Your rabbit username is composed of the following [first letter of your first name][your last name]
For example: Istvan von Fedak's rabbit username would be
Step 1: Open terminal. It should be in your applications folder.
Step 2: Type ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss in terminal and press enter. Make sure you type your rabbit user name instead of username.
Step 3: Type yes and press enter to connect to rabbit.
Step 4: Type in your password. Which should be a capital C followed by your C number.
Note: Repeat this process to sign in again next time.
Step 1: Download putty at
Step 2: Open putty by clicking on the putty.exe file.
Step 3: Under Host Name (or IP address) type Make sure to type your rabbit user name instead of username.
Step 4: Make sure the SSH button is selected.
Step 5: Under Saved Sessions type rabbit.
Step 6: Click the Save button.
Step 7: Click rabbit under saved sessions to login.
Step 8: Type in your password which should be a capital C followed by your C number.
Note: Next time you sign in just click rabbit, under Saved Sessions, and it should sign you in.
If you have the Windows 10 anniversary update, you can download the Ubuntu core on windows. This would give you the option to sign in from the command line and allow you to copy and paste from the screen.
Command | Description |
logout | - log out of rabbit |
passwd | - changes your account password |
ls | - list files in the current directory |
pwd | - prints current working directory |
touch file_name.cpp | - creates a file named file_name.cpp |
rm file_name.cpp | - removes/deletes file named file_name.cpp |
cat file_name.cpp | - prints content of file_name.cpp to the terminal |
mkdir folder_name | - creates a directory named folder_name |
a directory is the same as a folder so mkdir makes a folder | |
rmdir folder_name | - if the directory is empty, it will remove/delete the directory named folder_name |
cd folder_name | - changes your current working directory to folder_name |
CodeCademy offers a good tutorial on terminal commands. You can create an account and do the free lessons (you don't need to upgrade to pro!).
Pico is a text editor for Unix.
Command | Description |
pico file_name.cpp | - creates or opens a file named file_name.cpp |
control + o | - saves the file when both the control key and o key are pressed (o as in oscar) |
make sure you have the correct file name and press enter | |
control + x | - exits pico when both the control key and x key are pressed |
If you try to exit pico without saving, it will ask you if you want to save the file. Press the y key, give the file a name and press enter to save it.
Compiling your code allows you to create an executable file that runs your program. The executable tells the computer how to execute your program.
Command | Description |
g++ file_name.cpp | - tells the computer to compile the file file_name.cpp |
a.out | - to run your executable, type a.out in the terminal and press enter |
Tip: make sure your file name ends with .cpp to tell the compiler it's a C plus plus file.
Pine is a email service similar to gmail or outlook.
Command | Description |
pine | - type pine in the terminal followed by enter will open pine |
Q | - quit pine |
C | - compose a message |
Steps for sending a message with an attachment:
Step 1: | To open pine type pine in the terminal and press enter. |
Step 2: | To compose a message press the C key. |
Step 3: | Move your cursor to "To :" and type the email address you want to send the message to. |
Step 4: | Move your cursor to "Attchmnt:" and press down both the control key and the t key. |
Step 5: | Search for the file you want to attach and press enter once the cursor highlights the file. |
Step 6: | Move your cursor to "Subject :" and type the email's subject. |
Step 7: | Move your cursor below "----- Message Text -----" and type the message text. |
Step 8: | To send the message press both the control key and the x key, followed by the y key. |
Step 9: | To quit pine press the q key, followed by the y key. |
Step 1: | Make sure you are logged into rabbit. You should be greeted with the message "The New Rabbit." |
Step 2: | Type pico hello.cpp and press enter. |
This will create a file named hello.cpp but you can name it whatever you want. | |
Step 3: | Type the following program in pico: |
#include <library.h>
int main(){
cout<<"Hello World"<<"\n" ;
// this is the same as using print("Hello World \n");
return 0;
Step 4: | Save the program by pressing both the control key and the o key, and press enter. |
Step 5: | Quit pico by pressing both the control key and the x key. |
Step 6: | Compile the program by typing g++ hello.cpp and press enter. |
Step 7: | Type a.out in the terminal and press enter to run the program. |
The compiler will give you errors if there are bugs in your code.