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Abstract Introduction Technical Information Procedure
To determine the Gaussian interpolating functions we had to find a set
of coefficients to best fit the given data. We had to find the coefficients
Ck of function f to best fit to Yi at Xi, when i= 1…N. To solve this I
used the lsqcurvefit function. The lsqcurvefit returned
the approximation to the points of the given channel. I plot this approximation
for each channel. With the exception of the red channel the other two
behaved as expected.
The next part of the project consisted of constructing the RGB channels of a color image with the output of the KodakDCS200 camera. For each lamda I used the gaussian function and the ouput of the lsqcurvefit to get hirteen different sentivities. The thirteen sensitivities were multiplied with the thirteen images to produce the color channel. To get the final channel we integrate the function. I used the sum function integrated with matlab to do a Zero Order Integration. The three channels were then normalized from zero to one and combined
to create the final image.
The last part of the project was to segment the color image. My UNIX experience made this an easy step because segwin behaved just like a UNIX program. To obtain the program was straight forward, I just download the file from the University of California at Santa Barbara site. In MSDOS prompt, I typed: > segwin –i final.jpg –t 6 –o final.seg.jpg 0.9 The " -i " flag was the name of the input file. The "-t" told the software the image type, in this case JPG which was number six. And the "-o" was the name of the output file with a threshold of 0.9. The program output was the color image segmented between the different regions. In the results section you can see the final segmented image. Results The results of the Gaussian curve where three different plots:
The plots for the Blue and Green channels were what I expected but the Red channel was different. It had no curve that fit the points. Maybe and error in the code was the cause of it. Before creating the final image with the three different channels I saved an image of each separate channels. This is how they look:
This three images looked alike, but I think one was lighter than the other. This three images combined gave this result:
This was the final image without been segmented. I showed the image a little bit bigger that the others so it could be more detailed. This image was kind of purple and I think this is not the right result. I guess my red channel was the one who caused this mistake. The segmented image with the Deng & Manjunath algorith:
This result was very good. The software worked perfectly, it impressed me. Conclusion |