t. To free from embarrassment, or perplexity; to clear; to extricate. + discus n. A disk. See Disk. + donned imp.|p.p. of Don + dare n. A small fish; the dace. + didactical a. Fitted or intended to teach; conveying instruction; preceptive; instructive; teaching some moral lesson; as, didactic essays. + degustation n. Tasting; the appreciation of sapid qualities by the taste organs. + delightable a. Capable of delighting; delightful. + denunciate v.t. To denounce; to condemn publicly or solemnly. + deciliter n. Alt. of Decilitre + decilitre n. A measure of capacity or volume in the metric system; one tenth of a liter, equal to 6.1022 cubic inches, or 3.38 fluid ounces. + desire v.t. To miss; to regret. + drag n. A confection; a comfit; a drug. + doloriferous a. Producing pain. + disepalous a. Having two sepals; two-sepaled. + desecrated imp.|p.p. of Desecrate + delay v.i. To move slowly; to stop for a time; to linger; to tarry. + defeat v. Frustration by rendering null and void, or by prevention of success; as, the defeat of a plan or design. + dissever v.t. To part in two; to sever thoroughly; to sunder; to disunite; to separate; to disperse. + drossel n. A slut; a hussy; a drazel. + dissettle v.t. To unsettle. + dicer n. A player at dice; a dice player; a gamester. + diallel a. Meeting and intersecting, as lines; not parallel; -- opposed to parallel. + denyingly adv. In the manner of one denies a request. + drabbish a. Having the character of a drab or low wench. + discrepant n. A dissident. + discretion n. The quality of being discreet; wise conduct and management; cautious discernment, especially as to matters of propriety and self-control; prudence; circumspection; wariness. + diving a. That dives or is used or diving. + decidement n. Means of forming a decision. + duck v.t. A sudden inclination of the bead or dropping of the person, resembling the motion of a duck in water. + discretion n. Discrimination. + demitint n. That part of a painting, engraving, or the like, which is neither in full darkness nor full light. + depolarization n. The act of depriving of polarity, or the result of such action; reduction to an unpolarized condition. + dice pl. of Die + designment n. Design; purpose; scheme. + decolling n. Beheading. + dolioform a. Barrel-shaped, or like a cask in form. + disgusting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disgust + doom v.t. To destine; to fix irrevocably the destiny or fate of; to appoint, as by decree or by fate. + disenamor v.t. To free from the captivity of love. + dactyliology n. That branch of archaeology which has to do with gem engraving. + danger n. Authority; jurisdiction; control. + demerit v.i. To deserve praise or blame. + daystar n. The morning star; the star which ushers in the day. + depict p.p. Depicted. + depart v.i. To part; to divide; to separate. + dive n. A plunge headforemost into water, the act of one who dives, literally or figuratively. + dredge n. A mixture of oats and barley. + dropping n. The action of causing to drop or of letting drop; falling. + dewlapped a. Furnished with a dewlap. + denizenation n. Denization; denizening. + demonize v.t. To control or possess by a demon. + defibrination n. The act or process of depriving of fibrin. + deoxidize v.t. To deprive of oxygen; to reduce from the state of an oxide. + disacquaint v.t. To render unacquainted; to make unfamiliar. + dummy n. A floating barge connected with a pier. + decked imp.|p.p. of Deck + deterrent a. Serving to deter. + defile v.t. To make foul or impure; to make filthy; to dirty; to befoul; to pollute. + ditheistical a. Pertaining to ditheism; dualistic. + dumpage n. The act of dumping loads from carts, especially loads of refuse matter; also, a heap of dumped matter. + disquisition n. A formal or systematic inquiry into, or discussion of, any subject; a full examination or investigation of a matter, with the arguments and facts bearing upon it; elaborate essay; dissertation. + ducked imp.|p.p. of Duck + descend v.i. To enter mentally; to retire. + dunny a. Deaf; stupid. + discipliner n. One who disciplines. + dispositive a. Disposing; tending to regulate; decretive. + decretorial a. Decretory; authoritative. + deil n. Devil; -- spelt also deel. + deafmutism n. The condition of being a deaf-mute. + discurrent a. Not current or free to circulate; not in use. + dike v.t. To drain by a dike or ditch. + debilitating p.pr.|vb.n. of Debilitate + deprivation n. the taking away from a clergyman his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity. + doughfaced a. Easily molded; pliable. + dip v.i. To immerse one's self; to become plunged in a liquid; to sink. + disorder v.t. To disturb or interrupt the regular and natural functions of (either body or mind); to produce sickness or indisposition in; to discompose; to derange; as, to disorder the head or stomach. + distinctive a. Marking or expressing distinction or difference; distinguishing; characteristic; peculiar. + dime n. A silver coin of the United States, of the value of ten cents; the tenth of a dollar. + dulcitude n. Sweetness. + diverting a. Amusing; entertaining. + depreciator n. One who depreciates. + declamatory a. Pertaining to declamation; treated in the manner of a rhetorician; as, a declamatory theme. + dolesome a. Doleful; dismal; gloomy; sorrowful. + dichroic a. Having the property of dichroism; as, a dichroic crystal. + disassociated imp.|p.p. of Disassociate + discredit n. Hence, some degree of dishonor or disesteem; ill repute; reproach; -- applied to persons or things. + dumbly adv. In silence; mutely. + diprotodon n. An extinct Quaternary marsupial from Australia, about as large as the hippopotamus; -- so named because of its two large front teeth. See Illustration in Appendix. + demarkation n. Same as Demarcation. + decent a. Suitable in words, behavior, dress, or ceremony; becoming; fit; decorous; proper; seemly; as, decent conduct; decent language. + deceased a. Passed away; dead; gone. + distilleries pl. of Distillery + disengage v.i. To release one's self; to become detached; to free one's self. + dorture n. A dormitory. + donning p.pr.|vb.n. of Don + drumstick n. A stick with which a drum is beaten. + duoliteral a. Consisting of two letters only; biliteral. + droyle v.i. See Droil. + dribble v.t. To let fall in drops. + devotionalist n. Alt. of Devotionist + dab n. A name given to several species of flounders, esp. to the European species, Pleuronectes limanda. The American rough dab is Hippoglossoides platessoides. + derive v.t. To receive, as from a source or origin; to obtain by descent or by transmission; to draw; to deduce; -- followed by from. + dully adv. In a dull manner; stupidly; slowly; sluggishly; without life or spirit. + deambulatory a. Going about from place to place; wandering; of or pertaining to a deambulatory. + dactylonomy n. The art of numbering or counting by the fingers. + disemboguement n. The act of disemboguing; discharge. + directly adv. Immediately after; as soon as. + docketing p.pr.|vb.n. of Docket + diorama n. A mode of scenic representation, invented by Daguerre and Bouton, in which a painting is seen from a distance through a large opening. By a combination of transparent and opaque painting, and of transmitted and reflected light, and by contrivances such as screens and shutters, much diversity of scenic effect is produced. + drown v.t. To deprive of life by immersion in water or other liquid. + defile n. The act of defilading a fortress, or of raising the exterior works in order to protect the interior. See Defilade. + daughter n. A female descendant; a woman. + delineator n. A perambulator which records distances and delineates a profile, as of a road. + dance v.i. A tune by which dancing is regulated, as the minuet, the waltz, the cotillon, etc. + donable a. Capable of being donated or given. + digitigrade a. Walking on the toes; -- distinguished from plantigrade. + delft n. Same as Delftware. + decrepitate v.t. To roast or calcine so as to cause a crackling noise; as, to decrepitate salt. + dry v.i. To evaporate wholly; to be exhaled; -- said of moisture, or a liquid; -- sometimes with up; as, the stream dries, or dries up. + dolphin n. A mass of iron or lead hung from the yardarm, in readiness to be dropped on the deck of an enemy's vessel. + doric a. Belonging to, or resembling, the oldest and simplest of the three orders of architecture used by the Greeks, but ranked as second of the five orders adopted by the Romans. See Abacus, Capital, Order. + dominican a. Of or pertaining to St. Dominic (Dominic de Guzman), or to the religions communities named from him. + deep adv. To a great depth; with depth; far down; profoundly; deeply. + douceur n. A gift for service done or to be done; an honorarium; a present; sometimes, a bribe. + disfashion v.t. To disfigure. + druxy a. Having decayed spots or streaks of a whitish color; -- said of timber. + defecation n. The act or process of voiding excrement. + dandy n. A small sail carried at or near the stern of small boats; -- called also jigger, and mizzen. + determination n. Direction or tendency to a certain end; impulsion. + disprofitable a. Unprofitable. + dysphonia n. Alt. of Dysphony + dismettled a. Destitute of mettle, that is, or fire or spirit. + descend v.i. To come down, as from a source, original, or stock; to be derived; to proceed by generation or by transmission; to fall or pass by inheritance; as, the beggar may descend from a prince; a crown descends to the heir. + dread n. An object of terrified apprehension. + decaphyllous a. Having ten leaves. + deciding p.pr.|vb.n. of Decide + disjuncttion n. The act of disjoining; disunion; separation; a parting; as, the disjunction of soul and body. + dragon n. A constellation of the northern hemisphere figured as a dragon; Draco. + duumviral a. Of or belonging to the duumviri or the duumvirate. + damnability n. The quality of being damnable; damnableness. + determinism n. The doctrine that the will is not free, but is inevitably and invincibly determined by motives. + dingdong n. An attachment to a clock by which the quarter hours are struck upon bells of different tones. + dogvane n. A small vane of bunting, feathers, or any other light material, carried at the masthead to indicate the direction of the wind. + delibate v.t. To taste; to take a sip of; to dabble in. + decine n. One of the higher hydrocarbons, C10H15, of the acetylene series; -- called also decenylene. + dishonored imp.|p.p. of Dishonor + dimication n. A fight; contest. + diadem n. Originally, an ornamental head band or fillet, worn by Eastern monarchs as a badge of royalty; hence (later), also, a crown, in general. + drainpipe n. A pipe used for carrying off surplus water. + dragon n. A luminous exhalation from marshy grounds, seeming to move through the air as a winged serpent. + despeed v.t. To send hastily. + delinquent n. One who fails or neglects to perform his duty; an offender or transgressor; one who commits a fault or a crime; a culprit. + distill v.t. To obtain by distillation; to extract by distillation, as spirits, essential oil, etc.; to rectify; as, to distill brandy from wine; to distill alcoholic spirits from grain; to distill essential oils from flowers, etc.; to distill fresh water from sea water. + drinkless a. Destitute of drink. + decoct v.t. To warm, strengthen, or invigorate, as if by boiling. + dekle n. See Deckle. + disencumbered imp.|p.p. of Disencumber + dispauper v.t. To deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support; to deprive of the privilege of suing in forma pauperis. + dauntless a. Incapable of being daunted; undaunted; bold; fearless; intrepid. + distrained imp.|p.p. of Distrain + depurated imp.|p.p. of Depurate + diaheliotropism n. A tendency of leaves or other organs of plants to have their dorsal surface faced towards the rays of light. + derivation n. That which is derived; a derivative; a deduction. + dangler n. One who dangles about or after others, especially after women; a trifler. + dorism n. A Doric phrase or idiom. + denigrator n. One who, or that which, blackens. + dulia n. An inferior kind of veneration or worship, given to the angels and saints as the servants of God. + disrepute n. Loss or want of reputation; ill character; disesteem; discredit. + dependence n. That on which one depends or relies; as, he was her sole dependence. + dobule n. The European dace. + discrive v.t. To describe. + duly adv. In a due, fit, or becoming manner; as it (anything) ought to be; properly; regularly. + deposition n. The act of depositing or deposing; the act of laying down or thrown down; precipitation. + diarrhoea n. A morbidly frequent and profuse discharge of loose or fluid evacuations from the intestines, without tenesmus; a purging or looseness of the bowels; a flux. + drystone a. Constructed of uncemented stone. + depredating p.pr.|vb.n. of Depredate + doxologize v.i. To give glory to God, as in a doxology; to praise God with doxologies. + downshare n. A breastplow used in paring off turf on downs. + discover v.t. To manifest without design; to show. + drive p.p. Driven. + doveship n. The possession of dovelike qualities, harmlessness and innocence. + dispassioned a. Free from passion; dispassionate. + dashpot n. A pneumatic or hydraulic cushion for a falling weight, as in the valve gear of a steam engine, to prevent shock. + demersion n. The act of plunging into a fluid; a drowning. + dimyaria n.pl. An order of lamellibranchiate mollusks having an anterior and posterior adductor muscle, as the common clam. See Bivalve. + dress n. Attention to apparel, or skill in adjusting it. + disembark v.t. To remove from on board a vessel; to put on shore; to land; to debark; as, the general disembarked the troops. + dirigent n. The line of motion along which a describent line or surface is carried in the genesis of any plane or solid figure; a directrix. + dolly varden A character in Dickens's novel "Barnaby Rudge," a beautiful, lively, and coquettish girl who wore a cherry-colored mantle and cherry-colored ribbons. + depreciate v.i. To fall in value; to become of less worth; to sink in estimation; as, a paper currency will depreciate, unless it is convertible into specie. + discoloration n. The act of discoloring, or the state of being discolored; alteration of hue or appearance. + decompound a. Several times compounded or divided, as a leaf or stem; decomposite. + discoloring p.pr.|vb.n. of Discolor + drum n. A cylinder on a revolving shaft, generally for the purpose of driving several pulleys, by means of belts or straps passing around its periphery; also, the barrel of a hoisting machine, on which the rope or chain is wound. + dumbbell n. A weight, consisting of two spheres or spheroids, connected by a short bar for a handle; used (often in pairs) for gymnastic exercise. + disanimated imp.|p.p. of Disanimate + disjunctive n. A disjunctive conjunction. + drummer n. The squeteague. + deprivement n. Deprivation. + decaliter n. Alt. of Decalitre + digonous a. Having two angles. + dream n. A visionary scheme; a wild conceit; an idle fancy; a vagary; a revery; -- in this sense, applied to an imaginary or anticipated state of happiness; as, a dream of bliss; the dream of his youth. + disperse v.i. To separate; to go or move into different parts; to vanish; as, the company dispersed at ten o'clock; the clouds disperse. + devilled of Devil + dehorted imp.|p.p. of Dehort + denunciation n. The act of denouncing; public menace or accusation; the act of inveighing against, stigmatizing, or publicly arraigning; arraignment. + dander n. Dandruff or scurf on the head. + ductilimeter n. An instrument for accurately determining the ductility of metals. + doghearted a. Inhuman; cruel. + disobeyed imp.|p.p. of Disobey + defensor n. A defender. + depreciate v.t. To lessen in price or estimated value; to lower the worth of; to represent as of little value or claim to esteem; to undervalue. + delphic a. Ambiguous; mysterious. + dialysis n. A solution of continuity; division; separation of parts. + dip n. Inclination downward; direction below a horizontal line; slope; pitch. + ditheism n. The doctrine of those who maintain the existence of two gods or of two original principles (as in Manicheism), one good and one evil; dualism. + duncical a. Like a dunce; duncish. + dash n. The line drawn through a figure in the thorough bass, as a direction to raise the interval a semitone. + downy a. Made of, or resembling, down. Hence, figuratively: Soft; placid; soothing; quiet. + deduction n. That which is deduced or drawn from premises by a process of reasoning; an inference; a conclusion. + disdained a. Disdainful. + drunken v.i. Overcome by strong drink; intoxicated by, or as by, spirituous liquor; inebriated. + districting p.pr.|vb.n. of District + decay n. Gradual failure of health, strength, soundness, prosperity, or of any species of excellence or perfection; tendency toward dissolution or extinction; corruption; rottenness; decline; deterioration; as, the decay of the body; the decay of virtue; the decay of the Roman empire; a castle in decay. + distasture n. Something which excites distaste or disgust. + diamagnetism n. The science which treats of diamagnetic phenomena, and of the properties of diamagnetic bodies. + damask n. Damask silk; silk woven with an elaborate pattern of flowers and the like. + detergent a. Cleansing; purging. + drove n. A crowd of people in motion. + decrease n. To grow less, -- opposed to increase; to be diminished gradually, in size, degree, number, duration, etc., or in strength, quality, or excellence; as, they days decrease in length from June to December. + dandyhen n.fem. A bantam fowl. + draff n. An allowance or deduction made from the gross veight of goods. + dead a. Resembling death in appearance or quality; without show of life; deathlike; as, a dead sleep. + definitive a. Limiting; determining; as, a definitive word. + diligence n. A four-wheeled public stagecoach, used in France. + disused imp.|p.p. of Disuse + decoction n. The act or process of boiling anything in a watery fluid to extract its virtues. + deplorably adv. In a deplorable manner. + dualism n. A view of man as constituted of two original and independent elements, as matter and spirit. + dipyrenous a. Containing two stones or nutlets. + douted imp.|p.p. of Doubt + dewberry n. The fruit of certain species of bramble (Rubus); in England, the fruit of R. caesius, which has a glaucous bloom; in America, that of R. canadensis and R. hispidus, species of low blackberries. + drew imp. of Draw + deadworks n.pl. The parts of a ship above the water when she is laden. + divan n. In Turkey and other Oriental countries: A council of state; a royal court. Also used by the poets for a grand deliberative council or assembly. + domestic n. Articles of home manufacture, especially cotton goods. + distemperate a. Diseased; disordered. + disdain v.t. A feeling of contempt and aversion; the regarding anything as unworthy of or beneath one; scorn. + districtly adv. Strictly. + dipteral a. Having two wings only; belonging to the order Diptera. + dyingly adv. In a dying manner; as if at the point of death. + disedge v.t. To deprive of an edge; to blunt; to dull. + defecate v.t. To clear from impurities, as lees, dregs, etc.; to clarify; to purify; to refine. + dandyish a. Like a dandy. + duteous a. Fulfilling duty; dutiful; having the sentiments due to a superior, or to one to whom respect or service is owed; obedient; as, a duteous son or daughter. + devoration n. The act of devouring. + depainting p.pr.|vb.n. of Depaint + docility n. Willingness to be taught; tractableness. + deadly a. Capable of causing death; mortal; fatal; destructive; certain or likely to cause death; as, a deadly blow or wound. + dissonancy n. Discord; dissonance. + discumber v.t. To free from that which cumbers or impedes; to disencumber. + dingo n. A wild dog found in Australia, but supposed to have introduced at a very early period. It has a wolflike face, bushy tail, and a reddish brown color. + disobliging p.pr.|vb.n. of Disoblige + disdain v.t. The state of being despised; shame. + disarm v.t. To deprive of the means or the disposition to harm; to render harmless or innocuous; as, to disarm a man's wrath. + decretal a. The collection of ecclesiastical decrees and decisions made, by order of Gregory IX., in 1234, by St. Raymond of Pennafort. + dreamed imp.|p.p. of Dream + demesne n. A lord's chief manor place, with that part of the lands belonging thereto which has not been granted out in tenancy; a house, and the land adjoining, kept for the proprietor's own use. + discover v.t. To explore; to examine. + dairying n. The business of conducting a dairy. + distent a. Distended. + deducible a. Capable of being deduced or inferred; derivable by reasoning, as a result or consequence. + drouthy a. Droughty. + devove v.t. To devote. + dismantle v.t. To strip or deprive of dress; to divest. + dissimilitude n. Want of resemblance; unlikeness; dissimilarity. + deal n. A part or portion; a share; hence, an indefinite quantity, degree, or extent, degree, or extent; as, a deal of time and trouble; a deal of cold. + drawer n. That which is drawn + d valve A kind of slide valve. See Slide valve, under Slide. + dynamically adv. In accordance with the principles of dynamics or moving forces. + dull v.t. To deprive of sharpness of edge or point. + dreamily adv. As if in a dream; softly; slowly; languidly. + dissolvent a. Having power to dissolve power to dissolve a solid body; as, the dissolvent juices of the stomach. + deployment n. The act of deploying; a spreading out of a body of men in order to extend their front. + deciduata n.pl. A group of Mammalia in which a decidua is thrown off with, or after, the fetus, as in the human species. + dripple a. Weak or rare. + diabetic a. Alt. of Diabetical + dramatical a. Of or pertaining to the drama; appropriate to, or having the qualities of, a drama; theatrical; vivid. + dropmele adv. By drops or small portions. + detraction n. The act of taking away from the reputation or good name of another; a lessening or cheapening in the estimation of others; the act of depreciating another, from envy or malice; calumny. + disrespectable a. Not respectable; disreputable. + dietitian n. One skilled in dietetics. + drawer n. An under-garment worn on the lower limbs. + durably adv. In a lasting manner; with long continuance. + draw v.i. To exert an attractive force; to act as an inducement or enticement. + daedal a. Alt. of Daedalian + drib v.t. To do by little and little + divide v.t. To make partition of among a number; to apportion, as profits of stock among proprietors; to give in shares; to distribute; to mete out; to share. + diamondshaped a. Shaped like a diamond or rhombus. + drabbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Drab + divinator n. One who practices or pretends to divination; a diviner. + deoxidate v.t. To deoxidize. + deprive v.t. To divest of office; to depose; to dispossess of dignity, especially ecclesiastical. + deepening p.pr.|vb.n. of Deepen + demonstrate v.t. To show, or make evident, by reasoning or proof; to prove by deduction; to establish so as to exclude the possibility of doubt or denial. + distensibility n. The quality or capacity of being distensible. + desirefulness n. The state of being desireful; eagerness to obtain and possess. + detergency n. A cleansing quality or power. + diversities pl. of Diversity + distance n. The interval between two notes; as, the distance of a fourth or seventh. + discomfiture v.t. The act of discomfiting, or the state of being discomfited; rout; overthrow; defeat; frustration; confusion and dejection. + departed imp.|p.p. of Depart + decumbent a. Lying down; prostrate; recumbent. + deliverance n. The act of delivering or freeing from restraint, captivity, peril, and the like; rescue; as, the deliverance of a captive. + dressy a. Showy in dress; attentive to dress. + disfigurement n. Act of disfiguring, or state of being disfigured; deformity. + deerhound n. One of a large and fleet breed of hounds used in hunting deer; a staghound. + dearn a. Secret; lonely; solitary; dreadful. + daft a. Stupid; foolish; idiotic; also, delirious; insane; as, he has gone daft. + drag v.t. A kind of sledge for conveying heavy bodies; also, a kind of low car or handcart; as, a stone drag. + diphthongize v.t.|i. To change into a diphthong, as by affixing another vowel to a simple vowel. + distinguish v.i. To make distinctions; to perceive the difference; to exercise discrimination; -- with between; as, a judge distinguishes between cases apparently similar, but differing in principle. + damask v.t. To decorate in a way peculiar to Damascus or attributed to Damascus; particularly: (a) with flowers and rich designs, as silk; (b) with inlaid lines of gold, etc., or with a peculiar marking or "water," as metal. See Damaskeen. + draughthouse n. A house for the reception of waste matter; a privy. + decahedrons pl. of Decahedron + diaglyph n. An intaglio. + depict p.p. Depicted. + drawbar n. A bar of iron with an eye at each end, or a heavy link, for coupling a locomotive to a tender or car. + dunnage n. Fagots, boughs, or loose materials of any kind, laid on the bottom of the hold for the cargo to rest upon to prevent injury by water, or stowed among casks and other cargo to prevent their motion. + drovy a. Turbid; muddy; filthy. + disassent n. Dissent. + disbandment n. The act of disbanding. + disinclose v.t. To free from being inclosed. + deposit n. To lay down; to place; to put; to let fall or throw down (as sediment); as, a crocodile deposits her eggs in the sand; the waters deposited a rich alluvium. + damnation n. Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the punishment itself. + dissolution n. The dispersion of an assembly by terminating its sessions; the breaking up of a partnership. + denigration n. The act of making black. + derringer n. A kind of short-barreled pocket pistol, of very large caliber, often carrying a half-ounce ball. + deputing p.pr.|vb.n. of Depute + ditch n. A trench made in the earth by digging, particularly a trench for draining wet land, for guarding or fencing inclosures, or for preventing an approach to a town or fortress. In the latter sense, it is called also a moat or a fosse. + dyeing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dye + disenfranchise v.t. To disfranchise; to deprive of the rights of a citizen. + duplicature n. A doubling; a fold, as of a membrane. + demarch n. March; walk; gait. + doubleness n. The state of being double or doubled. + dedicatee n. One to whom a thing is dedicated; -- correlative to dedicator. + disoxidation n. Deoxidation. + deed v.t. A sealed instrument in writing, on paper or parchment, duly executed and delivered, containing some transfer, bargain, or contract. + devious a. Going out of the right or common course; going astray; erring; wandering; as, a devious step. + dissenterism n. The spirit or principles of dissenters. + designer n. One who produces or creates original works of art or decoration. + demigod n. A half god, or an inferior deity; a fabulous hero, the offspring of a deity and a mortal. + discerp v.t. To separate; to disunite. + disagree v.i. To fail to accord; not to agree; to lack harmony; to differ; to be unlike; to be at variance. + diphtheria n. A very dangerous contagious disease in which the air passages, and especially the throat, become coated with a false membrane, produced by the solidification of an inflammatory exudation. Cf. Group. + distinctly adv. With meaning; significantly. + dignity n. Quality suited to inspire respect or reverence; loftiness and grace; impressiveness; stateliness; -- said of //en, manner, style, etc. + drama n. A series of real events invested with a dramatic unity and interest. + denunciatory a. Characterized by or containing a denunciation; minatory; accusing; threatening; as, severe and denunciatory language. + disaffect v.t. To lack affection for; to be alienated from, or indisposed toward; to dislike. + dissecting a. Of or pertaining to, or received during, a dissection; as, a dissecting wound. + dedecorate v.t. To bring to shame; to disgrace. + discamp v.t. To drive from a camp. + discoursive a. Inclined to converse; conversable; communicative; as, a discoursive man. + demonetization n. The act of demonetizing, or the condition of being demonetized. + dermic a. Pertaining to the dermis; dermal. + disquiettude n. Want of peace or tranquility; uneasiness; disturbance; agitation; anxiety. + derivative a. Obtained by derivation; derived; not radical, original, or fundamental; originating, deduced, or formed from something else; secondary; as, a derivative conveyance; a derivative word. + divide v.t. To separate into species; -- said of a genus or generic term. + deplore v.t. To feel or to express deep and poignant grief for; to bewail; to lament; to mourn; to sorrow over. + disbar v.t. To expel from the bar, or the legal profession; to deprive (an attorney, barrister, or counselor) of his status and privileges as such. + derby n. A stiff felt hat with a dome-shaped crown. + dupion n. A double cocoon, made by two silkworms. + disruptive a. Causing, or tending to cause, disruption; caused by disruption; breaking through; bursting; as, the disruptive discharge of an electrical battery. + distress n. The thing taken by distraining; that which is seized to procure satisfaction. + disciple v.t. To make disciples of; to convert to doctrines or principles. + deliverness n. Nimbleness; agility. + decennoval a. Alt. of Decennovary + disincorporating p.pr.|vb.n. of Disincorporate + dux n. The scholastic name for the theme or subject of a fugue, the answer being called the comes, or companion. + deterging p.pr.|vb.n. of Deterge + damper n. That which damps or checks; as: (a) A valve or movable plate in the flue or other part of a stove, furnace, etc., used to check or regulate the draught of air. (b) A contrivance, as in a pianoforte, to deaden vibrations; or, as in other pieces of mechanism, to check some action at a particular time. + division n. The process of finding how many times one number or quantity is contained in another; the reverse of multiplication; also, the rule by which the operation is performed. + diastema n. A vacant space, or gap, esp. between teeth in a jaw. + driftpin n. A smooth drift. See Drift, n., 9. + demonstrable a. Capable of being demonstrated; that can be proved beyond doubt or question. + doree n. A European marine fish (Zeus faber), of a yellow color. See Illust. of John Doree. + doretree n. A doorpost. + dramatic a. Alt. of Dramatical + decipherable a. Capable of being deciphered; as, old writings not decipherable. + detest v.t. To hate intensely; to abhor; to abominate; to loathe; as, we detest what is contemptible or evil. + dotehead n. A dotard. + defile n. Any narrow passage or gorge in which troops can march only in a file, or with a narrow front; a long, narrow pass between hills, rocks, etc. + dado n. In any wall, that part of the basement included between the base and the base course. See Base course, under Base. + disrout v.i. To put to rout. + disputison n. Dispute; discussion. + depuration n. The act or process of depurating or freeing from foreign or impure matter, as a liquid or wound. + disoxygenate v.t. To deprive of oxygen; to deoxidize. + deprecative a. Serving to deprecate; deprecatory. + dubiously adv. In a dubious manner. + disseminate v.t.|i. To sow broadcast or as seed; to scatter for growth and propagation, like seed; to spread abroad; to diffuse; as, principles, ideas, opinions, and errors are disseminated when they are spread abroad for propagation. + devastate v.t. To lay waste; to ravage; to desolate. + droitzschka n. See Drosky. + distill v.t. To let fall or send down in drops. + disentanglement n. The act of disentangling or clearing from difficulties. + defecation n. The act of separating from impurities, as lees or dregs; purification. + draw v.i. To have draught, as a chimney, flue, or the like; to furnish transmission to smoke, gases, etc. + ding v.i. To talk with vehemence, importunity, or reiteration; to bluster. + done infinitive. It is done or agreed; let it be a match or bargain; -- used elliptically. + deponent a. Having a passive form with an active meaning, as certain latin and Greek verbs. + darkness n. A state of ignorance or error, especially on moral or religious subjects; hence, wickedness; impurity. + despend v.t. To spend; to squander. See Dispend. + drillstock n. A contrivance for holding and turning a drill. + deafened imp.|p.p. of Deafen + dispensing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispense + denarcotize v.t. To deprive of narcotine; as, to denarcotize opium. + disintegration n. The process by which anything is disintegrated; the condition of anything which is disintegrated. + declamation n. A set or harangue; declamatory discourse. + denier n. A small copper coin of insignificant value. + daggled imp.|p.p. of Daggle + diminishment n. Diminution. + disinhabited a. Uninhabited. + diaglyphtic a. Represented or formed by depressions in the general surface; as, diaglyphic sculpture or engraving; -- opposed to anaglyphic. + dishonesty n. Want of honesty, probity, or integrity in principle; want of fairness and straightforwardness; a disposition to defraud, deceive, or betray; faithlessness. + dedication n. An address to a patron or friend, prefixed to a book, testifying respect, and often recommending the work to his special protection and favor. + directory n. A book containing the names and residences of the inhabitants of any place, or of classes of them; an address book; as, a business directory. + douce a. Sober; prudent; sedate; modest. + doctoress n. A female doctor. + depredatory a. Tending or designed to depredate; characterized by depredation; plundering; as, a depredatory incursion. + disjunctive n. A disjunctive proposition. + displeasing a. Causing displeasure or dissatisfaction; offensive; disagreeable. + dispassion n. Freedom from passion; an undisturbed state; apathy. + drift n. A collection of loose earth and rocks, or boulders, which have been distributed over large portions of the earth's surface, especially in latitudes north of forty degrees, by the agency of ice. + draft a. Pertaining to, or used for, drawing or pulling (as vehicles, loads, etc.). Same as Draught. + discourage n. Lack of courage; cowardliness. + debarked imp.|p.p. of Debark + dowel n. A piece of wood driven into a wall, so that other pieces may be nailed to it. + draconin n. A red resin forming the essential basis of dragon's blood; -- called also dracin. + dismortaged imp.|p.p. of Dismortgage + doubledye v.t. To dye again or twice over. + depended imp.|p.p. of Depend + diapering n. Same as Diaper, n., 2. + dichromatism n. The state of being dichromatic. + discuss v.t. To break up; to disperse; to scatter; to dissipate; to drive away; -- said especially of tumors. + dressing n. Castigation; scolding; -- often with down. + determined imp.|p.p. of Determine + duster n. A light over-garment, worn in traveling to protect the clothing from dust. + damnification n. That which causes damage or loss. + defacer n. One who, or that which, defaces or disfigures. + diphthongal a. Relating or belonging to a diphthong; having the nature of a diphthong. + diocesan n. The clergy or the people of a diocese. + desponsate v.t. To betroth. + denay v.t. To deny. + dynastical a. Dynastic. + discrete a. Disjunctive; containing a disjunctive or discretive clause; as, "I resign my life, but not my honor," is a discrete proposition. + dispersed a. Scattered. + dwarfy a. Much undersized. + down n. The soft hair of the face when beginning to appear. + durukuli n. A small, nocturnal, South American monkey (Nyctipthecus trivirgatus). + droil n. A drudge. + denouncer n. One who denounces, or declares, as a menace. + distillery n. The building and works where distilling, esp. of alcoholic liquors, is carried on. + descant v.i. A discourse formed on its theme, like variations on a musical air; a comment or comments. + deerskin n. The skin of a deer, or the leather which is made from it. + dehorting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dehort + devoutness n. Quality or state of being devout. + decillionth a. Pertaining to a decillion, or to the quotient of unity divided by a decillion. + dunnock a. The hedge sparrow or hedge accentor. + disgallant v.t. To deprive of gallantry. + daubery n. Alt. of Daubry + digging n. Places where ore is dug; especially, certain localities in California, Australia, and elsewhere, at which gold is obtained. + dowitcher n. The red-breasted or gray snipe (Macrorhamphus griseus); -- called also brownback, and grayback. + daubing n. In currying, a mixture of fish oil and tallow worked into leather; -- called also dubbing. + declination n. The act or state of falling off or declining from excellence or perfection; deterioration; decay; decline. + deflecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Deflect + downhill a. Declivous; descending; sloping. + deteriorating p.pr.|vb.n. of Deteriorate + drinking n. The act of one who drinks; the act of imbibing. + disarray v.t. To throw into disorder; to break the array of. + deridingly adv. By way of derision or mockery. + derainment n. The act of deraigning. + dovekie n. A guillemot (Uria grylle), of the arctic regions. Also applied to the little auk or sea dove. See under Dove. + deadwood n. A mass of timbers built into the bow and stern of a vessel to give solidity. + drop n. A contrivance for temporarily lowering a gas jet. + devotionally adv. In a devotional manner; toward devotion. + donatary n. See Donatory. + dualism n. The doctrine that all mankind are divided by the arbitrary decree of God, and in his eternal foreknowledge, into two classes, the elect and the reprobate. + damiana n. A Mexican drug, used as an aphrodisiac. + duodenary a. Containing twelve; twelvefold; increasing by twelves; duodecimal. + display v.t. To make an exhibition of; to set in view conspicuously or ostentatiously; to exhibit for the sake of publicity; to parade. + dispatch v.t. To send out of the world; to put to death. + deleble a. Capable of being blotted out or erased. + dietist n. Alt. of Dietitian + downpour n. A pouring or streaming downwards; esp., a heavy or continuous shower. + distrusted imp.|p.p. of Distrust + drummer n. A fish that makes a sound when caught + densimeter n. An instrument for ascertaining the specific gravity or density of a substance. + desipient a. Foolish; silly; trifling. + droller n. A jester; a droll. + dern a. Hidden; concealed; secret. + dredger n. A box with holes in its lid; -- used for sprinkling flour, as on meat or a breadboard; -- called also dredging box, drudger, and drudging box. + derivement n. That which is derived; deduction; inference. + describe v.t. To distribute into parts, groups, or classes; to mark off; to class. + demiman n. A half man. + die n. That part of a pedestal included between base and cornice; the dado. + disserviceable a. Calculated to do disservice or harm; not serviceable; injurious; harmful; unserviceable. + dichroous a. Dichroic. + demission n. The act of demitting, or the state of being demitted; a letting down; a lowering; dejection. + decenniums pl. of Decennium + divine a. A minister of the gospel; a priest; a clergyman. + drownage n. The act of drowning. + discontinuing p.pr.|vb.n. of Discontinue + disclaiming p.pr.|vb.n. of Disclaim + depreciatory a. Tending to depreciate; undervaluing; depreciative. + dioptric a. Of or pertaining to the dioptre, or to the metric system of numbering glasses. + dangled imp.|p.p. of Dangle + disputeless a. Admitting no dispute; incontrovertible. + dark n. The condition of ignorance; gloom; secrecy. + diamond n. The infield; the square space, 90 feet on a side, having the bases at its angles. + dextronic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, dextrose; as, dextronic acid. + disgospel v.i. To be inconsistent with, or act contrary to, the precepts of the gospel; to pervert the gospel. + drawer n. One who delineates or depicts; a draughtsman; as, a good drawer. + declinous a. Declinate. + den n. A narrow glen; a ravine; a dell. + dubbing n. The act of dubbing, as a knight, etc. + deathshead n. A naked human skull as the emblem of death; the head of the conventional personification of death. + defaulting p.pr.|vb.n. of Default + dissenter n. One who separates from the service and worship of an established church; especially, one who disputes the authority or tenets of the Church of England; a nonconformist. + downwards adv. From a higher to a lower condition; toward misery, humility, disgrace, or ruin. + disconducive a. Not conductive; impeding; disadvantageous. + despoilment n. Despoliation. + dab n. A gentle blow with the hand or some soft substance; a sudden blow or hit; a peck. + dysodile n. An impure earthy or coaly bitumen, which emits a highly fetid odor when burning. + defend v.t. To ward or fend off; to drive back or away; to repel. + drought n. Thirst; want of drink. + designless a. Without design. + divisive a. Indicating division or distribution. + distracting p.pr.|vb.n. of Distract + disconvenient a. Not convenient or congruous; unsuitable; ill-adapted. + dulcifluous a. Flowing sweetly. + delicate a. Tender; not able to endure hardship; feeble; frail; effeminate; -- said of constitution, health, etc.; as, a delicate child; delicate health. + deify v.t. To make a god of; to exalt to the rank of a deity; to enroll among the deities; to apotheosize; as, Julius Caesar was deified. + dalliance n. The act of dallying, trifling, or fondling; interchange of caresses; wanton play. + demonry n. Demoniacal influence or possession. + damar n. See Dammar. + defensative n. That which serves to protect or defend. + diterebene n. See Colophene. + divorce n. To separate or disunite; to sunder. + domina n. Lady; a lady; -- a title formerly given to noble ladies who held a barony in their own right. + deliverance n. Anything delivered or communicated; esp., an opinion or decision expressed publicly. + delirious a. Having a delirium; wandering in mind; light-headed; insane; raving; wild; as, a delirious patient; delirious fancies. + drop v.i. To come unexpectedly; -- with in or into; as, my old friend dropped in a moment. + disproportion v.t. To make unsuitable in quantity, form, or fitness to an end; to violate symmetry in; to mismatch; to join unfitly. + discredit n. The act of discrediting or disbelieving, or the state of being discredited or disbelieved; as, later accounts have brought the story into discredit. + dissuaded imp.|p.p. of Dissuade + degradation n. The state or condition of a species or group which exhibits degraded forms; degeneration. + dart v.i. To start and run with velocity; to shoot rapidly along; as, the deer darted from the thicket. + defectible a. Liable to defect; imperfect. + disability n. State of being disabled; deprivation or want of ability; absence of competent physical, intellectual, or moral power, means, fitness, and the like. + dimission n. Leave to depart; a dismissing. + drunkenship n. Alt. of Drunkship + defend v.t. To repel danger or harm from; to protect; to secure against; attack; to maintain against force or argument; to uphold; to guard; as, to defend a town; to defend a cause; to defend character; to defend the absent; -- sometimes followed by from or against; as, to defend one's self from, or against, one's enemies. + deflower v.t. Same as Deflour. + debarred imp.|p.p. of Debar + dalmatic n. A robe worn on state ocasions, as by English kings at their coronation. + disinteress v.t. To deprive or rid of interest in, or regard for; to disengage. + disquieted imp.|p.p. of Disquiet + demonstration n. The exhibition and explanation of a dissection or other anatomical preparation. + decay v.t. To cause to decay; to impair. + despotize v.t. To act the despot. + drinking p.pr.|vb.n. of Drink + devilries pl. of Devilry + dinned imp.|p.p. of Din + dipt of Dip + diana n. The daughter of Jupiter and Latona; a virgin goddess who presided over hunting, chastity, and marriage; -- identified with the Greek goddess Artemis. + droumy a. Troubled; muddy. + discobolus n. A statue of an athlete holding the discus, or about to throw it. + dendroid a. Alt. of Dendroidal + diatribist n. One who makes a diatribe or diatribes. + drowner n. One who, or that which, drowns. + discharge v.i. To throw off or deliver a load, charge, or burden; to unload; to emit or give vent to fluid or other contents; as, the water pipe discharges freely. + deem v.i. To pass judgment. + dendrachate n. Arborescent or dendritic agate. + dipsomaniacal a. Of or pertaining to dipsomania. + disapparel v.t. To disrobe; to strip of apparel; to make naked. + deadly a. Aiming or willing to destroy; implacable; desperately hostile; flagitious; as, deadly enemies. + deadlock n. A counteraction of things, which produces an entire stoppage; a complete obstruction of action. + drill v.i. To trickle. + dithecal a. Alt. of Dithecous + dissemble v.t. To put on the semblance of; to make pretense of; to simulate; to feign. + drogher n. A small craft used in the West India Islands to take off sugars, rum, etc., to the merchantmen; also, a vessel for transporting lumber, cotton, etc., coastwise; as, a lumber drogher. + downing p.pr.|vb.n. of Down + dotary n. A dotard's weakness; dotage. + dystocia n. Difficult delivery pr parturition. + dogmatize v.i. To assert positively; to teach magisterially or with bold and undue confidence; to advance with arrogance. + disembodied imp.|p.p. of Disembody + drivel n. A servant; a drudge. + desertion n. Abandonment by God; spiritual despondency. + disbowel v.t. To disembowel. + dodman n. A snail; also, a snail shell; a hodmandod. + doorstead n. Entrance or place of a door. + detailer n. One who details. + dal segno A direction to go back to the sign / and repeat from thence to the close. See Segno. + deposit v.t. A natural occurrence of a useful mineral under the conditions to invite exploitation. + dispensary n. A dispensatory. + denude v.t. To divest of all covering; to make bare or naked; to strip; to divest; as, to denude one of clothing, or lands. + driveway n. A passage or way along or through which a carriage may be driven. + dipsas n. A serpent whose bite was fabled to produce intense thirst. + disfavored imp.|p.p. of Disfavor + dooming p.pr.|vb.n. of Doom + decennary n. A period of ten years. + diet n. A course of food selected with reference to a particular state of health; prescribed allowance of food; regimen prescribed. + dovetailed imp.|p.p. of Dovetail + definite a. Having certain limits in signification; determinate; certain; precise; fixed; exact; clear; as, a definite word, term, or expression. + displacer n. One that displaces. + deceive v.t. To beguile; to amuse, so as to divert the attention; to while away; to take away as if by deception. + deities pl. of Deity + dragons tail See Dragon's blood, Dragon's head, etc., under Dragon. + device n. An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote the historical situation, the ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See Cognizance. + defilement n. The protection of the interior walls of a fortification from an enfilading fire, as by covering them, or by a high parapet on the exposed side. + double a. Divided into two; acting two parts, one openly and the other secretly; equivocal; deceitful; insincere. + dinnerless a. Having no dinner. + disapprove v.t. To refuse official approbation to; to disallow; to decline to sanction; as, the sentence of the court-martial was disapproved by the commander in chief. + dust n. Figuratively, a low or mean condition. + disregard v.t. Not to regard; to pay no heed to; to omit to take notice of; to neglect to observe; to slight as unworthy of regard or notice; as, to disregard the admonitions of conscience. + diagnostic a. Pertaining to, or furnishing, a diagnosis; indicating the nature of a disease. + deflected a. Turned aside; deviating from a direct line or course. + disentangle v.t. To extricate from complication and perplexity; disengage from embarrassing connection or intermixture; to disembroil; to set free; to separate. + dowdy superl. Showing a vulgar taste in dress; awkward and slovenly in dress; vulgar-looking. + disease n. Lack of ease; uneasiness; trouble; vexation; disquiet. + date v.t. To note the time of writing or executing; to express in an instrument the time of its execution; as, to date a letter, a bond, a deed, or a charter. + daubing p.pr.|vb.n. of Daub + derelict a. Lost; adrift; hence, wanting; careless; neglectful; unfaithful. + decimetre n. A measure of length in the metric system; one tenth of a meter, equal to 3.937 inches. + declension n. The form of the inflection of a word declined by cases; as, the first or the second declension of nouns, adjectives, etc. + defeature n. Disfigurement; deformity. + discomposure n. Discordance; disagreement of parts. + divan n. A chief officer of state. + disgust v.t. Repugnance to what is offensive; aversion or displeasure produced by something loathsome; loathing; strong distaste; -- said primarily of the sickening opposition felt for anything which offends the physical organs of taste; now rather of the analogous repugnance excited by anything extremely unpleasant to the moral taste or higher sensibilities of our nature; as, an act of cruelty may excite disgust. + diminution n. Omission, inaccuracy, or defect in a record. + deceiver n. One who deceives; one who leads into error; a cheat; an impostor. + disincorporate v.t. To deprive of corporate powers, rights, or privileges; to divest of the condition of a corporate body. + defalcated imp.|p.p. of Defalcate + deliberate v.t. To weigh in the mind; to consider the reasons for and against; to consider maturely; to reflect upon; to ponder; as, to deliberate a question. + decompound n. A decomposite. + dree v.t. To endure; to suffer. + desquamatory a. Of, pertaining to, or attended with, desquamation. + damascene n. A kind of plume, now called damson. See Damson. + deracinate v.t. To pluck up by the roots; to extirpate. + disburser n. One who disburses money. + desiccate v.t. To dry up; to deprive or exhaust of moisture; to preserve by drying; as, to desiccate fish or fruit. + discharge v.t. Act of removing, or getting rid of, an obligation, liability, etc.; fulfillment, as by the payment of a debt, or the performance of a trust or duty. + diametrically adv. In a diametrical manner; directly; as, diametrically opposite. + dismalness n. The quality of being dismal; gloominess. + dawdler n. One who wastes time in trifling employments; an idler; a trifler. + demonomy n. The dominion of demons. + demisable a. Capable of being leased; as, a demisable estate. + dirked imp.|p.p. of Dirk + drawling n. The act of speaking with a drawl; a drawl. + dorsibranchiata n.pl. A division of chaetopod annelids in which the branchiae are along the back, on each side, or on the parapodia. [See Illusts. under Annelida and Chaetopoda.] + deflagration n. A burning up; conflagration. + depend v.i. To rely for support; to be conditioned or contingent; to be connected with anything, as a cause of existence, or as a necessary condition; -- followed by on or upon, formerly by of. + deterge v.t. To cleanse; to purge away, as foul or offending matter from the body, or from an ulcer. + dactylist n. A writer of dactylic verse. + desolator n. Same as Desolater. + disregarded imp.|p.p. of Disregard + deletive a. Adapted to destroy or obliterate. + devote a. Devoted; addicted; devout. + declare v.t. To make full statement of, as goods, etc., for the purpose of paying taxes, duties, etc. + dagger n. A short weapon used for stabbing. This is the general term: cf. Poniard, Stiletto, Bowie knife, Dirk, Misericorde, Anlace. + douse v.t. To plunge suddenly into water; to duck; to immerse; to dowse. + defame v.t. To render infamous; to bring into disrepute. + droop v.i. To hang bending downward; to sink or hang down, as an animal, plant, etc., from physical inability or exhaustion, want of nourishment, or the like. + displenish v.t. To deprive or strip, as a house of furniture, or a barn of stock. + dragon n. A small arboreal lizard of the genus Draco, of several species, found in the East Indies and Southern Asia. Five or six of the hind ribs, on each side, are prolonged and covered with weblike skin, forming a sort of wing. These prolongations aid them in making long leaps from tree to tree. Called also flying lizard. + diota n. A vase or drinking cup having two handles or ears. + debilitated imp.|p.p. of Debilitate + disfurniture n. The act of disfurnishing, or the state of being disfurnished. + desponsation n. A betrothing; betrothal. + desperate n. One desperate or hopeless. + dead beat See Beat, n., 7. + di denoting two atoms, radicals, groups, or equivalents, as the case may be. See Bi-, 2. + dianium n. Same as Columbium. + dodging p.pr.|vb.n. of Dodge + donothingness n. Inactivity; habitual sloth; idleness. + diametrical a. Of or pertaining to a diameter. + dinar n. A petty money of accounts of Persia. + denote v.t. To be the sign of; to betoken; to signify; to mean. + disoccupation n. The state of being unemployed; want of occupation. + dull v.i. To become dull or stupid. + diaphanotype n. A colored photograph produced by superimposing a translucent colored positive over a strong uncolored one. + drone n. To utter or make a low, dull, monotonous, humming or murmuring sound. + devoutly adv. In a devout and reverent manner; with devout emotions; piously. + drub n. A blow with a cudgel; a thump. + disulphate n. An acid salt of sulphuric acid, having only one equivalent of base to two of the acid. + demonstrator n. One who demonstrates; one who proves anything with certainty, or establishes it by indubitable evidence. + deigning p.pr.|vb.n. of Deign + dirkness n. Darkness. + defective a. Wanting in something; incomplete; lacking a part; deficient; imperfect; faulty; -- applied either to natural or moral qualities; as, a defective limb; defective timber; a defective copy or account; a defective character; defective rules. + diverticular a. Pertaining to a diverticulum. + death v.i. Anything so dreadful as to be like death. + draw v.i. To make a draft or written demand for payment of money deposited or due; -- usually with on or upon. + dialysis n. Same as Asyndeton. + dismembered imp.|p.p. of Dismember + destine v.t. To determine the future condition or application of; to set apart by design for a future use or purpose; to fix, as by destiny or by an authoritative decree; to doom; to ordain or preordain; to appoint; -- often with the remoter object preceded by to or for. + disarmed a. Deprived of arms. + disposal n. Regulation of the fate, condition, application, etc., of anything; the transference of anything into new hands, a new place, condition, etc.; alienation, or parting; as, a disposal of property. + dream v.t. To have a dream of; to see, or have a vision of, in sleep, or in idle fancy; -- often followed by an objective clause. + dad n. Father; -- a word sometimes used by children. + disembody v.t. To divest of the body or corporeal existence. + discosent v.i. To differ; to disagree; to dissent. + drive v.t. To clear, by forcing away what is contained. + disuse v.t. To disaccustom; -- with to or from; as, disused to toil. + deturn v.t. To turn away. + ditch v.t. To surround with a ditch. + dialogist n. A writer of dialogues. + drawled imp.|p.p. of Drawl + derision n. An object of derision or scorn; a laughing-stock. + desertrice n. A feminine deserter. + drift n. A tool used in driving down compactly the composition contained in a rocket, or like firework. + deambulate v.i. To walk abroad. + dazzle n. A light of dazzling brilliancy. + drama n. Dramatic composition and the literature pertaining to or illustrating it; dramatic literature. + dehydrogenate v.t. To deprive of, or free from, hydrogen. + dictyogen n. A plant with net-veined leaves, and monocotyledonous embryos, belonging to the class Dictyogenae, proposed by Lindley for the orders Dioscoreaceae, Smilaceae, Trilliaceae, etc. + deforced imp.|p.p. of Deforce + debile a. Weak. + deplumation n. The stripping or falling off of plumes or feathers. + dribbled imp.|p.p. of Dribble + disfurnish v.t. To deprive of that with which anything is furnished (furniture, equipments, etc.); to strip; to render destitute; to divest. + dagger v.t. To pierce with a dagger; to stab. + dictate v.i. To compose literary works; to tell what shall be written or said by another. + dart n. A fish; the dace. See Dace. + disbursing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disburse + defile v.t. To soil or sully; to tarnish, as reputation; to taint. + derogated imp.|p.p. of Derogate + despotism n. A government which is directed by a despot; a despotic monarchy; absolutism; autocracy. + deed v.t. Power of action; agency; efficiency. + distillatory a. Belonging to, or used in, distilling; as, distillatory vessels. + daystar n. The sun, as the orb of day. + desultoriness n. The quality of being desultory or without order or method; unconnectedness. + dies irae Day of wrath; -- the name and beginning of a famous mediaeval Latin hymn on the Last Judgment. + dissociation n. The act of dissociating or disuniting; a state of separation; disunion. + dress n. The system of furrows on the face of a millstone. + drivel v.i. To slaver; to let spittle drop or flow from the mouth, like a child, idiot, or dotard. + dropwort n. An Old World species of Spiraea (S. filipendula), with finely cut leaves. + diversity n. Multiplicity of difference; multiformity; variety. + disaventure n. Misfortune. + dreint p. p. of Drench to drown. + differentiae pl. of Differentia + dredge n. Very fine mineral matter held in suspension in water. + deburse v.t.|i. To disburse. + depilate v.t. To strip of hair; to husk. + dike n. A wall of turf or stone. + desmology n. The science which treats of the ligaments. + deal n. To divide; to separate in portions; hence, to give in portions; to distribute; to bestow successively; -- sometimes with out. + dialling of Dial + drag v.t. A net, or an apparatus, to be drawn along the bottom under water, as in fishing, searching for drowned persons, etc. + delicacy a. Nicety or fineness of form, texture, or constitution; softness; elegance; smoothness; tenderness; and hence, frailty or weakness; as, the delicacy of a fiber or a thread; delicacy of a hand or of the human form; delicacy of the skin; delicacy of frame. + drift n. The distance to which a vessel is carried off from her desired course by the wind, currents, or other causes. + disaccommodate v.t. To put to inconvenience; to incommode. + despiser n. One who despises; a contemner; a scorner. + disarming imp.|p.p. of Disarm + doted imp.|p.p. of Dote + diamantine a. Adamantine. + determinant a. Serving to determine or limit; determinative. + disusage n. Gradual cessation of use or custom; neglect of use; disuse. + disannul v.t. To annul completely; to render void or of no effect. + dappled imp.|p.p. of Dapple + detrital a. Pertaining to, or composed of, detritus. + disorder v.t. To disturb the order of; to derange or disarrange; to throw into confusion; to confuse. + dearloved a. Greatly beloved. + dismarry v.t. To free from the bonds of marriage; to divorce. + denarii pl. of Denarius + disaugment v.t. To diminish. + dray n. A strong low cart or carriage used for heavy burdens. + discourse v.t. To utter or give forth; to speak. + diverge v.i. To differ from a typical form; to vary from a normal condition; to dissent from a creed or position generally held or taken. + dread v.t. To fear in a great degree; to regard, or look forward to, with terrific apprehension. + dialogistical a. Pertaining to a dialogue; having the form or nature of a dialogue. + drencher n. One who administers a drench. + dressing n. An ornamental finish, as a molding around doors, windows, or on a ceiling, etc. + dogmatics n. The science which treats of Christian doctrinal theology. + dimeter n. A verse of two meters. + droll v.t. To lead or influence by jest or trick; to banter or jest; to cajole. + discoveries pl. of Discovery + demarcation n. The act of marking, or of ascertaining and setting a limit; separation; distinction. + deal n. The division of a piece of timber made by sawing; a board or plank; particularly, a board or plank of fir or pine above seven inches in width, and exceeding six feet in length. If narrower than this, it is called a batten; if shorter, a deal end. + ditty v.i. To sing; to warble a little tune. + deathlike a. Resembling death. + dinosaur n. Alt. of Dinosaurian + dollar n. A coin of the same general weight and value, though differing slightly in different countries, current in Mexico, Canada, parts of South America, also in Spain, and several other European countries. + discriminatory a. Discriminative. + dampen v.i. To become damp; to deaden. + desperadoes pl. of Desperado + dwang n. A large wrench. + dischevele a. Disheveled. + demean n. Demesne. + dory n. A European fish. See Doree, and John Doree. + dendroidal a. Resembling a shrub or tree in form; treelike. + disinterested a. Not influenced by regard to personal interest or advantage; free from selfish motive; having no relation of interest or feeling; not biased or prejudiced; as, a disinterested decision or judge. + domesticate a. To cause to be, as it were, of one's family or country; as, to domesticate a foreign custom or word. + demonize v.t. To convert into a demon; to infuse the principles or fury of a demon into. + dodecagynian a. Alt. of Dodecagynous + delilah n. The mistress of Samson, who betrayed him (Judges xvi.); hence, a harlot; a temptress. + direct a. In the direction of the general planetary motion, or from west to east; in the order of the signs; not retrograde; -- said of the motion of a celestial body. + doughiness n. The quality or state of being doughy. + directorate n. The office of director; also, a body of directors taken jointly. + departing p.pr.|vb.n. of Depart + despotat n. The station or government of a despot; also, the domain of a despot. + declinate a. Bent downward or aside; (Bot.) bending downward in a curve; declined. + deathful a. Liable to undergo death; mortal. + detract v.t. To take away; to withdraw. + deliciously adv. Delightfully; as, to feed deliciously; to be deliciously entertained. + dissentation n. Dissension. + decillionth n. One of a decillion equal parts. + descant v.i. The canto, cantus, or soprano voice; the treble. + dianthus n. A genus of plants containing some of the most popular of cultivated flowers, including the pink, carnation, and Sweet William. + damned a. Sentenced to punishment in a future state; condemned; consigned to perdition. + desolate v.t. To lay waste; to ruin; to ravage; as, a fire desolates a city. + dizen v.t. To dress gaudily; to overdress; to bedizen; to deck out. + dynamics n. The moving moral, as well as physical, forces of any kind, or the laws which relate to them. + desolation n. The state of being desolated or laid waste; ruin; solitariness; destitution; gloominess. + dentary n. The distal bone of the lower jaw in many animals, which may or may not bear teeth. + distinction n. Conspicuous station; eminence; superiority; honorable estimation; as, a man of distinction. + devow v.t. To disavow; to disclaim. + disciplinarian n. One who disciplines; one who excels in training, especially with training, especially with regard to order and obedience; one who enforces rigid discipline; a stickler for the observance of rules and methods of training; as, he is a better disciplinarian than scholar. + disembrangle v.t. To free from wrangling or litigation. + directly adv. Without circumlocution or ambiguity; absolutely; in express terms. + decumbiture n. Aspect of the heavens at the time of taking to one's sick bed, by which the prognostics of recovery or death were made. + dripstone n. A drip, when made of stone. See Drip, 2. + diageotropism n. The tendency of organs (as roots) of plants to assume a position oblique or transverse to a direction towards the center of the earth. + distinction n. That which distinguishes one thing from another; distinguishing quality; sharply defined difference; as, the distinction between real and apparent good. + disentomb v.t. To take out from a tomb; a disinter. + di imp.|p.p. of Disserve + dust n. Figuratively, a worthless thing. + dram v.i.|t. To drink drams; to ply with drams. + disjunctively adv. In a disjunctive manner; separately. + dishabited p.a. Rendered uninhabited. + dishevel v.i. To be spread in disorder or hang negligently, as the hair. + devirgination n. A deflouring. + dissheathe v.i. To become unsheathed. + disrank v.t. To throw out of rank or into confusion. + disfranchise v.t. To deprive of a franchise or chartered right; to dispossess of the rights of a citizen, or of a particular privilege, as of voting, holding office, etc. + disconsecrate v.t. To deprive of consecration or sacredness. + decide v.t. To bring to a termination, as a question, controversy, struggle, by giving the victory to one side or party; to render judgment concerning; to determine; to settle. + diversified a. Distinguished by various forms, or by a variety of aspects or objects; variegated; as, diversified scenery or landscape. + docket n. A small piece of paper or parchment, containing the heads of a writing; a summary or digest. + dreaded imp.|p.p. of Dread + decyl n. A hydrocarbon radical, C10H21, never existing alone, but regarded as the characteristic constituent of a number of compounds of the paraffin series. + decent a. Moderate, but competent; sufficient; hence, respectable; fairly good; reasonably comfortable or satisfying; as, a decent fortune; a decent person. + decree n. An order from one having authority, deciding what is to be done by a subordinate; also, a determination by one having power, deciding what is to be done or to take place; edict, law; authoritative ru// decision. + dechristianize v.t. To turn from, or divest of, Christianity. + dived imp.|p.p. of Dive + drivepipe n. A pipe for forcing into the earth. + disport v.i. To play; to wanton; to move in gayety; to move lightly and without restraint; to amuse one's self. + dihedral a. Having two plane faces; as, the dihedral summit of a crystal. + davyum n. A rare metallic element found in platinum ore. It is a white malleable substance. Symbol Da. Atomic weight 154. + debouchure n. The outward opening of a river, of a valley, or of a strait. + disgorge v.t. To eject or discharge by the throat and mouth; to vomit; to pour forth or throw out with violence, as if from the mouth; to discharge violently or in great quantities from a confined place. + dibble v.t. To make holes or indentations in, as if with a dibble. + diallage n. A dark green or bronze-colored laminated variety of pyroxene, common in certain igneous rocks. + doze v.i. To slumber; to sleep lightly; to be in a dull or stupefied condition, as if half asleep; to be drowsy. + desume v.t. To select; to borrow. + disencrese n. Decrease. + dyscrasite n. A mineral consisting of antimony and silver. + disjunct a. Having the head, thorax, and abdomen separated by a deep constriction. + dispense v.t. Dispensation; exemption. + darter n. One who darts, or who throw darts; that which darts. + disshiver v.t.|i. To shiver or break in pieces. + deep superl. Of low tone; full-toned; not high or sharp; grave; heavy. + depilatory a. Having the quality or power of removing hair. + dibranchiata n.pl. An order of cephalopods which includes those with two gills, an apparatus for emitting an inky fluid, and either eight or ten cephalic arms bearing suckers or hooks, as the octopi and squids. See Cephalopoda. + durylic a. Pertaining to, allied to, or derived from, durene; as, durylic acid. + distinguish v.i. To become distinguished or distinctive; to make one's self or itself discernible. + disapprove v.t. To pass unfavorable judgment upon; to condemn by an act of the judgment; to regard as wrong, unsuitable, or inexpedient; to censure; as, to disapprove the conduct of others. + dominie n. A clergyman. See Domine, 1. + draping p.pr.|vb.n. of Drape + disafforest v.t. To reduce from the privileges of a forest to the state of common ground; to exempt from forest laws. + dilute v.t. To diminish the strength, flavor, color, etc., of, by mixing; to reduce, especially by the addition of water; to temper; to attenuate; to weaken. + drotchel n. See Drossel. + dogmatize v.t. To deliver as a dogma. + denegation n. Denial. + damming p.pr.|vb.n. of Dam + demising p.pr.|vb.n. of Demise + dibstone n. A pebble used in a child's game called dibstones. + discomfited imp.|p.p. of Discomfit + dizzied imp.|p.p. of Dizzy + disaggregate v.t. To destroy the aggregation of; to separate into component parts, as an aggregate mass. + deject v.t. To cast down. + dot n. A marriage portion; dowry. + defray v.t. To avert or appease, as by paying off; to satisfy; as, to defray wrath. + dysphony n. A difficulty in producing vocal sounds; enfeebled or depraved voice. + dispraisingly adv. By way of dispraise. + discursory a. Argumentative; discursive; reasoning. + decadency n. A falling away; decay; deterioration; declension. "The old castle, where the family lived in their decadence." + degenerateness n. Degeneracy. + determiner n. One who, or that which, determines or decides. + deaden a. To make vapid or spiritless; as, to deaden wine. + distich n. Alt. of Distichous + drum n. An instrument of percussion, consisting either of a hollow cylinder, over each end of which is stretched a piece of skin or vellum, to be beaten with a stick; or of a metallic hemisphere (kettledrum) with a single piece of skin to be so beaten; the common instrument for marking time in martial music; one of the pair of tympani in an orchestra, or cavalry band. + dissymmetry n. Absence or defect of symmetry; asymmetry. + deduplication n. The division of that which is morphologically one organ into two or more, as the division of an organ of a plant into a pair or cluster. + dissensious a. Disposed to discord; contentious; dissentious. + drupe n. A fruit consisting of pulpy, coriaceous, or fibrous exocarp, without valves, containing a nut or stone with a kernel. The exocarp is succulent in the plum, cherry, apricot, peach, etc.; dry and subcoriaceous in the almond; and fibrous in the cocoanut. + dodipate n. Alt. of Dodipoll + desinence n. Termination; ending. + desiderative a. Denoting desire; as, desiderative verbs. + dehortation n. Dissuasion; advice against something. + dangerous a. Causing danger; ready to do harm or injury. + descanting p.pr.|vb.n. of Descant + dendritic a. Alt. of Dendritical + diswitted a. Deprived of wits or understanding; distracted. + dilly n. A kind of stagecoach. + dirgeful a. Funereal; moaning. + dividing p.pr.|vb.n. of Divide + drift n. The distance between the two blocks of a tackle. + disgestion n. Digestion. + demiurge n. The chief magistrate in some of the Greek states. + dormancy n. The state of being dormant; quiescence; abeyance. + develin n. The European swift. + duodecahedral n. Alt. of Duodecahedron + designation n. That which designates; a distinguishing mark or name; distinctive title; appellation. + defensive a. Serving to defend or protect; proper for defense; opposed to offensive; as, defensive armor. + deck v.t. To furnish with a deck, as a vessel. + duple a. Double. + descend v.i. To move toward the south, or to the southward. + desire v.t. To express a wish for; to entreat; to request. + dodder n. A plant of the genus Cuscuta. It is a leafless parasitical vine with yellowish threadlike stems. It attaches itself to some other plant, as to flax, goldenrod, etc., and decaying at the root, is nourished by the plant that supports it. + descant v.i. To sing a variation or accomplishment. + diathesis n. Bodily condition or constitution, esp. a morbid habit which predisposes to a particular disease, or class of diseases. + diffuser n. One who, or that which, diffuses. + delph n. The drain on the land side of a sea embankment. + dressed imp.|p.p. of Dress + diamagnetic n. Any substance, as bismuth, glass, phosphorous, etc., which in a field of magnetic force is differently affected from the ordinary magnetic bodies, as iron; that is, which tends to take a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force, and is repelled by either pole of the magnet. + decemlocular a. Having ten cells for seeds. + dutch n. The people of Holland; Dutchmen. + die n. A small cube, marked on its faces with spots from one to six, and used in playing games by being shaken in a box and thrown from it. See Dice. + distal a. Pertaining to that which is distal; as, the distal tuberosities of a bone. + distemper v.t. To derange the functions of, whether bodily, mental, or spiritual; to disorder; to disease. + delibation n. Act of tasting; a slight trial. + damourite n. A kind of Muscovite, or potash mica, containing water. + dicyemid n. One of the Dicyemata. + drilling n. The act of using a drill in sowing seeds. + delinquent n. Failing in duty; offending by neglect of duty. + dowcet n. One of the testicles of a hart or stag. + dispute v.i. Contest; struggle; quarrel. + diuretic n. A medicine with diuretic properties. + doubleender n. A vessel capable of moving in either direction, having bow and rudder at each end. + drag v.t. Motion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged. + decimating p.pr.|vb.n. of Decimate + drummer n. A California sculpin. + dele imperativesing. Erase; remove; -- a direction to cancel something which has been put in type; usually expressed by a peculiar form of d, thus: /. + dynamitism n. The work of dynamiters. + draughty a. Pertaining to a draught, or current of air; as, a draughtly, comfortless room. + danger v.t. To endanger. + deflectionization n. The act of freeing from inflections. + dingthrift n. A spendthrift. + denitration n. A disengaging, or removal, of nitric acid. + draff n. A selecting or detaching of soldiers from an army, or from any part of it, or from a military post; also from any district, or any company or collection of persons, or from the people at large; also, the body of men thus drafted. + disenable v.t. To disable; to disqualify. + dexterously adv. In a dexterous manner; skillfully. + dualist n. One who believes in dualism; a ditheist. + doomsday n. A day of sentence or condemnation; day of death. + delegate n. Any one sent and empowered to act for another; one deputed to represent; a chosen deputy; a representative; a commissioner; a vicar. + discovery n. Finding out or ascertaining something previously unknown or unrecognized; as, Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood. + derivate n. A thing derived; a derivative. + division n. One of the groups into which a fleet is divided. + dipneumona n.pl. A group of spiders having only two lunglike organs. + duffer n. A peddler or hawker, especially of cheap, flashy articles, as sham jewelry; hence, a sham or cheat. + dolomize v.t. To convert into dolomite. + decorticating p.pr.|vb.n. of Decorticate + diverticle n. A turning; a byway; a bypath. + dis A prefix from Gr. di`s- twice. See Di-. + doxy n. A loose wench; a disreputable sweetheart. + draught n. The drawing of a bowstring. + deducibleness n. The quality of being deducible; deducibility. + decarbonized imp.|p.p. of Decarbonize + deteriorate v.i. To grow worse; to be impaired in quality; to degenerate. + double a. Having the petals in a flower considerably increased beyond the natural number, usually as the result of cultivation and the expense of the stamens, or stamens and pistils. The white water lily and some other plants have their blossoms naturally double. + disjunctive a. Pertaining to disjunct tetrachords. + dephlegmator n. An instrument or apparatus in which water is separated by evaporation or distillation; the part of a distilling apparatus in which the separation of the vapors is effected. + destruie v.t. To destroy. + domestication n. The act of domesticating, or accustoming to home; the action of taming wild animals. + drabbed imp.|p.p. of Drab + denouncement n. Solemn, official, or menacing announcement; denunciation. + dolent a. Sorrowful. + diffusibility n. The quality of being diffusible; capability of being poured or spread out. + dry superl. Of vegetable matter: Free from juices or sap; not succulent; not green; as, dry wood or hay. + discontentful a. Full of discontent. + diker n. A ditcher. + dividually adv. By dividing. + deflow v.i. To flow down. + dissimilarly adv. In a dissimilar manner; in a varied style. + deductible a. Deducible; consequential. + depopulate v.i. To become dispeopled. + displumed imp.|p.p. of Displume + deliquium n. A sinking away; a swooning. + dur a. Major; in the major mode; as, C dur, that is, C major. + deliracy n. Delirium. + dullbrowed a. Having a gloomy look. + disseizoress n. A woman disseizes. + dripping n. That which falls in drops, as fat from meat in roasting. + dream n. To have ideas or images in the mind while in the state of sleep; to experience sleeping visions; -- often with of; as, to dream of a battle, or of an absent friend. + depredate v.i. To take plunder or prey; to commit waste; as, the troops depredated on the country. + diffuse v.i. To pass by spreading every way, to diffuse itself. + dextroglucose n. Same as Dextrose. + discontinuee n. One whose possession of an estate is broken off, or discontinued; one whose estate is subject to discontinuance. + disgruntle v.t. To dissatisfy; to disaffect; to anger. + discontinuous a. Exhibiting a dissolution of continuity; gaping. + dispensable a. Capable of being dispensed with. + disassiduity n. Want of assiduity or care. + dwindle v.t. To make less; to bring low. + dishful n. As much as a dish holds when full. + discernibly adv. In a manner to be discerned; perceptibly; visibly. + discuss v.t. To break to pieces; to shatter. + delusion n. The state of being deluded or misled. + delicacy a. The state or condition of being delicate; agreeableness to the senses; delightfulness; as, delicacy of flavor, of odor, and the like. + decil n. Alt. of Decile + docetism n. The doctrine of the Docetae. + disgracer n. One who disgraces. + didacticism n. The didactic method or system. + discount v. To lend money upon, deducting the discount or allowance for interest; as, the banks discount notes and bills of exchange. + dentate a. Alt. of Dentated + devise n. Property devised, or given by will. + duboisia n. Same as Duboisine. + demogorgon n. A mysterious, terrible, and evil divinity, regarded by some as the author of creation, by others as a great magician who was supposed to command the spirits of the lower world. See Gorgon. + dismission n. Removal from office or employment; discharge, either with honor or with disgrace. + delicate a. Fine or slender; minute; not coarse; -- said of a thread, or the like; as, delicate cotton. + designate v.t. Designated; appointed; chosen. + decrescendo a.|adv. With decreasing volume of sound; -- a direction to performers, either written upon the staff (abbreviated Dec., or Decresc.), or indicated by the sign. + dead a. Wanting in religious spirit and vitality; as, dead faith; dead works. + decease v.i. To depart from this life; to die; to pass away. + doe n. A feat. [Obs.] See Do, n. + divertible a. Capable of being diverted. + drumming p.pr.|vb.n. of Drum + depression n. The angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon. + deface v.t. To destroy; to make null. + democrat n. One who is an adherent or advocate of democracy, or government by the people. + departure n. Removal from the present life; death; decease. + destination n. The act of destining or appointing. + denizen n. A dweller; an inhabitant. + drad p.p.|a. Dreaded. + disciplinable a. Capable of being disciplined or improved by instruction and training. + dak n. Post; mail; also, the mail or postal arrangements; -- spelt also dawk, and dauk. + decrying p.pr.|vb.n. of Decry + decury n. A set or squad of ten men under a decurion. + discretion n. Disjunction; separation. + dirtied imp.|p.p. of Dirty + dry superl. Free from moisture; having little humidity or none; arid; not wet or moist; deficient in the natural or normal supply of moisture, as rain or fluid of any kind; -- said especially: (a) Of the weather: Free from rain or mist. + danewort n. A fetid European species of elder (Sambucus Ebulus); dwarf elder; wallwort; elderwort; -- called also Daneweed, Dane's weed, and Dane's-blood. [Said to grow on spots where battles were fought against the Danes.] + dibranchiate a. Having two gills. + divot n. A thin, oblong turf used for covering cottages, and also for fuel. + dicky n. A seat behind a carriage, for a servant. + depurate v.t. To free from impurities, heterogeneous matter, or feculence; to purify; to cleanse. + dummy n. A locomotive with condensing engines, and, hence, without the noise of escaping steam; also, a dummy car. + demission n. Resignation of an office. + dolphin n. A cetacean of the genus Delphinus and allied genera (esp. D. delphis); the true dolphin. + discalced a. Unshod; barefooted; -- in distinction from calced. + deiparous a. Bearing or bringing forth a god; -- said of the Virgin Mary. + dodecasyllable n. A word consisting of twelve syllables. + disenroll v.i. To erase from a roll or list. + donate v.t. To give; to bestow; to present; as, to donate fifty thousand dollars to a college. + doubt v.t. To suspect; to fear; to be apprehensive of. + droop v.i. To proceed downward, or toward a close; to decline. + diligence n. Process by which persons, lands, or effects are seized for debt; process for enforcing the attendance of witnesses or the production of writings. + dear superl. Marked by scarcity or dearth, and exorbitance of price; as, a dear year. + disgest v.t. To digest. + dervis n. A Turkish or Persian monk, especially one who professes extreme poverty and leads an austere life. + ducksfoot n. The May apple (Podophyllum peltatum). + digastric a. Having two bellies; biventral; -- applied to muscles which are fleshy at each end and have a tendon in the middle, and esp. to the muscle which pulls down the lower jaw. + demerit n. To depreciate or cry down. + deaden a. To lessen the velocity or momentum of; to retard; as, to deaden a ship's headway. + discord n. To disagree; to be discordant; to jar; to clash; not to suit. + desiccator n. A short glass jar fitted with an air-tight cover, and containing some desiccating agent, as sulphuric acid or calcium chloride, above which is suspended the material to be dried, or preserved from moisture. + defectuous a. Full of defects; imperfect. + delineated imp.|p.p. of Delineate + demurral n. Demur; delay in acting or deciding. + disserve v.t. To fail to serve; to do injury or mischief to; to damage; to hurt; to harm. + dialyzate n. The material subjected to dialysis. + dubbed imp.|p.p. of Dub + draw v.t. To extract the bowels of; to eviscerate; as, to draw a fowl; to hang, draw, and quarter a criminal. + doris n. A genus of nudibranchiate mollusks having a wreath of branchiae on the back. + dogate n. The office or dignity of a doge. + doltish a. Doltlike; dull in intellect; stupid; blockish; as, a doltish clown. + didelphic a. Having the uterus double; of or pertaining to the Didelphia. + deconcentrate v.t. To withdraw from concentration; to decentralize. + debauchee v.t. One who is given to intemperance or bacchanalian excesses; a man habitually lewd; a libertine. + deconsecrate v.t. To deprive of sacredness; to secularize. + drowning p.pr.|vb.n. of Drown + disable a. Lacking ability; unable. + dent n. A tooth, as of a card, a gear wheel, etc. + dogfish n. A small shark, of many species, of the genera Mustelus, Scyllium, Spinax, etc. + disunite v.t. To alienate in spirit; to break the concord of. + doctoring p.pr.|vb.n. of Doctor + disreputable a. Not reputable; of bad repute; not in esteem; dishonorable; disgracing the reputation; tending to bring into disesteem; as, it is disreputable to associate familiarly with the mean, the lewd, and the profane. + depletory a. Serving to deplete. + dropworm n. The larva of any geometrid moth, which drops from trees by means of a thread of silk, as the cankerworm. + dresser n. An assistant in a hospital, whose office it is to dress wounds, sores, etc. + decider n. One who decides. + dismantle v.t. To strip of furniture and equipments, guns, etc.; to unrig; to strip of walls or outworks; to break down; as, to dismantle a fort, a town, or a ship. + disinvestiture n. The act of depriving of investiture. + dig v.t. To hollow out, as a well; to form, as a ditch, by removing earth; to excavate; as, to dig a ditch or a well. + deave v.t. To stun or stupefy with noise; to deafen. + decerptible a. That may be plucked off, cropped, or torn away. + drone v.i. One who lives on the labors of others; a lazy, idle fellow; a sluggard. + dees n.pl. Dice. + dead a. Lacking spirit; dull; lusterless; cheerless; as, dead eye; dead fire; dead color, etc. + dyestuff n. A material used for dyeing. + delirant a. Delirious. + damned imp.|p.p. of Damn + devastation n. Waste of the goods of the deceased by an executor or administrator. + desecrate v.t. To divest of a sacred character or office; to divert from a sacred purpose; to violate the sanctity of; to profane; to put to an unworthy use; -- the opposite of consecrate. + dispread v.t. To spread abroad, or different ways; to spread apart; to open; as, the sun dispreads his beams. + dijudicated imp.|p.p. of Dijudicate + ding v.i. To strike; to thump; to pound. + divulgate a. Published. + dendrologist n. One versed in the natural history of trees. + decided imp.|p.p. of Decide + detestable a. Worthy of being detested; abominable; extremely hateful; very odious; deserving abhorrence; as, detestable vices. + dormice pl. of Dormouse + despaired imp.|p.p. of Despair + difficulty n. Embarrassment of affairs, especially financial affairs; -- usually in the plural; as, to be in difficulties. + disrespectability n. Want of respectability. + disorient v.t. To turn away from the cast; to confuse as to which way is east; to cause to lose one's bearings. + docile a. Teachable; easy to teach; docible. + dividend n. A sum of money to be divided and distributed; the share of a sum divided that falls to each individual; a distribute sum, share, or percentage; -- applied to the profits as appropriated among shareholders, and to assets as apportioned among creditors; as, the dividend of a bank, a railway corporation, or a bankrupt estate. + disobligation n. The act of disobliging. + denotement n. Sign; indication. + dilettanteish a. Somewhat like a dilettante. + distally adv. Toward a distal part. + denounced imp.|p.p. of Denounce + depauperize v.t. To free from paupers; to rescue from poverty. + diaper n. Surface decoration of any sort which consists of the constant repetition of one or more simple figures or units of design evenly spaced. + domesticity n. The state of being domestic; domestic character; household life. + disprejudice v.t. To free from prejudice. + divert v.i. To turn aside; to digress. + disobedient a. Neglecting or refusing to obey; omitting to do what is commanded, or doing what is prohibited; refractory; not observant of duty or rules prescribed by authority; -- applied to persons and acts. + dilogical a. Ambiguous; of double meaning. + disinterest v.t. To divest of interest or interested motives. + dysuria n. Alt. of Dysury + draught n. The act of drawing liquor into the mouth and throat; the act of drinking. + deposit v.t. A place of deposit; a depository. + darkened imp.|p.p. of Darken + dastardize v.t. To make cowardly; to intimidate; to dispirit; as, to dastardize my courage. + desertless a. Without desert. + democratize v.t. To render democratic. + do v.i. To succeed; to avail; to answer the purpose; to serve; as, if no better plan can be found, he will make this do. + dotted a. Marked with, or made of, dots or small spots; diversified with small, detached objects. + discerptibility n. Capability or liableness to be discerped. + defaulter n. One who makes default; one who fails to appear in court when court when called. + decline v.i. To tend or draw towards a close, decay, or extinction; to tend to a less perfect state; to become diminished or impaired; to fail; to sink; to diminish; to lessen; as, the day declines; virtue declines; religion declines; business declines. + detector n. One who, or that which, detects; a detecter. + dolus n. Evil intent, embracing both malice and fraud. See Culpa. + dustpan n. A shovel-like utensil for conveying away dust brushed from the floor. + disastrous a. Attended with suffering or disaster; very unfortunate; calamitous; ill-fated; as, a disastrous day; a disastrous termination of an undertaking. + disembitter v.t. To free from + despoiling p.pr.|vb.n. of Despoil + dehisce v.i. To gape; to open by dehiscence. + despisedness n. The state of being despised. + drug v.i. To prescribe or administer drugs or medicines. + dew a.|n. Same as Due, or Duty. + dearling n. A darling. + diluvialist n. One who explains geological phenomena by the Noachian deluge. + drongos pl. of Drongo + digression n. The act of digressing or deviating, esp. from the main subject of a discourse; hence, a part of a discourse deviating from its main design or subject. + drawnet n. A net for catching the larger sorts of birds; also, a dragnet. + domain n. Landed property; estate; especially, the land about the mansion house of a lord, and in his immediate occupancy; demesne. + diplomatical a. Characterized by tact and shrewdness; dexterous; artful; as, diplomatic management. + duty n. The efficiency of an engine, especially a steam pumping engine, as measured by work done by a certain quantity of fuel; usually, the number of pounds of water lifted one foot by one bushel of coal (94 lbs. old standard), or by 1 cwt. (112 lbs., England, or 100 lbs., United States). + disproof n. A proving to be false or erroneous; confutation; refutation; as, to offer evidence in disproof of a statement. + dedicatory a. Constituting or serving as a dedication; complimental. + domite n. A grayish variety of trachyte; -- so called from the Puy-de-Dome in Auvergne, France, where it is found. + deadly adv. In a manner resembling, or as if produced by, death. + diacatholicon n. A universal remedy; -- name formerly to a purgative electuary. + drank imp. of Drink + deplume v.t. To lay bare; to expose. + dedans n. A division, at one end of a tennis court, for spectators. + doddart n. A game much like hockey, played in an open field; also, the, bent stick for playing the game. + drimys n. A genus of magnoliaceous trees. Drimys aromatica furnishes Winter's bark. + deplore v.t. To regard as hopeless; to give up. + dichroism n. The property of presenting different colors by transmitted light, when viewed in two different directions, the colors being unlike in the direction of unlike or unequal axes. + dolphin n. A small constellation between Aquila and Pegasus. See Delphinus, n., 2. + dash v.t. To form or sketch rapidly or carelessly; to execute rapidly, or with careless haste; -- with off; as, to dash off a review or sermon. + deonerate v.t. To unload; to disburden. + drakestone n. A flat stone so thrown along the surface of water as to skip from point to point before it sinks; also, the sport of so throwing stones; -- sometimes called ducks and drakes. + delitescence n. The sudden disappearance of inflammation. + dispurvey v.t. To disfurnish; to strip. + dight imp.|p.p. of Dight + distemper v.t. Severity of climate; extreme weather, whether hot or cold. + dissolvent n. A remedy supposed capable of dissolving concretions in the body, such as calculi, tubercles, etc. + dodecahedral a. Pertaining to, or like, a dodecahedion; consisting of twelve equal sides. + designment n. Delineation; sketch; design; ideal; invention. + drein v.i. To drain. + diagonal n. A member, in a framed structure, running obliquely across a panel. + direct a. Straightforward; not of crooked ways, or swerving from truth and openness; sincere; outspoken. + distance v.t. To cause to appear as if at a distance; to make seem remote. + divergingly adv. In a diverging manner. + decalcified imp.|p.p. of Decalcify + de bene esse Of well being; of formal sufficiency for the time; conditionally; provisionally. + disroot v.t. To tear up the roots of, or by the roots; hence, to tear from a foundation; to uproot. + dewlap n. The flesh upon the human throat, especially when with age. + defrayer n. One who pays off expenses. + discipline v.t. To educate; to develop by instruction and exercise; to train. + drink v.t. To take in (a liquid), in any manner; to suck up; to absorb; to imbibe. + decandria n.pl. A Linnaean class of plants characterized by having ten stamens. + dispute v.t. To strive or contend about; to contest. + dunder n. The lees or dregs of cane juice, used in the distillation of rum. + destructionist n. One who delights in destroying that which is valuable; one whose principles and influence tend to destroy existing institutions; a destructive. + disavouch v.t. To disavow. + deused a. See Deuce, Deuced. + deaden a. To deprive of gloss or brilliancy; to obscure; as, to deaden gilding by a coat of size. + deuteronomist n. The writer of Deuteronomy. + discorrespondent a. Incongruous. + dentilingual n. A dentilingual sound or letter. + direct a. In the line of descent; not collateral; as, a descendant in the direct line. + deforciant n. One against whom a fictitious action of fine was brought. + donna n. A lady; madam; mistress; -- the title given a lady in Italy. + differential a. Relating to differences of motion or leverage; producing effects by such differences; said of mechanism. + depreciation n. The act of lessening, or seeking to lessen, price, value, or reputation. + despiteously adv. Despitefully. + direct a. Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end; as, a direct line; direct means. + double v.i. To play tricks; to use sleights; to play false. + dust n. Coined money; cash. + decemvirs pl. of Decemvir + dry nurse A nurse who attends and feeds a child by hand; -- in distinction from a wet nurse, who suckles it. + drunken v.i. Pertaining to, or proceeding from, intoxication. + disclusion n. A shutting off; exclusion. + diclinic a. Having two of the intersections between the three axes oblique. See Crystallization. + draught n. Capacity of being drawn; force necessary to draw; traction. + drabbet n. A coarse linen fabric, or duck. + damianist n. A follower of Damian, patriarch of Alexandria in the 6th century, who held heretical opinions on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. + druxey a. Alt. of Druxy + divine a. One skilled in divinity; a theologian. + determination n. Bringing to an end; termination; limit. + duckbill n. See Duck mole, under Duck, n. + drome n. The crab plover (Dromas ardeola), a peculiar North African bird, allied to the oyster catcher. + decipherer n. One who deciphers. + diaphragm n. A dividing membrane or thin partition, commonly with an opening through it. + draughtsman n. One who draws pleadings or other writings. + discredit v.t. To deprive of credibility; to destroy confidence or trust in; to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of. + dihedron n. A figure with two sides or surfaces. + depressomotor n. Any agent that depresses the activity of the motor centers, as bromides, etc. + disloyalty n. Want of loyalty; lack of fidelity; violation of allegiance. + distressing p.pr.|vb.n. of Distress + discommission v.t. To deprive of a commission or trust. + deploy n. Alt. of Deployment + diamond n. The smallest kind of type in English printing, except that called brilliant, which is seldom seen. + deduction n. That which is deducted; the part taken away; abatement; as, a deduction from the yearly rent. + drive v.t. To carry or; to keep in motion; to conduct; to prosecute. + despising p.pr.|vb.n. of Despise + darkness n. Want of clearness or perspicuity; obscurity; as, the darkness of a subject, or of a discussion. + differential n. A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing the current to a series of electric lamps so as to maintain equal action in all. + devoutful a. Sacred. + due n. That which is owed; debt; that which one contracts to pay, or do, to or for another; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done; a fee; a toll. + distraughted a. Distracted. + decapitate v.t. To cut off the head of; to behead. + daggle v.t. To trail, so as to wet or befoul; to make wet and limp; to moisten. + disadventurous a. Unprosperous; unfortunate. + delicate a. Affected by slight causes; showing slight changes; as, a delicate thermometer. + dodecahedron n. A solid having twelve faces. + dispute v.t. To make a subject of disputation; to argue pro and con; to discuss. + debar v.t. To cut off from entrance, as if by a bar or barrier; to preclude; to hinder from approach, entry, or enjoyment; to shut out or exclude; to deny or refuse; -- with from, and sometimes with of. + doctorally adv. In the manner of a doctor. + disillusionment n. The act of freeing from an illusion, or the state of being freed therefrom. + disapprobatory a. Containing disapprobation; serving to disapprove. + degarnish v.t. To strip or deprive of entirely, as of furniture, ornaments, etc.; to disgarnish; as, to degarnish a house, etc. + dirempt v.t. To separate by force; to tear apart. + defensive a. Carried on by resisting attack or aggression; -- opposed to offensive; as, defensive war. + drumble v.i. To mumble in speaking. + dulcino n. A small bassoon, formerly much used. + drop n. The distance of the axis of a shaft below the base of a hanger. + demephitizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Demephitize + devotionist n. One given to devotion, esp. to excessive formal devotion. + dismasted imp.|p.p. of Dismast + dewy a. Pertaining to dew; resembling, consisting of, or moist with, dew. + demerit n. That which deserves blame; ill desert; a fault; a vice; misconduct; -- the opposite of merit. + delivery n. The act of giving birth; parturition; the expulsion or extraction of a fetus and its membranes. + daker n. Alt. of Dakir + dictamnus n. A suffrutescent, D. Fraxinella (the only species), with strong perfume and showy flowers. The volatile oil of the leaves is highly inflammable. + devils darningneedle A dragon fly. See Darning needle, under Darn, v. t. + dissociate v.t. To separate from fellowship or union; to disunite; to disjoin; as, to dissociate the particles of a concrete substance. + demersed a. Situated or growing under water, as leaves; submersed. + discouraging a. Causing or indicating discouragement. + digester n. One who digests. + disarranging p.pr.|vb.n. of Disarrange + dietetics n. That part of the medical or hygienic art which relates to diet or food; rules for diet. + deuteroscopy n. That which is seen at a second view; a meaning beyond the literal sense; the second intention; a hidden signification. + demean v.t. To debase; to lower; to degrade; -- followed by the reflexive pronoun. + disheveled a. Having the hair in loose disorder. + drogoman n. See Dragoman. + declamation n. Pretentious rhetorical display, with more sound than sense; as, mere declamation. + degu n. A small South American rodent (Octodon Cumingii), of the family Octodontidae. + delirium n. A state in which the thoughts, expressions, and actions are wild, irregular, and incoherent; mental aberration; a roving or wandering of the mind, -- usually dependent on a fever or some other disease, and so distinguished from mania, or madness. + duodecimal n. A twelfth part; as, the duodecimals of an inch. + dowager n. A title given in England to a widow, to distinguish her from the wife of her husband's heir bearing the same name; -- chiefly applied to widows of personages of rank. + disappear v.i. To cease to appear or to be perceived; to pass from view, gradually or suddenly; to vanish; to be no longer seen; as, darkness disappears at the approach of light; a ship disappears as she sails from port. + dipaschal a. Including two passovers. + disapproved imp.|p.p. of Disapprove + drawfiling n. The process of smooth filing by working the file sidewise instead of lengthwise. + district n. A division of territory; a defined portion of a state, town, or city, etc., made for administrative, electoral, or other purposes; as, a congressional district, judicial district, land district, school district, etc. + dram n. A Persian daric. + disseverance n. The act of disserving; separation. + disculpation n. Exculpation. + domino n. A person wearing a domino. + dipsosis n. Excessive thirst produced by disease. + difficulty n. A controversy; a falling out; a disagreement; an objection; a cavil. + dovelike a. Mild as a dove; gentle; pure and lovable. + device n. That which is devised, or formed by design; a contrivance; an invention; a project; a scheme; often, a scheme to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice. + decoyduck n. A duck used to lure wild ducks into a decoy; hence, a person employed to lure others into danger. + disinsure v.t. To render insecure; to put in danger. + detersive a. Cleansing; detergent. + do n. Deed; act; fear. + delusory a. Delusive; fallacious. + depriver n. One who, or that which, deprives. + dissite a. Lying apart. + duff n. A stiff flour pudding, boiled in a bag; -- a term used especially by seamen; as, plum duff. + depart v.i. To quit this world; to die. + demivolt n. A half vault; one of the seven artificial motions of a horse, in which he raises his fore legs in a particular manner. + diagnosis n. The art or act of recognizing the presence of disease from its signs or symptoms, and deciding as to its character; also, the decision arrived at. + distress n. Extreme pain or suffering; anguish of body or mind; as, to suffer distress from the gout, or from the loss of friends. + date n. That addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc., which specifies the time (as day, month, and year) when the writing or inscription was given, or executed, or made; as, the date of a letter, of a will, of a deed, of a coin. etc. + deadly a. Subject to death; mortal. + demit v.t. To yield or submit; to humble; to lower; as, to demit one's self to humble duties. + digladiate v.i. To fight like gladiators; to contend fiercely; to dispute violently. + deal v.i. To conduct one's self; to behave or act in any affair or towards any one; to treat. + deity n. A god or goddess; a heathen god. + deergrass n. An American genus (Rhexia) of perennial herbs, with opposite leaves, and showy flowers (usually bright purple), with four petals and eight stamens, -- the only genus of the order Melastomaceae inhabiting a temperate clime. + damascus n. A city of Syria. + distant a. Separated; having an intervening space; at a distance; away. + disconcert v.t. To break up the harmonious progress of; to throw into disorder or confusion; as, the emperor disconcerted the plans of his enemy. + descanted imp.|p.p. of Descant + drily adv. See Dryly. + dioptric n. A dioptre. See Dioptre. + deity n. The collection of attributes which make up the nature of a god; divinity; godhead; as, the deity of the Supreme Being is seen in his works. + detonator n. One who, or that which, detonates. + debauchery n. Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance. + dancer n. One who dances or who practices dancing. + deaurate a. Gilded. + dissolutely adv. In a dissolute manner. + dealing n. The act of one who deals; distribution of anything, as of cards to the players; method of business; traffic; intercourse; transaction; as, to have dealings with a person. + disbelieving p.pr.|vb.n. of Disbelieve + discodactylia n.pl. A division of amphibians having suctorial disks on the toes, as the tree frogs. + decamping p.pr.|vb.n. of Decamp + derf a. Strong; powerful; fierce. + determinableness n. Capability of being determined; determinability. + dropsies pl. of Dropsy + diapente n. A composition of five ingredients. + devout v.t. Expressing devotion or piety; as, eyes devout; sighs devout; a devout posture. + dislocate a. Dislocated. + debarment n. Hindrance from approach; exclusion. + diplomatic a. Alt. of Diplomatical + diurnal a. Active by day; -- applied especially to the eagles and hawks among raptorial birds, and to butterflies (Diurna) among insects. + diurnal a. A daybook; a journal. + deut A prefix which formerly properly indicated the second in a regular series of compound in the series, and not to its composition, but which is now generally employed in the same sense as bi-or di-, although little used. + displayed a. Unfolded; expanded; exhibited conspicuously or ostentatiously. + disdiaclast n. One of the dark particles forming the doubly refracting disks of muscle fibers. + dignity n. The state of being worthy or honorable; elevation of mind or character; true worth; excellence. + dodger n. One who dodges or evades; one who plays fast and loose, or uses tricky devices. + dovish a. Like a dove; harmless; innocent. + dog days A period of from four to six weeks, in the summer, variously placed by almanac makers between the early part of July and the early part of September; canicular days; -- so called in reference to the rising in ancient times of the Dog Star (Sirius) with the sun. Popularly, the sultry, close part of the summer. + dishorn v.t. To deprive of horns; as, to dishorn cattle. + drunkship n. The state of being drunk; drunkenness. + displeasedly adv. With displeasure. + drummer n. A large West Indian cockroach (Blatta gigantea) which drums on woodwork, as a sexual call. + dismission n. Rejection; a setting aside as trivial, invalid, or unworthy of consideration. + distincture n. Distinctness. + degradation n. The state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputation; baseness; moral, physical, or intellectual degeneracy; disgrace; abasement; debasement. + dais n. A canopy over the seat of a person of dignity. + daughters pl. of Daughter + dram n. A weight; in Apothecaries' weight, one eighth part of an ounce, or sixty grains; in Avoirdupois weight, one sixteenth part of an ounce, or 27.34375 grains. + domableness n. Tamableness. + dilettant a. Of or pertaining to dilettanteism; amateur; as, dilettant speculation. + disacknowledged imp.|p.p. of Disacknowledge + desolating p.pr.|vb.n. of Desolate + devilize v.t. To make a devil of. + dunged imp.|p.p. of Dung + dolichocephalic a. Alt. of Dolichocephalous + dogfaced a. Having a face resembling that of a dog. + ding n. A thump or stroke, especially of a bell. + desperate a. Beyond hope; causing despair; extremely perilous; irretrievable; past cure, or, at least, extremely dangerous; as, a desperate disease; desperate fortune. + drunk of Drink + delict n. An offense or transgression against law; (Scots Law) an offense of a lesser degree; a misdemeanor. + devon n. One of a breed of hardy cattle originating in the country of Devon, England. Those of pure blood have a deep red color. The small, longhorned variety, called North Devons, is distinguished by the superiority of its working oxen. + diamond n. A precious stone or gem excelling in brilliancy and beautiful play of prismatic colors, and remarkable for extreme hardness. + debtor n. One who owes a debt; one who is indebted; -- correlative to creditor. + dexterity n. Right-handedness. + denization n. The act of making one a denizen or adopted citizen; naturalization. + despisingly adv. Contemptuously. + deliverance n. Any fact or truth which is decisively attested or intuitively known as a psychological or philosophical datum; as, the deliverance of consciousness. + demoniacal a. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, a demon or evil spirit; devilish; as, a demoniac being; demoniacal practices. + dermatology n. The science which treats of the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases. + drag v.i. To fish with a dragnet. + discretional Alt. of Discretionary + detainer n. One who detains. + determination n. A flow, rush, or tendency to a particular part; as, a determination of blood to the head. + drab a. Of a color between gray and brown. + dag n. The unbranched antler of a young deer. + daring n. Boldness; fearlessness; adventurousness; also, a daring act. + dish n. That portion of the produce of a mine which is paid to the land owner or proprietor. + defend v.t. To deny the right of the plaintiff in regard to (the suit, or the wrong charged); to oppose or resist, as a claim at law; to contest, as a suit. + drizzled imp.|p.p. of Drizzle + dithecous a. Having two thecae, cells, or compartments. + disrelish n. Absence of relishing or palatable quality; bad taste; nauseousness. + defraying p.pr.|vb.n. of Defray + dam n. A female parent; -- used of beasts, especially of quadrupeds; sometimes applied in contempt to a human mother. + drag v.t. The act of dragging; anything which is dragged. + demonocracy n. The power or government of demons. + dichromatic a. Having two color varieties, or two phases differing in color, independently of age or sex, as in certain birds and insects. + dilation n. Delay. + discolor v.t. To alter the true complexion or appearance of; to put a false hue upon. + discinct a. Ungirded; loosely dressed. + duck v.t. To plunge the head of under water, immediately withdrawing it; as, duck the boy. + draw v.i. To have efficiency as an epispastic; to act as a sinapism; -- said of a blister, poultice, etc. + delicate a. Requiring careful handling; not to be rudely or hastily dealt with; nice; critical; as, a delicate subject or question. + drawback n. Money paid back or remitted; especially, a certain amount of duties or customs, sometimes the whole, and sometimes only a part, remitted or paid back by the government, on the exportation of the commodities on which they were levied. + dioeciousness n. The state or quality of being dioecious. + display v.t. To make conspicuous by large or prominent type. + donative n. A gift; a largess; a gratuity; a present. + defensible a. Capable of offering defense. + drollish a. Somewhat droll. + decession n. Departure; decrease; -- opposed to accesion. + drill n. A light furrow or channel made to put seed into sowing. + daphnetin n. A colorless crystalline substance, C9H6O4, extracted from daphnin. + delitescent a. Lying hid; concealed. + dowerless a. Destitute of dower; having no marriage portion. + doryphoros n. A spear bearer; a statue of a man holding a spear or in the attitude of a spear bearer. Several important sculptures of this subject existed in antiquity, copies of which remain to us. + dimple v.t. To mark with dimples or dimplelike depressions. + dissection n. Anything dissected; especially, some part, or the whole, of an animal or plant dissected so as to exhibit the structure; an anatomical so prepared. + defalcation n. That which is lopped off, diminished, or abated. + draw v.t. To take into the lungs; to inhale; to inspire; hence, also, to utter or produce by an inhalation; to heave. + discomposing p.pr.|vb.n. of Discompose + dewless a. Having no dew. + disrealize v.t. To divest of reality; to make uncertain. + disassociating p.pr.|vb.n. of Disassociate + dronish a. Like a drone; indolent; slow. + doloroso a.|adv. Plaintive; pathetic; -- used adverbially as a musical direction. + dialectical a. Pertaining to dialectics; logical; argumental. + demon n. A spirit, or immaterial being, holding a middle place between men and deities in pagan mythology. + demonstrative a. Consisting of eulogy or of invective. + discuses pl. of Discus + distributively adv. By distribution; singly; not collectively; in a distributive manner. + docket n. An abridged entry of a judgment or proceeding in an action, or register or such entries; a book of original, kept by clerks of courts, containing a formal list of the names of parties, and minutes of the proceedings, in each case in court. + decipiency n. State of being deceived; hallucination. + dash v.i. To rust with violence; to move impetuously; to strike violently; as, the waves dash upon rocks. + dogal a. Of or pertaining to a doge. + dinning p.pr.|vb.n. of Din + dentilated a. Toothed. + disorderly a. Not acting in an orderly way, as the functions of the body or mind. + dragons blood Alt. of Dragon's tail + dapple a. Alt. of Dappled + delectable a. Highly pleasing; delightful. + dimensity n. Dimension. + dop n. Alt. of Doop + drive v.i. To go by carriage; to pass in a carriage; to proceed by directing or urging on a vehicle or the animals that draw it; as, the coachman drove to my door. + decrement n. The quantity by which a variable is diminished. + desisting p.pr.|vb.n. of Desist + disturbance n. Confusion of the mind; agitation of the feelings; perplexity; uneasiness. + deserve v.t. To serve; to treat; to benefit. + drainage n. The mode in which the waters of a country pass off by its streams and rivers. + distaste v.t. To offend; to disgust; to displease. + disquietal n. The act of disquieting; a state of disquiet. + defense v.t. To furnish with defenses; to fortify. + demonological a. Of or pertaining to demonology. + dispose v.t. To give a tendency or inclination to; to adapt; to cause to turn; especially, to incline the mind of; to give a bent or propension to; to incline; to make inclined; -- usually followed by to, sometimes by for before the indirect object. + discerp v.t. To tear in pieces; to rend. + dike v.i. To work as a ditcher; to dig. + desolate a. Destitute or deprived of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; hence, gloomy; as, a desolate isle; a desolate wilderness; a desolate house. + dip v.i. To pierce; to penetrate; -- followed by in or into. + discompose v.t. To put out of place or service; to discharge; to displace. + decemvir n. One of a body of ten magistrates in ancient Rome. + decipheress n. A woman who deciphers. + demure a. Affectedly modest, decorous, or serious; making a show of gravity. + droned imp.|p.p. of Drone + domination n. A high order of angels in the celestial hierarchy; -- a meaning given by the schoolmen. + departure n. Deviation or abandonment, as from or of a rule or course of action, a plan, or a purpose. + dewberry n. The plant which bears the fruit. + devour v.t. To eat up with greediness; to consume ravenously; to feast upon like a wild beast or a glutton; to prey upon. + diastem n. Intervening space; interval. + deciduate a. Possessed of, or characterized by, a decidua. + deinteous a. Alt. of Deintevous + decollation n. The act of beheading or state of one beheaded; -- especially used of the execution of St. John the Baptist. + drayman n. A man who attends a dray. + distain v.t. To tinge with a different color from the natural or proper one; to stain; to discolor; to sully; to tarnish; to defile; -- used chiefly in poetry. + downy a. Cunning; wary. + doubtful a. Not settled in opinion; undetermined; wavering; hesitating in belief; also used, metaphorically, of the body when its action is affected by such a state of mind; as, we are doubtful of a fact, or of the propriety of a measure. + dentilave n. A wash for cleaning the teeth. + discharge v.t. To free of the missile with which anything is charged or loaded; to let go the charge of; as, to discharge a bow, catapult, etc.; especially, said of firearms, -- to fire off; to shoot off; also, to relieve from a state of tension, as a Leyden jar. + demibastion n. A half bastion, or that part of a bastion consisting of one face and one flank. + defilade v.t. To raise, as a rampart, so as to shelter interior works commanded from some higher point. + defectionist n. One who advocates or encourages defection. + dismiss v.t. To send away; to give leave of departure; to cause or permit to go; to put away. + dudeen n. A short tobacco pipe. + dermoskeleton n. See Exoskeleton. + donatistic a. Pertaining to Donatism. + disputation v.i. A rhetorical exercise in which parties reason in opposition to each other on some question proposed. + ducking p.pr.|vb.n. of Duck + denary n. A coin; the Anglicized form of denarius. + defect n. Want or absence of something necessary for completeness or perfection; deficiency; -- opposed to superfluity. + dominant a. Ruling; governing; prevailing; controlling; predominant; as, the dominant party, church, spirit, power. + discounting p.pr.|vb.n. of Discount + disembodied a. Divested of a body; ceased to be corporal; incorporeal. + detinue n. A person or thing detained + dependingly adv. As having dependence. + day n. The time of light, or interval between one night and the next; the time between sunrise and sunset, or from dawn to darkness; hence, the light; sunshine. + dogskin n. The skin of a dog, or leather made of the skin. Also used adjectively. + deducting p.pr.|vb.n. of Deduct + decerpt a. Plucked off or away. + don n. A grand personage, or one making pretension to consequence; especially, the head of a college, or one of the fellows at the English universities. + disembarkment n. Disembarkation. + demobilization n. The disorganization or disarming of troops which have previously been mobilized or called into active service; the change from a war footing to a peace footing. + dudgeon n. The haft of a dagger. + distended imp.|p.p. of Distend + dirty superl. Sordid; base; groveling; as, a dirty fellow. + drowsily adv. In a drowsy manner. + dresser v.t. A cupboard or set of shelves to receive dishes and cooking utensils. + dipnoi n.pl. A group of ganoid fishes, including the living genera Ceratodus and Lepidosiren, which present the closest approximation to the Amphibia. The air bladder acts as a lung, and the nostrils open inside the mouth. See Ceratodus, and Illustration in Appendix. + diacodium n. A sirup made of poppies. + diet v.i. To eat; to take one's meals. + dipterous a. Having two wings; two-winged. + discomplexion v.t. To change the complexion or hue of. + dermatologist n. One who discourses on the skin and its diseases; one versed in dermatology. + depone v.t. To assert under oath; to depose. + diffusive a. Having the quality of diffusing; capable of spreading every way by flowing; spreading widely; widely reaching; copious; diffuse. + don n. Sir; Mr; Signior; -- a title in Spain, formerly given to noblemen and gentlemen only, but now common to all classes. + discourage v.t. To extinguish the courage of; to dishearten; to depress the spirits of; to deprive of confidence; to deject; -- the opposite of encourage; as, he was discouraged in his undertaking; he need not be discouraged from a like attempt. + denial n. A refusal to admit the truth of a statement, charge, imputation, etc.; assertion of the untruth of a thing stated or maintained; a contradiction. + dubiosity n. The state of being doubtful; a doubtful statement or thing. + debellate v.t. To subdue; to conquer in war. + devex n. Devexity. + denotation n. The marking off or separation of anything. + discommoding p.pr.|vb.n. of Discommode + derne a. To hide; to skulk. + dishevele p.p.|a. Disheveled. + devolve v.i. To pass by transmission or succession; to be handed over or down; -- generally with on or upon, sometimes with to or into; as, after the general fell, the command devolved upon (or on) the next officer in rank. + depose v.t. To let fall; to deposit. + didymous a. Growing in pairs or twins. + debulliate v.i. To boil over. + defailance n. Failure; miscarriage. + daffodil n. A plant of the genus Narcissus (N. Pseudo-narcissus). It has a bulbous root and beautiful flowers, usually of a yellow hue. Called also daffodilly, daffadilly, daffadowndilly, daffydowndilly, etc. + dissipated imp.|p.p. of Dissipate + deign v.i. To think worthy; to vouchsafe; to condescend; - - followed by an infinitive. + dialyzation n. The act or process of dialysis. + downsitting n. The act of sitting down; repose; a resting. + dehors n. All sorts of outworks in general, at a distance from the main works; any advanced works for protection or cover. + divest v.t. Fig.: To strip; to deprive; to dispossess; as, to divest one of his rights or privileges; to divest one's self of prejudices, passions, etc. + duster n. A revolving wire-cloth cylinder which removes the dust from rags, etc. + destruction n. The state of being destroyed, demolished, ruined, slain, or devastated. + dash v.t. To break, as by throwing or by collision; to shatter; to crust; to frustrate; to ruin. + dressiness n. The state of being dressy. + dysphagy n. Difficulty in swallowing. + discouragement n. That which discourages; that which deters, or tends to deter, from an undertaking, or from the prosecution of anything; a determent; as, the revolution was commenced under every possible discouragement. + doorpost n. The jamb or sidepiece of a doorway. + deploredly adv. Lamentably. + disdainous a. Disdainful. + dendrolite n. A petrified or fossil shrub, plant, or part of a plant. + dusting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dust + dielectric n. Any substance or medium that transmits the electric force by a process different from conduction, as in the phenomena of induction; a nonconductor. separating a body electrified by induction, from the electrifying body. + declinometer n. An instrument for measuring the declination of the magnetic needle. + dimension n. Measure in a single line, as length, breadth, height, thickness, or circumference; extension; measurement; -- usually, in the plural, measure in length and breadth, or in length, breadth, and thickness; extent; size; as, the dimensions of a room, or of a ship; the dimensions of a farm, of a kingdom. + dogship n. The character, or individuality, of a dog. + dethronize v.t. To dethrone or unthrone. + dragmen pl. of Dragman + determine v.i. To come to a decision; to decide; to resolve; -- often with on. + demisuit n. A suit of light armor covering less than the whole body, as having no protection for the legs below the thighs, no vizor to the helmet, and the like. + declination n. The act or state of declining or refusing; withdrawal; refusal; averseness. + descending a. Of or pertaining to descent; moving downwards. + disclaim v.t. To renounce all claim to deny; ownership of, or responsibility for; to disown; to disavow; to reject. + dentifrice n. A powder or other substance to be used in cleaning the teeth; tooth powder. + drift n. Anything driven at random. + damage n. Injury or harm to person, property, or reputation; an inflicted loss of value; detriment; hurt; mischief. + dash n. Energy in style or action; animation; spirit. + dishabilitate v.t. To disqualify. + dixie n. A colloquial name for the Southern portion of the United States, esp. during the Civil War. + dracaena n. A genus of liliaceous plants with woody stems and funnel-shaped flowers. + dochmiac a. Pertaining to, or containing, the dochmius. + drumming n. The act of beating upon, or as if upon, a drum; also, the noise which the male of the ruffed grouse makes in spring, by beating his wings upon his sides. + detectable a. Alt. of Detectible + dislikeful a. Full of dislike; disaffected; malign; disagreeable. + denize v.t. To make a denizen; to confer the rights of citizenship upon; to naturalize. + distaste v.t. Not to have relish or taste for; to disrelish; to loathe; to dislike. + disseized imp.|p.p. of Disseize + decantation n. The act of pouring off a clear liquor gently from its lees or sediment, or from one vessel into another. + distributive n. A distributive adjective or pronoun; also, a distributive numeral. + dissever v.i. To part; to separate. + depot n. The headquarters of a regiment, where all supplies are received and distributed, recruits are assembled and instructed, infirm or disabled soldiers are taken care of, and all the wants of the regiment are provided for. + discede v.i. To yield or give up; to depart. + dendrology n. A discourse or treatise on trees; the natural history of trees. + devoir n. Duty; service owed; hence, due act of civility or respect; -- now usually in the plural; as, they paid their devoirs to the ladies. + destitution n. The state of being deprived of anything; the state or condition of being destitute, needy, or without resources; deficiency; lack; extreme poverty; utter want; as, the inundation caused general destitution. + deranged a. Disordered; especially, disordered in mind; crazy; insane. + designing a. Intriguing; artful; scheming; as, a designing man. + divorceless a. Incapable of being divorced or separated; free from divorce. + docibility n. Alt. of Docibleness + desiderative n. A verb formed from another verb by a change of termination, and expressing the desire of doing that which is indicated by the primitive verb. + dawn v.i. To began to give promise; to begin to appear or to expand. + dimensive a. Without dimensions; marking dimensions or the limits. + disheartened imp.|p.p. of Dishearten + demit v.t. To lay down, as an office; to resign. + dice v.i. To play games with dice. + diverted imp.|p.p. of Divert + dorsale n. Same as Dorsal, n. + digest v.t. To think over and arrange methodically in the mind; to reduce to a plan or method; to receive in the mind and consider carefully; to get an understanding of; to comprehend. + draff n. The form of any writing as first drawn up; the first rough sketch of written composition, to be filled in, or completed. See Draught. + dishwasher n. One who, or that which, washes dishes. + dermostosis n. Ossification of the dermis. + diagonal n. A right line drawn from one angle to another not adjacent, of a figure of four or more sides, and dividing it into two parts. + decliner n. He who declines or rejects. + debitor n. A debtor. + delve v.i. To dig or labor with a spade, or as with a spade; to labor as a drudge. + distinctiveness n. State of being distinctive. + dullsighted a. Having poor eyesight. + dactylology n. The art of communicating ideas by certain movements and positions of the fingers; -- a method of conversing practiced by the deaf and dumb. + desirable v.t. Worthy of desire or longing; fitted to excite desire or a wish to possess; pleasing; agreeable. + displace v.t. To change the place of; to remove from the usual or proper place; to put out of place; to place in another situation; as, the books in the library are all displaced. + diphenyl n. A white crystalline substance, C6H5.C6H5, obtained by leading benzene through a heated iron tube. It consists of two benzene or phenyl radicals united. + disfranchised imp.|p.p. of Disfranchise + dosed imp.|p.p. of Dose + discodactylous a. Having sucking disks on the toes, as the tree frogs. + disinclined imp.|p.p. of Disincline + definite n. A thing defined or determined. + dependencies pl. of Dependency + demonetize v.t. To deprive of current value; to withdraw from use, as money. + deafmute n. A person who is deaf and dumb; one who, through deprivation or defect of hearing, has either failed the acquire the power of speech, or has lost it. + diversiform a. Of a different form; of varied forms. + demonstrably adv. In a demonstrable manner; incontrovertibly; clearly. + disapprovingly adv. In a disapproving manner. + dirt v.t. To make foul of filthy; to dirty. + dimeter a. Having two poetical measures or meters. + dribbed imp.|p.p. of Drib + defiance n. The act of defying, putting in opposition, or provoking to combat; a challenge; a provocation; a summons to combat. + decollated a. Decapitated; worn or cast off in the process of growth, as the apex of certain univalve shells. + drubber n. One who drubs. + dormant a. A large beam in the roof of a house upon which portions of the other timbers rest or " sleep." + dentiform a. Having the form of a tooth or of teeth; tooth-shaped. + dipterous a. Having two wings, as certain insects; belonging to the order Diptera. + delaying p.pr.|vb.n. of Delay + dimly adv. In a dim or obscure manner; not brightly or clearly; with imperfect sight. + desert n. A deserted or forsaken region; a barren tract incapable of supporting population, as the vast sand plains of Asia and Africa are destitute and vegetation. + definitive a. Determinate; positive; final; conclusive; unconditional; express. + dreariment n. Dreariness. + disinteresting a. Uninteresting. + decupling p.pr.|vb.n. of Decuple + dismaw v.t. To eject from the maw; to disgorge. + duck v.i. To go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to dive; to plunge the head in water or other liquid; to dip. + disobliged imp.|p.p. of Disoblige + drachma n. A silver coin among the ancient Greeks, having a different value in different States and at different periods. The average value of the Attic drachma is computed to have been about 19 cents. + dayflower n. A genus consisting mostly of tropical perennial herbs (Commelina), having ephemeral flowers. + dare n. Defiance; challenge. + digestibleness n. The quality of being digestible; digestibility. + decastere n. A measure of capacity, equal to ten steres, or ten cubic meters. + deduct v.t. To take away, separate, or remove, in numbering, estimating, or calculating; to subtract; -- often with from or out of. + demirelievo n. Half relief. See Demi-rilievo. + disregarder n. One who disregards. + damp n. To put out, as fire; to depress or deject; to deaden; to cloud; to check or restrain, as action or vigor; to make dull; to weaken; to discourage. + dealer n. One who deals; one who has to do, or has concern, with others; esp., a trader, a trafficker, a shopkeeper, a broker, or a merchant; as, a dealer in dry goods; a dealer in stocks; a retail dealer. + datively adv. As a gift. + distribute v.t. To divide or separate, as into classes, orders, kinds, or species; to classify; to assort, as specimens, letters, etc. + deflagrated imp.|p.p. of Deflagrate + diffinitive a. Definitive; determinate; final. + dirking p.pr.|vb.n. of Dirk + disturbation n. Act of disturbing; disturbance. + diverticle n. A diverticulum. + dugout n. A place dug out. + diadrom n. A complete course or vibration; time of vibration, as of a pendulum. + dow n. A kind of vessel. See Dhow. + diedral a. The same as Dihedral. + disfavor n. The state of not being in favor; a being under the displeasure of some one; state of unacceptableness; as, to be in disfavor at court. + doctorate v.t. To make (one) a doctor. + dairy n. The place, room, or house where milk is kept, and converted into butter or cheese. + dentilation n. Dentition. + dulling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dull + definition n. Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a description of a thing by its properties; an explanation of the meaning of a word or term; as, the definition of "circle;" the definition of "wit;" an exact definition; a loose definition. + debate v.i. To engage in strife or combat; to fight. + downfalling a. Falling down. + digest v.i. To suppurate; to generate pus, as an ulcer. + dust n. The earth, as the resting place of the dead. + divisive a. Creating, or tending to create, division, separation, or difference. + deliquium n. A melting or maudlin mood. + depicted imp.|p.p. of Depict + do v.t.auxiliary To cause; to make; -- with an infinitive. + deglazing n. The process of giving a dull or ground surface to glass by acid or by mechanical means. + defaming p.pr.|vb.n. of Defame + dose n. To proportion properly (a medicine), with reference to the patient or the disease; to form into suitable doses. + diplomatism n. Diplomacy. + desegmentation n. The loss or obliteration of division into segments; as, a desegmentation of the body. + descendant a. Descendent. + dialysis n. The separation of different substances in solution, as crystalloids and colloids, by means of their unequal diffusion, especially through natural or artificial membranes. + distrust v.t. To feel absence of trust in; not to confide in or rely upon; to deem of questionable sufficiency or reality; to doubt; to be suspicious of; to mistrust. + disert a. Eloquent. + dispirited a. Depressed in spirits; disheartened; daunted. + dioeciously adv. In a dioecious manner. + dainty superl. Nice; delicate; elegant, in form, manner, or breeding; well-formed; neat; tender. + deleing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dele + dirt n. Meanness; sordidness. + dissuade v.t. To advise or exhort against; to try to persuade (one from a course). + due adv. Directly; exactly; as, a due east course. + depolarize v.t. To deprive of polarity; to reduce to an unpolarized condition. + dawish a. Like a daw. + deathwatch n. The guard set over a criminal before his execution. + destining p.pr.|vb.n. of Destine + disobediency n. Disobedience. + disorderly a. Not complying with the restraints of order and law; tumultuous; unruly; lawless; turbulent; as, disorderly people; disorderly assemblies. + defibrinate v.t. To deprive of fibrin, as fresh blood or lymph by stirring with twigs. + downright adv. In plain terms; without ceremony. + dequantitate v.t. To diminish the quantity of; to disquantity. + dell n. A young woman; a wench. + duck v.t. To bow; to bob down; to move quickly with a downward motion. + dipsetic a. Tending to produce thirst. + damnum n. Harm; detriment, either to character or property. + debit v.t. To enter on the debtor (Dr.) side of an account; as, to debit the amount of goods sold. + disgaveled of Disgavel + dysgenesic a. Not procreating or breeding freely; as, one race may be dysgenesic with respect to another. + demitone n. Semitone. + disprivilege v.t. To deprive of a privilege or privileges. + disembroiled imp.|p.p. of Disembroil + demoralized imp.|p.p. of Demoralize + diaphragm n. A partition in any compartment, for various purposes. + deadliness n. The quality of being deadly. + dramatized imp.|p.p. of Dramatize + disciplinable a. Liable or deserving to be disciplined; subject to disciplinary punishment; as, a disciplinable offense. + diagnosticate v.t.|i. To make a diagnosis of; to recognize by its symptoms, as a disease. + disturbance n. The hindering or disquieting of a person in the lawful and peaceable enjoyment of his right; the interruption of a right; as, the disturbance of a franchise, of common, of ways, and the like. + delitescency n. Concealment; seclusion. + decussately adv. In a decussate manner. + deplication n. An unfolding, untwisting, or unplaiting. + disembellish v.t. To deprive of embellishment; to disadorn. + dread n. Doubt; as, out of dread. + devastavit n. Waste or misapplication of the assets of a deceased person by an executor or an administrator. + dockyard n. A yard or storage place for all sorts of naval stores and timber for shipbuilding. + devolve v.t. To roll onward or downward; to pass on. + delineate v.t. To indicate by lines drawn in the form or figure of; to represent by sketch, design, or diagram; to sketch out; to portray; to picture; in drawing and engraving, to represent in lines, as with the pen, pencil, or graver; hence, to represent with accuracy and minuteness. See Delineation. + disentitle v.t. To deprive of title or claim. + defaulted imp.|p.p. of Default + dispositively adv. In a dispositive manner; by natural or moral disposition. + deva n. A god; a deity; a divine being; an idol; a king. + delineature n. Delineation. + dutchmen pl. of Dutchman + deed poll A deed of one part, or executed by only one party, and distinguished from an indenture by having the edge of the parchment or paper cut even, or polled as it was anciently termed, instead of being indented. + drupal a. Drupaceous. + dorhawk n. The European goatsucker; -- so called because it eats the dor beetle. See Goatsucker. + deluge v.t. To overwhelm, as with a deluge; to cover; to overspread; to overpower; to submerge; to destroy; as, the northern nations deluged the Roman empire with their armies; the land is deluged with woe. + depender n. One who depends; a dependent. + deliberate a. Formed with deliberation; well-advised; carefully considered; not sudden or rash; as, a deliberate opinion; a deliberate measure or result. + distinguisher n. One who discerns accurately the difference of things; a nice or judicious observer. + differentiation n. The act of differentiating. + deflective a. Causing deflection. + discover v.t. To disclose; to lay open to view; to make visible; to reveal; to make known; to show (what has been secret, unseen, or unknown). + dialist n. A maker of dials; one skilled in dialing. + dispelled imp.|p.p. of Dispel + dorking fowl One of a breed of large-bodied domestic fowls, having five toes, or the hind toe double. There are several strains, as the white, gray, and silver-gray. They are highly esteemed for the table. + drawbench n. A machine in which strips of metal are drawn through a drawplate; especially, one in which wire is thus made; -- also called drawing bench. + doublets n.pl. See Doublet, 6 and 7. + description n. A sketch or account of anything in words; a portraiture or representation in language; an enumeration of the essential qualities of a thing or species. + disinured imp.|p.p. of Disinure + deploring p.pr.|vb.n. of Deplore + depending p.pr.|vb.n. of Depend + double n. Something precisely equal or counterpart to another; a counterpart. Hence, a wraith. + dazzle v.i. To be overpoweringly or intensely bright; to excite admiration by brilliancy. + dastard n. One who meanly shrinks from danger; an arrant coward; a poltroon. + descensive a. Tending to descend; tending downwards; descending. + definitude n. Definiteness. + defrayment n. Payment of charges. + dissimulate a. Feigning; simulating; pretending. + dairywomen pl. of Dairywoman + durancy n. Duration. + dereling n. Darling. + dormer n. Alt. of Dormer window + dynasta n. A tyrant. + disturber n. One who, or that which, disturbs of disquiets; a violator of peace; a troubler. + dorbeetle n. See 1st Dor. + demiisland n. Peninsula. + draff n. A current of air. Same as Draught. + derivation n. The act of tracing origin or descent, as in grammar or genealogy; as, the derivation of a word from an Aryan root. + dialectically adv. In a dialectical manner. + disablement n. Deprivation of ability; incapacity. + delapsed imp.|p.p. of Delapse + drain n. The grain from the mashing tub; as, brewers' drains. + denudation n. The laying bare of rocks by the washing away of the overlying earth, etc.; or the excavation and removal of them by the action of running water. + driftwood n. Wood drifted or floated by water. + delphinic n. Pertaining to, or derived from, the dolphin; phocenic. + decade n. A group or division of ten; esp., a period of ten years; a decennium; as, a decade of years or days; a decade of soldiers; the second decade of Livy. + division n. One of the larger districts into which a country is divided for administering military affairs. + detain v.t. To restrain from proceeding; to stay or stop; to delay; as, we were detained by an accident. + debt n. That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods, or services; that which one person is bound to pay to another, or to perform for his benefit; thing owed; obligation; liability. + depopulated imp.|p.p. of Depopulate + dissuade v.t. To divert by persuasion; to turn from a purpose by reasons or motives; -- with from; as, I could not dissuade him from his purpose. + desulphurated imp.|p.p. of Desulphurate + dependent a. Hanging down; as, a dependent bough or leaf. + didapper n. See Dabchick. + delitigation n. Chiding; brawl. + deafness n. Unwillingness to hear; voluntary rejection of what is addressed to the understanding. + disallowed imp.|p.p. of Disallow + demonstratively adv. In a manner fitted to demonstrate; clearly; convincingly; forcibly. + dictatress n. A woman who dictates or commands. + discouraging p.pr.|vb.n. of Discourage + dynamometer n. An apparatus for measuring force or power; especially, muscular effort of men or animals, or the power developed by a motor, or that required to operate machinery. + defender n. One who defends; one who maintains, supports, protects, or vindicates; a champion; an advocate; a vindicator. + drone v.i. A humming or deep murmuring sound. + disgrace n. To treat discourteously; to upbraid; to revile. + determination n. The quality of mind which reaches definite conclusions; decision of character; resoluteness. + depainter n. One who depaints. + delegate n. One elected by the people of a territory to represent them in Congress, where he has the right of debating, but not of voting. + dreadly adv. With dread. + doomage n. A penalty or fine for neglect. + decylic a. Allied to, or containing, the radical decyl. + devote v.t. To give up wholly; to addict; to direct the attention of wholly or compound; to attach; -- often with a reflexive pronoun; as, to devote one's self to science, to one's friends, to piety, etc. + daring p.pr.|vb.n. of Dare + derotremata n.pl. The tribe of aquatic Amphibia which includes Amphiuma, Menopoma, etc. They have permanent gill openings, but no external gills; -- called also Cryptobranchiata. + deadish a. Somewhat dead, dull, or lifeless; deathlike. + dephlogisticcate v.t. To deprive of phlogiston, or the supposed principle of inflammability. + duskish a. Somewhat dusky. + doob grass A perennial, creeping grass (Cynodon dactylon), highly prized, in Hindostan, as food for cattle, and acclimated in the United States. + deplore v.t. To complain of. + deathblow n. A mortal or crushing blow; a stroke or event which kills or destroys. + decitizenize v.t. To deprive of the rights of citizenship. + draco n. A luminous exhalation from marshy grounds. + distressing adv. In a distressing manner. + dilate a. Extensive; expanded. + diminution n. In counterpoint, the imitation of, or reply to, a subject, in notes of half the length or value of those the subject itself. + dispence v.i.|n. See Dispense. + dandy n. One who affects special finery or gives undue attention to dress; a fop; a coxcomb. + despoliation n. A stripping or plundering; spoliation. + detest v.t. To witness against; to denounce; to condemn. + downhill adv. Towards the bottom of a hill; as, water runs downhill. + decistere n. The tenth part of the stere or cubic meter, equal to 3.531 cubic feet. See Stere. + diplostemony n. The condition of being diplostemonous. + deficience n. Same as Deficiency. + deoxygenate v.t. To deoxidize. + dame n. A woman in general, esp. an elderly woman. + detractress n. A female detractor. + dishwater n. Water in which dishes have been washed. + dowset n. A dowcet, or deep's testicle. + dexterity n. Readiness and grace in physical activity; skill and ease in using the hands; expertness in manual acts; as, dexterity with the chisel. + diapasm n. Powdered aromatic herbs, sometimes made into little balls and strung together. + dismasting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dismast + do v.t.auxiliary To bring to an end by action; to perform completely; to finish; to accomplish; -- a sense conveyed by the construction, which is that of the past participle done. + dispensative a. Granting dispensation. + distant a. Far separated; far off; not near; remote; -- in place, time, consanguinity, or connection; as, distant times; distant relatives. + discharger n. One who, or that which, discharges. Specifically, in electricity, an instrument for discharging a Leyden jar, or electrical battery, by making a connection between the two surfaces; a discharging rod. + diablerie n. Alt. of Diabley + dimera n.pl. A division of Coleoptera, having two joints to the tarsi. + didactylous a. Having only two digits; two-toed. + drachm n. A drachma. + destructor n. A destroyer. + drain v.i. To flow gradually; as, the water of low ground drains off. + delightous a. Delightful. + disgustful a. Provoking disgust; offensive to the taste; exciting aversion; disgusting. + disunite v.t. To destroy the union of; to divide; to part; to sever; to disjoin; to sunder; to separate; as, to disunite particles of matter. + dieresis n. The separation or resolution of one syllable into two; -- the opposite of synaeresis. + dulcet a. Sweet to the ear; melodious; harmonious. + dip n. A liquid, as a sauce or gravy, served at table with a ladle or spoon. + depucelate v.t. To deflour; to deprive of virginity. + decree v.i. To make decrees; -- used absolutely. + dunce n. One backward in book learning; a child or other person dull or weak in intellect; a dullard; a dolt. + digenesis n. The faculty of multiplying in two ways; -- by ova fecundated by spermatic fluid, and asexually, as by buds. See Parthenogenesis. + deploredness n. The state of being deplored or deplorable. + denaturalizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Denaturalize + deacon n. The chairman of an incorporated company. + denitrification n. The act or process of freeing from nitrogen; also, the condition resulting from the removal of nitrogen. + descry v.t. To spy out or discover by the eye, as objects distant or obscure; to espy; to recognize; to discern; to discover. + didelphia n.pl. The subclass of Mammalia which includes the marsupials. See Marsupialia. + disordered imp.|p.p. of Disorder + disponer n. One who legally transfers property from himself to another. + dramaturgy n. The art of dramatic composition and representation. + dimeran n. One of the Dimera. + diocese n. The circuit or extent of a bishop's jurisdiction; the district in which a bishop exercises his ecclesiastical authority. + dicyanide n. A compound of a binary type containing two cyanogen groups or radicals; -- called also bicyanide. + denticulate a. Alt. of Denticulated + distance n. A withholding of intimacy; alienation; coldness; disagreement; variance; restraint; reserve. + drug v.t. To tincture with something offensive or injurious. + doubleminded a. Having different minds at different times; unsettled; undetermined. + donat n. A grammar. + dependency n. That which is attached to something else as its consequence, subordinate, satellite, and the like. + dentateciliate a. Having the margin dentate and also ciliate or fringed with hairs. + diversifier n. One who, or that which, diversifies. + displease v.i. To give displeasure or offense. + diuturnal a. Of long continuance; lasting. + dispatchful a. Bent on haste; intent on speedy execution of business or any task; indicating haste; quick; as, dispatchful looks. + drift v.i. To accumulate in heaps by the force of wind; to be driven into heaps; as, snow or sand drifts. + duct n. A large, elongated cell, either round or prismatic, usually found associated with woody fiber. + draughtsmanship n. The office, art, or work of a draughtsman. + dissentient n. One who dissents. + ding v.t. To cause to sound or ring. + deprive v.t. To take away; to put an end; to destroy. + dissociative a. Tending or leading to dissociation. + disagreed imp.|p.p. of Disagree + dipper n. The buffel duck. + dermatine a. Of or pertaining to the skin. + decompounding p.pr.|vb.n. of Decompound + deare variant of Dere, v. t. & n. + drunk n. A drunken condition; a spree. + disponge v.t. To sprinkle, as with water from a sponge. + disputable v.i. Capable of being disputed; liable to be called in question, controverted, or contested; or doubtful certainty or propriety; controvertible; as, disputable opinions, propositions, points, or questions. + disbanding p.pr.|vb.n. of Disband + digynia n. A Linnaean order of plants having two styles. + douc n. A monkey (Semnopithecus nemaeus), remarkable for its varied and brilliant colors. It is a native of Cochin China. + duodecennial a. Consisting of twelve years. + depaint v.t. To mark with, or as with, color; to color. + dehorter n. A dissuader; an adviser to the contrary. + distrainor n. One who distrains; the party distraining goods or chattels. + disopinion n. Want or difference of belief; disbelief. + draught n. A team of oxen or horses. + dragon n. A short musket hooked to a swivel attached to a soldier's belt; -- so called from a representation of a dragon's head at the muzzle. + descendible a. Admitting descent; capable of being descended. + dynamiting n. Destroying by dynamite, for political ends. + dentalism n. The quality of being formed by the aid of the teeth. + defloration n. The act of deflouring; as, the defloration of a virgin. + dispatch v.t. The act of sending a message or messenger in haste or on important business. + din imp. of Do + designation n. Selection and appointment for a purpose; allotment; direction. + divan n. A coffee and smoking saloon. + damascene v.t. Same as Damask, or Damaskeen, v. t. + disproportioned imp.|p.p. of Disproportion + desertful a. Meritorious. + duplicities pl. of Duplicity + divined imp.|p.p. of Divine + decigramme n. A weight in the metric system; one tenth of a gram, equal to 1.5432 grains avoirdupois. + dextrad adv. Toward the right side; dextrally. + deepfet a. Deeply fetched or drawn. + drop n. Act of dropping; sudden fall or descent. + daedalian a. Cunningly or ingeniously formed or working; skillful; artistic; ingenious. + deposit v.t. Money lodged with a party as earnest or security for the performance of a duty assumed by the person depositing. + diastyle n. See under Intercolumniation. + deodorization n. The act of depriving of odor, especially of offensive odors resulting from impurities. + depth n. A pair of toothed wheels which work together. + dolichocephalism n. The quality or condition of being dolichocephalic. + denseless n. The quality of being dense; density. + droning p.pr.|vb.n. of Drone + dissolve v.t. To relax by pleasure; to make powerless. + dunted a. Beaten; hence, blunted. + deification n. The act of deifying; exaltation to divine honors; apotheosis; excessive praise. + decolorize v.t. To deprive of color; to whiten. + dammara n. A large tree of the order Coniferae, indigenous to the East Indies and Australasia; -- called also Agathis. There are several species. + dehortative a. Dissuasive. + dispondee n. A double spondee; a foot consisting of four long syllables. + daimios pl. of Daimio + diligence n. The quality of being diligent; carefulness; careful attention; -- the opposite of negligence. + decemvirate n. The office or term of office of the decemvirs in Rome. + doom v.t. Discriminating opinion or judgment; discrimination; discernment; decision. + disrupture n. Disruption. + defence n. That which defends or protects; anything employed to oppose attack, ward off violence or danger, or maintain security; a guard; a protection. + daunt v.t. To repress or subdue the courage of; to check by fear of danger; to cow; to intimidate; to dishearten. + deliberative a. Pertaining to deliberation; proceeding or acting by deliberation, or by discussion and examination; deliberating; as, a deliberative body. + din n. Loud, confused, harsh noise; a loud, continuous, rattling or clanging sound; clamor; roar. + dishonesty n. Dishonor; dishonorableness; shame. + derivation n. The act of receiving anything from a source; the act of procuring an effect from a cause, means, or condition, as profits from capital, conclusions or opinions from evidence. + ditrochee n. A double trochee; a foot made up of two trochees. + drengage n. The tenure by which a drench held land. + depper a. Deeper. + dozenth a. Twelfth. + dissected imp.|p.p. of Dissect + displacement n. The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced; a putting out of place. + dissemblance n. The act or art of dissembling; dissimulation. + deformity a. Anything that destroys beauty, grace, or propriety; irregularity; absurdity; gross deviation from order or the established laws of propriety; as, deformity in an edifice; deformity of character. + dennet n. A light, open, two-wheeled carriage for one horse; a kind of gig. + dolly n. A contrivance, turning on a vertical axis by a handle or winch, and giving a circular motion to the ore to be washed; a stirrer. + dispiritment n. Depression of spirits; discouragement. + dipropyl n. One of the hexane paraffins, found in petroleum, consisting of two propyl radicals. See Hexane. + divorce n. The decree or writing by which marriage is dissolved. + difficult a. Hard to manage or to please; not easily wrought upon; austere; stubborn; as, a difficult person. + ductor n. A contrivance for removing superfluous ink or coloring matter from a roller. See Doctor, 4. + depravedly adv. In a depraved manner. + disglorifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Disglorify + definition n. Description; sort. + deads n.pl. The substances which inclose the ore on every side. + disfrock v.t. To unfrock. + draggletailed a. Untidy; sluttish; slatternly. + domine n. A name given to a pastor of the Reformed Church. The word is also applied locally in the United States, in colloquial speech, to any clergyman. + deglutinated imp.|p.p. of Deglutinate + disjointed imp.|p.p. of Disjoint + dentil n. A small square block or projection in cornices, a number of which are ranged in an ornamental band; -- used particularly in the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders. + dialect n. Means or mode of expressing thoughts; language; tongue; form of speech. + doorstop n. The block or strip of wood or similar material which stops, at the right place, the shutting of a door. + den n. A squalid place of resort; a wretched dwelling place; a haunt; as, a den of vice. + diluted a. Reduced in strength; thin; weak. + death v.i. Loss of spiritual life. + demon n. One's genius; a tutelary spirit or internal voice; as, the demon of Socrates. + decompound v.t. To reduce to constituent parts; to decompose. + demoniacal a. Influenced or produced by a demon or evil spirit; as, demoniac or demoniacal power. + doornail n. The nail or knob on which in ancient doors the knocker struck; -- hence the old saying, "As dead as a doornail." + doric n. The Doric dialect. + divaricate v.i. To diverge; to be divaricate. + discipless n. A female disciple. + deep superl. Strongly colored; dark; intense; not light or thin; as, deep blue or crimson. + detainment n. Detention. + decede n. To withdraw. + discerning p.pr.|vb.n. of Discern + droitural a. relating to the mere right of property, as distinguished from the right of possession; as, droitural actions. + duller n. One who, or that which, dulls. + deter v.t. To prevent by fear; hence, to hinder or prevent from action by fear of consequences, or difficulty, risk, etc. + disheritance n. The act of disinheriting or state of being disinherited; disinheritance. + dispensableness n. Quality of being dispensable. + dogbane n. A small genus of perennial herbaceous plants, with poisonous milky juice, bearing slender pods pods in pairs. + discolor v.t. To alter the natural hue or color of; to change to a different color; to stain; to tinge; as, a drop of wine will discolor water; silver is discolored by sea water. + doop n. A little copper cup in which a diamond is held while being cut. + default v.i. To fail in fulfilling a contract, agreement, or duty. + diphyodont a. Having two successive sets of teeth (deciduous and permanent), one succeeding the other; as, a diphyodont mammal; diphyodont dentition; -- opposed to monophyodont. + deprehension n. A catching; discovery. + destinate a. Destined. + disapprover n. One who disapproves. + dullsome a. Dull. + delated imp.|p.p. of Delate + disembogued imp.|p.p. of Disembogue + dibutyl n. A liquid hydrocarbon, C8H18, of the marsh-gas series, being one of several octanes, and consisting of two butyl radicals. Cf. Octane. + decorator n. One who decorates, adorns, or embellishes; specifically, an artisan whose business is the decoration of houses, esp. their interior decoration. + derelict n. A thing voluntary abandoned or willfully cast away by its proper owner, especially a ship abandoned at sea. + dischurch v.t. To deprive of status as a church, or of membership in a church. + disintegrating p.pr.|vb.n. of Disintegrate + defectibility n. Deficiency; imperfection. + dash n. The sign of staccato, a small mark [/] denoting that the note over which it is placed is to be performed in a short, distinct manner. + definitiveness n. The quality of being definitive. + daunting p.pr.|vb.n. of Daunt + disapointed imp.|p.p. of Disappoint + distort v.t. To force or put out of the true posture or direction; to twist aside mentally or morally. + drooped imp.|p.p. of Droop + delicacy a. That which is alluring, delicate, or refined; a luxury or pleasure; something pleasant to the senses, especially to the sense of taste; a dainty; as, delicacies of the table. + ditheist n. One who holds the doctrine of ditheism; a dualist. + dejectory a. Having power, or tending, to cast down. + draw v.i. To move; to come or go; literally, to draw one's self; -- with prepositions and adverbs; as, to draw away, to move off, esp. in racing, to get in front; to obtain the lead or increase it; to draw back, to retreat; to draw level, to move up even (with another); to come up to or overtake another; to draw off, to retire or retreat; to draw on, to advance; to draw up, to form in array; to draw near, nigh, or towards, to approach; to draw together, to come together, to collect. + drink v.i. To quaff exhilarating or intoxicating liquors, in merriment or feasting; to carouse; to revel; hence, to lake alcoholic liquors to excess; to be intemperate in the /se of intoxicating or spirituous liquors; to tipple. + decharm v.t. To free from a charm; to disenchant. + deft a. Apt; fit; dexterous; clever; handy; spruce; neat. + dernier a. Last; final. + dark n. Absence of light; darkness; obscurity; a place where there is little or no light. + dry v.i. To grow dry; to become free from wetness, moisture, or juice; as, the road dries rapidly. + dumose a. Alt. of Dumous + deprecating p.pr.|vb.n. of Deprecate + demur v.i. To interpose a demurrer. See Demurrer, 2. + daff v.t. To daunt. + damn v.t. To condemn as bad or displeasing, by open expression, as by denuciation, hissing, hooting, etc. + dispace v.i. To roam. + drear a. Dismal; gloomy with solitude. + divinize v.t. To invest with a divine character; to deify. + divarication n. A divergence of lines of color sculpture, or of fibers at different angles. + double a. To pass around or by; to march or sail round, so as to reverse the direction of motion. + dizzy superl. Without distinct thought; unreflecting; thoughtless; heedless. + duster n. One who, or that which, dusts; a utensil that frees from dust. + degarnishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Degarnish + disintricate v.t. To disentangle. + disembayed imp.|p.p. of Disembay + degree n. Grade or rank to which scholars are admitted by a college or university, in recognition of their attainments; as, the degree of bachelor of arts, master, doctor, etc. + doublet a. A game somewhat like backgammon. + divide n. A dividing ridge of land between the tributaries of two streams; a watershed. + deputy n. One appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him, in his name or his behalf; a substitute in office; a lieutenant; a representative; a delegate; a vicegerent; as, the deputy of a prince, of a sheriff, of a township, etc. + dicyemid a. Like or belonging to the Dicyemata. + dodgery n. trickery; artifice. + dichroscope n. An instrument for examining the dichroism of crystals. + dark a. Foreboding evil; gloomy; jealous; suspicious. + dryrub v.t. To rub and cleanse without wetting. + dokimastic a. Docimastic. + disciflorous a. Bearing the stamens on a discoid outgrowth of the receptacle; -- said of a subclass of plants. Cf. Calycifloral. + dispatchment n. The act of dispatching. + dispensed imp.|p.p. of Dispense + dirty v.t. To tarnish; to sully; to scandalize; -- said of reputation, character, etc. + down adv. In a low or the lowest position, literally or figuratively; at the bottom of a decent; below the horizon; of the ground; in a condition of humility, dejection, misery, and the like; in a state of quiet. + didynamia n.pl. A Linnaean class of plants having four stamens disposed in pairs of unequal length. + deride v.t. To laugh at with contempt; to laugh to scorn; to turn to ridicule or make sport of; to mock; to scoff at. + disforest v.t. To disafforest. + dragons head Alt. of Dragon's tail + distinguishableness n. The quality of being distinguishable. + daniel n. A Hebrew prophet distinguished for sagacity and ripeness of judgment in youth; hence, a sagacious and upright judge. + dowral a. Of or relating to a dower. + dosology n. Posology. + daub v.t. To paint in a coarse or unskillful manner. + democratically adv. In a democratic manner. + disquiet a. Deprived of quiet; impatient; restless; uneasy. + dakir n. A measure of certain commodities by number, usually ten or twelve, but sometimes twenty; as, a daker of hides consisted of ten skins; a daker of gloves of ten pairs. + dishevel v.t. To suffer (the hair) to hang loosely or disorderly; to spread or throw (the hair) in disorder; -- used chiefly in the passive participle. + dreadless adv. Without doubt. + distemperance n. Distemperature. + distribution n. A resolving a whole into its parts. + defile v.i. To march off in a line, file by file; to file off. + draft v.t. To transfer by draft. + deputed imp.|p.p. of Depute + discerningly adv. In a discerning manner; with judgment; judiciously; acutely. + disslanderous a. Slanderous. + diver n. Fig.: One who goes deeply into a subject, study, or business. + draft a. Relating to, or characterized by, a draft, or current of air. Same as Draught. + drunkenly adv. In a drunken manner. + dilettanti pl. of Dilettante + decedent n. A deceased person. + dip v.i. To dip snuff. + disinterment n. The act of disinterring, or taking out of the earth; exhumation. + diadem n. An arch rising from the rim of a crown (rarely also of a coronet), and uniting with others over its center. + deepen v.i. To become deeper; as, the water deepens at every cast of the lead; the plot deepens. + derailed imp.|p.p. of Derail + deform a. Deformed; misshapen; shapeless; horrid. + dip v.t. To immerse for baptism; to baptize by immersion. + derain v.t. To prove or to refute by proof; to clear (one's self). + divinity a. The state of being divine; the nature or essence of God; deity; godhead. + discharge v.t. To of something weighing upon or impeding over one, as a debt, claim, obligation, responsibility, accusation, etc.; to absolve; to acquit; to clear. + derainment n. The renunciation of religious or monastic vows. + deuto Alt. of Deut- + dissolvable a. Capable of being dissolved, or separated into component parts; capable of being liquefied; soluble. + demantoid n. A yellow-green, transparent variety of garnet found in the Urals. It is valued as a gem because of its brilliancy of luster, whence the name. + discovery n. A making known; revelation; disclosure; as, a bankrupt is bound to make a full discovery of his assets. + dam v.t. To shut up; to stop up; to close; to restrain. + dispose v.t. To deal out; to assign to a use; to bestow for an object or purpose; to apply; to employ; to dispose of. + desponsories pl. of Desponsory + daddy longlegs A name applied to many species of dipterous insects of the genus Tipula, and allied genera, with slender bodies, and very long, slender legs; the crane fly; -- called also father longlegs. + derange v.t. To disturb in the orderly or normal action of the intellect; to render insane. + double v.i. To return upon one's track; to turn and go back over the same ground, or in an opposite direction. + duties pl. of Duty + dual a. Expressing, or consisting of, the number two; belonging to two; as, the dual number of nouns, etc. , in Greek. + drop v.i. To fall in drops. + decagram n. Alt. of Decagramme + demonstrative a. Having the nature of demonstration; tending to demonstrate; making evident; exhibiting clearly or conclusively. + disroof v.t. To unroof. + dice n. Small cubes used in gaming or in determining by chance; also, the game played with dice. See Die, n. + dissundering p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissunder + discord v.i. Union of musical sounds which strikes the ear harshly or disagreeably, owing to the incommensurability of the vibrations which they produce; want of musical concord or harmony; a chord demanding resolution into a concord. + dal n. Split pulse, esp. of Cajanus Indicus. + dress v.t. To break and train for use, as a horse or other animal. + diadelphia n.pl. A Linnaean class of plants whose stamens are united into two bodies or bundles by their filaments. + discounsel v.t. To dissuade. + dignity n. One holding high rank; a dignitary. + delphinic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, the larkspur; specifically, relating to the stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria). + distrustless a. Free from distrust. + drosometer n. An instrument for measuring the quantity of dew on the surface of a body in the open air. It consists of a balance, having a plate at one end to receive the dew, and at the other a weight protected from the deposit of dew. + dung v.i. To void excrement. + deadhead n. A buoy. See under Dead, a. + dizzy superl. Causing, or tending to cause, giddiness or vertigo. + disulphate n. A salt of disulphuric or pyrosulphuric acid; a pyrosulphate. + discerptive a. Tending to separate or disunite parts. + dialyzed imp.|p.p. of Dialyze + damp off To decay and perish through excessive moisture. + discoblastic a. Applied to a form of egg cleavage seen in osseous fishes, which occurs only in a small disk that separates from the rest of the egg. + diagraphic a. Alt. of Diagraphical + department v.i. A part, portion, or subdivision. + dander v.i. To wander about; to saunter; to talk incoherently. + detention n. The act of detaining or keeping back; a withholding. + dread a. Inspiring with reverential fear; awful' venerable; as, dread sovereign; dread majesty; dread tribunal. + doublelock v.t. To lock with two bolts; to fasten with double security. + domiculture n. The art of house-keeping, cookery, etc. + disinfected imp.|p.p. of Disinfect + dehonestation n. A dishonoring; disgracing. + digue n. A bank; a dike. + dung of Ding + driver n. A part that transmits motion to another part by contact with it, or through an intermediate relatively movable part, as a gear which drives another, or a lever which moves another through a link, etc. Specifically: + dispose n. Cast of mind; disposition; inclination; behavior; demeanor. + dumfounder v.t. To dumfound; to confound. + dagon The national god of the Philistines, represented with the face and hands and upper part of a man, and the tail of a fish. + drag v.t. Hence, anything that retards; a clog; an obstacle to progress or enjoyment. + denominable a. Capable of being denominated or named. + deprave n.t. To make bad or worse; to vitiate; to corrupt. + derived imp.|p.p. of Derive + disbranch v. To divest of a branch or branches; to tear off. + disgregation n. The process of separation, or the condition of being separate, as of the molecules of a body. + dyne n. The unit of force, in the C. G. S. (Centimeter Gram Second) system of physical units; that is, the force which, acting on a gram for a second, generates a velocity of a centimeter per second. + denominator n. That part of any expression under a fractional form which is situated below the horizontal line signifying division. + disinvolve v.t. To uncover; to unfold or unroll; to disentangle. + differencing p.pr.|vb.n. of Difference + dacoit n. One of a class of robbers, in India, who act in gangs. + dart n. A pointed missile weapon, intended to be thrown by the hand; a short lance; a javelin; hence, any sharp-pointed missile weapon, as an arrow. + depressomotor a. Depressing or diminishing the capacity for movement, as depressomotor nerves, which lower or inhibit muscular activity. + dejecture n. That which is voided; excrements. + dumb a. Not willing to speak; mute; silent; not speaking; not accompanied by words; as, dumb show. + daker hen The corncrake or land rail. + dollies pl. of Dolly + delicate n. A choice dainty; a delicacy. + dispark v.t. To throw (a park or inclosure); to treat (a private park) as a common. + dumbledor n. A bumblebee; also, a cockchafer. + debating n. The act of discussing or arguing; discussion. + dislike n. Discord; dissension. + dark a. Not clear to the understanding; not easily seen through; obscure; mysterious; hidden. + diminutive n. Something of very small size or value; an insignificant thing. + deviless n. A she-devil. + dogsear n. The corner of a leaf, in a book, turned down like the ear of a dog. + dissentive a. Disagreeing; inconsistent. + divorcement n. Dissolution of the marriage tie; divorce; separation. + disobey v.t. Not to obey; to neglect or refuse to obey (a superior or his commands, the laws, etc.); to transgress the commands of (one in authority); to violate, as an order; as, refractory children disobey their parents; men disobey their Maker and the laws. + dasypaedal a. Dasypaedic. + deictic a. Direct; proving directly; -- applied to reasoning, and opposed to elenchtic or refutative. + detachment n. The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached. + deturb v.t. To throw down. + dissipate v.t. To scatter completely; to disperse and cause to disappear; -- used esp. of the dispersion of things that can never again be collected or restored. + divaricating p.pr.|vb.n. of Divaricate + drearihead n. Alt. of Drearihood + disguised imp.|p.p. of Disguise + dulleyed a. Having eyes wanting brightness, liveliness, or vivacity. + disembaying p.pr.|vb.n. of Disembay + deserving p.pr.|vb.n. of Deserve + demise v.t. To transfer or transmit by succession or inheritance; to grant or bestow by will; to bequeath. + daggle v.i. To run, go, or trail one's self through water, mud, or slush; to draggle. + discommender n. One who discommends; a dispraiser. + deduce v.t. To take away; to deduct; to subtract; as, to deduce a part from the whole. + derivation n. The state or method of being derived; the relation of origin when established or asserted. + detesting p.pr.|vb.n. of Detest + draughtsman n. One who drinks drams; a tippler. + decemviral a. Pertaining to the decemvirs in Rome. + diiodide n. A compound of a binary type containing two atoms of iodine; -- called also biniodide. + dis . + desperately adv. In a desperate manner; without regard to danger or safety; recklessly; extremely; as, the troops fought desperately. + divisionary a. Divisional. + dentiloquist n. One who speaks through the teeth, that is, with the teeth closed. + dabbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dabble + discumbency n. The act of reclining at table according to the manner of the ancients at their meals. + drought n. Scarcity; lack. + disunion n. A breach of concord and its effect; alienation. + del credere An agreement by which an agent or factor, in consideration of an additional premium or commission (called a del credere commission), engages, when he sells goods on credit, to insure, warrant, or guarantee to his principal the solvency of the purchaser, the engagement of the factor being to pay the debt himself if it is not punctually discharged by the buyer when it becomes due. + derrick n. A mast, spar, or tall frame, supported at the top by stays or guys, with suitable tackle for hoisting heavy weights, as stones in building. + develop v.t. To change the form of, as of an algebraic expression, by executing certain indicated operations without changing the value. + desiring p.pr.|vb.n. of Desire + dispossessor n. One who dispossesses. + dermatography n. An anatomical description of, or treatise on, the skin. + deposit v.t. That which is placed anywhere, or in any one's hands, for safe keeping; something intrusted to the care of another; esp., money lodged with a bank or banker, subject to order; anything given as pledge or security. + decide v.t. To cut off; to separate. + demitint n. The shade itself; neither the darkest nor the lightest in a composition. Also called half tint. + discommend v.t. To expose to censure or ill favor; to put out of the good graces of any one. + diarial a. Alt. of Diarian + down a. Downcast; as, a down look. + demissionary a. Pertaining to transfer or conveyance; as, a demissionary deed. + droll v.i. To jest; to play the buffoon. + dashed imp.|p.p. of Dash + dechristianized imp.|p.p. of Dechristianize + depict v.t. To form a colored likeness of; to represent by a picture; to paint; to portray. + decrier n. One who decries. + discomfit n. Rout; overthrow; discomfiture. + discipline n. A system of essential rules and duties; as, the Romish or Anglican discipline. + didactic a. Alt. of Didactical + deferment n. The act of delaying; postponement. + derogately adv. In a derogatory manner. + duct n. One of the vessels of an animal body by which the products of glandular secretion are conveyed to their destination. + demiurge n. According to the Gnostics, an agent or one employed by the Supreme Being to create the material universe and man. + derogative a. Derogatory. + down v.i. To go down; to descend. + digne a. Worthy; honorable; deserving. + dowlas n. A coarse linen cloth made in the north of England and in Scotland, now nearly replaced by calico. + despot n. A master; a lord; especially, an absolute or irresponsible ruler or sovereign. + declinature n. The act of declining or refusing; as, the declinature of an office. + deception n. The state of being deceived or misled. + dolium n. A genus of large univalve mollusks, including the partridge shell and tun shells. + drivel n. Inarticulate or unmeaning utterance; foolish talk; babble. + disseminator n. One who, or that which, disseminates, spreads, or propagates; as, disseminators of disease. + drunkard n. One who habitually drinks strong liquors immoderately; one whose habit it is to get drunk; a toper; a sot. + digester n. A medicine or an article of food that aids digestion, or strengthens digestive power. + dug imp.|p.p. of Dig + distention n. The act of distending; the act of stretching in breadth or in all directions; the state of being Distended; as, the distention of the lungs. + decasyllabic a. Having, or consisting of, ten syllables. + divinities pl. of Divinity + dammar n. Alt. of Dammara + discontinue v.i. To lose continuity or cohesion of parts; to be disrupted or broken off. + diaphanously adv. Translucently. + delate v. To carry or bring against, as a charge; to inform against; to accuse; to denounce. + dittany n. A plant of the Mint family (Origanum Dictamnus), a native of Crete. + disreputation n. Loss or want of reputation or good name; dishonor; disrepute; disesteem. + duty n. Respect; reverence; regard; act of respect; homage. + disjointly adv. In a disjointed state. + diet v.i. To eat according to prescribed rules; to ear sparingly; as, the doctor says he must diet. + detrimental a. Causing detriment; injurious; hurtful. + drift n. A deviation from the line of fire, peculiar to oblong projectiles. + duenna n. An elderly lady holding a station between a governess and companion, and appointed to have charge over the younger ladies in a Spanish or a Portuguese family. + dissociated imp.|p.p. of Dissociate + dogmatism n. The manner or character of a dogmatist; arrogance or positiveness in stating opinion. + dogheaded a. Having a head shaped like that of a dog; -- said of certain baboons. + disposal n. Ordering; regulation; adjustment; management; government; direction. + dewpoint n. The temperature at which dew begins to form. It varies with the humidity and temperature of the atmosphere. + dom State, condition, or quality of being, as in wisdom, freedom. + demented a. Insane; mad; of unsound mind. + descend v.t. To go down upon or along; to pass from a higher to a lower part of; as, they descended the river in boats; to descend a ladder. + distrust n. Suspicion of evil designs. + descendant n. One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; -- correlative to ancestor or ascendant. + descendent a. Descending; falling; proceeding from an ancestor or source. + doggish a. Like a dog; having the bad qualities of a dog; churlish; growling; brutal. + darkish a. Somewhat dark; dusky. + digging n. The act or the place of excavating. + drib n. A drop. + doni n. A clumsy craft, having one mast with a long sail, used for trading purposes on the coasts of Coromandel and Ceylon. + dradde imp. of Dread. + divisional a. That divides; pertaining to, making, or noting, a division; as, a divisional line; a divisional general; a divisional surgeon of police. + distruster n. One who distrusts. + disposal n. The act of disposing, or disposing of, anything; arrangement; orderly distribution; a putting in order; as, the disposal of the troops in two lines. + depositaries pl. of Depositary + doodlesack n. The Scotch bagpipe. + divide v.t. To part asunder (a whole); to sever into two or more parts or pieces; to sunder; to separate into parts. + draught n. The act of drawing or pulling + dibasicity n. The property or condition of being dibasic. + disembark v.i. To go ashore out of a ship or boat; to leave a ship; to debark. + dextrer n. A war horse. + defendress n. A female defender. + dodecastyle n. A dodecastyle portico, or building. + displant v.t. To remove (what is planted or fixed); to unsettle and take away; to displace; to root out; as, to displant inhabitants. + drock n. A water course. + dispute v.i. Verbal controversy; contest by opposing argument or expression of opposing views or claims; controversial discussion; altercation; debate. + dismay v.t. Condition fitted to dismay; ruin. + dihexagonal a. Having twelve similar faces; as, a dihexagonal prism. + dolichocephaly n. Alt. of Dolichocephalism + dedication n. A devoting or setting aside for any particular purpose; as, a dedication of lands to public use. + distract a. Separated; drawn asunder. + disciplinarian a. Pertaining to discipline. + discreet superl. Possessed of discernment, especially in avoiding error or evil, and in the adaptation of means to ends; prudent; sagacious; judicious; not rash or heedless; cautious. + deaconess n. A woman chosen as a helper in church work, as among the Congregationalists. + divers a. Different in kind or species; diverse. + disk n. A flat, circular plate; as, a disk of metal or paper. + didactyl n. An animal having only two digits. + dispensation n. The act of dispensing or dealing out; distribution; often used of the distribution of good and evil by God to man, or more generically, of the acts and modes of his administration. + dreariness n. Dismalness; gloomy solitude. + demivill n. A half vill, consisting of five freemen or frankpledges. + domestic n. One who lives in the family of an other, as hired household assistant; a house servant. + drainage n. The system of drains and their operation, by which superfluous water is removed from towns, railway beds, mines, and other works. + dinoceras n. A genus of large extinct Eocene mammals from Wyoming; -- called also Uintatherium. See Illustration in Appendix. + deadstroke a. Making a stroke without recoil; deadbeat. + distiller n. The condenser of a distilling apparatus. + death v.i. Manner of dying; act or state of passing from life. + diamonded a. Adorned with diamonds; diamondized. + disposition n. Conscious inclination; propension or propensity. + departable a. Divisible. + draped imp.|p.p. of Drape + dissettlement n. The act of unsettling, or the state of being unsettled. + distrainer n. Same as Distrainor. + deflexed a. Bent abruptly downward. + dishonor v.t. To deprive of honor; to disgrace; to bring reproach or shame on; to treat with indignity, or as unworthy in the sight of others; to stain the character of; to lessen the reputation of; as, the duelist dishonors himself to maintain his honor. + dead a. Unproductive; bringing no gain; unprofitable; as, dead capital; dead stock in trade. + demand v.t. The act of demanding; an asking with authority; a peremptory urging of a claim; a claiming or challenging as due; requisition; as, the demand of a creditor; a note payable on demand. + draw v.t. To take or procure from a place of deposit; to call for and receive from a fund, or the like; as, to draw money from a bank. + dipping n. The practice of taking snuff by rubbing the teeth or gums with a stick or brush dipped in snuff. + duality n. The quality or condition of being two or twofold; dual character or usage. + dermohaemal a. Pertaining to, or in relation with, both dermal and haemal structures; as, the dermohaemal spines or ventral fin rays of fishes. + diabolism n. Possession by the devil. + discretionary Left to discretion; unrestrained except by discretion or judgment; as, an ambassador with discretionary powers. + defecating p.pr.|vb.n. of Defecate + dermoptera n.pl. An order of Mammalia; the Cheiroptera. + deploy v.t.|i. To open out; to unfold; to spread out (a body of troops) in such a way that they shall display a wider front and less depth; -- the reverse of ploy; as, to deploy a column of troops into line of battle. + defiance n. A state of opposition; willingness to flight; disposition to resist; contempt of opposition. + dastardness n. Dastardliness. + distilled imp.|p.p. of Distill + dignitaries pl. of Dignitary + discover v.i. To discover or show one's self. + dingily adv. In a dingy manner. + deplumate a. Destitute or deprived of features; deplumed. + diathermanism n. The doctrine or the phenomena of the transmission of radiant heat. + dulciana n. A sweet-toned stop of an organ. + deportment n. Manner of deporting or demeaning one's self; manner of acting; conduct; carriage; especially, manner of acting with respect to the courtesies and duties of life; behavior; demeanor; bearing. + devastating p.pr.|vb.n. of Devastate + driftbolt n. A bolt for driving out other bolts. + decrement n. The state of becoming gradually less; decrease; diminution; waste; loss. + despite n. Malice; malignity; spite; malicious anger; contemptuous hate. + disproperty v.t. To cause to be no longer property; to dispossess of. + deserving n. Desert; merit. + disputant v.i. Disputing; engaged in controversy. + dextrorotatory a. Turning, or causing to turn, toward the right hand; esp., turning the plane of polarization of luminous rays toward the right hand; as, dextrorotatory crystals, sugars, etc. Cf. Levorotatory. + decry v.t. To cry down; to censure as faulty, mean, or worthless; to clamor against; to blame clamorously; to discredit; to disparage. + declining p.pr.|vb.n. of Decline + designate v.t. To call by a distinctive title; to name. + decagon n. A plane figure having ten sides and ten angles; any figure having ten angles. A regular decagon is one that has all its sides and angles equal. + disaffected a. Alienated in feeling; not wholly loyal. + divert v.t. To turn aside; to turn off from any course or intended application; to deflect; as, to divert a river from its channel; to divert commerce from its usual course. + disparting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispart + dismount v.t. To take down, or apart, as a machine. + displuming p.pr.|vb.n. of Displume + dejecta n.pl. Excrements; as, the dejecta of the sick. + disputant n. One who disputes; one who argues // opposition to another; one appointed to dispute; a controvertist; a reasoner in opposition. + difficult v.t. To render difficult; to impede; to perplex. + dactyl n. A poetical foot of three sylables (-- ~ ~), one long followed by two short, or one accented followed by two unaccented; as, L. tegm/n/, E. mer\b6ciful; -- so called from the similarity of its arrangement to that of the joints of a finger. + drapery n. Cloth, or woolen stuffs in general. + delitescence n. Concealment; seclusion; retirement. + dado n. In interior decoration, the lower part of the wall of an apartment when adorned with moldings, or otherwise specially decorated. + diverseness n. The quality of being diverse. + defiguration n. Disfiguration; mutilation. + divest v.t. See Devest. + dispatch v.i. To make haste; to conclude an affair; to finish a matter of business. + demimonde n. Persons of doubtful reputation; esp., women who are kept as mistresses, though not public prostitutes; demireps. + dephlogisticated imp.|p.p. of Dephlogisticcate + diptych n. A writing tablet consisting of two leaves of rigid material connected by hinges and shutting together so as to protect the writing within. + diaphoretic n. A medicine or agent which promotes perspiration. + dolphin n. In old ordnance, one of the handles above the trunnions by which the gun was lifted. + dared of Dare + drizzly a. Characterized by small rain, or snow; moist and disagreeable. + dalf imp. of Delve. + dent n. A stroke; a blow. + danger n. Difficulty; sparingness. + daguerreotyping p.pr.|vb.n. of Daguerreotype + demurrable a. That may be demurred to. + diethylamine n. A colorless, volatile, alkaline liquid, NH(C2H5)2, having a strong fishy odor resembling that of herring or sardines. Cf. Methylamine. + dementate v.t. To deprive of reason; to dement. + designing p.pr.|vb.n. of Design + dicrotic a. Of or pertaining to dicrotism; as, a dicrotic pulse. + disappendent a. Freed from a former connection or dependence; disconnected. + discard n. The act of discarding; also, the card or cards discarded. + davy jones The spirit of the sea; sea devil; -- a term used by sailors. + darter n. A small fresh-water etheostomoid fish. The group includes numerous genera and species, all of them American. See Etheostomoid. + deport n. Behavior; carriage; demeanor; deportment. + debauch n. An act or occasion of debauchery. + draught a. Relating to, or characterized by, a draft, or current of air. + dock n. The place in court where a criminal or accused person stands. + defilading n. The art or act of determining the directions and heights of the lines of rampart with reference to the protection of the interior from exposure to an enemy's fire from any point within range, or from any works which may be erected. + donee n. The person to whom a gift or donation is made. + decoyed imp.|p.p. of Decoy + dowve n. A dove. + drink n. Specifically, intoxicating liquor; as, when drink is on, wit is out. + dropping p.pr.|vb.n. of Drop + defeudalize v.t. To deprive of the feudal character or form. + dining n.|a. from Dine, a. + delays pl. of Delay + distend v.i. To become expanded or inflated; to swell. + drowsy superl. Inclined to drowse; heavy with sleepiness; lethargic; dozy. + diaper v.t. To ornament with figures, etc., arranged in the pattern called diaper, as cloth in weaving. + dullness n. The state of being dull; slowness; stupidity; heaviness; drowsiness; bluntness; obtuseness; dimness; want of luster; want of vividness, or of brightness. + destroy v.t. To put an end to the existence, prosperity, or beauty of; to kill. + dodder v.t.|i. To shake, tremble, or totter. + duad n. A union of two; duality. + deciduous a. Falling off, or subject to fall or be shed, at a certain season, or a certain stage or interval of growth, as leaves (except of evergreens) in autumn, or as parts of animals, such as hair, teeth, antlers, etc.; also, shedding leaves or parts at certain seasons, stages, or intervals; as, deciduous trees; the deciduous membrane. + dissymmetrical a. Not having symmetry; asymmetrical; unsymmetrical. + deficient a. Wanting, to make up completeness; wanting, as regards a requirement; not sufficient; inadequate; defective; imperfect; incomplete; lacking; as, deficient parts; deficient estate; deficient strength; deficient in judgment. + desolately adv. In a desolate manner. + dispositioned a. Having (such) a disposition; -- used in compounds; as, well-dispositioned. + draconian a. Pertaining to Draco, a famous lawgiver of Athens, 621 b. c. + dab n. A skillful hand; a dabster; an expert. + defensor n. The patron of a church; an officer having charge of the temporal affairs of a church. + deltaic a. Relating to, or like, a delta. + doctorship n. Doctorate. + discovert n. An uncovered place or part. + destinate v.t. To destine, design, or choose. + dozen n. A collection of twelve objects; a tale or set of twelve; with or without of before the substantive which follows. + disjuncttion n. A disjunctive proposition. + defeating p.pr.|vb.n. of Defeat + desirably adv. In a desirable manner. + dolerite n. A dark-colored, basic, igneous rock, composed essentially of pyroxene and a triclinic feldspar with magnetic iron. By many authors it is considered equivalent to a coarse-grained basalt. + downweigh v.t. To weigh or press down. + diabolism n. Character, action, or principles appropriate to the devil. + deisticalness n. State of being deistical. + desert a. Of or pertaining to a desert; forsaken; without life or cultivation; unproductive; waste; barren; wild; desolate; solitary; as, they landed on a desert island. + didrachm n. Alt. of Didrachma + dioptrical a. Of or pertaining to dioptrics; assisting vision by means of the refraction of light; refractive; as, the dioptric system; a dioptric glass or telescope. + douroucouli n. See Durukuli. + discommend v.t. To mention with disapprobation; to blame; to disapprove. + dephosphorization n. The act of freeing from phosphorous. + dawdle n. A dawdler. + derivative n. A chord, not fundamental, but obtained from another by inversion; or, vice versa, a ground tone or root implied in its harmonics in an actual chord. + dart v.t. To throw with a sudden effort or thrust, as a dart or other missile weapon; to hurl or launch. + disinvigorate v.t. To enervate; to weaken. + didymium n. A rare metallic substance usually associated with the metal cerium; -- hence its name. It was formerly supposed to be an element, but has since been found to consist of two simpler elementary substances, neodymium and praseodymium. See Neodymium, and Praseodymium. + deeply adv. At or to a great depth; far below the surface; as, to sink deeply. + damped imp.|p.p. of Damp + discourse v.t. To talk to; to confer with. + dynamic a. Alt. of Dynamical + dataria n. Formerly, a part of the Roman chancery; now, a separate office from which are sent graces or favors, cognizable in foro externo, such as appointments to benefices. The name is derived from the word datum, given or dated (with the indications of the time and place of granting the gift or favor). + desist v.i. To cease to proceed or act; to stop; to forbear; -- often with from. + dendrite n. A stone or mineral on or in which are branching figures resembling shrubs or trees, produced by a foreign mineral, usually an oxide of manganese, as in the moss agate; also, a crystallized mineral having an arborescent form, e. g., gold or silver; an arborization. + dotard v.i. One whose mind is impaired by age; one in second childhood. + diphtheritic a. Having characteristics resembling those of diphtheria; as, diphtheritic inflammation of the bladder. + di A prefix denoting through; also, between, apart, asunder, across. Before a vowel dia-becomes di-; as, diactinic; dielectric, etc. + dialectic n. Same as Dialectics. + drapery n. The occupation of a draper; cloth-making, or dealing in cloth. + draught n. A sink or drain; a privy. + dishcloth n. A cloth used for washing dishes. + discobolus n. A thrower of the discus. + deposing p.pr.|vb.n. of Depose + dismissed imp.|p.p. of Dismiss + doze n. A light sleep; a drowse. + dernful a. Secret; hence, lonely; sad; mournful. + diamagnetism n. That form or condition of magnetic action which characterizes diamagnetics. + desmine n. Same as Stilbite. It commonly occurs in bundles or tufts of crystals. + demerit n. To deserve; -- said in reference to both praise and blame. + diatonic a. Pertaining to the scale of eight tones, the eighth of which is the octave of the first. + deduce v.t. To lead forth. + defilement n. The act of defiling, or state of being defiled, whether physically or morally; pollution; foulness; dirtiness; uncleanness. + dramaturgist n. One versed in dramaturgy. + durometer n. An instrument for measuring the degree of hardness; especially, an instrument for testing the relative hardness of steel rails and the like. + dip n. The action of dipping or plunging for a moment into a liquid. + discharge v.t. Legal release from confinement; liberation; as, the discharge of a prisoner. + devolving p.pr.|vb.n. of Devolve + darner n. One who mends by darning. + dextrose n. A sirupy, or white crystalline, variety of sugar, C6H12O6 (so called from turning the plane of polarization to the right), occurring in many ripe fruits. Dextrose and levulose are obtained by the inversion of cane sugar or sucrose, and hence called invert sugar. Dextrose is chiefly obtained by the action of heat and acids on starch, and hence called also starch sugar. It is also formed from starchy food by the action of the amylolytic ferments of saliva and pancreatic juice. + diagonal n. A diagonal cloth; a kind of cloth having diagonal stripes, ridges, or welts made in the weaving. + distractive a. Causing perplexity; distracting. + debiting p.pr.|vb.n. of Debit + drink v.t. To swallow (a liquid); to receive, as a fluid, into the stomach; to imbibe; as, to drink milk or water. + display v.i. To make a display; to act as one making a show or demonstration. + depression n. The act of depressing. + duettino n. A duet of short extent and concise form. + double v.i. To be increased to twice the sum, number, quantity, length, or value; to increase or grow to twice as much. + distantly adv. At a distance; remotely; with reserve. + drop n. The quantity of fluid which falls in one small spherical mass; a liquid globule; a minim; hence, also, the smallest easily measured portion of a fluid; a small quantity; as, a drop of water. + degeneration n. The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having become worse; decline; degradation; debasement; degeneracy; deterioration. + descend v.i. To come down to a lower, less fortunate, humbler, less virtuous, or worse, state or station; to lower or abase one's self; as, he descended from his high estate. + dowries pl. of Dowry + detruncation n. The act of lopping or cutting off, as the head from the body. + disanchor v.t.|i. To raise the anchor of, as a ship; to weigh anchor. + delation n. Accusation by an informer. + deny v.t. To disclaim connection with, responsibility for, and the like; to refuse to acknowledge; to disown; to abjure; to disavow. + disinfecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disinfect + deathwatch n. A small beetle (Anobium tessellatum and other allied species). By forcibly striking its head against woodwork it makes a ticking sound, which is a call of the sexes to each other, but has been imagined by superstitious people to presage death. + dewfall n. The falling of dew; the time when dew begins to fall. + dismarshal v.t. To disarrange; to derange; to put in disorder. + deductively adv. By deduction; by way of inference; by consequence. + definement n. The act of defining; definition; description. + disarmer n. One who disarms. + diegesis n. A narrative or history; a recital or relation. + dozer n. One who dozes or drowses. + digraphic a. Of or pertaining to a digraph. + demonologist n. One who writes on, or is versed in, demonology. + delay n. To put off; to defer; to procrastinate; to prolong the time of or before. + description n. The act of describing; a delineation by marks or signs. + devise v.t. To give by will; -- used of real estate; formerly, also, of chattels. + diphycercal a. Having the tail fin divided into two equal parts by the notochord, or end of the vertebral column; protocercal. See Protocercal. + dynamical a. Of or pertaining to dynamics; belonging to energy or power; characterized by energy or production of force. + dialysis n. Diaeresis. See Diaeresis, 1. + deified imp.|p.p. of Deify + dreariness n. Sorrow; wretchedness. + dross n. The scum or refuse matter which is thrown off, or falls from, metals in smelting the ore, or in the process of melting; recrement. + dislodge v.i. To go from a place of rest. + dissect v.t. To analyze, for the purposes of science or criticism; to divide and examine minutely. + desolateness n. The state of being desolate. + dicta n.pl. See Dictum. + daedalous a. Having a variously cut or incised margin; -- said of leaves. + deepread a. Profoundly book- learned. + dactylozooid n. A kind of zooid of Siphonophora which has an elongated or even vermiform body, with one tentacle, but no mouth. See Siphonophora. + dishonor n. The nonpayment or nonacceptance of commercial paper by the party on whom it is drawn. + deposit n. To lay up or away for safe keeping; to put up; to store; as, to deposit goods in a warehouse. + denominationally adv. In a denominational manner; by denomination or sect. + declare v.t. To make clear; to free from obscurity. + discommon v.t. To deprive of commonable quality, as lands, by inclosing or appropriating. + driftway n. Same as Drift, 11. + dislodgment n. The act or process of dislodging, or the state of being dislodged. + determinant n. A mark or attribute, attached to the subject or predicate, narrowing the extent of both, but rendering them more definite and precise. + discomfortable a. Destitute of comfort; uncomfortable. + denoted imp.|p.p. of Denote + descent n. A step or remove downward in any scale of gradation; a degree in the scale of genealogy; a generation. + declinator n. An instrument for taking the declination or angle which a plane makes with the horizontal plane. + drudging box See Dredging box. + deserve v.t. To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise. + divisionally adv. So as to be divisional. + displeasure n. That which displeases; cause of irritation or annoyance; offense; injury. + draw n. That part of a bridge which may be raised, swung round, or drawn aside; the movable part of a drawbridge. See the Note under Drawbridge. + dilapidation n. Ecclesiastical waste; impairing of church property by an incumbent, through neglect or by intention. + dedicate v.t. To inscribe or address, as to a patron. + desertrix n. Alt. of Desertrice + down a. Downward; going down; sloping; as, a down stroke; a down grade; a down train on a railway. + discoursive a. Containing dialogue or conversation; interlocutory. + dispart n. A piece of metal placed on the muzzle, or near the trunnions, on the top of a piece of ordnance, to make the line of sight parallel to the axis of the bore; -- called also dispart sight, and muzzle sight. + dapifer n. One who brings meat to the table; hence, in some countries, the official title of the grand master or steward of the king's or a nobleman's household. + dwelling n. Habitation; place or house in which a person lives; abode; domicile. + debris n. Rubbish, especially such as results from the destruction of anything; remains; ruins. + downward a. Moving or extending from a higher to a lower place; tending toward the earth or its center, or toward a lower level; declivous. + divulgater n. A divulger. + disposable a. Subject to disposal; free to be used or employed as occasion may require; not assigned to any service or use. + deerstalker n. One who practices deerstalking. + disrobed imp.|p.p. of Disrobe + desponded imp.|p.p. of Despond + dispurpose v.t. To dissuade; to frustrate; as, to dispurpose plots. + diploblastic a. Characterizing the ovum when it has two primary germinal layers. + diversory n. A wayside inn. + discountenancing p.pr.|vb.n. of Discountenance + deceit n. An attempt or disposition to deceive or lead into error; any declaration, artifice, or practice, which misleads another, or causes him to believe what is false; a contrivance to entrap; deception; a wily device; fraud. + depart v.i. To pass away; to perish. + dread n. Reverential or respectful fear; awe. + discrasies pl. of Dyscrasy + diplomatically adv. According to the rules of diplomacy; in the manner of a diplomatist; artfully. + deceived imp.|p.p. of Deceive + dawk n. See Dak. + due n. Right; just title or claim. + dictate v.t. A statement delivered with authority; an order; a command; an authoritative rule, principle, or maxim; a prescription; as, listen to the dictates of your conscience; the dictates of the gospel. + dyslogistic a. Unfavorable; not commendatory; -- opposed to eulogistic. + destroy v.t. To unbuild; to pull or tear down; to separate virulently into its constituent parts; to break up the structure and organic existence of; to demolish. + decline v.i. That period of a disorder or paroxysm when the symptoms begin to abate in violence; as, the decline of a fever. + decuple v.t. To make tenfold; to multiply by ten. + dub v.t. To dress with an adz; as, to dub a stick of timber smooth. + deliquate v.i. To melt or be dissolved; to deliquesce. + dey n. The governor of Algiers; -- so called before the French conquest in 1830. + depopulacy n. Depopulation; destruction of population. + declare v.t. To make known by language; to communicate or manifest explicitly and plainly in any way; to exhibit; to publish; to proclaim; to announce. + delegate n. One sent by any constituency to act as its representative in a convention; as, a delegate to a convention for nominating officers, or for forming or altering a constitution. + diametral n. A diameter. + depilated imp.|p.p. of Depilate + desultorious a. Desultory. + dearn v.t. Same as Darn. + deepness n. Craft; insidiousness. + dreadable a. Worthy of being dreaded. + druidess n. A female Druid; a prophetess. + differed imp.|p.p. of Differ + death v.i. Danger of death. + diminutive a. Tending to diminish. + daring a. Bold; fearless; adventurous; as, daring spirits. + disciplinal a. Relating to discipline. + delight v.t. A high degree of gratification of mind; a high- wrought state of pleasurable feeling; lively pleasure; extreme satisfaction; joy. + dracunculi pl. of Dracunculus + disquieting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disquiet + debonairly adv. Courteously; elegantly. + diathermous a. Same as Diathermal. + drib v.t. To lead along step by step; to entice. + donnism n Self-importance; loftiness of carriage. + denegate v.t. To deny. + deinotherium n. See Dinotherium. + dermatophyte n. A vegetable parasite, infesting the skin. + dogeared a. Having the corners of the leaves turned down and soiled by careless or long-continued usage; -- said of a book. + dentolingual a. Dentilingual. + detention n. The state of being detained (stopped or hindered); delay from necessity. + dilapidation n. The act of dilapidating, or the state of being dilapidated, reduced to decay, partially ruined, or squandered. + debased a. Turned upside down from its proper position; inverted; reversed. + delineation n. The act of representing, portraying, or describing, as by lines, diagrams, sketches, etc.; drawing an outline; as, the delineation of a scene or face; in drawing and engraving, representation by means of lines, as distinguished from representation by means of tints and shades; accurate and minute representation, as distinguished from art that is careless of details, or subordinates them excessively. + dipetalous a. Having two petals; two-petaled. + depend v.i. To trust; to rest with confidence; to rely; to confide; to be certain; -- with on or upon; as, we depend on the word or assurance of our friends; we depend on the mail at the usual hour. + domify v.t. To divide, as the heavens, into twelve houses. See House, in astrological sense. + dit v.t. To close up. + demesmerize v.t. To relieve from mesmeric influence. See Mesmerize. + deeply adv. Very; with a tendency to darkness of color. + dejeuner n. A breakfast; sometimes, also, a lunch or collation. + dip v.t. To plunge or immerse; especially, to put for a moment into a liquid; to insert into a fluid and withdraw again. + darrein a. Last; as, darrein continuance, the last continuance. + discourse v.i. To relate something; to tell. + depressed a. Concave on the upper side; -- said of a leaf whose disk is lower than the border. + drainage n. Area or district drained; as, the drainage of the Po, the Thames, etc. + debatable a. Liable to be debated; disputable; subject to controversy or contention; open to question or dispute; as, a debatable question. + deled imp.|p.p. of Dele + docketed imp.|p.p. of Docket + dryad n. A wood nymph; a nymph whose life was bound up with that of her tree. + decker n. A vessel which has a deck or decks; -- used esp. in composition; as, a single-decker; a three-decker. + differentiate v.t. To obtain the differential, or differential coefficient, of; as, to differentiate an algebraic expression, or an equation. + divergent a. Receding farther and farther from each other, as lines radiating from one point; deviating gradually from a given direction; -- opposed to convergent. + disappropriate v.t. To release from individual ownership or possession. + diploic a. Of or pertaining to the diploe. + deposition n. That which is deposited; matter laid or thrown down; sediment; alluvial matter; as, banks are sometimes depositions of alluvial matter. + deiform a. Conformable to the will of God. + devisor n. One who devises, or gives real estate by will; a testator; -- correlative to devisee. + disparkle v.t. To scatter abroad. + doric a. Pertaining to Doris, in ancient Greece, or to the Dorians; as, the Doric dialect. + dank n. Moisture; humidity; water. + drop n. A curtain which drops or falls in front of the stage of a theater, etc. + deftly adv. Aptly; fitly; dexterously; neatly. + diffuse a. Poured out; widely spread; not restrained; copious; full; esp., of style, opposed to concise or terse; verbose; prolix; as, a diffuse style; a diffuse writer. + dareful a. Full of daring or of defiance; adventurous. + droven p.p. of Drive. + distasteful a. Manifesting distaste or dislike; repulsive. + dilling n. A darling; a favorite. + devulgarize v.t. To free from what is vulgar, common, or narrow. + double dealing False or deceitful dealing. See Double dealing, under Dealing. + diseaseful a. Causing uneasiness. + disbench v.t. To deprive (a bencher) of his privileges. + dump v.t. To put or throw down with more or less of violence; hence, to unload from a cart by tilting it; as, to dump sand, coal, etc. + divulging p.pr.|vb.n. of Divulge + distasteful a. Offensive; displeasing to the feelings; disagreeable; as, a distasteful truth. + doall n. General manager; factotum. + dextro A prefix, from L. dexter, meaning, pertaining to, or toward, the right + delphinus n. A genus of Cetacea, including the dolphin. See Dolphin, 1. + dansk a. Danish. + diagometer n. A sort of electroscope, invented by Rousseau, in which the dry pile is employed to measure the amount of electricity transmitted by different bodies, or to determine their conducting power. + daguerreotype v.t. To produce or represent by the daguerreotype process, as a picture. + disobliger n. One who disobliges. + division n. A grade or rank in classification; a portion of a tribe or of a class; or, in some recent authorities, equivalent to a subkingdom. + demolisher n. One who, or that which, demolishes; as, a demolisher of towns. + denial n. A refusal to grant; rejection of a request. + dispositional a. Pertaining to disposition. + dungmeer n. A pit where dung and weeds rot for manure. + dotage v.i. Feebleness or imbecility of understanding or mind, particularly in old age; the childishness of old age; senility; as, a venerable man, now in his dotage. + diddle v.i. To totter, as a child in walking. + dagtailed a. Daggle-tailed; having the tail clogged with daglocks. + disventure n. A disadventure. + disaster n. An adverse or unfortunate event, esp. a sudden and extraordinary misfortune; a calamity; a serious mishap. + dew v.t. To wet with dew or as with dew; to bedew; to moisten; as with dew. + drawcansir n. A blustering, bullying fellow; a pot-valiant braggart; a bully. + disciplined imp.|p.p. of Discipline + dung v.t. To manure with dung. + dent v.t. To make a dent upon; to indent. + doctrinable a. Of the nature of, or constituting, doctrine. + descendingly adv. In a descending manner. + desperateness n. Desperation; virulence. + dicky n. A false shirt front or bosom. + detailed imp.|p.p. of Detail + declaim v.t. To utter in public; to deliver in a rhetorical or set manner. + dialysis n. Debility. + dig v.t. To thrust; to poke. + daylabor n. Labor hired or performed by the day. + disable v.t. To deprive of that which gives value or estimation; to declare lacking in competency; to disparage; to undervalue. + devourable a. That may be devoured. + draught n. The bevel given to the pattern for a casting, in order that it may be drawn from the sand without injury to the mold. + doit n. A small Dutch coin, worth about half a farthing; also, a similar small coin once used in Scotland; hence, any small piece of money. + dormitory n. A sleeping room, or a building containing a series of sleeping rooms; a sleeping apartment capable of containing many beds; esp., one connected with a college or boarding school. + diaphanoscope n. A dark box constructed for viewing transparent pictures, with or without a lens. + dreul v.i. To drool. + down prep. A state of depression; low state; abasement. + definite a. Serving to define or restrict; limiting; determining; as, the definite article. + docoglossa n.pl. An order of gastropods, including the true limpets, and having the teeth on the odontophore or lingual ribbon. + duper n. One who dupes another. + diarrhoetic a. Producing diarrhea, or a purging. + dactylioglyph n. An engraver of gems for rings and other ornaments. + dang v.t. To dash. + desk v.t. To shut up, as in a desk; to treasure. + dumpling n. A roundish mass of dough boiled in soup, or as a sort of pudding; often, a cover of paste inclosing an apple or other fruit, and boiled or baked; as, an apple dumpling. + dazzle v.t. To overpower with light; to confuse the sight of by brilliance of light. + determine v.t. To fix the boundaries of; to mark off and separate. + decemfid a. Cleft into ten parts. + dog star Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens; -- called also Canicula, and, in astronomical charts, / Canis Majoris. See Dog days. + distributive a. Expressing separation; denoting a taking singly, not collectively; as, a distributive adjective or pronoun, such as each, either, every; a distributive numeral, as (Latin) bini (two by two). + disputed imp.|p.p. of Dispute + dispark v.t. To set at large; to release from inclosure. + drug n. A drudge (?). + deracinated imp.|p.p. of Deracinate + decennary n. A tithing consisting of ten neighboring families. + distrait a. Absent-minded; lost in thought; abstracted. + drag v.t. Also, a skid or shoe, for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel. + decarburize v.t. To deprive of carbon; to remove the carbon from. + disordered a. Disorderly. + disentwine v.t. To free from being entwined or twisted. + deterged imp.|p.p. of Deterge + doomsman n. A judge; an umpire. + diorite n. An igneous, crystalline in structure, consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar and hornblende. It includes part of what was called greenstone. + deicide n. One concerned in putting Christ to death. + die v.i. To become indifferent; to cease to be subject; as, to die to pleasure or to sin. + dispand v.t. To spread out; to expand. + double adv. Twice; doubly. + draglink n. A link connecting the cranks of two shafts. + dolf imp. of Delve. + denominative n. A denominative name or term; denominative verb. + duea n. See Doña. + disproved imp.|p.p. of Disprove + dubitancy n. Doubt; uncertainty. + disbend v.t. To unbend. + discernment n. The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in objects, and their relations and tendencies; penetrative and discriminate mental vision; acuteness; sagacity; insight; as, the errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment. + drie v.t. To endure. + drawknife n. A joiner's tool having a blade with a handle at each end, used to shave off surfaces, by drawing it toward one; a shave; -- called also drawshave, and drawing shave. + downtrod a. Alt. of Downtrodden + displeasance n. Displeasure; discontent; annoyance. + domiciliate v.t. To establish in a permanent residence; to domicile. + drunkenhead n. Drunkenness. + doa n. Lady; mistress; madam; -- a title of respect used in Spain, prefixed to the Christian name of a lady. + drenched imp.|p.p. of Drench + duress n. Hardship; constraint; pressure; imprisonment; restraint of liberty. + dominoes pl. of Domino + distancy n. Distance. + dizening p.pr.|vb.n. of Dizen + dissociable a. Having a tendency to dissolve social connections; unsuitable to society; unsociable. + development n. The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization. + dialectician n. One versed in dialectics; a logician; a reasoner. + dag v.t. To daggle or bemire. + dower n. That which a woman brings to a husband in marriage; dowry. + devastation n. The act of devastating, or the state of being devastated; a laying waste. + disbecome v.t. To misbecome. + deathly a. Deadly; fatal; mortal; destructive. + decidence n. A falling off. + distinguishing a. Constituting difference, or distinction from everything else; distinctive; peculiar; characteristic. + detail n. A narrative which relates minute points; an account which dwells on particulars. + disproportionality n. The state of being disproportional. + dotant n. A dotard. + deranged imp.|p.p. of Derange + dynasties pl. of Dynasty + distinction n. A marking off by visible signs; separation into parts; division. + distillatory n. A distillatory apparatus; a still. + deprecable a. That may or should be deprecated. + dereliction n. The state of being left or abandoned. + dwale a. A sleeping potion; an opiate. + disconsolacy n. The state of being disconsolate. + deflected imp.|p.p. of Deflect + disblame v.t. To clear from blame. + decreased imp.|p.p. of Decrease + decimation n. The destruction of any large proportion, as of people by pestilence or war. + drused a. Covered with a large number of minute crystals. + discontinuance n. The termination of an action in practice by the voluntary act of the plaintiff; an entry on the record that the plaintiff discontinues his action. + discussion n. The act of discussing or exchanging reasons; examination by argument; debate; disputation; agitation. + deputy n. A member of the Chamber of Deputies. + doughtily adv. In a doughty manner. + determinedly adv. In a determined manner; with determination. + defer v.i. To put off; to delay to act; to wait. + dexterousness n. The quality of being dexterous; dexterity. + doing p.pr.|vb.n. of Do + decachordon n. An ancient Greek musical instrument of ten strings, resembling the harp. + demeanance n. Demeanor. + directory a. Containing directions; enjoining; instructing; directorial. + deem n. Opinion; judgment. + district n. Any portion of territory of undefined extent; a region; a country; a tract. + dossil n. A small ovoid or cylindrical roil or pledget of lint, for keeping a sore, wound, etc., open; a tent. + do v.t.auxiliary To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note. + deviate v.t. To cause to deviate. + doctrinarian n. A doctrinaire. + desecration n. The act of desecrating; profanation; condition of anything desecrated. + dash v.t. To erase by a stroke; to strike out; knock out; -- with out; as, to dash out a word. + disappointed a. Defeated of expectation or hope; balked; as, a disappointed person or hope. + daddock n. The rotten body of a tree. + decadence n. Alt. of Decadency + duck v.t. Any bird of the subfamily Anatinae, family Anatidae. + disassent v.i. To dissent. + detracter n. One who detracts; a detractor. + divorce n. To dissolve the marriage contract of, either wholly or partially; to separate by divorce. + demerit n. The state of one who deserves ill. + dented imp.|p.p. of Dent + distraction n. State in which the attention is called in different ways; confusion; perplexity. + dearbought a. Bought at a high price; as, dear-bought experience. + despumation n. The act of throwing up froth or scum; separation of the scum or impurities from liquids; scumming; clarification. + disasterly adv. Disastrously. + defer v.i. To yield deference to the wishes of another; to submit to the opinion of another, or to authority; -- with to. + deperditely adv. Hopelessly; despairingly; in the manner of one ruined; as, deperditely wicked. + divarication n. An ambiguity of meaning; a disagreement of difference in opinion. + dissolution n. Change from a solid to a fluid state; solution by heat or moisture; liquefaction; melting. + drawloom n. A species of damask made on the drawloom. + drive v.i. To press forward; to aim, or tend, to a point; to make an effort; to strive; -- usually with at. + disposal n. Power or authority to dispose of, determine the condition of, control, etc., especially in the phrase at, or in, the disposal of. + dentilabial n. A dentilabial sound or letter. + dolor n. Pain; grief; distress; anguish. + dactyliography n. In general, the literature or history of the art. + devilfish n. A large cephalopod, especially the very large species of Octopus and Architeuthis. See Octopus. + domesticate a. To make domestic; to habituate to home life; as, to domesticate one's self. + diminishable a. Capable of being diminished or lessened. + deceitful a. Full of, or characterized by, deceit; serving to mislead or insnare; trickish; fraudulent; cheating; insincere. + discontent a. Not content; discontented; dissatisfied. + destroyed imp.|p.p. of Destroy + discus n. A quoit; a circular plate of some heavy material intended to be pitched or hurled as a trial of strength and skill. + defigure v.t. To delineate. + dungyard n. A yard where dung is collected. + disdeign v.t. To disdain. + disillusionize v.t. To disenchant; to free from illusion. + deafen v.t. To render impervious to sound, as a partition or floor, by filling the space within with mortar, by lining with paper, etc. + dependence n. The act or state of depending; state of being dependent; a hanging down or from; suspension from a support. + derelict a. Given up or forsaken by the natural owner or guardian; left and abandoned; as, derelict lands. + domesticant a. Forming part of the same family. + dynamitard n. A political dynamiter. [A form found in some newspapers.] + devolvement n. The act or process of devolving;; devolution. + discriminate v.i. To impose unequal tariffs for substantially the same service. + discordance n. Alt. of Discordancy + dry goods A commercial name for textile fabrics, cottons, woolens, linen, silks, laces, etc., -- in distinction from groceries. + despair v.i. To be hopeless; to have no hope; to give up all hope or expectation; -- often with of. + disorder n. Breach of public order; disturbance of the peace of society; tumult. + douanier n. An officer of the French customs. + differentiation n. The gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development, as when the seed develops the root and the stem, the initial stem develops the leaf, branches, and flower buds; or in animal life, when the germ evolves the digestive and other organs and members, or when the animals as they advance in organization acquire special organs for specific purposes. + darken a. To cast a gloom upon. + deliciousness n. The quality of being delicious; as, the deliciousness of a repast. + dismember v.t. To tear limb from limb; to dilacerate; to disjoin member from member; to tear or cut in pieces; to break up. + dragooned imp.|p.p. of Dragoon + doucet n. Alt. of Dowset + dishclout n. A dishcloth. + disestablishment n. The act or process of unsettling or breaking up that which has been established; specifically, the withdrawal of the support of the state from an established church; as, the disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish Church by Act of Parliament. + dislocating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dislocate + duboisine n. An alkaloid obtained from the leaves of an Australian tree (Duboisia myoporoides), and regarded as identical with hyoscyamine. It produces dilation of the pupil of the eye. + dash n. A slight admixture, infusion, or adulteration; a partial overspreading; as, wine with a dash of water; red with a dash of purple. + donative a. Vested or vesting by donation; as, a donative advowson. + disquisitory a. Of or pertaining to disquisition; disquisitive. + ditheistic a. Alt. of Ditheistical + dravida n.pl. A race of Hindostan, believed to be the original people who occupied the land before the Hindoo or Aryan invasion. + detritus n. A mass of substances worn off from solid bodies by attrition, and reduced to small portions; as, diluvial detritus. + deflagrate v.t. To cause to burn with sudden and sparkling combustion, as by the action of intense heat; to burn or vaporize suddenly; as, to deflagrate refractory metals in the oxyhydrogen flame. + dohtren n.pl. Daughters. + doze v.t. To make dull; to stupefy. + detecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Detect + dissepiment n. One of the partitions which divide a compound ovary into cells. + dislike n. A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor; -- the opposite of liking or fondness. + devotional a. Pertaining to, suited to, or used in, devotion; as, a devotional posture; devotional exercises; a devotional frame of mind. + dummador n. A dumbledor. + debted p.a. Indebted; obliged to. + doth dpers.sing.pres. of Do. + dye v.t. To stain; to color; to give a new and permanent color to, as by the application of dyestuffs. + doctorate n. The degree, title, or rank, of a doctor. + desirableness n. The quality of being desirable. + deadhearted a. Having a dull, faint heart; spiritless; listless. + draw n. A drawn game or battle, etc. + divine a. Appropriated to God, or celebrating his praise; religious; pious; holy; as, divine service; divine songs; divine worship. + dismantled imp.|p.p. of Dismantle + dissipation n. The act of dissipating or dispersing; a state of dispersion or separation; dispersion; waste. + dwale a. The deadly nightshade (Atropa Belladonna), having stupefying qualities. + drab n. A drab color. + digit n. One of the terminal divisions of a limb appendage; a finger or toe. + depraver n. One who deprave or corrupts. + denticulation n. A diminutive tooth; a denticle. + deed v.t. That which is done or effected by a responsible agent; an act; an action; a thing done; -- a word of extensive application, including, whatever is done, good or bad, great or small. + despairful a. Hopeless. + dependence n. Mutu/// /onnection and support; concatenation; systematic ///er relation. + disembarrassment n. Freedom or relief from impediment or perplexity. + dittany n. In America, the Cunila Mariana, a fragrant herb of the Mint family. + dispassionate a. Free from passion; not warped, prejudiced, swerved, or carried away by passion or feeling; judicial; calm; composed. + degeneration n. That condition of a tissue or an organ in which its vitality has become either diminished or perverted; a substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure; as, fatty degeneration of the liver. + distortive a. Causing distortion. + discriminate v.t. To set apart as being different; to mark as different; to separate from another by discerning differences; to distinguish. + deface v.t. To destroy or mar the face or external appearance of; to disfigure; to injure, spoil, or mar, by effacing or obliterating important features or portions of; as, to deface a monument; to deface an edifice; to deface writing; to deface a note, deed, or bond; to deface a record. + diorama n. A building used for such an exhibition. + draughtboard n. A checkered board on which draughts are played. See Checkerboard. + dullard a. Stupid. + delighted a. Endowed with delight. + duped imp.|p.p. of Dupe + distracting a. Tending or serving to distract. + domebook n. A book said to have been compiled under the direction of King Alfred. It is supposed to have contained the principal maxims of the common law, the penalties for misdemeanors, and the forms of judicial proceedings. Domebook was probably a general name for book of judgments. + discoverable a. Capable of being discovered, found out, or perceived; as, many minute animals are discoverable only by the help of the microscope; truths discoverable by human industry. + durableness n. Power of lasting, enduring, or resisting; durability. + drollingly adv. In a jesting manner. + driving n. The act of forcing or urging something along; the act of pressing or moving on furiously. + decorate v.t. To deck with that which is becoming, ornamental, or honorary; to adorn; to beautify; to embellish; as, to decorate the person; to decorate an edifice; to decorate a lawn with flowers; to decorate the mind with moral beauties; to decorate a hero with honors. + due a. Owed, as a debt; that ought to be paid or done to or for another; payable; owing and demandable. + disencharm v.t. To free from the influence of a charm or spell; to disenchant. + demoness n. A female demon. + distinguishingly adv. With distinction; with some mark of preference. + darkness n. The absence of light; blackness; obscurity; gloom. + dissolve v.t. To annul; to rescind; to discharge or release; as, to dissolve an injunction. + dog day Alt. of Dogday + donatist n. A follower of Donatus, the leader of a body of North African schismatics and purists, who greatly disturbed the church in the 4th century. They claimed to be the true church. + dolente a.|adv. Plaintively. See Doloroso. + discourser n. The writer of a treatise or dissertation. + diplopy n. The act or state of seeing double. + distribution n. The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston; viz., admission, suppression or cutting off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam prior to the next admission. + distemper v.t. A morbid state of the animal system; indisposition; malady; disorder; -- at present chiefly applied to diseases of brutes; as, a distemper in dogs; the horse distemper; the horn distemper in cattle. + desulphurize v.t. To desulphurate; to deprive of sulphur. + drainable a. Capable of being drained. + dulcino n. See Dolcino. + downstairs adv. Down the stairs; to a lower floor. + dowelled of Dowel + dare v.i. To have adequate or sufficient courage for any purpose; to be bold or venturesome; not to be afraid; to venture. + dermal a. Pertaining to the integument or skin of animals; dermic; as, the dermal secretions. + distance n. The remoteness or reserve which respect requires; hence, respect; ceremoniousness. + drawbar n. An openmouthed bar at the end of a car, which receives a coupling link and pin by which the car is drawn. It is usually provided with a spring to give elasticity to the connection between the cars of a train. + duplicate v.t. To divide into two by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, infusoria duplicate themselves. + diffracted imp.|p.p. of Diffract + dakoity n. See Dacoit, Dacoity. + determinative a. Having power to determine; limiting; shaping; directing; conclusive. + dulse n. A seaweed of a reddish brown color, which is sometimes eaten, as in Scotland. The true dulse is Sarcophyllis edulis; the common is Rhodymenia. [Written also dillisk.] + delta n. A tract of land shaped like the letter delta (/), especially when the land is alluvial and inclosed between two or more mouths of a river; as, the delta of the Ganges, of the Nile, or of the Mississippi. + dividivi n. A small tree of tropical America (Caesalpinia coriaria), whose legumes contain a large proportion of tannic and gallic acid, and are used by tanners and dyers. + denominated imp.|p.p. of Denominate + development n. The act or process of changing or expanding an expression into another of equivalent value or meaning. + decalogist n. One who explains the decalogue. + detractiveness n. The quality of being detractive. + damnific a. Procuring or causing loss; mischievous; injurious. + deriving p.pr.|vb.n. of Derive + demoiselle n. A young lady; a damsel; a lady's maid. + docket v.t. To make a brief abstract of (a writing) and indorse it on the back of the paper, or to indorse the title or contents on the back of; to summarize; as, to docket letters and papers. + dibbler n. One who, or that which, dibbles, or makes holes in the ground for seed. + dop v.i. To dip. + doubt v.i. To suspect; to fear; to be apprehensive. + disengaged a. Not engaged; free from engagement; at leisure; free from occupation or care; vacant. + dismounting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dismount + devex a. Bending down; sloping. + domed a. Furnished with a dome; shaped like a dome. + displace v.t. To dislodge; to drive away; to banish. + dialing n. The art of constructing dials; the science which treats of measuring time by dials. + diametrally adv. Diametrically. + drench v.t. A drink; a draught; specifically, a potion of medicine poured or forced down the throat; also, a potion that causes purging. + decahedron n. A solid figure or body inclosed by ten plane surfaces. + duping p.pr.|vb.n. of Dupe + drag v.t. The bottom part of a flask or mold, the upper part being the cope. + depravedness n. Depravity. + dichastic a. Capable of subdividing spontaneously. + dinornis n. A genus of extinct, ostrichlike birds of gigantic size, which formerly inhabited New Zealand. See Moa. + dryer n. See Drier. + deploringly adv. In a deploring manner. + dephlegmating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dephlegmate + dip v.i. To incline downward from the plane of the horizon; as, strata of rock dip. + dowry n. The money, goods, or estate, which a woman brings to her husband in marriage; a bride's portion on her marriage. See Note under Dower. + durst imp. of Dare + didym n. See Didymium. + dashingly adv. Conspicuously; showily. + diffidency n. See Diffidence. + deliquation n. A melting. + deaf a. Decayed; tasteless; dead; as, a deaf nut; deaf corn. + damnable a. Odious; pernicious; detestable. + dipteran n. An insect of the order Diptera. + decucuminated a. Having the point or top cut off. + disworship v.t. To refuse to worship; to treat as unworthy. + dermapteran n. See Dermoptera, Dermopteran. + dissepiment n. One of the transverse, calcareous partitions between the radiating septa of a coral. + discernible a. Capable of being discerned by the eye or the understanding; as, a star is discernible by the eye; the identity of difference of ideas is discernible by the understanding. + dash n. A short, spirited effort or trial of speed upon a race course; -- used in horse racing, when a single trial constitutes the race. + domestic a. Living in or near the habitations of man; domesticated; tame as distinguished from wild; as, domestic animals. + dessert n. A service of pastry, fruits, or sweetmeats, at the close of a feast or entertainment; pastry, fruits, etc., forming the last course at dinner. + diencephalon n. The interbrain or thalamencephalon; -- sometimes abbreviated to dien. See Thalamencephalon. + dowelling of Dowel + diminishingly adv. In a manner to diminish. + dynameter n. An instrument for determining the magnifying power of telescopes, consisting usually of a doubleimage micrometer applied to the eye end of a telescope for measuring accurately the diameter of the image of the object glass there formed; which measurement, compared with the actual diameter of the glass, gives the magnifying power. + dislocate v.t. To displace; to put out of its proper place. Especially, of a bone: To remove from its normal connections with a neighboring bone; to put out of joint; to move from its socket; to disjoint; as, to dislocate your bones. + dimidiate a. Divided into two equal parts; reduced to half in shape or form. + devilism n. The state of the devil or of devils; doctrine of the devil or of devils. + distract v.t. To draw apart or away; to divide; to disjoin. + dodecane n. Any one of a group of thick oily hydrocarbons, C12H26, of the paraffin series. + drough imp. of Draw. + deceptivity n. Deceptiveness; a deception; a sham. + delineation n. A delineated picture; representation; sketch; description in words. + dissentious a. Marked by dissensions; apt to breed discord; quarrelsome; contentious; factious. + designing n. The act of making designs or sketches; the act of forming designs or plans. + deobstruent n. A medicine which removes obstructions; an aperient. + disinure v.t. To render unaccustomed or unfamiliar. + decompounded imp.|p.p. of Decompound + dynamization The act of setting free the dynamic powers of a medicine, as by shaking the bottle containing it. + disassimilation n. The decomposition of complex substances, within the organism, into simpler ones suitable only for excretion, with evolution of energy, -- a normal nutritional process the reverse of assimilation; downward metabolism. + domify v.t. To tame; to domesticate. + dicing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dice + deistically adv. After the manner of deists. + dribble n. A drizzling shower; a falling or leaking in drops. + dazzlingly adv. In a dazzling manner. + drift v.i. To float or be driven along by, or as by, a current of water or air; as, the ship drifted astern; a raft drifted ashore; the balloon drifts slowly east. + deducement n. Inference; deduction; thing deduced. + discursive a. Reasoning; proceeding from one ground to another, as in reasoning; argumentative. + dissatisfactory a. Causing dissatisfaction; unable to give content; unsatisfactory; displeasing. + desparple v.t.|i. To scatter; to disparkle. + disparaging p.pr.|vb.n. of Disparage + depress a. Having the middle lower than the border; concave. + decrease v. The wane of the moon. + docetic a. Pertaining to, held by, or like, the Docetae. + deinornis n. See Dinornis. + diversely adv. In different ways; differently; variously. + diapason n. Concord, as of notes an octave apart; harmony. + divide v.t. To disunite in opinion or interest; to make discordant or hostile; to set at variance. + darkening p.pr.|vb.n. of Darken + devise v.t. To imagine; to guess. + despoil v.t. To strip, as of clothing; to divest or unclothe. + dish n. A trough about 28 inches long, 4 deep, and 6 wide, in which ore is measured. + druggist n. One who deals in drugs; especially, one who buys and sells drugs without compounding them; also, a pharmaceutist or apothecary. + dissuasive n. A dissuasive argument or counsel; dissuasion; dehortation. + disesteem n. Want of esteem; low estimation, inclining to dislike; disfavor; disrepute. + deepmouthed a. Having a loud and sonorous voice. + degener v.i. To degenerate. + diametrical a. As remote as possible, as if at the opposite end of a diameter; directly adverse. + devote n. A devotee. + disquantity v.t. To diminish the quantity of; to lessen. + dichotomizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dichotomize + devitation n. An avoiding or escaping; also, a warning. + doodle n. A trifler; a simple fellow. + document v.t. To furnish with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information; as, a a ship should be documented according to the directions of law. + drop n. To cover with drops; to variegate; to bedrop. + deerberry n. A shrub of the blueberry group (Vaccinium stamineum); also, its bitter, greenish white berry; -- called also squaw huckleberry. + dictation n. The speaking to, or the giving orders to, in an overbearing manner; authoritative utterance; as, his habit, even with friends, was that of dictation. + deign v.t. To esteem worthy; to consider worth notice; -- opposed to disdain. + dilative a. Causing dilation; tending to dilate, on enlarge; expansive. + dooryard n. A yard in front of a house or around the door of a house. + diaheliotropic a. Relating or, or manifesting, diaheliotropism. + drum v.i. To throb, as the heart. + diarchy n. A form of government in which the supreme power is vested in two persons. + declaredly adv. Avowedly; explicitly. + dorian a. Same as Doric, 3. + disqualifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Disqualify + democratical a. Democratic. + disanimate v.t. To deprive of life. + disprove v.t. To disallow; to disapprove of. + dephlegmedness n. A state of being freed from water. + distraught a. Distracted; perplexed. + dib n. One of the small bones in the knee joints of sheep uniting the bones above and below the joints. + defeasance n. A defeat; an overthrow. + debenture n. A writing acknowledging a debt; a writing or certificate signed by a public officer, as evidence of a debt due to some person; the sum thus due. + derision n. The act of deriding, or the state of being derided; mockery; scornful or contemptuous treatment which holds one up to ridicule. + devoting p.pr.|vb.n. of Devote + droughty a. Characterized by drought; wanting rain; arid; adust. + disclaim v.t. To deny, as a claim; to refuse. + decalcifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Decalcify + depauperated imp.|p.p. of Depauperate + dazing p.pr.|vb.n. of Daze + disbanded imp.|p.p. of Disband + defensor n. A defender or an advocate in court; a guardian or protector. + dreadnaught n. A fearless person. + discandy v.i. To melt; to dissolve; to thaw. + defendant a. Making defense. + diacaustic n. A curved formed by the consecutive intersections of rays of light refracted through a lens. + dartle v.t.|i. To pierce or shoot through; to dart repeatedly: -- frequentative of dart. + dissyllabize v.t. To form into two syllables; to dissyllabify. + disentangling p.pr.|vb.n. of Disentangle + darken a. To render dim; to deprive of vision. + damsel n. A young unmarried woman; a girl; a maiden. + drift a. That causes drifting or that is drifted; movable by wind or currents; as, drift currents; drift ice; drift mud. + dispense n. Expense; profusion; outlay. + dactylic a. Pertaining to, consisting chiefly or wholly of, dactyls; as, dactylic verses. + diaphragm n. The muscular and tendinous partition separating the cavity of the chest from that of the abdomen; the midriff. + dissent n. The act of dissenting; difference of opinion; refusal to adopt something proposed; nonagreement, nonconcurrence, or disagreement. + dissenting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissent + dauphiness n. Alt. of Dauphine + disinterred imp.|p.p. of Disinter + dicarbonic a. Containing two carbon residues, or two carboxyl or radicals; as, oxalic acid is a dicarbonic acid. + drasty a. Filthy; worthless. + dice v.i. To ornament with squares, diamonds, or cubes. + diaphaned a. Transparent or translucent. + dingy superl. Soiled; sullied; of a dark or dusky color; dark brown; dirty. + deletery a. Destructive; poisonous. + defame v.t. To harm or destroy the good fame or reputation of; to disgrace; especially, to speak evil of maliciously; to dishonor by slanderous reports; to calumniate; to asperse. + die pl. of Dice + desitive n. A proposition relating to or expressing an end or conclusion. + devout n. A devotional composition, or part of a composition; devotion. + decimation n. A selection of every tenth person by lot, as for punishment. + driving n. Tendency; drift. + dister v.t. To banish or drive from a country. + deliveress n. A female deliverer. + distaste v.t. To deprive of taste or relish; to make unsavory or distasteful. + dentatesinuate a. Having a form intermediate between dentate and sinuate. + draggling p.pr.|vb.n. of Draggle + dimble n. A bower; a dingle. + derogatorily adv. In a derogatory manner; disparagingly. + don v.t. To put on; to dress in; to invest one's self with. + doubtfully adv. In a doubtful manner. + dartars n. A kind of scab or ulceration on the skin of lambs. + decussate v.t. To cross at an acute angle; to cut or divide in the form of X; to intersect; -- said of lines in geometrical figures, rays of light, nerves, etc. + dining p.pr.|vb.n. of Dine + desperate a. Without hope; given to despair; hopeless. + demonstrator n. A teacher of practical anatomy. + dramshop n. A shop or barroom where spirits are sold by the dram. + decamp v.i. To break up a camp; to move away from a camping ground, usually by night or secretly. + delight v.i. To have or take great delight or pleasure; to be greatly pleased or rejoiced; -- followed by an infinitive, or by in. + djereed n. Alt. of Djerrid + disparagingly adv. In a manner to disparage or dishonor; slightingly. + dilute v.i. To become attenuated, thin, or weak; as, it dilutes easily. + ditto n. The aforesaid thing; the same (as before). Often contracted to do., or to two "turned commas" ("), or small marks. Used in bills, books of account, tables of names, etc., to save repetition. + disobey v.i. To refuse or neglect to obey; to violate commands; to be disobedient. + depurgatory a. Serving to purge; tending to cleanse or purify. + ditch v.t. To dig a ditch or ditches in; to drain by a ditch or ditches; as, to ditch moist land. + dandelion n. A well-known plant of the genus Taraxacum (T. officinale, formerly called T. Dens-leonis and Leontodos Taraxacum) bearing large, yellow, compound flowers, and deeply notched leaves. + dextrous n. Alt. of Dextrousness + dogmatizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dogmatize + dight v.t. To prepare; to put in order; hence, to dress, or put on; to array; to adorn. + drive v.t. To dig Horizontally; to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel. + distribution n. Separation into parts or classes; arrangement of anything into parts; disposition; classification. + diamondback n. The salt-marsh terrapin of the Atlantic coast (Malacoclemmys palustris). + distribute v.i. To make distribution. + drill n. A small trickling stream; a rill. + depreciated imp.|p.p. of Depreciate + dutch a. Pertaining to Holland, or to its inhabitants. + droop v.i. To grow weak or faint with disappointment, grief, or like causes; to be dispirited or depressed; to languish; as, her spirits drooped. + dicebox n. A box from which dice are thrown in gaming. + dictature n. Office of a dictator; dictatorship. + directories pl. of Directory + dishearten v.t. To discourage; to deprive of courage and hope; to depress the spirits of; to deject. + dinosaurian n. One of the Dinosauria. + deflexion n. See Deflection. + desolation n. A place or country wasted and forsaken. + disenclose v.t. See Disinclose. + displacency n. Want of complacency or gratification; envious displeasure; dislike. + diamond a. Resembling a diamond; made of, or abounding in, diamonds; as, a diamond chain; a diamond field. + divorce n. Separation; disunion of things closely united. + dilated a. Widening into a lamina or into lateral winglike appendages. + disclame v.t. To disclaim; to expel. + diminish v.t. To make smaller in any manner; to reduce in bulk or amount; to lessen; -- opposed to augment or increase. + discubitory a. Leaning; fitted for a reclining posture. + degree n. Three figures taken together in numeration; thus, 140 is one degree, 222,140 two degrees. + declarement n. Declaration. + discontinue v.i. To be separated or severed; to part. + dosser n. A hanging tapestry; a dorsal. + dissent v.i. To differ; to be of a contrary nature. + desidiousness n. The state or quality of being desidiose, or indolent. + deliquium n. A melting or dissolution in the air, or in a moist place; a liquid condition; as, a salt falls into a deliquium. + duan n. A division of a poem corresponding to a canto; a poem or song. + devicefully adv. In a deviceful manner. + degenerative a. Undergoing or producing degeneration; tending to degenerate. + dissemination n. The act of disseminating, or the state of being disseminated; diffusion for propagation and permanence; a scattering or spreading abroad, as of ideas, beliefs, etc. + dextrously n. Alt. of Dextrousness + dib n. A child's game, played with dib bones. + dickens n.interj. The devil. + deposition n. The act of bringing before the mind; presentation. + dastardized imp.|p.p. of Dastardize + deye v.i. To die. + disorderliness n. The state of being disorderly. + denationalizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Denationalize + defeasanced a. Liable to defeasance; capable of being made void or forfeited. + disarrangement n. The act of disarranging, or the state of being disarranged; confusion; disorder. + dome n. Any erection resembling the dome or cupola of a building; as the upper part of a furnace, the vertical steam chamber on the top of a boiler, etc. + diarrheal a. Alt. of Diarrhoeal + dense a. Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense forest; a dense fog. + deputize v.t. To appoint as one's deputy; to empower to act in one's stead; to depute. + discharge v.t. To release legally from confinement; to set at liberty; as, to discharge a prisoner. + desiderata pl. of Desideratum + disown v.t. To refuse to own or acknowledge as belonging to one's self; to disavow or deny, as connected with one's self personally; as, a parent can hardly disown his child; an author will sometimes disown his writings. + diiambus n. A double iambus; a foot consisting of two iambuses (/ / / /). + diuturnity n. Long duration; lastingness. + dropsicalness n. State of being dropsical. + dutiful a. Performing, or ready to perform, the duties required by one who has the right to claim submission, obedience, or deference; submissive to natural or legal superiors; obedient, as to parents or superiors; as, a dutiful son or daughter; a dutiful ward or servant; a dutiful subject. + dubbing n. The body substance of an angler's fly. + drawbore v.t. To enlarge the bore of a gun barrel by drawing, instead of thrusting, a revolving tool through it. + dispositive a. Belonging to disposition or natural, tendency. + detestation n. The act of detesting; extreme hatred or dislike; abhorrence; loathing. + described imp.|p.p. of Describe + demijohn n. A glass vessel or bottle with a large body and small neck, inclosed in wickerwork. + dorado n. A large, oceanic fish of the genus Coryphaena. + doable a. Capable of being done. + destruction n. A destroying agency; a cause of ruin or of devastation; a destroyer. + deluge n. A washing away; an overflowing of the land by water; an inundation; a flood; specifically, The Deluge, the great flood in the days of Noah (Gen. vii.). + divellicate v.t. To pull in pieces. + detection n. The act of detecting; the laying open what was concealed or hidden; discovery; as, the detection of a thief; the detection of fraud, forgery, or a plot. + dimensioned a. Having dimensions. + druid n. One of an order of priests which in ancient times existed among certain branches of the Celtic race, especially among the Gauls and Britons. + displayed a. With wings expanded; -- said of a bird of pray, esp. an eagle. + differential n. A small difference in rates which competing railroad lines, in establishing a common tariff, allow one of their number to make, in order to get a fair share of the business. The lower rate is called a differential rate. Differentials are also sometimes granted to cities. + dichroite n. Iolite; -- so called from its presenting two different colors when viewed in two different directions. See Iolite. + dendritical a. Pertaining to a dendrite, or to arborescent crystallization; having a form resembling a shrub or tree; arborescent. + discriminately adv. In a discriminating manner; distinctly. + digammated a. Having the digamma or its representative letter or sound; as, the Latin word vis is a digammated form of the Greek /. + dryandra n. A genus of shrubs growing in Australia, having beautiful, hard, dry, evergreen leaves. + dead a. Monotonous or unvaried; as, a dead level or pain; a dead wall. + distinct a. Separate in place; not conjunct; not united by growth or otherwise; -- with from. + denominative a. Conferring a denomination or name. + drying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dry + debellation n. The act of conquering or subduing. + debate v.t. To contend for in words or arguments; to strive to maintain by reasoning; to dispute; to contest; to discuss; to argue for and against. + devil n. An expletive of surprise, vexation, or emphasis, or, ironically, of negation. + diactinic a. Capable of transmitting the chemical or actinic rays of light; as, diactinic media. + darbyite n. One of the Plymouth Brethren, or of a sect among them; -- so called from John N. Darby, one of the leaders of the Brethren. + dramatization n. Act of dramatizing. + dittied a. Set, sung, or composed as a ditty; -- usually in composition. + desitive a. Final; serving to complete; conclusive. + demisability n. The state of being demisable. + deliberation n. Careful discussion and examination of the reasons for and against a measure; as, the deliberations of a legislative body or council. + diphthongation n. See Diphthongization. + dermic a. Relating to the derm or skin. + devastated imp.|p.p. of Devastate + debulition n. A bubbling or boiling over. + dazzle v.i. To be overpowered by light; to be confused by excess of brightness. + dreamer n. One who dreams. + department v.i. Subdivision of business or official duty; especially, one of the principal divisions of executive government; as, the treasury department; the war department; also, in a university, one of the divisions of instruction; as, the medical department; the department of physics. + delicateness n. The quality of being delicate. + darken a. To make dark or black; to deprive of light; to obscure; as, a darkened room. + discover v.t. To uncover. + discommode v.t. To put inconvenience; to incommode; to trouble. + disrange v.t. To disarrange. + doublethreaded a. Having two screw threads instead of one; -- said of a screw in which the pitch is equal to twice the distance between the centers of adjacent threads. + dialypetalous a. Having separate petals; polypetalous. + dorsum n. The ridge of a hill. + dull superl. Slow of understanding; wanting readiness of apprehension; stupid; doltish; blockish. + dragonlike a. Like a dragon. + disguise v.t. To hide by a counterfeit appearance; to cloak by a false show; to mask; as, to disguise anger; to disguise one's sentiments, character, or intentions. + disforest v.t. To clear or deprive of forests or trees. + diagnostic n. The mark or symptom by which one disease is known or distinguished from others. + discharge v.t. To relieve of an office or employment; to send away from service; to dismiss. + disproportional a. Not having due proportion to something else; not having proportion or symmetry of parts; unsuitable in form, quantity or value; inadequate; unequal; as, a disproportional limb constitutes deformity in the body; the studies of youth should not be disproportional to their understanding. + dabster n. One who is skilled; a master of his business; a proficient; an adept. + delicacy a. Nice propriety of manners or conduct; susceptibility or tenderness of feeling; refinement; fastidiousness; and hence, in an exaggerated sense, effeminacy; as, great delicacy of behavior; delicacy in doing a kindness; delicacy of character that unfits for earnest action. + drawing n. The process of stretching or spreading metals as by hammering, or, as in forming wire from rods or tubes and cups from sheet metal, by pulling them through dies. + disvouch v.t. To discredit; to contradict. + dissolve v.i. To become fluid; to be melted; to be liquefied. + drone n. To love in idleness; to do nothing. + disjoint v.t. Difficult situation; dilemma; strait. + dauphin n. The title of the eldest son of the king of France, and heir to the crown. Since the revolution of 1830, the title has been discontinued. + dispensatories pl. of Dispensatory + daboia n. A large and highly venomous Asiatic viper (Daboia xanthica). + degree n. A certain distance or remove in the line of descent, determining the proximity of blood; one remove in the chain of relationship; as, a relation in the third or fourth degree. + dozzled a. Stupid; heavy. + duty n. Tax, toll, impost, or customs; excise; any sum of money required by government to be paid on the importation, exportation, or consumption of goods. + dermopathic a. Dermatopathic. + devildiver n. Alt. of Devil bird + day lily A genus of plants (Hemerocallis) closely resembling true lilies, but having tuberous rootstocks instead of bulbs. The common species have long narrow leaves and either yellow or tawny-orange flowers. + degradation n. Arrest of development, or degeneration of any organ, or of the body as a whole. + dump v.t. A melancholy strain or tune in music; any tune. + devise v.t. To plan or scheme for; to purpose to obtain. + disciple n. One who receives instruction from another; a scholar; a learner; especially, a follower who has learned to believe in the truth of the doctrine of his teacher; an adherent in doctrine; as, the disciples of Plato; the disciples of our Savior. + discous a. Disklike; discoid. + dejection n. The act of humbling or abasing one's self. + distance n. A space marked out in the last part of a race course. + deserver n. One who deserves. + diogenes n. A Greek Cynic philosopher (412?-323 B. C.) who lived much in Athens and was distinguished for contempt of the common aims and conditions of life, and for sharp, caustic sayings. + dermal a. Pertaining to the dermis or true skin. + divisor n. The number by which the dividend is divided. + decorative a. Suited to decorate or embellish; adorning. + difference n. The act of differing; the state or measure of being different or unlike; distinction; dissimilarity; unlikeness; variation; as, a difference of quality in paper; a difference in degrees of heat, or of light; what is the difference between the innocent and the guilty? + disfavor n. Want of favor of favorable regard; disesteem; disregard. + dentile n. A small tooth, like that of a saw. + deaf a. Obscurely heard; stifled; deadened. + delay v. A putting off or deferring; procrastination; lingering inactivity; stop; detention; hindrance. + disclout v.t. To divest of a clout. + dispatch v.t. Any sending away; dismissal; riddance. + disqualify v.t. To deprive of some power, right, or privilege, by positive restriction; to disable; to debar legally; as, a conviction of perjury disqualifies a man to be a witness. + drooling p.pr.|vb.n. of Drool + distributary a. Tending to distribute or be distributed; that distributes; distributive. + diopside n. A crystallized variety of pyroxene, of a clear, grayish green color; mussite. + dionysian a. Relating to Dionysius, a monk of the 6th century; as, the Dionysian, or Christian, era. + dip v.t. To engage as a pledge; to mortgage. + disacquaintance n. Neglect of disuse of familiarity, or familiar acquaintance. + dehydrate v.t. To deprive of water; to render free from water; as, to dehydrate alcohol. + dragon n. A fierce, violent person, esp. a woman. + derivative n. An agent which is adapted to produce a derivation (in the medical sense). + decoy n. Anything intended to lead into a snare; a lure that deceives and misleads into danger, or into the power of an enemy; a bait. + do v.i. To act or behave in any manner; to conduct one's self. + dint n. Force; power; -- esp. in the phrase by dint of. + dangling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dangle + depaint p.p. Painted. + decupled imp.|p.p. of Decuple + dishevel v.t. To spread loosely or disorderly. + demilancer n. A soldier of light cavalry of the 16th century, who carried a demilance. + dewy a. Resembling a dew-covered surface; appearing as if covered with dew. + defalcating p.pr.|vb.n. of Defalcate + deepen v.t. To make more grave or low in tone; as, to deepen the tones of an organ. + devisee n. One to whom a devise is made, or real estate given by will. + devout n. A devotee. + delacrymation n. An involuntary discharge of watery humors from the eyes; wateriness of the eyes. + dizen v.t. To dress; to attire. + decennia pl. of Decennium + descent n. Incursion; sudden attack; especially, hostile invasion from sea; -- often followed by upon or on; as, to make a descent upon the enemy. + diestock n. A stock to hold the dies used for cutting screws. + disjoint v.t. To break the natural order and relations of; to make incoherent; as, a disjointed speech. + deletitious a. Of such a nature that anything may be erased from it; -- said of paper. + decene n. One of the higher hydrocarbons, C10H20, of the ethylene series. + diluteness n. The quality or state of being dilute. + dissweeten v.t. To deprive of sweetness. + disnatured a. Deprived or destitute of natural feelings; unnatural. + dislocated imp.|p.p. of Dislocate + dynamics n. That branch of mechanics which treats of the motion of bodies (kinematics) and the action of forces in producing or changing their motion (kinetics). Dynamics is held by some recent writers to include statics and not kinematics. + diminish v.t. To lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken. + devest v.t. To take away, as an authority, title, etc., to deprive; to alienate, as an estate. + diamagnet n. A body having diamagnetic polarity. + dighter n. One who dights. + disseminated imp.|p.p. of Disseminate + degravation a. The act of making heavy. + dryboned a. Having dry bones, or bones without flesh. + drill n. A marine gastropod, of several species, which kills oysters and other bivalves by drilling holes through the shell. The most destructive kind is Urosalpinx cinerea. + deglutitory a. Serving for, or aiding in, deglutition. + delicate a. Nicely discriminating or perceptive; refinedly critical; sensitive; exquisite; as, a delicate taste; a delicate ear for music. + doublequick a. Of, or performed in, the fastest time or step in marching, next to the run; as, a double-quick step or march. + difficultate v.t. To render difficult; to difficilitate. + disparadised a. Removed from paradise. + deligate v.t. To bind up; to bandage. + dekastere n. Same as Decastere. + displat v.t. To untwist; to uncurl; to unplat. + declivity n. Deviation from a horizontal line; gradual descent of surface; inclination downward; slope; -- opposed to acclivity, or ascent; the same slope, considered as descending, being a declivity, which, considered as ascending, is an acclivity. + decimated imp.|p.p. of Decimate + dunderhead n. A dunce; a numskull; a blockhead. + demonianism n. The state of being possessed by a demon or by demons. + decanal a. Pertaining to a dean or deanery. + dieter n. One who diets; one who prescribes, or who partakes of, food, according to hygienic rules. + diamido a. A prefix or combining form of Diamine. [Also used adjectively.] + decent a. Comely; shapely; well-formed. + doublet a. A counterfeit gem, composed of two pieces of crystal, with a color them, and thus giving the appearance of a naturally colored gem. Also, a piece of paste or glass covered by a veneer of real stone. + discuss v.t. To shake; to put away; to finish. + dornick n. Alt. of Dornock + distinguishable a. Capable of being distinguished; separable; divisible; discernible; capable of recognition; as, a tree at a distance is distinguishable from a shrub. + despotism n. The power, spirit, or principles of a despot; absolute control over others; tyrannical sway; tyranny. + disunity n. A state of separation or disunion; want of unity. + discount v. To leave out of account; to take no notice of. + demonomania n. A form of madness in which the patient conceives himself possessed of devils. + drink v.t. To take in; to receive within one, through the senses; to inhale; to hear; to see. + diomedea n. A genus of large sea birds, including the albatross. See Albatross. + derth n. Dearth; scarcity. + department v.i. A military subdivision of a country; as, the Department of the Potomac. + dispiteous a. Full of despite; cruel; spiteful; pitiless. + deponent v.t. A deponent verb. + deaconhood n. The state of being a deacon; office of a deacon; deaconship. + dory n. The American wall-eyed perch; -- called also dore. See Pike perch. + dimple n. A slight natural depression or indentation on the surface of some part of the body, esp. on the cheek or chin. + dust n. Gold dust + drained imp.|p.p. of Drain + disesteeming p.pr.|vb.n. of Disesteem + drest of Dress + drop n. To give birth to; as, to drop a lamb. + discontinue v.t. To interrupt the continuance of; to intermit, as a practice or habit; to put an end to; to cause to cease; to cease using, to stop; to leave off. + diminish v.i. To become or appear less or smaller; to lessen; as, the apparent size of an object diminishes as we recede from it. + deifical a. Making divine; producing a likeness to God; god-making. + division n. The distribution of a discourse into parts; a part so distinguished. + down adv. From a higher to a lower position, literally or figuratively; in a descending direction; from the top of an ascent; from an upright position; to the ground or floor; to or into a lower or an inferior condition; as, into a state of humility, disgrace, misery, and the like; into a state of rest; -- used with verbs indicating motion. + divaricate v.i. To part into two branches; to become bifid; to fork. + discerptible a. Capable of being discerped. + demerse v.t. To immerse. + darkener n. One who, or that which, darkens. + dispraise v.t. The act of dispraising; detraction; blame censure; reproach; disparagement. + diducement n. Diduction; separation into distinct parts. + deontologist n. One versed in deontology. + duddery n. A place where rags are bought and kept for sale. + diastasis n. A forcible of bones without fracture. + dovetail n. A flaring tenon, or tongue (shaped like a bird's tail spread), and a mortise, or socket, into which it fits tightly, making an interlocking joint between two pieces which resists pulling a part in all directions except one. + deuthydroguret n. Same as Deutohydroguret. + discharge v.t. Release or dismissal from an office, employment, etc.; dismission; as, the discharge of a workman by his employer. + darkling p.pr.|a. Becoming dark or gloomy; frowing. + druery n. Courtship; gallantry; love; an object of love. + driftless a. Having no drift or direction; without aim; purposeless. + denarius n. A Roman silver coin of the value of about fourteen cents; the "penny" of the New Testament; -- so called from being worth originally ten of the pieces called as. + directer n. One who directs; a director. + decarbonizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Decarbonize + distaff n. Used as a symbol of the holder of a distaff; hence, a woman; women, collectively. + disgraceful a. Bringing disgrace; causing shame; shameful; dishonorable; unbecoming; as, profaneness is disgraceful to a man. + drinkableness n. State of being drinkable. + down adv. From a greater to a less bulk, or from a thinner to a thicker consistence; as, to boil down in cookery, or in making decoctions. + detrition n. A wearing off or away. + dim v.t. To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of. + doubt v.t. To question or hold questionable; to withhold assent to; to hesitate to believe, or to be inclined not to believe; to withhold confidence from; to distrust; as, I have heard the story, but I doubt the truth of it. + dustmen pl. of Dustman + dogmatic n. One of an ancient sect of physicians who went by general principles; -- opposed to the Empiric. + delirifacient a. Producing, or tending to produce, delirium. + dash v.t. To throw in or on in a rapid, careless manner; to mix, reduce, or adulterate, by throwing in something of an inferior quality; to overspread partially; to bespatter; to touch here and there; as, to dash wine with water; to dash paint upon a picture. + dominical n. The Lord's day or Sunday; also, the Lord's prayer. + diadelphian a. Alt. of Diadelphous + dexterous a. Done with dexterity; skillful; artful; as, dexterous management. + designful a. Full of design; scheming. + disgregate v.t. To disperse; to scatter; -- opposite of congregate. + dustman p. One whose employment is to remove dirt and defuse. + decoration n. Specifically, any mark of honor to be worn upon the person, as a medal, cross, or ribbon of an order of knighthood, bestowed for services in war, great achievements in literature, art, etc. + dike v.t. To surround or protect with a dike or dry bank; to secure with a bank. + dilettante v.t. An admirer or lover of the fine arts; popularly, an amateur; especially, one who follows an art or a branch of knowledge, desultorily, or for amusement only. + depression n. A method of operating for cataract; couching. See Couch, v. t., 8. + do n. An abbreviation of Ditto. + display v.t. To discover; to descry. + depurition n. See Depuration. + diabolize v.t. To render diabolical. + distinct a. Marked; variegated. + drug n. Any animal, vegetable, or mineral substance used in the composition of medicines; any stuff used in dyeing or in chemical operations. + diddle v.t. To cheat or overreach. + disarrayed imp.|p.p. of Disarray + dentize v.t.|i. To breed or cut new teeth. + dinar n. An ancient gold coin of the East. + detrusion n. The act of thrusting or driving down or outward; outward thrust. + diffidently adv. In a diffident manner. + display v.t. To extend the front of (a column), bringing it into line. + dynamoelectric a. Pertaining to the development of electricity, especially electrical currents, by power; producing electricity or electrical currents by mechanical power. + diandrian a. Diandrous. + diamond n. A pointed projection, like a four-sided pyramid, used for ornament in lines or groups. + dogbrier n. The dog-rose. + dally v.t. To delay unnecessarily; to while away. + decadal a. Pertaining to ten; consisting of tens. + diary a. lasting for one day; as, a diary fever. + dawdle v.t. To waste by trifling; as, to dawdle away a whole morning. + dittos pl. of Ditto + diploma n. A letter or writing, usually under seal, conferring some privilege, honor, or power; a document bearing record of a degree conferred by a literary society or educational institution. + dogtrick n. A gentle trot, like that of a dog. + desulphurating p.pr.|vb.n. of Desulphurate + draw v.t. To run, extend, or produce, as a line on any surface; hence, also, to form by marking; to make by an instrument of delineation; to produce, as a sketch, figure, or picture. + disguising n. A masque or masquerade. + domett n. A kind of baize of which the ward is cotton and the weft woolen. + dromon In the Middle Ages, a large, fast-sailing galley, or cutter; a large, swift war vessel. + disbodied a. Disembodied. + dansker n. A Dane. + dioramic a. Pertaining to a diorama. + decalitre n. A measure of capacity in the metric system; a cubic volume of ten liters, equal to about 610.24 cubic inches, that is, 2.642 wine gallons. + dashing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dash + daylight n. The eyes. + destructibleness n. The quality of being destructible. + dedicator n. One who dedicates; more especially, one who inscribes a book to the favor of a patron, or to one whom he desires to compliment. + drawable a. Capable of being drawn. + desistance n. The act or state of desisting; cessation. + deemster n. A judge in the Isle of Man who decides controversies without process. + detrite a. Worn out. + desolater n. One who, or that which, desolates or lays waste. + dote n. An imbecile; a dotard. + deponent v.t. One who deposes or testifies under oath; one who gives evidence; usually, one who testifies in writing. + datable a. That may be dated; having a known or ascertainable date. + degree n. One of a series of progressive steps upward or downward, in quality, rank, acquirement, and the like; a stage in progression; grade; gradation; as, degrees of vice and virtue; to advance by slow degrees; degree of comparison. + diversion n. That which diverts; that which turns or draws the mind from care or study, and thus relaxes and amuses; sport; play; pastime; as, the diversions of youth. + draughtsman n. A "man" or piece used in the game of draughts. + doubleheaded a. Having two heads; bicipital. + differentially adv. In the way of differentiation. + dealth n. Share dealt. + digestion n. Generation of pus; suppuration. + doubting a. That is uncertain; that distrusts or hesitates; having doubts. + dotting pen See under Pun. + dishonestly adv. In a dishonest manner. + diapason n. The entire compass of tones. + detruncating p.pr.|vb.n. of Detuncate + douay bible A translation of the Scriptures into the English language for the use of English-speaking Roman Catholics; -- done from the Latin Vulgate by English scholars resident in France. The New Testament portion was published at Rheims, A. D. 1582, the Old Testament at Douai, A. D. 1609-10. Various revised editions have since been published. + dashy a. Calculated to arrest attention; ostentatiously fashionable; showy. + digraph n. Two signs or characters combined to express a single articulated sound; as ea in head, or th in bath. + drail v.t.|i. To trail; to draggle. + dunning p.pr.|vb.n. of Dun + desiccating p.pr.|vb.n. of Desiccate + diluvia pl. of Diluvium + decay n. Destruction; death. + dismally adv. In a dismal manner; gloomily; sorrowfully; uncomfortably. + dibble v.i. A pointed implement used to make holes in the ground in which no set out plants or to plant seeds. + dibbled imp.|p.p. of Dibble + derider n. One who derides, or laughs at, another in contempt; a mocker; a scoffer. + divisible n. A divisible substance. + dotation n. The act of endowing, or bestowing a marriage portion on a woman. + didelphid n. A marsupial animal. + dichromatic a. Having or exhibiting two colors. + draw v.t. To withdraw. + digest v.t. To dispose to suppurate, or generate healthy pus, as an ulcer or wound. + determination n. That which is determined upon; result of deliberation; purpose; conclusion formed; fixed resolution. + dined imp.|p.p. of Dine + done a. Given; executed; issued; made public; -- used chiefly in the clause giving the date of a proclamation or public act. + disorganizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disorganize + diet n. Course of living or nourishment; what is eaten and drunk habitually; food; victuals; fare. + dripped imp.|p.p. of Drip + displicency n. Dislike; dissatisfaction; discontent. + deify v.t. To praise or revere as a deity; to treat as an object of supreme regard; as, to deify money. + designable a. Capable of being designated or distinctly marked out; distinguishable. + dyeing n. The process or art of fixing coloring matters permanently and uniformly in the fibers of wool, cotton, etc. + distributional a. Of or pertaining to distribution. + deposable a. Capable of being deposed or deprived of office. + disannulment n. Complete annulment. + disshadow v.t. To free from shadow or shade. + dephlegmation n. The operation of separating water from spirits and acids, by evaporation or repeated distillation; -- called also concentration, especially when acids are the subject of it. + discordancy n. State or quality of being discordant; disagreement; inconsistency. + detortion n. The act of detorting, or the state of being detorted; a twisting or warping. + dealbate v.t. To whiten. + disparager n. One who disparages or dishonors; one who vilifies or disgraces. + diodont a. Like or pertaining to the genus Diodon. + dich v.i. To ditch. + discontinuous a. Not continuous; interrupted; broken off. + disencumbrance n. Freedom or deliverance from encumbrance, or anything burdensome or troublesome. + double n. A player or singer who prepares to take the part of another player in his absence; a substitute. + dilator n. A muscle that dilates any part. + divinement n. Divination. + devotee n. One who is wholly devoted; esp., one given wholly to religion; one who is superstitiously given to religious duties and ceremonies; a bigot. + discharge v.t. A flowing or issuing out; emission; vent; evacuation; also, that which is discharged or emitted; as, a rapid discharge of water from the pipe. + diathermometer n. An instrument for examining the thermal resistance or heat-conducting power of liquids. + disillusion v.t. To free from an illusion; to disillusionize. + defeasance n. A rendering null or void. + duke v.i. To play the duke. + dirtiness n. The state of being dirty; filthiness; foulness; nastiness; baseness; sordidness. + draft v.t. To compose and write; as, to draft a memorial. + drawl n. A lengthened, slow monotonous utterance. + determine v.t. To ascertain definitely; to find out the specific character or name of; to assign to its true place in a system; as, to determine an unknown or a newly discovered plant or its name. + deed v.t. Fact; reality; -- whence we have indeed. + dichotomy n. The place where a stem or vein is forked. + disembogue v.t. To pour out or discharge at the mouth, as a stream; to vent; to discharge into an ocean, a lake, etc. + doom palm A species of palm tree (Hyphaene Thebaica), highly valued for the fibrous pulp of its fruit, which has the flavor of gingerbread, and is largely eaten in Egypt and Abyssinia. + define v.i. To determine; to decide. + deperdit n. That which is lost or destroyed. + divine v.t. To foresee or foreknow; to detect; to anticipate; to conjecture. + drab n. A wooden box, used in salt works for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling pans. + droop n. A drooping; as, a droop of the eye. + drubbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Drub + demean v.t. To conduct; to behave; to comport; -- followed by the reflexive pronoun. + ding v.i. To sound, as a bell; to ring; to clang. + down a. Downright; absolute; positive; as, a down denial. + distention n. Breadth; extent or space occupied by the thing distended. + dogmatizer n. One who dogmatizes; a bold asserter; a magisterial teacher. + dabchick n. A small water bird (Podilymbus podiceps), allied to the grebes, remarkable for its quickness in diving; -- called also dapchick, dobchick, dipchick, didapper, dobber, devil-diver, hell-diver, and pied-billed grebe. + dauber n. A low and gross flatterer. + drain v.i. To become emptied of liquor by flowing or dropping; as, let the vessel stand and drain. + dejecter n. One who casts down, or dejects. + dogstail grass n. A hardy species of British grass (Cynosurus cristatus) which abounds in grass lands, and is well suited for making straw plait; -- called also goldseed. + despoiled imp.|p.p. of Despoil + digamy n. Act, or state, of being twice married; deuterogamy. + diary n. A register of daily events or transactions; a daily record; a journal; a blank book dated for the record of daily memoranda; as, a diary of the weather; a physician's diary. + discordable a. That may produce discord; disagreeing; discordant. + doctrinaire n. One who would apply to political or other practical concerns the abstract doctrines or the theories of his own philosophical system; a propounder of a new set of opinions; a dogmatic theorist. Used also adjectively; as, doctrinaire notions. + dibbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dibble + deliver v.t. To admit; to allow to pass. + discourse v.i. To express one's self in oral discourse; to expose one's views; to talk in a continuous or formal manner; to hold forth; to speak; to converse. + drainer n. One who, or that which, drains. + dislimb v.t. To tear limb from limb; to dismember. + detractive a. Tending to lower in estimation; depreciative. + dormouse n. A small European rodent of the genus Myoxus, of several species. They live in trees and feed on nuts, acorns, etc.; -- so called because they are usually torpid in winter. + dilacerated imp.|p.p. of Dilacerate + dreadlessness n. Freedom from dread. + diuresis n. Free excretion of urine. + disinheritance n. The act of disinheriting, or the condition of being; disinherited; disherison. + dialectic a. Alt. of Dialectical + doctor v.i. To practice physic. + drill v.t. To sow, as seeds, by dribbling them along a furrow or in a row, like a trickling rill of water. + depress v.t. To bring down or humble; to abase, as pride. + droll n. One whose practice it is to raise mirth by odd tricks; a jester; a buffoon; a merry-andrew. + deforceor n. Same as Deforciant. + displeasant a. Unpleasing; offensive; unpleasant. + drib v.t. To appropriate unlawfully; to filch; to defalcate. + draught n. A mild vesicatory; a sinapism; as, to apply draughts to the feet. + discontentment n. The state of being discontented; uneasiness; inquietude. + deaconship n. The office or ministry of a deacon or deaconess. + dissepiment n. A separating tissue; a partition; a septum. + defining p.pr.|vb.n. of Define + directacting a. Acting directly, as one part upon another, without the intervention of other working parts. + disciform a. Discoid. + dusk n. Imperfect obscurity; a middle degree between light and darkness; twilight; as, the dusk of the evening. + dear superl. Highly valued; greatly beloved; cherished; precious. + dote n. A marriage portion. [Obs.] See 1st Dot, n. + disturb v.t. To agitate the mind of; to deprive of tranquillity; to disquiet; to render uneasy; as, a person is disturbed by receiving an insult, or his mind is disturbed by envy. + diorism n. Definition; logical direction. + dominancy n. Predominance; ascendency; authority. + detestability n. Capacity of being odious. + dissevered imp.|p.p. of Dissever + duds n.pl. Effects, in general. + diminutive a. Expressing diminution; as, a diminutive word. + dilogies pl. of Dilogy + dovecote n. A small house or box, raised to a considerable height above the ground, and having compartments, in which domestic pigeons breed; a dove house. + dentiferous a. Bearing teeth; dentigerous. + draught n. That which draws + demonomist n. One in subjection to a demon, or to demons. + distitle v.t. To deprive of title or right. + dichromate n. A salt of chromic acid containing two equivalents of the acid radical to one of the base; -- called also bichromate. + dozen n. An indefinite small number. + dunfish n. Codfish cured in a particular manner, so as to be of a superior quality. + divided imp.|p.p. of Divide + do n. Ado; bustle; stir; to do. + duplicative a. Having the quality of subdividing into two by natural growth. + destemper n. A kind of painting. See Distemper. + done infinitive. Performed; executed; finished. + desoxalic a. Made or derived from oxalic acid; as, desoxalic acid. + distempered imp.|p.p. of Distemper + drowned imp.|p.p. of Drown + devesting p.pr.|vb.n. of Devest + disprepare v.t. To render unprepared. + disfigurer n. One who disfigures. + dependency n. State of being dependent; dependence; state of being subordinate; subordination; concatenation; connection; reliance; trust. + diminuent a. Lessening. + disqualified imp.|p.p. of Disqualify + draw v.t. To write in due form; to prepare a draught of; as, to draw a memorial, a deed, or bill of exchange. + discretion n. Freedom to act according to one's own judgment; unrestrained exercise of choice or will. + doomful a. Full of condemnation or destructive power. + deglutinating p.pr.|vb.n. of Deglutinate + dipper n. The water ouzel (Cinolus aquaticus) of Europe. + develop v.i. To go through a process of natural evolution or growth, by successive changes from a less perfect to a more perfect or more highly organized state; to advance from a simpler form of existence to one more complex either in structure or function; as, a blossom develops from a bud; the seed develops into a plant; the embryo develops into a well-formed animal; the mind develops year by year. + democratic a. Relating to a political party so called. + detonize v.t.|i. To explode, or cause to explode; to burn with an explosion; to detonate. + dolly varden A style of light, bright-figured dress goods for women; also, a style of dress. + dewdrop n. A drop of dew. + darling n. One dearly beloved; a favorite. + dune n. A low hill of drifting sand usually formed on the coats, but often carried far inland by the prevailing winds. + dodge v.i. To evade a duty by low craft; to practice mean shifts; to use tricky devices; to play fast and loose; to quibble. + dissipation n. A trifle which wastes time or distracts attention. + damn v.i. To invoke damnation; to curse. + declined imp.|p.p. of Decline + danaite n. A cobaltiferous variety of arsenopyrite. + decameter n. Alt. of Decametre + dodecandrian a. Alt. of Dodecandrous + determinator n. One who determines. + deceiving p.pr.|vb.n. of Deceive + driftpiece n. An upright or curved piece of timber connecting the plank sheer with the gunwale; also, a scroll terminating a rail. + doum palm See Doom palm. + ditties pl. of Ditty + dogrose n. A common European wild rose, with single pink or white flowers. + derive v.t. To turn the course of, as water; to divert and distribute into subordinate channels; to diffuse; to communicate; to transmit; -- followed by to, into, on, upon. + dove plant A Central American orchid (Peristeria elata), having a flower stem five or six feet high, with numerous globose white fragrant flowers. The column in the center of the flower resembles a dove; -- called also Holy Spirit plant. + doctor n. Any mechanical contrivance intended to remedy a difficulty or serve some purpose in an exigency; as, the doctor of a calico-printing machine, which is a knife to remove superfluous coloring matter; the doctor, or auxiliary engine, called also donkey engine. + dimension n. Extent; reach; scope; importance; as, a project of large dimensions. + dampne v.t. To damn. + donzel n. A young squire, or knight's attendant; a page. + discolored a. Altered in color; /tained. + decease n. Departure, especially departure from this life; death. + diatessaron n. The interval of a fourth. + devonian a. Of or pertaining to Devon or Devonshire in England; as, the Devonian rocks, period, or system. + doty a. Half-rotten; as, doty timber. + distemper v.t. An undue or unnatural temper, or disproportionate mixture of parts. + dogget n. Docket. See Docket. + discharged imp.|p.p. of Discharge + demur v.t. To cause delay to; to put off. + dicastery n. A court of justice; judgment hall. + dissoluble a. Capable of being dissolved; having its parts separable by heat or moisture; convertible into a fluid. + dishonest a. Characterized by fraud; indicating a want of probity; knavish; fraudulent; unjust. + drudging p.pr.|vb.n. of Drudge + dismayful a. Terrifying. + disposition n. Mood; humor. + diminished imp.|p.p. of Diminish + disability n. Want of legal qualification to do a thing; legal incapacity or incompetency. + devilet n. A little devil. + dissimilation n. The act of making dissimilar. + dust n. The earthy remains of bodies once alive; the remains of the human body. + dodoes pl. of Dodo + dephlegmate v.t. To deprive of superabundant water, as by evaporation or distillation; to clear of aqueous matter; to rectify; -- used of spirits and acids. + driven p.p. of Drive + densely adv. In a dense, compact manner. + dag v.i. To be misty; to drizzle. + dystome a. Cleaving with difficulty. + dielytra n. See Dicentra. + draw v.t. To represent by lines drawn; to form a sketch or a picture of; to represent by a picture; to delineate; hence, to represent by words; to depict; to describe. + dirty superl. Sullied; clouded; -- applied to color. + drysaltery n. The articles kept by a drysalter; also, the business of a drysalter. + diserty adv. Expressly; clearly; eloquently. + dodger n. See Corndodger. + demise n. The decease of a royal or princely person; hence, also, the death of any illustrious person. + diesis n. The mark /; -- called also double dagger. + defraudation n. The act of defrauding; a taking by fraud. + discourse n. Conversation; talk. + drift n. In South Africa, a ford in a river. + discordant n. Dissonant; not in harmony or musical concord; harsh; jarring; as, discordant notes or sounds. + damage v.i. To receive damage or harm; to be injured or impaired in soudness or value; as. some colors in /oth damage in sunlight. + discoherent a. Incoherent. + dispositor n. The planet which is lord of the sign where another planet is. + disploded imp.|p.p. of Displode + deconcentration n. Act of deconcentrating. + draw v.t. To extract; to force out; to elicit; to derive. + disbelief n. The act of disbelieving;; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief. + drip v.i. To let fall drops of moisture or liquid; as, a wet garment drips. + dusk a. Tending to darkness or blackness; moderately dark or black; dusky. + delineatory a. That delineates; descriptive; drawing the outline; delineating. + dematerialize v.t. To deprive of material or physical qualities or characteristics. + dash v.t. To throw with violence or haste; to cause to strike violently or hastily; -- often used with against. + dealbation n. Act of bleaching; a whitening. + drag v.i. To serve as a clog or hindrance; to hold back. + diazeuctic a. Alt. of Diazeutic + dorrfly n. See 1st Dor. + dunt n. A blow. + dreary superl. Sorrowful; distressful. + discerner n. One who, or that which, discerns, distinguishes, perceives, or judges; as, a discerner of truth, of right and wrong. + dumal a. Pertaining to, or set with, briers or bushes; brambly. + demand v.t. To ask or call for with authority; to claim or seek from, as by authority or right; to claim, as something due; to call for urgently or peremptorily; as, to demand a debt; to demand obedience. + dian a. Diana. + dissecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissect + decentralize v.t. To prevent from centralizing; to cause to withdraw from the center or place of concentration; to divide and distribute (what has been united or concentrated); -- esp. said of authority, or the administration of public affairs. + dynamical a. Relating to physical forces, effects, or laws; as, dynamical geology. + devise v.i. To form a scheme; to lay a plan; to contrive; to consider. + drill n. The act or exercise of training soldiers in the military art, as in the manual of arms, in the execution of evolutions, and the like; hence, diligent and strict instruction and exercise in the rudiments and methods of any business; a kind or method of military exercises; as, infantry drill; battalion drill; artillery drill. + distant a. Reserved or repelling in manners; cold; not cordial; somewhat haughty; as, a distant manner. + dishonesty n. Violation of trust or of justice; fraud; any deviation from probity; a dishonest act. + disk n. The lower side of the body of some invertebrates, especially when used for locomotion, when it is often called a creeping disk. + dactylic n. A line consisting chiefly or wholly of dactyls; as, these lines are dactylics. + disaccordant a. Not accordant. + digit n. A finger's breadth, commonly estimated to be three fourths of an inch. + drum n. One of the cylindrical, or nearly cylindrical, blocks, of which the shaft of a column is composed; also, a vertical wall, whether circular or polygonal in plan, carrying a cupola or dome. + domination n. A ruling party; a party in power. + dortour n. Alt. of Dorture + dulcification n. The act of dulcifying or sweetening. + dike n. An embankment to prevent inundations; a levee. + dromond Alt. of Dromon + dor v.t. To make a fool of; to deceive. + didos pl. of Dido + diabley n. Devilry; sorcery or incantation; a diabolical deed; mischief. + defamatory a. Containing defamation; injurious to reputation; calumnious; slanderous; as, defamatory words; defamatory writings. + diminuendo adv. In a gradually diminishing manner; with abatement of tone; decrescendo; -- expressed on the staff by Dim., or Dimin., or the sign. + discount v.t. The rate of interest charged in discounting. + deducing p.pr.|vb.n. of Deduce + discourse n. Dealing; transaction. + dacian a. Of or pertaining to Dacia or the Dacians. + derogatory a. Tending to derogate, or lessen in value; expressing derogation; detracting; injurious; -- with from to, or unto. + deperdition n. Loss; destruction. + defiant a. Full of defiance; bold; insolent; as, a defiant spirit or act. + designer n. One who designs, marks out, or plans; a contriver. + dermatopathic a. Of or pertaining to skin diseases, or their cure. + demoralization n. The act of corrupting or subverting morals. Especially: The act of corrupting or subverting discipline, courage, hope, etc., or the state of being corrupted or subverted in discipline, courage, etc.; as, the demoralization of an army or navy. + dipterocarpus n. A genus of trees found in the East Indies, some species of which produce a fragrant resin, other species wood oil. The fruit has two long wings. + disedify v.t. To fail of edifying; to injure. + doubling p.pr.|vb.n. of Double + dervish n. Alt. of Dervis + distemper v.t. Political disorder; tumult. + developed imp.|p.p. of Develop + deducibility n. Deducibleness. + definition n. Distinctness or clearness, as of an image formed by an optical instrument; precision in detail. + deka A prefix signifying ten. See Deca-. + displume v.t. To strip of, or as of, a plume, or plumes; to deprive of decoration; to dishonor; to degrade. + divulsive a. Tending to pull asunder, tear, or rend; distracting. + despairing a. Feeling or expressing despair; hopeless. + discontinued imp.|p.p. of Discontinue + daintily adv. In a dainty manner; nicely; scrupulously; fastidiously; deliciously; prettily. + disobeying p.pr.|vb.n. of Disobey + doublebanked a. Applied to a kind of rowing in which the rowers sit side by side in twos, a pair of oars being worked from each bank or thwart. + doting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dote + digitalis n. The dried leaves of the purple foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), used in heart disease, disturbance of the circulation, etc. + delirifacient n. Any substance which tends to cause delirium. + devotion n. The act of devoting; consecration. + dogsleep n. The fitful naps taken when all hands are kept up by stress. + disallowing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disallow + dealer n. One who distributes cards to the players. + deadlight n. A strong shutter, made to fit open ports and keep out water in a storm. + disprince v.t. To make unlike a prince. + datolite n. A borosilicate of lime commonly occuring in glassy,, greenish crystals. + divulge v.t. To impart; to communicate. + dwelt of Dwell + dash n. A vain show; a blustering parade; a flourish; as, to make or cut a great dash. + disloign v.t. To put at a distance; to remove. + dodge v.t. Fig.: To evade by craft; as, to dodge a question; to dodge responsibility. + deduced imp.|p.p. of Deduce + dure a. Hard; harsh; severe; rough; toilsome. + dravidian a. Of or pertaining to the Dravida. + demster n. A deemster. + ditches pl. of Ditch + disappropriate a. Severed from the appropriation or possession of a spiritual corporation. + decomposite a. Compounded more than once; compounded with things already composite. + drift n. That which is driven, forced, or urged along + dappling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dapple + defray v.t. To pay or discharge; to serve in payment of; to provide for, as a charge, debt, expenses, costs, etc. + delight v.t. Licentious pleasure; lust. + discoursive a. Reasoning; characterized by reasoning; passing from premises to consequences; discursive. + downcast n. A ventilating shaft down which the air passes in circulating through a mine. + delitigate v.i. To chide; to rail heartily. + decretorily adv. In a decretory or definitive manner; by decree. + disjection n. Destruction; dispersion. + despitous a. Despiteous; very angry; cruel. + disrelished imp.|p.p. of Disrelish + diffranchisement See Disfranchise, Disfranchisement. + digest v.t. To ripen; to mature. + disembogue v.t. To eject; to cast forth. + deem v. To decide; to judge; to sentence; to condemn. + dogstongue n. Hound's-tongue. + delit n. Delight. + doitkin n. A very small coin; a doit. + decadist n. A writer of a book divided into decades; as, Livy was a decadist. + dampen v.t. To make damp or moist; to make slightly wet. + dentigerous a. Bearing teeth or toothlike structures. + demonship n. The state of a demon. + diverging p.pr.|vb.n. of Diverge + dinmont n. A wether sheep between one and two years old. + declination n. The arc of the horizon, contained between the vertical plane and the prime vertical circle, if reckoned from the east or west, or between the meridian and the plane, reckoned from the north or south. + deviled imp.|p.p. of Devil + discussive n. A medicine that discusses or disperses morbid humors; a discutient. + drawing n. The distribution of prizes and blanks in a lottery. + drive v.t. To pass away; -- said of time. + destructiveness n. The quality of destroying or ruining. + decidua n. The inner layer of the wall of the uterus, which envelops the embryo, forms a part of the placenta, and is discharged with it. + diffusivity n. Tendency to become diffused; tendency, as of heat, to become equalized by spreading through a conducting medium. + direful a. Dire; dreadful; terrible; calamitous; woeful; as, a direful fiend; a direful day. + dive v.i. Fig.: To plunge or to go deeply into any subject, question, business, etc.; to penetrate; to explore. + depression n. Dejection; despondency; lowness. + deliberate v.i. To take counsel with one's self; to weigh the arguments for and against a proposed course of action; to reflect; to consider; to hesitate in deciding; -- sometimes with on, upon, about, concerning. + defile v.t. To corrupt the chastity of; to debauch; to violate. + distance n. The space between two objects; the length of a line, especially the shortest line joining two points or things that are separate; measure of separation in place. + deviser n. One who devises. + dummy n. The fourth or exposed hand when three persons play at a four-handed game of cards. + decretory a. Serving to determine; critical. + durst imp. of Dare. See Dare, v. i. + dimply a. Full of dimples, or small depressions; dimpled; as, the dimply pool. + deedless a. Not performing, or not having performed, deeds or exploits; inactive. + doorstep n. The stone or plank forming a step before an outer door. + doctor v.t. To confer a doctorate upon; to make a doctor. + dukeling n. A little or insignificant duke. + damage feasant Doing injury; trespassing, as cattle. + dish v.t. To frustrate; to beat; to ruin. + diamantiferous a. Yielding diamonds. + decrial n. A crying down; a clamorous censure; condemnation by censure. + disarmature n. The act of divesting of armature. + dove n. A pigeon of the genus Columba and various related genera. The species are numerous. + dermatitis n. Inflammation of the skin. + davit n. Curved arms of timber or iron, projecting over a ship's side of stern, having tackle to raise or lower a boat, swing it in on deck, rig it out for lowering, etc.; -- called also boat davits. + desecrating p.pr.|vb.n. of Desecrate + drink v.t. To smoke, as tobacco. + disloyal a. Not loyal; not true to a sovereign or lawful superior, or to the government under which one lives; false where allegiance is due; faithless; as, a subject disloyal to the king; a husband disloyal to his wife. + dungeon n. A close, dark prison, common/, under ground, as if the lower apartments of the donjon or keep of a castle, these being used as prisons. + deprecator n. One who deprecates. + dirk n. A kind of dagger or poniard; -- formerly much used by the Scottish Highlander. + docent a. Serving to instruct; teaching. + discomfit v.t. To break up and frustrate the plans of; to balk/ to throw into perplexity and dejection; to disconcert. + disanoint v.t. To invalidate the consecration of; as, to disanoint a king. + dynamograph n. A dynamometer to which is attached a device for automatically registering muscular power. + demise n. The conveyance or transfer of an estate, either in fee for life or for years, most commonly the latter. + debut n. A beginning or first attempt; hence, a first appearance before the public, as of an actor or public speaker. + disimprovement n. Reduction from a better to a worse state; as, disimprovement of the earth. + dodge v.t. To evade by a sudden shift of place; to escape by starting aside; as, to dodge a blow aimed or a ball thrown. + disagreeance n. Disagreement. + dissolution n. Change of form by chemical agency; decomposition; resolution. + decent a. Free from immodesty or obscenity; modest. + dozed imp.|p.p. of Doze + drave old imp. of Drive. + dimidiated imp.|p.p. of Dimidiate + disconcerting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disconcert + dehort v.t. To urge to abstain or refrain; to dissuade. + diminutival a. Indicating diminution; diminutive. + discordous a. Full of discord. + disaffirmance n. Overthrow or annulment by the decision of a superior tribunal; as, disaffirmance of judgment. + docking p.pr.|vb.n. of Dock + diureticalness n. The quality of being diuretical; diuretic property. + discriminate v.i. To make a difference or distinction; to distinguish accurately; as, in judging of evidence, we should be careful to discriminate between probability and slight presumption. + disrulily adv. In a disorderly manner. + dissatisfying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissatisfy + delay n. To allay; to temper. + decrescent a. Becoming less by gradual diminution; decreasing; as, a decrescent moon. + disk n. The anterior surface or oral area of coelenterate animals, as of sea anemones. + drop n. To send, as a letter; as, please drop me a line, a letter, word. + declensional a. Belonging to declension. + diaphragmatic a. Pertaining to a diaphragm; as, diaphragmatic respiration; the diaphragmatic arteries and nerves. + despicableness n. The quality of being despicable; meanness; vileness; worthlessness. + defalk v.t. To lop off; to abate. + disentangle v.t. To free from entanglement; to release from a condition of being intricately and confusedly involved or interlaced; to reduce to orderly arrangement; to straighten out; as, to disentangle a skein of yarn. + die n. Any small cubical or square body. + devour v.t. To enjoy with avidity; to appropriate or take in eagerly by the senses. + dissimilar a. Not similar; unlike; heterogeneous; as, the tempers of men are as dissimilar as their features. + dark a. Deprived of sight; blind. + dribbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Drib + dash n. A rapid movement, esp. one of short duration; a quick stroke or blow; a sudden onset or rush; as, a bold dash at the enemy; a dash of rain. + disfurniture v.t. To disfurnish. + diacaustic a. Pertaining to, or possessing the properties of, a species of caustic curves formed by refraction. See Caustic surface, under Caustic. + dukedom n. The territory of a duke. + degradation n. A gradual wearing down or wasting, as of rocks and banks, by the action of water, frost etc. + depurative a. Purifying the blood or the humors; depuratory. + disposure n. Disposition; arrangement; position; posture. + device n. Anything fancifully conceived. + dapper a. Little and active; spruce; trim; smart; neat in dress or appearance; lively. + diathermaneity n. The property of transmitting radiant heat; the quality of being diathermous. + denaturalize v.t. To render unnatural; to alienate from nature. + disadvantageable a. Injurious; disadvantageous. + diamagnetic a. Pertaining to, or exhibiting the phenomena of, diamagnetism; taking, or being of a nature to take, a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force. See Paramagnetic. + dibasic a. Having two acid hydrogen atoms capable of replacement by basic atoms or radicals, in forming salts; bibasic; -- said of acids, as oxalic or sulphuric acids. Cf. Diacid, Bibasic. + dispossessed imp.|p.p. of Dispossess + dotardly a. Foolish; weak. + dulcite n. A white, sugarlike substance, C6H8.(OH)2, occurring naturally in a manna from Madagascar, and in certain plants, and produced artificially by the reduction of galactose and lactose or milk sugar. + deprecatory a. Serving to deprecate; tending to remove or avert evil by prayer; apologetic. + dinaphthyl n. A colorless, crystalline hydrocarbon, C20H14, obtained from naphthylene, and consisting of a doubled naphthylene radical. + deceptively adv. In a manner to deceive. + d The nominal of the second tone in the model major scale (that in C), or of the fourth tone in the relative minor scale of C (that in A minor), or of the key tone in the relative minor of F. + diallyl n. A volatile, pungent, liquid hydrocarbon, C6H10, consisting of two allyl radicals, and belonging to the acetylene series. + disvelop v.t. To develop. + designer n. A plotter; a schemer; -- used in a bad sense. + darkful a. Full of darkness. + dismantle v.t. To disable; to render useless. + distraction n. Derangement of the mind; madness. + dreadfully adv. In a dreadful manner; terribly. + discretely adv. Separately; disjunctively. + diagnosis n. Critical perception or scrutiny; judgment based on such scrutiny; esp., perception of, or judgment concerning, motives and character. + direction n. The name and residence of a person to whom any thing is sent, written upon the thing sent; superscription; address; as, the direction of a letter. + determination n. The act of determining, or the state of being determined. + dominie n. A schoolmaster; a pedagogue. + decline v.i. To turn away; to shun; to refuse; -- the opposite of accept or consent; as, he declined, upon principle. + drivebolt n. A drift; a tool for setting bolts home. + denominationalist n. One imbued with a denominational spirit. + discourager n. One who discourages. + dried imp.|p.p. of Day. Also adj.; as, dried apples. + decamped imp.|p.p. of Decamp + dermoptera n.pl. A group of lemuroid mammals having a parachutelike web of skin between the fore and hind legs, of which the colugo (Galeopithecus) is the type. See Colugo. + decursively adv. In a decursive manner. + dodecagon n. A figure or polygon bounded by twelve sides and containing twelve angles. + dependable a. Worthy of being depended on; trustworthy. + denizen v.t. To constitute (one) a denizen; to admit to residence, with certain rights and privileges. + dissyllabic a. Consisting of two syllables only; as, a dissyllabic foot in poetry. + dendrologous a. Relating to dendrology. + drive v.i. To be forced along; to be impelled; to be moved by any physical force or agent; to be driven. + ditch v.i. To dig a ditch or ditches. + driver n. A crossbar on a grinding mill spindle to drive the upper stone. + disorganized imp.|p.p. of Disorganize + dilatator n. A muscle which dilates any part; a dilator. + distemperately adv. Unduly. + disorderly a. Not in order; marked by disorder; disarranged; immethodical; as, the books and papers are in a disorderly state. + demoniasm n. See Demonianism. + dole n. Alms; charitable gratuity or portion. + barrelled a. Having two barrels; -- applied to a gun. + diapason n. The octave, or interval which includes all the tones of the diatonic scale. + desirability n. The state or quality of being desirable; desirableness. + dilatorily adv. With delay; tardily. + disterminate a. Separated by bounds. + decimosexto a. Having sixteen leaves to a sheet; as, a decimosexto form, book, leaf, size. + detectible a. Capable of being detected or found out; as, parties not detectable. + doat v.i. See Dote. + dahabeah n. A Nile boat constructed on the model of a floating house, having large lateen sails. + discretionarily adv. At discretion; according to one's discretion or judgment. + divedapper n. A water fowl; the didapper. See Dabchick. + democratic a. Befitting the common people; -- opposed to aristocratic. + drinking n. The practice of partaking to excess of intoxicating liquors. + dun v.t. To cure, as codfish, in a particular manner, by laying them, after salting, in a pile in a dark place, covered with salt grass or some like substance. + disfurnishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disfurnish + diisatogen n. A red crystalline nitrogenous substance or artificial production, which by reduction passes directly to indigo. + deliveries pl. of Delivery + deflect v.i. To turn aside; to deviate from a right or a horizontal line, or from a proper position, course or direction; to swerve. + determine v.t. To ascertain the presence, quantity, or amount of; as, to determine the parallax; to determine the salt in sea water. + daddy longlegs An arachnidan of the genus Phalangium, and allied genera, having a small body and four pairs of long legs; -- called also harvestman, carter, and grandfather longlegs. + drummer n. One whose office is to best the drum, as in military exercises and marching. + dika n. A kind of food, made from the almondlike seeds of the Irvingia Barteri, much used by natives of the west coast of Africa; -- called also dika bread. + denay n. Denial; refusal. + devil n. A dish, as a bone with the meat, broiled and excessively peppered; a grill with Cayenne pepper. + dill a. To still; to calm; to soothe, as one in pain. + destruction n. The act of destroying; a tearing down; a bringing to naught; subversion; demolition; ruin; slaying; devastation. + delude v.t. To lead from truth or into error; to mislead the mind or judgment of; to beguile; to impose on; to dupe; to make a fool of. + discipline n. Subjection to rule; submissiveness to order and control; habit of obedience. + drop v.i. To be deep in extent; to descend perpendicularly; as, her main topsail drops seventeen yards. + dromedaries pl. of Dromedary + devest v.i. To be taken away, lost, or alienated, as a title or an estate. + dactyliography n. The art of writing or engraving upon gems. + doctrine n. That which is taught; what is held, put forth as true, and supported by a teacher, a school, or a sect; a principle or position, or the body of principles, in any branch of knowledge; any tenet or dogma; a principle of faith; as, the doctrine of atoms; the doctrine of chances. + drawingroom n. A room appropriated for the reception of company; a room to which company withdraws from the dining room. + discriminous a. Hazardous; dangerous. + delivering p.pr.|vb.n. of Deliver + drawn p.p. of Draw + dent n. A slight depression, or small notch or hollow, made by a blow or by pressure; an indentation. + detainder n. A writ. See Detinue. + dilapidated imp.|p.p. of Dilapidate + disinuring p.pr.|vb.n. of Disinure + derivate a. Derived; derivative. + diurnalness n. The quality of being diurnal. + dispirit v.t. To deprive of cheerful spirits; to depress the spirits of; to dishearten; to discourage. + diminish v.t. To take away; to subtract. + dismask v.t. To divest of a mask. + dosser n. A pannier, or basket. + dawdle v.i. To waste time in trifling employment; to trifle; to saunter. + differ v.i. To have a difference, cause of variance, or quarrel; to dispute; to contend. + disseminate v.t.|i. To spread or extend by dispersion. + demissly adv. In a humble manner. + ditched imp.|p.p. of Ditch + designation n. Use or application; import; intention; signification, as of a word or phrase. + divident n. Dividend; share. + dern n. A gatepost or doorpost. + disenrolled imp.|p.p. of Disenroll + dispunge v.t. To expunge; to erase. + dotterel v.i. A European bird of the Plover family (Eudromias, / Charadrius, morinellus). It is tame and easily taken, and is popularly believed to imitate the movements of the fowler. + display n. An opening or unfolding; exhibition; manifestation. + dilatation n. The act of dilating; expansion; an enlarging on al/ sides; the state of being dilated; dilation. + denominate v.t. To give a name to; to characterize by an epithet; to entitle; to name; to designate. + definitive n. A word used to define or limit the extent of the signification of a common noun, such as the definite article, and some pronouns. + dietical a. Dietetic. + depolarized imp.|p.p. of Depolarize + duncery n. Dullness; stupidity. + disarray n. Want of array or regular order; disorder; confusion. + diffluent a. Flowing apart or off; dissolving; not fixed. + devil bird n. A small water bird. See Dabchick. + demideify v.t. To deify in part. + drivel n. A driveler; a fool; an idiot. + divorced imp.|p.p. of Divorce + democracy n. Collectively, the people, regarded as the source of government. + devoutless a. Destitute of devotion. + do v.t.auxiliary To place; to put. + divineness n. The quality of being divine; superhuman or supreme excellence. + dissocial v.t. Unfriendly to society; contracted; selfish; as, dissocial feelings. + dabble v.i. To work in slight or superficial manner; to do in a small way; to tamper; to meddle. + drove n. A narrow drain or channel used in the irrigation of land. + daphnia n. A genus of the genus Daphnia. + danalite n. A mineral occuring in octahedral crystals, also massive, of a reddish color. It is a silicate of iron, zinc manganese, and glucinum, containing sulphur. + distill n.|v To flow gently, or in a small stream. + dilemma n. An argument which presents an antagonist with two or more alternatives, but is equally conclusive against him, whichever alternative he chooses. + detergent n. A substance which cleanses the skin, as water or soap; a medicine to cleanse wounds, ulcers, etc. + doom v.t. Ruin; death. + democracies pl. of Democracy + delaware n. An American grape, with compact bunches of small, amber-colored berries, sweet and of a good flavor. + disaster n. An unpropitious or baleful aspect of a planet or star; malevolent influence of a heavenly body; hence, an ill portent. + deliver v.t. To give or transfer; to yield possession or control of; to part with (to); to make over; to commit; to surrender; to resign; -- often with up or over, to or into. + dwarfing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dwarf + dietary a. Pertaining to diet, or to the rules of diet. + dustless a. Without dust; as a dustless path. + density n. The ratio of mass, or quantity of matter, to bulk or volume, esp. as compared with the mass and volume of a portion of some substance used as a standard. + dishonor v.t. To violate the chastity of; to debauch. + deccapodous a. Belonging to the decapods; having ten feet; ten-footed. + diffine v.t. To define. + disfigured imp.|p.p. of Disfigure + deuce n. The devil; a demon. + dorsimeson n. (Anat.) See Meson. + dislike v.t. To awaken dislike in; to displease. + digestedly adv. In a digested or well-arranged manner; methodically. + devirginate v.t. To deprive of virginity; to deflour. + dandler n. One who dandles or fondles. + drawboy n. A boy who operates the harness cords of a hand loom; also, a part of power loom that performs the same office. + demurrer n. One who demurs. + doyly n. See Doily. + dacotahs n.pl. Same as Dacotas. + dative a. Noting the case of a noun which expresses the remoter object, and is generally indicated in English by to or for with the objective. + destituteness n. Destitution. + drake n. The male of the duck kind. + dilapidator n. One who causes dilapidation. + didelphian a. Of or relating to the Didelphia. + disband v.t. To loose the bands of; to set free; to disunite; to scatter; to disperse; to break up the organization of; especially, to dismiss from military service; as, to disband an army. + dichotomy n. A cutting in two; a division. + dangerless a. Free from danger. + disrespect n. Want of respect or reverence; disesteem; incivility; discourtesy. + doubtless adv. Undoubtedly; without doubt. + demigroat n. A half groat. + democratism n. The principles or spirit of a democracy. + difference n. That by which one thing differs from another; that which distinguishes or causes to differ; mark of distinction; characteristic quality; specific attribute. + dexterous a. Ready and expert in the use of the body and limbs; skillful and active with the hands; handy; ready; as, a dexterous hand; a dexterous workman. + dissolubleness n. The quality of being dissoluble; dissolubility. + dialogue n. A written composition in which two or more persons are represented as conversing or reasoning on some topic; as, the Dialogues of Plato. + dotage v.i. Foolish utterance; drivel. + doubtance n. State of being in doubt; uncertainty; doubt. + declination n. The act of inflecting a word; declension. See Decline, v. t., 4. + dimorphous a. Crystallizing under two forms fundamentally different, while having the same chemical composition. + dowel v.t. To fasten together by dowels; to furnish with dowels; as, a cooper dowels pieces for the head of a cask. + delegation n. A kind of novation by which a debtor, to be liberated from his creditor, gives him a third person, who becomes obliged in his stead to the creditor, or to the person appointed by him. + donatory n. A donee of the crown; one the whom, upon certain condition, escheated property is made over. + disembroil v.t. To disentangle; to free from perplexity; to extricate from confusion. + drosky n. A low, four-wheeled, open carriage, used in Russia, consisting of a kind of long, narrow bench, on which the passengers ride as on a saddle, with their feet reaching nearly to the ground. Other kinds of vehicles are now so called, esp. a kind of victoria drawn by one or two horses, and used as a public carriage in German cities. + downright adv. Straight down; perpendicularly. + difform a. Irregular in form; -- opposed to uniform; anomalous; hence, unlike; dissimilar; as, to difform corolla, the parts of which do not correspond in size or proportion; difform leaves. + derided imp.|p.p. of Deride + doubtful a. Admitting of doubt; not obvious, clear, or certain; questionable; not decided; not easy to be defined, classed, or named; as, a doubtful case, hue, claim, title, species, and the like. + dependence n. A resting with confidence; reliance; trust. + dephlegm v.t. To rid of phlegm or water; to dephlegmate. + doubtable a. Capable of being doubted; questionable. + delineating p.pr.|vb.n. of Delineate + diversely adv. In different directions; to different points. + dryfoot n. The scent of the game, as far as it can be traced. + distill v.t. To dissolve or melt. + divergence n. Alt. of Divergency + dying a. Of or pertaining to dying or death; as, dying bed; dying day; dying words; also, simulating a dying state. + ductible a. Capable of being drawn out + despite n. An act of malice, hatred, or defiance; contemptuous defiance; a deed of contempt. + diluvium n. A deposit of superficial loam, sand, gravel, stones, etc., caused by former action of flowing waters, or the melting of glacial ice. + deutohydroguret n. A compound containing in the molecule two atoms of hydrogen united with some other element or radical. + dermopteran n. An insect which has the anterior pair of wings coriaceous, and does not use them in flight, as the earwig. + dulciloquy n. A soft manner of speaking. + determine v.t. To fix the course of; to impel and direct; -- with a remoter object preceded by to; as, another's will determined me to this course. + discost v.i. Same as Discoast. + dwindle n. The process of dwindling; dwindlement; decline; degeneracy. + drollery n. A puppet show; also, a puppet. + detail n. To tell off or appoint for a particular service, as an officer, a troop, or a squadron. + disgustfulness n. The state of being disgustful. + diffident a. Wanting confidence in others; distrustful. + damasse n. A damasse fabric, esp. one of linen. + drone fly A dipterous insect (Eristalis tenax), resembling the drone bee. See Eristalis. + disgorge v.t. To give up unwillingly as what one has wrongfully seized and appropriated; to make restitution of; to surrender; as, he was compelled to disgorge his ill-gotten gains. + delicate a. Light, or softly tinted; -- said of a color; as, a delicate blue. + decretion n. A decrease. + dithyrambus n. See Dithyramb. + detuncate v.t. To shorten by cutting; to cut off; to lop off. + disaster v.t. To bring harm upon; to injure. + downright adv. Without delay; at once; completely. + demirilievo n. A work of sculpture of the above character. See Alto-rilievo. + doggedly adv. In a dogged manner; sullenly; with obstinate resolution. + disembowel v.t. To take or draw from the body, as the web of a spider. + diaphoretical a. Having the power to increase perspiration. + domine n. A West Indian fish (Epinula magistralis), of the family Trichiuridae. It is a long-bodied, voracious fish. + dogfish n. The burbot of Lake Erie. + decrepitating p.pr.|vb.n. of Decrepitate + discard v.t. To put or thrust away; to reject. + draught n. Act of drawing a net; a sweeping the water for fish. + dialogical a. Relating to a dialogue; dialogistical. + disaccord v.i. To refuse to assent. + depilatory n. An application used to take off hair. + dynasty n. Sovereignty; lordship; dominion. + diureide n. One of a series of complex nitrogenous substances regarded as containing two molecules of urea or their radicals, as uric acid or allantoin. Cf. Ureide. + defrauded imp.|p.p. of Defraud + data pl. of Datum + define v.t. To determine the precise signification of; to fix the meaning of; to describe accurately; to explain; to expound or interpret; as, to define a word, a phrase, or a scientific term. + defilading p.pr.|vb.n. of Defilade + doublehung a. Having both sashes hung with weights and cords; -- said of a window. + discradle v.t. To take from a cradle. + dorsiferous Bearing, or producing, on the back; -- applied to ferns which produce seeds on the back of the leaf, and to certain Batrachia, the ova of which become attached to the skin of the back of the parent, where they develop; dorsiparous. + doweling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dowel + disgrade v.t. To degrade. + distrain v.t. To subject to distress; to coerce; as, to distrain a person by his goods and chattels. + drib v.t.|i. To shoot (a shaft) so as to pierce on the descent. + daunt v.t. To overcome; to conquer. + devolute v.t. To devolve. + downfall n. A sudden fall; a body of things falling. + degradement n. Deprivation of rank or office; degradation. + date n. Given or assigned length of life; dyration. + designated imp.|p.p. of Designate + delicacy a. Pleasure; gratification; delight. + damning p.pr.|vb.n. of Damn + discern v.i. To see or understand the difference; to make distinction; as, to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood. + deformed a. Unnatural or distorted in form; having a deformity; misshapen; disfigured; as, a deformed person; a deformed head. + deal n. Specifically: To distribute, as cards, to the players at the commencement of a game; as, to deal the cards; to deal one a jack. + dayfly n. A neuropterous insect of the genus Ephemera and related genera, of many species, and inhabiting fresh water in the larval state; the ephemeral fly; -- so called because it commonly lives but one day in the winged or adult state. See Ephemeral fly, under Ephemeral. + dispensaries pl. of Dispensary + defacing p.pr.|vb.n. of Deface + debtee n. One to whom a debt is due; creditor; -- correlative to debtor. + doublethreaded a. Consisting of two threads twisted together; using two threads. + drivelled of Drivel + distorting p.pr.|vb.n. of Distort + dimmed imp.|p.p. of Dim + defalcator n. A defaulter or embezzler. + disunionist n. An advocate of disunion, specifically, of disunion of the United States. + demand v.t. A thing or amount claimed to be due. + decay v.i. To pass gradually from a sound, prosperous, or perfect state, to one of imperfection, adversity, or dissolution; to waste away; to decline; to fail; to become weak, corrupt, or disintegrated; to rot; to perish; as, a tree decays; fortunes decay; hopes decay. + dimple n. A slight indentation on any surface. + deaconess n. A female deacon + despiteful a. Full of despite; expressing malice or contemptuous hate; malicious. + dinner n. The principal meal of the day, eaten by most people about midday, but by many (especially in cities) at a later hour. + debonairity n. Debonairness. + draught n. The act of moving loads by drawing, as by beasts of burden, and the like. + durous a. Hard. + determinacy n. Determinateness. + dewiness n. State of being dewy. + detur n. A present of books given to a meritorious undergraduate student as a prize. + dumple v.t. To make dumpy; to fold, or bend, as one part over another. + demand v.t. Earnest inquiry; question; query. + differing p.pr.|vb.n. of Differ + doctor n. An academical title, originally meaning a men so well versed in his department as to be qualified to teach it. Hence: One who has taken the highest degree conferred by a university or college, or has received a diploma of the highest degree; as, a doctor of divinity, of law, of medicine, of music, or of philosophy. Such diplomas may confer an honorary title only. + deny v.i. To answer in /// negative; to declare an assertion not to be true. + depart n. A going away; departure; hence, death. + dietic a. Dietetic. + distinct v.t. To distinguish. + docibleness n. Aptness for being taught; teachableness; docility. + disendowment n. The act of depriving of an endowment or endowments. + doublequick v.i.|t. To move, or cause to move, in double-quick time. + dop n. A dip; a low courtesy. + dusky a. Tending to blackness in color; partially black; dark-colored; not bright; as, a dusky brown. + disavowal n. The act of disavowing, disclaiming, or disowning; rejection and denial. + didactic n. A treatise on teaching or education. + deporting p.pr.|vb.n. of Deport + draggletail n. A slattern who suffers her gown to trail in the mire; a drabble-tail. + deflouring p.pr.|vb.n. of Deflour + direction n. The line or course upon which anything is moving or aimed to move, or in which anything is lying or pointing; aim; line or point of tendency; direct line or course; as, the ship sailed in a southeasterly direction. + droh imp. of Draw. + disprove v.t. To prove to be false or erroneous; to confute; to refute. + dysuric a. Pertaining to, or afflicted with, dysury. + dozens pl. of Dozen + deathfulness n. Appearance of death. + debouching p.pr.|vb.n. of Debouch + draught n. A sudden attack or drawing upon an enemy. + dishallow v.t. To make unholy; to profane. + devitrification n. The act or process of devitrifying, or the state of being devitrified. Specifically, the conversion of molten glassy matter into a stony mass by slow cooling, the result being the formation of crystallites, microbites, etc., in the glassy base, which are then called devitrification products. + duodenal a. Of or pertaining to the duodenum; as, duodenal digestion. + defensible a. Capable of being defended; as, a defensible city, or a defensible cause. + dislocation n. The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced. + draff n. The act of drawing; also, the thing drawn. Same as Draught. + dowset n. A custard. + deyntee n.|a. See Dainty. + danced imp.|p.p. of Dance + dolabra n. A rude ancient ax or hatchet, seen in museums. + dentelle n. An ornamental tooling like lace. + defensibility n. Capability of being defended. + doubling n. The lining of the mantle borne about the shield or escutcheon. + depress v.t. To reduce (an equation) in a lower degree. + doubletongue n. Deceit; duplicity. + demigorge n. Half the gorge, or entrance into a bastion, taken from the angle of the flank to the center of the bastion. + defoul v.t. To make foul; to defile. + disavowance n. Disavowal. + dichloride n. Same as Bichloride. + doublebarreled a. Alt. of -barrelled + disaffirm v.t. To assert the contrary of; to contradict; to deny; -- said of that which has been asserted. + distance n. Length or interval of time; period, past or future, between two eras or events. + descensory n. A vessel used in alchemy to extract oils. + decolorant n. A substance which removes color, or bleaches. + discordant n. Said of strata which lack conformity in direction of bedding, either as in unconformability, or as caused by a fault. + distent n. Breadth. + distance n. Relative space, between troops in ranks, measured from front to rear; -- contrasted with interval, which is measured from right to left. + dome n. A prism formed by planes parallel to a lateral axis which meet above in a horizontal edge, like the roof of a house; also, one of the planes of such a form. + dwaul v.i. Alt. of Dwaule + deluged imp.|p.p. of Deluge + doorsill n. The sill or threshold of a door. + drawer n. One who, or that which, draws + dared imp.|p.p. of Dare + dysphoria n. Impatience under affliction; morbid restlessness; dissatisfaction; the fidgets. + doctor n. A teacher; one skilled in a profession, or branch of knowledge learned man. + dermophyte n. A dermatophyte. + demobilize v.t. To disorganize, or disband and send home, as troops which have been mobilized. + darling a. Dearly beloved; regarded with especial kindness and tenderness; favorite. + deoppilative a.|n. Deobstruent; aperient. + disrober n. One who, or that which, disrobes. + drowsihead n. Drowsiness. + deserved imp.|p.p. of Deserve + dishonor v.t. To refuse or decline to accept or pay; -- said of a bill, check, note, or draft which is due or presented; as, to dishonor a bill exchange. + dot v.t. To mark or diversify with small detached objects; as, a landscape dotted with cottages. + decimosexto n. A book consisting of sheets, each of which is folded into sixteen leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of book; -- usually written 16mo or 16°. + duplicating p.pr.|vb.n. of Duplicate + drolleries pl. of Drollery + demandress n. A woman who demands. + dowered p.a. Furnished with, or as with, dower or a marriage portion. + deathbed n. The bed in which a person dies; hence, the closing hours of life of one who dies by sickness or the like; the last sickness. + dolorous a. Full of grief; sad; sorrowful; doleful; dismal; as, a dolorous object; dolorous discourses. + dissolvent n. That which has the power of dissolving or melting other substances, esp. by mixture with them; a menstruum; a solvent. + dwarfed imp.|p.p. of Dwarf + donkeys pl. of Donkey + disband v.t. To divorce. + daint a. Dainty. + demise v.t. To convey; to give. + depraved imp.|p.p. of Deprave + domino n. A mourning veil formerly worn by women. + disafforested imp.|p.p. of Disafforest + defectuosity n. Great imperfection. + duodecimos pl. of Duodecimo + disharmony n. Want of harmony; discord; incongruity. + droughtiness n. A state of dryness of the weather; want of rain. + dugway n. A way or road dug through a hill, or sunk below the surface of the land. + dryfisted a. Niggardly. + defectious a. Having defects; imperfect. + delinquency n. Failure or omission of duty; a fault; a misdeed; an offense; a misdemeanor; a crime. + delibrated imp.|p.p. of Delibrate + dark v.t. To darken to obscure. + drawplate n. A hardened steel plate having a hole, or a gradation of conical holes, through which wires are drawn to be reduced and elongated. + descent n. A passing from a higher to a lower tone. + doublet a. A word or words unintentionally doubled or set up a second time. + dorsad adv. Toward the dorsum or back; on the dorsal side; dorsally. + diesinking n. The process of engraving dies. + dais n. A platform slightly raised above the floor of a hall or large room, giving distinction to the table and seats placed upon it for the chief guests. + dominion n. Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; independent right of possession, use, and control; sovereignty; supremacy. + doryphora n. A genus of plant-eating beetles, including the potato beetle. See Potato beetle. + drugging p.pr.|vb.n. of Drug + drum v.i. To go about, as a drummer does, to gather recruits, to draw or secure partisans, customers, etc,; -- with for. + discoursing p.pr.|vb.n. of Discourse + doublehearted a. Having a false heart; deceitful; treacherous. + doxies pl. of Doxy + dispense v.t. To deal out in portions; to distribute; to give; as, the steward dispenses provisions according directions; Nature dispenses her bounties; to dispense medicines. + decisive a. Having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy; putting an end to contest or controversy; final; conclusive. + dissipation n. A dissolute course of life, in which health, money, etc., are squandered in pursuit of pleasure; profuseness in vicious indulgence, as late hours, riotous living, etc.; dissoluteness. + dragonet n. A little dragon. + descendibility n. The quality of being descendible; capability of being transmitted from ancestors; as, the descendibility of an estate. + deathward adv. Toward death. + dote v.i. To be excessively or foolishly fond; to love to excess; to be weakly affectionate; -- with on or upon; as, the mother dotes on her child. + draw v.t. To cause to move continuously by force applied in advance of the thing moved; to pull along; to haul; to drag; to cause to follow. + diselenide n. A selenide containing two atoms of selenium in each molecule. + depression n. The state of being depressed; a sinking. + damask n. A heavy woolen or worsted stuff with a pattern woven in the same way as the linen damask; -- made for furniture covering and hangings. + desirousness n. The state of being desirous. + dock v.t. To draw, law, or place (a ship) in a dock, for repairing, cleaning the bottom, etc. + dovers powder A powder of ipecac and opium, compounded, in the United States, with sugar of milk, but in England (as formerly in the United States) with sulphate of potash, and in France (as in Dr. Dover's original prescription) with nitrate and sulphate of potash and licorice. It is an anodyne diaphoretic. + draughted imp.|p.p. of Draught + desilverize v.t. To deprive, or free from, silver; to remove silver from. + decapod n. A crustacean with ten feet or legs, as a crab; one of the Decapoda. Also used adjectively. + disperse v.t. To scatter, so as to cause to vanish; to dissipate; as, to disperse vapors. + dishonorary a. Bringing dishonor on; tending to disgrace; lessening reputation. + dess n. Dais. + distillation n. That which falls in drops. + depainted imp.|p.p. of Depaint + dolittle n. One who performs little though professing much. + doegling n. The beaked whale (Balaenoptera rostrata), from which doegling oil is obtained. + dissyllabification n. A forming into two syllables. + differentiate v.t. To express the specific difference of; to describe the properties of (a thing) whereby it is differenced from another of the same class; to discriminate. + discrete v.t. To separate. + diffidence n. The state of being diffident; distrust; want of confidence; doubt of the power, ability, or disposition of others. + dominion n. A supposed high order of angels; dominations. See Domination, 3. + drab n. A lewd wench; a strumpet. + diffluency n. A flowing off on all sides; fluidity. + distress n. That which occasions suffering; painful situation; misfortune; affliction; misery. + diatonically adv. In a diatonic manner. + dormer window n. A window pierced in a roof, and so set as to be vertical while the roof slopes away from it. Also, the gablet, or houselike structure, in which it is contained. + dogtooth n. See Canine tooth, under Canine. + daguerrean a. Alt. of Daguerreian + drove n. The grooved surface of stone finished by the drove chisel; -- called also drove work. + dry superl. Characterized by a quality somewhat severe, grave, or hard; hence, sharp; keen; shrewd; quaint; as, a dry tone or manner; dry wit. + dissonant a. Disagreeing; incongruous; discrepant, -- with from or to. + dipper n. One who, or that which, dips; especially, a vessel used to dip water or other liquid; a ladle. + derdoing v.t. Doing daring or chivalrous deeds. + digestibility n. The quality of being digestible. + dactylotheca n. The scaly covering of the toes, as in birds. + downstream adv. Down the stream; as, floating downstream. + deadened imp.|p.p. of Deaden + devexity a. A bending downward; a sloping; incurvation downward; declivity. + disturbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disturb + dash n. Violent striking together of two bodies; collision; crash. + defecator n. That which cleanses or purifies; esp., an apparatus for removing the feculencies of juices and sirups. + dummy n. An imitation or copy of something, to be used as a substitute; a model; a lay figure; as, a figure on which clothing is exhibited in shop windows; a blank paper copy used to show the size of the future book, etc. + dachshund n. One of a breed of small dogs with short crooked legs, and long body; -- called also badger dog. There are two kinds, the rough-haired and the smooth-haired. + dethronization n. Dethronement. + drawhead n. The flanged outer end of a drawbar; also, a name applied to the drawgear. + dentiphone n. An instrument which, placed against the teeth, conveys sound to the auditory nerve; an audiphone. + diarrhetic a. Alt. of Diarrhoetic + drift v.i. to make a drift; to examine a vein or ledge for the purpose of ascertaining the presence of metals or ores; to follow a vein; to prospect. + distemper v.t. Morbid temper of the mind; undue predominance of a passion or appetite; mental derangement; bad temper; ill humor. + din n. To utter with a din; to repeat noisily; to ding. + dutied a. Subjected to a duty. + dolcemente adv. Softly; sweetly; with soft, smooth, and delicate execution. + dulwilly n. The ring plover. + disagree v.i. To differ in opinion; to hold discordant views; to be at controversy; to quarrel. + diminutively adv. In a diminutive manner. + dryas n. A dryad. + dissection n. The act of dissecting an animal or plant; as, dissection of the human body was held sacrilege till the time of Francis I. + doubt v.i. To waver in opinion or judgment; to be in uncertainty as to belief respecting anything; to hesitate in belief; to be undecided as to the truth of the negative or the affirmative proposition; to b e undetermined. + diabetical a. Pertaining to diabetes; as, diabetic or diabetical treatment. + dread a. Exciting great fear or apprehension; causing terror; frightful; dreadful. + disunion n. The termination or disruption of the union of the States forming the United States. + down prep. A road for shipping in the English Channel or Straits of Dover, near Deal, employed as a naval rendezvous in time of war. + disdained imp.|p.p. of Disdain + determinability n. The quality of being determinable; determinableness. + disacidify v.t. To free from acid. + ditty v.t. A song; a lay; a little poem intended to be sung. + disposition n. Tendency to any action or state resulting from natural constitution; nature; quality; as, a disposition in plants to grow in a direction upward; a disposition in bodies to putrefaction. + divorcing p.pr.|vb.n. of Divorce + dampish a. Moderately damp or moist. + delinquently adv. So as to fail in duty. + divide v.i. To be separated; to part; to open; to go asunder. + digerent Digesting. + dominative a. Governing; ruling; imperious. + deary n. A dear; a darling. + detrimentalness n. The quality of being detrimental; injuriousness. + disconsolate v.t. Inspiring dejection; saddening; cheerless; as, the disconsolate darkness of the winter nights. + disfeature v.t. To deprive of features; to mar the features of. + dace n. A small European cyprinoid fish (Squalius leuciscus or Leuciscus vulgaris); -- called also dare. + desolate a. Laid waste; in a ruinous condition; neglected; destroyed; as, desolate altars. + dipodies pl. of Dipody + dictionalrian n. A lexicographer. + diameter n. The distance through the lower part of the shaft of a column, used as a standard measure for all parts of the order. See Module. + discipline n. The subject matter of instruction; a branch of knowledge. + deprecated imp.|p.p. of Deprecate + debauchedness n. The state of being debauched; intemperance. + decern v.t. To perceive, discern, or decide. + drill v.t. To train in the military art; to exercise diligently, as soldiers, in military evolutions and exercises; hence, to instruct thoroughly in the rudiments of any art or branch of knowledge; to discipline. + depatriate v.t.|i. To withdraw, or cause to withdraw, from one's country; to banish. + dueness n. Quality of being due; debt; what is due or becoming. + describe v.i. To use the faculty of describing; to give a description; as, Milton describes with uncommon force and beauty. + dalmatian a. Of or pertaining to Dalmatia. + dear superl. Hence, close to the heart; heartfelt; present in mind; engaging the attention. + dense a. Stupid; gross; crass; as, dense ignorance. + deflagrator n. A form of the voltaic battery having large plates, used for producing rapid and powerful combustion. + despisable a. Despicable; contemptible. + deictically adv. In a manner to show or point out; directly; absolutely; definitely. + drooper n. One who, or that which, droops. + dribble v.i. To slaver, as a child or an idiot; to drivel. + disinterestedness n. The state or quality of being disinterested; impartiality. + damp n. A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pints, etc. + dally v.i. To interchange caresses, especially with one of the opposite sex; to use fondling; to wanton; to sport. + desk n. A reading table or lectern to support the book from which the liturgical service is read, differing from the pulpit from which the sermon is preached; also (esp. in the United States), a pulpit. Hence, used symbolically for "the clerical profession." + dark a. Destitute, or partially destitute, of light; not receiving, reflecting, or radiating light; wholly or partially black, or of some deep shade of color; not light-colored; as, a dark room; a dark day; dark cloth; dark paint; a dark complexion. + darby n. A plasterer's float, having two handles; -- used in smoothing ceilings, etc. + dean n. A registrar or secretary of the faculty in a department of a college, as in a medical, or theological, or scientific department. + discredit v.t. To deprive of credit or good repute; to bring reproach upon; to make less reputable; to disgrace. + do n. A cheat; a swindle. + drecche v.i. To delay. + drop n. To lower, as a curtain, or the muzzle of a gun, etc. + demur v.i. To linger; to stay; to tarry. + docquet n.|v. See Docket. + dovesfoot n. A small annual species of Geranium, native in England; -- so called from the shape of the leaf. + declinal a. Declining; sloping. + disfriar v.t. To depose or withdraw from the condition of a friar. + dribble v.i. To fall in drops or small drops, or in a quick succession of drops; as, water dribbles from the eaves. + deconcoct v.t. To decompose. + diptych n. A double catalogue, containing in one part the names of living, and in the other of deceased, ecclesiastics and benefactors of the church; a catalogue of saints. + droughty a. Dry; thirsty; wanting drink. + disposed imp.|p.p. of Dispose + danish a. Belonging to the Danes, or to their language or country. + delphine a. Pertaining to the dauphin of France; as, the Delphin classics, an edition of the Latin classics, prepared in the reign of Louis XIV., for the use of the dauphin (in usum Delphini). + dede a. Dead. + dilucidate v.t. To elucidate. + delphinine n. A poisonous alkaloid extracted from the stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria), as a colorless amorphous powder. + design v.i. To form a design or designs; to plan. + dracontine a. Belonging to a dragon. + direct a. Immediate; express; plain; unambiguous. + distort v.t. To wrest from the true meaning; to pervert; as, to distort passages of Scripture, or their meaning. + deputies pl. of Deputy + dvergr n. A dwarf supposed to dwell in rocks and hills and to be skillful in working metals. + drift n. The act or motion of drifting; the force which impels or drives; an overpowering influence or impulse. + domicile v.t. To establish in a fixed residence, or a residence that constitutes habitancy; to domiciliate. + deterred imp.|p.p. of Deter + disclose v.t. To make known, as that which has been kept secret or hidden; to reveal; to expose; as, events have disclosed his designs. + disband v.i. To become separated, broken up, dissolved, or scattered; especially, to quit military service by breaking up organization. + datiscin n. A white crystalline glucoside extracted from the bastard hemp (Datisca cannabina). + dyadic a. Pertaining to the number two; of two parts or elements. + danegeld n. Alt. of Danegelt + dispurse v.t. To disburse. + dentirostres pl. of Dentiroster + dependency n. A territory remote from the kingdom or state to which it belongs, but subject to its dominion; a colony; as, Great Britain has its dependencies in Asia, Africa, and America. + disarranged imp.|p.p. of Disarrange + destructive n. One who destroys; a radical reformer; a destructionist. + departer n. One who departs. + dock n. The slip or water way extending between two piers or projecting wharves, for the reception of ships; -- sometimes including the piers themselves; as, to be down on the dock. + desight n. An unsightly object. + deuteropathic a. Pertaining to deuteropathy; of the nature of deuteropathy. + disempower v.t. To deprive of power; to divest of strength. + decrew v.i. To decrease. + dipper n. The American dipper or ouzel (Cinclus Mexicanus). + desquamation n. The separation or shedding of the cuticle or epidermis in the form of flakes or scales; exfoliation, as of bones. + deceased imp.|p.p. of Decease + damp n. To render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; to dampen; as, to damp cloth. + deference n. A yielding of judgment or preference from respect to the wishes or opinion of another; submission in opinion; regard; respect; complaisance. + dichotomize v.t. To exhibit as a half disk. See Dichotomy, 3. + despited imp.|p.p. of Despite + dispansion n. Act of dispanding, or state of being dispanded. + dole v.t. To deal out in small portions; to distribute, as a dole; to deal out scantily or grudgingly. + ditching p.pr.|vb.n. of Ditch + disanimation n. Privation of life. + disinterestedly adv. In a disinterested manner; without bias or prejudice. + depression n. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness. + dunbird n. An American duck; the ruddy duck. + disheir v.t. To disinherit. + disceptation n. Controversy; disputation; discussion. + dart v.i. To fly or pass swiftly, as a dart. + dispeopled imp.|p.p. of Dispeople + deserve v.i. To be worthy of recompense; -- usually with ill or with well. + disputation v.i. The act of disputing; a reasoning or argumentation in opposition to something, or on opposite sides; controversy in words; verbal contest respecting the truth of some fact, opinion, proposition, or argument. + demonic a. Of or pertaining to a demon or to demons; demoniac. + defined imp.|p.p. of Define + director n. A slender grooved instrument upon which a knife is made to slide when it is wished to limit the extent of motion of the latter, or prevent its injuring the parts beneath. + disaffirmance n. The act of disaffirming; denial; negation. + dissent v.i. To differ from an established church in regard to doctrines, rites, or government. + decocted imp.|p.p. of Decoct + dig v.t. A plodding and laborious student. + die v.i. To pass from an animate to a lifeless state; to cease to live; to suffer a total and irreparable loss of action of the vital functions; to become dead; to expire; to perish; -- said of animals and vegetables; often with of, by, with, from, and rarely for, before the cause or occasion of death; as, to die of disease or hardships; to die by fire or the sword; to die with horror at the thought. + driver n. An attachment to a lathe, spindle, or face plate to turn a carrier. + dawn n. First opening or expansion; first appearance; beginning; rise. + devolution n. Transference from one person to another; a passing or devolving upon a successor. + dilatoriness n. The quality of being dilatory; lateness; slowness; tardiness; sluggishness. + depress v.t. To press down; to cause to sink; to let fall; to lower; as, to depress the muzzle of a gun; to depress the eyes. + delegated imp.|p.p. of Delegate + dissent v.i. To differ in opinion; to be of unlike or contrary sentiment; to disagree; -- followed by from. + desman n. An amphibious, insectivorous mammal found in Russia (Myogale moschata). It is allied to the moles, but is called muskrat by some English writers. + demanded imp.|p.p. of Demand + driver n. The driving wheel of a locomotive. + downwards adv. From a higher place to a lower; in a descending course; as, to tend, move, roll, look, or take root, downward or downwards. + deflagrability n. The state or quality of being deflagrable. + detachment n. Abstraction from worldly objects; renunciation. + diggable a. Capable of being dug. + delphin a. Alt. of Delphine + doubtfulness n. Uncertainty of meaning; ambiguity; indefiniteness. + demonstration n. A course of reasoning showing that a certain result is a necessary consequence of assumed premises; -- these premises being definitions, axioms, and previously established propositions. + dermatogen n. Nascent epidermis, or external cuticle of plants in a forming condition. + disgraced imp.|p.p. of Disgrace + decipher v.t. To find out, so as to be able to make known the meaning of; to make out or read, as words badly written or partly obliterated; to detect; to reveal; to unfold. + descrying p.pr.|vb.n. of Descry + doublemilled a. Twice milled or fulled, to render more compact or fine; -- said of cloth; as, double-milled kerseymere. + donaught n. A lazy, good-for-nothing fellow. + desiderated imp.|p.p. of Desiderate + drafting p.pr.|vb.n. of Draft + disease v.t. To derange the vital functions of; to afflict with disease or sickness; to disorder; -- used almost exclusively in the participle diseased. + dodecatemory n. A tern applied to the twelve houses, or parts, of the zodiac of the primum mobile, to distinguish them from the twelve signs; also, any one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. + dissilient a. Starting asunder; bursting and opening with an elastic force; dehiscing explosively; as, a dissilient pericarp. + depriment a. Serving to depress. + downright a. Plain; direct; unceremonious; blunt; positive; as, he spoke in his downright way. + disship v.t. To dismiss from service on board ship. + disinheriting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disinherit + derange v.t. To disturb in action or function, as a part or organ, or the whole of a machine or organism. + desightment n. The act of making unsightly; disfigurement. + delthyris n. A name formerly given to certain Silurian brachiopod shells of the genus Spirifer. + diaper n. Any textile fabric (esp. linen or cotton toweling) woven in diaper pattern. See 2. + decimeter n. Alt. of Decimetre + death v.i. Total privation or loss; extinction; cessation; as, the death of memory. + devise n. Device. See Device. + damasken v. To decorate, as iron, steel, etc., with a peculiar marking or "water" produced in the process of manufacture, or with designs produced by inlaying or incrusting with another metal, as silver or gold, or by etching, etc., to damask. + disthrone v.t. To dethrone. + disceptator n. One who arbitrates or decides. + dairy n. A dairy farm. + discophora n.pl. A division of acalephs or jellyfishes, including most of the large disklike species. + dislocation n. The act of dislocating, or putting out of joint; also, the condition of being thus displaced. + dictator n. One who dictates; one who prescribes rules and maxims authoritatively for the direction of others. + din v.i. To sound with a din; a ding. + disembodiment n. The act of disembodying, or the state of being disembodied. + depriving p.pr.|vb.n. of Deprive + distrainable a. Capable of being, or liable to be, distrained. + dicacious a. Talkative; pert; saucy. + deturbate v.t. To evict; to remove. + diaereses pl. of Dieresis + discompose v.t. To disarrange; to interfere with; to disturb; to disorder; to unsettle; to break up. + domesticator n. One who domesticates. + defence n. The defendant's answer or plea; an opposing or denial of the truth or validity of the plaintiff's or prosecutor's case; the method of proceeding adopted by the defendant to protect himself against the plaintiff's action. + disappearance n. The act of disappearing; cessation of appearance; removal from sight; vanishing. + downthrow n. The sudden drop or depression of the strata of rocks on one side of a fault. See Throw, n. + dees n. A dais. + daguerreotyped imp.|p.p. of Daguerreotype + declaimed imp.|p.p. of Declaim + decipherment n. The act of deciphering. + dire superl. Ill-boding; portentous; as, dire omens. + durga n. Same as Doorga. + decorous a. Suitable to a character, or to the time, place, and occasion; marked with decorum; becoming; proper; seemly; befitting; as, a decorous speech; decorous behavior; a decorous dress for a judge. + devilship n. The character or person of a devil or the devil. + depreciation n. The falling of value; reduction of worth. + dispatch v.t. A message transmitted by telegraph. + detainer n. A writ authorizing the keeper of a prison to continue to keep a person in custody. + dysgenesis n. A condition of not generating or breeding freely; infertility; a form homogenesis in which the hybrids are sterile among themselves, but are fertile with members of either parent race. + ditation n. The act of making rich; enrichment. + disseat v.t. To unseat. + desertlessly adv. Undeservedly. + delphian a. Delphic. + disporting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disport + debit n. A debt; an entry on the debtor (Dr.) side of an account; -- mostly used adjectively; as, the debit side of an account. + dilatory a. Marked by procrastination or delay; tardy; slow; sluggish; -- said of actions or measures. + drap dete A thin woolen fabric, twilled like merino. + dog n. A mean, worthless fellow; a wretch. + destructibility n. The quality of being capable of destruction; destructibleness. + downhill n. Declivity; descent; slope. + default v.t. To call a defendant or other party whose duty it is to be present in court, and make entry of his default, if he fails to appear; to enter a default against. + disfame n. Disrepute. + degenerate v.i. To be or grow worse than one's kind, or than one was originally; hence, to be inferior; to grow poorer, meaner, or more vicious; to decline in good qualities; to deteriorate. + duplicate a. Double; twofold. + diglottism n. Bilingualism. + daughterliness n. The state of a daughter, or the conduct becoming a daughter. + demount v.i. To dismount. + decretal a. An authoritative order or decree; especially, a letter of the pope, determining some point or question in ecclesiastical law. The decretals form the second part of the canon law. + daredeviltry n Reckless mischief; the action of a dare-devil. + delicate a. Soft and fair; -- said of the skin or a surface; as, a delicate cheek; a delicate complexion. + ditty v.t. A saying or utterance; especially, one that is short and frequently repeated; a theme. + diligence n. Interested and persevering application; devoted and painstaking effort to accomplish what is undertaken; assiduity in service. + duces tecum A judicial process commanding a person to appear in court and bring with him some piece of evidence or other thing to be produced to the court. + dolabriform a. Shaped like the head of an ax or hatchet, as some leaves, and also certain organs of some shellfish. + decahedra pl. of Decahedron + dexterous a. Skillful in contrivance; quick at inventing expedients; expert; as, a dexterous manager. + distinguishedly adv. In a distinguished manner. + domestic a. Of or pertaining to a nation considered as a family or home, or to one's own country; intestine; not foreign; as, foreign wars and domestic dissensions. + deluge v.t. To overflow with water; to inundate; to overwhelm. + dentistical a. Pertaining to dentistry or to dentists. + daredeviltries pl. of Dare-deviltry + disable v.t. To render unable or incapable; to destroy the force, vigor, or power of action of; to deprive of competent physical or intellectual power; to incapacitate; to disqualify; to make incompetent or unfit for service; to impair. + disaster v.t. To blast by the influence of a baleful star. + disclosure v.t. The act of disclosing, uncovering, or revealing; bringing to light; exposure. + deliberating p.pr.|vb.n. of Deliberate + decrement n. A name given by Hauy to the successive diminution of the layers of molecules, applied to the faces of the primitive form, by which he supposed the secondary forms to be produced. + disconvenience n. Unsuitableness; incongruity. + defer v.t. To render or offer. + ancies pl. of Discrepancy + doweled imp.|p.p. of Dowel + deformed imp.|p.p. of Deform + divisionor n. One who divides or makes division. + direly adv. In a dire manner. + disrepair n. A state of being in bad condition, and wanting repair. + deciduousness n. The quality or state of being deciduous. + dozen pl. of Dozen + disorganization v.t. The act of disorganizing; destruction of system. + desolatory a. Causing desolation. + dugong n. An aquatic herbivorous mammal (Halicore dugong), of the order Sirenia, allied to the manatee, but with a bilobed tail. It inhabits the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, East Indies, and Australia. + dioceses pl. of Diocese + dejerate v.i. To swear solemnly; to take an oath. + dissilience n. Alt. of Dissiliency + discovery n. That which is discovered; a thing found out, or for the first time ascertained or recognized; as, the properties of the magnet were an important discovery. + desolate a. Destitute of; lacking in. + disassenter n. One who disassents; a dissenter. + disanimation n. The state of being disanimated or discouraged; depression of spirits. + devoutly adv. Sincerely; solemnly; earnestly. + diaspore n. A hydrate of alumina, often occurring in white lamellar masses with brilliant pearly luster; -- so named on account of its decrepitating when heated before the blowpipe. + dispensatorily adv. In the way of dispensation; dispensatively. + disaffecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disaffect + dunderpate n. See Dunderhead. + dead n. The most quiet or deathlike time; the period of profoundest repose, inertness, or gloom; as, the dead of winter. + degradingly adv. In a degrading manner. + disguiser n. One who, or that which, disguises. + deceptious a. Tending deceive; delusive. + defatigate v.t. To weary or tire out; to fatigue. + dipterygian a. Having two dorsal fins; -- said of certain fishes. + decantate v.t. To decant. + deadhouse n. A morgue; a place for the temporary reception and exposure of dead bodies. + dearly adv. At a high rate or price; grievously. + deoxidization n. Deoxidation. + double a. To make of two thicknesses or folds by turning or bending together in the middle; to fold one part upon another part of; as, to double the leaf of a book, and the like; to clinch, as the fist; -- often followed by up; as, to double up a sheet of paper or cloth. + dolcino n. Alt. of Dulcino + dirt n. In placer mining, earth, gravel, etc., before washing. + ducksbill a. Having the form of a duck's bill. + drift n. The difference between the size of a bolt and the hole into which it is driven, or between the circumference of a hoop and that of the mast on which it is to be driven. + disappointment n. That which disappoints. + dub v.t. To prepare for fighting, as a gamecock, by trimming the hackles and cutting off the comb and wattles. + davy lamp See Safety lamp, under Lamp. + dibranchiate n. One of the Dibranchiata. + depressant n. An agent or remedy which lowers the vital powers. + distraction n. Agitation from violent emotions; perturbation of mind; despair. + discind v.t. To part; to divide. + dandle v.t. To move up and down on one's knee or in one's arms, in affectionate play, as an infant. + dilogy n. An ambiguous speech; a figure in which a word is used an equivocal sense. + discontinuer n. One who discontinues, or breaks off or away from; an absentee. + detail n. A minute portion; one of the small parts; a particular; an item; -- used chiefly in the plural; as, the details of a scheme or transaction. + dishonest a. Dishonorable; shameful; indecent; unchaste; lewd. + dietetically adv. In a dietetical manner. + delightsome a. Very pleasing; delightful. + dehydration n. The act or process of freeing from water; also, the condition of a body from which the water has been removed. + develop v.t. To unfold gradually, as a flower from a bud; hence, to bring through a succession of states or stages, each of which is preparatory to the next; to form or expand by a process of growth; to cause to change gradually from an embryo, or a lower state, to a higher state or form of being; as, sunshine and rain develop the bud into a flower; to develop the mind. + disparate a. Pertaining to two coordinate species or divisions. + daemon a. Alt. of Daemonic + dearly adv. In a dear manner; with affection; heartily; earnestly; as, to love one dearly. + dogmatical a. Pertaining to a dogma, or to an established and authorized doctrine or tenet. + diecious a. See Dioecian, and Dioecious. + divan n. A saloon or hall where a council is held, in Oriental countries, the state reception room in places, and in the houses of the richer citizens. Cushions on the floor or on benches are ranged round the room. + delivery n. The act or manner of delivering a ball; as, the pitcher has a swift delivery. + dance v.t. To cause to dance, or move nimbly or merrily about, or up and down; to dandle. + dimidiate a. Having the organs of one side, or half, different in function from the corresponding organs on the other side; as, dimidiate hermaphroditism. + dowl n. Same as Dowle. + damningness n. Tendency to bring damnation. + disciplinableness n. The quality of being improvable by discipline. + dolman n. A cloak of a peculiar fashion worn by women. + dubber n. One who, or that which, dubs. + desiccative n. An application for drying up secretions. + digitipartite a. Parted like the fingers. + demagogism n. The practices of a demagogue. + drape v.i. To design drapery, arrange its folds, etc., as for hangings, costumes, statues, etc. + disarray n. Confused attire; undress. + decerption n. That which is plucked off or rent away; a fragment; a piece. + dzeren n. Alt. of Dzeron + demephitized imp.|p.p. of Demephitize + dreadless a. Exempt from danger which causes dread; secure. + disrespect v.t. To show disrespect to. + demonstrative a. Expressing, or apt to express, much; displaying feeling or sentiment; as, her nature was demonstrative. + discontent n. Want of content; uneasiness and inquietude of mind; dissatisfaction; disquiet. + diatomous a. Having a single, distinct, diagonal cleavage; -- said of crystals. + dehusk v.t. To remove the husk from. + dulcify v.t. To sweeten; to free from acidity, saltness, or acrimony. + deeply adv. Profoundly; thoroughly; not superficially; in a high degree; intensely; as, deeply skilled in ethics. + dial v.t. To measure with a dial. + darken a. To make foul; to sully; to tarnish. + designating p.pr.|vb.n. of Designate + desert v.i. To abandon a service without leave; to quit military service without permission, before the expiration of one's term; to abscond. + destituent a. Deficient; wanting; as, a destituent condition. + deal n. The process of dealing cards to the players; also, the portion disturbed. + drive n. Violent or rapid motion; a rushing onward or away; esp., a forced or hurried dispatch of business. + drop n. To let go; to dismiss; to set aside; to have done with; to discontinue; to forsake; to give up; to omit. + damnably adv. Odiously; detestably; excessively. + diptych n. A picture or series of pictures painted on two tablets connected by hinges. See Triptych. + deanery n. The residence of a dean. + disinfector n. One who, or that which, disinfects; an apparatus for applying disinfectants. + dampening p.pr.|vb.n. of Dampen + deviate v.i. To go out of the way; to turn aside from a course or a method; to stray or go astray; to err; to digress; to diverge; to vary. + dauber n. One who, or that which, daubs; especially, a coarse, unskillful painter. + discommendation n. Blame; censure; reproach. + discredited imp.|p.p. of Discredit + discriminatively adv. With discrimination or distinction. + denial n. The act of gainsaying, refusing, or disowning; negation; -- the contrary of affirmation. + dinner n. An entertainment; a feast. + dittybag n. A sailor's small bag to hold thread, needles, tape, etc.; -- also called sailor's housewife. + differential a. Of or pertaining to a differential, or to differentials. + digitated a. Having several leaflets arranged, like the fingers of the hand, at the extremity of a stem or petiole. Also, in general, characterized by digitation. + dissertator n. One who writers a dissertation; one who discourses. + drag v.t. Anything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; esp., a canvas bag with a hooped mouth, so used. See Drag sail (below). + diamond n. One of a suit of playing cards, stamped with the figure of a diamond. + discipline n. Correction; chastisement; punishment inflicted by way of correction and training. + drawing n. The act of pulling, or attracting. + drab n. A dull brownish yellow or dull gray color. + drop n. The depth of a square sail; -- generally applied to the courses only. + dried imp.|p.p. of Dry + dysaesthesia n. Impairment of any of the senses, esp. of touch. + depositary n. One to whom goods are bailed, to be kept for the bailor without a recompense. + deliciate v.t. To delight one's self; to indulge in feasting; to revel. + drifting p.pr.|vb.n. of Drift + describe v.t. To represent by words written or spoken; to give an account of; to make known to others by words or signs; as, the geographer describes countries and cities. + drugger n. A druggist. + doric a. Of or relating to one of the ancient Greek musical modes or keys. Its character was adapted both to religions occasions and to war. + deviceful a. Full of devices; inventive. + donjon n. The chief tower, also called the keep; a massive tower in ancient castles, forming the strongest part of the fortifications. See Illust. of Castle. + darwinianism n. Darwinism. + disbelieve v.t. Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual. + debituminize v.t. To deprive of bitumen. + dere n. Harm. + demidevil n. A half devil. + doricism n. A Doric phrase or idiom. + drum n. Anything resembling a drum in form + diagraphical a. Descriptive. + deferent n. An imaginary circle surrounding the earth, in whose periphery either the heavenly body or the center of the heavenly body's epicycle was supposed to be carried round. + disboscation n. Converting forest land into cleared or arable land; removal of a forest. + dichotomized imp.|p.p. of Dichotomize + dandifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dandify + dismal a. Gloomy to the eye or ear; sorrowful and depressing to the feelings; foreboding; cheerless; dull; dreary; as, a dismal outlook; dismal stories; a dismal place. + disdaining p.pr.|vb.n. of Disdain + drollery n. Something which serves to raise mirth + duplex a. Double; twofold. + disciferous a. Bearing disks. + disobeyer n. One who disobeys. + disburse v.t. To pay out; to expend; -- usually from a public fund or treasury. + disseizor n. One who wrongfully disseizes, or puts another out of possession of a freehold. + dirk v.t. To stab with a dirk. + doge n. The chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa. + denticulation n. The state of being set with small notches or teeth. + drill n. An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to contain seeds and drop them into the hole made. + declare v.t. To make declaration of; to assert; to affirm; to set forth; to avow; as, he declares the story to be false. + dor n. A trick, joke, or deception. + dentist n. One whose business it is to clean, extract, or repair natural teeth, and to make and insert artificial ones; a dental surgeon. + digested imp.|p.p. of Digest + didelphid a. Same as Didelphic. + diffused a. Spread abroad; dispersed; loose; flowing; diffuse. + dancing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dance + decuries pl. of Decury + jjinn pl. of Djinnee + dearth n. Scarcity which renders dear; want; lack; specifically, lack of food on account of failure of crops; famine. + disappointed a. Unprepared; unequipped. + disallow v.t. To refuse to allow; to deny the force or validity of; to disown and reject; as, the judge disallowed the executor's charge. + deraination n. The act of pulling up by the roots; eradication. + disembarking p.pr.|vb.n. of Disembark + doughtren n.pl. Daughters. + della crusca A shortened form of Accademia della Crusca, an academy in Florence, Italy, founded in the 16th century, especially for conserving the purity of the Italian language. + drachma n. Among the ancient Greeks, a weight of about 66.5 grains; among the modern Greeks, a weight equal to a gram. + dog n. A grappling iron, with a claw or claws, for fastening into wood or other heavy articles, for the purpose of raising or moving them. + dulciness n. See Dulceness. + dominion n. Superior prominence; predominance; ascendency. + dissemble v.t. To hide under a false semblance or seeming; to feign (something) not to be what it really is; to put an untrue appearance upon; to disguise; to mask. + doulocracy n. A government by slaves. + dainty superl. Delicious to the palate; toothsome. + disbase v.t. To debase or degrade. + duet n. A composition for two performers, whether vocal or instrumental. + discide v.t. To divide; to cleave in two. + disordinate a. Inordinate; disorderly. + deport v.t. To transport; to carry away; to exile; to send into banishment. + dextrogerous a. See Dextrogyrate. + divesting p.pr.|vb.n. of Divest + draw v.t. To select by the drawing of lots. + deify v.t. To render godlike. + defunctive a. Funereal. + deltafication n. The formation of a delta or of deltas. + depose v.t. To lay down; to divest one's self of; to lay aside. + dolly n. A small truck with a single wide roller used for moving heavy beams, columns, etc., in bridge building. + dinarchy n. See Diarchy. + duckling n. A young or little duck. + dialyzed a. Prepared by diffusion through an animal membrane; as, dialyzed iron. + dumpish a. Dull; stupid; sad; moping; melancholy. + dys An inseparable prefix, fr. the Greek / hard, ill, and signifying ill, bad, hard, difficult, and the like; cf. the prefixes, Skr. dus-, Goth. tuz-, OHG. zur-, G. zer-, AS. to-, Icel. tor-, Ir. do-. + demandable a. That may be demanded or claimed. + dramming n. The practice of drinking drams. + discourtesy n. Rudeness of behavior or language; ill manners; manifestation of disrespect; incivility. + double n. Double beer; strong beer. + dinging p.pr.|vb.n. of Ding + draught n. That which is taken by sweeping with a net. + desmoid a. Resembling, or having the characteristics of, a ligament; ligamentous. + draught a. Used for drawing vehicles, loads, etc.; as, a draught beast; draught hooks. + discharge v.t. To put forth, or remove, as a charge or burden; to take out, as that with which anything is loaded or filled; as, to discharge a cargo. + disjudication n. Judgment; discrimination. See Dijudication. + delirancy n. Delirium. + divest v.t. To unclothe; to strip, as of clothes, arms, or equipage; -- opposed to invest. + defeat v. An undoing or annulling; destruction. + demoralize v.t. To corrupt or undermine in morals; to destroy or lessen the effect of moral principles on; to render corrupt or untrustworthy in morals, in discipline, in courage, spirit, etc.; to weaken in spirit or efficiency. + divisible a. Capable of being divided or separated. + dismounted imp.|p.p. of Dismount + delftware n. Pottery made at the city of Delft in Holland; hence: + distal a. Remote from the point of attachment or origin; as, the distal end of a bone or muscle + drive n. In type founding and forging, an impression or matrix, formed by a punch drift. + durio n. A fruit tree (D. zibethinus, the only species known) of the Indian Archipelago. It bears the durian. + dress n. A lady's gown; as, silk or a velvet dress. + douane n. A customhouse. + daggletailed a. Having the lower ends of garments defiled by trailing in mire or filth; draggle-tailed. + dear v.t. To endear. + dirige n. A service for the dead, in the Roman Catholic Church, being the first antiphon of Matins for the dead, of which Dirige is the first word; a dirge. + droil n. Mean labor; toil. + depreciative a. Tending, or intended, to depreciate; expressing depreciation; undervaluing. + dictatorian a. Dictatorial. + dorsibranchiate n. One of the Dorsibranchiata. + default n. A failing or failure; omission of that which ought to be done; neglect to do what duty or law requires; as, this evil has happened through the governor's default. + discoursed imp.|p.p. of Discourse + divinity a. A celestial being, inferior to the supreme God, but superior to man. + devilfish n. The gray whale of the Pacific coast. See Gray whale. + diverter n. One who, or that which, diverts, turns off, or pleases. + demurrage n. The detention of a vessel by the freighter beyond the time allowed in her charter party for loading, unloading, or sailing. + dipchick n. See Dabchick. + draft v.t. To draw from a military band or post, or from any district, company, or society; to detach; to select. + discharge v.t. Act of relieving of something which oppresses or weighs upon one, as an obligation, liability, debt, accusation, etc.; acquittance; as, the discharge of a debtor. + dilapidation n. The pulling down of a building, or suffering it to fall or be in a state of decay. + directing p.pr.|vb.n. of Direct + direness n. Terribleness; horror; woefulness. + delightedly adv. With delight; gladly. + destinies pl. of Destiny + deliverer n. One who relates or communicates. + deer n.sing.|pl. A ruminant of the genus Cervus, of many species, and of related genera of the family Cervidae. The males, and in some species the females, have solid antlers, often much branched, which are shed annually. Their flesh, for which they are hunted, is called venison. + day n. (Preceded by the) Some day in particular, as some day of contest, some anniversary, etc. + dungeon v.t. To shut up in a dungeon. + disorderly a. Offensive to good morals and public decency; notoriously offensive; as, a disorderly house. + disintegrable a. Capable of being disintegrated, or reduced to fragments or powder. + decker n. One who, or that which, decks or adorns; a coverer; as, a table decker. + disownment n. Act of disowning. + discipline n. The enforcement of methods of correction against one guilty of ecclesiastical offenses; reformatory or penal action toward a church member. + discomfit a. Discomfited; overthrown. + debauchery n. Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness. + dabble v.i. To play in water, as with the hands; to paddle or splash in mud or water. + drop n. That which resembles, or that which hangs like, a liquid drop; as a hanging diamond ornament, an earring, a glass pendant on a chandelier, a sugarplum (sometimes medicated), or a kind of shot or slug. + deplorate a. Deplorable. + decacerata n.pl. The division of Cephalopoda which includes the squids, cuttlefishes, and others having ten arms or tentacles; -- called also Decapoda. [Written also Decacera.] See Dibranchiata. + deprecation n. An imprecation or curse. + dowry n. A gift or presents for the bride, on espousal. See Dower. + different a. Of various or contrary nature, form, or quality; partially or totally unlike; dissimilar; as, different kinds of food or drink; different states of health; different shapes; different degrees of excellence. + desiccation n. The act of desiccating, or the state of being desiccated. + doorway n. The passage of a door; entrance way into a house or a room. + detracor n. One who detracts; a derogator; a defamer. + dispart v.t. To furnish with a dispart sight. + dissimulour n. A dissembler. + dekameter n. Same as Decameter. + degraded a. Having the typical characters or organs in a partially developed condition, or lacking certain parts. + divinely adv. By the agency or influence of God. + dine v.i. To eat the principal regular meal of the day; to take dinner. + dimensional a. Pertaining to dimension. + doubly adv. In twice the quantity; to twice the degree; as, doubly wise or good; to be doubly sensible of an obligation. + district a. Rigorous; stringent; harsh. + depolish v.t. To remove the polish or glaze from. + dulocracy n. See Doulocracy. + discontented imp.|p.p. of Discontent + domiciliating p.pr.|vb.n. of Domiciliate + duty n. That which a person is bound by moral obligation to do, or refrain from doing; that which one ought to do; service morally obligatory. + decurtation n. Act of cutting short. + daw v.i. To dawn. + director n. One of a body of persons appointed to manage the affairs of a company or corporation; as, the directors of a bank, insurance company, or railroad company. + dainty n. A term of fondness. + domesman n. A judge; an umpire. + drawee n. The person on whom an order or bill of exchange is drawn; -- the correlative of drawer. + disparage v.t. To dishonor by a comparison with what is inferior; to lower in rank or estimation by actions or words; to speak slightingly of; to depreciate; to undervalue. + dubitate v.i. To doubt. + descensional a. Pertaining to descension. + disglorify v.t. To deprive of glory; to treat with indignity. + dinumeration n. Enumeration. + design n. To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace out; to draw. + dziggetai n. The kiang, a wild horse or wild ass of Thibet (Asinus hemionus). + distance v.t. To outstrip by as much as a distance (see Distance, n., 3); to leave far behind; to surpass greatly. + daunted imp.|p.p. of Daunt + degrade v.t. To reduce in altitude or magnitude, as hills and mountains; to wear down. + debate v.i. To contend in words; to dispute; hence, to deliberate; to consider; to discuss or examine different arguments in the mind; -- often followed by on or upon. + dermoneural a. Pertaining to, or in relation with, both dermal and neural structures; as, the dermoneural spines or dorsal fin rays of fishes. + dictate v.t. To tell or utter so that another may write down; to inspire; to compose; as, to dictate a letter to an amanuensis. + distraught a. Torn asunder; separated. + desition n. An end or ending. + disman v.t. To unman. + distrain v.i. To levy a distress. + demesnial a. Of or pertaining to a demesne; of the nature of a demesne. + dallied imp.|p.p. of Dally + damning a. That damns; damnable; as, damning evidence of guilt. + disdain v.t. To think unworthy; to deem unsuitable or unbecoming; as, to disdain to do a mean act. + doubledecker n. A public conveyance, as a street car, with seats on the roof. + dragbolt n. A coupling pin. See under Coupling. + declaiming p.pr.|vb.n. of Declaim + decumbently adv. In a decumbent posture. + dreamy superl. Abounding in dreams or given to dreaming; appropriate to, or like, dreams; visionary. + diabolify v.t. To ascribed diabolical qualities to; to change into, or to represent as, a devil. + disembowelment n. The act of disemboweling, or state of being disemboweled; evisceration. + disestablishment n. The condition of being disestablished. + disorganization v.t. The state of being disorganized; as, the disorganization of the body, or of government. + darkling adv. In the dark. + discountenance v.t. To ruffle or discompose the countenance of; to put of countenance; to put to shame; to abash. + delirate v.t.|i. To madden; to rave. + dock n. The solid part of an animal's tail, as distinguished from the hair; the stump of a tail; the part of a tail left after clipping or cutting. + downstroke n. A stroke made with a downward motion of the pen or pencil. + dispatch v.t. To rid; to free. + diecian a. Alt. of Diecious + domicile n. A residence at a particular place accompanied with an intention to remain there for an unlimited time; a residence accepted as a final abode. + duke n. In some European countries, a sovereign prince, without the title of king. + disobligation n. A disobliging act; an offense. + dandies pl. of Dandy + dub n. A blow. + diminish v.t. To make smaller by a half step; to make (an interval) less than minor; as, a diminished seventh. + diabolical a. Pertaining to the devil; resembling, or appropriate, or appropriate to, the devil; devilish; infernal; impious; atrocious; nefarious; outrageously wicked; as, a diabolic or diabolical temper or act. + discomfiting p.pr.|vb.n. of Discomfit + dentiloquy n. The habit or practice of speaking through the teeth, or with them closed. + discourse v.i. To treat of something in writing and formally. + deafly adv. Without sense of sounds; obscurely. + deluging p.pr.|vb.n. of Deluge + division n. Two companies of infantry maneuvering as one subdivision of a battalion. + disintegrate v.i. To decompose into integrant parts; as, chalk rapidly disintegrates. + detain v.t. To keep back or from; to withhold. + disrobing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disrobe + disenthrallment n. Liberation from bondage; emancipation; disinthrallment. + dependence n. That which depends; anything dependent or suspended; anything attached a subordinate to, or contingent on, something else. + develop v.i. To become apparent gradually; as, a picture on sensitive paper develops on the application of heat; the plans of the conspirators develop. + disard n. See Dizzard. + disusing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disuse + deviltries pl. of Deviltry + delight v.t. That which gives great pleasure or delight. + disdain v.t. That which is worthy to be disdained or regarded with contempt and aversion. + dribbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dribble + dink v.t. To deck; -- often with out or up. + decompound v.t. To compound or mix with that is already compound; to compound a second time. + denaturalize v.t. To renounce the natural rights and duties of; to deprive of citizenship; to denationalize. + depredator n. One who plunders or pillages; a spoiler; a robber. + disembossom v.t. To separate from the bosom. + depertible a. Divisible. + devotion n. Act of devotedness or devoutness; manifestation of strong attachment; act of worship; prayer. + dreadfulness n. The quality of being dreadful. + delapsing p.pr.|vb.n. of Delapse + dialect n. The form of speech of a limited region or people, as distinguished from ether forms nearly related to it; a variety or subdivision of a language; speech characterized by local peculiarities or specific circumstances; as, the Ionic and Attic were dialects of Greece; the Yorkshire dialect; the dialect of the learned. + dynamite n. An explosive substance consisting of nitroglycerin absorbed by some inert, porous solid, as infusorial earth, sawdust, etc. It is safer than nitroglycerin, being less liable to explosion from moderate shocks, or from spontaneous decomposition. + declared imp.|p.p. of Declare + discrimination n. The arbitrary imposition of unequal tariffs for substantially the same service. + dow v.t. To furnish with a dower; to endow. + debasement n. The act of debasing or the state of being debased. + dis A prefix from the Latin, whence F. des, or sometimes de-, dis-. The Latin dis-appears as di-before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v, becomes dif-before f, and either dis-or di- before j. It is from the same root as bis twice, and duo, E. two. See Two, and cf. Bi-, Di-, Dia-. Dis-denotes separation, a parting from, as in distribute, disconnect; hence it often has the force of a privative and negative, as in disarm, disoblige, disagree. Also intensive, as in dissever. + dread n. Great fear in view of impending evil; fearful apprehension of danger; anticipatory terror. + dean n. The head or presiding officer in the faculty of some colleges or universities. + deformity a. The state of being deformed; want of proper form or symmetry; any unnatural form or shape; distortion; irregularity of shape or features; ugliness. + distance n. Space between two antagonists in fencing. + detraction n. A taking away or withdrawing. + daisied a. Full of daisies; adorned with daisies. + delegacy a. A body of delegates or commissioners; a delegation. + dorsoventral a. From the dorsal to the ventral side of an animal; as, the dorsoventral axis. + difformity n. Irregularity of form; diversity of form; want of uniformity. + drier n. One who, or that which, dries; that which may expel or absorb moisture; a desiccative; as, the sun and a northwesterly wind are great driers of the earth. + deputation n. The person or persons deputed or commissioned by another person, party, or public body to act in his or its behalf; delegation; as, the general sent a deputation to the enemy to propose a truce. + delay n. To retard; to stop, detain, or hinder, for a time; to retard the motion, or time of arrival, of; as, the mail is delayed by a heavy fall of snow. + disconcert v.t. To confuse the faculties of; to disturb the composure of; to discompose; to abash. + delayer n. One who delays; one who lingers. + duodecimal a. Proceeding in computation by twelves; expressed in the scale of twelves. + dolt v.i. To behave foolishly. + disabled imp.|p.p. of Disable + destinist n. A believer in destiny; a fatalist. + deprecate v.t. To pray against, as an evil; to seek to avert by prayer; to desire the removal of; to seek deliverance from; to express deep regret for; to disapprove of strongly. + ti pl. of Divertimento + deobstruent a. Removing obstructions; having power to clear or open the natural ducts of the fluids and secretions of the body; aperient. + disjoint v.t. To separate the joints of; to separate, as parts united by joints; to put out of joint; to force out of its socket; to dislocate; as, to disjoint limbs; to disjoint bones; to disjoint a fowl in carving. + dragon n. A variety of carrier pigeon. + dirk v.t. To darken. + decreer n. One who decrees. + dib v.i. To dip. + decreeable a. Capable of being decreed. + dentary a. Pertaining to, or bearing, teeth. + degarnish v.t. To deprive of a garrison, or of troops necessary for defense; as, to degarnish a city or fort. + distasteful a. Unpleasant or disgusting to the taste; nauseous; loathsome. + desiccate v.i. To become dry. + devotion n. The state of being devoted; addiction; eager inclination; strong attachment love or affection; zeal; especially, feelings toward God appropriately expressed by acts of worship; devoutness. + decore v.t. To decorate; to beautify. + discommodity n. Disadvantage; inconvenience. + disbench v.t. To drive from a bench or seat. + drearihood n. Affliction; dreariness. + daman n. A small herbivorous mammal of the genus Hyrax. The species found in Palestine and Syria is Hyrax Syriacus; that of Northern Africa is H. Brucei; -- called also ashkoko, dassy, and rock rabbit. See Cony, and Hyrax. + dilated a. Having the margin wide and spreading. + depardieux interj. In God's name; certainly. + deepness n. The state or quality of being deep, profound, mysterious, secretive, etc.; depth; profundity; -- opposed to shallowness. + disoppilate v.t. To open. + distribute v.t. To spread (ink) evenly, as upon a roller or a table. + disprover n. One who disproves or confutes. + dracunculus n. A fish; the dragonet. + dyewood n. Any wood from which coloring matter is extracted for dyeing. + distinguish v.t. Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark off by some characteristic. + disquiet v.t. To render unquiet; to deprive of peace, rest, or tranquility; to make uneasy or restless; to disturb. + diastole n. The rhythmical expansion or dilatation of the heart and arteries; -- correlative to systole, or contraction. + deliquescent a. Dissolving; liquefying by contact with the air; capable of attracting moisture from the atmosphere and becoming liquid; as, deliquescent salts. + discordant n. Disagreeing; incongruous; being at variance; clashing; opposing; not harmonious. + despecificate v.t. To discriminate; to separate according to specific signification or qualities; to specificate; to desynonymize. + dissoluteness n. State or quality of being dissolute; looseness of morals and manners; addictedness to sinful pleasures; debauchery; dissipation. + determinant n. The sum of a series of products of several numbers, these products being formed according to certain specified laws + dandyism n. The manners and dress of a dandy; foppishness. + decomposite n. Anything decompounded. + discoverture n. Discovery. + devoted a. Consecrated to a purpose; strongly attached; zealous; devout; as, a devoted admirer. + detersiveness n. The quality of cleansing. + demised imp.|p.p. of Demise + derogant a. Derogatory. + drugget n. By extension, any material used for the same purpose. + deflection n. A deviation of the rays of light toward the surface of an opaque body; inflection; diffraction. + dyscrasy n. Dycrasia. + decrown v.t. To deprive of a crown; to discrown. + directly adv. In a direct manner; in a straight line or course. + dollar n. The value of a dollar; the unit commonly employed in the United States in reckoning money values. + dartoid a. Like the dartos; dartoic; as, dartoid tissue. + deckel n. Same as Deckle. + dynamist n. One who accounts for material phenomena by a theory of dynamics. + distinguisher n. One who, or that which, distinguishes or separates one thing from another by marks of diversity. + disrespective a. Showing want of respect; disrespectful. + demonstrance n. Demonstration; proof. + date v.t. To note or fix the time of, as of an event; to give the date of; as, to date the building of the pyramids. + director n. A part of a machine or instrument which directs its motion or action. + diet n. A legislative or administrative assembly in Germany, Poland, and some other countries of Europe; a deliberative convention; a council; as, the Diet of Worms, held in 1521. + digitiform a. Formed like a finger or fingers; finger-shaped; as, a digitiform root. + defecate v.i. To void excrement. + dastard a. Meanly shrinking from danger; cowardly; dastardly. + dicrotous a. Dicrotic. + discounted imp.|p.p. of Discount + desidiose a. Alt. of Desidious + demolishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Demolish + demonomagy n. Magic in which the aid of demons is invoked; black or infernal magic. + dignation n. The act of thinking worthy; honor. + distant a. Indistinct; faint; obscure, as from distance. + defeat v.t. To overcome or vanquish, as an army; to check, disperse, or ruin by victory; to overthrow. + dilated imp.|p.p. of Dilate + drop n. A drop press or drop hammer. + definitely adv. In a definite manner; with precision; precisely; determinately. + design n. To create or produce, as a work of art; to form a plan or scheme of; to form in idea; to invent; to project; to lay out in the mind; as, a man designs an essay, a poem, a statue, or a cathedral. + discoloration n. A discolored spot; a stain. + determinate a. Of determined purpose; resolute. + douse v.t. To strike or lower in haste; to slacken suddenly; as, douse the topsail. + dorsal a. Pertaining to the surface naturally superior, as of a creeping hepatic moss. + diastatic a. Relating to diastase; having the properties of diastase; effecting the conversion of starch into sugar. + divine a. Pertaining to, or proceeding from, a deity; partaking of the nature of a god or the gods. + drent p.p. Drenched; drowned. + diluviate v.i. To run as a flood. + dive n. A place of low resort. + decalcomania n. Alt. of Decalcomanie + disadvantage v.t. To injure the interest of; to be detrimental to. + dislike v.t. To regard with dislike or aversion; to disapprove; to disrelish. + distribute v.t. To dispense; to administer; as, to distribute justice. + ditolyl n. A white, crystalline, aromatic hydrocarbon, C14H14, consisting of two radicals or residues of toluene. + demiwolf n. A half wolf; a mongrel dog, between a dog and a wolf. + discarded imp.|p.p. of Discard + dedalous a. See Daedalous. + defile v.t. Same as Defilade. + dullard n. A stupid person; a dunce. + dolorific a. Alt. of Dolorifical + dominican n. One of an order of mendicant monks founded by Dominic de Guzman, in 1215. A province of the order was established in England in 1221. The first foundation in the United States was made in 1807. The Master of the Sacred Palace at Rome is always a Dominican friar. The Dominicans are called also preaching friars, friars preachers, black friars (from their black cloak), brothers of St. Mary, and in France, Jacobins. + disheveled imp.|p.p. of Dishevel + dilating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dilate + drawling p.pr.|vb.n. of Drawl + dispart v.t. To make allowance for the dispart in (a gun), when taking aim. + dioxindol n. A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance obtained by the reduction of isatin. It is a member of the indol series; -- hence its name. + devocation n. A calling off or away. + disbursement n. That which is disbursed or paid out; as, the annual disbursements exceed the income. + disperge v.t. To sprinkle. + deifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Deify + deed a. Dead. + debt n. A duty neglected or violated; a fault; a sin; a trespass. + dudgeon n. The root of the box tree, of which hafts for daggers were made. + deal v.i. To contend (with); to treat (with), by way of opposition, check, or correction; as, he has turbulent passions to deal with. + disengagement n. Freedom from engrossing occupation; leisure. + defloration n. That which is chosen as the flower or choicest part; careful culling or selection. + drawgloves n.pl. An old game, played by holding up the fingers. + delectus n. A name given to an elementary book for learners of Latin or Greek. + dowse n. A blow on the face. + disheartening p.pr.|vb.n. of Dishearten + doughface n. A contemptuous nickname for a timid, yielding politician, or one who is easily molded. + drone v.i. That which gives out a grave or monotonous tone or dull sound; as: (a) A drum. [Obs.] Halliwell. (b) The part of the bagpipe containing the two lowest tubes, which always sound the key note and the fifth. + decoy n. A person employed by officers of justice, or parties exposed to injury, to induce a suspected person to commit an offense under circumstances that will lead to his detection. + dyingness n. The state of dying or the stimulation of such a state; extreme languor; languishment. + derogation n. An alteration of, or subtraction from, a contract for a sale of stocks. + discord v.i. Want of concord or agreement; absence of unity or harmony in sentiment or action; variance leading to contention and strife; disagreement; -- applied to persons or to things, and to thoughts, feelings, or purposes. + dissatisfy v.t. To render unsatisfied or discontented; to excite uneasiness in by frustrating wishes or expectations; to displease by the want of something requisite; as, to be dissatisfied with one's fortune. + diplanar a. Of or pertaining to two planes. + direct v.t. To arrange in a direct or straight line, as against a mark, or towards a goal; to point; to aim; as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance. + dovesfoot n. The columbine. + dewrot v.t. To rot, as flax or hemp, by exposure to rain, dew, and sun. See Dewretting. + directive a. Having power to direct; tending to direct, guide, or govern; showing the way. + dwarf v.i. To become small; to diminish in size. + domiciling p.pr.|vb.n. of Domicile + didactics n. The art or science of teaching. + deviling p.pr.|vb.n. of Devil + diglyph n. A projecting face like the triglyph, but having only two channels or grooves sunk in it. + dirempt a. Divided; separated. + demoniac a. Alt. of Demoniacal + dagon n. A slip or piece. + drift n. The horizontal thrust or pressure of an arch or vault upon the abutments. + detorting p.pr.|vb.n. of Detort + disinthralled imp.|p.p. of Disinthrall + declaim v.i. To speak rhetorically; to make a formal speech or oration; to harangue; specifically, to recite a speech, poem, etc., in public as a rhetorical exercise; to practice public speaking; as, the students declaim twice a week. + detachable a. That can be detached. + determination n. The addition of a differentia to a concept or notion, thus limiting its extent; -- the opposite of generalization. + deas n. See Dais. + delicate a. Slight or smooth; light and yielding; -- said of texture; as, delicate lace or silk. + dwang n. A kind of crowbar. + dissociability n. Want of sociability; unsociableness. + diaconal a. Of or pertaining to a deacon. + deve a. Deaf. + discipline n. Training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill. + directrixes pl. of Directrix + describable a. That can be described; capable of description. + discoast v.i. To depart; to quit the coast (that is, the side or border) of anything; to be separated. + diacritic a. Alt. of Diacritical + deplorability n. Deplorableness. + dumpiness n. The state of being dumpy. + derby n. A race for three-old horses, run annually at Epsom (near London), for the Derby stakes. It was instituted by the 12th Earl of Derby, in 1780. + dictating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dictate + duckbilled a. Having a bill like that of a duck. + doubleeyed a. Having a deceitful look. + discontinuor n. One who deprives another of the possession of an estate by discontinuance. See Discontinuance, 2. + denominator n. One who, or that which, gives a name; origin or source of a name. + doubler n. One who, or that which, doubles. + discipline v.t. To inflict ecclesiastical censures and penalties upon. + draught n. The act of drawing up, marking out, or delineating; representation. + descant v.i. Originally, a double song; a melody or counterpoint sung above the plain song of the tenor; a variation of an air; a variation by ornament of the main subject or plain song. + drag v.t. A steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft stone. + daughter n. The female offspring of the human species; a female child of any age; -- applied also to the lower animals. + dialyses pl. of Dialysis + dump n. A thick, ill-shapen piece; a clumsy leaden counter used by boys in playing chuck farthing. + drabbish a. Somewhat drab in color. + deliver v.t. To deliberate. + distractedly adv. Disjointedly; madly. + divide v.t. To cause to be separate; to keep apart by a partition, or by an imaginary line or limit; as, a wall divides two houses; a stream divides the towns. + dress v.t. To treat methodically with remedies, bandages, or curative appliances, as a sore, an ulcer, a wound, or a wounded or diseased part. + distinguishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Distinguish + difficile a. Difficult; hard to manage; stubborn. + dastardy n. Base timidity; cowardliness. + distinctness n. The quality or state of being distinct; a separation or difference that prevents confusion of parts or things. + disaffect v.t. To alienate or diminish the affection of; to make unfriendly or less friendly; to fill with discontent and unfriendliness. + distringas n. A writ commanding the sheriff to distrain a person by his goods or chattels, to compel a compliance with something required of him. + direct v.t. To determine the direction or course of; to cause to go on in a particular manner; to order in the way to a certain end; to regulate; to govern; as, to direct the affairs of a nation or the movements of an army. + deduct v.t. To reduce; to diminish. + diplopoda n.pl. An order of myriapods having two pairs of legs on each segment; the Chilognatha. + dipping n. The act of inclining downward. + dextrousness n. Same as Dexterous, Dexterously, etc. + drew imp. of Draw. + discriminateness n. The state of being discriminated; distinctness. + dichotomy n. Division into two; especially, the division of a class into two subclasses opposed to each other by contradiction, as the division of the term man into white and not white. + discrimination n. The act of discriminating, distinguishing, or noting and marking differences. + debouche n. A place for exit; an outlet; hence, a market for goods. + decameron n. A celebrated collection of tales, supposed to be related in ten days; -- written in the 14th century, by Boccaccio, an Italian. + digram n. A digraph. + deleted imp.|p.p. of Delete + dereliction n. The act of leaving with an intention not to reclaim or resume; an utter forsaking abandonment. + dedicated imp.|p.p. of Dedicate + dogteeth pl. of Dogtooth + drench v.t. To cause to drink; especially, to dose by force; to put a potion down the throat of, as of a horse; hence. to purge violently by physic. + determination n. The act of determining the relations of an object, as regards genus and species; the referring of minerals, plants, or animals, to the species to which they belong; classification; as, I am indebted to a friend for the determination of most of these shells. + double first One who gains at examinations the highest honor both in the classics and the mathematics. + decolor v.t. To deprive of color; to bleach. + drama n. A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action, and intended to exhibit a picture of human life, or to depict a series of grave or humorous actions of more than ordinary interest, tending toward some striking result. It is commonly designed to be spoken and represented by actors on the stage. + dailiness n. Daily occurence. + dementia n. Insanity; madness; esp. that form which consists in weakness or total loss of thought and reason; mental imbecility; idiocy. + descry n. Discovery or view, as of an army seen at a distance. + devested imp.|p.p. of Devest + distraction n. Confusion of affairs; tumult; disorder; as, political distractions. + drum v.t. (With up) To assemble by, or as by, beat of drum; to collect; to gather or draw by solicitation; as, to drum up recruits; to drum up customers. + differentiation n. The supposed act or tendency in being of every kind, whether organic or inorganic, to assume or produce a more complex structure or functions. + dutiful a. Controlled by, proceeding from, a sense of duty; respectful; deferential; as, dutiful affection. + disculpate v.t. To free from blame or the imputation of a fault; to exculpate. + dorse n. The Baltic or variable cod (Gadus callarias), by some believed to be the young of the common codfish. + doucepere n. One of the twelve peers of France, companions of Charlemagne in war. + dasyurine a. Pertaining to, or like, the dasyures. + defile v.t. To make ceremonially unclean; to pollute. + delirium n. Strong excitement; wild enthusiasm; madness. + digastric a. Pertaining to the digastric muscle of the lower jaw; as, the digastric nerves. + delivery n. The act of exerting one's strength or limbs. + dilettant n. A dilettante. + dilapidate v.i. To get out of repair; to fall into partial ruin; to become decayed; as, the church was suffered to dilapidate. + differ v.i. To be of unlike or opposite opinion; to disagree in sentiment; -- often with from or with. + discipline n. Severe training, corrective of faults; instruction by means of misfortune, suffering, punishment, etc. + declamatory a. Characterized by rhetorical display; pretentiously rhetorical; without solid sense or argument; bombastic; noisy; as, a declamatory way or style. + divulge v.t. To make public; to several or communicate to the public; to tell (a secret) so that it may become generally known; to disclose; -- said of that which had been confided as a secret, or had been before unknown; as, to divulge a secret. + disprofess v.t. To renounce the profession or pursuit of. + dethroning p.pr.|vb.n. of Dethrone + defect v.i. To fail; to become deficient. + dissolution n. The state of being dissolved, or of undergoing liquefaction. + darting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dart + disposedness n. The state of being disposed or inclined; inclination; propensity. + dorado n. A southern constellation, within which is the south pole of the ecliptic; -- called also sometimes Xiphias, or the Swordfish. + dissector n. One who dissects; an anatomist. + dogwood n. The Cornus, a genus of large shrubs or small trees, the wood of which is exceedingly hard, and serviceable for many purposes. + dimity n. A cotton fabric employed for hangings and furniture coverings, and formerly used for women's under-garments. It is of many patterns, both plain and twilled, and occasionally is printed in colors. + discrediting p.pr.|vb.n. of Discredit + doand p.pr. Doing. + draff n. The slant given to the furrows in the dress of a millstone. + discipline v.t. To accustom to regular and systematic action; to bring under control so as to act systematically; to train to act together under orders; to teach subordination to; to form a habit of obedience in; to drill. + dole n. A void space left in tillage. + dandled imp.|p.p. of Dandle + decrescent n. A crescent with the horns directed towards the sinister. + dignification n. The act of dignifying; exaltation. + drawing p.pr.|vb.n. of Draw + decagonal a. Pertaining to a decagon; having ten sides. + duchess n. The wife or widow of a duke; also, a lady who has the sovereignty of a duchy in her own right. + dockage n. A charge for the use of a dock. + despume v.t. To free from spume or scum. + demand v.t. A diligent seeking or search; manifested want; desire to possess; request; as, a demand for certain goods; a person's company is in great demand. + doab A tongue or tract of land included between two rivers; as, the doab between the Ganges and the Jumna. + delirament n. A wandering of the mind; a crazy fancy. + disposed p.a. Inclined; minded. + doggrel a.|n. Same as Doggerel. + detractingly adv. In a detracting manner. + default v.i. To fail in duty; to offend. + discant n. See Descant, n. + dextrorotary a. See Dextrotatory. + dieting p.pr.|vb.n. of Diet + disdainously adv. Disdainfully. + declivous a. Descending gradually; moderately steep; sloping; downhill. + divorcive a. Having power to divorce; tending to divorce. + doctor n. The friar skate. + deport v.t. To carry or demean; to conduct; to behave; -- followed by the reflexive pronoun. + daubed imp.|p.p. of Daub + dig v.i. To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore. + depository n. One with whom something is deposited; a depositary. + diseasing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disease + danger n. Power to harm; subjection or liability to penalty. + doghole n. A place fit only for dogs; a vile, mean habitation or apartment. + diopter n. Alt. of Dioptra + disciple v.t. To teach; to train. + dot n. A small point or spot, made with a pen or other pointed instrument; a speck, or small mark. + denunciator n. One who denounces, publishes, or proclaims, especially intended or coming evil; one who threatens or accuses. + defence n. Protecting plea; vindication; justification. + directly adv. Manifestly; openly. + discrete a. Separate; not coalescent; -- said of things usually coalescent. + daze v.t. To stupefy with excess of light; with a blow, with cold, or with fear; to confuse; to benumb. + dinghy n. A ship's smallest boat. + discovert a. Not covert; not within the bonds of matrimony; unmarried; -- applied either to a woman who has never married or to a widow. + dressing n. Manure or compost over land. When it remains on the surface, it is called a top-dressing. + diametric a. Alt. of Diametrical + disforestation n. The act of clearing land of forests. + demirelief n. Alt. of Demirelievo + do v.t.auxiliary To perform, as an action; to execute; to transact to carry out in action; as, to do a good or a bad act; do our duty; to do what I can. + drill n. Any exercise, physical or mental, enforced with regularity and by constant repetition; as, a severe drill in Latin grammar. + dermopteri n.pl. Same as Dermopterygii. + diadem n. Regal power; sovereignty; empire; -- considered as symbolized by the crown. + discomfort v.t. To destroy or disturb the comfort of; to deprive o/ quiet enjoyment; to make uneasy; to pain; as, a smoky chimney discomforts a family. + dissonance n. A mingling of discordant sounds; an inharmonious combination of sounds; discord. + diaglyphic a. Alt. of Diaglyphtic + deflection n. The act of turning aside, or state of being turned aside; a turning from a right line or proper course; a bending, esp. downward; deviation. + distractedness n. A state of being distracted; distraction. + diphyodont n. An animal having two successive sets of teeth. + daguerreotype v.t. To impress with great distinctness; to imprint; to imitate exactly. + defiance n. A casting aside; renunciation; rejection. + dipsomaniac n. One who has an irrepressible desire for alcoholic drinks. + dilluing n. A process of sorting ore by washing in a hand sieve. + depredated imp.|p.p. of Depredate + demulce v.t. To soothe; to mollify; to pacify; to soften. + declaration n. That part of the process in which the plaintiff sets forth in order and at large his cause of complaint; the narration of the plaintiff's case containing the count, or counts. See Count, n., 3. + derisory a. Derisive; mocking. + demeaned imp.|p.p. of Demean + dieses pl. of Diesis + disploding p.pr.|vb.n. of Displode + desire v.t. Excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite. + documental a. Of or pertaining to instruction. + done p. p. from Do, and formerly the infinitive. + drawcut n. A single cut with a knife. + dastardliness n. The quality of being dastardly; cowardice; base fear. + disinter v.t. To bring out, as from a grave or hiding place; to bring from obscurity into view. + disembowered a. Deprived of, or removed from, a bower. + dispensation n. A system of principles, promises, and rules ordained and administered; scheme; economy; as, the Patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian dispensations. + down adv. In a descending direction along; from a higher to a lower place upon or within; at a lower place in or on; as, down a hill; down a well. + doe n. A female deer or antelope; specifically, the female of the fallow deer, of which the male is called a buck. Also applied to the female of other animals, as the rabbit. See the Note under Buck. + deceivable a. Subject to deceit; capable of being misled. + doctrinarianism n. The principles or practices of the Doctrinaires. + diametral a. Pertaining to a diameter; diametrical. + diffusion n. The act of diffusing, or the state of being diffused; a spreading; extension; dissemination; circulation; dispersion. + delectation n. Great pleasure; delight. + disworkmanship n. Bad workmanship. + destinable a. Determined by destiny; fated. + discount v. To take into consideration beforehand; to anticipate and form conclusions concerning (an event). + disadvantageous a. Attended with disadvantage; unfavorable to success or prosperity; inconvenient; prejudicial; -- opposed to advantageous; as, the situation of an army is disadvantageous for attack or defense. + decussatively adv. Crosswise; in the form of an X. + demonstrater n. See Demonstrator. + drilling n. A heavy, twilled fabric of linen or cotton. + dueful a. Fit; becoming. + dispersonate v.t. To deprive of personality or individuality. + deciphering p.pr.|vb.n. of Decipher + dagos pl. of Dago + discountenancer n. One who discountenances; one who disfavors. + dallop n. A tuft or clump. + dilettanteism n. The state or quality of being a dilettante; the desultory pursuit of art, science, or literature. + disjoint a. Disjointed; unconnected; -- opposed to conjoint. + descant v.i. To comment freely; to discourse with fullness and particularity; to discourse at large. + dislikelihood n. The want of likelihood; improbability. + drag v.i. To be drawn along, as a rope or dress, on the ground; to trail; to be moved onward along the ground, or along the bottom of the sea, as an anchor that does not hold. + deordination n. Disorder; dissoluteness. + droop v.t. To let droop or sink. + dropsied a. Diseased with drops. + dialectology n. That branch of philology which is devoted to the consideration of dialects. + delate v.i. To dilate. + duty n. Specifically, obedience or submission due to parents and superiors. + doll n. A child's puppet; a toy baby for a little girl. + dulcifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dulcify + down n. The soft under feathers of birds. They have short stems with soft rachis and bards and long threadlike barbules, without hooklets. + dog fancier One who has an unusual fancy for, or interest in, dogs; also, one who deals in dogs. + design n. The realization of an inventive or decorative plan; esp., a work of decorative art considered as a new creation; conception or plan shown in completed work; as, this carved panel is a fine design, or of a fine design. + disenrolling p.pr.|vb.n. of Disenroll + dolichocephalous a. Having the cranium, or skull, long to its breadth; long-headed; -- opposed to brachycephalic. + dissented imp.|p.p. of Dissent + diagonally adv. In a diagonal direction. + disenslave v.t. To free from bondage or slavery; to disenthrall. + dure a. To last; to continue; to endure. + downlooked a. Having a downcast countenance; dejected; gloomy; sullen. + dart n. A spear set as a prize in running. + drawl v.i. To speak with slow and lingering utterance, from laziness, lack of spirit, affectation, etc. + disaffirm v.t. To refuse to confirm; to annul, as a judicial decision, by a contrary judgment of a superior tribunal. + darnex n. Alt. of Darnic + disenter v.t. See Disinter. + diacaustic n. That which burns by refraction, as a double convex lens, or the sun's rays concentrated by such a lens, sometimes used as a cautery. + discover v.t. To obtain for the first time sight or knowledge of, as of a thing existing already, but not perceived or known; to find; to ascertain; to espy; to detect. + died imp.|p.p. of Die + daze n. A glittering stone. + defame n. Dishonor. + dextrorsal a. Alt. of Dextrorse + dishfuls pl. of Dishful + dubious a. Occasioning doubt; not clear, or obvious; equivocal; questionable; doubtful; as, a dubious answer. + divast a. Devastated; laid waste. + drabbletail n. A draggle-tail; a slattern. + deviator n. One who, or that which, deviates. + disruption n. The act or rending asunder, or the state of being rent asunder or broken in pieces; breach; rent; dilaceration; rupture; as, the disruption of rocks in an earthquake; disruption of a state. + dialogist n. A speaker in a dialogue. + doupe n. The carrion crow. + discomfort v.t. Want of comfort; uneasiness, mental or physical; disturbance of peace; inquietude; pain; distress; sorrow. + duck n. The light clothes worn by sailors in hot climates. + doom v.t. Judgment; judicial sentence; penal decree; condemnation. + defeat v.t. To resist with success; as, to defeat an assault. + dianoetic a. Pertaining to the discursive faculty, its acts or products. + declaratory a. Making declaration, explanation, or exhibition; making clear or manifest; affirmative; expressive; as, a clause declaratory of the will of the legislature. + dinichthys n. A genus of large extinct Devonian ganoid fishes. In some parts of Ohio remains of the Dinichthys are abundant, indicating animals twenty feet in length. + drachme n. See Drachma. + domestic a. Of or pertaining to one's house or home, or one's household or family; relating to home life; as, domestic concerns, life, duties, cares, happiness, worship, servants. + danseuse n. A professional female dancer; a woman who dances at a public exhibition as in a ballet. + dusky a. Gloomy; sad; melancholy. + dript of Drip + devilfish n. The goosefish or angler (Lophius), and other allied fishes. See Angler. + deplore v.i. To lament. + defenseless a. Destitute of defense; unprepared to resist attack; unable to oppose; unprotected. + disagreer n. One who disagrees. + didelphous n. Formerly, any marsupial; but the term is now restricted to an American genus which includes the opossums, of which there are many species. See Opossum. [Written also Didelphis.] See Illustration in Appendix. + dwarfs pl. of Dwarf + discontinuance n. A breaking off or interruption of an estate, which happened when an alienation was made by a tenant in tail, or other tenant, seized in right of another, of a larger estate than the tenant was entitled to, whereby the party ousted or injured was driven to his real action, and could not enter. This effect of such alienation is now obviated by statute in both England and the United States. + disburden v.i. To relieve one's self of a burden; to ease the mind. + dejected a. Cast down; afflicted; low-spirited; sad; as, a dejected look or countenance. + drill v.t. To cause to flow in drills or rills or by trickling; to drain by trickling; as, waters drilled through a sandy stratum. + deev n. See Dev. + depletive n. A substance used to deplete. + defence n. Act or skill in making defense; defensive plan or policy; practice in self defense, as in fencing, boxing, etc. + dejected imp.|p.p. of Deject + dase v.t. See Daze. + deccapodal a. Alt. of Deccapodous + decrepitness n. Decrepitude. + ducat n. A coin, either of gold or silver, of several countries in Europe; originally, one struck in the dominions of a duke. + dromaeognathous a. Having the structure of the palate like that of the ostrich and emu. + decrepitation n. The act of decrepitating; a crackling noise, such as salt makes when roasting. + decapitate v.t. To remove summarily from office. + distance n. Remoteness in succession or relation; as, the distance between a descendant and his ancestor. + dissertly adv. See Disertly. + dinerout n. One who often takes his dinner away from home, or in company. + diffusible a. Capable of flowing or spreading in all directions; that may be diffused. + douse v.i. To fall suddenly into water. + daft a. Gay; playful; frolicsome. + dronte n. The dodo. + downfall n. A sudden descent from rank or state, reputation or happiness; destruction; ruin. + dehorn v.t. To deprive of horns; to prevent the growth of the horns of (cattle) by burning their ends soon after they start. See Dishorn. + dunker n. One of a religious denomination whose tenets and practices are mainly those of the Baptists, but partly those of the Quakers; -- called also Tunkers, Dunkards, Dippers, and, by themselves, Brethren, and German Baptists. + destroying p.pr.|vb.n. of Destroy + diaper n. An infant's breechcloth. + disarticulator n. One who disarticulates and prepares skeletons. + distinguished a. Separated from others by distinct difference; having, or indicating, superiority; eminent or known; illustrious; -- applied to persons and deeds. + depolarize v.t. To free from polarization, as the negative plate of the voltaic battery. + despised imp.|p.p. of Despise + deemed imp.|p.p. of Deem + degrading p.pr.|vb.n. of Degrade + decimate v.t. To select by lot and punish with death every tenth man of; as, to decimate a regiment as a punishment for mutiny. + disheveling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dishevel + damnatory a. Dooming to damnation; condemnatory. + drop n. To cause to fall in one portion, or by one motion, like a drop; to let fall; as, to drop a line in fishing; to drop a courtesy. + diffusibleness n. Diffusibility. + destinably adv. In a destinable manner. + delicate a. Pleasing to the senses; refinedly agreeable; hence, adapted to please a nice or cultivated taste; nice; fine; elegant; as, a delicate dish; delicate flavor. + dialytic a. Having the quality of unloosing or separating. + duffle n. See Duffel. + disprofit v.i.|i. To be, or to cause to be, without profit or benefit. + debauch n. Excess in eating or drinking; intemperance; drunkenness; lewdness; debauchery. + deutzia n. A genus of shrubs with pretty white flowers, much cultivated. + digesting p.pr.|vb.n. of Digest + dogsleep n. Pretended sleep. + ditto adv. As before, or aforesaid; in the same manner; also. + dustiness n. The state of being dusty. + decimal a. Of or pertaining to decimals; numbered or proceeding by tens; having a tenfold increase or decrease, each unit being ten times the unit next smaller; as, decimal notation; a decimal coinage. + dactylopterous a. Having the inferior rays of the pectoral fins partially or entirely free, as in the gurnards. + die v.i. To recede and grow fainter; to become imperceptible; to vanish; -- often with out or away. + diligent a. Interestedly and perseveringly attentive; steady and earnest in application to a subject or pursuit; assiduous; industrious. + disapprobation n. The act of disapproving; mental condemnation of what is judged wrong, unsuitable, or inexpedient; feeling of censure. + duskiness n. The state of being dusky. + desponder n. One who desponds. + drop v.i. To fall, in general, literally or figuratively; as, ripe fruit drops from a tree; wise words drop from the lips. + dragonnade n. The severe persecution of French Protestants under Louis XIV., by an armed force, usually of dragoons; hence, a rapid and devastating incursion; dragoonade. + dolorous a. Occasioning pain or grief; painful. + donkey n. A stupid or obstinate fellow; an ass. + deipnosophist n. One of an ancient sect of philosophers, who cultivated learned conversation at meals. + deprehend v.t. To detect; to discover; to find out. + detachment n. That which is detached; especially, a body of troops or part of a fleet sent from the main body on special service. + dogmas pl. of Dogma + disabused imp.|p.p. of Disabuse + digging n. Region; locality. + dragantine n. A mucilage obtained from, or containing, gum tragacanth. + discussing p.pr.|vb.n. of Discuss + dag v.t. To cut into jags or points; to slash; as, to dag a garment. + depthless a. Of measureless depth; unfathomable. + delighter n. One who gives or takes delight. + drill v.i. To practice an exercise or exercises; to train one's self. + daguerreotype n. An early variety of photograph, produced on a silver plate, or copper plate covered with silver, and rendered sensitive by the action of iodine, or iodine and bromine, on which, after exposure in the camera, the latent image is developed by the vapor of mercury. + dubb n. The Syrian bear. See under Bear. + decisive a. Marked by promptness and decision. + delicate a. Slight and shapely; lovely; graceful; as, "a delicate creature." + drip n. A falling or letting fall in drops; a dripping; that which drips, or falls in drops. + dial v.t. To survey with a dial. + deniance n. Denial. + diameter n. Any right line passing through the center of a figure or body, as a circle, conic section, sphere, cube, etc., and terminated by the opposite boundaries; a straight line which bisects a system of parallel chords drawn in a curve. + defending p.pr.|vb.n. of Defend + disprovide v.t. Not to provide; to fail to provide. + demiculverin n. A kind of ordnance, carrying a ball weighing from nine to thirteen pounds. + draught n. An order for the payment of money; -- in this sense almost always written draft. + diabase n. A basic, dark-colored, holocrystalline, igneous rock, consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar and pyroxene with magnetic iron; -- often limited to rocks pretertiary in age. It includes part of what was early called greenstone. + diathermic a. Affording a free passage to heat; as, diathermic substances. + difficulty n. The state of being difficult, or hard to do; hardness; arduousness; -- opposed to easiness or facility; as, the difficulty of a task or enterprise; a work of difficulty. + dacian n. A native of ancient Dacia. + decrement n. The quantity lost by gradual diminution or waste; -- opposed to increment. + downward adv. Alt. of Downwards + diazotize v.t. To subject to such reactions or processes that diazo compounds, or their derivatives, shall be produced by chemical exchange or substitution. + definable a. Capable of being defined, limited, or explained; determinable; describable by definition; ascertainable; as, definable limits; definable distinctions or regulations; definable words. + diminutival n. A diminutive. + dejeune n. A dejeuner. + date n. The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place; a given point of time; epoch; as, the date of a battle. + deadener n. One who, or that which, deadens or checks. + disrelishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disrelish + disordered a. Thrown into disorder; deranged; as, a disordered house, judgment. + deliberate a. Weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; circumspect; slow in determining; -- applied to persons; as, a deliberate judge or counselor. + disgorging p.pr.|vb.n. of Disgorge + disillusion n. The act or process of freeing from an illusion, or the state of being freed therefrom. + derma n. See Dermis. + drop n. Same as Gutta. + dulcamarin n. A glucoside extracted from the bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara), as a yellow amorphous substance. It probably occasions the compound taste. See Bittersweet, 3(a). + dead v.i. To die; to lose life or force. + divination n. The act of divining; a foreseeing or foretelling of future events; the pretended art discovering secret or future by preternatural means. + discoverture n. A state of being released from coverture; freedom of a woman from the coverture of a husband. + dogberry n. The berry of the dogwood; -- called also dogcherry. + distempering p.pr.|vb.n. of Distemper + divinity a. The science of divine things; the science which treats of God, his laws and moral government, and the way of salvation; theology. + drone v.i. A monotonous bass, as in a pastoral composition. + decreed imp.|p.p. of Decree + dauber n. A pad or ball of rags, covered over with canvas, for inking plates; a dabber. + diachylon n. Alt. of Diachylum + disleave v.t. To deprive of leaves. + dairymen pl. of Dairyman + demoralizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Demoralize + dropmeal adv. Alt. of Dropmele + dorp n. A hamlet. + disheart v.t. To dishearten. + dictatorial a. Pertaining or suited to a dictator; absolute. + dietary n. A rule of diet; a fixed allowance of food, as in workhouse, prison, etc. + dagges n.pl. An ornamental cutting of the edges of garments, introduced about a. d. 1346, according to the Chronicles of St Albans. + discontenting p.pr.|vb.n. of Discontent + dead a. Still as death; motionless; inactive; useless; as, dead calm; a dead load or weight. + duchesse dangouleme A variety of pear of large size and excellent flavor. + digressing p.pr.|vb.n. of Digress + dichotomy n. That phase of the moon in which it appears bisected, or shows only half its disk, as at the quadratures. + domage n. Damage; hurt. + drubbed imp.|p.p. of Drub + diet v.t. To cause to take food; to feed. + disease v.t. To deprive of ease; to disquiet; to trouble; to distress. + distract a. Insane; mad. + dispend v.t. To spend; to lay out; to expend. + derm v.t. See Dermis. + drinkable a. Capable of being drunk; suitable for drink; potable. Macaulay. Also used substantively, esp. in the plural. + delphinoidea n.pl. The division of Cetacea which comprises the dolphins, porpoises, and related forms. + deutosulphuret n. A disulphide. + decanter n. One who decants liquors. + directrix n. A directress. + decussated a. Consisting of two rising and two falling clauses, placed in alternate opposition to each other; as, a decussated period. + deliciousness n. Luxury. + debilitation n. The act or process of debilitating, or the condition of one who is debilitated; weakness. + dominos pl. of Domino + dishing a. Dish-shaped; concave. + declension n. Act of courteously refusing; act of declining; a declinature; refusal; as, the declension of a nomination. + discoverment n. Discovery. + doubleentendre n. A word or expression admitting of a double interpretation, one of which is often obscure or indelicate. + diving p.pr.|vb.n. of Dive + detective a. Fitted for, or skilled in, detecting; employed in detecting crime or criminals; as, a detective officer. + defaulter n. One who fails to perform a duty; a delinquent; particularly, one who fails to account for public money intrusted to his care; a peculator; a defalcator. + dinoxide n. Same as Dioxide. + declaimant n. A declaimer. + driven p.p. of Drive. Also adj. + disport v.i. To remove from a port; to carry away. + doom v.t. To pronounce sentence or judgment on; to condemn; to consign by a decree or sentence; to sentence; as, a criminal doomed to chains or death. + devest v.t. To divest; to undress. + dermopterygii n.pl. A group of fishlike animals including the Marsipobranchiata and Leptocardia. + drabbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Drabble + disensanity n. Insanity; folly. + desidious a. Idle; lazy. + deadlock n. A lock which is not self-latching, but requires a key to throw the bolt forward. + defiling p.pr.|vb.n. of Defile + disjointing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disjoint + dominating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dominate + doublehanded a. Having two hands. + deplant v.t. To take up (plants); to transplant. + daedalian a. Crafty; deceitful. + devout v.t. Warmly devoted; hearty; sincere; earnest; as, devout wishes for one's welfare. + dexter a. On the right-hand side of a shield, i. e., towards the right hand of its wearer. To a spectator in front, as in a pictorial representation, this would be the left side. + designative a. Serving to designate or indicate; pointing out. + drag v.t. The difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw; or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel. See Citation under Drag, v. i., 3. + disseminated p.a. Occurring in small portions scattered through some other substance. + distinction n. Estimation of difference; regard to differences or distinguishing circumstance. + digress v.i. To turn aside from the right path; to transgress; to offend. + displeasing p.pr.|vb.n. of Displease + dignity n. Elevation; grandeur. + distillment n. Distillation; the substance obtained by distillation. + differentiation n. The act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference; exact definition or determination. + daughterly a. Becoming a daughter; filial. + day n. The period of the earth's revolution on its axis. -- ordinarily divided into twenty-four hours. It is measured by the interval between two successive transits of a celestial body over the same meridian, and takes a specific name from that of the body. Thus, if this is the sun, the day (the interval between two successive transits of the sun's center over the same meridian) is called a solar day; if it is a star, a sidereal day; if it is the moon, a lunar day. See Civil day, Sidereal day, below. + dispense v.i. To compensate; to make up; to make amends. + dazzlement n. Dazzling flash, glare, or burst of light. + dummerer n. One who feigns dumbness. + dive v.i. To plunge into water head foremost; to thrust the body under, or deeply into, water or other fluid. + desecate v.t. To cut, as with a scythe; to mow. + defatigation n. Weariness; fatigue. + director n. One who, or that which, directs; one who regulates, guides, or orders; a manager or superintendent. + darn n. A place mended by darning. + distractious a. Distractive. + dekagram n. Same as Decagram. + diminutal a. Indicating or causing diminution. + divided a. Parted; disunited; distributed. + displicence n. Alt. of Displicency + disburgeon v.t. To strip of burgeons or buds; to disbud. + digamist n. One who marries a second time; a deuterogamist. + discontinuance n. That technical interruption of the proceedings in pleading in an action, which follows where a defendant does not answer the whole of the plaintiff's declaration, and the plaintiff omits to take judgment for the part unanswered. + dentiroster n. A dentirostral bird. + deforce v. To keep from the rightful owner; to withhold wrongfully the possession of, as of lands or a freehold. + diker n. One who builds stone walls; usually, one who builds them without lime. + delibration n. The act of stripping off the bark. + driller n. One who, or that which, drills. + docket n. A list or calendar of business matters to be acted on in any assembly. + demon n. An evil spirit; a devil. + deploying p.pr.|vb.n. of Deploy + defended imp.|p.p. of Defend + downtrodden a. Trodden down; trampled down; abused by superior power. + duodecimfid a. Divided into twelve parts. + deny v.t. To refuse (to do something or to accept something); to reject; to decline; to renounce. + devotionality n. The practice of a devotionalist. + dracin n. See Draconin. + devoutful a. Full of devotion. + defer v.t. To lay before; to submit in a respectful manner; to refer; -- with to. + difflation n. A blowing apart or away. + dakoit n. Alt. of Dakoity + dereliction n. A neglect or omission as if by willful abandonment. + draught n. The force drawn; a detachment; -- in this sense usually written draft. + doter n. One who dotes; a man whose understanding is enfeebled by age; a dotard. + devil v.t. To grill with Cayenne pepper; to season highly in cooking, as with pepper. + do v.i. To fare; to be, as regards health; as, they asked him how he did; how do you do to-day? + dumbness n. The quality or state of being dumb; muteness; silence; inability to speak. + displode v.i. To burst with a loud report; to explode. + disavaunce v.t. To retard; to repel; to do damage to. + doublecharge v.t. To load with a double charge, as of gunpowder. + drive v.t. To impel or urge onward by force in a direction away from one, or along before one; to push forward; to compel to move on; to communicate motion to; as, to drive cattle; to drive a nail; smoke drives persons from a room. + dunnish a. Inclined to a dun color. + deferential a. Expressing deference; accustomed to defer. + daysman n. An umpire or arbiter; a mediator. + diminutive n. A derivative from a noun, denoting a small or a young object of the same kind with that denoted by the primitive; as, gosling, eaglet, lambkin. + decrepitated imp.|p.p. of Decrepitate + derival n. Derivation. + deposer n. One who deposes or degrades from office. + distending p.pr.|vb.n. of Distend + disinterring p.pr.|vb.n. of Disinter + declamation n. The act or art of declaiming; rhetorical delivery; haranguing; loud speaking in public; especially, the public recitation of speeches as an exercise in schools and colleges; as, the practice declamation by students. + directorial a. Pertaining to: director or directory; specifically, relating to the Directory of France under the first republic. See Directory, 3. + dipleidoscope n. An instrument for determining the time of apparent noon. It consists of two mirrors and a plane glass disposed in the form of a prism, so that, by the reflections of the sun's rays from their surfaces, two images are presented to the eye, moving in opposite directions, and coinciding at the instant the sun's center is on the meridian. + deprivation n. The act of depriving, dispossessing, or bereaving; the act of deposing or divesting of some dignity. + discontinuation n. Breach or interruption of continuity; separation of parts in a connected series; discontinuance. + dregginess n. Fullness of dregs or lees; foulness; feculence. + disslander v.t. To slander. + discrepance n. Alt. of Discrepancy + debonairness n. The quality of being debonair; good humor; gentleness; courtesy. + decollete a. Leaving the neck and shoulders uncovered; cut low in the neck, or low-necked, as a dress. + deadly adv. In a manner to occasion death; mortally. + dite v.t. To prepare for action or use; to make ready; to dight. + depressed a. Having the vertical diameter shorter than the horizontal or transverse; -- said of the bodies of animals, or of parts of the bodies. + deceptible a. Capable of being deceived; deceivable. + dead v.t. To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigor. + distinguishably adv. So as to be distinguished. + drony a. Like a drone; sluggish; lazy. + deviant a. Deviating. + dirl v.i.|t. To thrill; to vibrate; to penetrate. + dereine v.t. Alt. of Dereyne + decampment n. Departure from a camp; a marching off. + discomfort v.t. Discouragement. + dago n. A nickname given to a person of Spanish (or, by extension, Portuguese or Italian) descent. + domino n. A costume worn as a disguise at masquerades, consisting of a robe with a hood adjustable at pleasure. + disconnect v.t. To dissolve the union or connection of; to disunite; to sever; to separate; to disperse. + dogmatical a. Asserting a thing positively and authoritatively; positive; magisterial; hence, arrogantly authoritative; overbearing. + development n. The elaboration of a theme or subject; the unfolding of a musical idea; the evolution of a whole piece or movement from a leading theme or motive. + durra n. A kind of millet, cultivated throughout Asia, and introduced into the south of Europe; a variety of Sorghum vulgare; -- called also Indian millet, and Guinea corn. + drum major A noisy gathering. [R.] See under Drum, n., 4. + dissolvability n. Capacity of being dissolved; solubility. + dissipating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissipate + deadreckoning n. See under Dead, a. + ditionary n. A subject; a tributary. + dawsonite n. A hydrous carbonate of alumina and soda, occuring in white, bladed crustals. + dipsas n. A genus of harmless colubrine snakes. + dictamen n. A dictation or dictate. + dogweary a. Extremely weary. + disgrace n. The state of being dishonored, or covered with shame; dishonor; shame; ignominy. + delighting p.pr.|vb.n. of Delight + dung v.t. To immerse or steep, as calico, in a bath of hot water containing cow dung; -- done to remove the superfluous mordant. + drawn p.p.|a. See Draw, v. t. & i. + disparates n.pl. Things so unequal or unlike that they can not be compared with each other. + dismiss v.t. To lay aside or reject as unworthy of attentions or regard, as a petition or motion in court. + dome n. A cupola formed on a large scale. + dilatable a. Capable of expansion; that may be dilated; -- opposed to contractible; as, the lungs are dilatable by the force of air; air is dilatable by heat. + drolled imp.|p.p. of Droll + detonization n. The act of detonizing; detonation. + deceive v.t. To lead into error; to cause to believe what is false, or disbelieve what is true; to impose upon; to mislead; to cheat; to disappoint; to delude; to insnare. + diurnal a. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; -- opposed to nocturnal; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. + dove n. A word of endearment for one regarded as pure and gentle. + dance v.i. To move nimbly or merrily; to express pleasure by motion; to caper; to frisk; to skip about. + deblai n. The cavity from which the earth for parapets, etc. (remblai), is taken. + drop v.i. To fall dead, or to fall in death. + dorsal a. Pertaining to, or situated near, the back, or dorsum, of an animal or of one of its parts; notal; tergal; neural; as, the dorsal fin of a fish; the dorsal artery of the tongue; -- opposed to ventral. + disafforesting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disafforest + diplomatic n. A minister, official agent, or envoy to a foreign court; a diplomatist. + dike n. A wall-like mass of mineral matter, usually an intrusion of igneous rocks, filling up rents or fissures in the original strata. + disliking p.pr.|vb.n. of Dislike + deadening p.pr.|vb.n. of Deaden + disembay v.t. To clear from a bay. + dotery n. The acts or speech of a dotard; drivel. + dooring n. The frame of a door. + drizzling p.pr.|vb.n. of Drizzle + direct n. A character, thus [/], placed at the end of a staff on the line or space of the first note of the next staff, to apprise the performer of its situation. + denationalization n. The or process of denationalizing. + dextrer n. A war horse; a destrer. + disliker n. One who dislikes or disrelishes. + dart n. Anything resembling a dart; anything that pierces or wounds like a dart. + decastich n. A poem consisting of ten lines. + disentrail v.t. To disembowel; to let out or draw forth, as the entrails. + dislive v.t. To deprive of life. + digesture n. Digestion. + deep n. That which is profound, not easily fathomed, or incomprehensible; a moral or spiritual depth or abyss. + doubtable a. Worthy of being feared; redoubtable. + decay v.t. To destroy. + dowery n. See Dower. + declare v.i. To state the plaintiff's cause of action at law in a legal form; as, the plaintiff declares in trespass. + deny v.t. To declare not to be true; to gainsay; to contradict; -- opposed to affirm, allow, or admit. + demean v.t. Management; treatment. + defense n. Alt. of Defence + dog n. A piece in machinery acting as a catch or clutch; especially, the carrier of a lathe, also, an adjustable stop to change motion, as in a machine tool. + dismastment n. The act of dismasting; the state of being dismasted. + defeasible a. Capable of being annulled or made void; as, a defeasible title. + dentirostrate a. Dentirostral. + dance v.i. To move with measured steps, or to a musical accompaniment; to go through, either alone or in company with others, with a regulated succession of movements, (commonly) to the sound of music; to trip or leap rhythmically. + dollardee n. A species of sunfish (Lepomis pallidus), common in the United States; -- called also blue sunfish, and copper-nosed bream. + devil v.t. To make like a devil; to invest with the character of a devil. + difference n. An addition to a coat of arms to distinguish the bearings of two persons, which would otherwise be the same. See Augmentation, and Marks of cadency, under Cadency. + debasing p.pr.|vb.n. of Debase + diffusate n. Material which, in the process of catalysis, has diffused or passed through the separating membrane. + deplumation n. A disease of the eyelids, attended with loss of the eyelashes. + daunter n. One who daunts. + disordeined a. Inordinate; irregular; vicious. + disinfection n. The act of disinfecting; purification from infecting matter. + disjointed a. Separated at the joints; disconnected; incoherent. + dories pl. of Dory + demigoddess n. A female demigod. + detected imp.|p.p. of Detect + desperado n. A reckless, furious man; a person urged by furious passions, and regardless of consequence; a wild ruffian. + draglink n. A drawbar. + disk n. The whole surface of a leaf. + doubtfulness n. Uncertainty of event or issue. + disaffect v.t. To disturb the functions of; to disorder. + dorian n. A native or inhabitant of Doris in Greece. + divorcible a. Divorceable. + dissociable a. Not /ell associated or assorted; incongruous. + distributable a. Capable of being distributed. + disunite v.i. To part; to fall asunder; to become separated. + dealt imp.|p.p. of Deal + dade v.i. To walk unsteadily, as a child in leading strings, or just learning to walk; to move slowly. + dismaying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dismay + donothingism n. Alt. of Do-nothingness + devilwood n. A kind of tree (Osmanthus Americanus), allied to the European olive. + detour n. A turning; a circuitous route; a deviation from a direct course; as, the detours of the Mississippi. + dative n. The dative case. See Dative, a., 1. + darkness n. A state of distress or trouble. + dissipativity n. The rate at which palpable energy is dissipated away into other forms of energy. + dismissing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dismiss + danite n. One of a secret association of Mormons, bound by an oath to obey the heads of the church in all things. + demonstrate v.t. To exhibit and explain (a dissection or other anatomical preparation). + devour v.t. To seize upon and destroy or appropriate greedily, selfishly, or wantonly; to consume; to swallow up; to use up; to waste; to annihilate. + defunct n. A dead person; one deceased. + depositure n. The act of depositing; deposition. + dighting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dight + delineator n. One who, or that which, delineates; a sketcher. + dane n. A native, or a naturalized inhabitant, of Denmark. + disinherit v.t. To cut off from an inheritance or from hereditary succession; to prevent, as an heir, from coming into possession of any property or right, which, by law or custom, would devolve on him in the course of descent. + dispiriting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispirit + devilry n. Conduct suitable to the devil; extreme wickedness; deviltry. + discouraged imp.|p.p. of Discourage + delegating p.pr.|vb.n. of Delegate + distinct a. Distinguished; having the difference marked; separated by a visible sign; marked out; specified. + dormant a. In a sleeping posture; as, a lion dormant; -- distinguished from couchant. + diuretic a. Tending to increase the secretion and discharge of urine. + deforest v.t. To clear of forests; to disforest. + disc n. A flat round plate + demissionary a. Tending to lower, depress, or degrade. + diorthotic a. Relating to the correcting or straightening out of something; corrective. + dismortgage v.t. To redeem from mortgage. + decreation n. Destruction; -- opposed to creation. + dishevelling of Dishevel + dollar n. A silver coin of the United States containing 371.25 grains of silver and 41.25 grains of alloy, that is, having a total weight of 412.5 grains. + defoliated a. Deprived of leaves, as by their natural fall. + dateless a. Without date; having no fixed time. + degarnishment n. The act of depriving, as of furniture, apparatus, or a garrison. + danish n. The language of the Danes. + devise v.t. To say; to relate; to describe. + decastyle n. A portico having ten pillars or columns in front. + dot v.i. To make dots or specks. + dopplerite n. A brownish black native hydrocarbon occurring in elastic or jellylike masses. + destiny n. That to which any person or thing is destined; predetermined state; condition foreordained by the Divine or by human will; fate; lot; doom. + demeanor v.t. Behavior; deportment; carriage; bearing; mien. + drain v.t. To draw off by degrees; to cause to flow gradually out or off; hence, to cause the exhaustion of. + dead a. Destitute of life; inanimate; as, dead matter. + dummy n. One who plays a merely nominal part in any action; a sham character. + derailing p.pr.|vb.n. of Derail + devious a. Out of a straight line; winding; varying from directness; as, a devious path or way. + diverged imp.|p.p. of Diverge + dairyman n. A man who keeps or takes care of a dairy. + discontent n. A discontented person; a malcontent. + disslander n. Slander. + dismember v.t. To deprive of membership. + duckweed n. A genus (Lemna) of small plants, seen floating in great quantity on the surface of stagnant pools fresh water, and supposed to furnish food for ducks; -- called also duckmeat. + debris n. Broken and detached fragments, taken collectively; especially, fragments detached from a rock or mountain, and piled up at the base. + dose n. To give doses to; to medicine or physic to; to give potions to, constantly and without need. + decumbency n. The act or posture of lying down. + deflection n. The bending which a beam or girder undergoes from its own weight or by reason of a load. + dangerous a. Hard to suit; difficult to please. + dizziness n. Giddiness; a whirling sensation in the head; vertigo. + disfurnishment n. The act of disfurnishing, or the state of being disfurnished. + dacapo From the beginning; a direction to return to, and end with, the first strain; -- indicated by the letters D. C. Also, the strain so repeated. + drown v.t. To overpower; to overcome; to extinguish; -- said especially of sound. + drith n. Drought. + diphtheritic a. Pertaining to, or connected with, diphtheria. + despicably adv. In a despicable or mean manner; contemptibly; as, despicably stingy. + dorsel n. Same as Dorsal, n. + discompt v.t. To discount. See Discount. + debacle n. A breaking or bursting forth; a violent rush or flood of waters which breaks down opposing barriers, and hurls forward and disperses blocks of stone and other debris. + discus n. The exercise with the discus. + dandle v.t. To play with; to put off or delay by trifles; to wheedle. + dock v.t. To cut off, bar, or destroy; as, to dock an entail. + dummy n. One who is dumb. + drug v.i. To drudge; to toil laboriously. + discriminated imp.|p.p. of Discriminate + doorga n. A Hindoo divinity, the consort of Siva, represented with ten arms. + discompany v.t. To free from company; to dissociate. + decreasing p.pr.|vb.n. of Decrease + drilling n. The act of piercing with a drill. + dioritic a. Containing diorite. + donatism n. The tenets of the Donatists. + dabble v.t. To wet by little dips or strokes; to spatter; to sprinkle; to moisten; to wet. + dour a. Hard; inflexible; obstinate; sour in aspect; hardy; bold. + deacon n. An officer in Christian churches appointed to perform certain subordinate duties varying in different communions. In the Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches, a person admitted to the lowest order in the ministry, subordinate to the bishops and priests. In Presbyterian churches, he is subordinate to the minister and elders, and has charge of certain duties connected with the communion service and the care of the poor. In Congregational churches, he is subordinate to the pastor, and has duties as in the Presbyterian church. + disfavor n. An unkindness; a disobliging act. + diction n. Choice of words for the expression of ideas; the construction, disposition, and application of words in discourse, with regard to clearness, accuracy, variety, etc.; mode of expression; language; as, the diction of Chaucer's poems. + displaying p.pr.|vb.n. of Display + desirer n. One who desires, asks, or wishes. + denationalize v.t. To divest or deprive of national character or rights. + digladiation n. Act of digladiating. + dasymeter n. An instrument for testing the density of gases, consisting of a thin glass globe, which is weighed in the gas or gases, and then in an atmosphere of known density. + deflour v.t. To deprive of virginity, as a woman; to violate; to ravish; also, to seduce. + durene n. A colorless, crystalline, aromatic hydrocarbon, C6H2(CH3)4, off artificial production, with an odor like camphor. + drenching p.pr.|vb.n. of Drench + dedication n. The act of setting apart or consecrating to a divine Being, or to a sacred use, often with religious solemnities; solemn appropriation; as, the dedication of Solomon's temple. + downcome n. Sudden fall; downfall; overthrow. + duplication n. The act of duplicating, or the state of being duplicated; a doubling; a folding over; a fold. + developable a. Capable of being developed. + defecate v.i. To become clear, pure, or free. + dankish a. Somewhat dank. + dust v.t. To reduce to a fine powder; to levigate. + deafly a. Lonely; solitary. + davidic a. Of or pertaining to David, the king and psalmist of Israel, or to his family. + dresser v.t. A table or bench on which meat and other things are dressed, or prepared for use. + decastyle a. Having ten columns in front; -- said of a portico, temple, etc. + delicacy a. The state of being affected by slight causes; sensitiveness; as, the delicacy of a chemist's balance. + deerstalking n. The hunting of deer on foot, by stealing upon them unawares. + dicephalous a. Having two heads on one body; double-headed. + disjoining p.pr.|vb.n. of Disjoin + duodecimo n. A book consisting of sheets each of which is folded into twelve leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of a book; -- usually written 12mo or 12°. + dispair v.t. To separate (a pair). + dialogite n. Native carbonate of manganese; rhodochrosite. + disavowing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disavow + discrepancy n. The state or quality of being discrepant; disagreement; variance; discordance; dissimilarity; contrariety. + draw n. The act of drawing; draught. + digitalis n. A genus of plants including the foxglove. + duelo n. A duel; also, the rules of dueling. + dunghill n. A heap of dung. + diphyllous a. Having two leaves, as a calyx, etc. + dyscrasia n. An ill habit or state of the constitution; -- formerly regarded as dependent on a morbid condition of the blood and humors. + dauk v.t. See Dawk, v. t., to cut or gush. + dioscorea n. A genus of plants. See Yam. + dispel v.t. To drive away by scattering, or so to cause to vanish; to clear away; to banish; to dissipate; as, to dispel a cloud, vapors, cares, doubts, illusions. + distinct a. So separated as not to be confounded with any other thing; not liable to be misunderstood; not confused; well-defined; clear; as, we have a distinct or indistinct view of a prospect. + determinately adv. Resolutely; unchangeably. + debonair a. Characterized by courteousness, affability, or gentleness; of good appearance and manners; graceful; complaisant. + dictum n. An authoritative statement; a dogmatic saying; an apothegm. + divaricate a. Forking and diverging; widely diverging; as the branches of a tree, or as lines of sculpture, or color markings on animals, etc. + dock v.t. to cut off, as the end of a thing; to curtail; to cut short; to clip; as, to dock the tail of a horse. + dizzying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dizzy + drunk a. Intoxicated with, or as with, strong drink; inebriated; drunken; -- never used attributively, but always predicatively; as, the man is drunk (not, a drunk man). + discomposed a. Disordered; disturbed; disquieted. + dub v.t. To clothe or invest; to ornament; to adorn. + divorce n. To make away; to put away. + doleful a. Full of dole or grief; expressing or exciting sorrow; sorrowful; sad; dismal. + diaphaneity n. The quality of being diaphanous; transparency; pellucidness. + dispart n. The difference between the thickness of the metal at the mouth and at the breech of a piece of ordnance. + dissolve v.t. To separate into competent parts; to disorganize; to break up; hence, to bring to an end by separating the parts, sundering a relation, etc.; to terminate; to destroy; to deprive of force; as, to dissolve a partnership; to dissolve Parliament. + disfiguration n. The act of disfiguring, or the state of being disfigured; defacement; deformity; disfigurement. + demonographer n. A demonologist. + drayage n. Use of a dray. + drove n. A collection of cattle driven, or cattle collected for driving; a number of animals, as oxen, sheep, or swine, driven in a body. + driftage n. Anything that drifts. + decurrent a. Extending downward; -- said of a leaf whose base extends downward and forms a wing along the stem. + dripping n. A falling in drops, or the sound so made. + darn v.t. To mend as a rent or hole, with interlacing stitches of yarn or thread by means of a needle; to sew together with yarn or thread. + disobliging a. Displeasing; offensive. + demiurge n. God, as the Maker of the world. + divorce n. The separation of a married woman from the bed and board of her husband -- divorce a mensa et toro (/ thoro), "from bed board." + doctrinal n. A matter of doctrine; also, a system of doctrines. + donation n. The act or contract by which a person voluntarily transfers the title to a thing of which be is the owner, from himself to another, without any consideration, as a free gift. + determine v.t. To fix the form or character of; to shape; to prescribe imperatively; to regulate; to settle. + debate v.t. Subject of discussion. + disbark v.t. To strip of bark; to bark. + disquisitionary a. Pertaining to disquisition; disquisitional. + dejection n. A casting down; depression. + darkly adv. With a dark, gloomy, cruel, or menacing look. + define v.t. To fix the bounds of; to bring to a termination; to end. + decreaseless a. Suffering no decrease. + draw v.t. To obtain from some cause or origin; to infer from evidence or reasons; to deduce from premises; to derive. + dogeate n. Dogate. + design n. A plan or scheme formed in the mind of something to be done; preliminary conception; idea intended to be expressed in a visible form or carried into action; intention; purpose; -- often used in a bad sense for evil intention or purpose; scheme; plot. + domesticating p.pr.|vb.n. of Domesticate + demster n. An officer whose duty it was to announce the doom or sentence pronounced by the court. + dispatch v.t. To get rid of by sending off; to send away hastily. + discovered imp.|p.p. of Discover + design n. To mark out and exhibit; to designate; to indicate; to show; to point out; to appoint. + dauw n. The striped quagga, or Burchell's zebra, of South Africa (Asinus Burchellii); -- called also peechi, or peetsi. + devitable a. Avoidable. + discredit v.t. To refuse credence to; not to accept as true; to disbelieve; as, the report is discredited. + disfranchisement n. The act of disfranchising, or the state disfranchised; deprivation of privileges of citizenship or of chartered immunities. + drastic a. Acting rapidly and violently; efficacious; powerful; -- opposed to bland; as, drastic purgatives. + danaide n. A water wheel having a vertical axis, and an inner and outer tapering shell, between which are vanes or floats attached usually to both shells, but sometimes only to one. + declinatory a. Containing or involving a declination or refusal, as of submission to a charge or sentence. + disowned imp.|p.p. of Disown + dram n. A minute quantity; a mite. + doughfaceism n. The character of a doughface; truckling pliability. + dayaks n.pl. See Dyaks. + dispatched imp.|p.p. of Dispatch + decemviri pl. of Decemvir + disagreeably adv. In a disagreeable manner; unsuitably; offensively. + dodecandria n.pl. A Linnaean class of plants including all that have any number of stamens between twelve and nineteen. + divinistre n. A diviner. + donnat n. See Do-naught. + disconsolate n. Disconsolateness. + divide v.i. To break friendship; to fall out. + distracted a. Mentally disordered; unsettled; mad. + doubtlessly adv. Unquestionably. + depolarizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Depolarize + draught n. The depth of water necessary to float a ship, or the depth a ship sinks in water, especially when laden; as, a ship of twelve feet draught. + danceress n. A female dancer. + deflect v.t. To cause to turn aside; to bend; as, rays of light are often deflected. + dimorphism n. Crystallization in two independent forms of the same chemical compound, as of calcium carbonate as calcite and aragonite. + dissolution n. The extinction of life in the human body; separation of the soul from the body; death. + deposition n. The act of setting aside a sovereign or a public officer; deprivation of authority and dignity; displacement; removal. + depauperate a. Falling short of the natural size, from being impoverished or starved. + discontentive a. Relating or tending to discontent. + demoniac n. One of a sect of Anabaptists who maintain that the demons or devils will finally be saved. + drop n. Any medicine the dose of which is measured by drops; as, lavender drops. + deglutition n. The act or process of swallowing food; the power of swallowing. + didrachma n. A two-drachma piece; an ancient Greek silver coin, worth nearly forty cents. + draining p.pr.|vb.n. of Drain + differentiate v.t. To distinguish or mark by a specific difference; to effect a difference in, as regards classification; to develop differential characteristics in; to specialize; to desynonymize. + decursion n. A flowing; also, a hostile incursion. + disspermous a. Containing only two seeds; two-seeded. + denigrate v.t. Fig.: To blacken or sully; to defame. + dervise n. Alt. of Dervis + demarch n. A chief or ruler of a deme or district in Greece. + dyspepsia Alt. of Dyspepsy + dump v.t. To knock heavily; to stump. + depress v.t. To lessen in price; to cause to decline in value; to cheapen; to depreciate. + doting a. That dotes; silly; excessively fond. + determine v.t. To bring to a conclusion, as a question or controversy; to settle authoritative or judicial sentence; to decide; as, the court has determined the cause. + delight v.t. To give delight to; to affect with great pleasure; to please highly; as, a beautiful landscape delights the eye; harmony delights the ear. + dichotomize v.t. To cut into two parts; to part into two divisions; to divide into pairs; to bisect. + disassociate v.t. To disconnect from things associated; to disunite; to dissociate. + dubious a. Of uncertain event or issue; as, in dubious battle. + drake n. A small piece of artillery. + decision n. The act of deciding; act of settling or terminating, as a controversy, by giving judgment on the matter at issue; determination, as of a question or doubt; settlement; conclusion. + diversifiable a. Capable of being diversified or varied. + driftway n. A common way, road, or path, for driving cattle. + deforce v. To resist the execution of the law; to oppose by force, as an officer in the execution of his duty. + dijudicate v.i. To make a judicial decision; to decide; to determine. + dildo n. A columnar cactaceous plant of the West Indies (Cereus Swartzii). + duck n. A linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric, finer and lighter than canvas, -- used for the lighter sails of vessels, the sacking of beds, and sometimes for men's clothing. + dubieties pl. of Dubiety + depute v.t. To appoint as deputy or agent; to commission to act in one's place; to delegate. + diuretical a. Diuretic. + depend v.i. To impend. + disrupt a. Rent off; torn asunder; severed; disrupted. + dhole n. A fierce, wild dog (Canis Dukhunensis), found in the mountains of India. It is remarkable for its propensity to hunt the tiger and other wild animals in packs. + defrayal n. The act of defraying; payment; as, the defrayal of necessary costs. + droll n. Something exhibited to raise mirth or sport, as a puppet, a farce, and the like. + damaging p.pr.|vb.n. of Damage + delve v.t. To dig into; to penetrate; to trace out; to fathom. + distend v.t. To extend in some one direction; to lengthen out; to stretch. + disproportion n. Want of proportion in form or quantity; lack of symmetry; as, the arm may be in disproportion to the body; the disproportion of the length of a building to its height. + dispossession n. The act of putting out of possession; the state of being dispossessed. + discretionally adv. Alt. of Discretionarily + depot n. A railway station; a building for the accommodation and protection of railway passengers or freight. + doom v.t. That to which one is doomed or sentenced; destiny or fate, esp. unhappy destiny; penalty. + downcast a. Cast downward; directed to the ground, from bashfulness, modesty, dejection, or guilt. + demerge v.t. To plunge down into; to sink; to immerse. + divining p.pr.|vb.n. of Divine + demurrage n. The allowance made to the master or owner of the ship for such delay or detention. + distinctively adv. With distinction; plainly. + department v.i. A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like; appointed sphere or walk; province. + daphnomancy n. Divination by means of the laurel. + dower n. The property with which a woman is endowed + domesmen pl. of Domesman + dephlegmatory a. Pertaining to, or producing, dephlegmation. + ducksmeat n. Duckweed. + discard v.t. To cast off as useless or as no longer of service; to dismiss from employment, confidence, or favor; to discharge; to turn away. + dollman n. See Dolman. + diaster n. A double star; -- applied to the nucleus of a cell, when, during cell division, the loops of the nuclear network separate into two groups, preparatory to the formation of two daughter nuclei. See Karyokinesis. + doeskin n. The skin of the doe. + divineress n. A woman who divines. + drumly a. Turbid; muddy. + desultory a. Jumping, or passing, from one thing or subject to another, without order or rational connection; without logical sequence; disconnected; immethodical; aimless; as, desultory minds. + digenea n.pl. A division of Trematoda in which alternate generations occur, the immediate young not resembling their parents. + displayer n. One who, or that which, displays. + divert v.t. To turn away from any occupation, business, or study; to cause to have lively and agreeable sensations; to amuse; to entertain; as, children are diverted with sports; men are diverted with works of wit and humor. + dilapidating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dilapidate + dispensary n. A place where medicines are prepared and dispensed; esp., a place where the poor can obtain medical advice and medicines gratuitously or at a nominal price. + disinhume v.t. To disinter. + deponed imp.|p.p. of Depone + dragoonade n. See Dragonnade. + disprison v.t. To let loose from prison, to set at liberty. + dimerous a. Composed of, or having, two parts of each kind. + distend v.t. To stretch out or extend in all directions; to dilate; to enlarge, as by elasticity of parts; to inflate so as to produce tension; to cause to swell; as, to distend a bladder, the stomach, etc. + dissent n. Separation from an established church, especially that of England; nonconformity. + delicate a. Addicted to pleasure; luxurious; voluptuous; alluring. + dissembling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissemble + dimorph n. Either one of the two forms of a dimorphous substance; as, calcite and aragonite are dimorphs. + deadlihood n. State of the dead. + depth n. The quality of being deep; deepness; perpendicular measurement downward from the surface, or horizontal measurement backward from the front; as, the depth of a river; the depth of a body of troops. + decalogue n. The Ten Commandments or precepts given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, and originally written on two tables of stone. + dull v.t. To deprive of liveliness or activity; to render heavy; to make inert; to depress; to weary; to sadden. + desiderate v.t. To desire; to feel the want of; to lack; to miss; to want. + dilater n. One who, or that which, dilates, expands, o r enlarges. + desinential a. Terminal. + drugged imp.|p.p. of Drug + dag n. A large pistol formerly used. + diphygenic a. Having two modes of embryonic development. + daub v.i. To smear; to play the flatterer. + dish n. A hollow place, as in a field. + doquet n. A warrant. See Docket. + despondence n. Despondency. + dragomans pl. of Dragoman + drinker n. One who drinks; as, the effects of tea on the drinker; also, one who drinks spirituous liquors to excess; a drunkard. + damnableness n. The state or quality of deserving damnation; execrableness. + dove of Dive + denominative a. Derived from a substantive or an adjective; as, a denominative verb. + division n. The portion separated by the divining of a mass or body; a distinct segment or section. + donator n. One who makes a gift; a donor; a giver. + deintevous a. Rare; excellent; costly. + diseasefulness n. The quality of being diseaseful; trouble; trial. + disposition n. The state or the manner of being disposed or arranged; distribution; arrangement; order; as, the disposition of the trees in an orchard; the disposition of the several parts of an edifice. + draught n. The act of selecting or detaching soldiers; a draft (see Draft, n., 2) + deprecatingly adv. In a deprecating manner. + destination n. The place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent; place or point aimed at. + depopulating p.pr.|vb.n. of Depopulate + discussional a. Pertaining to discussion. + debeige n. A kind of woolen or mixed dress goods. + depreciating p.pr.|vb.n. of Depreciate + dictum n. An arbitrament or award. + deeply adv. With profound skill; with art or intricacy; as, a deeply laid plot or intrigue. + decline v.t. To cause to decrease or diminish. + dulcify v.t. Fig. : To mollify; to sweeten; to please. + doubtful a. Characterized by ambiguity; dubious; as, a doubtful expression; a doubtful phrase. + decency n. That which is proper or becoming. + disburthen v.t. To disburden; to relieve of a load. + drowse n. A slight or imperfect sleep; a doze. + dioptre n. A unit employed by oculists in numbering glasses according to the metric system; a refractive power equal to that of a glass whose principal focal distance is one meter. + department v.i. Act of departing; departure. + disfavor v.t. To injure the form or looks of. + dreamt of Dream + dwarfish a. Like a dwarf; below the common stature or size; very small; petty; as, a dwarfish animal, shrub. + dipteral a. Having a double row of columns on each on the flanks, as well as in front and rear; -- said of a temple. + dispose v.i. To bargain; to make terms. + degrade v.t. To reduce from a higher to a lower rank or degree; to lower in rank; to deprive of office or dignity; to strip of honors; as, to degrade a nobleman, or a general officer. + dive v.t. To plunge (a person or thing) into water; to dip; to duck. + drub v.t. To beat with a stick; to thrash; to cudgel. + dilution n. The act of diluting, or the state of being diluted. + damnify v.t. To cause loss or damage to; to injure; to impair. + draugh n. See Draft. + dubiosities pl. of Dubiosity + disposingly adv. In a manner to dispose. + descent n. The act of descending, or passing downward; change of place from higher to lower. + decorated imp.|p.p. of Decorate + debited imp.|p.p. of Debit + discharge v.t. Firing off; explosive removal of a charge; explosion; letting off; as, a discharge of arrows, of artillery. + downweed n. Cudweed, a species of Gnaphalium. + draff n. A drawing of lines for a plan; a plan delineated, or drawn in outline; a delineation. See Draught. + durante prep. During; as, durante vita, during life; durante bene placito, during pleasure. + dioicous a. See Dioecious. + discipline n. The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; education; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training, whether physical, mental, or moral. + demonologer n. One versed in demonology. + diesis n. A small interval, less than any in actual practice, but used in the mathematical calculation of intervals. + durity n. Hardness; firmness. + depart v.t. To leave; to depart from. + distemper v.t. To intoxicate. + defame v.t. To charge; to accuse. + dumfounded imp.|p.p. of Dumfound + delver n. One who digs, as with a spade. + deliber v.t.|i. To deliberate. + depurating p.pr.|vb.n. of Depurate + dislodging p.pr.|vb.n. of Dislodge + dicrotism n. A condition in which there are two beats or waves of the arterial pulse to each beat of the heart. + discretive a. Marking distinction or separation; disjunctive. + diffusion n. The act of passing by osmosis through animal membranes, as in the distribution of poisons, gases, etc., through the body. Unlike absorption, diffusion may go on after death, that is, after the blood ceases to circulate. + different a. Distinct; separate; not the same; other. + desmidian n. A microscopic plant of the family Desmidiae, a group of unicellular algae in which the species have a greenish color, and the cells generally appear as if they consisted of two coalescing halves. + drip n. That part of a cornice, sill course, or other horizontal member, which projects beyond the rest, and is of such section as to throw off the rain water. + die v.i. To sink; to faint; to pine; to languish, with weakness, discouragement, love, etc. + dump v.t. Absence of mind; revery. + decoction n. An extract got from a body by boiling it in water. + discouragement n. The act of discouraging, or the state of being discouraged; depression or weakening of confidence; dejection. + dill n. An herb (Peucedanum graveolens), the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, and were formerly used as a soothing medicine for children; -- called also dillseed. + didst the 2d pers. sing. imp. of Do. + doublebank v.t. To row by rowers sitting side by side in twos on a bank or thwart. + discard v.t. To throw out of one's hand, as superfluous cards; to lay aside (a card or cards). + deplorableness n. State of being deplorable. + desisted imp.|p.p. of Desist + dimidiate v.t. To represent the half of; to halve. + dealfish n. A long, thin fish of the arctic seas (Trachypterus arcticus). + deduction n. Act of deducting or taking away; subtraction; as, the deduction of the subtrahend from the minuend. + donkey n. An ass; or (less frequently) a mule. + divide v.t. To separate into two parts, in order to ascertain the votes for and against a measure; as, to divide a legislative house upon a question. + disordination n. The state of being in disorder; derangement; confusion. + debacchation n. Wild raving or debauchery. + disapproving p.pr.|vb.n. of Disapprove + disposer n. One who, or that which, disposes; a regulator; a director; a bestower. + dictatrix n. A dictatress. + dip v.i. To perform the action of plunging some receptacle, as a dipper, ladle. etc.; into a liquid or a soft substance and removing a part. + dandiprat n. A small coin. + dole n. grief; sorrow; lamentation. + decay n. Cause of decay. + doubtful a. Fearful; apprehensive; suspicious. + document v.t. To teach; to school. + dilatometer n. An instrument for measuring the dilatation or expansion of a substance, especially of a fluid. + distortion n. An unnatural deviation of shape or position of any part of the body producing visible deformity. + discuss v.t. To examine or search thoroughly; to exhaust a remedy against, as against a principal debtor before proceeding against the surety. + disprovable a. Capable of being disproved or refuted. + depend v.i. To hang in suspense; to be pending; to be undetermined or undecided; as, a cause depending in court. + due v.t. To endue. + diggers n.pl. A degraded tribe of California Indians; -- so called from their practice of digging roots for food. + diatryma n. An extinct eocene bird from New Mexico, larger than the ostrich. + departure n. The distance due east or west which a person or ship passes over in going along an oblique line. + defoliate a. Alt. of Defoliated + dolorifical a. Causing pain or grief. + distraint n. The act or proceeding of seizing personal property by distress. + denunciation n. Proclamation; announcement; a publishing. + dexter a. Pertaining to, or situated on, the right hand; right, as opposed to sinister, or left. + disparagement n. Matching any one in marriage under his or her degree; injurious union with something of inferior excellence; a lowering in rank or estimation. + discipleship n. The state of being a disciple or follower in doctrines and precepts. + disposited a. Disposed. + declaratively adv. By distinct assertion; not impliedly; in the form of a declaration. + dine v.t. To dine upon; to have to eat. + distoma n. A genus of parasitic, trematode worms, having two suckers for attaching themselves to the part they infest. See 1st Fluke, 2. + dispurveyance n. Want of provisions; /ack of food. + domineer v.t. To rule with insolence or arbitrary sway; to play the master; to be overbearing; to tyrannize; to bluster; to swell with conscious superiority or haughtiness; -- often with over; as, to domineer over dependents. + decimator n. One who decimates. + delving p.pr.|vb.n. of Delve + decile n. An aspect or position of two planets, when they are distant from each other a tenth part of the zodiac, or 36°. + dalliance n. Delay or procrastination. + disdiapason n. An interval of two octaves, or a fifteenth; -- called also bisdiapason. + draught n. See Draft, n., 7. + drift n. A slightly tapered tool of steel for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal, by being forced or driven into or through it; a broach. + drive n. A collection of objects that are driven; a mass of logs to be floated down a river. + depravation n. The act of depraving, or making anything bad; the act of corrupting. + drudgingly adv. In a drudging manner; laboriously. + disunited imp.|p.p. of Disunite + draft v.t. To draw the outline of; to delineate. + dress v.i. To arrange one's self in due position in a line of soldiers; -- the word of command to form alignment in ranks; as, Right, dress! + dulcimer n. An instrument, having stretched metallic wires which are beaten with two light hammers held in the hands of the performer. + distichous n. Disposed in two vertical rows; two-ranked. + dorsal a. Pertaining to the surface naturally inferior, as of a leaf. + draught n. That which is drawn + difference n. Disagreement in opinion; dissension; controversy; quarrel; hence, cause of dissension; matter in controversy. + dentizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dentize + driftweed n. Seaweed drifted to the shore by the wind. + dockcress n. Nipplewort. + discomposed imp.|p.p. of Discompose + dorian a. Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks of Doris; Doric; as, a Dorian fashion. + destination n. Purpose for which anything is destined; predetermined end, object, or use; ultimate design. + daredevil n. A reckless fellow. Also used adjectively; as, dare-devil excitement. + dwell v.i. To abide as a permanent resident, or for a time; to live in a place; to reside. + discern v.t. To see and identify by noting a difference or differences; to note the distinctive character of; to discriminate; to distinguish. + devoto n. A devotee. + dislodged imp.|p.p. of Dislodge + dragon n. A fabulous animal, generally represented as a monstrous winged serpent or lizard, with a crested head and enormous claws, and regarded as very powerful and ferocious. + diandrous n. Of or pertaining to the class Diandria; having two stamens. + diploe n. The soft, spongy, or cancellated substance between the plates of the skull. + disciplinant n. A flagellant. See Flagellant. + dejectly adv. Dejectedly. + draco n. The Dragon, a northern constellation within which is the north pole of the ecliptic. + diarthrosis n. A form of articulation which admits of considerable motion; a complete joint; abarticulation. See Articulation. + dangerous a. Reserved; not affable. + drouth n. Same as Drought. + dost dpers.sing.pres. of Do. + designed imp.|p.p. of Design + decocting p.pr.|vb.n. of Decoct + depose v.t. To remove from a throne or other high station; to dethrone; to divest or deprive of office. + den v.i. To live in, or as in, a den. + desponding p.pr.|vb.n. of Despond + duct n. Guidance; direction. + degenerately adv. In a degenerate manner; unworthily. + dorsum n. The back or dorsal region of an animal; the upper side of an appendage or part; as, the dorsum of the tongue. + daric n. Any very pure gold coin. + deiform a. Godlike, or of a godlike form. + disinherison v.t. Same as Disherison. + double v.i. To set up a word or words a second time by mistake; to make a doublet. + disavow v.t. To deny; to show the contrary of; to disprove. + disincorporate v.t. To detach or separate from a corporation. + diptych n. Anything consisting of two leaves. + detruded imp.|p.p. of Detrude + drawbolt n. A coupling pin. See under Coupling. + drawing knife n. Alt. of Drawknife + deducive a. That deduces; inferential. + docetae n.pl. Ancient heretics who held that Christ's body was merely a phantom or appearance. + decidable a. Capable of being decided; determinable. + denticete n.pl. The division of Cetacea in which the teeth are developed, including the sperm whale, dolphins, etc. + dispraiser n. One who blames or dispraises. + deadhead n. One who receives free tickets for theaters, public conveyances, etc. + deck v.t. To cover; to overspread. + desperate a. Proceeding from, or suggested by, despair; without regard to danger or safety; reckless; furious; as, a desperate effort. + dirtily adv. In a dirty manner; foully; nastily; filthily; meanly; sordidly. + division n. That which divides or keeps apart; a partition. + dismissal n. Dismission; discharge. + doxologizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Doxologize + despair n. Loss of hope; utter hopelessness; complete despondency. + drawlatch n. A housebreaker or thief. + disjuncture n. The act of disjoining, or state of being disjoined; separation. + documentary a. Pertaining to written evidence; contained or certified in writing. + dinnerly a. Of or pertaining to dinner. + defedation n. The act of making foul; pollution. + derivation n. That from which a thing is derived. + debouch v.i. To march out from a wood, defile, or other confined spot, into open ground; to issue. + disturb v.t. To throw into disorder or confusion; to derange; to interrupt the settled state of; to excite from a state of rest. + daff v.t. To cast aside; to put off; to doff. + datura n. A genus of solanaceous plants, with large funnel-shaped flowers and a four-celled, capsular fruit. + debaucheries pl. of Debauchery + disingenuous a. Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy; as, disingenuous conduct or schemes. + disadvantage n. Deprivation of advantage; unfavorable or prejudicial quality, condition, circumstance, or the like; that which hinders success, or causes loss or injury. + destinal a. Determined by destiny; fated. + definition n. The act of defining; determination of the limits; as, a telescope accurate in definition. + diplostemonous a. Having twice as many stamens as petals, as the geranium. + directory n. A body of directors; board of management; especially, a committee which held executive power in France under the first republic. + disguise v.t. To change the guise or appearance of; especially, to conceal by an unusual dress, or one intended to mislead or deceive. + drooping p.pr.|vb.n. of Droop + demoiselle n. The Numidian crane (Anthropoides virgo); -- so called on account of the grace and symmetry of its form and movements. + dential a. Of or pertaining to dentine. + duumvir n. One of two Roman officers or magistrates united in the same public functions. + darksome a. Dark; gloomy; obscure; shaded; cheerless. + doily n. A small napkin, used at table with the fruit, etc.; -- commonly colored and fringed. + demonstration n. The act of demonstrating; an exhibition; proof; especially, proof beyond the possibility of doubt; indubitable evidence, to the senses or reason. + dub v.i. To make a noise by brisk drumbeats. + diluent n. That which dilutes. + disfurnished imp.|p.p. of Disfurnish + deplorable a. Worthy of being deplored or lamented; lamentable; causing grief; hence, sad; calamitous; grievous; wretched; as, life's evils are deplorable. + dossil n. A roll of cloth for wiping off the face of a copperplate, leaving the ink in the engraved lines. + discharge v.t. To prohibit; to forbid. + disinclining p.pr.|vb.n. of Disincline + disarrayment n. Disorder. + demonstratory a. Tending to demonstrate; demonstrative. + dalesman n. One living in a dale; -- a term applied particularly to the inhabitants of the valleys in the north of England, Norway, etc. + delve v.t. A place dug; a pit; a ditch; a den; a cave. + dapatical a. Sumptuous in cheer. + disembarrassing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disembarrass + descending p.pr.|vb.n. of Descend + detonate v.t. To cause to explode; to cause to burn or inflame with a sudden report. + disarmed a. Deprived of claws, and teeth or beaks. + decreeing p.pr.|vb.n. of Decree + dimyarian a. Like or pertaining to the Dimya. + disuniform a. Not uniform. + decempedal a. Having ten feet; decapodal. + decipher v.t. To translate from secret characters or ciphers into intelligible terms; as, to decipher a letter written in secret characters. + decomposition n. Repeated composition; a combination of compounds. + disagreement n. A falling out, or controversy; difference. + daff n. A stupid, blockish fellow; a numskull. + despecfication n. Discrimination. + decorement n. Ornament. + dubiousness n. State of being dubious. + dissemblance n. Want of resemblance; dissimilitude. + disobliging a. Not obliging; not disposed to do a favor; unaccommodating; as, a disobliging person or act. + duodecimal n. A system of numbers, whose denominations rise in a scale of twelves, as of feet and inches. The system is used chiefly by artificers in computing the superficial and solid contents of their work. + disingenuous a. Not ingenuous; wanting in noble candor or frankness; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful. + delphic a. Of or relating to Delphi, or to the famous oracle of that place. + despondency n. The state of desponding; loss of hope and cessation of effort; discouragement; depression or dejection of the mind. + decrepit a. Broken down with age; wasted and enfeebled by the infirmities of old age; feeble; worn out. + disseizure n. Disseizin. + dicrotic a. Of or pertaining to the second expansion of the artery in the dicrotic pulse; as, the dicrotic wave. + drawloom n. A kind of loom used in weaving figured patterns; -- called also drawboy. + dreader n. One who fears, or lives in fear. + detesttate v.t. To detest. + disturb v.t. To turn from a regular or designed course. + dullish a. Somewhat dull; uninteresting; tiresome. + diminutive a. Below the average size; very small; little. + dampy a. Somewhat damp. + decoct v.t. To prepare by the heat of the stomach for assimilation; to digest; to concoct. + disguise n. Change of manner by drink; intoxication. + deific a. Alt. of Deifical + disrepute v.t. To bring into disreputation; to hold in dishonor. + daswe v.i. See Dasewe + demonstrate v.t. To point out; to show; to exhibit; to make evident. + divorcee n. A person divorced. + distractile a. Tending or serving to draw apart. + declaration n. The document or instrument containing such statement or proclamation; as, the Declaration of Independence (now preserved in Washington). + detruncated imp.|p.p. of Detuncate + duncish a. Somewhat like a dunce. + destrie v.t. To destroy. + deynte n.|a. Alt. of Deyntee + disaffection n. State of being disaffected; alienation or want of affection or good will, esp. toward those in authority; unfriendliness; dislike. + disproportion n. Want of suitableness, adequacy, or due proportion to an end or use; unsuitableness; disparity; as, the disproportion of strength or means to an object. + distribution n. That which is distributed. + dial n. The graduated face of a timepiece, on which the time of day is shown by pointers or hands. + diameter n. A diametral plane. + depositories pl. of Depository + dazzle v.t. To bewilder or surprise with brilliancy or display of any kind. + dissentany a. Dissentaneous; inconsistent. + dedentition n. The shedding of teeth. + dialyzing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dialyze + deoppilation n. Removal of whatever stops up the passages. + downiness n. The quality or state of being downy. + dermis n. The deep sensitive layer of the skin beneath the scarfskin or epidermis; -- called also true skin, derm, derma, corium, cutis, and enderon. See Skin, and Illust. in Appendix. + doom v.t. To ordain as penalty; hence, to mulct or fine. + deglutitious a. Pertaining to deglutition. + diviner n. A conjecture; a guesser; one who makes out occult things. + danite n. A descendant of Dan; an Israelite of the tribe of Dan. + delicate a. Refined; gentle; scrupulous not to trespass or offend; considerate; -- said of manners, conduct, or feelings; as, delicate behavior; delicate attentions; delicate thoughtfulness. + denouement n. The solution of a mystery; issue; outcome. + deceptive a. Tending to deceive; having power to mislead, or impress with false opinions; as, a deceptive countenance or appearance. + depascent a. Feeding. + down n. That which is made of down, as a bed or pillow; that which affords ease and repose, like a bed of down + descent n. Derivation, as from an ancestor; procedure by generation; lineage; birth; extraction. + downfallen a. Fallen; ruined. + divinity a. The Deity; the Supreme Being; God. + deleting p.pr.|vb.n. of Delete + descrier n. One who descries. + delicacy a. Addiction to pleasure; luxury; daintiness; indulgence; luxurious or voluptuous treatment. + devotion n. A thing consecrated; an object of devotion. + dangle v.t. To cause to dangle; to swing, as something suspended loosely; as, to dangle the feet. + discourteous a. Uncivil; rude; wanting in courtesy or good manners; uncourteous. + delegate a. Sent to act for or represent another; deputed; as, a delegate judge. + disavower n. One who disavows. + daguerreotypy n. The art or process of producing pictures by method of Daguerre. + disagreement n. Difference of opinion or sentiment. + dream n. To let the mind run on in idle revery or vagary; to anticipate vaguely as a coming and happy reality; to have a visionary notion or idea; to imagine. + dress v.t. To put in proper condition by appareling, as the body; to put clothes upon; to apparel; to invest with garments or rich decorations; to clothe; to deck. + dizzard n. A blockhead. [Obs.] [Written also dizard, and disard.] + detached a. Separate; unconnected, or imperfectly connected; as, detached parcels. + diurnal a. Opening during the day, and closing at night; -- said of flowers or leaves. + dimera n.pl. A division of the Hemiptera, including the aphids. + discoid n. Anything having the form of a discus or disk; particularly, a discoid shell. + disuniting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disunite + decubation n. Act of lying down; decumbence. + detective n. One who business it is so detect criminals or discover matters of secrecy. + delusion n. That which is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; false belief; error in belief. + dressmaker n. A maker of gowns, or similar garments; a mantuamaker. + dinged imp.|p.p. of Ding + damosella n. Alt. of Damoiselle + doublet a. An arrangement of two lenses for a microscope, designed to correct spherical aberration and chromatic dispersion, thus rendering the image of an object more clear and distinct. + deoxygenize v.t. To deoxidize. + delayment n. Hindrance. + default v.i. To fail to appear in court; to let a case go by default. + disguising p.pr.|vb.n. of Disguise + demonolatry n. The worship of demons. + dewretting n. Dewrotting; the process of decomposing the gummy matter of flax and hemp and setting the fibrous part, by exposure on a sward to dew, rain, and sunshine. + dissolution n. The act of dissolving, sundering, or separating into component parts; separation. + doo n. A dove. + distemper v.t. To mix (colors) in the way of distemper; as, to distemper colors with size. + dissolve v.i. To fade away; to fall to nothing; to lose power. + dicotyledonous a. Having two cotyledons or seed lobes; as, a dicotyledonous plant. + disintegrator n. A machine for grinding or pulverizing by percussion. + demoniac n. A human being possessed by a demon or evil spirit; one whose faculties are directly controlled by a demon. + desire v.t. To require; to demand; to claim. + dwang n. A piece of wood set between two studs, posts, etc., to stiffen and support them. + dissolve v.t. To convert into a liquid by means of heat, moisture, etc.,; to melt; to liquefy; to soften. + degenerated imp.|p.p. of Degenerate + decennium n. A period of ten years. + depredable a. Liable to depredation. + dunderheaded a. Thick-headed; stupid. + direption n. The act of plundering, despoiling, or snatching away. + detecter n. One who, or that which, detects or brings to light; one who finds out what another attempts to conceal; a detector. + disworship n. A deprivation of honor; a cause of disgrace; a discredit. + dammed imp.|p.p. of Dam + detractory a. Defamatory by denial of desert; derogatory; calumnious. + diarrhoeal a. Of or pertaining to diarrhea; like diarrhea. + dairywoman n. A woman who attends to a dairy. + damascene a. Of or relating to Damascus. + diplomatic n. The science of diplomas, or the art of deciphering ancient writings, and determining their age, authenticity, etc.; paleography. + differentiate v.i. To acquire a distinct and separate character. + detorted imp.|p.p. of Detort + distrustful a. Not confident; diffident; wanting confidence or thrust; modest; as, distrustful of ourselves, of one's powers. + disrooted imp.|p.p. of Disroot + doctoral a. Of or relating to a doctor, or to the degree of doctor. + discourage v.t. To dishearten one with respect to; to discountenance; to seek to check by disfavoring; to deter one from; as, they discouraged his efforts. + demagnetize v.t. To deprive of magnetic properties. See Magnetize. + despotist n. A supporter of despotism. + duty n. That which is due; payment. + decandrian a. Alt. of Decandrous + dandified imp.|p.p. of Dandify + descend v.i. To pass from the more general or important to the particular or less important matters to be considered. + dalmania n. A genus of trilobites, of many species, common in the Upper Silurian and Devonian rocks. + depressed imp.|p.p. of Depress + dominicide n. The act of killing a master. + decorticate v.t. To divest of the bark, husk, or exterior coating; to husk; to peel; to hull. + disjoint v.t. To separate at junctures or joints; to break where parts are united; to break in pieces; as, disjointed columns; to disjoint and edifice. + dash n. A mark or line [--], in writing or printing, denoting a sudden break, stop, or transition in a sentence, or an abrupt change in its construction, a long or significant pause, or an unexpected or epigrammatic turn of sentiment. Dashes are also sometimes used instead of marks or parenthesis. + deuteropathia n. Alt. of Deuteropathy + deposition n. The act of laying down one's testimony in writing; also, testimony laid or taken down in writing, under oath or affirmation, before some competent officer, and in reply to interrogatories and cross-interrogatories. + deaf a. Deprived of the power of hearing; deafened. + deaconess n. One of an order of women whose duties resembled those of deacons. + distaste n. Aversion of the taste; dislike, as of food or drink; disrelish. + drainage n. The act, process, or means of drawing off the pus or fluids from a wound, abscess, etc. + doziness n. The state of being dozy; drowsiness; inclination to sleep. + ducking n. & a., from Duck, v. t. & i. + distemperature n. Bad temperature; intemperateness; excess of heat or cold, or of other qualities; as, the distemperature of the air. + deplantation n. Act of taking up plants from beds. + dup v.t. To open; as, to dup the door. + double n. Among compositors, a doublet (see Doublet, 2.); among pressmen, a sheet that is twice pulled, and blurred. + drivelling of Drivel + district v.t. To divide into districts or limited portions of territory; as, legislatures district States for the choice of representatives. + dermobranchiata n.pl. A group of nudibranch mollusks without special gills. + disclose v.t. To unclose; to open; -- applied esp. to eggs in the sense of to hatch. + decreasing a. Becoming less and less; diminishing. + diacritical a. That separates or distinguishes; -- applied to points or marks used to distinguish letters of similar form, or different sounds of the same letter, as, a, /, a, /, /, etc. + defalcation n. An abstraction of money, etc., by an officer or agent having it in trust; an embezzlement. + demolition n. The act of overthrowing, pulling down, or destroying a pile or structure; destruction by violence; utter overthrow; -- opposed to construction; as, the demolition of a house, of military works, of a town, or of hopes. + dissolved imp.|p.p. of Dissolve + dementate v.t. Deprived of reason. + department v.i. A territorial division; a district; esp., in France, one of the districts composed of several arrondissements into which the country is divided for governmental purposes; as, the Department of the Loire. + depravation n. The state of being depraved or degenerated; degeneracy; depravity. + depressing p.pr.|vb.n. of Depress + dragged imp.|p.p. of Drag + disembody v.t. To disarm and disband, as a body of soldiers. + distrain v.t. To rend; to tear. + dulcoration n. The act of sweetening. + demotic a. Of or pertaining to the people; popular; common. + dactylar a. Of or pertaining to a finger or toe, or to the claw of an insect crustacean. + denary n. The number ten; a division into ten. + dare v.t. To have courage for; to attempt courageously; to venture to do or to undertake. + durion n. The fruit of the durio. It is oval or globular, and eight or ten inches long. It has a hard prickly rind, containing a soft, cream-colored pulp, of a most delicious flavor and a very offensive odor. The seeds are roasted and eaten like chestnuts. + dilection n. Love; choice. + degraded a. Reduced in rank, character, or reputation; debased; sunken; low; base. + discomfort v.t. To discourage; to deject. + drummer n. One who solicits custom; a commercial traveler. + discalceated a. Deprived off shoes or sandals; unshod; discalced. + dilatory a. Inclined to defer or put off what ought to be done at once; given the procrastination; delaying; procrastinating; loitering; as, a dilatory servant. + distance n. Remoteness of place; a remote place. + dimmy a. Somewhat dim; as, dimmish eyes. + degenerationist n. A believer in the theory of degeneration, or hereditary degradation of type; as, the degenerationists hold that savagery is the result of degeneration from a superior state. + despatch n.|v. Same as Dispatch. + describe v.t. To represent by drawing; to draw a plan of; to delineate; to trace or mark out; as, to describe a circle by the compasses; a torch waved about the head in such a way as to describe a circle. + durian n. Alt. of Durion + dictatory a. Dogmatical; overbearing; dictatorial. + dexterity n. Readiness in the use or control of the mental powers; quickness and skill in managing any complicated or difficult affair; adroitness. + disproval n. Act of disproving; disproof. + drevil n. A fool; a drudge. See Drivel. + diapason n. A standard of pitch; a tuning fork; as, the French normal diapason. + dispoline n. One of several isomeric organic bases of the quinoline series of alkaloids. + dactylar a. Pertaining to dactyl; dactylic. + drum n. A sheet iron radiator, often in the shape of a drum, for warming an apartment by means of heat received from a stovepipe, or a cylindrical receiver for steam, etc. + davyne n. A variety of nephelite from Vesuvius. + disquisitive a. Relating to disquisition; fond discussion or investigation; examining; inquisitive. + decumbiture n. Confinement to a sick bed, or time of taking to one's bed from sickness. + drudge n. One who drudges; one who works hard in servile employment; a mental servant. + dickey n. Alt. of Dicky + dogfox n. A male fox. See the Note under Dog, n., 6. + delf n. Same as Delftware. + dysury n. Difficult or painful discharge of urine. + durable a. Able to endure or continue in a particular condition; lasting; not perishable or changeable; not wearing out or decaying soon; enduring; as, durable cloth; durable happiness. + diluting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dilute + dredger n. One who fishes with a dredge. + disentangled imp.|p.p. of Disentangle + destroyer n. One who destroys, ruins, kills, or desolates. + dovetailing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dovetail + desolation n. The act of desolating or laying waste; destruction of inhabitants; depopulation. + deltic a. Deltaic. + discharge v.t. To set aside; to annul; to dismiss. + dweller n. An inhabitant; a resident; as, a cave dweller. + dissentiate v.t. To throw into a state of dissent. + dactylitis n. An inflammatory affection of the fingers. + declination n. The act of deviating or turning aside; oblique motion; obliquity; withdrawal. + doubling n. The act of one that doubles; a making double; reduplication; also, that which is doubled. + demagogue n. A leader of the rabble; one who attempts to control the multitude by specious or deceitful arts; an unprincipled and factious mob orator or political leader. + divertisement n. Diversion; amusement; recreation. + diamagnetically adv. In the manner of, or according to, diamagnetism. + deepen v.t. To make darker or more intense; to darken; as, the event deepened the prevailing gloom. + depart v.t. To part thoroughly; to dispart; to divide; to separate. + disproving p.pr.|vb.n. of Disprove + dipody n. Two metrical feet taken together, or included in one measure. + decimate v.t. To take the tenth part of; to tithe. + dry superl. Destitute of that which interests or amuses; barren; unembellished; jejune; plain. + divinization n. A making divine. + disaffection n. Disorder; bad constitution. + defect n. Failing; fault; imperfection, whether physical or moral; blemish; as, a defect in the ear or eye; a defect in timber or iron; a defect of memory or judgment. + dodecagynia n.pl. A Linnaean order of plants having twelve styles. + desert n. A tract, which may be capable of sustaining a population, but has been left unoccupied and uncultivated; a wilderness; a solitary place. + diastole n. A figure by which a syllable naturally short is made long. + deliration n. Aberration of mind; delirium. + displode v.t. To discharge; to explode. + donating p.pr.|vb.n. of Donate + disbarred imp.|p.p. of Disbar + deadly adv. In an implacable manner; destructively. + deraign v.t. Alt. of Derain + diminutiveness n. The quality of being diminutive; smallness; littleness; minuteness. + dilaniation n. A rending or tearing in pieces; dilaceration. + driving a. Communicating force; impelling; as, a driving shaft. + distort v.t. To twist of natural or regular shape; to twist aside physically; as, to distort the limbs, or the body. + dianoialogy n. The science of the dianoetic faculties, and their operations. + doublequick n. Double-quick time, step, or march. + disquietful a. Producing inquietude or uneasiness. + depart n. Division; separation, as of compound substances into their ingredients. + diplocardiac a. Having the heart completely divided or double, one side systemic, the other pulmonary. + defloured imp.|p.p. of Deflour + domiciliation n. The act of domiciliating; permanent residence; inhabitancy. + double a. To unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two. + diplomatical a. Pertaining to diplomacy; relating to the foreign ministers at a court, who are called the diplomatic body. + dodkin n. A doit; a small coin. + deliverer n. One who delivers or rescues; a preserver. + distasteive a. Tending to excite distaste. + dwell v.i. To abide; to remain; to continue. + dimorphic a. Having the property of dimorphism; dimorphous. + deosculate v.t. To kiss warmly. + dab n. A small mass of anything soft or moist. + draw v.t. To pull from a sheath, as a sword. + destitutely adv. In destitution. + depeople v.t. To depopulate. + deal v.i. To act as an intermediary in business or any affairs; to manage; to make arrangements; -- followed by between or with. + deserted imp.|p.p. of Desert + diffidence n. Distrust of one's self or one's own powers; lack of self-reliance; modesty; modest reserve; bashfulness. + diclinous a. Having the stamens and pistils in separate flowers. + difference v.t. To cause to differ; to make different; to mark as different; to distinguish. + disorganize v.t. To destroy the organic structure or regular system of (a government, a society, a party, etc.); to break up (what is organized); to throw into utter disorder; to disarrange. + doughbird n. The Eskimo curlew (Numenius borealis). See Curlew. + detonizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Detonize + defence n. Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance. + deflagration n. The act or process of deflagrating. + dedicate v.t. To devote, set apart, or give up, as one's self, to a duty or service. + diligently adv. In a diligent manner; not carelessly; not negligently; with industry or assiduity. + declaration n. The act of declaring, or publicly announcing; explicit asserting; undisguised token of a ground or side taken on any subject; proclamation; exposition; as, the declaration of an opinion; a declaration of war, etc. + dural a. Pertaining to the dura, or dura mater. + dubber n. A globular vessel or bottle of leather, used in India to hold ghee, oil, etc. + dolphin n. A permanent fender around a heavy boat just below the gunwale. + distemperature n. Perturbation of mind; mental uneasiness. + drollery n. The quality of being droll; sportive tricks; buffoonery; droll stories; comical gestures or manners. + demi n. See Demy, n. + difference n. The quantity by which one quantity differs from another, or the remainder left after subtracting the one from the other. + damask n. A deep pink or rose color. + decolorate a. Deprived of color. + datary n. An officer in the pope's court, having charge of the Dataria. + dwelled imp.|p.p. of Dwell + dyspnoea n. Difficulty of breathing. + delassation n. Fatigue. + dephlegmated imp.|p.p. of Dephlegmate + dyad n. Two units treated as one; a couple; a pair. + deobstruct v.t. To remove obstructions or impediments in; to clear from anything that hinders the passage of fluids; as, to deobstruct the pores or lacteals. + diachylum n. A plaster originally composed of the juices of several plants (whence its name), but now made of an oxide of lead and oil, and consisting essentially of glycerin mixed with lead salts of the fat acids. + dewlap n. The pendulous skin under the neck of an ox, which laps or licks the dew in grazing. + disport v.i. Play; sport; pastime; diversion; playfulness. + disalliege v.t. To alienate from allegiance. + derive v.i. To flow; to have origin; to descend; to proceed; to be deduced. + die v.i. To suffer death; to lose life. + determinative n. That which serves to determine. + dressmaking n. The art, process, or occupation, of making dresses. + debilitant a. Diminishing the energy of organs; reducing excitement; as, a debilitant drug. + dependence n. A matter depending, or in suspense, and still to be determined; ground of controversy or quarrel. + declination n. The act or state of bending downward; inclination; as, declination of the head. + diabolic a. Alt. of Diabolical + daftness n. The quality of being daft. + dallier n. One who fondles; a trifler; as, dalliers with pleasant words. + dilettantish a. Dilettanteish. + disenchained a. Freed from restraint; unrestrained. + deploitation n. Same as Exploitation. + disgust v.t. To provoke disgust or strong distaste in; to cause (any one) loathing, as of the stomach; to excite aversion in; to offend the moral taste of; -- often with at, with, or by. + dodo n. A large, extinct bird (Didus ineptus), formerly inhabiting the Island of Mauritius. It had short, half-fledged wings, like those of the ostrich, and a short neck and legs; -- called also dronte. It was related to the pigeons. + drum v.i. To beat a drum with sticks; to beat or play a tune on a drum. + defacement n. That which mars or disfigures. + dun n. A mound or small hill. + differentia n. The formal or distinguishing part of the essence of a species; the characteristic attribute of a species; specific difference. + disaffected imp.|p.p. of Disaffect + damsel n. An attachment to a millstone spindle for shaking the hopper. + dabbed imp.|p.p. of Dab + dolphin n. A mooring post on a wharf or beach. + distillation n. The substance extracted by distilling. + depthen v.t. To deepen. + dome n. Decision; judgment; opinion; a court decision. + disjunct a. Disjoined; separated. + drift n. A mass of matter which has been driven or forced onward together in a body, or thrown together in a heap, etc., esp. by wind or water; as, a drift of snow, of ice, of sand, and the like. + devilish a. Resembling, characteristic of, or pertaining to, the devil; diabolical; wicked in the extreme. + despair n. That which is despaired of. + distress n. To compel by pain or suffering. + darnel n. Any grass of the genus Lolium, esp. the Lolium temulentum (bearded darnel), the grains of which have been reputed poisonous. Other species, as Lolium perenne (rye grass or ray grass), and its variety L. Italicum (Italian rye grass), are highly esteemed for pasture and for making hay. + divider n. One who, or that which, divides; that which separates anything into parts. + dog n. An iron with fangs fastening a log in a saw pit, or on the carriage of a sawmill. + dumb a. Lacking brightness or clearness, as a color. + dispost v.t. To eject from a post; to displace. + disprofit n. Loss; damage. + duodecuple a. Consisting of twelves. + demulcent n. A substance, usually of a mucilaginous or oily nature, supposed to be capable of soothing an inflamed nervous membrane, or protecting it from irritation. Gum Arabic, glycerin, olive oil, etc., are demulcents. + derring a. Daring or warlike. + duplicity n. In indictments, the union of two incompatible offenses. + dingy n. Alt. of Dinghy + distemper v.t. To deprive of temper or moderation; to disturb; to ruffle; to make disaffected, ill-humored, or malignant. + dilated a. Expanded; enlarged. + draw v.t. To trace by scent; to track; -- a hunting term. + discutient n. An agent (as a medicinal application) which serves to disperse morbid matter. + drupel n. Alt. of Drupelet + dull v.t. To make dull, stupid, or sluggish; to stupefy, as the senses, the feelings, the perceptions, and the like. + disulphide n. A binary compound of sulphur containing two atoms of sulphur in each molecule; -- formerly called disulphuret. Cf. Bisulphide. + devergency n. See Divergence. + deadborn a. Stillborn. + daguerreotype n. The process of taking such pictures. + dehorning p.pr.|vb.n. of Dehorn + dichotomy n. Division or distribution of genera into two species; division into two subordinate parts. + dimensionless a. Without dimensions; having no appreciable or noteworthy extent. + dreamer n. A visionary; one lost in wild imaginations or vain schemes of some anticipated good; as, a political dreamer. + distortion n. The state of being distorted, or twisted out of shape or out of true position; crookedness; perversion. + decemdentate a. Having ten points or teeth. + doubtous a. Doubtful. + depositary n. A storehouse; a depository. + donative n. A benefice conferred on a person by the founder or patron, without either presentation or institution by the ordinary, or induction by his orders. See the Note under Benefice, n., 3. + detritus n. Hence: Any fragments separated from the body to which they belonged; any product of disintegration. + derive v.t. To trace the origin, descent, or derivation of; to recognize transmission of; as, he derives this word from the Anglo-Saxon. + detrain v.i.|t. To alight, or to cause to alight, from a railway train. + ditokous a. Producing only two eggs for a clutch, as certain birds do. + dummy a. Silent; mute; noiseless; as a dummy engine. + delphinoid a. Pertaining to, or resembling, the dolphin. + dehiscent a. Characterized by dehiscence; opening in some definite way, as the capsule of a plant. + discomposure n. The state of being discomposed; disturbance; disorder; agitation; perturbation. + dochmius n. A foot of five syllables (usually / -- -/ -). + dynamometric a. Alt. of Dynamometrical + dastardizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dastardize + deliquiation n. The act of deliquiating. + deliverance n. Act of speaking; utterance. + deviated imp.|p.p. of Deviate + dishonorer n. One who dishonors or disgraces; one who treats another indignity. + deintegrate v.t. To disintegrate. + displeasure v.t. To displease. + damping p.pr.|vb.n. of Damp + down n. The pubescence of plants; the hairy crown or envelope of the seeds of certain plants, as of the thistle. + dryfland n. An ancient yearly payment made by some tenants to the king, or to their landlords, for the privilege of driving their cattle through a manor to fairs or markets. + diapophysical a. Pertaining to a diapophysis. + digamous a. Pertaining to a second marriage, that is, one after the death of the first wife or the first husband. + dividingly adv. By division. + diffuse v.t. To pour out and cause to spread, as a fluid; to cause to flow on all sides; to send out, or extend, in all directions; to spread; to circulate; to disseminate; to scatter; as to diffuse information. + denotable a. Capable of being denoted or marked. + despicability n. Despicableness. + definition n. An exact enunciation of the constituents which make up the logical essence. + draught a. Used in making drawings; as, draught compasses. + dietarian n. One who lives in accordance with prescribed rules for diet; a dieter. + douce a. Sweet; pleasant. + defiler n. One who defiles; one who corrupts or violates; that which pollutes. + dhourra n. Alt. of Dhurra + dear superl. Of agreeable things and interests. + deuteronomy n. The fifth book of the Pentateuch, containing the second giving of the law by Moses. + deduct v.t. To lead forth or out. + depletive a. Able or fitted to deplete. + disjunctive a. Tending to disjoin; separating; disjoining. + diaphonic a. Alt. of Diaphonical + drug v.t. To dose to excess with, or as with, drugs. + deal v.i. To make distribution; to share out in portions, as cards to the players. + distemperature n. Disorder; confusion. + domestic a. Remaining much at home; devoted to home duties or pleasures; as, a domestic man or woman. + demeanure n. Behavior. + decoy v.t. To lead into danger by artifice; to lure into a net or snare; to entrap; to insnare; to allure; to entice; as, to decoy troops into an ambush; to decoy ducks into a net. + dominate v.i. To be dominant. + dishouse v.t. To deprive of house or home. + deuce n. A condition of the score beginning whenever each side has won three strokes in the same game (also reckoned "40 all"), and reverted to as often as a tie is made until one of the sides secures two successive strokes following a tie or deuce, which decides the game. + dazed imp.|p.p. of Daze + dead a. Deprived of life; -- opposed to alive and living; reduced to that state of a being in which the organs of motion and life have irrevocably ceased to perform their functions; as, a dead tree; a dead man. + downwards adv. From a remote time; from an ancestor or predecessor; from one to another in a descending line. + decivilize v.t. To reduce from civilization to a savage state. + determinateness n. State of being determinate. + divisibility n. The quality of being divisible; the property of bodies by which their parts are capable of separation. + dumous a. Abounding with bushes and briers. + diplanted imp.|p.p. of Displant + demain n. Rule; management. + digging p.pr.|vb.n. of Dig + derivate v.t. To derive. + dearborn n. A four-wheeled carriage, with curtained sides. + donated imp.|p.p. of Donate + dentelli n.pl. Modillions. + dummy a. Fictitious or sham; feigned; as, a dummy watch. + discommon v.t. To deprive of privileges. + dodge v.i. To start suddenly aside, as to avoid a blow or a missile; to shift place by a sudden start. + dishonorable a. Wanting in honor or esteem; disesteemed. + dispersed imp.|p.p. of Disperse + dicyemata n.pl. An order of worms parasitic in cephalopods. They are remarkable for the extreme simplicity of their structure. The embryo exists in two forms. + druidish a. Druidic. + derivable a. That can be derived; obtainable by transmission; capable of being known by inference, as from premises or data; capable of being traced, as from a radical; as, income is derivable from various sources. + drill v.t. To cause to slip or waste away by degrees. + dezincify v.t. To deprive of, or free from, zinc. + drawrod n. A rod which unites the drawgear at opposite ends of the car, and bears the pull required to draw the train. + draintile n. A hollow tile used in making drains; -- called also draining tile. + dowdies pl. of Dowdy + discolorate v.t. To discolor. + disarmament n. The act of disarming. + deviltry n. Diabolical conduct; malignant mischief; devilry. + drought n. Dryness; want of rain or of water; especially, such dryness of the weather as affects the earth, and prevents the growth of plants; aridity. + dullbrained a. Stupid; doltish. + deinoceras n. See Dinoceras. + dead a. So constructed as not to transmit sound; soundless; as, a dead floor. + dividable a. Capable of being divided; divisible. + disord n. Disorder. + disformity n. Discordance or diversity of form; unlikeness in form. + dimming p.pr.|vb.n. of Dim + dimpled imp.|p.p. of Dimple + desmognathous a. Having the maxillo-palatine bones united; -- applied to a group of carinate birds (Desmognathae), including various wading and swimming birds, as the ducks and herons, and also raptorial and other kinds. + disastrous a. Full of unpropitious stellar influences; unpropitious; ill-boding. + dissatisfaction n. The state of being dissatisfied, unsatisfied, or discontented; uneasiness proceeding from the want of gratification, or from disappointed wishes and expectations. + dross n. Waste matter; any worthless matter separated from the better part; leavings; dregs; refuse. + demolitionist n. A demolisher. + descender n. One who descends. + dithionic a. Containing two equivalents of sulphur; as, dithionic acid. + disquisitorial a. Disquisitory. + diathermal a. Freely permeable by radiant heat. + droll v.t. To make a jest of; to set in a comical light. + discoure v.t. To discover. + during prep. In the time of; as long as the action or existence of; as, during life; during the space of a year. + dretch v.t.|i. See Drecche. + datary n. The office or employment of a datary. + devotor n. A worshiper; one given to devotion. + draw v.i. To perform the act, or practice the art, of delineation; to sketch; to form figures or pictures. + distributionist n. A distributer. + demisemiquaver n. A short note, equal in time to the half of a semiquaver, or the thirty-second part of a whole note. + diaphane n. A woven silk stuff with transparent and colored figures; diaper work. + discreditable a. Not creditable; injurious to reputation; disgraceful; disreputable. + drumstick n. Anything resembling a drumstick in form, as the tibiotarsus, or second joint, of the leg of a fowl. + duenna n. Any old woman who is employed to guard a younger one; a governess. + dicoccous a. Composed of two coherent, one-seeded carpels; as, a dicoccous capsule. + dobson n. The aquatic larva of a large neuropterous insect (Corydalus cornutus), used as bait in angling. See Hellgamite. + dead a. Cut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property; as, one banished or becoming a monk is civilly dead. + domino n. A kind of hood worn by the canons of a cathedral church; a sort of amice. + dreaminess n. The state of being dreamy. + dinothere n. Alt. of Dinotherium + deposit v.t. A bailment of money or goods to be kept gratuitously for the bailor. + dusk n. A darkish color. + distort a. Distorted; misshapen. + democracy n. Government by popular representation; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but is indirectly exercised through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed; a constitutional representative government; a republic. + disposement n. Disposal. + dentated a. Having teeth or toothlike points. See Illust. of Antennae. + disappropriate v.t. To sever from appropriation or possession a spiritual corporation. + dispersal n. The act or result of dispersing or scattering; dispersion. + duckmeat n. Alt. of Duck's-meat + drunkenness n. Disorder of the faculties, resembling intoxication by liquors; inflammation; frenzy; rage. + disappear v.i. To cease to be or exist; as, the epidemic has disappeared. + detersion n. The act of deterging or cleansing, as a sore. + deludable a. Capable of being deluded; liable to be imposed on; gullible. + deforming p.pr.|vb.n. of Deform + diverging a. Tending in different directions from a common center; spreading apart; divergent. + discontentation n. Discontent. + dissimilitude n. A comparison by contrast; a dissimile. + delimit v.t. To fix the limits of; to demarcate; to bound. + dissolve v.t. To solve; to clear up; to resolve. + duse n. A demon or spirit. See Deuce. + disrobe v.t.|i. To divest of a robe; to undress; figuratively, to strip of covering; to divest of that which clothes or decorates; as, autumn disrobes the fields of verdure. + duetto n. See Duet. + dozing p.pr.|vb.n. of Doze + declarer n. One who makes known or proclaims; that which exhibits. + drench n. A military vassal mentioned in Domesday Book. + dan n. A small truck or sledge used in coal mines. + dabbler n. One who dabbles. + descrive v.t. To describe. + dictator n. One invested with absolute authority; especially, a magistrate created in times of exigence and distress, and invested with unlimited power. + dignities pl. of Dignity + depredate v.t. To subject to plunder and pillage; to despoil; to lay waste; to prey upon. + defeasance n. A condition, relating to a deed, which being performed, the deed is defeated or rendered void; or a collateral deed, made at the same time with a feoffment, or other conveyance, containing conditions, on the performance of which the estate then created may be defeated. + discount v. To deduct from an account, debt, charge, and the like; to make an abatement of; as, merchants sometimes discount five or six per cent for prompt payment of bills. + doorcheek n. The jamb or sidepiece of a door. + dogfish n. The bowfin (Amia calva). See Bowfin. + diphtherial a. Alt. of Diphtheric + duel n. A combat between two persons, fought with deadly weapons, by agreement. It usually arises from an injury done or an affront given by one to the other. + desiccatory a. Desiccative. + decerniture n. A decree or sentence of a court. + dree v.i. To be able to do or endure. + diaphoretic a. Alt. of Diaphoretical + dissimulation n. The act of dissembling; a hiding under a false appearance; concealment by feigning; false pretension; hypocrisy. + dilapidated a. Decayed; fallen into partial ruin; injured by bad usage or neglect. + dabbled imp.|p.p. of Dabble + disjoined imp.|p.p. of Disjoin + daybreak n. The time of the first appearance of light in the morning. + drawingroom n. The company assembled in such a room; also, a reception of company in it; as, to hold a drawing-room. + depend v.i. To hang down; to be sustained by being fastened or attached to something above. + dull superl. Not keen in edge or point; lacking sharpness; blunt. + drib v.t. To cut off by a little at a time; to crop. + drone bee The male of the honeybee; a drone. + disinfect v.t. To free from infectious or contagious matter; to destroy putrefaction; to purify; to make innocuous. + decalcomanie n. The art or process of transferring pictures and designs to china, glass, marble, etc., and permanently fixing them thereto. + dement a. Demented; dementate. + dim superl. Not bright or distinct; wanting luminousness or clearness; obscure in luster or sound; dusky; darkish; obscure; indistinct; overcast; tarnished. + dag n. A misty shower; dew. + displeasure n. The feeling of one who is displeased; irritation or uneasiness of the mind, occasioned by anything that counteracts desire or command, or which opposes justice or a sense of propriety; disapprobation; dislike; dissatisfaction; disfavor; indignation. + dwarfling n. A diminutive dwarf. + destitute a. Not possessing the necessaries of life; in a condition of want; needy; without possessions or resources; very poor. + dower n. That with which one is gifted or endowed; endowment; gift. + dromedary n. The Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius), having one hump or protuberance on the back, in distinction from the Bactrian camel, which has two humps. + deme n. An undifferentiated aggregate of cells or plastids. + dread n. Fury; dreadfulness. + drone v.i. The male of bees, esp. of the honeybee. It gathers no honey. See Honeybee. + dedalian a. See Daedalian. + divine a. Presageful; foreboding; prescient. + depolishing n. The process of removing the vitreous glaze from porcelain, leaving the dull luster of the surface of ivory porcelain. + disoxidate v.t. To deoxidate; to deoxidize. + depeach v.t. To discharge. + doctored imp.|p.p. of Doctor + disoblige v.t. To release from obligation. + doublet a. One of two or more words in the same language derived by different courses from the same original from; as, crypt and grot are doublets; also, guard and ward; yard and garden; abridge and abbreviate, etc. + decimalize v.t. To reduce to a decimal system; as, to decimalize the currency. + dispeed v.t. To send off with speed; to dispatch. + discriminable a. Capable of being discriminated. + dejection n. Lowness of spirits occasioned by grief or misfortune; mental depression; melancholy. + drowsing p.pr.|vb.n. of Drowse + drachmae pl. of Drachma + draggled imp.|p.p. of Draggle + dandriff n. See Dandruff. + diatomic a. Containing two atoms. + dilation n. The act of dilating, or the state of being dilated; expansion; dilatation. + delapsion n. A falling down, or out of place; prolapsion. + distributive a. Assigning the species of a general term. + deaf a. Unwilling to hear or listen; determinedly inattentive; regardless; not to be persuaded as to facts, argument, or exhortation; -- with to; as, deaf to reason. + disseverment n. Disseverance. + diligency n. Diligence; care; persevering endeavor. + dissolving p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissolve + decrepitate v.i. To crackle, as salt in roasting. + doubledyed a. Dyed twice; thoroughly or intensely colored; hence; firmly fixed in opinions or habits; as, a double-dyed villain. + distractible a. Capable of being drawn aside or distracted. + discharging p.pr.|vb.n. of Discharge + dry a. To make dry; to free from water, or from moisture of any kind, and by any means; to exsiccate; as, to dry the eyes; to dry one's tears; the wind dries the earth; to dry a wet cloth; to dry hay. + diplomacy n. The art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations (particularly in securing treaties), including the methods and forms usually employed. + disaventurous a. Misadventurous; unfortunate. + didynamous a. Of or pertaining to the Didynamia; containing four stamens disposed in pairs of unequal length. + disguisedfy adv. In disguise. + damn v.t. To doom to punishment in the future world; to consign to perdition; to curse. + derivation n. The operation of deducing one function from another according to some fixed law, called the law of derivation, as the of differentiation or of integration. + drupelet n. A small drupe, as one of the pulpy grains of the blackberry. + dig v.t. To turn up, or delve in, (earth) with a spade or a hoe; to open, loosen, or break up (the soil) with a spade, or other sharp instrument; to pierce, open, or loosen, as if with a spade. + dimpling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dimple + denouement n. The unraveling or discovery of a plot; the catastrophe, especially of a drama or a romance. + disfranchising p.pr.|vb.n. of Disfranchise + delusion n. The act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind. + dekaliter n. Same as Decaliter. + darbies n.pl. Manacles; handcuffs. + displaced imp.|p.p. of Displace + dolmen n. A cromlech. See Cromlech. + dainty superl. Requiring dainties. Hence: Overnice; hard to please; fastidious; squeamish; scrupulous; ceremonious. + doubtful a. Of uncertain issue or event. + deis n. See Dais. + dogsbane n. See Dogbane. + dumpy superl. Short and thick; of low stature and disproportionately stout. + detach v.i. To push asunder; to come off or separate from anything; to disengage. + dissecting a. Dividing or separating the parts of an animal or vegetable body; as, a dissecting aneurism, one which makes its way between or within the coats of an artery. + disaggregation n. The separation of an aggregate body into its component parts. + disposed p.a. Inclined to mirth; jolly. + deflate v.t. To reduce from an inflated condition. + deflection n. The deviation of a shot or ball from its true course. + degradation n. Diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration. + diplogenic a. Partaking of the nature of two bodies; producing two substances. + durative a. Continuing; not completed; implying duration. + dispeople v.t. To deprive of inhabitants; to depopulate. + dingey n. Alt. of Dinghy + dogdraw n. The act of drawing after, or pursuing, deer with a dog. + draff n. Refuse; lees; dregs; the wash given to swine or cows; hogwash; waste matter. + dominicide n. One who kills his master. + distract v.t. To agitate by conflicting passions, or by a variety of motives or of cares; to confound; to harass. + dichroscopic a. Pertaining to the dichroscope, or to observations with it. + diaries pl. of Diary + deliver v.t. To make over to the knowledge of another; to communicate; to utter; to speak; to impart. + deutoplasm n. The lifeless food matter in the cytoplasm of an ovum or a cell, as distinguished from the active or true protoplasm; yolk substance; yolk. + dualist n. One who administers two offices. + defence n.|v.t. See Defense. + depravation n. Change for the worse; deterioration; morbid perversion. + departer n. One who refines metals by separation. + discontent v.t. To deprive of content; to make uneasy; to dissatisfy. + dedicatorial a. Dedicatory. + diurnal a. A small volume containing the daily service for the "little hours," viz., prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers, and compline. + ditroite n. An igneous rock composed of orthoclase, elaeolite, and sodalite. + dom n. A title anciently given to the pope, and later to other church dignitaries and some monastic orders. See Don, and Dan. + daw v.t. To rouse. + despection n. A looking down; a despising. + destitute a. Forsaken; not having in possession (something necessary, or desirable); deficient; lacking; devoid; -- often followed by of. + dossel n. Same as Dorsal, n. + debauchment n. The act of corrupting; the act of seducing from virtue or duty. + distensible a. Capable of being distended or dilated. + dipped imp.|p.p. of Dip + deteriorate v.t. To make worse; to make inferior in quality or value; to impair; as, to deteriorate the mind. + description n. A class to which a certain representation is applicable; kind; sort. + deprive v.t. To dispossess; to bereave; to divest; to hinder from possessing; to debar; to shut out from; -- with a remoter object, usually preceded by of. + dissertate v.i. To deal in dissertation; to write dissertations; to discourse. + denticle n. A small tooth or projecting point. + disoxygenation n. Deoxidation. + desponsage n. Betrothal. + dulcet a. Sweet to the taste; luscious. + darkle v.i. To grow dark; to show indistinctly. + decomposite a. See Decompound, a., 2. + displayed imp.|p.p. of Display + distrustful a. Apt to distrust; suspicious; mistrustful. + depopulate v.t. To deprive of inhabitants, whether by death or by expulsion; to reduce greatly the populousness of; to dispeople; to unpeople. + drenche v.t.|i. To drown. + dulcorate v.t. To sweeten; to make less acrimonious. + discruciating p.pr.|vb.n. of Discruciate + doughnut n. A small cake (usually sweetened) fried in a kettle of boiling lard. + defendant n. One who defends; a defender. + deliquescence n. The act of deliquescing or liquefying; process by which anything deliquesces; tendency to melt. + drool v.i. To drivel, or drop saliva; as, the child drools. + delicacy a. Nice and refined perception and discrimination; critical niceness; fastidious accuracy. + diatom n. One of the Diatomaceae, a family of minute unicellular Algae having a siliceous covering of great delicacy, each individual multiplying by spontaneous division. By some authors diatoms are called Bacillariae, but this word is not in general use. + dross n. Rust of metals. + dethroner n. One who dethrones. + debenture n. A customhouse certificate entitling an exporter of imported goods to a drawback of duties paid on their importation. + desperation n. The act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope. + docket n. A list or calendar of causes ready for hearing or trial, prepared for the use of courts by the clerks. + dank n. A small silver coin current in Persia. + demy n. A printing and a writing paper of particular sizes. See under Paper. + dispelling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispel + depolarizer n. A substance used to prevent polarization, as upon the negative plate of a voltaic battery. + dowel n. A pin, or block, of wood or metal, fitting into holes in the abutting portions of two pieces, and being partly in one piece and partly in the other, to keep them in their proper relative position. + direct v.t. To point out to with authority; to instruct as a superior; to order; as, he directed them to go. + describent n. Same as Generatrix. + disulphuric a. Applied to an acid having in each molecule two atoms of sulphur in the higher state of oxidation. + di A prefix, signifying twofold, double, twice + desireless a. Free from desire. + defalcate v.i. To commit defalcation; to embezzle money held in trust. + deprivable a. Capable of being, or liable to be, deprived; liable to be deposed. + displace v.t. To remove from a state, office, dignity, or employment; to discharge; to depose; as, to displace an officer of the revenue. + deformation n. The act of deforming, or state of anything deformed. + deviating p.pr.|vb.n. of Deviate + deferred imp.|p.p. of Defer + disgarrison v.t. To deprive of a garrison. + doveeyed a. Having eyes like a dove; meekeyed; as, dove-eyed Peace. + dufrenite n. A mineral of a blackish green color, commonly massive or in nodules. It is a hydrous phosphate of iron. + dale n. A trough or spout to carry off water, as from a pump. + defective a. Lacking some of the usual forms of declension or conjugation; as, a defective noun or verb. + dub v.t. To confer knighthood upon; as, the king dubbed his son Henry a knight. + darned imp.|p.p. of Darn + dull superl. Insensible; unfeeling. + detenebrate v.t. To remove darkness from. + dentoid a. Shaped like a tooth; tooth-shaped. + dictated imp.|p.p. of Dictate + dextrin n. A translucent, gummy, amorphous substance, nearly tasteless and odorless, used as a substitute for gum, for sizing, etc., and obtained from starch by the action of heat, acids, or diastase. It is of somewhat variable composition, containing several carbohydrates which change easily to their respective varieties of sugar. It is so named from its rotating the plane of polarization to the right; -- called also British gum, Alsace gum, gommelin, leiocome, etc. See Achroodextrin, and Erythrodextrin. + doorstone n. The stone forming a threshold. + divestiture n. The act of stripping, or depriving; the state of being divested; the deprivation, or surrender, of possession of property, rights, etc. + defrauder n. One who defrauds; a cheat; an embezzler; a peculator. + dysentery n. A disease attended with inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum, and characterized by griping pains, constant desire to evacuate the bowels, and the discharge of mucus and blood. + divarication n. A separation into two parts or branches; a forking; a divergence. + deskwork n. Work done at a desk, as by a clerk or writer. + divergent a. Fig.: Disagreeing from something given; differing; as, a divergent statement. + debauchedly adv. In a profligate manner. + dimish a. See Dimmish. + diversification n. State of diversity or variation; variegation; modification; change; alternation. + distension n. Same as Distention. + dear superl. Bearing a high price; high-priced; costly; expensive. + digest v.t. To separate (the food) in its passage through the alimentary canal into the nutritive and nonnutritive elements; to prepare, by the action of the digestive juices, for conversion into blood; to convert into chyme. + deauration n. Act of gilding. + damageable a. Capable of being injured or impaired; liable to, or susceptible of, damage; as, a damageable cargo. + duyoung n. See Dugong. + domini pl. of Dominus + do v.t.auxiliary To bring about; to produce, as an effect or result; to effect; to achieve. + decarbonizer n. He who, or that which, decarbonizes a substance. + degenerating p.pr.|vb.n. of Degenerate + depart v.i. To forsake; to abandon; to desist or deviate (from); not to adhere to; -- with from; as, we can not depart from our rules; to depart from a title or defense in legal pleading. + downhearted a. Dejected; low-spirited. + discourse v.i. To exercise reason; to employ the mind in judging and inferring; to reason. + dwell v.i. To delay; to linger. + defamation n. Act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral; the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name of another; slander; detraction; calumny; aspersion. + deep superl. Extending far below the surface; of great perpendicular dimension (measured from the surface downward, and distinguished from high, which is measured upward); far to the bottom; having a certain depth; as, a deep sea. + dronkelewe a. Given to drink; drunken. + discourse v.t. To treat of; to expose or set forth in language. + dissuading p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissuade + dicrotal a. Alt. of Dicrotous + drill press A machine for drilling holes in metal, the drill being pressed to the metal by the action of a screw. + depopulation n. The act of depopulating, or condition of being depopulated; destruction or explusion of inhabitants. + decorticator n. A machine for decorticating wood, hulling grain, etc.; also, an instrument for removing surplus bark or moss from fruit trees. + dimya n.pl. Alt. of Dimyaria + disowning p.pr.|vb.n. of Disown + definitive a. Determined; resolved. + debuscope n. A modification of the kaleidoscope; -- used to reflect images so as to form beautiful designs. + diphthongalize v.t. To make into a diphthong; to pronounce as a diphthong. + direction n. The act of directing, of aiming, regulating, guiding, or ordering; guidance; management; superintendence; administration; as, the direction o/ public affairs or of a bank. + drilling p.pr.|vb.n. of Drill + disliken v.t. To make unlike; to disguise. + disfiguring p.pr.|vb.n. of Disfigure + destiny n. The fixed order of things; invincible necessity; fate; a resistless power or agency conceived of as determining the future, whether in general or of an individual. + daring p.pr.|vb.n. of Dare + damn v.t. To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to punishment; to sentence; to censure. + dardanian a.|n. Trojan. + dispunishable a. Without penal restraint; not punishable. + daw v.t. To daunt; to terrify. + demise n. Transmission by formal act or conveyance to an heir or successor; transference; especially, the transfer or transmission of the crown or royal authority to a successor. + doglegged a. Noting a flight of stairs, consisting of two or more straight portions connected by a platform (landing) or platforms, and running in opposite directions without an intervening wellhole. + disposing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispose + dreissena n. A genus of bivalve shells of which one species (D. polymorpha) is often so abundant as to be very troublesome in the fresh waters of Europe. + dolly n. A child's mane for a doll. + degrade v.i. To degenerate; to pass from a higher to a lower type of structure; as, a family of plants or animals degrades through this or that genus or group of genera. + detainer n. The keeping possession of what belongs to another; detention of what is another's, even though the original taking may have been lawful. Forcible detainer is indictable at common law. + discutient a. Serving to disperse morbid matter; discussive; as, a discutient application. + discloak v.t. To take off a cloak from; to uncloak. + dramatizable a. Capable of being dramatized. + dry v.i. To shrivel or wither; to lose vitality. + duumvirate n. The union of two men in the same office; or the office, dignity, or government of two men thus associated, as in ancient Rome. + daguerreotypist n. One who takes daguerreotypes. + dishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dish + debatefully adv. With contention. + divulged imp.|p.p. of Divulge + dry superl. Of certain morbid conditions, in which there is entire or comparative absence of moisture; as, dry gangrene; dry catarrh. + disarray v.t. To take off the dress of; to unrobe. + dismission n. The act dismissing or sending away; permission to leave; leave to depart; dismissal; as, the dismission of the grand jury. + drudged imp.|p.p. of Drudge + dropper n. One who, or that which, drops. Specif.: (Fishing) A fly that drops from the leaden above the bob or end fly. + denting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dent + determent n. The act of deterring; also, that which deters. + declarator n. A form of action by which some right or interest is sought to be judicially declared. + dependance n. Alt. of Dependancy + declarative a. Making declaration, proclamation, or publication; explanatory; assertive; declaratory. + dale n. A low place between hills; a vale or valley. + diophantine a. Originated or taught by Diophantus, the Greek writer on algebra. + defunction n. Death. + debouched imp.|p.p. of Debouch + dewing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dew + dump n. A pile of ore or rock. + disjoin v.t. To part; to disunite; to separate; to sunder. + dishwasher n. A European bird; the wagtail. + dogged imp.|p.p. of Dog + disgrace n. That which brings dishonor; cause of shame or reproach; great discredit; as, vice is a disgrace to a rational being. + discriminating a. Marking a difference; distinguishing. + depose v.t. To put under oath. + diaphoresis n. Perspiration, or an increase of perspiration. + dividing a. That divides; separating; marking divisions; graduating. + devisable a. Capable of being devised, invented, or contrived. + deputable a. Fit to be deputed; suitable to act as a deputy. + depaint v.t. To paint; to picture; hence, to describe; to delineate in words; to depict. + drazel n. A slut; a vagabond wench. Same as Drossel. + distinguishable a. Worthy of note or special regard. + damnably adv. In a manner to incur severe censure, condemnation, or punishment. + detracted imp.|p.p. of Detract + doctrinal a. Pertaining to, or having to do with, teaching. + disannuller n. One who disannuls. + dogmata pl. of Dogma + dividual a. Divided, shared, or participated in, in common with others. + draught n. A sketch, outline, or representation, whether written, designed, or drawn; a delineation. + dissentaneous a. Disagreeing; contrary; differing; -- opposed to consentaneous. + dagger n. A timber placed diagonally in a ship's frame. + differingly adv. In a differing or different manner. + de A prefix from Latin de down, from, away; as in debark, decline, decease, deduct, decamp. In words from the French it is equivalent to Latin dis-apart, away; or sometimes to de. Cf. Dis-. It is negative and opposite in derange, deform, destroy, etc. It is intensive in deprave, despoil, declare, desolate, etc. + disappendency n. A detachment or separation from a former connection. + defrayed imp.|p.p. of Defray + deflector n. That which deflects, as a diaphragm in a furnace, or a cone in a lamp (to deflect and mingle air and gases and help combustion). + demeanor v.t. Management; treatment; conduct. + drunken v.i. Saturated with liquid or moisture; drenched. + dink a. Trim; neat. + divine a. Proceeding from God; as, divine judgments. + debatingly adv. In the manner of a debate. + draftsman n. See Draughtsman. + divine v.i. To conjecture or guess; as, to divine rightly. + descent n. Transmission of an estate by inheritance, usually, but not necessarily, in the descending line; title to inherit an estate by reason of consanguinity. + dyer n. One whose occupation is to dye cloth and the like. + defraud v.t. To deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device; to withhold from wrongfully; to injure by embezzlement; to cheat; to overreach; as, to defraud a servant, or a creditor, or the state; -- with of before the thing taken or withheld. + declaimer n. One who declaims; an haranguer. + daggletail n. A slovenly woman; a slattern; a draggle-tail. + dragon n. A fabulous winged creature, sometimes borne as a charge in a coat of arms. + disdain v.t. To reject as unworthy of one's self, or as not deserving one's notice; to look with scorn upon; to scorn, as base acts, character, etc. + distressful a. Full of distress; causing, indicating, or attended with, distress; as, a distressful situation. + dracontic a. Belonging to that space of time in which the moon performs one revolution, from ascending node to ascending node. See Dragon's head, under Dragon. + digest v.t. To soften by heat and moisture; to expose to a gentle heat in a boiler or matrass, as a preparation for chemical operations. + drey n. A squirrel's nest. See Dray. + disgorged imp.|p.p. of Disgorge + dispossess v.t. To put out of possession; to deprive of the actual occupancy of, particularly of land or real estate; to disseize; to eject; -- usually followed by of before the thing taken away; as, to dispossess a king of his crown. + denaturalized imp.|p.p. of Denaturalize + dorsibranchiate a. Having branchiae along the back; belonging to the Dorsibranchiata. + detain n. Detention. + divinatory a. Professing, or relating to, divination. + dissembling a. That dissembles; hypocritical; false. + decided a. Free from ambiguity; unequivocal; unmistakable; unquestionable; clear; evident; as, a decided advantage. + depletion n. the act or process of diminishing the quantity of fluid in the vessels by bloodletting or otherwise; also excessive evacuation, as in severe diarrhea. + distorted imp.|p.p. of Distort + discount v.t. A counting off or deduction made from a gross sum on any account whatever; an allowance upon an account, debt, demand, price asked, and the like; something taken or deducted. + dialogue v.i. To take part in a dialogue; to dialogize. + discept v.i. To debate; to discuss. + daub v.t. To flatter excessively or glossy. + diced imp.|p.p. of Dice + dropsy n. An unnatural collection of serous fluid in any serous cavity of the body, or in the subcutaneous cellular tissue. + deadlatch n. A kind of latch whose bolt may be so locked by a detent that it can not be opened from the inside by the handle, or from the outside by the latch key. + diffraction n. The deflection and decomposition of light in passing by the edges of opaque bodies or through narrow slits, causing the appearance of parallel bands or fringes of prismatic colors, as by the action of a grating of fine lines or bars. + dry dock See under Dock. + dull v.t. To render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish. + depressive a. Able or tending to depress or cast down. + double a. To increase by adding an equal number, quantity, length, value, or the like; multiply by two; to double a sum of money; to double a number, or length. + decerption n. The act of plucking off; a cropping. + deservedly adv. According to desert (whether good or evil); justly. + dialectics n. That branch of logic which teaches the rules and modes of reasoning; the application of logical principles to discursive reasoning; the science or art of discriminating truth from error; logical discussion. + daisy n. A genus of low herbs (Bellis), belonging to the family Compositae. The common English and classical daisy is B. prennis, which has a yellow disk and white or pinkish rays. + down v.t. To cover, ornament, line, or stuff with down. + discriminator n. One who discriminates. + dependancy n. See Dependent, Dependence, Dependency. + disorb v.t. To throw out of the proper orbit; to unsphere. + doubt v.i. Suspicion; fear; apprehension; dread. + duress n. The state of compulsion or necessity in which a person is influenced, whether by the unlawful restrain of his liberty or by actual or threatened physical violence, to incur a civil liability or to commit an offense. + disagreeableness n. The state or quality of being; disagreeable; unpleasantness. + discovery n. Exploration; examination. + deboshment n. Debauchment. + diaphanous a. Allowing light to pass through, as porcelain; translucent or transparent; pellucid; clear. + djinnee n. See Jinnee, Jinn. + delphine a. Pertaining to the dolphin, a genus of fishes. + distressedness n. A state of being distressed or greatly pained. + drab v.i. To associate with strumpets; to wench. + dolomitic a. Pertaining to dolomite. + dearticulate v.t. To disjoint. + darrain v.t. To make ready to fight; to array. + delivery n. The act of delivering from restraint; rescue; release; liberation; as, the delivery of a captive from his dungeon. + dropsical a. Diseased with dropsy; hydropical; tending to dropsy; as, a dropsical patient. + datum n. Something given or admitted; a fact or principle granted; that upon which an inference or an argument is based; -- used chiefly in the plural. + dismayed imp.|p.p. of Dismay + disservice n. Injury; mischief. + dactyl n. A finger or toe; a digit. + dowser n. A divining rod used in searching for water, ore, etc., a dowsing rod. + dietetic a. Alt. of Dietetical + dump n. A ground or place for dumping ashes, refuse, etc. + dimyarian n. One of the Dimya. + doeskin n. A firm woolen cloth with a smooth, soft surface like a doe's skin; -- made for men's wear. + devising p.pr.|vb.n. of Devise + deck v. The floorlike covering of the horizontal sections, or compartments, of a ship. Small vessels have only one deck; larger ships have two or three decks. + distracter n. One who, or that which, distracts away. + dotal a. Pertaining to dower, or a woman's marriage portion; constituting dower, or comprised in it. + dasewe v.i. To become dim-sighted; to become dazed or dazzled. + derogator n. A detractor. + dairymaid n. A female servant whose business is the care of the dairy. + deflorate a. Past the flowering state; having shed its pollen. + dueling n. The act or practice of fighting in single combat. Also adj. + desideratum n. Anything desired; that of which the lack is felt; a want generally felt and acknowledge. + death v.i. Murder; murderous character. + demulcent a. Softening; mollifying; soothing; assuasive; as, oil is demulcent. + dissociation n. The process by which a compound body breaks up into simpler constituents; -- said particularly of the action of heat on gaseous or volatile substances; as, the dissociation of the sulphur molecules; the dissociation of ammonium chloride into hydrochloric acid and ammonia. + defiatory a. Bidding or manifesting defiance. + diploetic a. Diploic. + decree v.t. To ordain by fate. + dispensation n. The relaxation of a law in a particular case; permission to do something forbidden, or to omit doing something enjoined; specifically, in the Roman Catholic Church, exemption from some ecclesiastical law or obligation to God which a man has incurred of his own free will (oaths, vows, etc.). + derogation n. The act of derogating, partly repealing, or lessening in value; disparagement; detraction; depreciation; -- followed by of, from, or to. + distance v.t. To place at a distance or remotely. + dandy n. A sloop or cutter with a jigger on which a lugsail is set. + dreadbolted a. Armed with dreaded bolts. + dint n. A blow; a stroke. + discommoded imp.|p.p. of Discommode + drawer n. One who draws liquor for guests; a waiter in a taproom. + distribute v.t. To divide among several or many; to deal out; to apportion; to allot. + derivably adv. By derivation. + dimidiate a. Consisting of only one half of what the normal condition requires; having the appearance of lacking one half; as, a dimidiate leaf, which has only one side developed. + delaceration n. A tearing in pieces. + drover n. One who drives cattle or sheep to market; one who makes it his business to purchase cattle, and drive them to market. + delftware n. Earthenware made in imitation of the above; any glazed earthenware made for table use, and the like. + declaredness n. The state of being declared. + diocesan a. Of or pertaining to a diocese; as, diocesan missions. + declare v.i. To make a declaration, or an open and explicit avowal; to proclaim one's self; -- often with for or against; as, victory declares against the allies. + dubbing n. A dressing of flour and water used by weavers; a mixture of oil and tallow for dressing leather; daubing. + decennovary a. Pertaining to the number nineteen; of nineteen years. + dislade v.t. To unlade. + dignified imp.|p.p. of Dignify + disqualification n. The act of disqualifying, or state of being disqualified; want of qualification; incompetency; disability; as, the disqualification of men for holding certain offices. + defoedation n. Defedation. + dungy a. Full of dung; filthy; vile; low. + doer v.t.|i. An agent or attorney; a factor. + do v.t.auxiliary To make ready for an object, purpose, or use, as food by cooking; to cook completely or sufficiently; as, the meat is done on one side only. + do v.t.auxiliary To put or bring into a form, state, or condition, especially in the phrases, to do death, to put to death; to slay; to do away (often do away with), to put away; to remove; to do on, to put on; to don; to do off, to take off, as dress; to doff; to do into, to put into the form of; to translate or transform into, as a text. + dwelling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dwell + dipping n. The act or process of immersing. + dimissory a. Sending away; dismissing to another jurisdiction; granting leave to depart. + dahlin n. A variety of starch extracted from the dahlia; -- called also inulin. See Inulin. + dolphin n. A spar or buoy held by an anchor and furnished with a ring to which ships may fasten their cables. + destructively adv. In a destructive manner. + determinate a. Conclusive; decisive; positive. + depth n. Lowness; as, depth of sound. + delved imp.|p.p. of Delve + dressing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dress + dioptric a. Alt. of Dioptrical + dalmanites n. Same as Dalmania. + defy v.t. To renounce or dissolve all bonds of affiance, faith, or obligation with; to reject, refuse, or renounce. + demur v.t. To suspend judgment concerning; to doubt of or hesitate about. + dorsally adv. On, or toward, the dorsum, or back; on the dorsal side of; dorsad. + diffracting p.pr.|vb.n. of Diffract + dayspring n. The beginning of the day, or first appearance of light; the dawn; hence, the beginning. + divine a. Of or belonging to God; as, divine perfections; the divine will. + dub v.t. To rub or dress with grease, as leather in the process of cyrrying it. + ditrichotomous a. Dividing into double or treble ramifications; -- said of a leaf or stem. + deflected a. Bent downward; deflexed. + draffy a. Dreggy; waste; worthless. + dissert v.i. To discourse or dispute; to discuss. + daphnin n. A white, crystalline, bitter substance, regarded as a glucoside, and extracted from Daphne mezereum and D. alpina. + depose v.i. To bear witness; to testify under oath; to make deposition. + dellacruscan a. Of or pertaining to the Accademia della Crusca in Florence. + developmental a. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the process of development; as, the developmental power of a germ. + dribbler n. One who dribbles. + deer n.sing.|pl. Any animal; especially, a wild animal. + dissipated a. Squandered; scattered. + digression n. The elongation, or angular distance from the sun; -- said chiefly of the inferior planets. + domable a. Capable of being tamed; tamable. + disfavorer n. One who disfavors. + disrelish v.t. To deprive of relish; to make nauseous or disgusting in a slight degree. + disbursement n. The act of disbursing or paying out. + dragonish a. resembling a dragon. + draught a. Drawn directly from the barrel, or other receptacle, in distinction from bottled; on draught; -- said of ale, cider, and the like. + degraded a. Having steps; -- said of a cross each of whose extremities finishes in steps growing larger as they leave the center; -- termed also on degrees. + dappled a. Marked with spots of different shades of color; spotted; variegated; as, a dapple horse. + dele v.t. To erase; to cancel; to delete; to mark for omission. + dissociating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissociate + distrusting a. That distrusts; suspicious; lacking confidence in. + darwinism n. The theory or doctrines put forth by Darwin. See above. + dormitory n. A burial place. + disarraying p.pr.|vb.n. of Disarray + dod v.t. To cut off, as wool from sheep's tails; to lop or clip off. + dilate v.i. To speak largely and copiously; to dwell in narration; to enlarge; -- with on or upon. + digestive n. A substance which, when applied to a wound or ulcer, promotes suppuration. + deliverable a. Capable of being, or about to be, delivered; necessary to be delivered. + devise v.t. To form in the mind by new combinations of ideas, new applications of principles, or new arrangement of parts; to formulate by thought; to contrive; to excogitate; to invent; to plan; to scheme; as, to devise an engine, a new mode of writing, a plan of defense, or an argument. + dudgeon n. Resentment; ill will; anger; displeasure. + drag v.t. A heavy coach with seats on top; also, a heavy carriage. + deceitfulness n. Tendency to mislead or deceive. + digressively adv. By way of digression. + dependently adv. In a dependent manner. + dissimulator n. One who dissimulates; a dissembler. + deal n. Wood of the pine or fir; as, a floor of deal. + deductive a. Of or pertaining to deduction; capable of being deduced from premises; deducible. + disaffirmation n. The act of disaffirming; negation; refutation. + depressed a. Lying flat; -- said of a stem or leaf which lies close to the ground. + desert n. That which is deserved; the reward or the punishment justly due; claim to recompense, usually in a good sense; right to reward; merit. + differential a. Relating to or indicating a difference; creating a difference; discriminating; special; as, differential characteristics; differential duties; a differential rate. + docket v.t. To mark with a ticket; as, to docket goods. + deuterogenic a. Of secondary origin; -- said of certain rocks whose material has been derived from older rocks. + daffodil n. A plant of the genus Asphodelus. + domitable a. That can be tamed. + denizenize v.t. To constitute (one) a denizen; to denizen. + duke n. In England, one of the highest order of nobility after princes and princesses of the royal blood and the four archbishops of England and Ireland. + deoxygenation n. The act or operation of depriving of oxygen. + derogate v.t. To lessen; to detract from; to disparage; to depreciate; -- said of a person or thing. + divinity a. Something divine or superhuman; supernatural power or virtue; something which inspires awe. + dentation n. Formation of teeth; toothed form. + disenchant v.t. To free from enchantment; to deliver from the power of charms or spells; to free from fascination or delusion. + disarming p.pr.|vb.n. of Disarm + dendriform a. Resembling in structure a tree or shrub. + discontinuity n. Want of continuity or cohesion; disunion of parts. + detonating p.pr.|vb.n. of Detonate + desuetude n. The cessation of use; disuse; discontinuance of practice, custom, or fashion. + dissolvative n. Having the power to dissolve anything; solvent. + desirously adv. With desire; eagerly. + disnaturalize v.t. To make alien; to deprive of the privileges of birth. + dormitive a. Causing sleep; as, the dormitive properties of opium. + dermoid a. Same as Dermatoid. + distorter n. One who, or that which, distorts. + disyoke v.t. To unyoke; to free from a yoke; to disjoin. + defervescence n. Alt. of Defervescency + deturbation n. The act of deturbating. + doctrinal a. Pertaining to, or containing, doctrine or something taught and to be believed; as, a doctrinal observation. + difficulties pl. of Difficulty + digestor n. See Digester. + doctrinally adv. In a doctrinal manner or for; by way of teaching or positive direction. + decision n. The quality of being decided; prompt and fixed determination; unwavering firmness; as, to manifest great decision. + discipline n. Self-inflicted and voluntary corporal punishment, as penance, or otherwise; specifically, a penitential scourge. + disenthrall v.t. To release from thralldom or slavery; to give freedom to; to disinthrall. + daint n. Something of exquisite taste; a dainty. + diversifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Diversify + denote v.t. To mark out plainly; to signify by a visible sign; to serve as the sign or name of; to indicate; to point out; as, the hands of the clock denote the hour. + dissiliency n. The act of leaping or starting asunder. + disgaveled imp.|p.p. of Disgavel + dousingchock n. One of several pieces fayed across the apron and lapped in the knightheads, or inside planking above the upper deck. + dean n. A dignitary or presiding officer in certain ecclesiastical and lay bodies; esp., an ecclesiastical dignitary, subordinate to a bishop. + detract v.i. To take away a part or something, especially from one's credit; to lessen reputation; to derogate; to defame; -- often with from. + dissimile n. Comparison or illustration by contraries. + dodecastyle a. Having twelve columns in front. + desilver v.t. To deprive of silver; as, to desilver lead. + disaccustom v.t. To destroy the force of habit in; to wean from a custom. + deambulatory n. A covered place in which to walk; an ambulatory. + dispute v.t. To struggle against; to resist. + delicious a. Affording exquisite pleasure; delightful; most sweet or grateful to the senses, especially to the taste; charming. + dividedly adv. Separately; in a divided manner. + descend v.i. To make an attack, or incursion, as if from a vantage ground; to come suddenly and with violence; -- with on or upon. + delusive a. Apt or fitted to delude; tending to mislead the mind; deceptive; beguiling; delusory; as, delusive arts; a delusive dream. + decried imp.|p.p. of Decry + depectible a. Tough; thick; capable of extension. + dysluite n. A variety of the zinc spinel or gahnite. + disharmonious a. Unharmonious; discordant. + diluted imp.|p.p. of Dilute + disengaged imp.|p.p. of Disengage + discommunity n. A lack of common possessions, properties, or relationship. + distance n. The part of a picture which contains the representation of those objects which are the farthest away, esp. in a landscape. + dash n. A sudden check; abashment; frustration; ruin; as, his hopes received a dash. + decurrence n. The act of running down; a lapse. + deterration n. The uncovering of anything buried or covered with earth; a taking out of the earth or ground. + dram n. As much spirituous liquor as is usually drunk at once; as, a dram of brandy; hence, a potation or potion; as, a dram of poison. + diplomate n. A diplomatist. + diplopia n. Alt. of Diplopy + deoperculate a. Having the lid removed; -- said of the capsules of mosses. + dispunct a. Wanting in punctilious respect; discourteous. + dispeopling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispeople + defect v.t. To injure; to damage. + disable v.t. To deprive of legal right or qualification; to render legally incapable. + downed imp.|p.p. of Down + dejectory a. Promoting evacuations by stool. + dismount v.i. To come down; to descend. + ditionary a. Under rule; subject; tributary. + dog v.t. To hunt or track like a hound; to follow insidiously or indefatigably; to chase with a dog or dogs; to worry, as if by dogs; to hound with importunity. + diversified imp.|p.p. of Diversify + detail n. The selection for a particular service of a person or a body of men; hence, the person or the body of men so selected. + dryly adv. In a dry manner; not succulently; without interest; without sympathy; coldly. + dreggy a. Containing dregs or lees; muddy; foul; feculent. + distrust n. Doubt of sufficiency, reality, or sincerity; want of confidence, faith, or reliance; as, distrust of one's power, authority, will, purposes, schemes, etc. + dado n. That part of a pedestal included between the base and the cornice (or surbase); the die. See Illust. of Column. + decencies pl. of Decency + decline v.i. To bend, or lean downward; to take a downward direction; to bend over or hang down, as from weakness, weariness, despondency, etc.; to condescend. + drop v.i. To let drops fall; to discharge itself in drops. + deprave n.t. To speak ill of; to depreciate; to malign; to revile. + decahedral a. Having ten sides. + diaper v.t. To put a diaper on (a child). + dueler n. One who engages in a duel. + decussative a. Intersecting at acute angles. + daily adv. Every day; day by day; as, a thing happens daily. + dispersive a. Tending to disperse. + disappreciate v.t. To undervalue; not to esteem. + daemonic a. See Demon, Demonic. + depravingly adv. In a depraving manner. + dichotomy n. Successive division and subdivision, as of a stem of a plant or a vein of the body, into two parts as it proceeds from its origin; successive bifurcation. + desultory a. Leaping or skipping about. + decemvirate n. A body of ten men in authority. + drop v.i. To fall or be depressed; to lower; as, the point of the spear dropped a little. + dichogamy n. The condition of certain species of plants, in which the stamens and pistil do not mature simultaneously, so that these plants can never fertilize themselves. + dannebrog n. The ancient battle standard of Denmark, bearing figures of cross and crown. + demiquaver n. A note of half the length of the quaver; a semiquaver. + deprovincialize v.t. To divest of provincial quality or characteristics. + dispauperize v.t. To free a state of pauperism, or from paupers. + democraty n. Democracy. + depicture v.t. To make a picture of; to paint; to picture; to depict. + diadem v.t. To adorn with a diadem; to crown. + diversion n. The act of drawing the attention and force of an enemy from the point where the principal attack is to be made; the attack, alarm, or feint which diverts. + dobbin n. Sea gravel mixed with sand. + dial n. An instrument, formerly much used for showing the time of day from the shadow of a style or gnomon on a graduated arc or surface; esp., a sundial; but there are lunar and astral dials. The style or gnomon is usually parallel to the earth's axis, but the dial plate may be either horizontal or vertical. + distributing p.pr.|vb.n. of Distribute + distil v.t.|i. See Distill. + disingenuity n. Disingenuousness. + dragnet n. A net to be drawn along the bottom of a body of water, as in fishing. + ducatoon n. A silver coin of several countries of Europe, and of different values. + deplanate v.t. Flattened; made level or even. + directly adv. In a straightforward way; without anything intervening; not by secondary, but by direct, means. + dialogue n. A conversation between two or more persons; particularly, a formal conservation in theatrical performances or in scholastic exercises. + daintiness n. The quality of being dainty; nicety; niceness; elegance; delicacy; deliciousness; fastidiousness; squeamishness. + desiccative a. Drying; tending to dry. + derm v.t. The integument of animal; the skin. + disguise v.t. To affect or change by liquor; to intoxicate. + discolored imp.|p.p. of Discolor + dubitable a. Liable to be doubted; uncertain. + disray variant of Disarray. + discommon v.t. To deprive of the right of common. + developing p.pr.|vb.n. of Develop + default v.t. To leave out of account; to omit. + dowager n. A widow endowed, or having a jointure; a widow who either enjoys a dower from her deceased husband, or has property of her own brought by her to her husband on marriage, and settled on her after his decease. + dornock n. A coarse sort of damask, originally made at Tournay (in Flemish, Doornick), Belgium, and used for hangings, carpets, etc. Also, a stout figured linen manufactured in Scotland. + diamine n. A compound containing two amido groups united with one or more basic or positive radicals, -- as contrasted with a diamide. + damnable a. Liable to damnation; deserving, or for which one deserves, to be damned; of a damning nature. + diffusiveness n. The quality or state of being diffusive or diffuse; extensiveness; expansion; dispersion. Especially of style: Diffuseness; want of conciseness; prolixity. + dynast n. A ruler; a governor; a prince. + ditrochean a. Containing two trochees. + decagramme n. A weight of the metric system; ten grams, equal to about 154.32 grains avoirdupois. + disquisitional a. Pertaining to disquisition; of the nature of disquisition. + disangelical a. Not angelical. + diffused imp.|p.p. of Diffuse + discoboli pl. of Discobolus + doughy a. Like dough; soft and heavy; pasty; crude; flabby and pale; as, a doughy complexion. + disobedience n. Neglect or refusal to obey; violation of a command or prohibition. + disobeisant a. Disobedient. + disquietous a. Causing uneasiness. + discal a. Pertaining to, or resembling, a disk; as, discal cells. + dowagerism n. The rank or condition of a dowager; formality, as that of a dowager. Also used figuratively. + dominate v.t. To predominate over; to rule; to govern. + deviation n. The voluntary and unnecessary departure of a ship from, or delay in, the regular and usual course of the specific voyage insured, thus releasing the underwriters from their responsibility. + depraving p.pr.|vb.n. of Deprave + dyspepsy A kind of indigestion; a state of the stomach in which its functions are disturbed, without the presence of other diseases, or, if others are present, they are of minor importance. Its symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, acrid or fetid eructations, a sense of weight or fullness in the stomach, etc. + directive a. Able to be directed; manageable. + dietaries pl. of Dietary + dodecandrous a. Of or pertaining to the Dodecandria; having twelve stamens, or from twelve to nineteen. + daric n. A gold coin of ancient Persia, weighing usually a little more than 128 grains, and bearing on one side the figure of an archer. + digression n. A turning aside from the right path; transgression; offense. + diaphonics n. The doctrine of refracted sound; diacoustics. + dido n. A shrewd trick; an antic; a caper. + disturbed imp.|p.p. of Disturb + disburthened imp.|p.p. of Disburthen + dogmatically adv. In a dogmatic manner; positively; magisterially. + desudation n. A sweating; a profuse or morbid sweating, often succeeded by an eruption of small pimples. + drift n. The tendency of an act, argument, course of conduct, or the like; object aimed at or intended; intention; hence, also, import or meaning of a sentence or discourse; aim. + disconnection n. The act of disconnecting, or state of being disconnected; separation; want of union. + dysenterical a. Of or pertaining to dysentery; having dysentery; as, a dysenteric patient. + dogmatic a. Alt. of Dogmatical + disloyally adv. In a disloyal manner. + dewed imp.|p.p. of Dew + devouring p.pr.|vb.n. of Devour + debilitate v.t. To impair the strength of; to weaken; to enfeeble; as, to debilitate the body by intemperance. + dearness n. Fondness; preciousness; love; tenderness. + devil n. The Evil One; Satan, represented as the tempter and spiritual of mankind. + daguerreian a. Pertaining to Daguerre, or to his invention of the daguerreotype. + dahlia n. A genus of plants native to Mexico and Central America, of the order Compositae; also, any plant or flower of the genus. The numerous varieties of cultivated dahlias bear conspicuous flowers which differ in color. + diversiloquent a. Speaking in different ways. + dentine n. The dense calcified substance of which teeth are largely composed. It contains less animal matter than bone, and in the teeth of man is situated beneath the enamel. + desiderative n. An object of desire. + dyspeptic n. A person afflicted with dyspepsia. + delundung n. An East Indian carnivorous mammal (Prionodon gracilis), resembling the civets, but without scent pouches. It is handsomely spotted. + daubing n. The act of one who daubs; that which is daubed. + dutiable a. Subject to the payment of a duty; as dutiable goods. + diplomacy n. The body of ministers or envoys resident at a court; the diplomatic body. + devow v.t. To give up; to devote. + dust v.t. To free from dust; to brush, wipe, or sweep away dust from; as, to dust a table or a floor. + dilute v.t. To make thinner or more liquid by admixture with something; to thin and dissolve by mixing. + deductible a. Capable of being deducted, taken away, or withdrawn. + dis n. The god Pluto. + develop v.t. To cause to become visible, as an invisible or latent image upon plate, by submitting it to chemical agents; to bring to view. + defensive n. That which defends; a safeguard. + dauby a. Smeary; viscous; glutinous; adhesive. + disseizin n. The act of disseizing; an unlawful dispossessing and ouster of a person actually seized of the freehold. + dais n. The high or principal table, at the end of a hall, at which the chief guests were seated; also, the chief seat at the high table. + dominus n. Master; sir; -- a title of respect formerly applied to a knight or a clergyman, and sometimes to the lord of a manor. + depositing p.pr.|vb.n. of Deposit + diastase n. A soluble, nitrogenous ferment, capable of converting starch and dextrin into sugar. + doings pl. of Doing + diarthrodial a. Relating to diarthrosis, or movable articulations. + discountable a. Capable of being, or suitable to be, discounted; as, certain forms are necessary to render notes discountable at a bank. + directly adv. Exactly; just. + disenthrone v.t. To dethrone; to depose from sovereign authority. + discrowning p.pr.|vb.n. of Discrown + diswarn v.t. To dissuade from by previous warning. + dvergar pl. of Dvergr + decussate a. Alt. of Decussated + dolce adv. Alt. of Dolcemente + discussion n. The act or process of discussing by breaking up, or dispersing, as a tumor, or the like. + diverse v.i. To turn aside. + dim superl. Of obscure vision; not seeing clearly; hence, dull of apprehension; of weak perception; obtuse. + delimitation n. The act or process of fixing limits or boundaries; limitation. + dentition n. The development and cutting of teeth; teething. + doubling n. A turning and winding; as, the doubling of a hunted hare; shift; trick; artifice. + devil n. A very wicked person; hence, any great evil. + dole n. That which is dealt out; a part, share, or portion also, a scanty share or allowance. + depulsion n. A driving or thrusting away. + dramaturgic a. Relating to dramaturgy. + dismissive a. Giving dismission. + disentrance v.t. To awaken from a trance or an enchantment. + drunken of Drink + door n. An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way. + dearness n. The quality or state of being dear; costliness; excess of price. + dispathies pl. of Dispathy + dropt imp. & p. p. of Drop, v. + discriminative a. Observing distinctions; making differences; discriminating. + drake n. A dragon. + dewret v.t. To ret or rot by the process called dewretting. + disparate a. Unequal; dissimilar; separate. + deliberatively adv. In a deliberative manner; circumspectly; considerately. + diverse adv. In different directions; diversely. + destrer n. Alt. of Dextrer + drift n. The place in a deep-waisted vessel where the sheer is raised and the rail is cut off, and usually terminated with a scroll, or driftpiece. + diseased a. Afflicted with disease. + deliquiate v.i. To melt and become liquid by absorbing water from the air; to deliquesce. + dishabille n. An undress; a loose, negligent dress; deshabille. + dissoluble a. Capable of being disunited. + distribution n. The sorting of types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases. + dadle v.i. To toddle; to walk unsteadily, like a child or an old man; hence, to do anything slowly or feebly. + dynasty n. A race or succession of kings, of the same line or family; the continued lordship of a race of rulers. + disorderly adv. In a disorderly manner; without law or order; irregularly; confusedly. + depilous a. Hairless. + daddy n. Diminutive of Dad. + delapse v.i. To pass down by inheritance; to lapse. + decollated imp.|p.p. of Decollate + digitation n. A division into fingers or fingerlike processes; also, a fingerlike process. + diastasic a. Pertaining to, or consisting of, diastase; as, diastasic ferment. + deliberator n. One who deliberates. + duffer n. A stupid, awkward, inefficient person. + denudate v.t. To denude. + decomposing p.pr.|vb.n. of Decompose + divider n. One who, or that which, causes division. + dependency n. A thing hanging down; a dependence. + dezincification n. The act or process of freeing from zinc; also, the condition resulting from the removal of zinc. + denied imp.|p.p. of Deny + dimyary a.|n. Same as Dimyarian. + dun n. One who duns; a dunner. + ductile a. Capable of being elongated or drawn out, as into wire or threads. + dig v.i. To work like a digger; to study ploddingly and laboriously. + distrouble v.t. To trouble. + due a. Owing; ascribable, as to a cause. + drugster n. A druggist. + demonizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Demonize + dynamism n. The doctrine of Leibnitz, that all substance involves force. + disvantageous a. Disadvantageous. + despotic a. Alt. of Despotical + dishelm v.t. To deprive of the helmet. + dolphin n. The Coryphaena hippuris, a fish of about five feet in length, celebrated for its surprising changes of color when dying. It is the fish commonly known as the dolphin. See Coryphaenoid. + direptitious a. Characterized by direption. + discoverability n. The quality of being discoverable. + dashism n. The character of making ostentatious or blustering parade or show. + dartoic a. Of or pertaining to the dartos. + depart v.t. To divide in order to share; to apportion. + disburden v.t. To rid of a burden; to free from a load borne or from something oppressive; to unload; to disencumber; to relieve. + deny v.t. To refuse to grant; to withhold; to refuse to gratify or yield to; as, to deny a request. + derail v.t. To cause to run off from the rails of a railroad, as a locomotive. + dolt n. A heavy, stupid fellow; a blockhead; a numskull; an ignoramus; a dunce; a dullard. + disappoint v.t. To frustrate; to fail; to hinder of result. + disappointing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disappoint + disgrace n. To do disfavor to; to bring reproach or shame upon; to dishonor; to treat or cover with ignominy; to lower in estimation. + devisal n. A devising. + distancing p.pr.|vb.n. of Distance + dom Jurisdiction or property and jurisdiction, dominion, as in kingdom earldom. + draw v.i. To become contracted; to shrink. + derogate v.i. To take away; to detract; to withdraw; -- usually with from. + drowse v.t. To make heavy with sleepiness or imperfect sleep; to make dull or stupid. + disseize v.t. To deprive of seizin or possession; to dispossess or oust wrongfully (one in freehold possession of land); -- followed by of; as, to disseize a tenant of his freehold. + divergency n. Disagreement; difference. + disinthrallment n. A releasing from thralldom or slavery; disenthrallment. + damp superl. Being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist; humid. + dogma n. A formally stated and authoritatively settled doctrine; a definite, established, and authoritative tenet. + dodded a. Without horns; as, dodded cattle; without beards; as, dodded corn. + drink n. Liquid to be swallowed; any fluid to be taken into the stomach for quenching thirst or for other purposes, as water, coffee, or decoctions. + disuse v.t. To cease to use; to discontinue the practice of. + dextrogyrate a. Same as Dextrorotatory. + distemper v.t. A preparation of opaque or body colors, in which the pigments are tempered or diluted with weak glue or size (cf. Tempera) instead of oil, usually for scene painting, or for walls and ceilings of rooms. + darkling p.pr.|a. Dark; gloomy. + despiting p.pr.|vb.n. of Despite + disembarkation n. The act of disembarking. + dustbrush n. A brush of feathers, bristles, or hair, for removing dust from furniture. + dumfounding p.pr.|vb.n. of Dumfound + device n. Power of devising; invention; contrivance. + doughbaked a. Imperfectly baked; hence, not brought to perfection; unfinished; also, of weak or dull understanding. + doxologies pl. of Doxology + down n. Fine, soft, hairy outgrowth from the skin or surface of animals or plants, not matted and fleecy like wool + depot n. A place of deposit for the storing of goods; a warehouse; a storehouse. + desolate a. Left alone; forsaken; lonely; comfortless. + d The fourth letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. The English letter is from Latin, which is from Greek, which took it from Ph/nician, the probable ultimate origin being Egyptian. It is related most nearly to t and th; as, Eng. deep, G. tief; Eng. daughter, G. tochter, Gr. qyga`thr, Skr. duhitr. See Guide to Pronunciation, ˆ178, 179, 229. + discerned imp.|p.p. of Discern + depurant a.|n. Depurative. + dressing n. Gum, starch, and the like, used in stiffening or finishing silk, linen, and other fabrics. + discharge v.t. To send away (a creditor) satisfied by payment; to pay one's debt or obligation to. + disperser n. One that disperses. + dimorphous a. Characterized by dimorphism; occurring under two distinct forms, not dependent on sex; dimorphic. + disputatious a. Inclined to dispute; apt to civil or controvert; characterized by dispute; as, a disputatious person or temper. + doubling n. The process of redistilling spirits, to improve the strength and flavor. + dispender n. One who dispends or expends; a steward. + deliver v.t. To discover; to show. + daylaborer n. One who works by the day; -- usually applied to a farm laborer, or to a workman who does not work at any particular trade. + disembogue v.i. To become discharged; to flow out; to find vent; to pour out contents. + drag v.i. To move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly; to advance with weary effort; to go on lingeringly. + despisal n. A despising; contempt. + drummed imp.|p.p. of Drum + decocture n. A decoction. + distrusting p.pr.|vb.n. of Distrust + disclosing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disclose + domeykite n. A massive mineral of tin-white or steel-gray color, an arsenide of copper. + disregarding p.pr.|vb.n. of Disregard + directorship n. The condition or office of a director; directorate. + divinity a. A pretended deity of pagans; a false god. + depreicate v.t. To proclaim; to celebrate. + derange v.t. To put out of place, order, or rank; to disturb the proper arrangement or order of; to throw into disorder, confusion, or embarrassment; to disorder; to disarrange; as, to derange the plans of a commander, or the affairs of a nation. + degust v.t. To taste. + deodand n. A personal chattel which had caused the death of a person, and for that reason was given to God, that is, forfeited to the crown, to be applied to pious uses, and distributed in alms by the high almoner. Thus, if a cart ran over a man and killed him, it was forfeited as a deodand. + delibrating p.pr.|vb.n. of Delibrate + delator n. An accuser; an informer. + dower n. That portion of the real estate of a man which his widow enjoys during her life, or to which a woman is entitled after the death of her husband. + disinthrall v.t. To free from thralldom; to disenthrall. + diagnostics n. That part of medicine which has to do with ascertaining the nature of diseases by means of their symptoms or signs. + determine v.t. To resolve on; to have a fixed intention of; also, to cause to come to a conclusion or decision; to lead; as, this determined him to go immediately. + darrain v.t. To fight out; to contest; to decide by combat. + darkness n. A state of privacy; secrecy. + denounce v.t. To proclaim in a threatening manner; to threaten by some outward sign or expression. + deoppilate v.t. To free from obstructions; to clear a passage through. + disadventure n. Misfortune; mishap. + diluvian a. Of or pertaining to a deluge, esp. to the Noachian deluge; diluvial; as, of diluvian origin. + definer n. One who defines or explains. + d As a numeral D stands for 500. in this use it is not the initial of any word, or even strictly a letter, but one half of the sign / (or / ) the original Tuscan numeral for 1000. + dominated imp.|p.p. of Dominate + divergent a. Causing divergence of rays; as, a divergent lens. + dorn n. A British ray; the thornback. + dit n. A ditty; a song. + disgracious a. Wanting grace; unpleasing; disagreeable. + dirty superl. Defiled with dirt; foul; nasty; filthy; not clean or pure; serving to defile; as, dirty hands; dirty water; a dirty white. + demitting p.pr.|vb.n. of Demit + distemperate a. Immoderate. + dailies pl. of Daily + decatoic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, decane. + divide v.i. To have a share; to partake. + divellent a. Drawing asunder. + denationalized imp.|p.p. of Denationalize + dander n. Anger or vexation; rage. + domineering a. Ruling arrogantly; overbearing. + demure v.i. To look demurely. + deletion n. Act of deleting, blotting out, or erasing; destruction. + doublefaced a. Deceitful; hypocritical; treacherous. + despairing p.pr.|vb.n. of Despair + digester n. A strong closed vessel, in which bones or other substances may be subjected, usually in water or other liquid, to a temperature above that of boiling, in order to soften them. + depauperate v.t.|i. To make poor; to impoverish. + distilling p.pr.|vb.n. of Distill + draper n. One who sells cloths; a dealer in cloths; as, a draper and tailor. + distinguished a. Marked; special. + damaskeen v. Alt. of Damasken + drag v.t. To draw slowly or heavily onward; to pull along the ground by main force; to haul; to trail; -- applied to drawing heavy or resisting bodies or those inapt for drawing, with labor, along the ground or other surface; as, to drag stone or timber; to drag a net in fishing. + dade v.t. To hold up by leading strings or by the hand, as a child while he toddles. + dampened imp.|p.p. of Dampen + deceitfulness n. The quality of being deceitful; as, the deceitfulness of a man's practices. + ducal a. Of or pertaining to a duke. + digest v.t. A compilation of statutes or decisions analytically arranged. The term is applied in a general sense to the Pandects of Justinian (see Pandect), but is also specially given by authors to compilations of laws on particular topics; a summary of laws; as, Comyn's Digest; the United States Digest. + deesis n. An invocation of, or address to, the Supreme Being. + duskness n. Duskiness. + depth n. The number of simple elements which an abstract conception or notion includes; the comprehension or content. + docity n. Teachableness. + digitate a. Alt. of Digitated + dullwitted a. Stupid. + deposited imp.|p.p. of Deposit + dandified a. Made up like a dandy; having the dress or manners of a dandy; buckish. + dashing a. Bold; spirited; showy. + deduit n. Delight; pleasure. + dasypaedic a. Pertaining to the Dasypaedes; ptilopaedic. + destructionist n. One who believes in the final destruction or complete annihilation of the wicked; -- called also annihilationist. + dentistry n. The art or profession of a dentist; dental surgery. + doucker v.t. A grebe or diver; -- applied also to the golden-eye, pochard, scoter, and other ducks. + dirigible a. Capable of being directed; steerable; as, a dirigible balloon. + detorsion n. Same as Detortion. + discharge v.t. That which discharges or releases from an obligation, liability, penalty, etc., as a price of ransom, a legal document. + damp n. Dejection; depression; cloud of the mind. + defier n. One who dares and defies; a contemner; as, a defier of the laws. + dirty superl. Sleety; gusty; stormy; as, dirty weather. + division n. Two or more brigades under the command of a general officer. + dismemberment n. The act of dismembering, or the state of being dismembered; cutting in piece; m/tilation; division; separation. + damasking p.pr.|vb.n. of Damask + despair v.t. To give up as beyond hope or expectation; to despair of. + dextrally adv. Towards the right; as, the hands of a watch rotate dextrally. + dethroned imp.|p.p. of Dethrone + disperse v.i. To distribute wealth; to share one's abundance with others. + diligent a. Prosecuted with careful attention and effort; careful; painstaking; not careless or negligent. + disproportionate a. Not proportioned; unsymmetrical; unsuitable to something else in bulk, form, value, or extent; out of proportion; inadequate; as, in a perfect body none of the limbs are disproportionate; it is wisdom not to undertake a work disproportionate means. + dreary superl. Exciting cheerless sensations, feelings, or associations; comfortless; dismal; gloomy. + drawknife n. A tool used for the purpose of making an incision along the path a saw is to follow, to prevent it from tearing the surface of the wood. + dureful a. Lasting. + discharge v.t. The state of being discharged or relieved of a debt, obligation, office, and the like; acquittal. + drabbled imp.|p.p. of Drabble + dart v.t. To throw suddenly or rapidly; to send forth; to emit; to shoot; as, the sun darts forth his beams. + dustpoint n. An old rural game. + decurion n. A head or chief over ten; especially, an officer who commanded a division of ten soldiers. + dotation n. Endowment; establishment of funds for support, as of a hospital or eleemosynary corporation. + disorientate v.t. To turn away from the east, or (figuratively) from the right or the truth. + diverse a. Different; unlike; dissimilar; distinct; separate. + dredging p.pr.|vb.n. of Dredge + disennoble v.t. To deprive of that which ennobles; to degrade. + diacoustics n. That branch of natural philosophy which treats of the properties of sound as affected by passing through different mediums; -- called also diaphonics. See the Note under Acoustics. + darken v.i. To grow or darker. + deloo n. The duykerbok. + dogcart n. A light one-horse carriage, commonly two-wheeled, patterned after a cart. The original dogcarts used in England by sportsmen had a box at the back for carrying dogs. + distrain v.t. To press heavily upon; to bear down upon with violence; hence, to constrain or compel; to bind; to distress, torment, or afflict. + dead adv. To a degree resembling death; to the last degree; completely; wholly. + dominical a. Relating to, or given by, our Lord; as, the dominical (or Lord's) prayer. + detort v.t. To turn form the original or plain meaning; to pervert; to wrest. + disburthening p.pr.|vb.n. of Disburthen + desireful a. Filled with desire; eager. + designatory a. Serving to designate; designative; indicating. + damages imp.|p.p. of Damage + dugout n. A canoe or boat dug out from a large log. + docimology n. A treatise on the art of testing, as in assaying metals, etc. + dispart v.i. To separate, to open; to cleave. + ditcher n. One who digs ditches. + douche n. A jet or current of water or vapor directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally; a douche bath. + devilfish n. A huge ray (Manta birostris / Cephaloptera vampyrus) of the Gulf of Mexico and Southern Atlantic coasts. Several other related species take the same name. See Cephaloptera. + distaves pl. of Distaff + damson n. A small oval plum of a blue color, the fruit of a variety of the Prunus domestica; -- called also damask plum. + dissolution n. Destruction of anything by the separation of its parts; ruin. + domestically adv. In a domestic manner; privately; with reference to domestic affairs. + dabblingly adv. In a dabbling manner. + denizen n. One who is admitted by favor to all or a part of the rights of citizenship, where he did not possess them by birth; an adopted or naturalized citizen. + deaconess n. A woman set apart for church work by a bishop. + distaff n. The staff for holding a bunch of flax, tow, or wool, from which the thread is drawn in spinning by hand. + disrelish v.t. Not to relish; to regard as unpalatable or offensive; to feel a degree of disgust at. + dooly n. A kind of litter suspended from men's shoulders, for carrying persons or things; a palanquin. + deadpay n. Pay drawn for soldiers, or others, really dead, whose names are kept on the rolls. + distraction n. A diversity of direction; detachment. + diaphragm n. A calcareous plate which divides the cavity of certain shells into two parts. + dipping n. The process of cleaning or brightening sheet metal or metalware, esp. brass, by dipping it in acids, etc. + disenchanter n. One who, or that which, disenchants. + decennial a. Consisting of ten years; happening every ten years; as, a decennial period; decennial games. + diffame n. Evil name; bad reputation; defamation. + discharge v.t. To relieve of a charge, load, or burden; to empty of a load or cargo; to unburden; to unload; as, to discharge a vessel. + droskies pl. of Drosky + dive v.t. To explore by diving; to plunge into. + declivities pl. of Declivity + deforser n. A deforciant. + doomsday n. The day of the final judgment. + discalceation n. The act of pulling off the shoes or sandals. + deformities pl. of Deformity + disabilities pl. of Disability + document n. An original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or support of anything else; -- in its most extended sense, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information in the case; any material substance on which the thoughts of men are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol. + detain v.t. To hold or keep in custody. + disdainishly adv. Disdainfully. + dietine n. A subordinate or local assembly; a diet of inferior rank. + disintegrate v.t. To separate into integrant parts; to reduce to fragments or to powder; to break up, or cause to fall to pieces, as a rock, by blows of a hammer, frost, rain, and other mechanical or atmospheric influences. + divulgate v.t. To divulge. + dispropriate v.t. To cancel the appropriation of; to disappropriate. + depuratory a. Depurating; tending to depurate or cleanse; depurative. + degarnished imp.|p.p. of Degarnish + dicker n. The number or quantity of ten, particularly ten hides or skins; a dakir; as, a dicker of gloves. + deformer n. One who deforms. + duplicity n. Doubleness of heart or speech; insincerity; a sustained form of deception which consists in entertaining or pretending to entertain one of feelings, and acting as if influenced by another; bad faith. + default n. A neglect of, or failure to take, some step necessary to secure the benefit of law, as a failure to appear in court at a day assigned, especially of the defendant in a suit when called to make answer; also of jurors, witnesses, etc. + dab v.i. To strike or touch gently, as with a soft or moist substance; to tap; hence, to besmear with a dabber. + demonstrability n. The quality of being demonstrable; demonstrableness. + driest superl. of Dry, a. + displacing p.pr.|vb.n. of Displace + divorceable a. Capable of being divorced. + drift n. A drove or flock, as of cattle, sheep, birds. + divine v.i. To use or practice divination; to foretell by divination; to utter prognostications. + dismay v.t. Loss of courage and firmness through fear; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits; consternation. + drumfish n. Any fish of the family Sciaenidae, which makes a loud noise by means of its air bladder; -- called also drum. + double n. A turn or circuit in running to escape pursues; hence, a trick; a shift; an artifice. + discoverer n. One who discovers; one who first comes to the knowledge of something; one who discovers an unknown country, or a new principle, truth, or fact. + discursive a. Passing from one thing to another; ranging over a wide field; roving; digressive; desultory. + diarian a. Pertaining to a diary; daily. + drencher n. One who, or that which, west or steeps. + determinate a. Determined or resolved upon. + denominative a. Possessing, or capable of possessing, a distinct denomination or designation; denominable. + dryshod a. Without wetting the feet. + devastator n. One who, or that which, devastates. + dyspeptone n. An insoluble albuminous body formed from casein and other proteid substances by the action of gastric juice. + demurrer n. A stop or pause by a party to an action, for the judgment of the court on the question, whether, assuming the truth of the matter alleged by the opposite party, it is sufficient in law to sustain the action or defense, and hence whether the party resting is bound to answer or proceed further. + daubry n. A daubing; specious coloring; false pretenses. + diseaseful a. Abounding with disease; producing diseases; as, a diseaseful climate. + deterring p.pr.|vb.n. of Deter + doter n. One excessively fond, or weak in love. + devocalize v.t. To make toneless; to deprive of vowel quality. + drive v.i. To distrain for rent. + delitable a. Delightful; delectable. + drawgear n. A harness for draught horses. + despondent a. Marked by despondence; given to despondence; low-spirited; as, a despondent manner; a despondent prisoner. + drossy superl. Of, pertaining to, resembling, dross; full of dross; impure; worthless. + darkly adv. With imperfect light, clearness, or knowledge; obscurely; dimly; blindly; uncertainly. + domino n. One of the pieces with which the game of dominoes is played. + dan n. A title of honor equivalent to master, or sir. + drave of Drive + deplorre n. One who deplores. + deuterocanonical a. Pertaining to a second canon, or ecclesiastical writing of inferior authority; -- said of the Apocrypha, certain Epistles, etc. + donax n. A canelike grass of southern Europe (Arundo Donax), used for fishing rods, etc. + drachma n. A gold and silver coin of modern Greece worth 19.3 cents. + demoniacism n. The state of being demoniac, or the practices of demoniacs. + disclaunder v.t. To injure one's good name; to slander. + decumbence n. Alt. of Decumbency + dioxide n. An oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in each molecule; binoxide. + digynian a. Alt. of Digynous + dichromic a. Furnishing or giving two colors; -- said of defective vision, in which all the compound colors are resolvable into two elements instead of three. + derelict n. A tract of land left dry by the sea, and fit for cultivation or use. + disputable v.i. Disputatious; contentious. + denominational a. Pertaining to a denomination, especially to a sect or society. + dazzled imp.|p.p. of Dazzle + desilverization n. The act or the process of freeing from silver; also, the condition resulting from the removal of silver. + disrupting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disrupt + depudicate v.t. To deflour; to dishonor. + domal a. Pertaining to a house. + defenser n. Defender. + dentated a. Toothed; especially, with the teeth projecting straight out, not pointed either forward or backward; as, a dentate leaf. + defibrinize v.t. To defibrinate. + diverberate v.t. To strike or sound through. + divide v.t. To play or sing in a florid style, or with variations. + daub v.t. To put on without taste; to deck gaudily. + dasher n. A dashboard or splashboard. + dwine v.i. To waste away; to pine; to languish. + dumb v.t. To put to silence. + discriminating p.pr.|vb.n. of Discriminate + decant v.t. To pour off gently, as liquor, so as not to disturb the sediment; or to pour from one vessel into another; as, to decant wine. + disinterest n. What is contrary to interest or advantage; disadvantage. + discovenant v.t. To dissolve covenant with. + daisy n. The whiteweed (Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum), the plant commonly called daisy in North America; -- called also oxeye daisy. See Whiteweed. + dogfox n. The Arctic or blue fox; -- a name also applied to species of the genus Cynalopex. + disliked imp.|p.p. of Dislike + decomposed imp.|p.p. of Decompose + diaeresis n. Alt. of Dieresis + demiss a. Cast down; humble; submissive. + demi A prefix, signifying half. + disattire v.t. To unrobe; to undress. + decided a. Free from doubt or wavering; determined; of fixed purpose; fully settled; positive; resolute; as, a decided opinion or purpose. + dorsiventral a. Having distinct upper and lower surfaces, as most common leaves. The leaves of the iris are not dorsiventral. + dorsiventral a. See Dorsoventral. + decomposition n. The act or process of resolving the constituent parts of a compound body or substance into its elementary parts; separation into constituent part; analysis; the decay or dissolution consequent on the removal or alteration of some of the ingredients of a compound; disintegration; as, the decomposition of wood, rocks, etc. + deess n. A goddess. + designedly adv. By design; purposely; intentionally; -- opposed to accidentally, ignorantly, or inadvertently. + distress n. The act of distraining; the taking of a personal chattel out of the possession of a wrongdoer, by way of pledge for redress of an injury, or for the performance of a duty, as for nonpayment of rent or taxes, or for injury done by cattle, etc. + demolishment n. Demolition. + dearie n. Same as Deary. + doubler n. An instrument for augmenting a very small quantity of electricity, so as to render it manifest by sparks or the electroscope. + dividend n. A number or quantity which is to be divided. + distune v.t. To put out of tune. + divagation n. A wandering about or going astray; digression. + dumbwaiter n. A framework on which dishes, food, etc., are passed from one room or story of a house to another; a lift for dishes, etc.; also, a piece of furniture with movable or revolving shelves. + dies juridicus A court day. + dizzily adv. In a dizzy manner or state. + diriment a. Absolute. + dotting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dot + dispensatory v.t. Granting, or authorized to grant, dispensations. + deciduity n. Deciduousness. + dramatize v.t. To compose in the form of the drama; to represent in a drama; to adapt to dramatic representation; as, to dramatize a novel, or an historical episode. + dauber n. The mud wasp; the mud dauber. + drunk a. Drenched or saturated with moisture or liquid. + drivel v.i. To be weak or foolish; to dote; as, a driveling hero; driveling love. + din n. To strike with confused or clanging sound; to stun with loud and continued noise; to harass with clamor; as, to din the ears with cries. + desecrater n. One who desecrates; a profaner. + displace v.t. To crowd out; to take the place of. + deceivableness n. Liability to be deceived or misled; as, the deceivableness of a child. + diplomas pl. of Diploma + depurator n. One who, or that which, cleanses. + dislikeness n. Unlikeness. + discreet superl. Differing; distinct. + dispraising p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispraise + demonism n. The belief in demons or false gods. + disportment n. Act of disporting; diversion; play. + dip n. A dipped candle. + diptote n. A noun which has only two cases. + dispute v.t. To oppose by argument or assertion; to attempt to overthrow; to controvert; to express dissent or opposition to; to call in question; to deny the truth or validity of; as, to dispute assertions or arguments. + deducibly adv. By deduction. + depictured imp.|p.p. of Depicture + domestical a. Domestic. + deminatured a. Having half the nature of another. + dental a. A marine mollusk of the genus Dentalium, with a curved conical shell resembling a tooth. See Dentalium. + diversory a. Serving or tending to divert; also, distinguishing. + donet n. Same as Donat. Piers Plowman. + double a. Twofold; multiplied by two; increased by its equivalent; made twice as large or as much, etc. + delaine n. A kind of fabric for women's dresses. + decigram n. Alt. of Decigramme + decompound a. Compound of what is already compounded; compounded a second time. + dreading p.pr.|vb.n. of Dread + distract v.t. To draw (the sight, mind, or attention) in different directions; to perplex; to confuse; as, to distract the eye; to distract the attention. + distasting p.pr.|vb.n. of Distaste + didascalar a. Didascalic. + dioptra n. An optical instrument, invented by Hipparchus, for taking altitudes, leveling, etc. + deliquesce v.i. To dissolve gradually and become liquid by attracting and absorbing moisture from the air, as certain salts, acids, and alkalies. + detonized imp.|p.p. of Detonize + decadent a. Decaying; deteriorating. + decangular a. Having ten angles. + deep superl. Of penetrating or far-reaching intellect; not superficial; thoroughly skilled; sagacious; cunning. + deep superl. Hard to penetrate or comprehend; profound; -- opposed to shallow or superficial; intricate; mysterious; not obvious; obscure; as, a deep subject or plot. + decayed a. Fallen, as to physical or social condition; affected with decay; rotten; as, decayed vegetation or vegetables; a decayed fortune or gentleman. + daggletail a. Alt. of Daggle-tailed + defeated imp.|p.p. of Defeat + deerlet n. A chevrotain. See Kanchil, and Napu. + dissunder v.t. To separate; to sunder; to destroy. + decertation n. Contest for mastery; contention; strife. + difference n. Choice; preference. + drench v.t. To steep in moisture; to wet thoroughly; to soak; to saturate with water or other liquid; to immerse. + dictum n. The report of a judgment made by one of the judges who has given it. + dictatorship n. The office, or the term of office, of a dictator; hence, absolute power. + drear n. Sadness; dismalness. + dovetail v.t. To cut to a dovetail. + deckle n. A separate thin wooden frame used to form the border of a hand mold, or a curb of India rubber or other material which rests on, and forms the edge of, the mold in a paper machine and determines the width of the paper. + dioecia n.pl. A Linnaean class of plants having the stamens and pistils on different plants. + discretively adv. In a discretive manner. + deteriorated imp.|p.p. of Deteriorate + disembarrassed imp.|p.p. of Disembarrass + dermatic a. Alt. of Dermatine + double a. To be the double of; to exceed by twofold; to contain or be worth twice as much as. + disheriting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disherit + dicta pl. of Dictum + drybeat v.t. To beat severely. + diswont v.t. To deprive of wonted usage; to disaccustom. + desmobacteria n.pl. See Microbacteria. + disconsolated a. Disconsolate. + disreverence v.t. To treat irreverently or with disrespect. + drifted imp.|p.p. of Drift + degeneration n. A gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or organs; hereditary degradation of type. + distortion n. A wresting from the true meaning. + derre a. Dearer. + detached imp.|p.p. of Detach + dingdong n. The sound of, or as of, repeated strokes on a metallic body, as a bell; a repeated and monotonous sound. + dame n. A mother; -- applied to human beings and quadrupeds. + debility a. The state of being weak; weakness; feebleness; languor. + discommodious a. Inconvenient; troublesome; incommodious. + dumped imp.|p.p. of Dump + displeased imp.|p.p. of Displease + disengagement n. The act of disengaging or setting free, or the state of being disengaged. + deliberative n. A discourse in which a question is discussed, or weighed and examined. + dwindle v.t. To break; to disperse. + deadwood n. Dead trees or branches; useless material. + dish n. The state of being concave, or like a dish, or the degree of such concavity; as, the dish of a wheel. + dress n. That which is used as the covering or ornament of the body; clothes; garments; habit; apparel. + define v.t. To determine or clearly exhibit the boundaries of; to mark the limits of; as, to define the extent of a kingdom or country. + dominance n. Alt. of Dominancy + dissolve v.t. To break the continuity of; to disconnect; to disunite; to sunder; to loosen; to undo; to separate. + dilatation n. Prolixity; diffuse discourse. + dudder v.i. To shiver or tremble; to dodder. + doeglic a. Pertaining to, or obtained from, the doegling; as, doeglic acid (Chem.), an oily substance resembling oleic acid. + dissipative a. Tending to dissipate. + desired imp.|p.p. of Desire + dramseller n. One who sells distilled liquors by the dram or glass. + daughter n. A term of address indicating parental interest. + deliver v.t. To give forth in action or exercise; to discharge; as, to deliver a blow; to deliver a broadside, or a ball. + dandyling n. A little or insignificant dandy; a contemptible fop. + diagram n. Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an artistical one. + dissimulate v.i. To dissemble; to feign; to pretend. + dissipate v.t. To destroy by wasteful extravagance or lavish use; to squander. + distinctness n. Nice discrimination; hence, clearness; precision; as, he stated his arguments with great distinctness. + dextrorse a. Turning from the left to the right, in the ascending line, as in the spiral inclination of the stem of the common morning-glory. + diocesan n. A bishop, viewed in relation to his diocese; as, the diocesan of New York. + decandrous a. Belonging to the Decandria; having ten stamens. + diastem n. An interval. + demand v.t. The asking or seeking for what is due or claimed as due. + douche n. A syringe. + deforciation n. Same as Deforcement, n. + deign v.t. To condescend to give or bestow; to stoop to furnish; to vouchsafe; to allow; to grant. + duel v.i.|t. To fight in single combat. + discourse n. Consecutive speech, either written or unwritten, on a given line of thought; speech; treatise; dissertation; sermon, etc.; as, the preacher gave us a long discourse on duty. + discharge v.t. To give forth; to emit or send out; as, a pipe discharges water; to let fly; to give expression to; to utter; as, to discharge a horrible oath. + dominant n. The fifth tone of the scale; thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on. + disputableness n. State of being disputable. + dubbing n. The act of rubbing, smoothing, or dressing; a dressing off smooth with an adz. + dryrubbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dry-rub + decursive a. Running down; decurrent. + disgavel v.t. To deprive of that principal quality of gavelkind tenure by which lands descend equally among all the sons of the tenant; -- said of lands. + distinctive a. Having the power to distinguish and discern; discriminating. + daynet n. A net for catching small birds. + disown v.t. To refuse to acknowledge or allow; to deny. + dramatizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dramatize + disproportioning p.pr.|vb.n. of Disproportion + depute v.t. To appoint; to assign; to choose. + dottard n. An old, decayed tree. + difficulty n. Something difficult; a thing hard to do or to understand; that which occasions labor or perplexity, and requires skill and perseverance to overcome, solve, or achieve; a hard enterprise; an obstacle; an impediment; as, the difficulties of a science; difficulties in theology. + duck v.t. To thrust or plunge under water or other liquid and suddenly withdraw. + dispatch v.t. To dispose of speedily, as business; to execute quickly; to make a speedy end of; to finish; to perform. + disperse v.t. To scatter abroad; to drive to different parts; to distribute; to diffuse; to spread; as, the Jews are dispersed among all nations. + dendrometer n. An instrument to measure the height and diameter of trees. + draperies pl. of Drapery + desecrator n. One who desecrates. + digress v.i. To step or turn aside; to deviate; to swerve; especially, to turn aside from the main subject of attention, or course of argument, in writing or speaking. + dismantling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dismantle + devoid v.t. Destitute; not in possession; -- with of; as, devoid of sense; devoid of pity or of pride. + deathsherb n. The deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna). + disposition n. The act of disposing, arranging, ordering, regulating, or transferring; application; disposal; as, the disposition of a man's property by will. + distich n. A couple of verses or poetic lines making complete sense; an epigram of two verses. + divesture n. Divestiture. + disengaging p.pr.|vb.n. of Disengage + divers a. Several; sundry; various; more than one, but not a great number; as, divers philosophers. Also used substantively or pronominally. + dismount v.i. To alight from a horse; to descend or get off, as a rider from his beast; as, the troops dismounted. + dissuasory n. A dissuasive. + dioecia n.pl. A subclass of gastropod mollusks in which the sexes are separate. It includes most of the large marine species, like the conchs, cones, and cowries. + dextral a. Right, as opposed to sinistral, or left. + drill n. Same as Drilling. + diverb n. A saying in which two members of the sentence are contrasted; an antithetical proverb. + dandycock n.fem. Alt. of Dandy-hen + dorr n. The dorbeetle; also, a drone or an idler. See 1st Dor. + development n. The act of developing or disclosing that which is unknown; a gradual unfolding process by which anything is developed, as a plan or method, or an image upon a photographic plate; gradual advancement or growth through a series of progressive changes; also, the result of developing, or a developed state. + detract v.t. To take credit or reputation from; to defame. + denizenship n. State of being a denizen. + destitute v.t. To disappoint. + disprize v.t. To depreciate. + daubreelite n. A sulphide of chromium observed in some meteoric irons. + decad n. A decade. + dosel n. Same as Dorsal, n. + digit n. One twelfth part of the diameter of the sun or moon; -- a term used to express the quantity of an eclipse; as, an eclipse of eight digits is one which hides two thirds of the diameter of the disk. + dicker v.i.|t. To negotiate a dicker; to barter. + deflowerer n. See Deflourer. + decisory a. Able to decide or determine; having a tendency to decide. + distanced imp.|p.p. of Distance + drive v.t. To urge on and direct the motions of, as the beasts which draw a vehicle, or the vehicle borne by them; hence, also, to take in a carriage; to convey in a vehicle drawn by beasts; as, to drive a pair of horses or a stage; to drive a person to his own door. + diodon n. A genus of whales. + denmark satin See under Satin. + dutchman n. A native, or one of the people, of Holland. + dark a. Destitute of knowledge and culture; in moral or intellectual darkness; unrefined; ignorant. + dread n. A person highly revered. + diurnalist n. A journalist. + draught v.t. To diminish or exhaust by drawing. + domical a. Relating to, or shaped like, a dome. + digamma n. A letter (/, /) of the Greek alphabet, which early fell into disuse. + drum n. See Drumfish. + doubleshade v.t. To double the natural darkness of (a place). + despite n. To vex; to annoy; to offend contemptuously. + despiteous a. Feeling or showing despite; malicious; angry to excess; cruel; contemptuous. + disaccord n. Disagreement. + dishonoring p.pr.|vb.n. of Dishonor + dolly n. A tool with an indented head for shaping the head of a rivet. + dudgeon a. Homely; rude; coarse. + doublefaced a. Having two faces designed for use; as, a double-faced hammer. + dude n. A kind of dandy; especially, one characterized by an ultrafashionable style of dress and other affectations. + divide v.t. To mark divisions on; to graduate; as, to divide a sextant. + drivel n. Slaver; saliva flowing from the mouth. + dizzy v.t. To make dizzy or giddy; to give the vertigo to; to confuse. + delactation n. The act of weaning. + dextrality n. The state of being on the right-hand side; also, the quality of being right-handed; right-handedness. + diazo A combining form (also used adjectively), meaning pertaining to, or derived from, a series of compounds containing a radical of two nitrogen atoms, united usually to an aromatic radical; as, diazo-benzene, C6H5.N2.OH. + dastardly a. Meanly timid; cowardly; base; as, a dastardly outrage. + doily n. A kind of woolen stuff. + desolate v.t. To make desolate; to leave alone; to deprive of inhabitants; as, the earth was nearly desolated by the flood. + dissuasion n. A motive or consideration tending to dissuade; a dissuasive. + dantesque a. Dantelike; Dantean. + dialogically adv. In the manner or nature of a dialogue. + deracinating p.pr.|vb.n. of Deracinate + distraction n. The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation. + dunging p.pr.|vb.n. of Dung + disguise n. A masque or masquerade. + dreaming p.pr.|vb.n. of Dream + dovelet n. A young or small dove. + discoursive n. The state or quality of being discoursive or able to reason. + draw v.t. To require (so great a depth, as of water) for floating; -- said of a vessel; to sink so deep in (water); as, a ship draws ten feet of water. + deodar n. A kind of cedar (Cedrus Deodara), growing in India, highly valued for its size and beauty as well as for its timber, and also grown in England as an ornamental tree. + desolated imp.|p.p. of Desolate + deflagrable a. Burning with a sudden and sparkling combustion, as niter; hence, slightly explosive; liable to snap and crackle when heated, as salt. + dependant n. Alt. of Dependancy + drysalter n. A dealer in salted or dried meats, pickles, sauces, etc., and in the materials used in pickling, salting, and preserving various kinds of food Hence drysalters usually sell a number of saline substances and miscellaneous drugs. + daub n. A picture coarsely executed. + dissipate v.i. To separate into parts and disappear; to waste away; to scatter; to disperse; to vanish; as, a fog or cloud gradually dissipates before the rays or heat of the sun; the heat of a body dissipates. + deferent n. That which carries or conveys. + diffide v.i. To be distrustful. + deflectable a. Capable of being deflected. + disagree v.i. To be unsuited; to have unfitness; as, medicine sometimes disagrees with the patient; food often disagrees with the stomach or the taste. + debacchate v.i. To rave as a bacchanal. + decreet n. The final judgment of the Court of Session, or of an inferior court, by which the question at issue is decided. + dissimilate v.t. To render dissimilar. + dropsical a. Of or pertaining to dropsy. + dash v.t. To put to shame; to confound; to confuse; to abash; to depress. + dear adv. Dearly; at a high price. + disobeisance n. Disobedience. + deuteroscopy n. Second sight. + decanter n. A vessel used to decant liquors, or for receiving decanted liquors; a kind of glass bottle used for holding wine or other liquors, from which drinking glasses are filled. + drove n. Any collection of irrational animals, moving or driving forward; as, a finny drove. + dorsiparous a. Same as Dorsiferous. + dispone v.t. To make over, or convey, legally. + dement v.t. To deprive of reason; to make mad. + dyspnoic a. Affected with shortness of breath; relating to dyspnoea. + dalliance n. Entertaining discourse. + demersion n. The state of being overwhelmed in water, or as if in water. + draught v.t. To draw in outline; to make a draught, sketch, or plan of, as in architectural and mechanical drawing. + datum n. The quantities or relations which are assumed to be given in any problem. + dibs n. A sweet preparation or treacle of grape juice, much used in the East. + detach v.t. To separate for a special object or use; -- used especially in military language; as, to detach a ship from a fleet, or a company from a regiment. + depress v.t. To cast a gloom upon; to sadden; as, his spirits were depressed. + discontenting a. Causing discontent; dissatisfying. + declivity n. A descending surface; a sloping place. + disparities pl. of Disparity + duennas pl. of Duenna + dignify v.t. To invest with dignity or honor; to make illustrious; to give distinction to; to exalt in rank; to honor. + depart v.i. To go forth or away; to quit, leave, or separate, as from a place or a person; to withdraw; -- opposed to arrive; -- often with from before the place, person, or thing left, and for or to before the destination. + discrepant a. Discordant; at variance; disagreeing; contrary; different. + deprecation n. The act of deprecating; a praying against evil; prayer that an evil may be removed or prevented; strong expression of disapprobation. + darraign v.t. Alt. of Darrain + distraught p.p. of Distract + defecated imp.|p.p. of Defecate + disclaimer n. A public disavowal, as of pretensions, claims, opinions, and the like. + diaper n. A towel or napkin for wiping the hands, etc. + double n. An old term for a variation, as in Bach's Suites. + defluxion n. A discharge or flowing of humors or fluid matter, as from the nose in catarrh; -- sometimes used synonymously with inflammation. + dowable v.t. Capable of being endowed; entitled to dower. + distermination n. Separation by bounds. + disorganizer n. One who disorganizes or causes disorder and confusion. + doublet a. Two of the same kind; a pair; a couple. + derivation n. A leading or drawing off of water from a stream or source. + dusky a. Partially dark or obscure; not luminous; dusk; as, a dusky valley. + disimpassioned a. Free from warmth of passion or feeling. + dieresis n. Same as Diaeresis. + dragging p.pr.|vb.n. of Drag + discrowned imp.|p.p. of Discrown + dodecasyllabic a. Having twelve syllables. + disqualify v.t. To deprive of the qualities or properties necessary for any purpose; to render unfit; to incapacitate; -- with for or from before the purpose, state, or act. + distill n.|v To drop; to fall in drops; to trickle. + dynam n. A unit of measure for dynamical effect or work; a foot pound. See Foot pound. + deflourer n. One who deflours; a ravisher. + didelphyc a. Same as Didelphic. + defensory a. Tending to defend; defensive; as, defensory preparations. + disperple v.t. To scatter; to sprinkle. + devoid v.t. To empty out; to remove. + digestion n. The conversion of food, in the stomach and intestines, into soluble and diffusible products, capable of being absorbed by the blood. + detested imp.|p.p. of Detest + dislocation n. The displacement of parts of rocks or portions of strata from the situation which they originally occupied. Slips, faults, and the like, are dislocations. + domicillary a. Of or pertaining to a domicile, or the residence of a person or family. + deceit n. Any trick, collusion, contrivance, false representation, or underhand practice, used to defraud another. When injury is thereby effected, an action of deceit, as it called, lies for compensation. + diffractive a. That produces diffraction. + disappoint v.t. To defeat of expectation or hope; to hinder from the attainment of that which was expected, hoped, or desired; to balk; as, a man is disappointed of his hopes or expectations, or his hopes, desires, intentions, expectations, or plans are disappointed; a bad season disappoints the farmer of his crops; a defeat disappoints an enemy of his spoil. + decree n. A decision, order, or sentence, given in a cause by a court of equity or admiralty. + descriptive a. Tending to describe; having the quality of representing; containing description; as, a descriptive figure; a descriptive phrase; a descriptive narration; a story descriptive of the age. + deraignment n. Alt. of Derainment + dynastidan n. One of a group of gigantic, horned beetles, including Dynastus Neptunus, and the Hercules beetle (D. Hercules) of tropical America, which grow to be six inches in length. + depressingly adv. In a depressing manner. + deglutination n. The act of ungluing. + delicious a. Addicted to pleasure; seeking enjoyment; luxurious; effeminate. + denominatively adv. By denomination. + down adv. From a remoter or higher antiquity. + deluded imp.|p.p. of Delude + declension n. Rehearsing a word as declined. + docket v.t. To enter or inscribe in a docket, or list of causes for trial. + diversivolent a. Desiring different things. + dasher n. One who makes an ostentatious parade. + down v.t. To cause to go down; to make descend; to put down; to overthrow, as in wrestling; hence, to subdue; to bring down. + dine v.t. To give a dinner to; to furnish with the chief meal; to feed; as, to dine a hundred men. + devilling of Devil + drill n. A large African baboon (Cynocephalus leucophaeus). + dit n. A word; a decree. + diphthong n. A coalition or union of two vowel sounds pronounced in one syllable; as, ou in out, oi in noise; -- called a proper diphthong. + dejection n. The discharge of excrement. + daymare n. A kind of incubus which occurs during wakefulness, attended by the peculiar pressure on the chest which characterizes nightmare. + destructible a. Liable to destruction; capable of being destroyed. + dreadful a. Inspiring awe or reverence; awful. + deadness n. The state of being destitute of life, vigor, spirit, activity, etc.; dullness; inertness; languor; coldness; vapidness; indifference; as, the deadness of a limb, a body, or a tree; the deadness of an eye; deadness of the affections; the deadness of beer or cider; deadness to the world, and the like. + dynast n. A dynasty; a government. + decretory a. Established by a decree; definitive; settled. + duteous a. Subservient; obsequious. + displeasedness n. Displeasure. + deep superl. Extending far back from the front or outer part; of great horizontal dimension (measured backward from the front or nearer part, mouth, etc.); as, a deep cave or recess or wound; a gallery ten seats deep; a company of soldiers six files deep. + dole n. See Dolus. + daphne n. A nymph of Diana, fabled to have been changed into a laurel tree. + down prep. A bank or rounded hillock of sand thrown up by the wind along or near the shore; a flattish-topped hill; -- usually in the plural. + deshabille n. An undress; a careless toilet. + demurring p.pr.|vb.n. of Demur + disfavorable a. Unfavorable. + discourse n. The power of the mind to reason or infer by running, as it were, from one fact or reason to another, and deriving a conclusion; an exercise or act of this power; reasoning; range of reasoning faculty. + disordinance n. Disarrangement; disturbance. + drapet n. Cloth. + diamide n. Any compound containing two amido groups united with one or more acid or negative radicals, -- as distinguished from a diamine. Cf. Amido acid, under Amido, and Acid amide, under Amide. + dereling n. Darling. + divaricator n. One of the muscles which open the shell of brachiopods; a cardinal muscle. See Illust. of Brachiopoda. + distasted imp.|p.p. of Distaste + deficiencies pl. of Deficiency + dura mater The tough, fibrous membrane, which lines the cavity of the skull and spinal column, and surrounds the brain and spinal cord; -- frequently abbreviated to dura. + depeculation n. A robbing or embezzlement. + dole n. A boundary; a landmark. + decide v.i. To determine; to form a definite opinion; to come to a conclusion; to give decision; as, the court decided in favor of the defendant. + definitively adv. In a definitive manner. + disquietness n. Disturbance of quiet in body or mind; restlessness; uneasiness. + drove n. A broad chisel used to bring stone to a nearly smooth surface; -- called also drove chisel. + defamous a. Defamatory. + deployed imp.|p.p. of Deploy + deepsea a. Of or pertaining to the deeper parts of the sea; as, a deep-sea line (i. e., a line to take soundings at a great depth); deep-sea lead; deep-sea soundings, explorations, etc. + djinns pl. of Djinnee + dish n. A vessel, as a platter, a plate, a bowl, used for serving up food at the table. + distad adv. Toward a distal part; on the distal side of; distally. + disputer n. One who disputes, or who is given to disputes; a controvertist. + disguisement n. Disguise. + dippels oil See Bone oil, under Bone. + dog n. A fellow; -- used humorously or contemptuously; as, a sly dog; a lazy dog. + diked imp.|p.p. of Dike + dinetical a. Revolving on an axis. + dolomite n. A mineral consisting of the carbonate of lime and magnesia in varying proportions. It occurs in distinct crystals, and in extensive beds as a compact limestone, often crystalline granular, either white or clouded. It includes much of the common white marble. Also called bitter spar. + dumpage n. A fee paid for the privilege of dumping loads. + distaste n. Alienation of affection; displeasure; anger. + descent n. Lowest place; extreme downward place. + despond v.i. To give up, the will, courage, or spirit; to be thoroughly disheartened; to lose all courage; to become dispirited or depressed; to take an unhopeful view. + de jure By right; of right; by law; -- often opposed to de facto. + dreadful a. Full of dread or terror; fearful. + dressing n. The stuffing of fowls, pigs, etc.; forcemeat. + dwindle v.i. To diminish; to become less; to shrink; to waste or consume away; to become degenerate; to fall away. + devoid v.t. Void; empty; vacant. + discure v.t. To discover; to reveal; to discoure. + drank n. Wild oats, or darnel grass. See Drake a plant. + daytime n. The time during which there is daylight, as distinguished from the night. + dean n. The collegiate officer in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, England, who, besides other duties, has regard to the moral condition of the college. + denotative a. Having power to denote; designating or marking off. + dehonestate v.t. To disparage. + divestment n. The act of divesting. + deck v. The upper part or top of a mansard roof or curb roof when made nearly flat. + decrease v.t. To cause to grow less; to diminish gradually; as, extravagance decreases one's means. + disorder v.t. To depose from holy orders. + decern v.t. To decree; to adjudge. + digest v.t. Hence: To bear comfortably or patiently; to be reconciled to; to brook. + deform v.t. To render displeasing; to deprive of comeliness, grace, or perfection; to dishonor. + doorless a. Without a door. + descendible a. That may descend from an ancestor to an heir. + did imp. of Do. + debarking p.pr.|vb.n. of Debark + digitule n. A little finger or toe, or something resembling one. + disgradation n. Degradation; a stripping of titles and honors. + dredger n. A dredging machine. + dunner n. One employed in soliciting the payment of debts. + downright a. Open; artless; undisguised; absolute; unmixed; as, downright atheism. + denominate a. Having a specific name or denomination; specified in the concrete as opposed to abstract; thus, 7 feet is a denominate quantity, while 7 is mere abstract quantity or number. See Compound number, under Compound. + distillation n. The separation of the volatile parts of a substance from the more fixed; specifically, the operation of driving off gas or vapor from volatile liquids or solids, by heat in a retort or still, and the condensation of the products as far as possible by a cool receiver, alembic, or condenser; rectification; vaporization; condensation; as, the distillation of illuminating gas and coal, of alcohol from sour mash, or of boric acid in steam. + delineament . Delineation; sketch. + direct v.t. To put a direction or address upon; to mark with the name and residence of the person to whom anything is sent; to superscribe; as, to direct a letter. + dictionary n. A book containing the words of a language, arranged alphabetically, with explanations of their meanings; a lexicon; a vocabulary; a wordbook. + declamator n. A declaimer. + dawdled imp.|p.p. of Dawdle + deviatory a. Tending to deviate; devious; as, deviatory motion. + determine v.i. To come to an end; to end; to terminate. + dissected a. Cut deeply into many lobes or divisions; as, a dissected leaf. + dulcified a. Sweetened; mollified. + disrelish n. Want of relish; dislike (of the palate or of the mind); distaste; a slight degree of disgust; as, a disrelish for some kinds of food. + distant a. Not conformable; discrepant; repugnant; as, a practice so widely distant from Christianity. + deoxidation n. The act or process of reducing from the state of an oxide. + dissertation n. A formal or elaborate argumentative discourse, oral or written; a disquisition; an essay; a discussion; as, Dissertations on the Prophecies. + die n. A perforated block, commonly of hardened steel used in connection with a punch, for punching holes, as through plates, or blanks from plates, or for forming cups or capsules, as from sheet metal, by drawing. + doomed imp.|p.p. of Doom + dissection n. Fig.: The act of separating or dividing for the purpose of critical examination. + dredge v.t. To catch or gather with a dredge; to deepen with a dredging machine. + deleterious a. Hurtful; noxious; destructive; pernicious; as, a deleterious plant or quality; a deleterious example. + dainty n. That which is delicious or delicate; a delicacy. + descanter n. One who descants. + device n. Improperly, an heraldic bearing. + dryrubbed imp.|p.p. of Dry-rub + dipyre n. A mineral of the scapolite group; -- so called from the double effect of fire upon it, in fusing it, and rendering it phosphorescent. + december n. Fig.: With reference to the end of the year and to the winter season; as, the December of his life. + dispreader n. One who spreads abroad. + deathless a. Not subject to death, destruction, or extinction; immortal; undying; imperishable; as, deathless beings; deathless fame. + diaphysis n. The shaft, or main part, of a bone, which is first ossified. + defrauding p.pr.|vb.n. of Defraud + delayed imp.|p.p. of Delay + digit n. One of the ten figures or symbols, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, by which all numbers are expressed; -- so called because of the use of the fingers in counting and computing. + dalmatic n. A vestment with wide sleeves, and with two stripes, worn at Mass by deacons, and by bishops at pontifical Mass; -- imitated from a dress originally worn in Dalmatia. + doorcase n. The surrounding frame into which a door shuts. + defensibleness n. Capability of being defended; defensibility. + divested imp.|p.p. of Divest + desmomyaria n.pl. The division of Tunicata which includes the Salpae. See Salpa. + diaphanie n. The art of imitating //ined glass with translucent paper. + demonstrable a. Proved; apparent. + dobber n. See Dabchick. + dicacity n. Pertness; sauciness. + dye n. Same as Die, a lot. + divertissement n. A short ballet, or other entertainment, between the acts of a play. + discourageable a. Capable of being discouraged; easily disheartened. + dialectal a. Relating to a dialect; dialectical; as, a dialectical variant. + deliverly adv. Actively; quickly; nimbly. + diageotropic a. Relating to, or exhibiting, diageotropism. + dengue n. A specific epidemic disease attended with high fever, cutaneous eruption, and severe pains in the head and limbs, resembling those of rheumatism; -- called also breakbone fever. It occurs in India, Egypt, the West Indies, etc., is of short duration, and rarely fatal. + digressed imp.|p.p. of Digress + desire v.t. An expressed wish; a request; petition. + dab v.i. To strike by a thrust; to hit with a sudden blow or thrust. + defendant n. A person required to make answer in an action or suit; -- opposed to plaintiff. + devanagari n. The character in which Sanskrit is written. + dibber n. A dibble. + deuterogamy n. A second marriage, after the death of the first husband of wife; -- in distinction from bigamy, as defined in the old canon law. See Bigamy. + dare v.t. To challenge; to provoke; to defy. + doff v.t. To put off, as dress; to divest one's self of; hence, figuratively, to put or thrust away; to rid one's self of. + deflour v.t. To take away the prime beauty and grace of; to rob of the choicest ornament. + directory n. A collection or body of directions, rules, or ordinances; esp., a book of directions for the conduct of worship; as, the Directory used by the nonconformists instead of the Prayer Book. + dental a. An articulation or letter formed by the aid of the teeth. + devoured imp.|p.p. of Devour + demirep n. A woman of doubtful reputation or suspected character; an adventuress. + dradge n. Inferior ore, separated from the better by cobbing. + disclosure v.t. That which is disclosed or revealed. + draff n. A narrow border worked to a plane surface along the edge of a stone, or across its face, as a guide to the stone-cutter. + dramatis personae The actors in a drama or play. + dip v.t. To take out, by dipping a dipper, ladle, or other receptacle, into a fluid and removing a part; -- often with out; as, to dip water from a boiler; to dip out water. + dam n. A firebrick wall, or a stone, which forms the front of the hearth of a blast furnace. + desinent a. Ending; forming an end; lowermost. + disenchanted imp.|p.p. of Disenchant + drum v.t. (With out) To expel ignominiously, with beat of drum; as, to drum out a deserter or rogue from a camp, etc. + debarb v.t. To deprive of the beard. + dapple v.t. To variegate with spots; to spot. + delicately adv. In a delicate manner. + dependence n. Subjection to the direction or disposal of another; inability to help or provide for one's self. + deliquescent a. Branching so that the stem is lost in branches, as in most deciduous trees. + disclaim v.t. To relinquish or deny having a claim; to disavow another's claim; to decline accepting, as an estate, interest, or office. + dracanth n. A kind of gum; -- called also gum tragacanth, or tragacanth. See Tragacanth. + dissolubility n. The quality of being dissoluble; capacity of being dissoluble; capacity of being dissolved by heat or moisture, and converted into a fluid. + detonate v.i. To explode with a sudden report; as, niter detonates with sulphur. + disgusting a. That causes disgust; sickening; offensive; revolting. + defence n. The act of defending, or the state of being defended; protection, as from violence or danger. + despect n. Contempt. + dereyne v.t. Same as Darraign. + die v.i. To perish in any manner; to cease; to become lost or extinct; to be extinguished. + daric n. A silver coin of about 86 grains, having the figure of an archer, and hence, in modern times, called a daric. + draff n. Depth of water necessary to float a ship. See Draught. + deportation n. The act of deporting or exiling, or the state of being deported; banishment; transportation. + dichroitic a. Dichroic. + desquamate v.i. To peel off in the form of scales; to scale off, as the skin in certain diseases. + daughter n. A son's wife; a daughter-in-law. + davit n. A spar formerly used on board of ships, as a crane to hoist the flukes of the anchor to the top of the bow, without injuring the sides of the ship; -- called also the fish davit. + draught n. The quantity drawn in at once in drinking; a potion or potation. + dark n. A dark shade or dark passage in a painting, engraving, or the like; as, the light and darks are well contrasted. + dolphinet n. A female dolphin. + demicadence n. An imperfect or half cadence, falling on the dominant instead of on the key note. + dorser n. See Dosser. + dishevelled of Dishevel + dissimuler n. A dissembler. + distiller n. One who distills; esp., one who extracts alcoholic liquors by distillation. + droll superl. Queer, and fitted to provoke laughter; ludicrous from oddity; amusing and strange. + den n. Any snug or close retreat where one goes to be alone. + didonia n. The curve which on a given surface and with a given perimeter contains the greatest area. + disemboguing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disembogue + dioptrics n. The science of the refraction of light; that part of geometrical optics which treats of the laws of the refraction of light in passing from one medium into another, or through different mediums, as air, water, or glass, and esp. through different lenses; -- distinguished from catoptrics, which refers to reflected light. + ditch n. Any long, narrow receptacle for water on the surface of the earth. + decline v.t. To run through from first to last; to repeat like a schoolboy declining a noun. + drillmaster n. One who teaches drill, especially in the way of gymnastics. + dispond n. See Despond. + downy a. Covered with down, or with pubescence or soft hairs. + delices n.pl. Delicacies; delights. + deftness n. The quality of being deft. + dialogistic a. Alt. of Dialogistical + disbeliever n. One who disbelieves, or refuses belief; an unbeliever. Specifically, one who does not believe the Christian religion. + disconnecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disconnect + distressing a. Causing distress; painful; unpleasant. + damask n. Damask or Damascus steel; also, the peculiar markings or "water" of such steel. + disport v.i. To divert or amuse; to make merry. + donothing a. Doing nothing; inactive; idle; lazy; as, a do-nothing policy. + dorse n. Same as dorsal, n. + drip v.i. To fall in drops; as, water drips from the eaves. + diathermancy n. Alt. of Diathermaneity + dom n. In Portugal and Brazil, the title given to a member of the higher classes. + drizzle v.t. To shed slowly in minute drops or particles. + disutilize v.t. To deprive of utility; to render useless. + disembowel v.t. To take or let out the bowels or interior parts of; to eviscerate. + decision n. Cutting off; division; detachment of a part. + diphtheric a. Relating to diphtheria; diphtheritic. + depicting p.pr.|vb.n. of Depict + defiladed imp.|p.p. of Defilade + disestablish v.t. To unsettle; to break up (anything established); to deprive, as a church, of its connection with the state. + done p.p. of Do + disesteemed imp.|p.p. of Disesteem + decoyer n. One who decoys another. + dental a. Of or pertaining to the teeth or to dentistry; as, dental surgery. + debel v.t. To conquer. + demonist n. A believer in, or worshiper of, demons. + distasteive n. That which excites distaste or aversion. + discriminative a. Marking a difference; distinguishing; distinctive; characteristic. + dispirit v.t. To distill or infuse the spirit of. + deliberative n. A kind of rhetoric employed in proving a thing and convincing others of its truth, in order to persuade them to adopt it. + depilating p.pr.|vb.n. of Depilate + denier n. One who denies; as, a denier of a fact, or of the faith, or of Christ. + diagonial a. Diagonal; diametrical; hence; diametrically opposed. + deeming p.pr.|vb.n. of Deem + disassimilate v.t. To subject to disassimilation. + decompose v.i. To become resolved or returned from existing combinations; to undergo dissolution; to decay; to rot. + deutoxide n. A compound containing in the molecule two atoms of oxygen united with some other element or radical; -- usually called dioxide, or less frequently, binoxide. + disbarring p.pr.|vb.n. of Disbar + depression n. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride. + direction n. The body of managers of a corporation or enterprise; board of directors. + dijudication n. The act of dijudicating; judgment. + denunciation n. That by which anything is denounced; threat of evil; public menace or accusation; arraignment. + dispone v.t. To dispose of. + decani a. Used of the side of the choir on which the dean's stall is placed; decanal; -- correlative to cantoris; as, the decanal, or decani, side. + displease v.t. To fail to satisfy; to miss of. + divan n. A book; esp., a collection of poems written by one author; as, the divan of Hafiz. + deluder n. One who deludes; a deceiver; an impostor. + depleted imp.|p.p. of Deplete + display v.t. To unfold; to spread wide; to expand; to stretch out; to spread. + disanimating p.pr.|vb.n. of Disanimate + diphthongic a. Of the nature of diphthong; diphthongal. + deprostrate a. Fully prostrate; humble; low; rude. + dehors prep. Out of; without; foreign to; out of the agreement, record, will, or other instrument. + desynonymize v.t. To deprive of synonymous character; to discriminate in use; -- applied to words which have been employed as synonyms. + dote v.i. To act foolishly. + dreadingly adv. With dread. + defaced imp.|p.p. of Deface + draconic a. Relating to Draco, the Athenian lawgiver; or to the constellation Draco; or to dragon's blood. + doleritic a. Of the nature of dolerite; as, much lava is doleritic lava. + dubitation n. Act of doubting; doubt. + day lily A genus of plants (Funkia) differing from the last in having ovate veiny leaves, and large white or blue flowers. + directory n. Direction; guide. + doublehanded a. Deceitful; deceptive. + discolored a. Variegated; of divers colors. + deviation n. The act of deviating; a wandering from the way; variation from the common way, from an established rule, etc.; departure, as from the right course or the path of duty. + dodged imp.|p.p. of Dodge + disparaged imp.|p.p. of Disparage + designate v.t. To mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate; to show; to distinguish by marks or description; to specify; as, to designate the boundaries of a country; to designate the rioters who are to be arrested. + disagreement n. The state of disagreeing; a being at variance; dissimilitude; diversity. + decussating p.pr.|vb.n. of Decussate + deposit n. To lodge in some one's hands for safe keeping; to commit to the custody of another; to intrust; esp., to place in a bank, as a sum of money subject to order. + diploid n. A solid bounded by twenty-four similar quadrilateral faces. It is a hemihedral form of the hexoctahedron. + disappropriation n. The act of disappropriating. + disadorn v.t. To deprive of ornaments. + discontinuance n. The act of discontinuing, or the state of being discontinued; want of continued connection or continuity; breaking off; cessation; interruption; as, a discontinuance of conversation or intercourse; discontinuance of a highway or of travel. + dragees n.pl. Sugar-coated medicines. + delegation n. One or more persons appointed or chosen, and commissioned to represent others, as in a convention, in Congress, etc.; the collective body of delegates; as, the delegation from Massachusetts; a deputation. + defy n. A challenge. + diocesener n. One who belongs to a diocese. + discloser n. One who discloses. + diremption n. A tearing apart; violent separation. + debateful a. Full of contention; contentious; quarrelsome. + direct v.t. To point out or show to (any one), as the direct or right course or way; to guide, as by pointing out the way; as, he directed me to the left-hand road. + dancette a. Deeply indented; having large teeth; thus, a fess dancette has only three teeth in the whole width of the escutcheon. + dynamiter n. One who uses dynamite; esp., one who uses it for the destruction of life and property. + distaining p.pr.|vb.n. of Distain + dominical a. Indicating, or pertaining to, the Lord's day, or Sunday. + diaconate n. The office of a deacon; deaconship; also, a body or board of deacons. + dust n. A single particle of earth or other matter. + debating p.pr.|vb.n. of Debate + disregardful a. Neglect; negligent; heedless; regardless. + depose v.t. To testify under oath; to bear testimony to; -- now usually said of bearing testimony which is officially written down for future use. + draperied a. Covered or supplied with drapery. + didine a. Like or pertaining to the genus Didus, or the dodo. + deed v.t. To convey or transfer by deed; as, he deeded all his estate to his eldest son. + demirilievo n. Half relief; sculpture in relief of which the figures project from the background by one half their full roundness. + dissympathy n. Lack of sympathy; want of interest; indifference. + dittology n. A double reading, or twofold interpretation, as of a Scripture text. + deject v.t. To cast down the spirits of; to dispirit; to discourage; to dishearten. + dodger n. A small handbill. + denying p.pr.|vb.n. of Deny + discursus n. Argumentation; ratiocination; discursive reasoning. + dioptry n. A dioptre. + direction n. That which is imposed by directing; a guiding or authoritative instruction; prescription; order; command; as, he grave directions to the servants. + delenifical a. Assuaging pain. + dramatist n. The author of a dramatic composition; a writer of plays. + deported imp.|p.p. of Deport + degree n. The point or step of progression to which a person has arrived; rank or station in life; position. + diluvial a. Of or pertaining to a flood or deluge, esp. to the great deluge in the days of Noah; diluvian. + disgaveling p.pr.|vb.n. of Disgavel + determine v.t. To set bounds to; to fix the determination of; to limit; to bound; to bring to an end; to finish. + denutrition n. The opposition of nutrition; the failure of nutrition causing the breaking down of tissue. + domanial a. Of or relating to a domain or to domains. + deuse a. Alt. of Deused + disobediently adv. In a disobedient manner. + domiciled imp.|p.p. of Domicile + default v.t. To fail to perform or pay; to be guilty of neglect of; to omit; as, to default a dividend. + discernibleness n. The quality of being discernible. + dreamingly adv. In a dreamy manner. + demephitize v.t. To purify from mephitic or foul air. + desistive a. Final; conclusive; ending. + disbarment n. Act of disbarring. + doubt v.i. Difficulty expressed or urged for solution; point unsettled; objection. + dug imp.|p.p. of Dig. + disseminating p.pr.|vb.n. of Disseminate + damewort n. A cruciferrous plant (Hesperis matronalis), remarkable for its fragrance, especially toward the close of the day; -- called also rocket and dame's violet. + dejeration n. The act of swearing solemnly. + devitalize v.t. To deprive of life or vitality. + depulsory a. Driving or thrusting away; averting. + decimation n. A tithing. + defly adv. Deftly. + djerrid n. A blunt javelin used in military games in Moslem countries. + dishabituate v.t. To render unaccustomed. + depute n. A person deputed; a deputy. + dispose v.t. To regulate; to adjust; to settle; to determine. + disconcert n. Want of concert; disagreement. + disclose v.t. To lay open or expose to view; to cause to appear; to bring to light; to reveal. + dry superl. Exhibiting a sharp, frigid preciseness of execution, or the want of a delicate contour in form, and of easy transition in coloring. + day n. A specified time or period; time, considered with reference to the existence or prominence of a person or thing; age; time. + dissundered imp.|p.p. of Dissunder + drumhead n. The parchment or skin stretched over one end of a drum. + divergency n. A receding from each other in moving from a common center; the state of being divergent; as, an angle is made by the divergence of straight lines. + diamylene n. A liquid hydrocarbon, C10H20, of the ethylene series, regarded as a polymeric form of amylene. + dedicate p.a. Dedicated; set apart; devoted; consecrated. + drift n. A driving; a violent movement. + distained imp.|p.p. of Distain + dissyllabify v.t. To form into two syllables. + dighted of Dight + doublet a. Two dice, each of which, when thrown, has the same number of spots on the face lying uppermost; as, to throw doublets. + denizen n. One admitted to residence in a foreign country. + deforcement n. Resistance to an officer in the execution of law. + damned a. Hateful; detestable; abominable. + diverting p.pr.|vb.n. of Divert + debater n. One who debates; one given to argument; a disputant; a controvertist. + deranger n. One who deranges. + dialled of Dial + dummies pl. of Dummy + disfavorably adv. Unpropitiously. + digynous a. Of or pertaining to the Digynia; having two styles. + dreadnaught n. Hence: A garment made of very thick cloth, that can defend against storm and cold; also, the cloth itself; fearnaught. + disperseness n. Dispersedness. + dip v.i. To enter slightly or cursorily; to engage one's self desultorily or by the way; to partake limitedly; -- followed by in or into. + droplight n. An apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant. + drop n. Whatever is arranged to drop, hang, or fall from an elevated position; also, a contrivance for lowering something + document n. An example for instruction or warning. + drab n. A kind of thick woolen cloth of a dun, or dull brownish yellow, or dull gray, color; -- called also drabcloth. + doggedness n. Sullen or obstinate determination; grim resolution or persistence. + districted imp.|p.p. of District + dishonesty n. Lewdness; unchastity. + disallowance n. The act of disallowing; refusal to admit or permit; rejection. + declension n. Inflection of nouns, adjectives, etc., according to the grammatical cases. + draw v.t. To influence to move or tend toward one's self; to exercise an attracting force upon; to call towards itself; to attract; hence, to entice; to allure; to induce. + dark a. Evincing black or foul traits of character; vile; wicked; atrocious; as, a dark villain; a dark deed. + damageable a. Hurtful; pernicious. + drying a. Having the quality of rapidly becoming dry. + defail v.t. To cause to fail. + dey n. A servant who has charge of the dairy; a dairymaid. + demurely adv. In a demure manner; soberly; gravely; -- now, commonly, with a mere show of gravity or modesty. + duomo n. A cathedral. See Dome, 2. + disadvantage n. Loss; detriment; hindrance; prejudice to interest, fame, credit, profit, or other good. + declaratorily adv. In a declaratory manner. + diffind v.t. To split. + disjoin v.i. To become separated; to part. + desolate a. Lost to shame; dissolute. + divine v.t. To foretell; to predict; to presage. + didal n. A kind of triangular spade. + duty n. Hence, any assigned service or business; as, the duties of a policeman, or a soldier; to be on duty. + dupe n. One who has been deceived or who is easily deceived; a gull; as, the dupe of a schemer. + dualism n. A system which accepts two gods, or two original principles, one good and the other evil. + decimate v.t. To destroy a considerable part of; as, to decimate an army in battle; to decimate a people by disease. + detrude v.t. To thrust down or out; to push down with force. + disrate v.t. To reduce to a lower rating or rank; to degrade. + design n. To intend or purpose; -- usually with for before the remote object, but sometimes with to. + dose n. A sufficient quantity; a portion; as much as one can take, or as falls to one to receive. + direct v.i. To give direction; to point out a course; to act as guide. + duelist n. One who fights in single combat. + dilapidate v.t. To impair by waste and abuse; to squander. + disciplining p.pr.|vb.n. of Discipline + damp superl. Dejected; depressed; sunk. + dissatisfied imp.|p.p. of Dissatisfy + dives n. The name popularly given to the rich man in our Lord's parable of the "Rich Man and Lazarus" (Luke xvi. 19-31). Hence, a name for a rich worldling. + disgorgement n. The act of disgorging; a vomiting; that which is disgorged. + doubledecker n. A man-of-war having two gun decks. + dehiscence n. A gaping or bursting open along a definite line of attachment or suture, without tearing, as in the opening of pods, or the bursting of capsules at maturity so as to emit seeds, etc.; also, the bursting open of follicles, as in the ovaries of animals, for the expulsion of their contents. + doughty superl. Able; strong; valiant; redoubtable; as, a doughty hero. + dole n. Distribution; dealing; apportionment. + dew n. An emblem of morning, or fresh vigor. + dandi n. A boatman; an oarsman. + detach v.t. To part; to separate or disunite; to disengage; -- the opposite of attach; as, to detach the coats of a bulbous root from each other; to detach a man from a leader or from a party. + dermatoid a. Resembling skin; skinlike. + decapitating p.pr.|vb.n. of Decapitate + dijudicant n. One who dijudicates. + dearworth a. Precious. + decayer n. A causer of decay. + dreye a. Dry. + docket v.t. To make a brief abstract of and inscribe in a book; as, judgments regularly docketed. + dawk v.t. To cut or mark with an incision; to gash. + debate v.t. Contention in words or arguments; discussion for the purpose of elucidating truth or influencing action; strife in argument; controversy; as, the debates in Parliament or in Congress. + drearisome a. Very dreary. + deposit n. To lay aside; to rid one's self of. + day n. Those hours, or the daily recurring period, allotted by usage or law for work. + diseased imp.|p.p. of Disease + diminution n. The act of diminishing, or of making or becoming less; state of being diminished; reduction in size, quantity, or degree; -- opposed to augmentation or increase. + displosive a. Explosive. + dilacerating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dilacerate + drummond light A very intense light, produced by turning two streams of gas, one oxygen and the other hydrogen, or coal gas, in a state of ignition, upon a ball of lime; or a stream of oxygen gas through a flame of alcohol upon a ball or disk of lime; -- called also oxycalcium light, or lime light. + directly adv. Straightforwardly; honestly. + dam n. A kind or crowned piece in the game of draughts. + descent n. That which is descended; descendants; issue. + distance n. Ideal disjunction; discrepancy; contrariety. + dare n. The quality of daring; venturesomeness; boldness; dash. + darr n. The European black tern. + disparagement n. Injurious comparison with an inferior; a depreciating or dishonoring opinion or insinuation; diminution of value; dishonor; indignity; reproach; disgrace; detraction; -- commonly with to. + dissecting a. Used for or in dissecting; as, a dissecting knife; a dissecting microscope. + drearily adv. Gloomily; dismally. + delenda n.pl. Things to be erased or blotted out. + designation n. The act of designating; a pointing out or showing; indication. + dynamometrical a. Relating to a dynamometer, or to the measurement of force doing work; as, dynamometrical instruments. + disdainful a. Full of disdain; expressing disdain; scornful; contemptuous; haughty. + duchy n. The territory or dominions of a duke; a dukedom. + dynametrical a. Pertaining to a dynameter. + dependent n. One who depends; one who is sustained by another, or who relies on another for support of favor; a hanger-on; a retainer; as, a numerous train of dependents. + dray n. A squirrel's nest. + dispense v.t. To apply, as laws to particular cases; to administer; to execute; to manage; to direct. + detect a. Detected. + direction n. The pointing of a piece with reference to an imaginary vertical axis; -- distinguished from elevation. The direction is given when the plane of sight passes through the object. + drudge v.i. To perform menial work; to labor in mean or unpleasant offices with toil and fatigue. + disobligatory a. Releasing from obligation. + democratist n. A democrat. + dissolute a. Loosed from restraint; esp., loose in morals and conduct; recklessly abandoned to sensual pleasures; profligate; wanton; lewd; debauched. + deterrence n. That which deters; a deterrent; a hindrance. + dilemma n. A state of things in which evils or obstacles present themselves on every side, and it is difficult to determine what course to pursue; a vexatious alternative or predicament; a difficult choice or position. + demonstration n. An expression, as of the feelings, by outward signs; a manifestation; a show. + decortication n. The act of stripping off the bark, rind, hull, or outer coat. + desponsory n. A written pledge of marriage. + damnation n. The state of being damned; condemnation; openly expressed disapprobation. + disconformable a. Not conformable. + delphinus n. The Dolphin, a constellation near the equator and east of Aquila. + diamond n. A geometrical figure, consisting of four equal straight lines, and having two of the interior angles acute and two obtuse; a rhombus; a lozenge. + ductility n. The property of a metal which allows it to be drawn into wires or filaments. + delighting a. Giving delight; gladdening. + darkening n. Twilight; gloaming. + dehiscence n. The act of gaping. + dyad a. Having a valence or combining power of two; capable of being substituted for, combined with, or replaced by, two atoms of hydrogen; as, oxygen and calcium are dyad elements. See Valence. + disculpated imp.|p.p. of Disculpate + dryobalanops n. The genus to which belongs the single species D. Camphora, a lofty resinous tree of Borneo and Sumatra, yielding Borneo camphor and camphor oil. + displayed a. Set with lines of prominent type interspersed, to catch the eye. + disgusted imp.|p.p. of Disgust + draining v.t. The art of carrying off surplus water, as from land. + dukeship n. The quality or condition of being a duke; also, the personality of a duke. + destructiveness n. The faculty supposed to impel to the commission of acts of destruction; propensity to destroy. + down adv. In the direction of gravity or toward the center of the earth; toward or in a lower place or position; below; -- the opposite of up. + disappearing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disappear + dogged a. Sullen; morose. + dye n. Color produced by dyeing. + deferentially adv. With deference. + dotted imp.|p.p. of Dot + disguisedness n. The state of being disguised. + dolman n. A long robe or outer garment, with long sleeves, worn by the Turks. + dint n. The mark left by a blow; an indentation or impression made by violence; a dent. + dollar n. A gold coin of the United States containing 23.22 grains of gold and 2.58 grains of alloy, that is, having a total weight of 25.8 grains, nine-tenths fine. It is no longer coined. + dotage v.i. Excessive fondness; weak and foolish affection. + divide v.i. To cause separation; to disunite. + dryeyed a. Not having tears in the eyes. + deriver n. One who derives. + dissimilarity n. Want of resemblance; unlikeness; dissimilitude; variety; as, the dissimilarity of human faces and forms. + dedimus n. A writ to commission private persons to do some act in place of a judge, as to examine a witness, etc. + derogate v.i. To act beneath one-s rank, place, birth, or character; to degenerate. + digest v.t. To distribute or arrange methodically; to work over and classify; to reduce to portions for ready use or application; as, to digest the laws, etc. + donee n. Anciently, one to whom lands were given; in later use, one to whom lands and tenements are given in tail; in modern use, one on whom a power is conferred for execution; -- sometimes called the appointor. + differ v.i. To be or stand apart; to disagree; to be unlike; to be distinguished; -- with from. + disgage v.t. To free from a gage or pledge; to disengage. + duplicated imp.|p.p. of Duplicate + dudish a. Like, or characterized of, a dude. + defailure n. Failure. + date v.i. To have beginning; to begin; to be dated or reckoned; -- with from. + dia Alt. of Di- + dijucating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dijudicate + distream v.i. To flow. + devast v.t. To devastate. + depress v.t. To lessen the activity of; to make dull; embarrass, as trade, commerce, etc. + dull superl. Slow in action; sluggish; unready; awkward. + dismount v.t. To throw or remove from the carriage, or from that on which a thing is mounted; to break the carriage or wheels of, and render useless; to deprive of equipments or mountings; -- said esp. of artillery. + dispossession n. The putting out of possession, wrongfully or otherwise, of one who is in possession of a freehold, no matter in what title; -- called also ouster. + drearing n. Sorrow. + dynameter n. A dynamometer. + doxological a. Pertaining to doxology; giving praise to God. + deed v.t. Illustrious act; achievement; exploit. + date n. The fruit of the date palm; also, the date palm itself. + detinue n. A form of action for the recovery of a personal chattel wrongfully detained. + deceitless a. Free from deceit. + dropping n. That which falls in drops; the excrement or dung of animals. + defamer n. One who defames; a slanderer; a detractor; a calumniator. + dietetical a. Of or performance to diet, or to the rules for regulating the kind and quantity of food to be eaten. + dukedom n. The title or dignity of a duke. + decence n. Decency. + drafted imp.|p.p. of Draft + discarding p.pr.|vb.n. of Discard + draw n. A lot or chance to be drawn. + decline v.t. To put or turn aside; to turn off or away from; to refuse to undertake or comply with; reject; to shun; to avoid; as, to decline an offer; to decline a contest; he declined any participation with them. + desire v.t. To long for; to wish for earnestly; to covet. + disturbance n. Violent agitation in the body politic; public commotion; tumult. + dragonet n. A small British marine fish (Callionymuslyra); -- called also yellow sculpin, fox, and gowdie. + debauching p.pr.|vb.n. of Debauch + dictum n. A judicial opinion expressed by judges on points that do not necessarily arise in the case, and are not involved in it. + dreggish a. Foul with lees; feculent. + dilatation n. A dilation or enlargement of a canal or other organ. + deformation n. Transformation; change of shape. + dispensation n. That which is dispensed, dealt out, or appointed; that which is enjoined or bestowed + drest p.p. of Dress. + defection n. Act of abandoning a person or cause to which one is bound by allegiance or duty, or to which one has attached himself; desertion; failure in duty; a falling away; apostasy; backsliding. + diameter n. The length of a straight line through the center of an object from side to side; width; thickness; as, the diameter of a tree or rock. + divination n. An indication of what is future or secret; augury omen; conjectural presage; prediction. + dualism n. State of being dual or twofold; a twofold division; any system which is founded on a double principle, or a twofold distinction + dolven p.p. of Delve. + diffusively adv. In a diffusive manner. + drollery n. A lively or comic picture. + decussated imp.|p.p. of Decussate + danger n. Coyness; disdainful behavior. + doom v.t. To assess a tax upon, by estimate or at discretion. + desertion n. The act of deserting or forsaking; abandonment of a service, a cause, a party, a friend, or any post of duty; the quitting of one's duties willfully and without right; esp., an absconding from military or naval service. + devotary n. A votary. + downcast n. Downcast or melancholy look. + distributer n. One who, or that which, distributes or deals out anything; a dispenser. + didelphian n. One of the Didelphia. + dress v.t. To direct; to put right or straight; to regulate; to order. + dutch n. The language spoken in Holland. + dislodge v.t. To drive out from a place of hiding or defense; as, to dislodge a deer, or an enemy. + decalcify v.t. To deprive of calcareous matter; thus, to decalcify bones is to remove the stony part, and leave only the gelatin. + dress v.t. To cut to proper dimensions, or give proper shape to, as to a tool by hammering; also, to smooth or finish. + digestive a. Pertaining to digestion; having the power to cause or promote digestion; as, the digestive ferments. + delamination n. Formation and separation of laminae or layers; one of the methods by which the various blastodermic layers of the ovum are differentiated. + diathermanous a. Having the property of transmitting radiant heat; diathermal; -- opposed to athermanous. + deline v.t. To mark out. + despisement n. A despising. + digged of Dig + distinguish v.t. To constitute a difference; to make to differ. + dories pl. of Dory + dioristic a. Distinguishing; distinctive; defining. + disguiser n. One who wears a disguise; an actor in a masquerade; a masker. + decomposed a. Separated or broken up; -- said of the crest of birds when the feathers are divergent. + deforcing p.pr.|vb.n. of Deforce + daypeep n. The dawn. + divider n. One who deals out to each his share. + drill v.i. To sow in drills. + dawe n. Day. + darn v.t. A colloquial euphemism for Damn. + deliberately adv. With careful consideration, or deliberation; circumspectly; warily; not hastily or rashly; slowly; as, a purpose deliberately formed. + difference n. The quality or attribute which is added to those of the genus to constitute a species; a differentia. + doubleripper n. A kind of coasting sled, made of two sleds fastened together with a board, one before the other. + deplumed imp.|p.p. of Deplume + disfavoring p.pr.|vb.n. of Disfavor + dictate v.i. To speak as a superior; to command; to impose conditions (on). + delate v. To carry; to convey. + deputation n. The act of deputing, or of appointing or commissioning a deputy or representative; office of a deputy or delegate; vicegerency. + dead n. One who is dead; -- commonly used collectively. + difficultness n. Difficulty. + dead a. Not imparting motion or power; as, the dead spindle of a lathe, etc. See Spindle. + dye n. Material used for dyeing; a dyestuff. + dubious a. Doubtful or not settled in opinion; being in doubt; wavering or fluctuating; undetermined. + denoting p.pr.|vb.n. of Denote + diapason n. One of certain stops in the organ, so called because they extend through the scale of the instrument. They are of several kinds, as open diapason, stopped diapason, double diapason, and the like. + dig n. A thrust; a punch; a poke; as, a dig in the side or the ribs. See Dig, v. t., 4. + discoverer n. A scout; an explorer. + dreamless a. Free from, or without, dreams. + dispensator n. A distributer; a dispenser. + dead a. Sure as death; unerring; fixed; complete; as, a dead shot; a dead certainty. + debauched a. Dissolute; dissipated. + drabble v.t. To draggle; to wet and befoul by draggling; as, to drabble a gown or cloak. + dissevering p.pr.|vb.n. of Dissever + dentized imp.|p.p. of Dentize + dismiss n. Dismission. + dazzling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dazzle + disthronize v.t. To dethrone. + discrimination n. That which discriminates; mark of distinction. + discard v.i. To make a discard. + detect v.t. To uncover; to discover; to find out; to bring to light; as, to detect a crime or a criminal; to detect a mistake in an account. + despumate v.t.|i. To throw off impurities in spume; to work off in foam or scum; to foam. + dragooning p.pr.|vb.n. of Dragoon + daisies pl. of Daisy + deliver v.t. To set free from restraint; to set at liberty; to release; to liberate, as from control; to give up; to free; to save; to rescue from evil actual or feared; -- often with from or out of; as, to deliver one from captivity, or from fear of death. + discomfortable a. Causing discomfort; occasioning uneasiness; making sad. + dwarf n. An animal or plant which is much below the ordinary size of its species or kind; especially, a diminutive human being. + dull superl. Heavy; gross; cloggy; insensible; spiritless; lifeless; inert. + diffranchise Alt. of Diffranchisement + diver n. Any bird of certain genera, as Urinator (formerly Colymbus), or the allied genus Colymbus, or Podiceps, remarkable for their agility in diving. + damasked imp.|p.p. of Damask + double n. A game between two pairs of players; as, a first prize for doubles. + disauthorize v.t. To deprive of credit or authority; to discredit. + disguise n. A dress or exterior put on for purposes of concealment or of deception; as, persons doing unlawful acts in disguise are subject to heavy penalties. + dosing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dose + demonized imp.|p.p. of Demonize + dripping p.pr.|vb.n. of Drip + disavow v.t. To refuse strongly and solemnly to own or acknowledge; to deny responsibility for, approbation of, and the like; to disclaim; to disown; as, he was charged with embezzlement, but he disavows the crime. + dadoes pl. of Dado + devilkin n. A little devil; a devilet. + dissenter n. One who dissents; one who differs in opinion, or declares his disagreement. + deductor n. The pilot whale or blackfish. + dam n. A barrier to prevent the flow of a liquid; esp., a bank of earth, or wall of any kind, as of masonry or wood, built across a water course, to confine and keep back flowing water. + disarm v.t. To deprive of arms; to take away the weapons of; to deprive of the means of attack or defense; to render defenseless. + divaricate a. Diverging; spreading asunder; widely diverging. + demilune n. A work constructed beyond the main ditch of a fortress, and in front of the curtain between two bastions, intended to defend the curtain; a ravelin. See Ravelin. + distinguished imp.|p.p. of Distinguish + douceur n. Gentleness and sweetness of manner; agreeableness. + degree n. Measure of advancement; quality; extent; as, tastes differ in kind as well as in degree. + diminutely adv. Diminutively. + digitain n. Any one of several extracts of foxglove (Digitalis), as the "French extract," the "German extract," etc., which differ among themselves in composition and properties. + droil v.i. To work sluggishly or slowly; to plod. + deletery n. That which destroys. + dare v.i. To lurk; to lie hid. + digressional a. Pertaining to, or having the character of, a digression; departing from the main purpose or subject. + dogger n. A two-masted fishing vessel, used by the Dutch. + deafness n. Incapacity of perceiving sounds; the state of the organs which prevents the impression which constitute hearing; want of the sense of hearing. + draw v.i. To sink in water; to require a depth for floating. + doubtless a. Free from fear or suspicion. + dynamometry n. The art or process of measuring forces doing work. + depot n. A military station where stores and provisions are kept, or where recruits are assembled and drilled. + divining a. That divines; for divining. + dowry n. A gift; endowment. + disoblige v.t. To do an act which contravenes the will or desires of; to offend by an act of unkindness or incivility; to displease; to refrain from obliging; to be unaccommodating to. + daimio n. The title of the feudal nobles of Japan. + dinginess n. Quality of being dingy; a dusky hue. + disciple v.t. To punish; to discipline. + denouncing p.pr.|vb.n. of Denounce + dictionary n. Hence, a book containing the words belonging to any system or province of knowledge, arranged alphabetically; as, a dictionary of medicine or of botany; a biographical dictionary. + dump v.t. An old kind of dance. + danburite n. A borosilicate of lime, first found at Danbury, Conn. It is near the topaz in form. + disimpark v.t. To free from the barriers or restrictions of a park. + dermatogen n. Nascent epidermis, or external cuticle of plants in a forming condition. + drove imp. of Drive + dragoon v.t. To compel submission by violent measures; to harass; to persecute. + display v.t. To spread before the view; to show; to exhibit to the sight, or to the mind; to make manifest. + degender v.i. Alt. of Degener + dowress n. A woman entitled to dower. + decedent a. Removing; departing. + decarbonate v.t. To deprive of carbonic acid. + detersive n. A cleansing agent; a detergent. + drogman n. Alt. of Drogoman + dabbler n. One who dips slightly into anything; a superficial meddler. + defied imp.|p.p. of Defy + dew n. Figuratively, anything which falls lightly and in a refreshing manner. + dishable v.t. To disable. + dicynodont n. One of a group of extinct reptiles having the jaws armed with a horny beak, as in turtles, and in the genus Dicynodon, supporting also a pair of powerful tusks. Their remains are found in triassic strata of South Africa and India. + domain n. Dominion; empire; authority. + drawlink n. Same as Drawbar (b). + digestive n. A tonic. + drowsy superl. Dull; stupid. + disally v.t. To part, as an alliance; to sunder. + determine v.t. To define or limit by adding a differentia. + dank a. Damp; moist; humid; wet. + decree n. An edict or law made by a council for regulating any business within their jurisdiction; as, the decrees of ecclesiastical councils. + draw v.i. To draw a liquid from some receptacle, as water from a well. + determinate a. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed; established; definite. + disorder n. Want of order or regular disposition; lack of arrangement; confusion; disarray; as, the troops were thrown into disorder; the papers are in disorder. + depreciation n. the state of being depreciated. + dominion n. That which is governed; territory over which authority is exercised; the tract, district, or county, considered as subject; as, the dominions of a king. Also used figuratively; as, the dominion of the passions. + diskless a. Having no disk; appearing as a point and not expanded into a disk, as the image of a faint star in a telescope. + disgrace n. An act of unkindness; a disfavor. + demonology n. A treatise on demons; a supposititious science which treats of demons and their manifestations. + doncella n. A handsome fish of Florida and the West Indies (Platyglossus radiatus). The name is applied also to the ladyfish (Harpe rufa) of the same region. + disheveled a. Having in loose disorder; disarranged; as, disheveled hair. + diaconate a. Governed by deacons. + disfancy v.t. To dislike. + drainage n. A draining; a gradual flowing off of any liquid; also, that which flows out of a drain. + dismembering p.pr.|vb.n. of Dismember + dogger n. A sort of stone, found in the mines with the true alum rock, chiefly of silica and iron. + drink v.i. To swallow anything liquid, for quenching thirst or other purpose; to imbibe; to receive or partake of, as if in satisfaction of thirst; as, to drink from a spring. + dental a. Formed by the aid of the teeth; -- said of certain articulations and the letters representing them; as, d t are dental letters. + dishonest v.t. To disgrace; to dishonor; as, to dishonest a maid. + do v.t.auxiliary To cheat; to gull; to overreach. + disesteem v.t. To deprive of esteem; to bring into disrepute; to cause to be regarded with disfavor. + detractive a. Tending to detractor draw. + desulphuration n. The act or process of depriving of sulphur. + dragooner n. A dragoon. + dichroiscope n. Same as Dichroscope. + daddling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dadle + destroyable a. Destructible. + diffusing p.pr.|vb.n. of Diffuse + dogtooth n. An ornament common in Gothic architecture, consisting of pointed projections resembling teeth; -- also called tooth ornament. + dot n. Anything small and like a speck comparatively; a small portion or specimen; as, a dot of a child. + dowse v.t. To beat or thrash. + duster n. A blowing machine for separating the flour from the bran. + dowst n. A dowse. + democrat n. A member of the Democratic party. + doubting p.pr.|vb.n. of Doubt + drawer n. One who draws a bill of exchange or order for payment; -- the correlative of drawee. + delegate v.t. To send as one's representative; to empower as an ambassador; to send with power to transact business; to commission; to depute; to authorize. + describer n. One who describes. + didactically adv. In a didactic manner. + diazeutic a. Disjoining two fourths; as, the diazeutic tone, which, like that from F to G in modern music, lay between two fourths, and, being joined to either, made a fifth. + draff n. A narrow border left on a finished stone, worked differently from the rest of its face. + dogma n. That which is held as an opinion; a tenet; a doctrine. + damassin n. A kind of modified damask or brocade. + ducture n. Guidance. + dying p.pr.|vb.n. of Die + descended imp.|p.p. of Descend + drawshave n. See Drawing knife. + decentralization n. The action of decentralizing, or the state of being decentralized. + defecate a. Freed from anything that can pollute, as dregs, lees, etc.; refined; purified. + demurity n. Demureness; also, one who is demure. + dopper n. An Anabaptist or Baptist. + determinate v.t. To bring to an end; to determine. See Determine. + descend v.i. To pass from a higher to a lower place; to move downwards; to come or go down in any way, as by falling, flowing, walking, etc.; to plunge; to fall; to incline downward; -- the opposite of ascend. + divine a. Relating to divinity or theology. + disavowment n. Disavowal. + demagnetize v.t. To free from mesmeric influence; to demesmerize. + discharge v.t. To let fly, as a missile; to shoot. + dicalcic a. Having two atoms or equivalents of calcium to the molecule. + de facto Actually; in fact; in reality; as, a king de facto, -- distinguished from a king de jure, or by right. + debate v.t. A fight or fighting; contest; strife. + derivative n. A substance so related to another substance by modification or partial substitution as to be regarded as derived from it; thus, the amido compounds are derivatives of ammonia, and the hydrocarbons are derivatives of methane, benzene, etc. + distillable a. Capable of being distilled; especially, capable of being distilled without chemical change or decomposition; as, alcohol is distillable; olive oil is not distillable. + denomination n. The act of naming or designating. + discardure n. Rejection; dismissal. + deliquate v.t. To cause to melt away; to dissolve; to consume; to waste. + dauphine n. The title of the wife of the dauphin. + divet n. See Divot. + deadbeat a. Making a beat without recoil; giving indications by a single beat or excursion; -- said of galvanometers and other instruments in which the needle or index moves to the extent of its deflection and stops with little or no further oscillation. + dispart v.t. To part asunder; to divide; to separate; to sever; to rend; to rive or split; as, disparted air; disparted towers. + dote v.i. To be weak-minded, silly, or idiotic; to have the intellect impaired, especially by age, so that the mind wanders or wavers; to drivel. + drill v.t. To pierce or bore with a drill, or a with a drill; to perforate; as, to drill a hole into a rock; to drill a piece of metal. + demur v.i. To scruple or object; to take exception; as, I demur to that statement. + disturb n. Disturbance. + decorum n. Propriety of manner or conduct; grace arising from suitableness of speech and behavior to one's own character, or to the place and occasion; decency of conduct; seemliness; that which is seemly or suitable. + drown v.i. To be suffocated in water or other fluid; to perish in water. + devenustate v.t. To deprive of beauty or grace. + disacknowledging p.pr.|vb.n. of Disacknowledge + dissipate v.i. To be extravagant, wasteful, or dissolute in the pursuit of pleasure; to engage in dissipation. + declination n. The angular distance of any object from the celestial equator, either northward or southward. + distillate n. The product of distillation; as, the distillate from molasses. + drop v.i. To come to an end; to cease; to pass out of mind; as, the affair dropped. + discipling p.pr.|vb.n. of Disciple + disincorporation n. Deprivation of the rights and privileges of a corporation. + digressive a. Departing from the main subject; partaking of the nature of digression. + dispose v.t. To distribute and put in place; to arrange; to set in order; as, to dispose the ships in the form of a crescent. + door n. Passage; means of approach or access. + determination n. The state of decision; a judicial decision, or ending of controversy. + do v.t.auxiliary To see or inspect; to explore; as, to do all the points of interest. + denominationalism n. A denominational or class spirit or policy; devotion to the interests of a sect or denomination. + directorial a. Having the quality of a director, or authoritative guide; directive. + dwell v.t. To inhabit. + differential n. An increment, usually an indefinitely small one, which is given to a variable quantity. + darky n. A negro. + disquietment n. State of being disquieted; uneasiness; harassment. + distemperment n. Distempered state; distemperature. + diagrammatic a. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a diagram; showing by diagram. + deficiency n. The state of being deficient; inadequacy; want; failure; imperfection; shortcoming; defect. + drizzle v.i. To rain slightly in very small drops; to fall, as water from the clouds, slowly and in fine particles; as, it drizzles; drizzling drops or rain. + degeneration n. The thing degenerated. + diplococcus n. A form of micrococcus in which cocci are united in a binary manner. See Micrococcus. + distribution n. The act of distributing or dispensing; the act of dividing or apportioning among several or many; apportionment; as, the distribution of an estate among heirs or children. + defraudment n. Privation by fraud; defrauding. + detect v.t. To inform against; to accuse. + denominative a. Connotative; as, a denominative name. + designate v.t. To indicate or set apart for a purpose or duty; -- with to or for; to designate an officer for or to the command of a post or station. + derbio n. A large European food fish (Lichia glauca). + dub v.t. To strike cloth with teasels to raise a nap. + dishumor v.t. To deprive of humor or desire; to put out of humor. + dermestoid a. Pertaining to or resembling the genus Dermestes. + decking p.pr.|vb.n. of Deck + dress v.t. To adjust; to put in good order; to arrange; specifically: (a) To prepare for use; to fit for any use; to render suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready; as, to dress a slain animal; to dress meat; to dress leather or cloth; to dress or trim a lamp; to dress a garden; to dress a horse, by currying and rubbing; to dress grain, by cleansing it; in mining and metallurgy, to dress ores, by sorting and separating them. + drum n. A small cylindrical box in which figs, etc., are packed. + detonating a.|n. from Detonate. + diver n. One who, or that which, dives. + disencrese v.i. To decrease. + disavowed imp.|p.p. of Disavow + dentirostral a. Having a toothed bill; -- applied to a group of passerine birds, having the bill notched, and feeding chiefly on insects, as the shrikes and vireos. See Illust. (N) under Beak. + dipsomania n. A morbid an uncontrollable craving (often periodic) for drink, esp. for alcoholic liquors; also improperly used to denote acute and chronic alcoholism. + diatomic a. Having two replaceable atoms or radicals. + doura n. A kind of millet. See Durra. + dun a. Of a dark color; of a color partaking of a brown and black; of a dull brown color; swarthy. + defervescency n. The subsidence of a febrile process; as, the stage of defervescence in pneumonia. + drank imp. of Drink. + dartingly adv. Like a dart; rapidly. + deca A prefix, from Gr. de`ka, signifying ten; specifically (Metric System), a prefix signifying the weight or measure that is ten times the principal unit. + decuple n. A number ten times repeated. + deray n. Disorder; merriment. + drabber n. One who associates with drabs; a wencher. + dupery n. The act or practice of duping. + design n. The invention and conduct of the subject; the disposition of every part, and the general order of the whole. + drop n. To pour or let fall in drops; to pour in small globules; to distill. + diacid a. Divalent; -- said of a base or radical as capable of saturating two acid monad radicals or a dibasic acid. Cf. Dibasic, a., and Biacid. + dissent n. Contrariety of nature; diversity in quality. + deporture n. Deportment. + disfellowship v.t. To exclude from fellowship; to refuse intercourse with, as an associate. + drossless a. Free from dross. + define v.t. To determine with precision; to mark out with distinctness; to ascertain or exhibit clearly; as, the defining power of an optical instrument. + devote v.t. To appropriate by vow; to set apart or dedicate by a solemn act; to consecrate; also, to consign over; to doom; to evil; to devote one to destruction; the city was devoted to the flames. + displacement n. The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent. + dephlogisticating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dephlogisticcate + dernly adv. Secretly; grievously; mournfully. + dethronement n. Deposal from a throne; deposition from regal power. + drain n. The act of draining, or of drawing off; gradual and continuous outflow or withdrawal; as, the drain of specie from a country. + disbursed imp.|p.p. of Disburse + disculpating p.pr.|vb.n. of Disculpate + deltidium n. The triangular space under the beak of many brachiopod shells. + dialogize v.t. To discourse in dialogue. + derogate v.t. To annul in part; to repeal partly; to restrict; to limit the action of; -- said of a law. + domestic a. Made in one's own house, nation, or country; as, domestic manufactures, wines, etc. + dropper n. A dog which suddenly drops upon the ground when it sights game, -- formerly a common, and still an occasional, habit of the setter. + duplicity n. The use of two or more distinct allegations or answers, where one is sufficient. + dicing n. Gambling with dice. + devolved imp.|p.p. of Devolve + ducally adv. In the manner of a duke, or in a manner becoming the rank of a duke. + didelphous a. Didelphic. + dialogue v.t. To express as in dialogue. + diluviums pl. of Diluvium + dichotomist n. One who dichotomizes. + dear superl. Of disagreeable things and antipathies. + derogate n. Diminished in value; dishonored; degraded. + develop v.t. To advance; to further; to prefect; to make to increase; to promote the growth of. + divide v.t. To subject to arithmetical division. + daymaid n. A dairymaid. + diffusely adv. In a diffuse manner. + dualistic a. Consisting of two; pertaining to dualism or duality. + discerption n. The act of pulling to pieces, or of separating the parts. + dolly n. In pile driving, a block interposed between the head of the pile and the ram of the driver. + dub v.t. To invest with any dignity or new character; to entitle; to call. + delighted imp.|p.p. of Delight + dotterel v.i. A silly fellow; a dupe; a gull. + demeaning p.pr.|vb.n. of Demean + dedecoration n. Disgrace; dishonor. + diplomatial a. Diplomatic. + digitigrade n. An animal that walks on its toes, as the cat, lion, wolf, etc.; -- distinguished from a plantigrade, which walks on the palm of the foot. + drop n. A door or platform opening downward; a trap door; that part of the gallows on which a culprit stands when he is to be hanged; hence, the gallows itself. + dealing p.pr.|vb.n. of Deal + decollating p.pr.|vb.n. of Decollate + doctrine n. Teaching; instruction. + differential n. One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one another or to a magnet or armature common to both, that one coil produces polar action contrary to that of the other. + doubloon a. A Spanish gold coin, no longer issued, varying in value at different times from over fifteen dollars to about five. See Doblon in Sup. + dandling p.pr.|vb.n. of Dandle + disaffectionate a. Not disposed to affection; unfriendly; disaffected. + determinately adv. In a determinate manner; definitely; ascertainably. + dropped imp.|p.p. of Drop + ditrichotomous a. Divided into twos or threes. + dejecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Deject + dung n. The excrement of an animal. + defalcate v.t. To cut off; to take away or deduct a part of; -- used chiefly of money, accounts, rents, income, etc. + duledge n. One of the dowels joining the ends of the fellies which form the circle of the wheel of a gun carriage. + dissocialize v.t. To render unsocial. + ditt n. See Dit, n., 2. + dowdy n. An awkward, vulgarly dressed, inelegant woman. + doub grass Doob grass. + deinosaur n. See Dinosaur. + daycoal n. The upper stratum of coal, as nearest the light or surface. + deal v.i. To do a distributing or retailing business, as distinguished from that of a manufacturer or producer; to traffic; to trade; to do business; as, he deals in flour. + dismay v.i. To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet. + dumping p.pr.|vb.n. of Dump + daily n. A publication which appears regularly every day; as, the morning dailies. + dispone v.t. To dispose. + dedecorous a. Disgraceful; unbecoming. + didascalic a. Didactic; preceptive. + darnic n. Same as Dornick. + desk n. A table, frame, or case, usually with sloping top, but often with flat top, for the use writers and readers. It often has a drawer or repository underneath. + draughtsman n. One who draws plans and sketches of machinery, structures, and places; also, more generally, one who makes drawings of any kind. + debasingly adv. In a manner to debase. + drum major The chief or first drummer of a regiment; an instructor of drummers. + disconnected imp.|p.p. of Disconnect + dispose v.t. To exercise finally one's power of control over; to pass over into the control of some one else, as by selling; to alienate; to part with; to relinquish; to get rid of; as, to dispose of a house; to dispose of one's time. + debase a. To reduce from a higher to a lower state or grade of worth, dignity, purity, station, etc.; to degrade; to lower; to deteriorate; to abase; as, to debase the character by crime; to debase the mind by frivolity; to debase style by vulgar words. + diluent n. An agent used for effecting dilution of the blood; a weak drink. + drill v.t. To entice; to allure from step; to decoy; -- with on. + dilacerate v.t. To rend asunder; to tear to pieces. + distributed imp.|p.p. of Distribute + disproportionally adv. In a disproportional manner; unsuitably in form, quantity, or value; unequally. + drosera n. A genus of low perennial or biennial plants, the leaves of which are beset with gland-tipped bristles. See Sundew. + draw v.t. To take from a box or wheel, as a lottery ticket; to receive from a lottery by the drawing out of the numbers for prizes or blanks; hence, to obtain by good fortune; to win; to gain; as, he drew a prize. + debit v.t. To charge with debt; -- the opposite of, and correlative to, credit; as, to debit a purchaser for the goods sold. + demolish v.t. To throw or pull down; to raze; to destroy the fabric of; to pull to pieces; to ruin; as, to demolish an edifice, or a wall. + dig v.t. To get by digging; as, to dig potatoes, or gold. + disclose n. Disclosure. + divertise v.t. To divert; to entertain. + dodipoll n. A stupid person; a fool; a blockhead. + drynurse v.t. To feed, attend, and bring up without the breast. + docked imp.|p.p. of Dock + divorce n. That which separates. + disk n. A circular structure either in plants or animals; as, a blood disk; germinal disk, etc. + domino n. A kind of mask; particularly, a half mask worn at masquerades, to conceal the upper part of the face. Dominos were formerly worn by ladies in traveling. + duumviri pl. of Duumvir + dinsome a. Full of din. + dwarf v.t. To hinder from growing to the natural size; to make or keep small; to stunt. + durability n. The state or quality of being durable; the power of uninterrupted or long continuance in any condition; the power of resisting agents or influences which tend to cause changes, decay, or dissolution; lastingness. + diaper v.i. To draw flowers or figures, as upon cloth. + donship n. The quality or rank of a don, gentleman, or knight. + deistical a. Pertaining to, savoring of, or consisting in, deism; as, a deistic writer; a deistical book. + drop n. Any small pendent ornament. + disannex v.t. To disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of. + disagreeable a. Not agreeable, conformable, or congruous; contrary; unsuitable. + drift n. Course or direction along which anything is driven; setting. + deprived imp.|p.p. of Deprive + dethrone v.t. To remove or drive from a throne; to depose; to divest of supreme authority and dignity. + darwinian a. Pertaining to Darwin; as, the Darwinian theory, a theory of the manner and cause of the supposed development of living things from certain original forms or elements. + drift v.t. To drive into heaps; as, a current of wind drifts snow or sand. + dithyrambic a. Pertaining to, or resembling, a dithyramb; wild and boisterous. + destin n. Destiny. + dimmish a. Alt. of Dimmy + disthene n. Cyanite or kyanite; -- so called in allusion to its unequal hardness in two different directions. See Cyanite. + doubter n. One who doubts; one whose opinion is unsettled; one who scruples. + deaf a. Wanting the sense of hearing, either wholly or in part; unable to perceive sounds; hard of hearing; as, a deaf man. + drofland n. Alt. of Dryfland + dative a. In one's gift; capable of being disposed of at will and pleasure, as an office. + domination n. The act of dominating; exercise of power in ruling; dominion; supremacy; authority; often, arbitrary or insolent sway. + disconcertion n. The act of disconcerting, or state of being disconcerted; discomposure; perturbation. + dogging p.pr.|vb.n. of Dog + dioecian a. Alt. of Dioecious + demilune n. A crescentic mass of granular protoplasm present in the salivary glands. + dispread v.i. To extend or expand itself. + declaring p.pr.|vb.n. of Declare + defeature n. Overthrow; defeat. + deepwaisted a. Having a deep waist, as when, in a ship, the poop and forecastle are much elevated above the deck. + dyslysin n. A resinous substance formed in the decomposition of cholic acid of bile; -- so called because it is difficult to solve. + differenced imp.|p.p. of Difference + dasyure n. A carnivorous marsupial quadruped of Australia, belonging to the genus Dasyurus. There are several species. + dishonest a. Dishonored; disgraced; disfigured. + disinthralling p.pr.|vb.n. of Disinthrall + deliverance n. The state of being delivered, or freed from restraint. + disquietive a. Tending to disquiet. + defiliation n. Abstraction of a child from its parents. + decorticated imp.|p.p. of Decorticate + diacope n. Tmesis. + draff n. An order from one person or party to another, directing the payment of money; a bill of exchange. + dinosauria n.pl. An order of extinct mesozoic reptiles, mostly of large size (whence the name). Notwithstanding their size, they present birdlike characters in the skeleton, esp. in the pelvis and hind limbs. Some walked on their three-toed hind feet, thus producing the large "bird tracks," so-called, of mesozoic sandstones; others were five-toed and quadrupedal. See Illust. of Compsognathus, also Illustration of Dinosaur in Appendix. + diphyozooid n. One of the free-swimming sexual zooids of Siphonophora. + derivative n. A word formed from another word, by a prefix or suffix, an internal modification, or some other change; a word which takes its origin from a root. + drowsiness n. State of being drowsy. + desiderating p.pr.|vb.n. of Desiderate + disconformity n. Want of conformity or correspondence; inconsistency; disagreement. + demorage n. Demurrage. + double a. Being in pairs; presenting two of a kind, or two in a set together; coupled. + diffuseness n. The quality of being diffuse; especially, in writing, the use of a great or excessive number of word to express the meaning; copiousness; verbosity; prolixity. + deprehended imp.|p.p. of Deprehend + dimension n. The degree of manifoldness of a quantity; as, time is quantity having one dimension; volume has three dimensions, relative to extension. + doubletree n. The bar, or crosspiece, of a carriage, to which the singletrees are attached. + distinctly adv. With distinctness; not confusedly; without the blending of one part or thing another; clearly; plainly; as, to see distinctly. + daze n. The state of being dazed; as, he was in a daze. + door n. An entrance way, but taken in the sense of the house or apartment to which it leads. + dear n. A dear one; lover; sweetheart. + dirge a. A piece of music of a mournful character, to accompany funeral rites; a funeral hymn. + directrix n. A straight line so situated with respect to a conic section that the distance of any point of the curve from it has a constant ratio to the distance of the same point from the focus. + drier superl. Alt. of Driest + dwindlement n. The act or process of dwindling; a dwindling. + discerpibility n. Alt. of Discerptibility + dresser n. One who dresses; one who put in order or makes ready for use; one who on clothes or ornaments. + drum n. A tea party; a kettledrum. + dodman n. Any shellfish which casts its shell, as a lobster. + delete v.t. To blot out; to erase; to expunge; to dele; to omit. + dredge n. Any instrument used to gather or take by dragging; as: (a) A dragnet for taking up oysters, etc., from their beds. (b) A dredging machine. (c) An iron frame, with a fine net attached, used in collecting animals living at the bottom of the sea. + dantean a. Relating to, emanating from or resembling, the poet Dante or his writings. + disclaim v.t. To disavow or renounce all part, claim, or share. + decamp v.i. Hence, to depart suddenly; to run away; -- generally used disparagingly. + drawing n. The act or the art of representing any object by means of lines and shades; especially, such a representation when in one color, or in tints used not to represent the colors of natural objects, but for effect only, and produced with hard material such as pencil, chalk, etc.; delineation; also, the figure or representation drawn. + depravation n. Detraction; depreciation. + dipping p.pr.|vb.n. of Dip + diaphragm n. A plate with an opening, which is generally circular, used in instruments to cut off marginal portions of a beam of light, as at the focus of a telescope. + dispense v.i. To give dispensation. + duplicity n. Doubleness; a twofold state. + douse v.t. To put out; to extinguish. + disencouragement n. Discouragement. + durham n. One or a breed of short-horned cattle, originating in the county of Durham, England. The Durham cattle are noted for their beef-producing quality. + delicate a. Of exacting tastes and habits; dainty; fastidious. + durance n. Imprisonment; restraint of the person; custody by a jailer; duress. Shak. + depletion n. The act of depleting or emptying. + disherison n. The act of disheriting, or debarring from inheritance; disinhersion. + dyspeptic a. Alt. of Dyspeptical + dust v.t. To sprinkle with dust. + devata n. A deity; a divine being; a good spirit; an idol. + drowse v.i. To sleep imperfectly or unsoundly; to slumber; to be heavy with sleepiness; to doze. + deoxidizer n. That which removes oxygen; hence, a reducing agent; as, nascent hydrogen is a deoxidizer. + dance v.i. The leaping, tripping, or measured stepping of one who dances; an amusement, in which the movements of the persons are regulated by art, in figures and in accord with music. + dismayedness n. A state of being dismayed; dejection of courage; dispiritedness. + devise n. A will or testament, conveying real estate; the clause of a will making a gift of real property. + delf n. A mine; a quarry; a pit dug; a ditch. + drake n. The drake fly. + dedition n. The act of yielding; surrender. + dull superl. Not bright or clear to the eye; wanting in liveliness of color or luster; not vivid; obscure; dim; as, a dull fire or lamp; a dull red or yellow; a dull mirror. + dote n. Natural endowments. + discursion n. The act of discoursing or reasoning; range, as from thought to thought. + defix v.t. To fix; to fasten; to establish. + demosthenic a. Pertaining to, or in the style of, Demosthenes, the Grecian orator. + danger n. Exposure to injury, loss, pain, or other evil; peril; risk; insecurity. + domiciliate v.t. To domesticate. + diet v.t. To cause to eat and drink sparingly, or by prescribed rules; to regulate medicinally the food of. + deplored imp.|p.p. of Deplore + deck v. The roof of a passenger car. + drawspring n. The spring to which a drawbar is attached. + disintegration n. The wearing away or falling to pieces of rocks or strata, produced by atmospheric action, frost, ice, etc. + deathly adv. Deadly; as, deathly pale or sick. + disencumber v.t. To free from encumbrance, or from anything which clogs, impedes, or obstructs; to disburden. + diaphemetric a. Relating to the measurement of the tactile sensibility of parts; as, diaphemetric compasses. + demand v.t. That which one demands or has a right to demand; thing claimed as due; claim; as, demands on an estate. + devotement n. The state of being devoted, or set apart by a vow. + disagreement n. Unsuitableness; unadaptedness. + dicker n. A chaffering, barter, or exchange, of small wares; as, to make a dicker. + duplicate v.t. To double; to fold; to render double. + driftwind n. A driving wind; a wind that drives snow, sand, etc., into heaps. + demerit n. That which one merits or deserves, either of good or ill; desert. + deifier n. One who deifies. + depravement n. Depravity. + divergement n. Divergence. + distinguish v.t. To separate by definition of terms or logical division of a subject with regard to difference; as, to distinguish sounds into high and low. + drilling n. A training by repeated exercises. + disfavor v.t. To withhold or withdraw favor from; to regard with disesteem; to show disapprobation of; to discountenance. + dedicate v.t. To set apart and consecrate, as to a divinity, or for sacred uses; to devote formally and solemnly; as, to dedicate vessels, treasures, a temple, or a church, to a religious use. + desked imp.|p.p. of Desk + delusional a. Of or pertaining to delusions; as, delusional monomania. + dissipated a. Wasteful of health, money, etc., in the pursuit of pleasure; dissolute; intemperate. + dividant a. Different; distinct. + disregardfully adv. Negligently; heedlessly. + discorporate a. Deprived of the privileges or form of a body corporate. + depurative n. A depurative remedy or agent; or a disease which is believed to be depurative. + daughterinlaw n. The wife of one's son. + dishabit v.t. To dislodge. + discapacitate v.t. To deprive of capacity; to incapacitate. + double dealer One who practices double dealing; a deceitful, trickish person. + depleting p.pr.|vb.n. of Deplete + distract v.t. To unsettle the reason of; to render insane; to craze; to madden; -- most frequently used in the participle, distracted. + dress coat A coat with skirts behind only, as distinct from the frock coat, of which the skirts surround the body. It is worn on occasions of ceremony. The dress coat of officers of the United States army is a full-skirted frock coat. + ductless a. Having to duct or outlet; as, a ductless gland. + drunkenness n. The state of being drunken with, or as with, alcoholic liquor; intoxication; inebriety; -- used of the casual state or the habit. + defoliation n. The separation of ripened leaves from a branch or stem; the falling or shedding of the leaves. + dejection n. Faeces; excrement. + driver n. One who, or that which, drives; the person or thing that urges or compels anything else to move onward. + deck v. A pack or set of playing cards. + divide v.i. To vote, as in the British Parliament, by the members separating themselves into two parties (as on opposite sides of the hall or in opposite lobbies), that is, the ayes dividing from the noes. + diviner n. One who professes divination; one who pretends to predict events, or to reveal occult things, by supernatural means. + disgorge v.i. To vomit forth what anything contains; to discharge; to make restitution. + dalmatica n. Alt. of Dalmatic + disconcerted imp.|p.p. of Disconcert + druse n. One of a people and religious sect dwelling chiefly in the Lebanon mountains of Syria. + dictums pl. of Dictum + draught n. A move, as at chess or checkers. + dose n. To give anything nauseous to. + disrupted imp.|p.p. of Disrupt + doubleacting a. Acting or operating in two directions or with both motions; producing a twofold result; as, a double-acting engine or pump. + demonstrableness n. The quality of being demonstrable; demonstrability. + delegatory a. Holding a delegated position. + display n. Ostentatious show; exhibition for effect; parade. + diaeretic a. Caustic. + dulcimer n. An ancient musical instrument in use among the Jews. Dan. iii. 5. It is supposed to be the same with the psaltery. + discrimination n. The quality of being discriminating; faculty of nicely distinguishing; acute discernment; as, to show great discrimination in the choice of means. + device n. Opinion; decision. + dynamics n. That department of musical science which relates to, or treats of, the power of tones. + doddered a. Shattered; infirm. + dryness n. The state of being dry. See Dry. + die n. That which is, or might be, determined, by a throw of the die; hazard; chance. + damask a. Pertaining to, or originating at, the city of Damascus; resembling the products or manufactures of Damascus. + distensive a. Distending, or capable of being distended. + doctorly a. Like a doctor or learned man. + disorder n. Neglect of order or system; irregularity. + demurred imp.|p.p. of Demur + detestableness n. The quality or state of being detestable. + denitrify v.t. To deprive of, or free from, nitrogen. + disadvance v.t.|i. To draw back, or cause to draw back. + demoiselle n. A beautiful, small dragon fly of the genus Agrion. + dreadly a. Dreadful. + decussation n. Act of crossing at an acute angle, or state of being thus crossed; an intersection in the form of an X; as, the decussation of lines, nerves, etc. + deigned imp.|p.p. of Deign + divertive a. Tending to divert; diverting; amusing; interesting. + drawbridge n. A bridge of which either the whole or a part is made to be raised up, let down, or drawn or turned aside, to admit or hinder communication at pleasure, as before the gate of a town or castle, or over a navigable river or canal. + dilapidate v.t. To bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin, by misuse or through neglect; to destroy the fairness and good condition of; -- said of a building. + drying a. Adapted or tending to exhaust moisture; as, a drying wind or day; a drying room. + diaphanic a. Having power to transmit light; transparent; diaphanous. + dignitary n. One who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of dignity or honor; especially, one who holds an ecclesiastical rank above that of a parochial priest or clergyman. + dishaunt v.t. To leave; to quit; to cease to haunt. + deline v.t. To delineate. + distinguish v.t. To recognize or discern by marks, signs, or characteristic quality or qualities; to know and discriminate (anything) from other things with which it might be confounded; as, to distinguish the sound of a drum. + departure n. Division; separation; putting away. + discompliance n. Failure or refusal to comply; noncompliance. + denudation n. The act of stripping off covering, or removing the surface; a making bare. + depository n. A place where anything is deposited for sale or keeping; as, warehouse is a depository for goods; a clerk's office is a depository for records. + demies pl. of Demy + despumating p.pr.|vb.n. of Despumate + dun n. An urgent request or demand of payment; as, he sent his debtor a dun. + disinclination n. The state of being disinclined; want of propensity, desire, or affection; slight aversion or dislike; indisposition. + diverticula pl. of Diverticulum + duds n.pl. Old or inferior clothes; tattered garments. + doubleender n. A locomotive with pilot at each end. + delegate v.t. To intrust to the care or management of another; to transfer; to assign; to commit. + diatessaron n. An electuary compounded of four medicines. + disabling p.pr.|vb.n. of Disable + decrete n. A decree. + drop n. To bestow or communicate by a suggestion; to let fall in an indirect, cautious, or gentle manner; as, to drop hint, a word of counsel, etc. + democratic a. Pertaining to democracy; favoring democracy, or constructed upon the principle of government by the people. + develop v.t. To free from that which infolds or envelops; to unfold; to lay open by degrees or in detail; to make visible or known; to disclose; to produce or give forth; as, to develop theories; a motor that develops 100 horse power. + drinking n. An entertainment with liquors; a carousal. + disinterest p.a. Disinterested. + differentiator n. One who, or that which, differentiates. + dip v.t. To plunge or engage thoroughly in any affair. + dyed imp.|p.p. of Dye + deem v. To account; to esteem; to think; to judge; to hold in opinion; to regard. + daggling p.pr.|vb.n. of Daggle + decline v.i. A falling off; a tendency to a worse state; diminution or decay; deterioration; also, the period when a thing is tending toward extinction or a less perfect state; as, the decline of life; the decline of strength; the decline of virtue and religion. + despair v.t. To cause to despair. + double n. A feast in which the antiphon is doubled, hat is, said twice, before and after the Psalms, instead of only half being said, as in simple feasts. + disexercise v.t. To deprive of exercise; to leave untrained. + dub v.t. To strike, rub, or dress smooth; to dab; + disparage n. Inequality in marriage; marriage with an inferior. + disgrace n. The condition of being out of favor; loss of favor, regard, or respect. + daintify v.t. To render dainty, delicate, or fastidious. + dumetose a. Dumose. + document n. That which is taught or authoritatively set forth; precept; instruction; dogma. + discongruity n. Incongruity; disagreement; unsuitableness. + dreg n. Corrupt or defiling matter contained in a liquid, or precipitated from it; refuse; feculence; lees; grounds; sediment; hence, the vilest and most worthless part of anything; as, the dregs of society. + draggle v.i. To be dragged on the ground; to become wet or dirty by being dragged or trailed in the mud or wet grass. + dimness n. Dullness, or want of clearness, of vision or of intellectual perception. + despoil n. Spoil. + deceasing p.pr.|vb.n. of Decease + dichlamydeous a. Having two coverings, a calyx and in corolla. + dial n. A miner's compass. + detonated imp.|p.p. of Detonate + doughtiness n. The quality of being doughty; valor; bravery. + deep superl. Profound; thorough; complete; unmixed; intense; heavy; heartfelt; as, deep distress; deep melancholy; deep horror. + driveler n. A slaverer; a slabberer; an idiot; a fool. + dissect v.t. To divide into separate parts; to cut in pieces; to separate and expose the parts of, as an animal or a plant, for examination and to show their structure and relations; to anatomize. + dilator n. An instrument for expanding a part; as, a urethral dilator. + dabber n. That with which one dabs; hence, a pad or other device used by printers, engravers, etc., as for dabbing type or engraved plates with ink. + disturber n. One who interrupts or incommodes another in the peaceable enjoyment of his right. + dirk a. Dark. + draine n. The missel thrush. + driver n. The person who drives beasts or a carriage; a coachman; a charioteer, etc.; hence, also, one who controls the movements of a locomotive. + dative a. Removable, as distinguished from perpetual; -- said of an officer. + dorsal a. A hanging, usually of rich stuff, at the back of a throne, or of an altar, or in any similar position. + differ v.t. To cause to be different or unlike; to set at variance. + disk n. The central part of a radiate compound flower, as in sunflower. + dragoon n. A variety of pigeon. + disclaimed imp.|p.p. of Disclaim + dyad n. An element, atom, or radical having a valence or combining power of two. + descried imp.|p.p. of Descry + dandiprat n. A little fellow; -- in sport or contempt. + danegelt n. An annual tax formerly laid on the English nation to buy off the ravages of Danish invaders, or to maintain forces to oppose them. It afterward became a permanent tax, raised by an assessment, at first of one shilling, afterward of two shillings, upon every hide of land throughout the realm. + disconsolate v.t. Destitute of consolation; deeply dejected and dispirited; hopelessly sad; comfortless; filled with grief; as, a bereaved and disconsolate parent. + deponing p.pr.|vb.n. of Depone + direptitiously adv. With plundering violence; by violent injustice. + duchies pl. of Duchy + daub v.t. To smear with soft, adhesive matter, as pitch, slime, mud, etc.; to plaster; to bedaub; to besmear. + displantation n. The act of displanting; removal; displacement. + dewy a. Falling gently and beneficently, like the dew. + drug v.t. To affect or season with drugs or ingredients; esp., to stupefy by a narcotic drug. Also Fig. + danubian a. Pertaining to, or bordering on, the river Danube. + dismortgaging p.pr.|vb.n. of Dismortgage + dicentra n. A genus of herbaceous plants, with racemes of two-spurred or heart-shaped flowers, including the Dutchman's breeches, and the more showy Bleeding heart (D. spectabilis). + dronepipe n. One of the low-toned tubes of a bagpipe. + divaricated imp.|p.p. of Divaricate + distribute v.t. To employ (a term) in its whole extent; to take as universal in one premise. + dignified a. Marked with dignity; stately; as, a dignified judge. + dyas n. A name applied in Germany to the Permian formation, there consisting of two principal groups. + dawk n. A hollow, crack, or cut, in timber. + distillation n. The act of falling in drops, or the act of pouring out in drops. + dentilabial a. Formed by the teeth and the lips, or representing a sound so formed. + decanted imp.|p.p. of Decant + deducible a. Capable of being brought down. + dashboard n. A screen at the bow af a steam launch to keep off the spray; -- called also sprayboard. + dingledangle adv. In a dangling manner. + diaphysis n. An abnormal prolongation of the axis of inflorescence. + diurna n.pl. A division of Lepidoptera, including the butterflies; -- so called because they fly only in the daytime. + diminute a. Small; diminished; diminutive. + doused imp.|p.p. of Douse + dock n. An artificial basin or an inclosure in connection with a harbor or river, -- used for the reception of vessels, and provided with gates for keeping in or shutting out the tide. + dandy n. A dandy roller. See below. + desynonymization n. The act of desynonymizing. + draught n. An allowance on weighable goods. [Eng.] See Draft, 4. + damaskin n. A sword of Damask steel. + degenerate a. Having become worse than one's kind, or one's former state; having declined in worth; having lost in goodness; deteriorated; degraded; unworthy; base; low. + diapedesis n. The passage of the corpuscular elements of the blood from the blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, without rupture of the walls of the blood vessels. + doze v.t. To pass or spend in drowsiness; as, to doze away one's time. + dating p.pr.|vb.n. of Date + deforcement n. A keeping out by force or wrong; a wrongful withholding, as of lands or tenements, to which another has a right. + diurnal a. A diurnal bird or insect. + dressing n. A preparation to fit food for use; a condiment; as, a dressing for salad. + doubletongued a. Making contrary declarations on the same subject; deceitful. + domino n. A game played by two or more persons, with twenty-eight pieces of wood, bone, or ivory, of a flat, oblong shape, plain at the back, but on the face divided by a line in the middle, and either left blank or variously dotted after the manner of dice. The game is played by matching the spots or the blank of an unmatched half of a domino already played + drift n. The distance through which a current flows in a given time. + drugget n. A coarse woolen cloth dyed of one color or printed on one side; generally used as a covering for carpets. + determination n. The act, process, or result of any accurate measurement, as of length, volume, weight, intensity, etc.; as, the determination of the ohm or of the wave length of light; the determination of the salt in sea water, or the oxygen in the air. + dinting p.pr.|vb.n. of Dint + degenerously adv. Basely. + dudder n. A peddler or hawker, especially of cheap and flashy goods pretended to be smuggled; a duffer. + diphthong n. A vowel digraph; a union of two vowels in the same syllable, only one of them being sounded; as, ai in rain, eo in people; -- called an improper diphthong. + distrain v.t. To seize, as a pledge or indemnification; to take possession of as security for nonpayment of rent, the reparation of an injury done, etc.; to take by distress; as, to distrain goods for rent, or of an amercement. + dumpy superl. Sullen or discontented. + deathliness n. The quality of being deathly; deadliness. + dimension n. A literal factor, as numbered in characterizing a term. The term dimensions forms with the cardinal numbers a phrase equivalent to degree with the ordinal; thus, a2b2c is a term of five dimensions, or of the fifth degree. + dorse n. The back of a book. + drift v.t. To drive or carry, as currents do a floating body. + defamed imp.|p.p. of Defame + dissuasion n. The act of dissuading; exhortation against a thing; dehortation. + duskily adv. In a dusky manner. + diamondize v.t. To set with diamonds; to adorn; to enrich. + distinction n. The act of distinguishing or denoting the differences between objects, or the qualities by which one is known from others; exercise of discernment; discrimination. + deeplaid a. Laid deeply; formed with cunning and sagacity; as, deep-laid plans. + delivered imp.|p.p. of Deliver + disruly a. Unruly; disorderly. + dig v.i. To work with a spade or other like implement; to do servile work; to delve. + docimastic a. Proving by experiments or tests. + dishonorable a. Wanting in honor; not honorable; bringing or deserving dishonor; staining the character, and lessening the reputation; shameful; disgraceful; base. + discern v.t. To see by the eye or by the understanding; to perceive and recognize; as, to discern a difference. + deaden a. To make as dead; to impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation; to lessen the force or acuteness of; to blunt; as, to deaden the natural powers or feelings; to deaden a sound. + dell n. A small, retired valley; a ravine. + deriding p.pr.|vb.n. of Deride + dinghy n. A kind of boat used in the East Indies. + dam v.t. To obstruct or restrain the flow of, by a dam; to confine by constructing a dam, as a stream of water; -- generally used with in or up. + drown v.t. To overwhelm in water; to submerge; to inundate. + dentiscalp n. An instrument for scraping the teeth. + descry v.t. To discover; to disclose; to reveal. + deep superl. Low in situation; lying far below the general surface; as, a deep valley. + debt n. An action at law to recover a certain specified sum of money alleged to be due. + daintifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Daintify + delivery n. The act or style of utterance; manner of speaking; as, a good delivery; a clear delivery. + deducted imp.|p.p. of Deduct + decapoda n.pl. The order of Crustacea which includes the shrimps, lobsters, crabs, etc. + dispunct v.t. To expunge. + decarbonization n. The action or process of depriving a substance of carbon. + daphnin n. A dark green bitter resin extracted from the mezereon (Daphne mezereum) and regarded as the essential principle of the plant. + diffarreation n. A form of divorce, among the ancient Romans, in which a cake was used. See Confarreation. + duke n. A leader; a chief; a prince. + dictionaries pl. of Dictionary + defendable a. Capable of being defended; defensible. + desert v.t. To leave (especially something which one should stay by and support); to leave in the lurch; to abandon; to forsake; -- implying blame, except sometimes when used of localities; as, to desert a friend, a principle, a cause, one's country. + deanship n. The office of a dean. + demise v.t. To convey, as an estate, by lease; to lease. + dissilition n. The act of bursting or springing apart. + dolphin n. A kind of wreath or strap of plaited cordage. + dusty superl. Filled, covered, or sprinkled with dust; clouded with dust; as, a dusty table; also, reducing to dust. + daughtersinlaw pl. of Daughter-in-law + disherited imp.|p.p. of Disherit + dusken v.t. To make dusk or obscure. + deontology n. The science relat/ to duty or moral obligation. + delivery n. The act of delivering up or over; surrender; transfer of the body or substance of a thing; distribution; as, the delivery of a fort, of hostages, of a criminal, of goods, of letters. + demand v.t. The right or title in virtue of which anything may be claimed; as, to hold a demand against a person. + dispatching p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispatch + destruct v.t. To destroy. + decomposable a. Capable of being resolved into constituent elements. + disbud v. To deprive of buds or shoots, as for training, or economizing the vital strength of a tree. + dialed imp.|p.p. of Dial + disglorified imp.|p.p. of Disglorify + desire v.t. Grief; regret. + durance n. A stout cloth stuff, formerly made in imitation of buff leather and used for garments; a sort of tammy or everlasting. + disputacity v.i. Proneness to dispute. + disinfectant n. That which disinfects; an agent for removing the causes of infection, as chlorine. + disvaluation n. Disesteem; depreciation; disrepute. + daywoman n. A dairymaid. + deicide n. The act of killing a being of a divine nature; particularly, the putting to death of Jesus Christ. + deafening p.pr.|vb.n. of Deafen + decagynia n.pl. A Linnaean order of plants characterized by having ten styles. + dragoman n. An interpreter; -- so called in the Levant and other parts of the East. + doublet a. A close-fitting garment for men, covering the body from the neck to the waist or a little below. It was worn in Western Europe from the 15th to the 17th century. + dock n. A genus of plants (Rumex), some species of which are well-known weeds which have a long taproot and are difficult of extermination. + defecate v.t. To free from extraneous or polluting matter; to clear; to purify, as from that which materializes. + dog n. An iron for holding wood in a fireplace; a firedog; an andiron. + disobligement n. Release from obligation. + donor n. One who gives or bestows; one who confers anything gratuitously; a benefactor. + derive v.t. To obtain one substance from another by actual or theoretical substitution; as, to derive an organic acid from its corresponding hydrocarbon. + disinteressment n. Disinterestedness; impartiality; fairness. + disesteem v.t. To feel an absence of esteem for; to regard with disfavor or slight contempt; to slight. + dovetail v.t. To fit in or connect strongly, skillfully, or nicely; to fit ingeniously or complexly. + deject a. Dejected. + demigrate v.i. To emigrate. + division n. Disunion; difference in opinion or feeling; discord; variance; alienation. + dawn n. The break of day; the first appearance of light in the morning; show of approaching sunrise. + dump v.t. A dull, gloomy state of the mind; sadness; melancholy; low spirits; despondency; ill humor; -- now used only in the plural. + distriction n. Sudden display; flash; glitter. + declarable a. Capable of being declared. + dodge v.t. To follow by dodging, or suddenly shifting from place to place. + digestive n. That which aids digestion, as a food or medicine. + deliberated imp.|p.p. of Deliberate + discovery n. The action of discovering; exposure to view; laying open; showing; as, the discovery of a plot. + debated imp.|p.p. of Debate + doole n. Sorrow; dole. + decretive n. Having the force of a decree; determining. + devoter n. One who devotes; a worshiper. + devil n. An evil spirit; a demon. + dehorned imp.|p.p. of Dehorn + doublebreasted a. Folding or lapping over on the breast, with a row of buttons and buttonholes on each side; as, a double-breasted coat. + defuse v.t. To disorder; to make shapeless. + deuced a. Devilish; excessive; extreme. + decarbonize v.t. To deprive of carbon; as, to decarbonize steel; to decarbonize the blood. + discrete a. Separate; distinct; disjunct. + digenous a. Sexually reproductive. + docible a. Easily taught or managed; teachable. + decardinalize v.t. To depose from the rank of cardinal. + decanting p.pr.|vb.n. of Decant + derivation n. A drawing of humors or fluids from one part of the body to another, to relieve or lessen a morbid process. + decemvirship n. The office of a decemvir. + desulphurate v.t. To deprive of sulphur. + decolorate v.t. To decolor. + doubleness n. Duplicity; insincerity. + deplete a. To reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of; to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, a treasury of money, etc. + droopingly adv. In a drooping manner. + dodge n. The act of evading by some skillful movement; a sudden starting aside; hence, an artful device to evade, deceive, or cheat; a cunning trick; an artifice. + desiccator n. One who, or that which, desiccates. + demagogic a. Alt. of Demagogical + deathlike a. Deadly. + debituminization n. The act of depriving of bitumen. + defensively adv. On the defensive. + dumb a. Destitute of the power of speech; unable; to utter articulate sounds; as, the dumb brutes. + dubiety n. Doubtfulness; uncertainty; doubt. + design n. Specifically, intention or purpose as revealed or inferred from the adaptation of means to an end; as, the argument from design. + disadvise v.t. To advise against; to dissuade from. + depressed a. Pressed or forced down; lowed; sunk; dejected; dispirited; sad; humbled. + drudge v.t. To consume laboriously; -- with away. + dashboard n. The float of a paddle wheel. + diluent a. Diluting; making thinner or weaker by admixture, esp. of water. + disworth v.t. To deprive of worth; to degrade. + distracted imp.|p.p. of Distract + disclamation n. A disavowing or disowning. + demagog n. Demagogue. + dertrotheca n. The horny covering of the end of the bill of birds. + deafening n. The act or process of rendering impervious to sound, as a floor or wall; also, the material with which the spaces are filled in this process; pugging. + dub n. A pool or puddle. + disanimate v.t. To deprive of spirit; to dishearten. + demy a. Pertaining to, or made of, the size of paper called demy; as, a demy book. + dictate v.t. To say; to utter; to communicate authoritatively; to deliver (a command) to a subordinate; to declare with authority; to impose; as, to dictate the terms of a treaty; a general dictates orders to his troops. + diatribe n. A prolonged or exhaustive discussion; especially, an acrimonious or invective harangue; a strain of abusive or railing language; a philippic. + donary n. A thing given to a sacred use. + dedicating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dedicate + downstairs a. Below stairs; as, a downstairs room. + disparition n. Act of disappearing; disappearance. + density n. Depth of shade. + disposure n. The act of disposing; power to dispose of; disposal; direction. + dogmatician n. A dogmatist. + ductility n. Tractableness; pliableness. + deservedness n. Meritoriousness. + disculpatory a. Tending to exculpate; exculpatory. + dumous a. Having a compact, bushy form. + deliverance n. Act of bringing forth children. + diagnose v.t.|i. To ascertain by diagnosis; to diagnosticate. See Diagnosticate. + decayed imp.|p.p. of Decay + degenerous a. Degenerate; base. + diurnally adv. Daily; every day. + dismiss v.t. To discard; to remove or discharge from office, service, or employment; as, the king dismisses his ministers; the matter dismisses his servant. + disgarnish v.t. To divest of garniture; to disfurnish; to dismantle. + debutante A person who makes his (or her) first appearance before the public. + duffel n. A kind of coarse woolen cloth, having a thick nap or frieze. + dowse v.t. To plunge, or duck into water; to immerse; to douse. + deprisure n. Low estimation; disesteem; contempt. + defying p.pr.|vb.n. of Defy + depressor n. A muscle that depresses or tends to draw down a part. + diandria n.pl. A Linnaean class of plants having two stamens. + diphthong v.t. To form or pronounce as a diphthong; diphthongize. + damosel n. Alt. of Damoiselle + doted a. Half-rotten; as, doted wood. + distressed imp.|p.p. of Distress + dicky n. A gentleman's shirt collar. + drive n. The act of driving; a trip or an excursion in a carriage, as for exercise or pleasure; -- distinguished from a ride taken on horseback. + diluter n. One who, or that which, dilutes or makes thin, more liquid, or weaker. + dead a. Not brilliant; not rich; thus, brown is a dead color, as compared with crimson. + drayage n. The charge, or sum paid, for the use of a dray. + dignity n. Fundamental principle; axiom; maxim. + dryades pl. of Dryas + degraded imp.|p.p. of Degrade + doucine n. Same as Cyma/recta, under Cyma. + dirigent a. Directing. + dogday One of the dog days. + diodon n. A genus of spinose, plectognath fishes, having the teeth of each jaw united into a single beaklike plate. They are able to inflate the body by taking in air or water, and, hence, are called globefishes, swellfishes, etc. Called also porcupine fishes, and sea hedgehogs. + dilatedly adv. In a dilated manner. + disunion n. The termination of union; separation; disjunction; as, the disunion of the body and the soul. + decree v.t. To determine judicially by authority, or by decree; to constitute by edict; to appoint by decree or law; to determine; to order; to ordain; as, a court decrees a restoration of property. + dyehouse n. A building in which dyeing is carried on. + dragoon n. Formerly, a soldier who was taught and armed to serve either on horseback or on foot; now, a mounted soldier; a cavalry man. + dress v.i. To clothe or apparel one's self; to put on one's garments; to pay particular regard to dress; as, to dress quickly. + derivative n. That which is derived; anything obtained or deduced from another. + diminution n. The act of lessening dignity or consideration, or the state of being deprived of dignity; a lowering in estimation; degradation; abasement. + distaffs pl. of Distaff + deletory n. That which blots out. + depositum n. Deposit. + divel v.t. To rend apart. + desmodont n. A member of a group of South American blood-sucking bats, of the genera Desmodus and Diphylla. See Vampire. + dust n. Fine, dry particles of earth or other matter, so comminuted that they may be raised and wafted by the wind; that which is crumbled too minute portions; fine powder; as, clouds of dust; bone dust. + discession n. Departure. + diviningly adv. In a divining manner. + deedful a. Full of deeds or exploits; active; stirring. + double n. Twice as much; twice the number, sum, quantity, length, value, and the like. + distemperature n. Disorder of body; slight illness; distemper. + divan n. A cushioned seat, or a large, low sofa or couch; especially, one fixed to its place, and not movable. + deloul n. A special breed of the dromedary used for rapid traveling; the swift camel; -- called also herire, and maharik. + dispatch v.t. To send off or away; -- particularly applied to sending off messengers, messages, letters, etc., on special business, and implying haste. + dungfork n. A fork for tossing dung. + despumated imp.|p.p. of Despumate + dictation n. The act of dictating; the act or practice of prescribing; also that which is dictated. + divalent a. Having two units of combining power; bivalent. Cf. Valence. + demitted imp.|p.p. of Demit + darning p.pr.|vb.n. of Darn + decrease v. A becoming less; gradual diminution; decay; as, a decrease of revenue or of strength. + discalceate v.t. To pull off shoes or sandals from. + durbar n. An audience hall; the court of a native prince; a state levee; a formal reception of native princes, given by the governor general of India. + decomplex a. Repeatedly compound; made up of complex constituents. + diarist n. One who keeps a diary. + duodecimo a. Having twelve leaves to a sheet; as, a duodecimo from, book, leaf, size, etc. + deceivableness n. Capability of deceiving. + dulcified imp.|p.p. of Dulcify + deflour v.t. To deprive of flowers. + dunghill n. Any mean situation or condition; a vile abode. + disfigure n. Disfigurement; deformity. + degree n. A line or space of the staff. + distantial a. Distant. + degrade v.t. To reduce in estimation, character, or reputation; to lessen the value of; to lower the physical, moral, or intellectual character of; to debase; to bring shame or contempt upon; to disgrace; as, vice degrades a man. + dresden ware A superior kind of decorated porcelain made near Dresden in Saxony. + dispossessing p.pr.|vb.n. of Dispossess + devaporation n. The change of vapor into water, as in the formation of rain. + deceptiveness n. The power or habit of deceiving; tendency or aptness to deceive. + docimacy n. The art or practice of applying tests to ascertain the nature, quality, etc., of objects, as of metals or ores, of medicines, or of facts pertaining to physiology. + diseasedness n. The state of being diseased; a morbid state; sickness. + dimidiating p.pr.|vb.n. of Dimidiate + devirginate a. Deprived of virginity. + dewworm n. See Earthworm. + disc n. A circular structure either in plants or animals; as, a blood disc, a germinal disc, etc. Same as Disk. + dogmatist n. One who dogmatizes; one who speaks dogmatically; a bold and arrogant advancer of principles. + dissolving a. Melting; breaking up; vanishing. + draughts n.pl. A mild vesicatory. See Draught, n., 3 (c). + defoul v.t. To tread down. + detruding p.pr.|vb.n. of Detrude + depurate a. Depurated; cleansed; freed from impurities. + drawbore n. A hole bored through a tenon nearer to the shoulder than the holes through the cheeks are to the edge or abutment against which the shoulder is to rest, so that a pin or bolt, when driven into it, will draw these parts together. + dry superl. Of persons: Thirsty; needing drink. + demur v.i. Stop; pause; hesitation as to proceeding; suspense of decision or action; scruple. + detumescence n. Diminution of swelling; subsidence of anything swollen. + disparage v.t. To match unequally; to degrade or dishonor by an unequal marriage. + down adv. Hence: Towards the mouth of a river; towards the sea; as, to sail or swim down a stream; to sail down the sound. + developer n. A reagent by the action of which the latent image upon a photographic plate, after exposure in the camera, or otherwise, is developed and visible. + deprehending p.pr.|vb.n. of Deprehend + dogged a. Sullenly obstinate; obstinately determined or persistent; as, dogged resolution; dogged work. + displeaser n. One who displeases. + doublebeat valve See under Valve. + divider n. An instrument for dividing lines, describing circles, etc., compasses. See Compasses. + driving a. Having great force of impulse; as, a driving wind or storm. + deistic a. Alt. of Deistical + dracunculus n. The Guinea worm (Filaria medinensis). + dividuous a. Divided; dividual. + divine a. Godlike; heavenly; excellent in the highest degree; supremely admirable; apparently above what is human. In this application, the word admits of comparison; as, the divinest mind. Sir J. Davies. + divestible a. Capable of being divested. + deism n. The doctrine or creed of a deist; the belief or system of those who acknowledge the existence of one God, but deny revelation. + deadly adv. Extremely. + decline v.t. To bend downward; to bring down; to depress; to cause to bend, or fall. + dactylomancy n. Dactyliomancy. + dependent n. That which depends; corollary; consequence. + dandruff n. A scurf which forms on the head, and comes off in small or particles. + delation n. Conveyance. + draughtsmen pl. of Draughtsman + dissertational a. Relating to dissertations; resembling a dissertation. + draught n. A current of air moving through an inclosed place, as through a room or up a chimney. + disordering p.pr.|vb.n. of Disorder + dieted imp.|p.p. of Diet + disvalue n. Disesteem; disregard. + diaphanometer n. An instrument for measuring the transparency of the air. + decipher v.t. To stamp; to detect; to discover. + due a. Appointed or required to arrive at a given time; as, the steamer was due yesterday. + discuss v.t. To deal with, in eating or drinking. + demography n. The study of races, as to births, marriages, mortality, health, etc. + durance n. Continuance; duration. See Endurance. + depressor n. One who, or that which, presses down; an oppressor. + deluding p.pr.|vb.n. of Delude + docket n. A bill tied to goods, containing some direction, as the name of the owner, or the place to which they are to be sent; a label. + dioptase n. A hydrous silicate of copper, occurring in emerald-green crystals. + desiderata n.pl. See Desideratum. + dodecagynous a. Of or pertaining to the Dodecagynia; having twelve styles. + depone v.t. To lay, as a stake; to wager. + deerneck n. A deerlike, or thin, ill-formed neck, as of a horse. + disclose v.t. To remove a cover or envelope from;; to set free from inclosure; to uncover. + drecche v.t. To vex; to torment; to trouble. + dislink v.t. To unlink; to disunite; to separate. + deathful a. Full of death or slaughter; murderous; destructive; bloody. + dewclaw n. In any animal, esp. of the Herbivora, a rudimentary claw or small hoof not reaching the ground. + diruption a. Disruption. + drifty a. Full of drifts; tending to form drifts, as snow, and the like. + disincline v.t. To incline away the affections of; to excite a slight aversion in; to indispose; to make unwilling; to alienate. + declinator n. A dissentient. + deuterogamist n. One who marries the second time. + decidedly adv. In a decided manner; indisputably; clearly; thoroughly. + ducklegged a. Having short legs, like a waddling duck; short-legged. + decrepitude n. The broken state produced by decay and the infirmities of age; infirm old age. + disciplinarian n. A Puritan or Presbyterian; -- because of rigid adherence to religious or church discipline. + desultory a. Out of course; by the way; as a digression; not connected with the subject; as, a desultory remark. + devi n. ; fem. of Deva. A goddess. + dose n. The quantity of medicine given, or prescribed to be taken, at one time. + discussive a. Doubt-dispelling; decisive. + decurionate n. The office of a decurion. + despot n. One who rules regardless of a constitution or laws; a tyrant. + duncify v.t. To make stupid in intellect. + draw v.t. To remove the contents of + dispraise v.t. To withdraw praise from; to notice with disapprobation or some degree of censure; to disparage; to blame. + decipium n. A supposed rare element, said to be associated with cerium, yttrium, etc., in the mineral samarskite, and more recently called samarium. Symbol Dp. See Samarium. + domesticated imp.|p.p. of Domesticate + devolution n. The act of rolling down. + decussated a. Crossed; intersected. + dimethyl n. Ethane; -- sometimes so called because regarded as consisting of two methyl radicals. See Ethane. + discern v.i. To make cognizance. + deanery n. The office or the revenue of a dean. See the Note under Benefice, n., 3. + disinherit v.t. To deprive of heritage; to dispossess. + diversify v.t. To make diverse or various in form or quality; to give variety to; to variegate; to distinguish by numerous differences or aspects. + depositor n. One who makes a deposit, especially of money in a bank; -- the correlative of depository. + decoration n. The act of adorning, embellishing, or honoring; ornamentation. + detrect v.t. To refuse; to decline. + dudder v.t. To confuse or confound with noise. + disgracing p.pr.|vb.n. of Disgrace + dambose n. A crystalline variety of fruit sugar obtained from dambonite. + downbear v.t. To bear down; to depress. + dike n. A ditch; a channel for water made by digging. + disespouse v.t. To release from espousal or plighted faith. + deprecation n. Entreaty for pardon; petitioning. + disglory n. Dishonor. + distribute v.t. To separate (type which has been used) and return it to the proper boxes in the cases. + dendrocla n.pl. A division of the Turbellaria in which the digestive cavity gives off lateral branches, which are often divided into smaller branchlets. + deist n. One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker. + downward a. Descending from a head, origin, or source; as, a downward line of descent. + drip v.t. To let fall in drops. + divine v.t. To render divine; to deify. + decempedal a. Ten feet in length. + dignity n. Elevated rank; honorable station; high office, political or ecclesiastical; degree of excellence; preferment; exaltation. + dactylioglyphi n. The art or process of gem engraving. + drum major . + dedicatory n. Dedication. + daddled imp.|p.p. of Dadle + degree n. A division, space, or interval, marked on a mathematical or other instrument, as on a thermometer. + doughkneaded a. Like dough; soft. + discussed imp.|p.p. of Discuss + dyaks n.pl. The aboriginal and most numerous inhabitants of Borneo. They are partially civilized, but retain many barbarous practices. + deliberation n. The act of deliberating, or of weighing and examining the reasons for and against a choice or measure; careful consideration; mature reflection. + drowsed imp.|p.p. of Drowse + dock v.t. To cut off a part from; to shorten; to deduct from; to subject to a deduction; as, to dock one's wages. + diagram n. A figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan. + disorder n. Disturbance of the functions of the animal economy of the soul; sickness; derangement. + devouringly adv. In a devouring manner. + disertitude n. Eloquence. + despairer n. One who despairs. + decoration n. That which adorns, enriches, or beautifies; something added by way of embellishment; ornament. + dwelt imp.|p.p. of Dwell. + dang of Ding + dousing p.pr.|vb.n. of Douse + decoymen pl. of Decoy-man + darer n. One who dares or defies. + diplomacy n. Dexterity or skill in securing advantages; tact. + disqualification n. That which disqualifies; that which incapacitates or makes unfit; as, conviction of crime is a disqualification of a person for office; sickness is a disqualification for labor. + die n. A hollow internally threaded screw-cutting tool, made in one piece or composed of several parts, for forming screw threads on bolts, etc.; one of the separate parts which make up such a tool. + diacoustic a. Pertaining to the science or doctrine of refracted sounds. + delphin n. A fatty substance contained in the oil of the dolphin and the porpoise; -- called also phocenin. + discountenanced imp.|p.p. of Discountenance + doubt v.i. A fluctuation of mind arising from defect of knowledge or evidence; uncertainty of judgment or mind; unsettled state of opinion concerning the reality of an event, or the truth of an assertion, etc.; hesitation. + dative a. Given by a magistrate, as distinguished from being cast upon a party by the law. + dough n. Paste of bread; a soft mass of moistened flour or meal, kneaded or unkneaded, but not yet baked; as, to knead dough. + dying a. In the act of dying; destined to death; mortal; perishable; as, dying bodies. + dislimn v.t. To efface, as a picture. + deputator n. One who deputes, or makes a deputation. + dropper n. A dropping tube. + defacement n. The act of defacing, or the condition of being defaced; injury to the surface or exterior; obliteration. + discontented p.p.|a. Dissatisfied; uneasy in mind; malcontent. + disuniter n. One who, or that which, disjoins or causes disunion. + dispathy n. Lack of sympathy; want of passion; apathy. + dropt of Drop + desiccant n. A medicine or application for drying up a sore. + defer v.t. To put off; to postpone to a future time; to delay the execution of; to delay; to withhold. + decumbent a. Reclining on the ground, as if too weak to stand, and tending to rise at the summit or apex; as, a decumbent stem. + decoct v.t. To prepare by boiling; to digest in hot or boiling water; to extract the strength or flavor of by boiling; to make an infusion of. + disgraduate v.t. To degrade; to reduce in rank. + dwale a. The tincture sable or black when blazoned according to the fantastic system in which plants are substituted for the tinctures. + dobchick n. See Dabchick. + dittybox n. A small box to hold a sailor's thread, needless, comb, etc. + dire superl. Evil in great degree; dreadful; dismal; horrible; terrible; lamentable. + disenchanting p.pr.|vb.n. of Disenchant + drowsihed n. Drowsihead. + doolies pl. of Dooly + dissuasive a. Tending to dissuade or divert from a measure or purpose; dehortatory; as, dissuasive advice. + denotive a. Serving to denote. + deflectionize v.t. To free from inflections. + dismount v.t. To throw or remove from a horse; to unhorse; as, the soldier dismounted his adversary. + diurnation n. The condition of sleeping or becoming dormant by day, as is the case of the bats. + denotate v.t. To mark off; to denote. + demonial a. Of or pertaining to a demon. + dirtying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dirty + displant v.t. To strip of what is planted or settled; as, to displant a country of inhabitants. + domicile n. An abode or mansion; a place of permanent residence, either of an individual or a family. + disserving p.pr.|vb.n. of Disserve + dupper n. See 2d Dubber. + diverge v.i. To extend from a common point in different directions; to tend from one point and recede from each other; to tend to spread apart; to turn aside or deviate (as from a given direction); -- opposed to converge; as, rays of light diverge as they proceed from the sun. + dainties pl. of Dainty + desire v.t. The natural longing that is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of any good, and impels to action or effort its continuance or possession; an eager wish to obtain or enjoy. + domiciliar n. A member of a household; a domestic. + dissension n. Disagreement in opinion, usually of a violent character, producing warm debates or angry words; contention in words; partisan and contentious divisions; breach of friendship and union; strife; discord; quarrel. + default n. Fault; offense; ill deed; wrong act; failure in virtue or wisdom. + deliver v.t. Free; nimble; sprightly; active. + deserter n. One who forsakes a duty, a cause or a party, a friend, or any one to whom he owes service; especially, a soldier or a seaman who abandons the service without leave; one guilty of desertion. + deplete a. To empty or unload, as the vessels of human system, by bloodletting or by medicine. + diabaterial a. Passing over the borders. + dallying p.pr.|vb.n. of Dally + delightful a. Highly pleasing; affording great pleasure and satisfaction. + dipyridil n. A crystalline nitrogenous base, C10H8N2, obtained by the reduction of pyridine. + displaceable a. Capable of being displaced. + debauchness n. Debauchedness. + desideration n. Act of desiderating; also, the thing desired. + doko n. See Lepidosiren. + disincorporated imp.|p.p. of Disincorporate + donation n. The act of giving or bestowing; a grant. + discarnate a. Stripped of flesh. + detriment n. That which injures or causes damage; mischief; harm; diminution; loss; damage; -- used very generically; as, detriments to property, religion, morals, etc. + diagraph n. A drawing instrument, combining a protractor and scale. + disimbitter v.t. To free from bitterness. + delating p.pr.|vb.n. of Delate + diodont n. A fish of the genus Diodon, or an allied genus. + dimplement n. The state of being dimpled, or marked with gentle depressions. + deodorizer n. He who, or that which, deodorizes; esp., an agent that destroys offensive odors. + doubtfulness n. State of being doubtful. + digest v.t. That which is digested; especially, that which is worked over, classified, and arranged under proper heads or titles + darken a. To cloud, obscure, or perplex; to render less clear or intelligible. + diamonded a. Having figures like a diamond or lozenge. + despread v.t.|i. See Dispread. + diastolic a. Of or pertaining to diastole. + dissolver n. One who, or that which, has power to dissolve or dissipate. + depauperating p.pr.|vb.n. of Depauperate + disrank v.t. To degrade from rank. + dicast n. A functionary in ancient Athens answering nearly to the modern juryman. + doublecharge v.t. To overcharge. + detent n. That which locks or unlocks a movement; a catch, pawl, or dog; especially, in clockwork, the catch which locks and unlocks the wheelwork in striking. + dirt n. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean; earth; as, a wagonload of dirt. + disimprove v.i. To grow worse; to deteriorate. + dipyridine n. A polymeric form of pyridine, C10H10N2, obtained as a colorless oil by the action of sodium on pyridine. + decollate v.t. To sever from the neck; to behead; to decapitate. + detteles a. Free from debt. + divorce n. A legal dissolution of the marriage contract by a court or other body having competent authority. This is properly a divorce, and called, technically, divorce a vinculo matrimonii. + doubt v.i. Uncertainty of condition. + deferrer n. One who defers or puts off. + dastard v.t. To dastardize. + degloried a. Deprived of glory; dishonored. + desophisticate v.t. To clear from sophism or error. + decretist n. One who studies, or professes the knowledge of, the decretals. + disacknowledge v.t. To refuse to acknowledge; to deny; to disown. + demolished imp.|p.p. of Demolish + decapitation n. The act of beheading; beheading. + dreadful a. Inspiring dread; impressing great fear; fearful; terrible; as, a dreadful storm. + deaneries pl. of Deanery + driver n. The after sail in a ship or bark, being a fore-and-aft sail attached to a gaff; a spanker. + degree n. A 360th part of the circumference of a circle, which part is taken as the principal unit of measure for arcs and angles. The degree is divided into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds. + draught v.t. To draw out; to call forth. See Draft. + draw v.t. To cause to come out for one's use or benefit; to extract; to educe; to bring forth; as: (a) To bring or take out, or to let out, from some receptacle, as a stick or post from a hole, water from a cask or well, etc. + dismount v.t. To throw or bring down from an elevation, place of honor and authority, or the like. + doctor v.t. To treat as a physician does; to apply remedies to; to repair; as, to doctor a sick man or a broken cart. + dismal a. Fatal; ill-omened; unlucky. + decime n. A French coin, the tenth part of a franc, equal to about two cents. + domestical n. A family; a household. + dilettantism n. Same as Dilettanteism. + dinted imp.|p.p. of Dint + deposition n. An opinion, example, or statement, laid down or asserted; a declaration. + dynastic a. Of or relating to a dynasty or line of kings. + declension n. A falling off towards a worse state; a downward tendency; deterioration; decay; as, the declension of virtue, of science, of a state, etc. + dependence n. The state of being influenced and determined by something; subjection (as of an effect to its cause). + digit v.t. To point at or out with the finger. + degeneracy a. The act of becoming degenerate; a growing worse. + duykerbok n. A small South African antelope (Cephalous mergens); -- called also impoon, and deloo. + dementation n. The act of depriving of reason; madness. + destroy v.t. To ruin; to bring to naught; to put an end to; to annihilate; to consume. + distributing a. That distributes; dealing out. + division n. A course of notes so running into each other as to form one series or chain, to be sung in one breath to one syllable. + doniferous a. Bearing gifts. + disengage v.t. To release from that with which anything is engaged, engrossed, involved, or entangled; to extricate; to detach; to set free; to liberate; to clear; as, to disengage one from a party, from broils and controversies, from an oath, promise, or occupation; to disengage the affections a favorite pursuit, the mind from study. + devilish a. Extreme; excessive. + dysenteric a. Alt. of Dysenterical + determining p.pr.|vb.n. of Determine + dionaea n. An insectivorous plant. See Venus's flytrap. + demand v.t. To require as necessary or useful; to be in urgent need of; hence, to call for; as, the case demands care. + devil n. A machine for tearing or cutting rags, cotton, etc. + disk n. A discus; a quoit. + date n. Assigned end; conclusion. + depicturing p.pr.|vb.n. of Depicture + digestion n. The act or process of digesting; reduction to order; classification; thoughtful consideration. + dorr v.t. To deafen with noise. + dulce v.t. To make sweet; to soothe. + dereligionize v.t. To make irreligious; to turn from religion. + dilator n. One who, or that which, widens or expands. + disallowable a. Not allowable; not to be suffered. + dowse v.i. To use the dipping or divining rod, as in search of water, ore, etc. + demand v.t. To inquire authoritatively or earnestly; to ask, esp. in a peremptory manner; to question. + dualin n. An explosive substance consisting essentially of sawdust or wood pulp, saturated with nitroglycerin and other similar nitro compounds. It is inferior to dynamite, and is more liable to explosion. + disputative a. Disposed to dispute; inclined to cavil or to reason in opposition; as, a disputative temper. + detaching p.pr.|vb.n. of Detach + deposal n. The act of deposing from office; a removal from the throne. + dimorphism n. Difference of form between members of the same species, as when a plant has two kinds of flowers, both hermaphrodite (as in the partridge berry), or when there are two forms of one or both sexes of the same species of butterfly. + discourser n. One who discourse; a narrator; a speaker; an haranguer. + dromatherium n. A small extinct triassic mammal from North Carolina, the earliest yet found in America. + dispenser n. One who, or that which, dispenses; a distributer; as, a dispenser of favors. + deterrent n. That which deters or prevents. + drive v.i. To rush and press with violence; to move furiously. + devergence n. Alt. of Devergency + dobber n. A float to a fishing line. + domage n. Subjugation. + dragman n. A fisherman who uses a dragnet. + dag n. A loose end; a dangling shred. + doff v.t. To strip; to divest; to undress. + ducker n. A cringing, servile person; a fawner. -