The split function

If you want to use your own split function, there is no need to do this.

When you are in the home directory for your class account on rabbit (type the "pwd" command, the response should be /home/spring99/yourname), the following two commands will download the files:
  1. cp ../split.h .
  2. cp ../split.o .
Note the dots sitting all on their own at the ends of the lines. They are supposed to be there.

Then write a normal C program that makes use of the split function, it should have #include "split.h" near the top with any other #includes. If you are not confident that your test program is correct, follow this link for one you can download.

Then, (assuming that your test prorgam is called "prog.c") you compile and run the program with these two commands:
  1. cc prog.c split.o -o prog
  2. prog
That should be all it takes.