The Project

Mike Chemistruck and I took it upon ourselves to model the Eaton stairwell, mostly out of convenience of living distance and how cool it actually sounds. The goal was to build a 3D compter model of the space, run some tests, and then compare its synthesized impulse response to the real thing.


So in all, it sounded awesome. Here's the graphs, my essay, and some sound clips comparing the real thing to the model in EASE.

Here is the essay:


There are three audio files below. The first two are the sound samples with the impulses convolved with dry audio. The first is from the actual real impulse, and the second is with the synthetic modeled one. The last file is the same thing, but the dry, uncolvoluted sample. (You're best bet is to right click and save link as. It won't play in the Google Chrome browser for me.)

Real Reverb

Synthetic Reverb

Dry Sample

Here is the inside, 3D view of the ease rendering.

And here's whay the sound rays look like when they bounce off walls.

Some Graphs.....

And some more cool pics

And finally here is the Google SketchUp version of the stairs, followed by some more pics.

And here are the images comparing the time domain impulse responses as well as the FFT graphs, showing frequncy response and phase!