C/C++ Function Reference


DOS/Windows distinguishes between text and non-text files. If you open a file (using fopen, open, or _open) without special precautions it will be assumed to be a text file, regardless of its name or contents. Text files are processed strangely. Attempting to print \n, \r, or the sequence \r\n always results in the sequence \r\n being actually printed. This ruins binary data. On reading, \r is similarly mutilated, the byte 0xFF can appear to be the end of the file, and who knows what other nonsense occurs.

All of this can be avoided. If you are opening a file that should not be treated as text: a file that contains binary or unformatted data, indicate that fact when opening the file. Use one of the following:
            FILE * f = fopen("name.dat", "rb");
            FILE * f = fopen("name.dat", "wb");
            int f = open("name.dat", O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
All the normal forms of open and fopen are available. Adding the letter "b" or the flag O_BINARY to the normal modes is all that is required to disable disastrous character processing.

Keyboard and Screen

The following appies only to "Console Applications", as visula C/C++ calls them. If you create a plain "Application", you will have to program all input and output through event loops and windows components. The following functions interact through a little black "DOS shell window".

Output to the screen is not fully buffered. Under normal unix programming, to produce a "progress bar" that makes a slow trail of dots across the screen, it is necessary to use something like this: printf("."); fflush(stdout);, otherwise nothing is printed until a whole line of dots has been produced. Under windows the dots will appear immediately, the fflsuh is not needed. (Under unix, if lower level i/o is performed, the buffering can also be avoided: write(1, ".", 1); also has an immediate effect).

   int _kbhit(void)
      include: <conio.h>
      Returns 1 if a keyboard key has been hit and is ready to read, 0 otherwise.
      This is not a fast function. See the sample following _getch().
      Note that there is an underline character in the name.

   int _getch(void)
      include: <conio.h>
      Waits until a keyboard key has been typed, then returns the code (usually
      ASCII code) associated with it. The function only waits for a single keypress,
      it does not wait until ENTER has been pressed. When used in conjunction with
      _kbhit(), all waiting can be prevented, even if no keys have been pressed.
      The character typed is not echoed.

         This loop repeats everything that is typed, as soon as it is typed, except
      that capitals are replaced with lower-case and vice versa. It also prints a
      "." every time a second passes without any keys being typed.
         The timing is of course approximate, and on faster computers the dots
      will come out faster. But note how small the variable cnt is when a second
      has elapsed. _kbhit() is not a fast function. 270,000 calls per second
      on an AMDS Athlon Xp 2000+ processor.
         A more CPU-efficient version is shown after the description of the Sleep

          int cnt=0;
          while (1)
          { if (_kbhit())
            { cnt=0;
              int x=_getch();
              if (x>='a' && x<='z') x-=32;
              else if (x>='A' && x<='Z') x+=32;
              printf("[%c]", x); }
            { cnt+=1;
              if (cnt>=270000)
               { printf(".");
                 cnt=0; } } } } 

   int _getche(void)
      include: <conio.h>
      Exactly the same as _getch(), except that they keystroke is automatically
      echoed as is normal for interacting input.


The unix functions sleep and usleep are not available in their simple form. The windows function Sleep() may be used (note the capital S) but it introduces complexities. It requires two heavyweight include files that define a lot of global names, and the chances for a name clash are high. Unfortunately I do not know of any other way of making a pause in processing without using a tight loop that keeps the CPU fully occupied.

   void Sleep(int ms)
      include: <windows.h>
      include: <winbase.h>
      The parameter is the number of milliseconds to sleep, and is actually
      declared as a DWORD, but that is functionally equivalent to int.
      This function actually causes the calling Thread to sleep for the
      specififed time, not the whole process. The sleep time is fairly accurate, and
      is not affected by differences in CPU speed.
         The following is the example that was provided for _getch() and _kbhit(), but
      in a more friednly and efficient form:

          while (1)
          { if (_kbhit())
            { int x=_getch();
              if (x>='a' && x<='z') x-=32;
              else if (x>='A' && x<='Z') x+=32;
              printf("[%c]", x); }
            { Sleep(1000);
              printf("."); } }