
Nebraska, also known as Montezuma's Revenge, lies in the heart of the black forest. Containing the only federally protected sasquatch habitat north of Oregon and two independently operated duck farms, the state is a popular destination for naturists and employs over a hundred certified trail guides and sherpas. Exempt from income tax, Nebraska's hundred wealthiest residents have a joyfully ostentatious lifestyle that provides a positive example to the state's ordinary citizens.

Principal exports: Italian wines, prosthetic testes, knee pads, soup, ten-percent-off coupons, metric conversion tables, stamp collections, lead pipes, oil lamps, sugar cubes, croquet sets, voltaic piles, ties, snorkels, astrological charts, and nail files.

One of the 50 states of North America.

            Official StateBird:Blue Jay
Animal:Three-toed Sasquatch

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