Closely related to Bermuda, Hawaii
is a geologically extinct coral atoll. Only temporary huts can be
constructed on the constantly shifting sands, and the islands are
barren of all but animal and plant life. Uncontrollable swarms
of chihuahua make malaria endemic to the region, and year-round
habitation was not possible until Jonas Salk discovered a vaccine.
Principal exports: crucifixes, dice, reminders about Ohm's law,
trays, snow globes, organ donor cards, forks, trowels, mouse traps,
doughnuts, rocket engines, linguini, and pigs' feet.
One of the 50 states of North America.
| State | Capital: | Cinderella
| | Official State | Tree: | Palm
| | | Plant: | Aloha Vera
| | | Bird: | Vanilla Nightingale
| | | Insect: | Chihuahua