Useful Algorithm Implementations
Fast Dijkstra
Prim with O(n^2) find-min
Prim (fast with a Priority Queue)
Infinite Knapsack(coin problem)
0_1 Knapsack(party problem)
Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP string searching algorithm)
Fast Trie Implementation
Knapsack Type MOD problem
Fast Convex Hull
Computes the maximum order of an element in the Symmetric group Sn
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Prime Sieve/ Euler Totient function Sieve
Perfect Power Test
Miller_Rabin Primality Testing
Random Factored Number in { 1, 2, ..... M}
Classification of Finite Abelian Groups
Expression-parsing-with stacks
Expression-parsing-with trees
Fast Multiplication of Large Integers using the Fast Fourier Transform(tested to 10^6 digit operands)
Complete and efficient Big Integer class(with Fourier Transforms)