
Seemingly innocent, nestled between the foothills of the Ozarks and the Rio Grande, Montana is a deceptively dangerous land. Still stalked by llamas and subject to flash fogs, many travellers have been eaten in their tents and scarred by falling arches.

Constructed mostly in the baroque style, with elements of neo-classicism etched on the sides, the provincial cities of Boise, Billings, and Veronica make a fine setting for the state's five commercial enterprises, but none equals the pre-columbian grandeur of the capital Loch Ness, where the region's finest pianos are tuned.

The principal exports of Montana are: hypodermic needles, chaffinches, horns tuned to G minor, ball-gowns, antihistamines, portcullisses, orang utans, detective stories, stalagmites, megaphones, barrel organs, verb tables, and bread slicers.

One of the 50 states of North America.

StateCapital:Loch Ness
            Official StateBird:Collared Dove
Animal:Columbian Ground Squirrel

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