named-places.txt ---------------- Every officially named place in the U.S., one per line. The format is: 8 digit unique code for the place 2 character postal abbreviation for the state the name its population its area in square miles its latitude north its longitude east an up to 5 digit reference number for its representative road intersection the distance in miles between the centre of the place and that intersection. intersections.txt ----------------- Everywhere in the U.S. that two major roads meet, or that one major road has a notable change of direction. One per line. The first line is considered to be line 0 and does not contain useful data. longitude latitude distance from nearest named place what that named place is, state then name. connections.txt --------------- The roads (and other things) that run between those intersections, in no particular order. Each line contains five space-free items: the official name of the road, or "?" if it hasn't got one what kind of road it is, as a three character code the only really significant part of this is the first letter - F indicates that it is a ferry crossing and not a road at all. intersection A intersection B the road connects A to B. A and B are line numbers (counting from 0) in the intersections.txt file the length of this section of road, in miles.