Fall 2017


If you need to meet me for ECE 118 questions, the best time is Mondays and Tuesdays during lab hours 5.00 pm - 6.50 pm at the McArthur Eng 237.


If you have questions on ECE 218, you can meet me after 6.50 pm (Just after the ECE118 labs) on Mondays and Tuesdays at the McArthur Eng 237.

Connect to rabbit from macOS

A recent macOS update by default disables the ssh-dss key algorithm. There are two fixes:

1. Login with ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss username@rabbit.eng.miami.edu


2: check /etc/ssh/ssh_config or /etc/ssh_config file and make sure that the

HostKeyAlgorithms line is un-commented and includes the ssh-dss.

Getting started with UNIX

Spring 2018

ECE 521

File System Implementation