+ gaff n. The spar upon which the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail is extended. + grain n. A branch of a tree; a stalk or stem of a plant. + girdle n. A thin bed or stratum of stone. + galenical an. Relating to Galen or to his principles and method of treating diseases. + grogginess n. Tenderness or stiffness in the foot of a horse, which causes him to move in a hobbling manner. + gairishly n. Alt. of Gairish/ness + glow v.i. To feel the heat of passion; to be animated, as by intense love, zeal, anger, etc.; to rage, as passior; as, the heart glows with love, zeal, or patriotism. + gravity a. The tendency of a mass of matter toward a center of attraction; esp., the tendency of a body toward the center of the earth; terrestrial gravitation. + gathering n. The act of collecting or bringing together. + gallied p.p.|a. Worried; flurried; frightened. + galiot n. A strong, light-draft, Dutch merchant vessel, carrying a mainmast and a mizzenmast, and a large gaff mainsail. + guard n. To fasten by binding; to gird. + geodetically adv. In a geodetic manner; according to geodesy. + glossographical a. Of or pertaining to glossography. + glires n.pl. An order of mammals; the Rodentia. + good superl. Kind; benevolent; humane; merciful; gracious; polite; propitious; friendly; well-disposed; -- often followed by to or toward, also formerly by unto. + gravamens pl. of Gravamen + gemara n. The second part of the Talmud, or the commentary on the Mishna (which forms the first part or text). + groined a. Built with groins; as, a groined ceiling; a groined vault. + grimalkin n. An old cat, esp. a she-cat. + gonophore n. A sexual zooid produced as a medusoid bud upon a hydroid, sometimes becoming a free hydromedusa, sometimes remaining attached. See Hydroidea, and Illusts. of Athecata, Campanularian, and Gonosome. + glib superl. Speaking or spoken smoothly and with flippant rapidity; fluent; voluble; as, a glib tongue; a glib speech. + guarish v.t. To heal. + glitter v.i. To be showy, specious, or striking, and hence attractive; as, the glittering scenes of a court. + granado n. See Grenade. + girth n. A small horizontal brace or girder. + gift v.t. A voluntary transfer of real or personal property, without any consideration. It can be perfected only by deed, or in case of personal property, by an actual delivery of possession. + gecko n. Any lizard of the family Geckonidae. The geckoes are small, carnivorous, mostly nocturnal animals with large eyes and vertical, elliptical pupils. Their toes are generally expanded, and furnished with adhesive disks, by which they can run over walls and ceilings. They are numerous in warm countries, and a few species are found in Europe and the United States. See Wall gecko, Fanfoot. + gamely adv. In a plucky manner; spiritedly. + grig n. Heath. + gloried imp.|p.p. of Glory + grappled imp.|p.p. of Grapple + gabelleman n. A gabeler. + gable n. A cable. + grind v.t. To study hard for examination. + gracious a. Abounding in beauty, loveliness, or amiability; graceful; excellent. + gilthead n. A marine fish. + grenadine n. A thin gauzelike fabric of silk or wool, for women's wear. + geogony n. The branch of science which treats of the formation of the earth. + gaited a. Having (such) a gait; -- used in composition; as, slow-gaited; heavy-gaited. + guilty superl. Condemned to payment. + gossiped imp.|p.p. of Gossip + gnomologic a. Alt. of Gnomological + grading p.pr.|vb.n. of Grade + grasper imp.|p.p. of Grasp + graminifolious a. Bearing leaves resembling those of grass. + gastroduodenal a. Pertaining to the stomach and duodenum; as, the gastroduodenal artery. + glaciate v.t. To produce glacial effects upon, as in the scoring of rocks, transportation of loose material, etc. + glaverer n. A flatterer. + gibing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gibe + goose n. Any large bird of other related families, resembling the common goose. + gadder n. One who roves about idly, a rambling gossip. + garbler n. One who garbles. + gauntlet n. A long glove, covering the wrist. + gut v.t. To plunder of contents; to destroy or remove the interior or contents of; as, a mob gutted the bouse. + gamboling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gambol + gabber n. A liar; a deceiver. + gabeler n. A collector of gabels or taxes. + gage n. To give or deposit as a pledge or security for some act; to wage or wager; to pawn or pledge. + generalship n. The office of a general; the exercise of the functions of a general; -- sometimes, with the possessive pronoun, the personality of a general. + gestation n. The act of carrying young in the womb from conception to delivery; pregnancy. + gate n. The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece. + grandee n. A man of elevated rank or station; a nobleman. In Spain, a nobleman of the first rank, who may be covered in the king's presence. + game v.i. The use or practice of such a game; a single match at play; a single contest; as, a game at cards. + gauge n. Any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the dimensions or forms of things; a templet or template; as, a button maker's gauge. + gold v.t. Figuratively, something precious or pure; as, hearts of gold. + graspable a. Capable of being grasped. + galago n. A genus of African lemurs, including numerous species. + guacho n. One of the mixed-blood (Spanish-Indian) inhabitants of the pampas of South America; a mestizo. + glad superl. Pleased; joyous; happy; cheerful; gratified; -- opposed to sorry, sorrowful, or unhappy; -- said of persons, and often followed by of, at, that, or by the infinitive, and sometimes by with, introducing the cause or reason. + grise pl. of Gree + goitred a. Affected with goiter. + gemel n. One of the barrulets placed parallel and closed to each other. Cf. Bars gemel, under Gemel, a. + goldsinny n. See Goldfinny. + gases pl. of Gas + gaberdine n. See Gabardine. + grout n. Formerly, a kind of beer or ale. + glibly adv. In a glib manner; as, to speak glibly. + grin v.i. To set the teeth together and open the lips, or to open the mouth and withdraw the lips from the teeth, so as to show them, as in laughter, scorn, or pain. + galenist n. A follower of Galen. + grandness n. Grandeur. + gooseberry a. Any thorny shrub of the genus Ribes; also, the edible berries of such shrub. There are several species, of which Ribes Grossularia is the one commonly cultivated. + glamour n. A charm affecting the eye, making objects appear different from what they really are. + gelatiniferous a. Yielding gelatin on boiling with water; capable of gelatination. + gravidation n. Gravidity. + gauge n. A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard. + grammaticism n. A point or principle of grammar. + grind v.t. To wear down, polish, or sharpen, by friction; to make smooth, sharp, or pointed; to whet, as a knife or drill; to rub against one another, as teeth, etc. + gyn v.i. To begin [Obs.] See Gin. + gloss v.t. To give a superficial luster or gloss to; to make smooth and shining; as, to gloss cloth. + gnide v.t. To rub; to bruise; to break in pieces. + geodetic a. Alt. of Geodetical + gentlemanliness n. The state of being gentlemanly; gentlemanly conduct or manners. + gibber n. A balky horse. + globosely adv. In a globular manner; globularly. + gorcrow n. The carrion crow; -- called also gercrow. + gaze v.t. To view with attention; to gaze on . + gleeman n. A name anciently given to an itinerant minstrel or musician. + genial a. Contributing to, or concerned in, propagation or production; generative; procreative; productive. + general a. The public; the people; the vulgar. + gavelkind n. A tenure by which land descended from the father to all his sons in equal portions, and the land of a brother, dying without issue, descended equally to his brothers. It still prevails in the county of Kent. + graze n. The act of grazing; the cropping of grass. + grieving n. The act of causing grief; the state of being grieved. + gallantly adv. In a polite or courtly manner; like a gallant or wooer. + gross superl. Whole; entire; total; without deduction; as, the gross sum, or gross amount, the gross weight; -- opposed to net. + generation n. The aggregate of the functions and phenomene which attend reproduction. + gayeties pl. of Gayety + gurl n. A young person of either sex. [Obs.] See Girl. + gadoid a. Of or pertaining to the family of fishes (Gadidae) which includes the cod, haddock, and hake. + galvanology n. A treatise on galvanism, or a description of its phenomena. + grieve n. Alt. of Greeve + guessing p.pr.|vb.n. of Guess + godwit n. One of several species of long-billed, wading birds of the genus Limosa, and family Tringidae. The European black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa), the American marbled godwit (L. fedoa), the Hudsonian godwit (L. haemastica), and others, are valued as game birds. Called also godwin. + gartering p.pr.|vb.n. of Garter + gluteal a. Pertaining to, or in the region of, the glutaeus. + giddily adv. In a giddy manner. + garment n. Any article of clothing, as a coat, a gown, etc. + greaten v.t. To make great; to aggrandize; to cause to increase in size; to expand. + give n. To communicate or announce, as advice, tidings, etc.; to pronounce; to render or utter, as an opinion, a judgment, a sentence, a shout, etc. + garter n. Same as Bendlet. + gleaming p.pr.|vb.n. of Gleam + grapsoid a. Pertaining to the genus Grapsus or the family Grapsidae. + gymnorhinal a. Having unfeathered nostrils, as certain birds. + generalize v.i. To form into a genus; to view objects in their relations to a genus or class; to take general or comprehensive views. + gruddger n. One who grudges. + gabelle n. A tax, especially on salt. + glassite n. A member of a Scottish sect, founded in the 18th century by John Glass, a minister of the Established Church of Scotland, who taught that justifying faith is "no more than a simple assent to the divine testimone passively recived by the understanding." The English and American adherents of this faith are called Sandemanians, after Robert Sandeman, the son-in-law and disciple of Glass. + gwiniad n. A fish (Coregonus ferus) of North Wales and Northern Europe, allied to the lake whitefish; -- called also powan, and schelly. + guard v.t. One who, or that which, guards from injury, danger, exposure, or attack; defense; protection. + grove v. A smaller group of trees than a forest, and without underwood, planted, or growing naturally as if arranged by art; a wood of small extent. + glare v.i. To look with fierce, piercing eyes; to stare earnestly, angrily, or fiercely. + garnisheeing p.pr.|vb.n. of Garnishee + greatgranddaughter n. A daughter of one's grandson or granddaughter. + gorgoneion n. A mask carved in imitation of a Gorgon's head. + gun n. A piece of heavy ordnance; in a restricted sense, a cannon. + gross superl. Expressing, Or originating in, animal or sensual appetites; hence, coarse, vulgar, low, obscene, or impure. + gentle n. A trained falcon. See Falcon-gentil. + glede n. A live coal. + gynecological a. Of or pertaining to gynecology. + gagged imp.|p.p. of Gag + gaduin n. A yellow or brown amorphous substance, of indifferent nature, found in cod-liver oil. + gise v.t. To feed or pasture. + grain n. The direction, arrangement, or appearance of the fibers in wood, or of the strata in stone, slate, etc. + gibe v.i. To reproach with contemptuous words; to deride; to scoff at; to mock. + geotropism n. A disposition to turn or incline towards the earth; the influence of gravity in determining the direction of growth of an organ. + goss n. Gorse. + groove n. A furrow, channel, or long hollow, such as may be formed by cutting, molding, grinding, the wearing force of flowing water, or constant travel; a depressed way; a worn path; a rut. + gasogen n. An apparatus for the generation of gases, or for impregnating a liquid with a gas, or a gas with a volatile liquid. + gymnasium n. A school for the higher branches of literature and science; a preparatory school for the university; -- used esp. of German schools of this kind. + governing p.pr.|vb.n. of Govern + gulp n. A disgorging. + grinningly adv. In a grinning manner. + gorgoniacea n.pl. One of the principal divisions of Alcyonaria, including those forms which have a firm and usually branched axis, covered with a porous crust, or c/nenchyma, in which the polyp cells are situated. + gubernance n. Government. + glynne n. A glen. See Glen. [Obs. singly, but occurring often in locative names in Ireland, as Glen does in Scotland.] + gray n. A gray color; any mixture of white and black; also, a neutral or whitish tint. + gasiform a. Having a form of gas; gaseous. + gaol n. A place of confinement, especially for minor offenses or provisional imprisonment; a jail. + guilty superl. Evincing or indicating guilt; involving guilt; as, a guilty look; a guilty act; a guilty feeling. + gallon n. A measure of capacity, containing four quarts; -- used, for the most part, in liquid measure, but sometimes in dry measure. + gunocracy n. See Gyneocracy. + gaelic a. Of or pertaining to the Gael, esp. to the Celtic Highlanders of Scotland; as, the Gaelic language. + groom n. A boy or young man; a waiter; a servant; especially, a man or boy who has charge of horses, or the stable. + ghostliness n. The quality of being ghostly. + gallant a. Polite and attentive to ladies; courteous to women; chivalrous. + gathering n. A charitable contribution; a collection. + gasconader n. A great boaster; a blusterer. + gleesome a. Merry; joyous; gleeful. + gum v.t. To deepen and enlarge the spaces between the teeth of (a worn saw). See Gummer. + glaciation n. Act of freezing. + gordiacea n.pl. A division of nematoid worms, including the hairworms or hair eels (Gordius and Mermis). See Gordius, and Illustration in Appendix. + gymnical a. Athletic; gymnastic. + grittiness n. The quality of being gritty. + gnarled imp.|p.p. of Gnarl + giftedness n. The state of being gifted. + glyceryl n. A compound radical, C3H5, regarded as the essential radical of glycerin. It is metameric with allyl. Called also propenyl. + gutturalness n. The quality of being guttural. + gospel v.t. To instruct in the gospel. + gaud n. To sport or keep festival. + galactodensimeter n. Same as Galactometer. + gibstaff n. A staff formerly used in fighting beasts on the stage. + grint 3d pers. sing. pres. of Grind, contr. from grindeth. + galactophagous a. Feeding on milk. + grant v.t. The act of granting; a bestowing or conferring; concession; allowance; permission. + grise n. See Grice, a pig. + grizzly a. In hydraulic mining, gratings used to catch and throw out large stones from the sluices. + gothic a. Pertaining to the Goths; as, Gothic customs; also, rude; barbarous. + greenfinch n. The Texas sparrow (Embernagra rufivirgata), in which the general color is olive green, with four rufous stripes on the head. + gymnasiums pl. of Gymnasium + gorget n. A ruff worn by women. + glutinated imp.|p.p. of Glutinate + german n. A social party at which the german is danced. + girder n. A main beam; a stright, horizontal beam to span an opening or carry weight, such as ends of floor beams, etc.; hence, a framed or built-up member discharging the same office, technically called a compound girder. See Illusts. of Frame, and Doubleframed floor, under Double. + granitification n. The act or the process of forming into granite. + girt a. Bound by a cable; -- used of a vessel so moored by two anchors that she swings against one of the cables by force of the current or tide. + genetic a. Same as Genetical. + gastronomist n. A gastromomer. + giggyng n. The act of fastending the gige or leather strap to the shield. + gritstone n. See Grit, n., 4. + guessive a. Conjectural. + girrock n. A garfish. + groutnol n. Same as Growthead. + gerner n. A garner. + gybing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gybe + geodesist n. One versed in geodesy. + gadded imp.|p.p. of Gad + gabel n. A rent, service, tribute, custom, tax, impost, or duty; an excise. + gobble v.i. To make a noise like that of a turkey cock. + gustable v. Pleasant to the taste; toothsome; savory. + gave imp. of Give. + glomeration n. That which is formed into a ball; a ball. + gate n. Manner; gait. + gallinule n. One of several wading birds, having long, webless toes, and a frontal shield, belonging to the family Rallidae. They are remarkable for running rapidly over marshes and on floating plants. The purple gallinule of America is Ionornis Martinica, that of the Old World is Porphyrio porphyrio. The common European gallinule (Gallinula chloropus) is also called moor hen, water hen, water rail, moor coot, night bird, and erroneously dabchick. Closely related to it is the Florida gallinule (Gallinula galeata). + govern v.t. To regulate; to influence; to direct; to restrain; to manage; as, to govern the life; to govern a horse. + geniculated a. Same as Geniculate. + girdler n. An American longicorn beetle (Oncideres cingulatus) which lays its eggs in the twigs of the hickory, and then girdles each branch by gnawing a groove around it, thus killing it to provide suitable food for the larvae. + goldfinch n. The yellow-hammer. + griffon n. A representation of this creature as an heraldic charge. + governor n. One who has the care or guardianship of a young man; a tutor; a guardian. + gripe n. A vulture; the griffin. + gallantry n. Civility or polite attention to ladies; in a bad sense, attention or courtesy designed to win criminal favors from a female; freedom of principle or practice with respect to female virtue; intrigue. + grape n. A well-known edible berry growing in pendent clusters or bunches on the grapevine. The berries are smooth-skinned, have a juicy pulp, and are cultivated in great quantities for table use and for making wine and raisins. + ground v.i. To run aground; to strike the bottom and remain fixed; as, the ship grounded on the bar. + general a. Not restrained or limited to a precise import; not specific; vague; indefinite; lax in signification; as, a loose and general expression. + gospeler n. One of the four evangelists. + goosery n. The characteristics or actions of a goose; silliness. + giffy n. See Jiffy. + glew n. See Glue. + galea n. A genus of fossil echini, having a vaulted, helmet-shaped shell. + goel a. Yellow. + gob n. Same as Goaf. + gibbartas n. One of several finback whales of the North Atlantic; -- called also Jupiter whale. + glaver v.i. To flatter; to wheedle. + generosity n. The quality of being noble; noble-mindedness. + gravigrade n. One of the pachyderms. + goggled imp.|p.p. of Goggle + galactose n. A white, crystalline sugar, C6H12O6, isomeric with dextrose, obtained by the decomposition of milk sugar, and also from certain gums. When oxidized it forms mucic acid. Called also lactose (though it is not lactose proper). + gadbee n. The gadfly. + glomerated imp.|p.p. of Glomerate + groping p.pr.|vb.n. of Grope + the gapes A fit of yawning. + garrison n. A body of troops stationed in a fort or fortified town. + grail n. Small particles of earth; gravel. + ganger n. One who oversees a gang of workmen. + grin v.i. To show the teeth, as a dog; to snarl. + grayback n. The body louse. + grieving p.pr.|vb.n. of Grieve + gaper n. A large edible clam (Schizothaerus Nuttalli), of the Pacific coast; -- called also gaper clam. + grisaille n. A kind of French fancy dress goods. + gabioned p.a. Furnished with gabions. + gayly adv. With mirth and frolic; merrily; blithely; gleefully. + guess rope A guess warp. + grisaille n. Decorative painting in gray monochrome; -- used in English especially for painted glass. + glister n. Glitter; luster. + glaucescent a. Having a somewhat glaucous appearance or nature; becoming glaucous. + geologically adv. In a geological manner. + gray superl. White mixed with black, as the color of pepper and salt, or of ashes, or of hair whitened by age; sometimes, a dark mixed color; as, the soft gray eye of a dove. + guardsman n. A member, either officer or private, of any military body called Guards. + geordie n. A name given by miners to George Stephenson's safety lamp. + gehenna n. The valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, where some of the Israelites sacrificed their children to Moloch, which, on this account, was afterward regarded as a place of abomination, and made a receptacle for all the refuse of the city, perpetual fires being kept up in order to prevent pestilential effluvia. In the New Testament the name is transferred, by an easy metaphor, to Hell. + grout n. A thin, coarse mortar, used for pouring into the joints of masonry and brickwork; also, a finer material, used in finishing the best ceilings. Gwilt. + gulled imp.|p.p. of Gull + grandeur n. The state or quality of being grand; vastness; greatness; splendor; magnificence; stateliness; sublimity; dignity; elevation of thought or expression; nobility of action. + gentle n. A dipterous larva used as fish bait. + genethliatic n. One who calculates nativities. + glonoin n. Alt. of Glonoine + glossoepiglottic a. Pertaining to both tongue and epiglottis; as, glossoepiglottic folds. + grimme n. A West African antelope (Cephalophus rufilotus) of a deep bay color, with a broad dorsal stripe of black; -- called also conquetoon. + gyrate a. Winding or coiled round; curved into a circle; taking a circular course. + greekling n. A little Greek, or one of small esteem or pretensions. + governor n. A pilot; a steersman. + glowed imp.|p.p. of Glow + graminivorous a. Feeding or subsisting on grass, and the like food; -- said of horses, cattle, and other animals. + galvanoscopic a. Of or pertaining to a galvanoscope. + guildhall n. The hall where a guild or corporation usually assembles; a townhall. + gnome n. An imaginary being, supposed by the Rosicrucians to inhabit the inner parts of the earth, and to be the guardian of mines, quarries, etc. + go v.t. To take, as a share in an enterprise; to undertake or become responsible for; to bear a part in. + gummous a. Gumlike, or composed of gum; gummy. + gemaric a. Pertaining to the Gemara. + geese n. pl. of Goose. + galleot n. See Galiot. + goth n. One of an ancient Teutonic race, who dwelt between the Elbe and the Vistula in the early part of the Christian era, and who overran and took an important part in subverting the Roman empire. + gallery a. A long and narrow corridor, or place for walking; a connecting passageway, as between one room and another; also, a long hole or passage excavated by a boring or burrowing animal. + guile n. Craft; deceitful cunning; artifice; duplicity; wile; deceit; treachery. + grassy a. Resembling grass; green. + gunsmithery n. Alt. of Gunsmith ing + gemmuliferous a. Bearing or producing gemmules or buds. + gastriloquist n. One who appears to speak from his stomach; a ventriloquist. + galletyle n. A little tile of glazed earthenware. + gray n. An animal or thing of gray color, as a horse, a badger, or a kind of salmon. + grace n. The same prerogative when exercised in the form of equitable relief through chancery. + genesis n. Same as Generation. + grasping a. Seizing; embracing; catching. + great superl. Superior; admirable; commanding; -- applied to thoughts, actions, and feelings. + granduncle n. A father's or mother's uncle. + gaure v.i. To gaze; to stare. + gambrel v.t. To truss or hang up by means of a gambrel. + gallop v.i. Fig.: To go rapidly or carelessly, as in making a hasty examination. + guardianless a. Without a guardian. + glut n. Plenty, to satiety or repletion; a full supply; hence, often, a supply beyond sufficiency or to loathing; over abundance; as, a glut of the market. + glaze n. The vitreous coating of pottery or porcelain; anything used as a coating or color in glazing. See Glaze, v. t., 3. + garvie n. The sprat; -- called also garvie herring, and garvock. + grilly v.t. To broil; to grill; hence, To harass. + gentisin n. A tasteless, yellow, crystalline substance, obtained from the gentian; -- called also gentianin. + galilean n. One of the party among the Jews, who opposed the payment of tribute to the Romans; -- called also Gaulonite. + glicke n. An ogling look. + guru n. A spiritual teacher, guide, or confessor amoung the Hindoos. + groggy a. Overcome with grog; tipsy; unsteady on the legs. + glass v.t. Any substance having a peculiar glassy appearance, and a conchoidal fracture, and usually produced by fusion. + georgian n. A native of, or dweller in, Georgia. + graveling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gravel + gonfalonier n. The chief magistrate of any one of several republics in mediaeveal Italy. + green superl. Having the color of grass when fresh and growing; resembling that color of the solar spectrum which is between the yellow and the blue; verdant; emerald. + gutter n. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough. + grossular a. A translucent garnet of a pale green color like that of the gooseberry; -- called also grossularite. + guillemet n. A quotation mark. + gnomon n. The space included between the boundary lines of two similar parallelograms, the one within the other, with an angle in common; as, the gnomon bcdefg of the parallelograms ac and af. The parallelogram bf is the complement of the parallelogram df. + guardianage n. Guardianship. + gallicized imp.|p.p. of Gallicize + geminous a. Double; in pairs. + goal n. A base, station, or bound used in various games; in football, a line between two posts across which the ball must pass in order to score; also, the act of kicking the ball over the line between the goal posts. + gynarchy n. Government by a woman. + gadolinium n. A supposed rare metallic element, with a characteristic spectrum, found associated with yttrium and other rare metals. Its individuality and properties have not yet been determined. + goodies pl. of Goody + gopher n. One of several western American species of the genus Spermophilus, of the family Sciuridae; as, the gray gopher (Spermophilus Franklini) and the striped gopher (S. tridecemlineatus); -- called also striped prairie squirrel, leopard marmot, and leopard spermophile. See Spermophile. + gushingly adv. Weakly; sentimentally; effusively. + giddy superl. Having in the head a sensation of whirling or reeling about; having lost the power of preserving the balance of the body, and therefore wavering and inclined to fall; lightheaded; dizzy. + ginglymodi n. An order of ganoid fishes, including the modern gar pikes and many allied fossil forms. They have rhombic, ganoid scales, a heterocercal tail, paired fins without an axis, fulcra on the fins, and a bony skeleton, with the vertebrae convex in front and concave behind, forming a ball and socket joint. See Ganoidel. + glass v.t. A weatherglass; a barometer. + godly adv. Piously; devoutly; righteously. + gonimia n.pl. Bluish green granules which occur in certain lichens, as Collema, Peltigera, etc., and which replace the more usual gonidia. + graduation n. The exposure of a liquid in large surfaces to the air, so as to hasten its evaporation. + glanders n. A highly contagious and very destructive disease of horses, asses, mules, etc., characterized by a constant discharge of sticky matter from the nose, and an enlargement and induration of the glands beneath and within the lower jaw. It may transmitted to dogs, goats, sheep, and to human beings. + gusset n. A small piece of chain mail at the openings of the joints beneath the arms. + gnomical a. Sententious; uttering or containing maxims, or striking detached thoughts; aphoristic. + gayety a. Finery; show; as, the gayety of dress. + glutton n. A carnivorous mammal (Gulo luscus), of the family Mustelidae, about the size of a large badger. It was formerly believed to be inordinately voracious, whence the name; the wolverene. It is a native of the northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia. + graphical a. Well delineated; clearly and vividly described. + gobemouche n. Literally, a fly swallower; hence, once who keeps his mouth open; a boor; a silly and credulous person. + gape n. The width of the mouth when opened, as of birds, fishes, etc. + gossan n. Decomposed rock, usually reddish or ferruginous (owing to oxidized pyrites), forming the upper part of a metallic vein. + greave n. Armor for the leg below the knee; -- usually in the plural. + grain n. One the branches of a valley or of a river. + grapestone n. A seed of the grape. + gynandria n.pl. A class of plants in the Linnaean system, whose stamens grow out of, or are united with, the pistil. + grip n. A small ditch or furrow. + giddyheaded a. Thoughtless; unsteady. + glut n. A bat, or small piece of brick, used to fill out a course. + garget n. A distemper in hogs, indicated by staggering and loss of appetite. + gelatinate v.t. To convert into gelatin, or into a substance resembling jelly. + gauge n. The quantity of plaster of Paris used with common plaster to accelerate its setting. + gemmiflorate a. Having flowers like buds. + gradely adv. Decently; in order. + gimlet v.t. To pierce or make with a gimlet. + gyse n. Guise. + gospel v. Glad tidings; especially, the good news concerning Christ, the Kingdom of God, and salvation. + gravitating p.pr.|vb.n. of Gravitate + gulp v.t. To swallow eagerly, or in large draughts; to swallow up; to take down at one swallow. + giltedged a. Of the best quality; -- said of negotiable paper, etc. + grained a. Painted or stained in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc. + guardant v.t. Same as Gardant. + glanced imp.|p.p. of Glance + gyte a. Delirious; senselessly extravagant; as, the man is clean gyte. + gasburner n. The jet piece of a gas fixture where the gas is burned as it escapes from one or more minute orifices. + guly a. Of or pertaining to gules; red. + guzzle v.i. To swallow liquor greedily; to drink much or frequently. + garboil n. Tumult; disturbance; disorder. + gurglet n. A porous earthen jar for cooling water by evaporation. + giltedge a. Alt. of Gilt-edged + gilding p.pr.|vb.n. of Gild + gravidity n. The state of being gravidated; pregnancy. + gallego n. A native or inhabitant of Galicia, in Spain; a Galician. + gird v.t. To surround; to encircle, or encompass. + guard v.t. An extension of the deck of a vessel beyond the hull; esp., in side-wheel steam vessels, the framework of strong timbers, which curves out on each side beyond the paddle wheel, and protects it and the shaft against collision. + geniting n. A species of apple that ripens very early. + gobelin a. Pertaining to tapestry produced in the so-called Gobelin works, which have been maintained by the French Government since 1667. + groan n. A low, moaning sound; usually, a deep, mournful sound uttered in pain or great distress; sometimes, an expression of strong disapprobation; as, the remark was received with groans. + goosewing n. One of the clews or lower corners of a course or a topsail when the middle part or the rest of the sail is furled. + garlanding p.pr.|vb.n. of Garland + godchild n. One for whom a person becomes sponsor at baptism, and whom he promises to see educated as a Christian; a godson or goddaughter. See Godfather. + gram a. Angry. + gatherer n. An attachment for making gathers in the cloth. + ground v.t. To instruct in elements or first principles. + garret n. A turret; a watchtower. + grin n. A snare; a gin. + gastroelytrotomy n. The operation of cutting into the upper part of the vagina, through the abdomen (without opening the peritoneum), for the purpose of removing a fetus. It is a substitute for the Caesarean operation, and less dangerous. + gens a. A clan or family connection, embracing several families of the same stock, who had a common name and certain common religious rites; a subdivision of the Roman curia or tribe. + great superl. Holding a chief position; elevated: lofty: eminent; distingushed; foremost; principal; as, great men; the great seal; the great marshal, etc. + going n. Course of life; behavior; doings; ways. + glosser n. A writer of glosses; a scholiast; a commentator. + glistering p.pr.|vb.n. of Glister + grim compar. Of forbidding or fear-inspiring aspect; fierce; stern; surly; cruel; frightful; horrible. + gibbed imp.|p.p. of Gib + geocyclic a. Circling the earth periodically. + grant v.t. A transfer of property by deed or writing; especially, au appropriation or conveyance made by the government; as, a grant of land or of money; also, the deed or writing by which the transfer is made. + gown n. Any sort of dress or garb. + graduality n. The state of being gradual; gradualness. + gird v.t. To encircle or bind with any flexible band. + guarder n. One who guards. + glans n. The vascular body which forms the apex of the penis, and the extremity of the clitoris. + gentlefolks n.pl. Persons of gentle or good family and breeding. + gentilitious a. Peculiar to a people; national. + gloam v.i. To be sullen or morose. + giglet n. A wanton; a lascivious or light, giddy girl. + gratuity n. Something voluntarily given in return for a favor or service, as a recompense or acknowledgment. + glamour n. Any artificial interest in, or association with, an object, through which it appears delusively magnified or glorified. + glaubers salt Alt. of Glauber's salts + garibaldi n. A California market fish (Pomancentrus rubicundus) of a deep scarlet color. + garble n. Refuse; rubbish. + galop n. A kind of lively dance, in 2-4 time; also, the music to the dance. + gulf n. A large deposit of ore in a lode. + gravitation n. That species of attraction or force by which all bodies or particles of matter in the universe tend toward each other; called also attraction of gravitation, universal gravitation, and universal gravity. See Attraction, and Weight. + gunarchy n. See Gynarchy. + genus n. A class of objects divided into several subordinate species; a class more extensive than a species; a precisely defined and exactly divided class; one of the five predicable conceptions, or sorts of terms. + gradient a. Adapted for walking, as the feet of certain birds. + gour n. A fire worshiper; a Gheber or Gueber. + girl n. A female child, from birth to the age of puberty; a young maiden. + gorge n. The entrance into a bastion or other outwork of a fort; -- usually synonymous with rear. See Illust. of Bastion. + gullying p.pr.|vb.n. of Gully + genette n. One of several species of small Carnivora of the genus Genetta, allied to the civets, but having the scent glands less developed, and without a pouch. + girandole n. A series of chambers in defensive mines. + glycocholate n. A salt of glycocholic acid; as, sodium glycocholate. + great superl. Long continued; lengthened in duration; prolonged in time; as, a great while; a great interval. + gloriosa n. A genus of climbing plants with very showy lilylike blossoms, natives of India. + ginning p.pr.|vb.n. of Gin + gaze n. A fixed look; a look of eagerness, wonder, or admiration; a continued look of attention. + golding n. A conspicuous yellow flower, commonly the corn marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum). + gondolier n. A man who rows a gondola. + generalizer n. One who takes general or comprehensive views. + genoese a. Of or pertaining to Genoa, a city of Italy. + gest n. Something done or achieved; a deed or an action; an adventure. + garnishment n. Warning, or legal notice, to one to appear and give information to the court on any matter. + grice n. See Gree, a step. + graft n. A small shoot or scion of a tree inserted in another tree, the stock of which is to support and nourish it. The two unite and become one tree, but the graft determines the kind of fruit. + grayling a. A European fish (Thymallus vulgaris), allied to the trout, but having a very broad dorsal fin; -- called also umber. It inhabits cold mountain streams, and is valued as a game fish. + gage n. A pledge or pawn; something laid down or given as a security for the performance of some act by the person depositing it, and forfeited by nonperformance; security. + gamesome a. Gay; sportive; playful; frolicsome; merry. + gena The part of the head to which the jaws of an insect are attached. + glyconian a.|n. Glyconic. + gule n. The throat; the gullet. + gun n. A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing projectiles by the explosion of gunpowder, consisting of a tube or barrel closed at one end, in which the projectile is placed, with an explosive charge behind, which is ignited by various means. Muskets, rifles, carbines, and fowling pieces are smaller guns, for hand use, and are called small arms. Larger guns are called cannon, ordnance, fieldpieces, carronades, howitzers, etc. See these terms in the Vocabulary. + galleybird n. The European green woodpecker; also, the spotted woodpecker. + gumbo n. The okra plant or its pods. + goffer v.t. To plait, flute, or crimp. See Gauffer. + gymnoblastea n.pl. The Athecata; -- so called because the medusoid buds are not inclosed in a capsule. + graver n. An ergraving or cutting tool; a burin. + galilean n. A Christian in general; -- used as a term of reproach by Mohammedans and Pagans. + gunroom n. An apartment on the after end of the lower gun deck of a ship of war, usually occupied as a messroom by the commissioned officers, except the captain; -- called wardroom in the United States navy. + giant a. Like a giant; extraordinary in size, strength, or power; as, giant brothers; a giant son. + garter v.t. To bind with a garter. + gladiole n. A lilylike plant, of the genus Gladiolus; -- called also corn flag. + goatish a. Characteristic of a goat; goatlike. + godfather v.t. To act as godfather to; to take under one's fostering care. + grafted imp.|p.p. of Graft + guardful a. Cautions; wary; watchful. + gorged a. Bearing a coronet or ring about the neck. + grudge v.i. To be covetous or envious; to show discontent; to murmur; to complain; to repine; to be unwilling or reluctant. + glossist n. A writer of comments. + gnarled a. Knotty; full of knots or gnarls; twisted; crossgrained. + genuflected imp.|p.p. of Genuflect + gag v.i. To introduce gags or interpolations. See Gag, n., 3. + glassfaced a. Mirror-faced; reflecting the sentiments of another. + goody n. Goodwife; -- a low term of civility or sport. + grist n. In rope making, a given size of rope, common grist being a rope three inches in circumference, with twenty yarns in each of the three strands. + gastrohysterotomy n. Caesarean section. See under Caesarean. + grayish a. Somewhat gray. + grouser n. A pointed timber attached to a boat and sliding vertically, to thrust into the ground as a means of anchorage. + grace v.t. To adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify. + gassing n. Boasting; insincere or empty talk. + gabarage n. A kind of coarse cloth for packing goods. + gyration n. The act of turning or whirling, as around a fixed center; a circular or spiral motion; motion about an axis; rotation; revolution. + glycolide n. A white amorphous powder, C4H4O, obtained by heating and dehydrating glycolic acid. + graphite n. Native carbon in hexagonal crystals, also foliated or granular massive, of black color and metallic luster, and so soft as to leave a trace on paper. It is used for pencils (improperly called lead pencils), for crucibles, and as a lubricator, etc. Often called plumbago or black lead. + garnish v.t. To ornament, as a dish, with something laid about it; as, a dish garnished with parsley. + greenly adv. With a green color; newly; freshly, immaturely. + graveless a. Without a grave; unburied. + gallowses pl. of Gallows + gemmiferous a. Producing gems or buds + gammon v.t. To impose on; to hoax; to cajole. + genitals a. The organs of generation; the sexual organs; the private parts. + ground n. Sediment at the bottom of liquors or liquids; dregs; lees; feces; as, coffee grounds. + gestic a. Pertaining to deeds or feats of arms; legendary. + gynoecium n. The pistils of a flower, taken collectively. See Illust. of Carpophore. + garnishment n. Ornament; embellishment; decoration. + gonidium n. A component cell of the yellowish green layer in certain lichens. + gelt n. Gilding; tinsel. + greenroom n. The retiring room of actors and actresses in a theater. + gurgle n. The act of gurgling; a broken, bubbling noise. "Tinkling gurgles." + gouge n. The act of scooping out with a gouge, or as with a gouge; a groove or cavity scooped out, as with a gouge. + gun n. Violent blasts of wind. + garrote n. A Spanish mode of execution by strangulation, with an iron collar affixed to a post and tightened by a screw until life become extinct; also, the instrument by means of which the punishment is inflicted. + glut n. An arched opening to the ashpit of a klin. + goldfinch n. A beautiful bright-colored European finch (Carduelis elegans). The name refers to the large patch of yellow on the wings. The front of the head and throat are bright red; the nape, with part of the wings and tail, black; -- called also goldspink, goldie, fool's coat, drawbird, draw-water, thistle finch, and sweet William. + glout v.t. To view attentively; to gloat on; to stare at. + graining n. Painting or staining, in imitation of the grain of wood, atone, etc. + gnathastegite n. One of a pair of broad plates, developed from the outer maxillipeds of crabs, and forming a cover for the other mouth organs. + gullied imp.|p.p. of Gully + gamogenesis n. The production of offspring by the union of parents of different sexes; sexual reproduction; -- the opposite of agamogenesis. + gradient a. Rising or descending by regular degrees of inclination; as, the gradient line of a railroad. + generalization n. A general inference. + gammon v.t. To fasten (a bowsprit) to the stem of a vessel by lashings of rope or chain, or by a band of iron. + goemin n. A complex mixture of several substances extracted from Irish moss. + gamosepalous a. Formed of united sepals; monosepalous. + giddyhead n. A person without thought fulness, prudence, or judgment. + gallopade v.i. To perform the dance called gallopade. + gesticulating p.pr.|vb.n. of Gesticulate + gable n. A decorative member having the shape of a triangular gable, such as that above a Gothic arch in a doorway. + gemmate a. Having buds; reproducing by buds. + go v.i. To pass away; to depart forever; to be lost or ruined; to perish; to decline; to decease; to die. + greening p.pr.|vb.n. of Green + glomerule n. A glomerulus. + geodetical a. Of or pertaining to geodesy; obtained or determined by the operations of geodesy; engaged in geodesy; geodesic; as, geodetic surveying; geodetic observers. + god n. A person or thing deified and honored as the chief good; an object of supreme regard. + granulated a. Consisting of, or resembling, grains; crystallized in grains; granular; as, granulated sugar. + gooseberry a. A silly person; a goose cap. + generation n. That which is generated or brought forth; progeny; offspiring. + guelfic a. Of or pertaining to the family or the faction of the Guelphs. + gharry n. Any wheeled cart or carriage. + grit v.t. To grind; to rub harshly together; to grate; as, to grit the teeth. + gesture n. Manner of carrying the body; position of the body or limbs; posture. + gemming p.pr.|vb.n. of Gem + galaxy n. A splendid assemblage of persons or things. + grate v.t. To rub roughly or harshly, as one body against another, causing a harsh sound; as, to grate the teeth; to produce (a harsh sound) by rubbing. + glut v.t. To swallow, or to swallow greedlly; to gorge. + guide v.t. To lead or direct in a way; to conduct in a course or path; to pilot; as, to guide a traveler. + gratify v.t. To please; to give pleasure to; to satisfy; to soothe; to indulge; as, to gratify the taste, the appetite, the senses, the desires, the mind, etc. + graffiti n.pl. Inscriptions, figure drawings, etc., found on the walls of ancient sepulchers or ruins, as in the Catacombs, or at Pompeii. + giving p.pr.|vb.n. of Give + glaucous a. Covered with a fine bloom or fine white powder easily rubbed off, as that on a blue plum, or on a cabbage leaf. + glean v.i. To gather stalks or ears of grain left by reapers. + gossip n. A friend or comrade; a companion; a familiar and customary acquaintance. + gastrura n.pl. See Stomatopoda. + ganglionary a. Ganglionic. + ganglionic a. Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, ganglia or ganglion cells; as, a ganglionic artery; the ganglionic columns of the spinal cord. + gangrel v.i. Wandering; vagrant. + gangrenate v.t. To gangrene. + grotesquely adv. In a grotesque manner. + gamopetalous a. Having the petals united or joined so as to form a tube or cup; monopetalous. + greenhorn n. A raw, inexperienced person; one easily imposed upon. + glumpy a. Glum; sullen; sulky. + glissade n. A sliding, as down a snow slope in the Alps. + geocyclic a. Of, pertaining to, or illustrating, the revolutions of the earth; as, a geocyclic machine. + guard v.t. An interleaved strip at the back, as in a scrap book, to guard against its breaking when filled. + garrison v.t. To place troops in, as a fortification, for its defense; to furnish with soldiers; as, to garrison a fort or town. + gleek v.i. To make sport; to gibe; to sneer; to spend time idly. + geography n. The science which treats of the world and its inhabitants; a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth, including its structure, fetures, products, political divisions, and the people by whom it is inhabited. + garner v.t. To gather for preservation; to store, as in a granary; to treasure. + gibbose a. Humped; protuberant; -- said of a surface which presents one or more large elevations. + geloscopy n. Divination by means of laughter. + gutting p.pr.|vb.n. of Gut + gardening n. The art of occupation of laying out and cultivating gardens; horticulture. + gannet n. One of several species of sea birds of the genus Sula, allied to the pelicans. + gushed imp.|p.p. of Gush + gun v.i. To practice fowling or hunting small game; -- chiefly in participial form; as, to go gunning. + gonydial a. Pertaining to the gonys of a bird's beak. + ghost n. The disembodied soul; the soul or spirit of a deceased person; a spirit appearing after death; an apparition; a specter. + groundsill n. See Ground plate (a), under Ground + geomancer n. One who practices, or is versed in, geomancy. + glycyrrhizimic a. From, or pertaining to, glycyrrhizin; as, glycyrrhizimic acid. + gentilefalcon n. See Falcon-gentil. + gush v.i. To issue with violence and rapidity, as a fluid; to rush forth as a fluid from confinement; to flow copiously. + guttering p.pr.|vb.n. of Gutter + grecian n. A native or naturalized inhabitant of Greece; a Greek. + galt n. Same as Gault. + grunter n. One of several American marine fishes. See Sea robin, and Grunt, n., 2. + gunstick n. A stick to ram down the charge of a musket, etc.; a rammer or ramrod. + grace v.t. To add grace notes, cadenzas, etc., to. + genital a. Pertaining to generation, or to the generative organs. + gypse n. See Gypsum. + gourmet n. A connoisseur in eating and drinking; an epicure. + glow v.i. To feel hot; to have a burning sensation, as of the skin, from friction, exercise, etc.; to burn. + galloon n. A similar bordering or binding of rich material, such as gold lace. + gossipry n. Spiritual relationship or affinity; gossiprede; special intimacy. + gorged a. Glutted; fed to the full. + graver n. One who graves; an engraver or a sculptor; one whose occupation is te cut letters or figures in stone or other hard material. + grudging p.pr.|vb.n. of Grudge + gambison n. A defensive garment formerly in use for the body, made of cloth stuffed and quilted. + gypsiferous a. Containing gypsum. + grace n. Inherent excellence; any endowment or characteristic fitted to win favor or confer pleasure or benefit. + groove v.t. To cut a groove or channel in; to form into channels or grooves; to furrow. + goer n. One who, or that which, goes; a runner or walker + ghost n. Any faint shadowy semblance; an unsubstantial image; a phantom; a glimmering; as, not a ghost of a chance; the ghost of an idea. + grane v.|n. See Groan. + guardian a. Performing, or appropriate to, the office of a protector; as, a guardian care. + gunlock n. The lock of a gun, for producing the discharge. See Lock. + gorged imp.|p.p. of Gorge + glenlivet n. A kind of Scotch whisky, named from the district in which it was first made. + glandiform a. Having the form of a gland or nut; resembling a gland. + guess v.t. To judge or form an opinion of, from reasons that seem preponderating, but are not decisive. + grabbled imp.|p.p. of Grabble + gaptoothed a. Having interstices between the teeth. + go v.i. To be with young; to be pregnant; to gestate. + gaud n. Deceit; fraud; artifice; device. + geodiferous a. Producing geodes; containing geodes. + gameness n. Endurance; pluck. + gridiron n. A football field. + gore v. One of the abatements. It is made of two curved lines, meeting in an acute angle in the fesse point. + guttae pl. of Gutta + grallatorial a. Alt. of Grallatory + grog n. A mixture of spirit and water not sweetened; hence, any intoxicating liquor. + greedygut n. A glutton. + greggoe n. Alt. of Grego + globard n. A glowworm. + gonochorism n. In ontogony, differentiation of male and female individuals from embryos having the same rudimentary sexual organs. + gastronomy n. The art or science of good eating; epicurism; the art of good cheer. + gilthead n. The Crenilabrus melops, of the British coasts; -- called also golden maid, conner, sea partridge. + gelatination n. The act of process of converting into gelatin, or a substance like jelly. + galician n. A native of Galicia in Spain; -- called also Gallegan. + gluish a. Somewhat gluey. + grudge n. Sullen malice or malevolence; cherished malice, enmity, or dislike; ill will; an old cause of hatred or quarrel. + gamester n. A person who plays at games; esp., one accustomed to play for a stake; a gambler; one skilled in games. + graded imp.|p.p. of Grade + greatbellied a. Having a great belly; bigbellied; pregnant; teeming. + glassy a. Dull; wanting life or fire; lackluster; -- said of the eyes. + gloze n. Flattery; adulation; smooth speech. + gentle v.t. To make kind and docile, as a horse. + giantess n. A woman of extraordinary size. + ghastful a. Fit to make one aghast; dismal. + gravestone n. A stone laid over, or erected near, a grave, usually with an inscription, to preserve the memory of the dead; a tombstone. + gree n. A step. + gang v.i. A combination of similar implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor; a set; as, a gang of saws, or of plows. + girded of Gird + glair a. A broadsword fixed on a pike; a kind of halberd. + generability n. Capability of being generated. + general a. Usual; common, on most occasions; as, his general habit or method. + glossy superl. Smooth and shining; reflecting luster from a smooth surface; highly polished; lustrous; as, glossy silk; a glossy surface. + gemitores n.pl. A division of birds including the true pigeons. + granulite n. A whitish, granular rock, consisting of feldspar and quartz intimately mixed; -- sometimes called whitestone, and leptynite. + gest n. A guest. + gazetteer n. A geographical dictionary; a book giving the names and descriptions, etc., of many places. + gardon n. A European cyprinoid fish; the id. + greed n. An eager desire or longing; greediness; as, a greed of gain. + graduating p.pr.|vb.n. of Graduate + gentianaceous a. Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Gentianaceae) of which the gentian is the type. + governableness n. The quality of being governable; manageableness. + gila monster A large tuberculated lizard (Heloderma suspectum) native of the dry plains of Arizona, New Mexico, etc. It is the only lizard known to have venomous teeth. + gallimaufries pl. of Gallimaufry + grade n. A step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order; relative position or standing; as, grades of military rank; crimes of every grade; grades of flour. + guard v.t. An expression or admission intended to secure against objections or censure. + gaddish a. Disposed to gad. + give v.i. To open; to lead. + guereza n. A beautiful Abyssinian monkey (Colobus guereza), having the body black, with a fringe of long, silky, white hair along the sides, and a tuft of the same at the end of the tail. The frontal band, cheeks, and chin are white. + graduate v.i. To pass by degrees; to change gradually; to shade off; as, sandstone which graduates into gneiss; carnelian sometimes graduates into quartz. + gig n. A top or whirligig; any little thing that is whirled round in play. + gurgeons n.pl. See Grudgeons. + gape v.i. Indicating sleepiness or indifference; to yawn. + gaul n. A native or inhabitant of Gaul. + goodly adv. Excellently. + get v.i. To make acquisition; to gain; to profit; to receive accessions; to be increased. + gully v.t. To wear into a gully or into gullies. + gloss n. An interpretation, consisting of one or more words, interlinear or marginal; an explanatory note or comment; a running commentary. + galvanocautery n. Cautery effected by a knife or needle heated by the passage of a galvanic current. + graze v.i. To touch something lightly in passing. + glared imp.|p.p. of Glare + gilt imp. & p. p. of Gild. + glycerine n. An oily, viscous liquid, C3H5(OH)3, colorless and odorless, and with a hot, sweetish taste, existing in the natural fats and oils as the base, combined with various acids, as oleic, margaric, stearic, and palmitic. It is a triatomic alcohol, and hence is also called glycerol. See Note under Gelatin. + gleaned imp.|p.p. of Glean + galliform a. Like the Gallinae (or Galliformes) in structure. + granary n. A storehouse or repository for grain, esp. after it is thrashed or husked; a cornbouse; also (Fig.), a region fertile in grain. + gender n. A classification of nouns, primarily according to sex; and secondarily according to some fancied or imputed quality associated with sex. + gory a. Bloody; murderous. + graptolitic a. Of or pertaining to graptolites; containing graptolites; as, a graptolitic slate. + guacho n. An Indian who serves as a messenger. + go v.i. To proceed or tend toward a result, consequence, or product; to tend; to conduce; to be an ingredient; to avail; to apply; to contribute; -- often with the infinitive; as, this goes to show. + grass n. An endogenous plant having simple leaves, a stem generally jointed and tubular, the husks or glumes in pairs, and the seed single. + genealogize v.i. To investigate, or relate the history of, descents. + guzzler n. An immoderate drinker. + grommet n. A ring of rope used as a wad to hold a cannon ball in place. + glooming n. Twilight (of morning or evening); the gloaming. + giggot n. A small piece of flesh; a slice. + glaucus n. A genus of nudibranchiate mollusks, found in the warmer latitudes, swimming in the open sea. These mollusks are beautifully colored with blue and silvery white. + grossulin n. A vegetable jelly, resembling pectin, found in gooseberries (Ribes Grossularia) and other fruits. + gallin n. A substance obtained by the reduction of gallein. + genitive a. Of or pertaining to that case (as the second case of Latin and Greek nouns) which expresses source or possession. It corresponds to the possessive case in English. + gallantry n. Splendor of appearance; ostentatious finery. + good superl. Adequate; sufficient; competent; sound; not fallacious; valid; in a commercial sense, to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; having pecuniary ability; of unimpaired credit. + gite n. A gown. + gaud n. An ornament; a piece of worthless finery; a trinket. + glassy a. Made of glass; vitreous; as, a glassy substance. + grave superl. Not light or gay; solemn; sober; plain; as, a grave color; a grave face. + glee n. Joy; merriment; mirth; gayety; paricularly, the mirth enjoyed at a feast. + gadere v.t.|i. Alt. of Gadre + gland n. A special organ of plants, usually minute and globular, which often secretes some kind of resinous, gummy, or aromatic product. + got imp. & p. p. of Get. See Get. + gullage n. Act of being gulled. + guttulous a. In droplike form. + gafftopsail n. A small triangular sail having its foot extended upon the gaff and its luff upon the topmast. + giantly a. Appropriate to a giant. + glycoluric a. Pertaining to, derived from, glycol and urea; as, glycoluric acid, which is called also hydantoic acid. + grass v.i. To produce grass. + gross a. The main body; the chief part, bulk, or mass. + gurmy n. A level; a working. + gainsome a. Gainful. + guardship n. Care; protection. + goldhammer n. The yellow-hammer. + graduate v.i. To take a degree in a college or university; to become a graduate; to receive a diploma. + gerbe n. A kind of ornamental firework. + guess v.t. To form an opinion concerning, without knowledge or means of knowledge; to judge of at random; to conjecture. + guaranteeing ppr.|vb.n. of Guarantee + grouting p.pr.|vb.n. of Grout + garmented p.a. Having on a garment; attired; enveloped, as with a garment. + gypsoplast n. A cast taken in plaster of Paris, or in white lime. + gustoso a.|adv. Tasteful; in a tasteful, agreeable manner. + gifting p.pr.|vb.n. of Gift + graft n. To join (one thing) to another as if by grafting, so as to bring about a close union. + gist n. A resting place. + gruntling n. A young hog. + glance n. A quick cast of the eyes; a quick or a casual look; a swift survey; a glimpse. + guaranies pl. of Guaranty + gum n. The dense tissues which invest the teeth, and cover the adjacent parts of the jaws. + guideless a. Without a guide. + garrison n. A fortified place, in which troops are quartered for its security. + galleon n. A sailing vessel of the 15th and following centuries, often having three or four decks, and used for war or commerce. The term is often rather indiscriminately applied to any large sailing vessel. + gobbet n. A mouthful; a lump; a small piece. + girdle n. A griddle. + gratify v.t. To requite; to recompense. + gestour n. A reciter of gests or legendary tales; a story-teller. + gayal n. A Southern Asiatic species of wild cattle (Bibos frontalis). + gree v.i. To agree. + glass v.t. To case in glass. + godelich a. Goodly. + gallinacean n. One of the Gallinae or gallinaceous birds. + gesticulation n. A gesture; a motion of the body or limbs in speaking, or in representing action or passion, and enforcing arguments and sentiments. + gross superl. Great; palpable; serious; vagrant; shameful; as, a gross mistake; gross injustice; gross negligence. + gralloch n. Offal of a deer. + gladded imp.|p.p. of Glad + go v.i. To have recourse; to resort; as, to go to law. + groover n. One who or that which grooves. + gyroscope n. A rotating wheel, mounted in a ring or rings, for illustrating the dynamics of rotating bodies, the composition of rotations, etc. It was devised by Professor W. R. Johnson, in 1832, by whom it was called the rotascope. + gaseous a. Lacking substance or solidity; tenuous. + galvanism n. Electricity excited by the mutual action of certain liquids and metals; dynamical electricity. + gill n. The ground ivy (Nepeta Glechoma); -- called also gill over the ground, and other like names. + gaberlunzie n. A beggar with a wallet; a licensed beggar. + greatly adv. In a great degree; much. + gelose n. An amorphous, gummy carbohydrate, found in Gelidium, agar-agar, and other seaweeds. + gainstood imp.|p.p. of Gainstand + gate n. A door, valve, or other device, for stopping the passage of water through a dam, lock, pipe, etc. + gherkin n. A kind of small, prickly cucumber, much used for pickles. + gospel a. Accordant with, or relating to, the gospel; evangelical; as, gospel righteousness. + goffering p.pr.|vb.n. of Goffer + geniality n. The quality of being genial; sympathetic cheerfulness; warmth of disposition and manners. + gad n. A rod or stick, as a fishing rod, a measuring rod, or a rod used to drive cattle with. + graciousness n. Quality of being gracious. + goglet n. See Gurglet. + genteel a. Graceful in mien or form; elegant in appearance, dress, or manner; as, the lady has a genteel person. Law. + grandeeship n. The rank or estate of a grandee; lordship. + groomer n. One who, or that which, grooms horses; especially, a brush rotated by a flexible or jointed revolving shaft, for cleaning horses. + glaver v.i. To prate; to jabber; to babble. + gravel n. A deposit of small calculous concretions in the kidneys and the urinary or gall bladder; also, the disease of which they are a symptom. + guy v.t. To fool; to baffle; to make (a person) an object of ridicule. + greenbone n. The European eelpout. + glimmer n. A faint, unsteady light; feeble, scattered rays of light; also, a gleam. + greedy superl. Having a keen desire for anything; vehemently desirous; eager to obtain; avaricious; as, greedy of gain. + gurgled imp.|p.p. of Gurgle + gulch n. Act of gulching or gulping. + goldie n. The yellow-hammer. + greaves n.pl. The sediment of melted tallow. It is made into cakes for dogs' food. In Scotland it is called cracklings. + garnish n. Something added for embellishment; decoration; ornament; also, dress; garments, especially such as are showy or decorated. + gummer n. A punch-cutting tool, or machine for deepening and enlarging the spaces between the teeth of a worn saw. + gree n. Good will; favor; pleasure; satisfaction; -- used esp. in such phrases as: to take in gree; to accept in gree; that is, to take favorably. + garran n. See Galloway. + gauge n. That part of a shingle, slate, or tile, which is exposed to the weather, when laid; also, one course of such shingles, slates, or tiles. + gaiety n. Same as Gayety. + gaseity n. State of being gaseous. + giant n. A man of extraordinari bulk and stature. + gambit n. A mode of opening the game, in which a pawn is sacrificed to gain an attacking position. + greffier n. A registrar or recorder; a notary. + genitival a. Possessing genitive from; pertaining to, or derived from, the genitive case; as, a genitival adverb. + gash v.t. To make a gash, or long, deep incision in; -- applied chiefly to incisions in flesh. + grandfatherly a. Like a grandfather in age or manner; kind; benignant; indulgent. + geneva n. The chief city of Switzerland. + gowk v.t. To make a, booby of one); to stupefy. + gerant n. The manager or acting partner of a company, joint-stock association, etc. + god n. Figuratively applied to one who wields great or despotic power. + growing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grow + gadsman n. One who uses a gad or goad in driving. + guardianship n. The office, duty, or care, of a guardian; protection; care; watch. + giereagle n. A bird referred to in the Bible (Lev. xi. 18and Deut. xiv. 17) as unclean, probably the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus). + guiltsick a. Made sick by consciousness of guilt. + goltschut n. A silver ingot, used in Japan as money. + granny n. A grandmother; a grandam; familiarly, an old woman. + gothic n. The language of the Goths; especially, the language of that part of the Visigoths who settled in Moesia in the 4th century. See Goth. + gelable a. Capable of being congealed; capable of being converted into jelly. + gift v.t. To endow with some power or faculty. + guestwise adv. In the manner of a guest. + greenly a. Of a green color. + the gapes A disease of young poultry and other birds, attended with much gaping. It is caused by a parasitic nematode worm (Syngamus trachealis), in the windpipe, which obstructs the breathing. See Gapeworm. + grison n. A South American animal of the family Mustelidae (Galictis vittata). It is about two feet long, exclusive of the tail. Its under parts are black. Also called South American glutton. + geck n. An object of scorn; a dupe; a gull. + graveyard n. A yard or inclosure for the interment of the dead; a cemetery. + galea n. The anterior, outer process of the second joint of the maxillae in certain insects. + grecizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grecize + gag v.t. To pry or hold open by means of a gag. + grumble v.i. To murmur or mutter with discontent; to make ill-natured complaints in a low voice and a surly manner. + gulp n. The act of taking a large mouthful; a swallow, or as much as is awallowed at once. + gauge n. Measure; dimensions; estimate. + giant n. Any animal, plant, or thing, of extraordinary size or power. + groin n. The projecting solid angle formed by the meeting of two vaults, growing more obtuse as it approaches the summit. + grain n. Any small, hard particle, as of sand, sugar, salt, etc.; hence, any minute portion or particle; as, a grain of gunpowder, of pollen, of starch, of sense, of wit, etc. + glassologist n. One who defines and explains terms; one who is versed in glossology. + gay n. An ornament + gather v.t. To derive, or deduce, as an inference; to collect, as a conclusion, from circumstances that suggest, or arguments that prove; to infer; to conclude. + gunjah n. See Ganja. + gainable v.t. Capable of being obtained or reached. + grouped imp.|p.p. of Group + glutinating p.pr.|vb.n. of Glutinate + gentilitious a. Hereditary; entailed on a family. + grudgingness n. The state or quality of grudging, or of being full of grudge or unwillingness. + gantlope n. See Gantlet. + gasteropod n. Same as Gastropod. + granitical a. Granitic. + grade n. The rate of ascent or descent; gradient; deviation from a level surface to an inclined plane; -- usually stated as so many feet per mile, or as one foot rise or fall in so many of horizontal distance; as, a heavy grade; a grade of twenty feet per mile, or of 1 in 264. + gypsies pl. of Gypsy + grain v.t. To paint in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc. + graze v.t. To feed on; to eat (growing herbage); to eat grass from (a pasture); to browse. + golet n. The gullet. + gib boom See Jib boom. + galloping a. Going at a gallop; progressing rapidly; as, a galloping horse. + gynobasic a. Pertaining to, or having, a gynobase. + garnet n. A tackle for hoisting cargo in our out. + gauntlet n. A rope on which hammocks or clothes are hung for drying. + gibber v.i. To speak rapidly and inarticulately. + gnathonical a. Flattering; deceitful. + gowan n. Decomposed granite. + gorgonian a. Pertaining to, or resembling, a Gorgon; terrifying into stone; terrific. + grouper n. One of several species of valuable food fishes of the genus Epinephelus, of the family Serranidae, as the red grouper, or brown snapper (E. morio), and the black grouper, or warsaw (E. nigritus), both from Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. + glucinic a. Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, glucinum; as, glucinic oxide. + granulary a. Granular. + grammatication n. A principle of grammar; a grammatical rule. + gundelet n. See Gondola. + gropingly adv. In a groping manner. + grace n. A petition for grace; a blessing asked, or thanks rendered, before or after a meal. + grave A final syllable signifying a ruler, as in landgrave, margrave. See Margrave. + glaciation n. The process of glaciating, or the state of being glaciated; the production of glacial phenomena. + grab n. An instrument for clutching objects for the purpose of raising them; -- specially applied to devices for withdrawing drills, etc., from artesian and other wells that are drilled, bored, or driven. + galvanization n. The act of process of galvanizing. + gowned p.a. Dressed in a gown; clad. + gentoo n. A native of Hindostan; a Hindoo. + gate v.t. To punish by requiring to be within the gates at an earlier hour than usual. + gynephobia n. Hatred of women; repugnance to the society of women. + gleamy a. Darting beams of light; casting light in rays; flashing; coruscating. + grip v.t. A peculiar mode of clasping the hand, by which members of a secret association recognize or greet, one another; as, a masonic grip. + ginging n. The lining of a mine shaft with stones or bricks to prevent caving. + gip n. A servant. See Gyp. + gestic a. Relating to bodily motion; consisting of gestures; -- said especially with reference to dancing. + gastropodous a. Of or pertaining to the Gastropoda. + gale n. A plant of the genus Myrica, growing in wet places, and strongly resembling the bayberry. The sweet gale (Myrica Gale) is found both in Europe and in America. + gudgeon n. A small European freshwater fish (Gobio fluviatilis), allied to the carp. It is easily caught and often used for food and for bait. In America the killifishes or minnows are often called gudgeons. + glycocin n. Same as Glycocoll. + gleemen pl. of Gleeman + gild v.t. To give a fair but deceptive outward appearance to; to embellish; as, to gild a lie. + gossat n. A small British marine fish (Motella tricirrata); -- called also whistler and three-bearded rockling. + guard v.t. A fence or rail to prevent falling from the deck of a vessel. + graphitoidal a. Resembling graphite or plumbago. + galvanotropism n. The tendency of a root to place its axis in the line of a galvanic current. + gyrogonite n. The petrified fruit of the Chara hispida, a species of stonewort. See Stonewort. + gula n. The upper front of the neck, next to the chin; the upper throat. + gin n. A strong alcoholic liquor, distilled from rye and barley, and flavored with juniper berries; -- also called Hollands and Holland gin, because originally, and still very extensively, manufactured in Holland. Common gin is usually flavored with turpentine. + giving n. The act of softening, breaking, or yielding. + gastrostomy n. The operation of making a permanent opening into the stomach, for the introduction of food. + grind v.i. To perform hard aud distasteful service; to drudge; to study hard, as for an examination. + gan imp.|p.p. of Gin + gallic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, galls, nutgalls, and the like. + gin n. Contrivance; artifice; a trap; a snare. + gingle n.|v. See Jingle. + gut n. One of the prepared entrails of an animal, esp. of a sheep, used for various purposes. See Catgut. + grease v.t. To smear, anoint, or daub, with grease or fat; to lubricate; as, to grease the wheels of a wagon. + gabbled imp.|p.p. of Gabble + generant n. That which generates. + gist n. The main point, as of a question; the point on which an action rests; the pith of a matter; as, the gist of a question. + gadoid n. One of the Gadidae. + guild v.t. A religious association or society, organized for charitable purposes or for assistance in parish work. + grassed imp.|p.p. of Grass + gemmipares n.pl. Animals which increase by budding, as hydroids. + gad n. A wedge-shaped billet of iron or steel. + gadding p.pr.|vb.n. of Gad + greencloth n. A board or court of justice formerly held in the counting house of the British sovereign's household, composed of the lord steward and his officers, and having cognizance of matters of justice in the household, with power to correct offenders and keep the peace within the verge of the palace, which extends two hundred yards beyond the gates. + gargle v.t. To wash or rinse, as the mouth or throat, particular the latter, agitating the liquid (water or a medicinal preparation) by an expulsion of air from the lungs. + gentlehearted a. Having a kind or gentle disposition. + garrulous a. Talking much, especially about commonplace or trivial things; talkative; loquacious. + gansa n. Same as Ganza. + generosity n. Noble birth. + geared imp.|p.p. of Gear + goliard n. A buffoon in the Middle Ages, who attended rich men's tables to make sport for the guests by ribald stories and songs. + gunstome n. A cannon ball; -- so called because originally made of stone. + gabion n. An openwork frame, as of poles, filled with stones and sunk, to assist in forming a bar dyke, etc., as in harbor improvement. + greenbone n. Any garfish (Belone or Tylosurus). + gorce n. A pool of water to keep fish in; a wear. + goodyship n. The state or quality of a goody or goodwife + glory n. To exult with joy; to rejoice. + gleaner n. One who gathers after reapers. + gatewise adv. In the manner of a gate. + glide v.i. To move gently and smoothly; to pass along without noise, violence, or apparent effort; to pass rapidly and easily, or with a smooth, silent motion, as a river in its channel, a bird in the air, a skater over ice. + goat n. A hollow-horned ruminant of the genus Capra, of several species and varieties, esp. the domestic goat (C. hircus), which is raised for its milk, flesh, and skin. + gather v.t. To bring together; to collect, as a number of separate things, into one place, or into one aggregate body; to assemble; to muster; to congregate. + going n. The act of moving in any manner; traveling; as, the going is bad. + gemel n. One of the twins. + gelatiniform a. Having the form of gelatin. + geck v.i. To jeer; to show contempt. + gold v.t. A yellow color, like that of the metal; as, a flower tipped with gold. + governorship n. The office of a governor. + glossocomon n. A kind of hoisting winch. + gallimaufry n. Any absurd medley; a hotchpotch. + godfather n. A man who becomes sponsor for a child at baptism, and makes himself a surety for its Christian training and instruction. + glossohyal a. Pertaining to both the hyoidean arch and the tongue; -- applied to the anterior segment of the hyoidean arch in many fishes. -- n. The glossohyal bone or cartilage; lingual bone; entoglossal bone. + girdle v.t. To inclose; to environ; to shut in. + guillotining p.pr.|vb.n. of Guillotine + goldbeating n. The art or process of reducing gold to extremely thin leaves, by beating with a hammer. + graduate n. To prepare gradually; to arrange, temper, or modify by degrees or to a certain degree; to determine the degrees of; as, to graduate the heat of an oven. + geyserite n. A loose hydrated form of silica, a variety of opal, deposited in concretionary cauliflowerlike masses, around some hot springs and geysers. + geology n. A treatise on the science. + guernsey lily A South African plant (Nerine Sarniensis) with handsome lilylike flowers, naturalized on the island of Guernsey. + germanize v.t. To make German, or like what is distinctively German; as, to Germanize a province, a language, a society. + glorify v.t. To make glorious in thought or with the heart, by ascribing glory to; to asknowledge the excellence of; to render homage to; to magnify in worship; to adore. + goggleeye n. One of two or more species of American fresh-water fishes of the family Centrarchidae, esp. Chaenobryttus antistius, of Lake Michigan and adjacent waters, and Ambloplites rupestris, of the Great Lakes and Mississippi Valley; -- so called from their prominent eyes. + grief a. Physical pain, or a cause of it; malady. + giantize v.i. To play the giant. + grain n. To yield fruit. + grate v.t. To reduce to small particles by rubbing with anything rough or indented; as, to grate a nutmeg. + galilean n. A native or inhabitant of Galilee, the northern province of Palestine under the Romans. + ginnycarriage n. A small, strong carriage for conveying materials on a railroad. + griefless a. Without grief. + guardage v.t. Wardship + girandole n. A flower stand, fountain, or the like, of branching form. + geodesic n. A geodetic line or curve. + grater a. One who, or that which, grates; especially, an instrument or utensil with a rough, indented surface, for rubbing off small particles of any substance; as a grater for nutmegs. + gem n. A bud. + galingale n. A plant of the Sedge family (Cyperus longus) having aromatic roots; also, any plant of the same genus. + gauging p.pr.|vb.n. of Gauge + gilour n. A guiler; deceiver. + gravy n. The juice or other liquid matter that drips from flesh in cooking, made into a dressing for the food when served up. + guardenage n. Guardianship. + grace n. A play designed to promote or display grace of motion. It consists in throwing a small hoop from one player to another, by means of two sticks in the hands of each. Called also grace hoop or hoops. + ghat n. Alt. of Ghaut + gape v.i. To open the mouth wide + grouping p.pr.|vb.n. of Group + gnawed imp.|p.p. of Gnaw + gunters line A logarithmic line on Gunter's scale, used for performing the multiplication and division of numbers mechanically by the dividers; -- called also line of lines, and line of numbers. + gamboled imp.|p.p. of Gambol + goose n. A tailor's smoothing iron, so called from its handle, which resembles the neck of a goose. + goniometer n. An instrument for measuring angles, especially the angles of crystals, or the inclination of planes. + gymnotus n. A genus of South American fresh-water fishes, including the Gymnotus electricus, or electric eel. It has a greenish, eel-like body, and is possessed of electric power. + gormandized imp.|p.p. of Gormandize + geckotian n. A gecko. + gripe n. Grasp; seizure; fast hold; clutch. + goldeneye n. A duck (Glaucionetta clangula), found in Northern Europe, Asia, and America. The American variety (var. Americana) is larger. Called whistler, garrot, gowdy, pied widgeon, whiteside, curre, and doucker. Barrow's golden-eye of America (G. Islandica) is less common. + guy v.t. To steady or guide with a guy. + glut n. A piece of wood used to fill up behind cribbing or tubbing. + granuliferous a. Full of granulations. + geoduck n. A gigantic clam (Glycimeris generosa) of the Pacific coast of North America, highly valued as an article of food. + gear n. Engagement of parts with each other; as, in gear; out of gear. + gildale v.t. A drinking bout in which every one pays an equal share. + guessed imp.|p.p. of Guess + gratification n. That which affords pleasure; satisfaction; enjoyment; fruition: delight. + groundnut n. The fruit of the Arachis hypogaea (native country uncertain); the peanut; the earthnut. + gluteus n. Same as Glut/us. + gyral a. Pertaining to a gyrus, or convolution. + glyoxalic a. Pertaining to, or designating, an aldehyde acid, intermediate between glycol and oxalic acid. + grammarless a. Without grammar. + granite state New Hampshire; -- a nickname alluding to its mountains, which are chiefly of granite. + germanism n. An idiom of the German language. + glad v.i. To be glad; to rejoice. + goosander n. A species of merganser (M. merganser) of Northern Europe and America; -- called also merganser, dundiver, sawbill, sawneb, shelduck, and sheldrake. See Merganser. + gill n. The flesh under or about the chin. + gulas pl. of Gula + gab v.i. To talk idly; to prate; to chatter. + governor general A governor who has lieutenant or deputy governors under him; as, the governor general of Canada, of India. + gnew imp. of Gnaw. + grape n. The plant which bears this fruit; the grapevine. + guelderrose n. A cultivated variety of a species of Viburnum (V. Opulus), bearing large bunches of white flowers; -- called also snowball tree. + glittering p.pr.|vb.n. of Glitter + garrupa n. One of several species of California market fishes, of the genus Sebastichthys; -- called also rockfish. See Rockfish. + gloried a. Illustrious; honorable; noble. + garum n. A sauce made of small fish. It was prized by the ancients. + go v.i. To move upon the feet, or step by step; to walk; also, to walk step by step, or leisurely. + graze v.i. To eat grass; to feed on growing herbage; as, cattle graze on the meadows. + grogram n. Alt. of Grogran + gallipot n. A glazed earthen pot or vessel, used by druggists and apothecaries for containing medicines, etc. + gruyere cheese A kind of cheese made at Gruyere, Switzerland. It is a firm cheese containing numerous cells, and is known in the United States as Schweitzerkase. + geometrize v.i. To investigate or apprehend geometrical quantities or laws; to make geometrical constructions; to proceed in accordance with the principles of geometry. + gryphon n. The griffin vulture. + guidable a. Capable of being guided; willing to be guided or counseled. + guest rope The line by which a boat makes fast to the swinging boom. + gentilly a. In a gentle or hoble manner; frankly. + grovel adv. To creep on the earth, or with the face to the ground; to lie prone, or move uneasily with the body prostrate on the earth; to lie fiat on one's belly, expressive of abjectness; to crawl. + galanga n. Alt. of Galangal + glutin n. Same as Gliadin. + galleyworm n. A chilognath myriapod of the genus Iulus, and allied genera, having numerous short legs along the sides; a milliped or "thousand legs." See Chilognatha. + gemmiparous a. Producing buds; reproducing by buds. See Gemmation, 1. + galsome a. Angry; malignant. + gymnodont n. One of a group of plectognath fishes (Gymnodontes), having the teeth and jaws consolidated into one or two bony plates, on each jaw, as the diodonts and tetradonts. See Bur fish, Globefish, Diodon. + guilloched a. Waved or engine-turned. + gayly adv. Finely; splendidly; showily; as, ladies gayly dressed; a flower gayly blooming. + gelding v.t. A castrated animal; -- usually applied to a horse, but formerly used also of the human male. + gown n. The ordinary outer dress of a woman; as, a calico or silk gown. + galenic an. Alt. of Galenical + gate n. The channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mold; the ingate. + gaudies pl. of Gaudy + gullible a. Easily gulled; that may be duped. + grainer n. A knife for taking the hair off skins. + gauge v.t. To measure or determine with a gauge. + gavelock n. An iron crow or lever. + gyneocracy n. See Gynecocracy. + gaskins n.pl. Loose hose or breeches; galligaskins. + glede v.i. The common European kite (Milvus ictinus). This name is also sometimes applied to the buzzard. + gleamed imp.|p.p. of Gleam + growling p.pr.|vb.e. of Growl + grugru worm The larva or grub of a large South American beetle (Calandra palmarum), which lives in the pith of palm trees and sugar cane. It is eaten by the natives, and esteemed a delicacy. + gingerness n. Cautiousness; tenderness. + governing a. Holding the superiority; prevalent; controlling; as, a governing wind; a governing party in a state. + gyp n. A college servant; -- so called in Cambridge, England; at Oxford called a scout. + grip v.t. A device for grasping or holding fast to something. + gustful a. Tasteful; well-tasted. + grieve v.i. To feel grief; to be in pain of mind on account of an evil; to sorrow; to mourn; -- often followed by at, for, or over. + gaud v.t. To bedeck gaudily; to decorate with gauds or showy trinkets or colors; to paint. + golet n. A California trout. See Malma. + gradation v.t. To form with gradations. + guard v.t. That part of a sword hilt which protects the hand. + gayety a. The state of being gay; merriment; mirth; acts or entertainments prompted by, or inspiring, merry delight; -- used often in the plural; as, the gayeties of the season. + grange n. A farmhouse of a monastery, where the rents and tithes, paid in grain, were deposited. + geometry n. A treatise on this science. + graining n. A process in dressing leather, by which the skin is softened and the grain raised. + glamourie n. Glamour. + graves n.pl. The sediment of melted tallow. Same as Greaves. + grassplot n. A plot or space covered with grass; a lawn. + guessingly adv. By way of conjecture. + gayness n. Gayety; finery. + gradient n. The rate of regular or graded ascent or descent in a road; grade. + gelatine n. Same as Gelatin. + general a. One of the chief military officers of a government or country; the commander of an army, of a body of men not less than a brigade. In European armies, the highest military rank next below field marshal. + greathearted a. High-spirited; fearless. + garlicky a. Like or containing garlic. + growler n. The large-mouthed black bass. + grand mercy See Gramercy. + glowlamp n. An aphlogistic lamp. See Aphlogistic. + gauntly adv. In a gaunt manner; meagerly. + grub v.t. To dig; to dig up by the roots; to root out by digging; -- followed by up; as, to grub up trees, rushes, or sedge. + grumblingly adv. In a grumbling manner. + gillian n. A girl; esp., a wanton; a gill. + gazel n. See Gazelle. + gens a. A minor subdivision of a tribe, among American aborigines. It includes those who have a common descent, and bear the same totem. + gall n. An excrescence of any form produced on any part of a plant by insects or their larvae. They are most commonly caused by small Hymenoptera and Diptera which puncture the bark and lay their eggs in the wounds. The larvae live within the galls. Some galls are due to aphids, mites, etc. See Gallnut. + guanaco n. A South American mammal (Auchenia huanaco), allied to the llama, but of larger size and more graceful form, inhabiting the southern Andes and Patagonia. It is supposed by some to be the llama in a wild state. + glut n. The broad-nosed eel (Anguilla latirostris), found in Europe, Asia, the West Indies, etc. + geese pl. of Goose + glassiness n. The quality of being glassy. + glutin n. Sometimes synonymous with Gelatin. + grasp v.t. To seize and hold by clasping or embracing with the fingers or arms; to catch to take possession of. + gynaecophore n. A ventral canal or groove, in which the males of some di/cious trematodes carry the female. See Illust. of Haematozoa. + grot n. Alt. of Grote + guarantee n. One who binds himself to see an undertaking of another performed; a guarantor. + garnishment n. Warning to a person in whose hands the effects of another are attached, not to pay the money or deliver the goods to the defendant, but to appear in court and give information as garnishee. + goll n. A hand, paw, or claw. + gaged imp.|p.p. of Gage + glucose n. The trade name of a sirup, obtained as an uncrystallizable reside in the manufacture of glucose proper, and containing, in addition to some dextrose or glucose, also maltose, dextrin, etc. It is used as a cheap adulterant of sirups, beers, etc. + gerboa n. The jerboa. + gallantry n. Gallant persons, collectively. + graduator n. An instrument for dividing any line, right or curve, into small, regular intervals. + gain v.i. To have or receive advantage or profit; to acquire gain; to grow rich; to advance in interest, health, or happiness; to make progress; as, the sick man gains daily. + glossolalia n. Alt. of Glossolaly + gobble v.i. To eat greedily. + gantline n. A line rigged to a mast; -- used in hoisting rigging; a girtline. + gather v.t. To gain; to win. + grumous a. Resembling or containing grume; thick; concreted; clotted; as, grumous blood. + gasified imp.|p.p. of Gasify + goodness n. The quality of being good in any of its various senses; excellence; virtue; kindness; benevolence; as, the goodness of timber, of a soil, of food; goodness of character, of disposition, of conduct, etc. + grime v.t. To sully or soil deeply; to dirt. + gradation n. The act of progressing by regular steps or orderly arrangement; the state of being graded or arranged in ranks; as, the gradation of castes. + grozing iron A tool with a hardened steel point, formerly used instead of a diamond for cutting glass. + gear n. See 1st Jeer (b). + ginnee n. See Jinnee. + guanidine n. A strongly alkaline base, CN3H5, formed by the oxidation of guanin, and also obtained combined with methyl in the decomposition of creatin. Boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, it yields urea and ammonia. + gawntree n. See Gauntree. + gratulate a. Worthy of gratulation. + girl n. A female servant; a maidservant. + genet n. A small-sized, well-proportioned, Spanish horse; a jennet. + glummy a. dark; gloomy; dismal. + gulge n. See Gige. + genouillere n. A metal plate covering the knee. + gradine n. Any member like a step, as the raised back of an altar or the like; a set raised over another. + gest n. A tale of achievements or adventures; a stock story. + guiltiness n. The quality or state of being guilty. + guilt v.t. The criminality and consequent exposure to punishment resulting from willful disobedience of law, or from morally wrong action; the state of one who has broken a moral or political law; crime; criminality; offense against right. + glare n. Smooth and bright or translucent; -- used almost exclusively of ice; as, skating on glare ice. + gemmy n. Full of gems; bright; glittering like a gem. + glonoine n. A dilute solution of nitroglycerin used as a neurotic. + gest n. An action represented in sports, plays, or on the stage; show; ceremony. + gat imp. of Get. + gemmule n. A little leaf bud, as the plumule between the cotyledons. + gynandromorph n. An animal affected with gynandromorphism, + guffer n. The eelpout; guffer eel. + galley n. A name given by analogy to the Greek, Roman, and other ancient vessels propelled by oars. + glazier n. One whose business is to set glass. + giddiness n. The quality or state of being giddy. + gynandromorphous a. Affected, with gynandromorphism. + gloated imp.|p.p. of Gloat + glozer n. A flatterer. + galvanotonus n. Same as Electrotonus. + gasket n. A line or band used to lash a furled sail securely. Sea gaskets are common lines; harbor gaskets are plaited and decorated lines or bands. Called also casket. + glyptic a. Of or pertaining to gem engraving. + gelidness n. The state of being gelid; gelidity. + geez n. The original native name for the ancient Ethiopic language or people. See Ethiopic. + gunning n. The act or practice of hunting or shooting game with a gun. + gradational a. By regular steps or gradations; of or pertaining to gradation. + gleet n. A transparent mucous discharge from the membrane of the urethra, commonly an effect of gonorrhea. + group n. A number of eighth, sixteenth, etc., notes joined at the stems; -- sometimes rather indefinitely applied to any ornament made up of a few short notes. + galantine n. A dish of veal, chickens, or other white meat, freed from bones, tied up, boiled, and served cold. + genethliac n. One skilled in genethliacs. + gale n. The payment of a rent or annuity. + grammates n.pl. Rudiments; first principles, as of grammar. + gorgoneia pl. of Gorgoneion + garganey n. A small European duck (Anas querquedula); -- called also cricket teal, and summer teal. + gip v.t. To take out the entrails of (herrings). + get v.t. To betake; to remove; -- in a reflexive use. + gravidated a. Made pregnant; big. + glossed imp.|p.p. of Gloss + glimmer n. Mica. See Mica. + glee n. An unaccompanied part song for three or more solo voices. It is not necessarily gleesome. + goggleeyed a. Having prominent and distorted or rolling eyes. + generical a. Pertaining to a genus or kind; relating to a genus, as distinct from a species, or from another genus; as, a generic description; a generic difference; a generic name. + groan v.t. To affect by groans. + gaulish a. Pertaining to ancient France, or Gaul; Gallic. + gammon n. The buttock or thigh of a hog, salted and smoked or dried; the lower end of a flitch. + gavel n. The mallet of the presiding officer in a legislative body, public assembly, court, masonic body, etc. + generalship n. Fig.: Leadership; management. + geminate a. In pairs or twains; two together; binate; twin; as, geminate flowers. + game v.i. A contest, physical or mental, according to certain rules, for amusement, recreation, or for winning a stake; as, a game of chance; games of skill; field games, etc. + grindle n. The bowfin; -- called also Johnny Grindle. + geld n. Money; tribute; compensation; ransom. + gainstanding p.pr.|vb.n. of Gainstand + glorious n. Eager for glory or distinction; haughty; boastful; ostentatious; vainglorious. + gleet v.i. To flow in a thin, limpid humor; to ooze, as gleet. + gargil n. A distemper in geese, affecting the head. + garnierite n. An amorphous mineral of apple-green color; a hydrous silicate of nickel and magnesia. It is an important ore of nickel. + gather v.t. To haul in; to take up; as, to gather the slack of a rope. + geotic a. Belonging to earth; terrestrial. + gain n. To get, incur, or receive, as loss, harm, or damage. + growth n. The process of growing; the gradual increase of an animal or a vegetable body; the development from a seed, germ, or root, to full size or maturity; increase in size, number, frequency, strength, etc.; augmentation; advancement; production; prevalence or influence; as, the growth of trade; the growth of power; the growth of intemperance. Idle weeds are fast in growth. + greasy superl. Fat of body; bulky. + genealogic a. Genealogical. + getting p.pr.|vb.n. of Get + glut n. A wooden wedge used in splitting blocks. + granter n. One who grants. + gossip v.t. To stand sponsor to. + gunnel n. A gunwale. + greasily adv. In a greasy manner. + guesser n. One who guesses; one who forms or gives an opinion without means of knowing. + gallate n. A salt of gallic acid. + gravitate v.i. To obey the law of gravitation; to exert a force Or pressure, or tend to move, under the influence of gravitation; to tend in any direction or toward any object. + glyster n. Same as Clyster. + gorge n. A narrow passage or entrance + gingal n. See Jingal. + give n. To yield; to furnish; to produce; to emit; as, flint and steel give sparks. + guitguit n. One of several species of small tropical American birds of the family Coerebidae, allied to the creepers; -- called also quit. See Quit. + grammatical a. According to the rules of grammar; grammatically correct; as, the sentence is not grammatical; the construction is not grammatical. + gartered imp.|p.p. of Garter + gazogene n. A portable apparatus for making soda water or aerated liquids on a small scale. + glycogenesis n. The production or formation of sugar from gycogen, as in the liver. + globule n. A little pill or pellet used by homeopathists. + geoponical a. Pertaining to tillage of the earth, or agriculture. + grade n. The result of crossing a native stock with some better breed. If the crossbreed have more than three fourths of the better blood, it is called high grade. + gag v.t. To cause to heave with nausea. + greave n. A grove. + goblinize v.t. To transform into a goblin. + gougeshell n. A sharp-edged, tubular, marine shell, of the genus Vermetus; also, the pinna. See Vermetus. + gillhouse n. A shop where gill is sold. + gypsy a. Pertaining to, or suitable for, gypsies. + gynaeceum n. Alt. of Gynaecium + godmother n. A woman who becomes sponsor for a child in baptism. See Godfather + garner n. A granary; a building or place where grain is stored for preservation. + geyser n. A boiling spring which throws forth at frequent intervals jets of water, mud, etc., driven up by the expansive power of steam. + gallows n.sing. A pair of suspenders or braces. + gramarye n. Necromancy; magic. + grain v.t. To take the hair off (skins); to soften and raise the grain of (leather, etc.). + grope v.i. To search or attempt to find something in the dark, or, as a blind person, by feeling; to move about hesitatingly, as in darkness or obscurity; to feel one's way, as with the hands, when one can not see. + gnostic a. Of or pertaining to Gnosticism or its adherents; as, the Gnostic heresy. + gemma n. A leaf bud, as distinguished from a flower bud. + glaucosis n. Same as Glaucoma. + gill n. A measure of capacity, containing one fourth of a pint. + gutturine a. Pertaining to the throat. + gastrotrocha n. A form of annelid larva having cilia on the ventral side. + greathearted a. Generous; magnanimous; noble. + ganglion n. A mass or knot of nervous matter, including nerve cells, usually forming an enlargement in the course of a nerve. + greet v.i. To weep; to cry; to lament. + gallstone n. A concretion, or calculus, formed in the gall bladder or biliary passages. See Calculus, n., 1. + gloss v.i. To make sly remarks, or insinuations. + graywacke n. A conglomerate or grit rock, consisting of rounded pebbles sand firmly united together. + goodship n. Favor; grace. + generate v.t. To trace out, as a line, figure, or solid, by the motion of a point or a magnitude of inferior order. + galpe v.i. To gape,; to yawn. + graving n. Impression, as upon the mind or heart. + gyracanthus n. A genus of fossil fishes, found in Devonian and carboniferous strata; -- so named from their round, sculptured spines. + glochidium n. The larva or young of the mussel, formerly thought to be a parasite upon the parent's gills. + glass v.t. A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture, and made by fusing together sand or silica with lime, potash, soda, or lead oxide. It is used for window panes and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for lenses, and various articles of ornament. + glauberite n. A mineral, consisting of the sulphates of soda and lime. + gladiator n. Originally, a swordplayer; hence, one who fought with weapons in public, either on the occasion of a funeral ceremony, or in the arena, for public amusement. + gowl v.i. To howl. + gelsemic a. Gelseminic. + grain n. The composite particles of any substance; that arrangement of the particles of any body which determines its comparative roughness or hardness; texture; as, marble, sugar, sandstone, etc., of fine grain. + gulden n. See Guilder. + gewgaw a. Showy; unreal; pretentious. + gentle superl. Quiet and refined in manners; not rough, harsh, or stern; mild; meek; bland; amiable; tender; as, a gentle nature, temper, or disposition; a gentle manner; a gentle address; a gentle voice. + goby n. One of several species of small marine fishes of the genus Gobius and allied genera. + geology n. The science which treats: (a) Of the structure and mineral constitution of the globe; structural geology. (b) Of its history as regards rocks, minerals, rivers, valleys, mountains, climates, life, etc.; historical geology. (c) Of the causes and methods by which its structure, features, changes, and conditions have been produced; dynamical geology. See Chart of The Geological Series. + glimpse n. A faint idea; an inkling. + gymnasia pl. of Gymnasium + goggle v.i. Colored glasses for relief from intense light. + gutturality n. The quality of being guttural. + garish a. Gay to extravagance; flighty. + greenbacker n. One of those who supported greenback or paper money, and opposed the resumption of specie payments. + genevan a. Of or pertaining to Geneva, in Switzerland; Genevese. + girdler n. One who girdles. + griddle n. A sieve with a wire bottom, used by miners. + globulite n. A rudimentary form of crystallite, spherical in shape. + gland n. Any very small prominence. + grindelia n. The dried stems and leaves of tarweed (Grindelia), used as a remedy in asthma and bronchitis. + groan v.i. To strive after earnestly, as with groans. + galvanize v.t. To restore to consciousness by galvanic action (as from a state of suspended animation); hence, to stimulate or excite to a factitious animation or activity. + grape fruit The shaddock. + genappe n. A worsted yarn or cord of peculiar smoothness, used in the manufacture of braid, fringe, etc. + gusset n. Anything resembling a gusset in a garment + geld v.t. To deprive of anything essential. + men pl. of Gownman + governmental a. Pertaining to government; made by government; as, governmental duties. + grandam n. An old woman; specifically, a grandmother. + grouthead n. See Growthead. + good superl. Not blemished or impeached; fair; honorable; unsullied; as in the phrases a good name, a good report, good repute, etc. + grave n. To carve out or give shape to, by cutting with a chisel; to sculpture; as, to grave an image. + gorge n. A concave molding; a cavetto. + globate a. Alt. of Globated + grime n. Foul matter; dirt, rubbed in; sullying blackness, deeply ingrained. + glaive n. A sword; -- used poetically and loosely. + georgical a. Relating to agriculture and rural affairs. + glibness n. The quality of being glib. + gult n. Guilt. See Guilt. + government n. Management of the limbs or body. + grass v.t. To bring to the grass or ground; to land; as, to grass a fish. + grum a. Morose; severe of countenance; sour; surly; glum; grim. + gaur n. An East Indian species of wild cattle (Bibos gauris), of large size and an untamable disposition. + gladius n. The internal shell, or pen, of cephalopods like the squids. + grind v.i. To become polished or sharpened by friction; as, glass grinds smooth; steel grinds to a sharp edge. + grumble v.t. To express or utter with grumbling. + giblets n.pl. The inmeats, or edible viscera (heart, gizzard, liver, etc.), of poultry. + grade v.t. To reduce to a level, or to an evenly progressive ascent, as the line of a canal or road. + gama grass A species of grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) tall, stout, and exceedingly productive; cultivated in the West Indies, Mexico, and the Southern States of North America as a forage grass; -- called also sesame grass. + gastralgia n. Pain in the stomach or epigastrium, as in gastric disorders. + grouted imp.|p.p. of Grout + gammon n. An imposition or hoax; humbug. + gaming n. The act or practice of playing games for stakes or wagers; gambling. + geet n. Jet. + graved of Grave + gangway v.i. In the English House of Commons, a narrow aisle across the house, below which sit those who do not vote steadly either with the government or with the opposition. + gillflirt n. A thoughtless, giddy girl; a flirt-gill. + gamble v.i. To play or game for money or other stake. + geckoes pl. of Gecko + grief a. Cause of sorrow or pain; that which afficts or distresses; trial; grievance. + gris a. A costly kind of fur. + gueparde n. The cheetah. + gen A suffix meaning produced, generated; as, exogen. + clycerole n. Same as Glycerite. + gorgonia n. Any slender branched gorgonian. + gem v.t. To put forth in the form of buds. + groggeries pl. of Groggery + grovelled of Grovel + grill n. To torment, as if by broiling. + galipot n. An impure resin of turpentine, hardened on the outside of pine trees by the spontaneous evaporation of its essential oil. When purified, it is called yellow pitch, white pitch, or Burgundy pitch. + gilt of Gild + graylag n. The common wild gray goose (Anser anser) of Europe, believed to be the wild form of the domestic goose. See Illust. of Goose. + gilded imp.|p.p. of Gild + galactopoietic a. Increasing the flow of milk; milk-producing. -- n. A galactopoietic substance. + gymnastic a. Alt. of Gymnastical + greet v.t. To come upon, or meet, as with something that makes the heart glad. + glyph n. A sunken channel or groove, usually vertical. See Triglyph. + gull n. One of many species of long-winged sea birds of the genus Larus and allied genera. + gumption n. Capacity; shrewdness; common sense. + gley adv. Asquint; askance; obliquely. + galilean a. Of or relating to Galilee. + gentian n. Any one of a genus (Gentiana) of herbaceous plants with opposite leaves and a tubular four- or five-lobed corolla, usually blue, but sometimes white, yellow, or red. See Illust. of Capsule. + glabriate v.t. To make smooth, plain, or bare. + ground n. The surface of the earth; the outer crust of the globe, or some indefinite portion of it. + gemshorn n. An organ stop with conical tin pipes. + glutton v.t.|i. To glut; to eat voraciously. + gloomed imp.|p.p. of Gloom + gangetic a. Pertaining to, or inhabiting, the Ganges; as, the Gangetic shark. + glyoxaline n. A white, crystalline, organic base, C3H4N2, produced by the action of ammonia on glyoxal, and forming the origin of a large class of derivatives hence, any one of the series of which glyoxaline is a type; -- called also oxaline. + globous a. Spherical. + goudron n. a small fascine or fagot, steeped in wax, pitch, and glue, used in various ways, as for igniting buildings or works, or to light ditches and ramparts. + glandular a. Containing or supporting glands; consisting of glands; pertaining to glands. + good superl. Serviceable; suited; adapted; suitable; of use; to be relied upon; -- followed especially by for. + gutter n. Any narrow channel or groove; as, a gutter formed by erosion in the vent of a gun from repeated firing. + glare n. A smooth, bright, glassy surface; as, a glare of ice. + gadic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, the cod (Gadus); -- applied to an acid obtained from cod-liver oil, viz., gadic acid. + gard n. Garden. + generation n. Origination by some process, mathematical, chemical, or vital; production; formation; as, the generation of sounds, of gases, of curves, etc. + gin n. A machine for separating the seeds from cotton; a cotton gin. + glass v.t. To cover or furnish with glass; to glaze. + gillyflower n. A name given by old writers to the clove pink (Dianthus Caryophyllus) but now to the common stock (Matthiola incana), a cruciferous plant with showy and fragrant blossoms, usually purplish, but often pink or white. + glabrity n. Smoothness; baldness. + gather n. The inclination forward of the axle journals to keep the wheels from working outward. + glare v.i. To be bright and intense, as certain colors; to be ostentatiously splendid or gay. + gastrula a. Of or pertaining to a gastrula. + gaby n. A simpleton; a dunce; a lout. + grope v.t. To examine; to test; to sound. + glasseye n. A species of blindness in horses in which the eye is bright and the pupil dilated; a sort of amaurosis. + glosser n. A polisher; one who gives a luster. + gusto n. Nice or keen appreciation or enjoyment; relish; taste; fancy. + gypsyism n. The arts and practices or habits of gypsies; deception; cheating; flattery. + gem v.t. To embellish or adorn, as with gems; as, a foliage gemmed with dewdrops. + gaskins n.pl. A horse's thighs. + gabbro n. A name originally given by the Italians to a kind of serpentine, later to the rock called euphotide, and now generally used for a coarsely crystalline, igneous rock consisting of lamellar pyroxene (diallage) and labradorite, with sometimes chrysolite (olivine gabbro). + glaciate v.i. To turn to ice. + gracile a. Alt. of Gracillent + graduate n. One who has received an academical or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study in any school or institution of learning. + gustful a. Gusty. + gambler n. One who gambles. + gnomic a. Alt. of Gnomical + gravelling n. A layer or coating of gravel (on a path, etc.). + gallery a. A working drift or level. + gallant n. One who wooes; a lover; a suitor; in a bad sense, a seducer. + graven v.t. Carved. + guaranty n. In law and common usage: An undertaking to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some contract or duty, of another, in case of the failure of such other to pay or perform; a guarantee; a warranty; a security. + gourdy a. Swelled in the legs. + grin n. The act of closing the teeth and showing them, or of withdrawing the lips and showing the teeth; a hard, forced, or sneering smile. + german n. The German language. + glycol n. Any one of the large class of diacid alcohols, of which glycol proper is the type. + gentianine n. A bitter, crystallizable substance obtained from gentian. + glutting p.pr.|vb.n. of Glut + gravelling n. The act of covering with gravel. + gravimetric a. Of or pertaining to measurement by weight; measured by weight. + gubernative a. Governing. + griminess n. The state of being grimy. + goldie n. The European goldfinch. + giltedged a. Having a gilt edge; as, gilt-edged paper. + gaul n. The Anglicized form of Gallia, which in the time of the Romans included France and Upper Italy (Transalpine and Cisalpine Gaul). + galactometer n. An instrument for ascertaining the quality of milk (i.e., its richness in cream) by determining its specific gravity; a lactometer. + gangliac a. Alt. of Ganglial + grovelling of Grovel + gab v.i. The mouth; hence, idle prate; chatter; unmeaning talk; loquaciousness. + gullet n. A preparatory cut or channel in excavations, of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons. + guidage n. Guidance; lead; direction. + glose n.|v. See Gloze. + geneva n. A strongly alcoholic liquor, flavored with juniper berries; -- made in Holland; Holland gin; Hollands. + gusty a. Subject to, or characterized by, gusts or squalls; windy; stormy; tempestuous. + gunstock n. The stock or wood to which the barrel of a hand gun is fastened. + gusset n. An abatement or mark of dishonor in a coat of arms, resembling a gusset. + giffard injector See under Injector. + glairin n. A glairy viscous substance, which forms on the surface of certain mineral waters, or covers the sides of their inclosures; -- called also baregin. + glozing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gloze + gallic a. Pertaining to Gaul or France; Gallican. + garrulity n. Talkativeness; loquacity. + guide v.t. A strip or device to direct the compositor's eye to the line of copy he is setting. + graze v.i. To yield grass for grazing. + gunters quadrant A thin quadrant, made of brass, wood, etc., showing a stereographic projection on the plane of the equator. By it are found the hour of the day, the sun's azimuth, the altitude of objects in degrees, etc. See Gunter's scale. + grassing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grass + geometral a. Pertaining to geometry. + gregal a. Pertaining to, or like, a flock. + guaco n. The Mikania Guaco, of Brazil, used for the same purpose. + galvanoplastic a. Of or pertaining to the art or process of electrotyping; employing, or produced by, the process of electolytic deposition; as, a galvano-plastic copy of a medal or the like. + gasconade n. A boast or boasting; a vaunt; a bravado; a bragging; braggodocio. + gymnosophist n. One of a sect of philosophers, said to have been found in India by Alexander the Great, who went almost naked, denied themselves the use of flesh, renounced bodily pleasures, and employed themselves in the contemplation of nature. + geniculating p.pr.|vb.n. of Geniculate + gnathidia pl. of Gnathidium + gangliated a. Furnished with ganglia; as, the gangliated cords of the sympathetic nervous system. + grantable a. Capable of being granted. + goitrous a. Pertaining to the goiter; affected with the goiter; of the nature of goiter or bronchocele. + ganoidian a.|n. Ganoid. + gynandromorphism n. An abnormal condition of certain animals, in which one side has the external characters of the male, and the other those of the female. + genially adv. Gayly; cheerfully. + geten p. p. of Get. + gierfalcon n. The gyrfalcon. + grassgrown a. Overgrown with grass; as, a grass-grown road. + gastornis n. A genus of large eocene birds from the Paris basin. + gloomily adv. In a gloomy manner. + gemmule n. An ovule. + gyneceum n. See Gynaeceum. + gendarmery n. The body of gendarmes. + glassware n. Ware, or articles collectively, made of glass. + gie v.t. To give. + granulation n. The act or process of forming or crystallizing into grains; as, the granulation of powder and sugar. + gonoph n. A pickpocket or thief. + gazing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gaze + gild v.t. To overlay with a thin covering of gold; to cover with a golden color; to cause to look like gold. + gliff n. A moment: as, for a gliff. + guaiac n. Guaiacum. + gloom v.i. To become dark or dim; to be or appear dismal, gloomy, or sad; to come to the evening twilight. + germ plasm See Plasmogen, and Idioplasm. + gig n. A rotatory cylinder, covered with wire teeth or teasels, for teaseling woolen cloth. + gleaner n. One who gathers slowly with labor. + grise n. A step (in a flight of stairs); a degree. + grandity n. Grandness. + gapingstock n. One who is an object of open-mouthed wonder. + gush v.t. A sudden and violent issue of a fluid from an inclosed plase; an emission of a liquid in a large quantity, and with force; the fluid thus emitted; a rapid outpouring of anything; as, a gush of song from a bird. + generality n. The state of being general; the quality of including species or particulars. + gaelic n. The language of the Gaels, esp. of the Highlanders of Scotland. It is a branch of the Celtic. + grovel adv. To tend toward, or delight in, what is sensual or base; to be low, abject, or mean. + gospel v. Any system of religious doctrine; sometimes, any system of political doctrine or social philosophy; as, this political gospel. + glaire n. See Glair. + glucinum n. A rare metallic element, of a silver white color, and low specific gravity (2.1), resembling magnesium. It never occurs naturally in the free state, but is always combined, usually with silica or alumina, or both; as in the minerals phenacite, chrysoberyl, beryl or emerald, euclase, and danalite. It was named from its oxide glucina, which was known long before the element was isolated. Symbol Gl. Atomic weight 9.1. Called also beryllium. + ghostly a. Relating to the soul; not carnal or secular; spiritual; as, a ghostly confessor. + geography n. A treatise on this science. + glaive n. A weapon formerly used, consisting of a large blade fixed on the end of a pole, whose edge was on the outside curve; also, a light lance with a long sharp-pointed head. + grype v.t. To gripe. + government n. The person or persons authorized to administer the laws; the ruling power; the administration. + glib v.t. To make glib. + gymnophthalmata n.pl. A group of acalephs, including the naked-eyed medusae; the hydromedusae. Most of them are known to be the free-swimming progeny (gonophores) of hydroids. + grace n. Thanks. + gang v.i. A going; a course. + gymnasium n. A place or building where athletic exercises are performed; a school for gymnastics. + gasoline n. A highly volatile mixture of fluid hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum, as also by the distillation of bituminous coal. It is used in making air gas, and in giving illuminating power to water gas. See Carburetor. + giber n. One who utters gibes. + grasp n. Wide-reaching power of intellect to comprehend subjects and hold them under survey. + glidingly adv. In a gliding manner. + granulation n. The act or process of the formation of such prominences. + go n. A glass of spirits. + gesticulated imp.|p.p. of Gesticulate + genista n. A genus of plants including the common broom of Western Europe. + graduator n. An apparatus for diffusing a solution, as brine or vinegar, over a large surface, for exposure to the air. + grubworm n. See Grub, n., 1. + galloon n. A narrow tapelike fabric used for binding hats, shoes, etc., -- sometimes made ornamental. + gem v.t. To adorn with gems or precious stones. + geocentrical a. Having reference to the earth as center; in relation to or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric longitude or latitude of a planet. + gentilism n. Tribal feeling; devotion to one's gens. + gilder n. A Dutch coin. See Guilder. + grooper n. See Grouper. + german n. A round dance, often with a waltz movement, abounding in capriciosly involved figures. + gnaw v.t. To corrode; to fret away; to waste. + guaranine n. An alkaloid extracted from guarana. Same as Caffeine. + glissette n. The locus described by any point attached to a curve that slips continuously on another fixed curve, the movable curve having no rotation at any instant. + grand superl. Great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression; illustrious, dignifled, or noble (said of persons); majestic, splendid, magnificent, or sublime (said of things); as, a grand monarch; a grand lord; a grand general; a grand view; a grand conception. + grossheaded a. Thick-skulled; stupid. + gay superl. Brilliant in colors; splendid; fine; richly dressed. + glad superl. Wearing a gay or bright appearance; expressing or exciting joy; producing gladness; exhilarating. + grouping n. The disposal or relative arrangement of figures or objects, as in, drawing, painting, and sculpture, or in ornamental design. + gauntlet n. See Gantlet. + gunny Alt. of Gunny cloth + glossator n. A writer of glosses or comments; a commentator. + gilden a. Gilded. + gomarist n. Alt. of Gomarite + gentle superl. Not wild, turbulent, or refractory; quiet and docile; tame; peaceable; as, a gentle horse. + galenite n. Galena; lead ore. + grass tree An Australian plant of the genus Xanthorrhoea, having a thick trunk crowned with a dense tuft of pendulous, grasslike leaves, from the center of which arises a long stem, bearing at its summit a dense flower spike looking somewhat like a large cat-tail. These plants are often called "blackboys" from the large trunks denuded and blackened by fire. They yield two kinds of fragrant resin, called Botany-bay gum, and Gum Acaroides. + glumella n. Alt. of Glumelle + graffage n. The scarp of a ditch or moat. + geitonogamy n. Fertilization of flowers by pollen from other flowers on the same plant. + governal n. Alt. of Governail + gracility n. State of being gracilent; slenderness. + giffgaff n. Mutial accommodation; mutual giving. + garnish n. Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment. See Garnish, v. t., 2. + garlandless a. Destitute of a garland. + girasole girasol n. See Heliotrope. + guide v.t. A person who leads or directs another in his way or course, as in a strange land; one who exhibits points of interest to strangers; a conductor; also, that which guides; a guidebook. + gyron n. A subordinary of triangular form having one of its angles at the fess point and the opposite aide at the edge of the escutcheon. When there is only one gyron on the shield it is bounded by two lines drawn from the fess point, one horizontally to the dexter side, and one to the dexter chief corner. + gobbler n. A turkey cock; a bubbling Jock. + gardenia n. A genus of plants, some species of which produce beautiful and fragrant flowers; Cape jasmine; -- so called in honor of Dr. Alexander Garden. + generical a. Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or their characteristics; -- opposed to specific. + genesial a. Of or relating to generation. + galenism n. The doctrines of Galen. + guide v.t. One who, or that which, directs another in his conduct or course of lifo; a director; a regulator. + gobetween n. An intermediate agent; a broker; a procurer; -- usually in a disparaging sense. + glaze v.t. Broth reduced by boiling to a gelatinous paste, and spread thinly over braised dishes. + glossary n. A collection of glosses or explanations of words and passages of a work or author; a partial dictionary of a work, an author, a dialect, art, or science, explaining archaic, technical, or other uncommon words. + gown n. A loose, flowing upper garment + gratifier n. One who gratifies or pleases. + gim a. Neat; spruce. + greeneyed a. Seeing everything through a medium which discolors or distorts. + gemma n. A bud spore; one of the small spores or buds in the reproduction of certain Protozoa, which separate one at a time from the parent cell. + galenical a. Pertaining to, or containing, galena. + granate n. See Garnet. + goatsucker n. One of several species of insectivorous birds, belonging to Caprimulgus and allied genera, esp. the European species (Caprimulgus Europaeus); -- so called from the mistaken notion that it sucks goats. The European species is also goat-milker, goat owl, goat chaffer, fern owl, night hawk, nightjar, night churr, churr-owl, gnat hawk, and dorhawk. + glama n. A copious gummy secretion of the humor of the eyelids, in consequence of some disorder; blearedness; lippitude. + glumaceous a. Having glumes; consisting of glumes. + gentry a. Courtesy; civility; complaisance. + grassation n. A wandering about with evil intentions; a rioting. + glow v.i. To shine with an intense or white heat; to give forth vivid light and heat; to be incandescent. + glumelle n. One of the pelets or inner chaffy scales of the flowers or spikelets of grasses. + grig n. The broad-nosed eel. See Glut. + greenlet n. Any species of Cyclorhis, a genus of tropical American birds allied to the tits. + garret n. That part of a house which is on the upper floor, immediately under or within the roof; an attic. + genuflect v.i. To bend the knee, as in worship. + gular a. Pertaining to the gula or throat; as, gular plates. See Illust. of Bird, and Bowfin. + glorified imp.|p.p. of Glorify + glee n. Music; minstrelsy; entertainment. + gift v.t. A bribe; anything given to corrupt. + geognost n. One versed in geognosy; a geologist. + guaniferous a. Yielding guano. + glonoine n. Same as Nitroglycerin; -- called also oil of glonoin. + gallant n. One fond of paying attention to ladies. + gobies pl. of Goby + gun of Gin + gorget n. A grooved instrunent used in performing various operations; -- called also blunt gorget. + gaoler n. The keeper of a jail. See Jailer. + graybeard n. An old man. + gorge n. A filling or choking of a passage or channel by an obstruction; as, an ice gorge in a river. + glomerating p.pr.|vb.n. of Glomerate + gap n. An opening in anything made by breaking or parting; as, a gap in a fence; an opening for a passage or entrance; an opening which implies a breach or defect; a vacant space or time; a hiatus; a mountain pass. + girdle v.t. To bind with a belt or sash; to gird. + glossiness n. The condition or quality of being glossy; the luster or brightness of a smooth surface. + gain n. To reach; to attain to; to arrive at; as, to gain the top of a mountain; to gain a good harbor. + grip v.t. An energetic or tenacious grasp; a holding fast; strength in grasping. + glancing a. Flying off (after striking) in an oblique direction; as, a glancing shot. + gainage v.t. The profit made by tillage; also, the land itself. + growler n. One who growls. + graal n. See Grail., a dish. + grit n. Structure, as adapted to grind or sharpen; as, a hone of good grit. + genet n. Alt. of Genette + granitiform a. Resembling granite in structure or shape. + grievance v.t. A cause of uneasiness and complaint; a wrong done and suffered; that which gives ground for remonstrance or resistance, as arising from injustice, tyranny, etc.; injury. + gas n. Laughing gas. + gastritis n. Inflammation of the stomach, esp. of its mucuos membrane. + gormandism n. Gluttony. + gin n. A machine for raising or moving heavy weights, consisting of a tripod formed of poles united at the top, with a windlass, pulleys, ropes, etc. + gurgle v.i. To run or flow in a broken, irregular, noisy current, as water from a bottle, or a small stream among pebbles or stones. + greegree n. An African talisman or Gri'gri' charm. + grecian n. One well versed in the Greek language, literature, or history. + gelid a. Cold; very cold; frozen. + gated a. Having gates. + gas n. Any irrespirable aeriform fluid. + glorification n. The act of glorifyng or of giving glory to. + gripe v.t. To seize and hold fast; to embrace closely. + gauntry n. A scaffolding or frame carrying a crane or other structure. + governing a. Requiring a particular case. + gagging p.pr.|vb.n. of Gag + gentleman n. One of gentle or refined manners; a well-bred man. + gerbille n. One of several species of small, jumping, murine rodents, of the genus Gerbillus. In their leaping powers they resemble the jerboa. They inhabit Africa, India, and Southern Europe. + grandchild n. A son's or daughter's child; a child in the second degree of descent. + gnomon n. The style or pin, which by its shadow, shows the hour of the day. It is usually set parallel to the earth's axis. + gib v.i. To act like a cat. + garboard n. One of the planks next the keel on the outside, which form a garboard strake. + glasswork n. Manufacture of glass; articles or ornamentation made of glass. + gyronny a. Covered with gyrons, or divided so as to form several gyrons; -- said of an escutcheon. + glaucine n. An alkaloid obtained from the plant Glaucium, as a bitter, white, crystalline substance. + grammar n. The science which treats of the principles of language; the study of forms of speech, and their relations to one another; the art concerned with the right use aud application of the rules of a language, in speaking or writing. + gobet n. See Gobbet. + glimpse n. A sudden flash; transient luster. + glebe n. The land belonging, or yielding revenue, to a parish church or ecclesiastical benefice. + gorgonian n. One of the Gorgoniacea. + germinate v.i. To sprout; to bud; to shoot; to begin to vegetate, as a plant or its seed; to begin to develop, as a germ. + glaze v.t. A glazing oven. See Glost oven. + graphology n. The art of judging of a person's character, disposition, and aptitude from his handwriting. + garnering p.pr.|vb.n. of Garner + gape v.i. To long, wait eagerly, or cry aloud for something; -- with for, after, or at. + goading p.pr.|vb.n. of Goad + gelly n. Jelly. + glint n. A glimpse, glance, or gleam. + goatlike a. Like a goat; goatish. + grosgrain a. Of a coarse texture; -- applied to silk with a heavy thread running crosswise. + gryde v.i. To gride. See Gride. + gladstone n. A four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two inside seats, calash top, and seats for driver and footman. + geminy n. Twins; a pair; a couple. + glowing p.pr.|vb.n. of Glow + gaudy superl. Ostentatiously fine; showy; gay, but tawdry or meretricious. + gruesome a. Same as Grewsome. + geniuses pl. of Genius + goafs pl. of Goaf + gumption n. The art of preparing colors. + gown n. The official robe of certain professional men and scholars, as university students and officers, barristers, judges, etc.; hence, the dress of peace; the dress of civil officers, in distinction from military. + geophagous a. Earth-eating. + gammon n. Backgammon. + gage n. A variety of plum; as, the greengage; also, the blue gage, frost gage, golden gage, etc., having more or less likeness to the greengage. See Greengage. + generally adv. In a general way, or in general relation; in the main; upon the whole; comprehensively. + galapee tree The West Indian Sciadophyllum Brownei, a tree with very large digitate leaves. + galloper n. A carriage on which very small guns were formerly mounted, the gun resting on the shafts, without a limber. + globeflower n. A plant of the genus Trollius (T. Europaeus), found in the mountainous parts of Europe, and producing handsome globe-shaped flowers. + gleyre n. See Glair. + gormand a. Gluttonous; voracious. + gemmule n. One of the reproductive spores of algae. + georgian a. Of or pertaining to Georgia, in Asia, or to Georgia, one of the United States. + gnatworm n. The aquatic larva of a gnat; -- called also, colloquially, wiggler. + geographically adv. In a geographical manner or method; according to geography. + gloaming n. Sullenness; melancholy. + grisled a. See Grizzled. + gloom n. Partial or total darkness; thick shade; obscurity; as, the gloom of a forest, or of midnight. + getting n. That which is got or obtained; gain; profit. + goldsmith n. A banker. + graham bread Bread made of unbolted wheat flour. + gregarine a. Of or pertaining to the Gregarinae. + galling a. Fitted to gall or chafe; vexing; harassing; irritating. + gratulation n. The act of gratulating or felicitating; congratulation. + grange n. An association of farmers, designed to further their interests, aud particularly to bring producers and consumers, farmers and manufacturers, into direct commercial relations, without intervention of middlemen or traders. The first grange was organized in 1867. + guy n. A rope, chain, or rod attached to anything to steady it; as: a rope to steady or guide an object which is being hoisted or lowered; a rope which holds in place the end of a boom, spar, or yard in a ship; a chain or wire rope connecting a suspension bridge with the land on either side to prevent lateral swaying; a rod or rope attached to the top of a structure, as of a derrick, and extending obliquely to the ground, where it is fastened. + gloser n. See Glosser. + godfearing a. Having a reverential and loving feeling towards God; religious. + glance v.i. To shoot or emit a flash of light; to shine; to flash. + gyrating p.pr.|vb.n. of Gyrate + gagtoothed a. Having gagteeth. + galactic a. Of or pertaining to milk; got from milk; as, galactic acid. + galvanocaustic a. Relating to the use of galvanic heat as a caustic, especially in medicine. + graphitoid a. Alt. of Graphitoidal + glochidia pl. of Glochidium + grubby n. Any species of Cottus; a sculpin. + gladdening p.pr.|vb.n. of Gladden + greatcoat n. An overcoat. + geometer n. Any species of geometrid moth; a geometrid. + geognosy n. That part of geology which treats of the materials of the earth's structure, and its general exterior and interior constitution. + gerbil n. Alt. of Gerbille + glowingly adv. In a glowing manner; with ardent heat or passion. + garnish v.t. To furnish; to supply. + gtraystone n. A grayish or greenish compact rock, composed of feldspar and augite, and allied to basalt. + general a. Relating to a genus or kind; pertaining to a whole class or order; as, a general law of animal or vegetable economy. + gastrointestinal a. Of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines; gastroenteric. + gloaming n. Twilight; dusk; the fall of the evening. + gonochorism n. In phylogeny, the evolution of distinct sexes in species previously hermaphrodite or sexless. + gully v.i. To flow noisily. + gossoon n. A boy; a servant. + gaytre n. The dogwood tree. + goa n. A species of antelope (Procapra picticauda), inhabiting Thibet. + goolde n. An old English name of some yellow flower, -- the marigold (Calendula), according to Dr. Prior, but in Chaucer perhaps the turnsole. + gastrocnemius n. The muscle which makes the greater part of the calf of the leg. + growable a. Capable of growth. + giving n. The act of bestowing as a gift; a conferring or imparting. + germen n. See Germ. + gloom v.t. To fill with gloom; to make sad, dismal, or sullen. + goblet n. A kind of cup or drinking vessel having a foot or standard, but without a handle. + garble n. Impurities separated from spices, drugs, etc.; -- also called garblings. + gry n. Anything very small, or of little value. + gyroidal a. Having the planes arranged spirally, so that they incline all to the right (or left) of a vertical line; -- said of certain hemihedral forms. + greenstall n. A stall at which greens and fresh vegetables are exposed for sale. + gantlet n. A military punishment formerly in use, wherein the offender was made to run between two files of men facing one another, who struck him as he passed. + globy a. Resembling, or pertaining to, a globe; round; orbicular. + gripe v.t. To pinch; to distress. Specifically, to cause pinching and spasmodic pain to the bowels of, as by the effects of certain purgative or indigestible substances. + garb n. The whole dress or suit of clothes worn by any person, especially when indicating rank or office; as, the garb of a clergyman or a judge. + glass v.t. A drinking vessel; a tumbler; a goblet; hence, the contents of such a vessel; especially; spirituous liquors; as, he took a glass at dinner. + glyptic a. Figured; marked as with figures. + gadabout n. A gadder + geolatry n. The worship of the earth. + gybed imp.|p.p. of Gybe + gouty a. Diseased with, or subject to, the gout; as, a gouty person; a gouty joint. + gratulating p.pr.|vb.n. of Gratulate + glebosity n. The quality of being glebous. + gib n. A piece or slip of metal or wood, notched or otherwise, in a machine or structure, to hold other parts in place or bind them together, or to afford a bearing surface; -- usually held or adjusted by means of a wedge, key, or screw. + gastrolith n. See Crab's eyes, under Crab. + ganglion n. A node, or gland in the lymphatic system; as, a lymphatic ganglion. + golyardeys n. A buffoon. See Gollard. + gossip v.i. To run about and tattle; to tell idle tales. + garancin n. An extract of madder by sulphuric acid. It consists essentially of alizarin. + goodygoody a. Mawkishly or weakly good; exhibiting goodness with silliness. + glow n. Heat of body; a sensation of warmth, as that produced by exercise, etc. + gavelock n. A spear or dart. + gigantic a. Of extraordinary size; like a giant. + glottic a. Alt. of Glottidean + gascoines n.pl. See Gaskins, 1. + grouse v.i. To seek or shoot grouse. + grape n. Grapeshot. + granted imp.|p.p. of Grant + generation n. The act of generating or begetting; procreation, as of animals. + ginning v.i. Beginning. + geognostical a. Of or pertaining to geognosy, or to a knowledge of the structure of the earth; geological. + gnarl n. a knot in wood; a large or hard knot, or a protuberance with twisted grain, on a tree. + gulty a. Guilty. + gothic n. A kind of square-cut type, with no hair lines. + gang v.i. The mineral substance which incloses a vein; a matrix; a gangue. + gird n. A cut; a sarcastic remark; a gibe; a sneer. + gadling n. A roving vagabond. + godson n. A male for whom one has stood sponsor in baptism. See Godfather. + ge An Anglo-Saxon prefix. See Y-. + gynophore n. One of the branches bearing the female gonophores, in certain Siphonophora. + grazing n. A pasture; growing grass. + gilbbery a. Moving easily; nimble; voluble. + goodliness n. Beauty of form; grace; elegance; comeliness. + genearch n. The chief of a family or tribe. + glaze v.i. To become glazed of glassy. + goff n. A game. See Golf. + garnish v.t. To decorate with ornamental appendages; to set off; to adorn; to embellish. + gentlemanship n. The carriage or quality of a gentleman. + glasssnail n. A small, transparent, land snail, of the genus Vitrina. + gamboge n. A concrete juice, or gum resin, produced by several species of trees in Siam, Ceylon, and Malabar. It is brought in masses, or cylindrical rolls, from Cambodia, or Cambogia, -- whence its name. The best kind is of a dense, compact texture, and of a beatiful reddish yellow. Taking internally, it is a strong and harsh cathartic and emetic. + gustatory a. Pertaining to, or subservient to, the sense of taste; as, the gustatory nerve which supplies the front of the tongue. + gladiolus n. The middle portion of the sternum in some animals; the mesosternum. + galliard n. A brisk, gay man. + garggled imp.|p.p. of Gargle + gammadion n. A cross formed of four capital gammas, formerly used as a mysterious ornament on ecclesiastical vestments, etc. See Fylfot. + godlily adv. Righteously. + group n. A variously limited assemblage of animals or plants, having some resemblance, or common characteristics in form or structure. The term has different uses, and may be made to include certain species of a genus, or a whole genus, or certain genera, or even several orders. + graciously adv. In a gracious manner; courteously; benignantly. + glycosine n. An organic base, C6H6N4, produced artificially as a white, crystalline powder, by the action of ammonia on glyoxal. + greeting p.pr.|vb.n. of Greet + geck n. Scorn, derision, or contempt. + garth n. A close; a yard; a croft; a garden; as, a cloister garth. + gendarmes pl. of Gendarme + gestureless a. Free from gestures. + gainsayer n. One who gainsays, contradicts, or denies. + gastriloquous a. Ventriloquous. + gust n. A sudden violent burst of passion. + geophagism n. The act or habit of eating earth. See Dirt eating, under Dirt. + gear n. A toothed wheel, or cogwheel; as, a spur gear, or a bevel gear; also, toothed wheels, collectively. + galligaskins n.pl. Loose hose or breeches; leather leg quards. The word is used loosely and often in a jocose sense. + garb n. A sheaf of grain (wheat, unless otherwise specified). + gemminess n. The state or quality of being gemmy; spruceness; smartness. + gazette v.t. To announce or publish in a gazette; to announce officially, as an appointment, or a case of bankruptcy. + girder n. One who, or that which, girds. + gut v.t. To take out the bowels from; to eviscerate. + ground n. Land; estate; possession; field; esp. (pl.), the gardens, lawns, fields, etc., belonging to a homestead; as, the grounds of the estate are well kept. + groundedly adv. In a grounded or firmly established manner. + guaco n. A plant (Aristolochia anguicida) of Carthagena, used as an antidote to serpent bites. + guna n. In Sanskrit grammar, a lengthening of the simple vowels a, i, e, by prefixing an a element. The term is sometimes used to denote the same vowel change in other languages. + glassful n. The contents of a glass; as much of anything as a glass will hold. + galore n.|a. Plenty; abundance; in abundance. + given adv. Stated; fixed; as, in a given time. + guide v.t. A grooved director for a probe or knife. + glandered a. Affected with glanders; as, a glandered horse. + geostatic a. Relating to the pressure exerted by earth or similar substance. + grass v.t. To expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc. + gummed imp.|.p. of Gum + gallicize v.t. To conform to the French mode or idiom. + ghostology n. Ghost lore. + grains n. Pigeon's dung used in tanning. See Grainer. n., 1. + geosynclinal n. the downward bend or subsidence of the earth's crust, which allows of the gradual accumulation of sediment, and hence forms the first step in the making of a mountain range; -- opposed to geanticlinal. + gripe v.i. To suffer griping pains. + grecism n. An idiom of the Greek language; a Hellenism. + graphic a. Alt. of Graphical + gastroraphy n. The operation of sewing up wounds of the abdomen. + glauconite n. The green mineral characteristic of the greensand of the chalk and other formations. It is a hydrous silicate of iron and potash. See Greensand. + graphiscope n. See Graphoscope. + glycolic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, glycol; as, glycolic ether; glycolic acid. + gross superl. Not easily aroused or excited; not sensitive in perception or feeling; dull; witless. + gittern n. An instrument like a guitar. + gambrel n. A stick crooked like a horse's hind leg; -- used by butchers in suspending slaughtered animals. + gripe n. The piece of timber which terminates the keel at the fore end; the forefoot. + gaslight n. The light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas. + grogshop n. A shop or room where strong liquors are sold and drunk; a dramshop. + grub n. Victuals; food. + gulist n. A glutton. + gateman n. A gate keeper; a gate tender. + grave n. To impress deeply (on the mind); to fix indelibly. + gourd n. A dipper or other vessel made from the shell of a gourd; hence, a drinking vessel; a bottle. + grided imp.|p.p. of Gride + grumbly adv. In a grum manner. + groundly adv. Solidly; deeply; thoroughly. + ghibelline n. One of a faction in Italy, in the 12th and 13th centuries, which favored the German emperors, and opposed the Guelfs, or adherents of the poses. + garland n. The crown of a king. + groin n. A frame of woodwork across a beach to accumulate and retain shingle. + gender n. To beget; to engender. + godsib n. A gossip. + good n. Wares; commodities; chattels; -- formerly used in the singular in a collective sense. In law, a comprehensive name for almost all personal property as distinguished from land or real property. + glutination n. The act of uniting with glue; sticking together. + gloss pl. of Glossa + generalness n. The condition or quality of being general; frequency; commonness. + gamut n. The scale. + garreting n. Small splinters of stone inserted into the joints of coarse masonry. + ginshop n. A shop or barroom where gin is sold as a beverage. + gee v.i. To turn to the off side, or from the driver (i.e., in the United States, to the right side); -- said of cattle, or a team; used most frequently in the imperative, often with off, by drivers of oxen, in directing their teams, and opposed to haw, or hoi. + gift v.t. The act, right, or power of giving or bestowing; as, the office is in the gift of the President. + gravel v.t. To cover with gravel; as, to gravel a walk. + glimmering n. Faint, unsteady light; a glimmer. + glabell pl. of Glabella + goitre n. An enlargement of the thyroid gland, on the anterior part of the neck; bronchocele. It is frequently associated with cretinism, and is most common in mountainous regions, especially in certain parts of Switzerland. + gimlet v.t. To turn round (an anchor) by the stock, with a motion like turning a gimlet. + guardianess n. A female guardian. + gulfy a. Full of whirlpools or gulfs. + genevan n. A supported of Genevanism. + galvanoscopy n. The use of galvanism in physiological experiments. + goodly superl. Of pleasing appearance or character; comely; graceful; as, a goodly person; goodly raiment, houses. + gulped imp.|p.p. of Gulp + gasket n. Any ring or washer of packing. + grafting n. The act or method of weaving a cover for a ring, rope end, etc. + greatgrandchild n. The child of one's grandson or granddaughter. + gabble v.i. To utter inarticulate sounds with rapidity; as, gabbling fowls. + going n. Pregnancy; gestation; childbearing. + grabbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Grabble + grizzlies pl. of Grizzly + glorious n. Exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory; noble; praiseworthy; excellent; splendid; illustrious; inspiring admiration; as, glorious deeds. + give v.i. To become soft or moist. + gorget n. A piece of armor, whether of chain mail or of plate, defending the throat and upper part of the breast, and forming a part of the double breastplate of the 14th century. + genette n. The fur of the common genet (Genetta vulgaris); also, any skin dressed in imitation of this fur. + gladdened imp.|p.p. of Gladden + glutton n. One who eats voraciously, or to excess; a gormandizer. + girt imp.|p.p. of Gird + gymnastically adv. In a gymnastic manner. + girl n. A roebuck two years old. + guiltless a. Free from guilt; innocent. + give n. To bestow without receiving a return; to confer without compensation; to impart, as a possession; to grant, as authority or permission; to yield up or allow. + grqatulated imp.|p.p. of Gratulate + griffon n. An English early apple. + gulph n. See Gulf. + gutturo A combining form denoting relation to the throat; as, gutturo-nasal, having both a guttural and a nasal character; gutturo-palatal. + gag v.t. To stop the mouth of, by thrusting sometimes in, so as to hinder speaking; hence, to silence by authority or by violence; not to allow freedom of speech to. + gripper n. In printing presses, the fingers or nippers. + gentilesse a. Gentleness; courtesy; kindness; nobility. + gland n. An organ or part which resembles a secreting, or true, gland, as the ductless, lymphatic, pineal, and pituitary glands, the functions of which are very imperfectly known. + gemmary a. Of or pertaining to gems. + gelastic a. Pertaining to laughter; used in laughing. + gimp n. A narrow ornamental fabric of silk, woolen, or cotton, often with a metallic wire, or sometimes a coarse cord, running through it; -- used as trimming for dresses, furniture, etc. + grain n. The unit of the English system of weights; -- so called because considered equal to the average of grains taken from the middle of the ears of wheat. 7,000 grains constitute the pound avoirdupois, and 5,760 grains the pound troy. A grain is equal to .0648 gram. See Gram. + gnomology n. A collection of, or a treatise on, maxims, grave sentences, or reflections. + gird v. To sneer at; to mock; to gibe. + granulate v.t. To form into grains or small masses; as, to granulate powder, sugar, or metal. + giaour n. An infidel; -- a term applied by Turks to disbelievers in the Mohammedan religion, especially Christrians. + gate n. A large door or passageway in the wall of a city, of an inclosed field or place, or of a grand edifice, etc.; also, the movable structure of timber, metal, etc., by which the passage can be closed. + galleass n. A large galley, having some features of the galleon, as broadside guns; esp., such a vessel used by the southern nations of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. See Galleon, and Galley. + gusset n. A small piece of cloth inserted in a garment, for the purpose of strengthening some part or giving it a tapering enlargement. + groom n. A man recently married, or about to be married; a bridegroom. + geomancy n. A kind of divination by means of figures or lines, formed by little dots or points, originally on the earth, and latterly on paper. + globulet n. A little globule. + groin n. The line between the lower part of the abdomen and the thigh, or the region of this line; the inguen. + glumly adv. In a glum manner; sullenly; moodily. + giggle n. A kind of laugh, with short catches of the voice or breath; a light, silly laugh. + gaylussite n. A yellowish white, translucent mineral, consisting of the carbonates of lime and soda, with water. + groundling n. A spectator in the pit of a theater, which formerly was on the ground, and without floor or benches. + gangliate a. Alt. of Gangliated + ground v.t. To connect with the ground so as to make the earth a part of an electrical circuit. + gibberish a. Unmeaning; as, gibberish language. + gallinipper n. A large mosquito. + gummy a. Consisting of gum; viscous; adhesive; producing or containing gum; covered with gum or a substance resembling gum. + gala n. Pomp, show, or festivity. + green n. Any substance or pigment of a green color. + garb n. Clothing in general. + goosish a. Like a goose; foolish. + gastroenteritis n. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the stomach and the intestines. + guardhouse n. A building which is occupied by the guard, and in which soldiers are confined for misconduct; hence, a lock-up. + gallygaskins n.pl. See Galligaskins. + gasteropodous a. Same as Gastropodous. + gibbostity n. The state of being gibbous or gibbose; gibbousness. + glass v.t. An optical glass; a lens; a spyglass; -- in the plural, spectacles; as, a pair of glasses; he wears glasses. + grating n. The strong wooden lattice used to cover a hatch, admitting light and air; also, a movable Lattice used for the flooring of boats. + gemini n.pl. A constellation of the zodiac, containing the two bright stars Castor and Pollux; also, the third sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about May 20th. + grugru palm A West Indian name for several kinds of palm. See Macaw tree, under Macaw. + guard v.i. To watch by way of caution or defense; to be caution; to be in a state or position of defense or safety; as, careful persons guard against mistakes. + genu n. The knee. + galactophorous a. Milk-carrying; lactiferous; -- applied to the ducts of mammary glands. + glide v.i. To pass with a glide, as the voice. + gaudery n. Finery; ornaments; ostentatious display. + goneness n. A state of exhaustion; faintness, especially as resulting from hunger. + gall n. The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder. + gibfish n. The male of the salmon. + grosbeak n. One of various species of finches having a large, stout beak. The common European grosbeak or hawfinch is Coccothraustes vulgaris. + glimpsed imp.|p.p. of Glimpse + greediness n. The quality of being greedy; vehement and selfish desire. + guessable a. Capable of being guessed. + garter n. The distinguishing badge of the highest order of knighthood in Great Britain, called the Order of the Garter, instituted by Edward III.; also, the Order itself. + gladding p.pr.|vb.n. of Glad + glutaeus n. The great muscle of the buttock in man and most mammals, and the corresponding muscle in many lower animals. + greened imp.|p.p. of Green + glimpse n. A short, hurried view; a transitory or fragmentary perception; a quick sight. + greeted imp.|p.p. of Greet + geologist n. One versed in the science of geology. + glycide n. A colorless liquid, obtained from certain derivatives of glycerin, and regarded as a partially dehydrated glycerin; -- called also glycidic alcohol. + glent n.|v. See Glint. + glairing p.pr.|vb.n. of Glair + groggy a. Weakened in a fight so as to stagger; -- said of pugilists. + gentry a. People of education and good breeding; in England, in a restricted sense, those between the nobility and the yeomanry. + graduate n. To admit or elevate to a certain grade or degree; esp., in a college or university, to admit, at the close of the course, to an honorable standing defined by a diploma; as, he was graduated at Yale College. + geometrid n. One of numerous genera and species of moths, of the family Geometridae; -- so called because their larvae (called loopers, measuring worms, spanworms, and inchworms) creep in a looping manner, as if measuring. Many of the species are injurious to agriculture, as the cankerworms. + ginglyform a. Ginglymoid. + grail n. A broad, open dish; a chalice; -- only used of the Holy Grail. + grangerite n. One who collects illustrations from various books for the decoration of one book. + geoponics n. The art or science of cultivating the earth; agriculture. + glyptotheca n. A building or room devoted to works of sculpture. + generatrix n. That which generates; the point, or the mathematical magnitude, which, by its motion, generates another magnitude, as a line, surface, or solid; -- called also describent. + greedily adv. In a greedy manner. + grooving n. The act of forming a groove or grooves; a groove, or collection of grooves. + gelatification n. The formation of gelatin. + grallae n.pl. An order of birds which formerly included all the waders. By later writers it is usually restricted to the sandpipers, plovers, and allied forms; -- called also Grallatores. + grammatical a. Of or pertaining to grammar; of the nature of grammar; as, a grammatical rule. + greisen n. A crystalline rock consisting of quarts and mica, common in the tin regions of Cornwall and Saxony. + groveler n. One who grovels; an abject wretch. + gloze v.i. To give a specious or false meaning; to ministerpret. + grievous a. Causing grief or sorrow; painful; afflictive; hard to bear; offensive; harmful. + gemmation n. The formation of a new individual, either animal or vegetable, by a process of budding; an asexual method of reproduction; gemmulation; gemmiparity. See Budding. + groaned imp.|p.p. of Groan + gig n. A fiddle. + grig n. Any small eel. + gargle v.t. To warble; to sing as if gargling + gimbal n. Alt. of Gimbals + glazing n. The glass set, or to be set, in a sash, frame. etc. + gelderrose n. Same as Guelder-rose. + grout n. Lees; dregs; grounds. + gastropneumatic a. Pertaining to the alimentary canal and air passages, and to the cavities connected with them; as, the gastropneumatic mucuos membranes. + grandiose a. Characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor; flaunting; turgid; bombastic; -- in a bad sense; as, a grandiose style. + gossaries pl. of Glossary + gee v.i. To agree; to harmonize. + genericalness n. The quality of being generic. + gospel v. One of the four narratives of the life and death of Jesus Christ, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. + gournet n. A fish. See Gurnet. + gymnogen n. One of a class of plants, so called by Lindley, because the ovules are fertilized by direct contact of the pollen. Same as Gymnosperm. + gutturize v.t. To make in the throat; to gutturalize. + genealogy n. Regular descent of a person or family from a progenitor; pedigree; lineage. + gemmule n. One of the buds of mosses. + goen p. p. of Go. + gide n. Alt. of Guide + ginger n. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale, which is much used in cookery and in medicine. + george n. A figure of St. George (the patron saint of England) on horseback, appended to the collar of the Order of the Garter. See Garter. + ganoine n. A peculiar bony tissue beneath the enamel of a ganoid scale. + guzzled imp.|p.p. of Guzzle + glariness n. Alt. of Glaringness + gondola n. A long platform car, either having no sides or with very low sides, used on railroads. + glidder a. Alt. of Gliddery + galban n. Alt. of Galbanum + gallopade v.i. To gallop, as on horseback. + gill n. One of the combs of closely ranged steel pins which divide the ribbons of flax fiber or wool into fewer parallel filaments. + gabionage n. The part of a fortification built of gabions. + geognosis n. Knowledge of the earth. + grace n. Graceful and beautiful females, sister goddesses, represented by ancient writers as the attendants sometimes of Apollo but oftener of Venus. They were commonly mentioned as three in number; namely, Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, and were regarded as the inspirers of the qualities which give attractiveness to wisdom, love, and social intercourse. + germanize v.i. To reason or write after the manner of the Germans. + gane v.i. To yawn; to gape. + glout v.i. To pout; to look sullen. + grackle n. One of several American blackbirds, of the family Icteridae; as, the rusty grackle (Scolecophagus Carolinus); the boat-tailed grackle (see Boat-tail); the purple grackle (Quiscalus quiscula, or Q. versicolor). See Crow blackbird, under Crow. + ghaut n. Stairs descending to a river; a landing place; a wharf. + girdle v.t. To make a cut or gnaw a groove around (a tree, etc.) through the bark and alburnum, thus killing it. + grill v.t. A gridiron. + greenbroom n. A plant of the genus Genista (G. tinctoria); dyer's weed; -- called also greenweed. + glow v.t. To make hot; to flush. + geodesy n. That branch of applied mathematics which determines, by means of observations and measurements, the figures and areas of large portions of the earth's surface, or the general figure and dimenshions of the earth; or that branch of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken into account, as in the surveys of States, or of long lines of coast. + gillyflower n. A kind of apple, of a roundish conical shape, purplish red color, and having a large core. + gridiron n. A grated iron utensil for broiling flesh and fish over coals. + guttural a. Of or pertaining to the throat; formed in the throat; relating to, or characteristic of, a sound formed in the throat. + glans n. A pessary. + gander n. The male of any species of goose. + guerrilla n. An irregular mode of carrying on war, by the constant attacks of independent bands, adopted in the north of Spain during the Peninsular war. + gall n. The gall bladder. + grained imp.|p.p. of Grain + gigantology n. An account or description of giants. + gallein n. A red crystalline dyestuff, obtained by heating together pyrogallic and phthalic acids. + gyratory a. Moving in a circle, or spirally; revolving; whirling around. + gaped imp.|p.p. of Gape + gaillard a. Gay; brisk; merry; galliard. + gunnery n. That branch of military science which comprehends the theory of projectiles, and the manner of constructing and using ordnance. + gastropoda n.pl. One of the classes of Mollusca, of great extent. It includes most of the marine spiral shells, and the land and fresh-water snails. They generally creep by means of a flat, muscular disk, or foot, on the ventral side of the body. The head usually bears one or two pairs of tentacles. See Mollusca. + guitar n. A stringed instrument of music resembling the lute or the violin, but larger, and having six strings, three of silk covered with silver wire, and three of catgut, -- played upon with the fingers. + glomerate a. Gathered together in a roundish mass or dense cluster; conglomerate. + gum v.t. To smear with gum; to close with gum; to unite or stiffen by gum or a gumlike substance; to make sticky with a gumlike substance. + gulling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gull + glaring p.pr.|vb.n. of Glare + gulf n. That which swallows irretrievably; a whirlpool; a sucking eddy. + gigantic a. Such as a giant might use, make, or cause; immense; tremendous; extraordinarly; as, gigantic deeds; gigantic wickedness. + gather v.i. To collect or bring things together. + gameless a. Destitute of game. + glim n. Brightness; splendor. + glutinate v.t. To unite with glue; to cement; to stick together. + glycol n. A thick, colorless liquid, C2H4(OH)2, of a sweetish taste, produced artificially from certain ethylene compounds. It is a diacid alcohol, intermediate between ordinary ethyl alcohol and glycerin. + gula n. A capping molding. Same as Cymatium. + greenfinch n. A European finch (Ligurinus chloris); -- called also green bird, green linnet, green grosbeak, green olf, greeny, and peasweep. + geck n. To deride; to scorn; to mock. + gaper n. One who gapes. + grating n. A system of close equidistant and parallel lines lines or bars, especially lines ruled on a polished surface, used for producing spectra by diffraction; -- called also diffraction grating. + glimmering p.pr.|vb.n. of Glimmer + gyral a. Moving in a circular path or way; whirling; gyratory. + gig n. A light carriage, with one pair of wheels, drawn by one horse; a kind of chaise. + galactophagist n. One who eats, or subsists on, milk. + gnarred imp.|p.p. of Gnar + grease v.t. To cheat or cozen; to overreach. + gauntlet n. A glove of such material that it defends the hand from wounds. + grafter n. The original tree from which a scion has been taken for grafting upon another tree. + glean v.t. To collect with patient and minute labor; to pick out; to obtain. + giltif a. Guilty. + ganglion n. A globular, hard, indolent tumor, situated somewhere on a tendon, and commonly formed by the effusion of a viscid fluid into it; -- called also weeping sinew. + get n. Jet, the mineral. + get v.t. Hence, with have and had, to come into or be in possession of; to have. + glucose n. Any one of a large class of sugars, isometric with glucose proper, and including levulose, galactose, etc. + grouper n. In California, the name is often applied to the rockfishes. + gawky superl. Foolish and awkward; clumsy; clownish; as, gawky behavior. -- n. A fellow who is awkward from being overgrown, or from stupidity, a gawk. + grandaunt n. The aunt of one's father or mother. + guying p.pr.|vb.n. of Guy + gimleting p.pr.|vb.n. of Gimlet + grinned imp.|p.p. of Grin + gastrotricha n.pl. A group of small wormlike animals, having cilia on the ventral side. The group is regarded as an ancestral or synthetic one, related to rotifers and annelids. + grain n. A thin piece of metal, used in a mold to steady a core. + gurry n. A small fort. + germans pl. of German + glutinative a. Having the quality of cementing; tenacious; viscous; glutinous. + genevanism n. Strict Calvinism. + gaugership n. The office of a gauger. + glimmer v.i. To give feeble or scattered rays of light; to shine faintly; to show a faint, unsteady light; as, the glimmering dawn; a glimmering lamp. + gnathonic a. Alt. of Gnathonical + geodetics n. Same as Geodesy. + grossly adv. In a gross manner; greatly; coarsely; without delicacy; shamefully; disgracefully. + governed imp.|p.p. of Govern + goodly superl. Large; considerable; portly; as, a goodly number. + genteelly adv. In a genteel manner. + grate a. Serving to gratify; agreeable. + grow v.t. To cause to grow; to cultivate; to produce; as, to grow a crop; to grow wheat, hops, or tobacco. + gauze n. A very thin, slight, transparent stuff, generally of silk; also, any fabric resembling silk gauze; as, wire gauze; cotton gauze. + gracing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grace + graphically adv. In a graphic manner; vividly. + guiac n. Same as Guaiac. + gelada n. A baboon (Gelada Ruppelli) of Abyssinia, remarkable for the length of the hair on the neck and shoulders of the adult male. + go v.i. To apply one's self; to set one's self; to undertake. + gallery a. A frame, like a balcony, projecting from the stern or quarter of a ship, and hence called stern gallery or quarter gallery, -- seldom found in vessels built since 1850. + gemmation n. The arrangement of buds on the stalk; also, of leaves in the bud. + gynodioecious a. Dioecious, but having some hermaphrodite or perfect flowers on an individual plant which bears mostly pistillate flowers. + gere n. Gear. + geologies pl. of Geology + gallivant v.i. To play the beau; to wait upon the ladies; also, to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan. + gloxinia n. American genus of herbaceous plants with very handsome bell-shaped blossoms; -- named after B. P. Gloxin, a German botanist. + gypsy n. One of a vagabond race, whose tribes, coming originally from India, entered Europe in 14th or 15th centry, and are now scattered over Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Spain, England, etc., living by theft, fortune telling, horsejockeying, tinkering, etc. Cf. Bohemian, Romany. + grotto n. A natural covered opening in the earth; a cave; also, an artificial recess, cave, or cavernlike apartment. + gambet n. Any bird of the genuis Totanus. See Tattler. + gravelling n. A salmon one or two years old, before it has gone to sea. + gild v.t. To make attractive; to adorn; to brighten. + glance v.t. To hint at; to touch lightly or briefly. + generalized a. Comprising structural characters which are separated in more specialized forms; synthetic; as, a generalized type. + glycerate n. A salt of glyceric acid. + gambling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gamble + greenleek n. An Australian parrakeet (Polytelis Barrabandi); -- called also the scarlet-breasted parrot. + grit n. Firmness of mind; invincible spirit; unyielding courage; fortitude. + generative a. Having the power of generating, propagating, originating, or producing. + gonosome n. The reproductive zooids of a hydroid colony, collectively. + gymnochroa n.pl. A division of Hydroidea including the hydra. See Hydra. + guerdonable a. Worthy of reward. + greave v.t. To clean (a ship's bottom); to grave. + grillade v.t. The act of grilling; also, that which is grilled. + gad n. A spike on a gauntlet; a gadling. + gyropigeon n. A flying object simulating a pigeon in flight, when projected from a spring trap. It is used as a flying target in shooting matches. + glass v.t. A vessel filled with running sand for measuring time; an hourglass; and hence, the time in which such a vessel is exhausted of its sand. + genius n. The peculiar structure of mind with whoch each individual is endowed by nature; that disposition or aptitude of mind which is peculiar to each man, and which qualifies him for certain kinds of action or special success in any pursuit; special taste, inclination, or disposition; as, a genius for history, for poetry, or painting. + gag n. Something thrust into the mouth or throat to hinder speaking. + grommet n. A ring formed by twisting on itself a single strand of an unlaid rope; also, a metallic eyelet in or for a sail or a mailbag. Sometimes written grummet. + guist n. Same as Joust. + galvanometry n. The art or process of measuring the force of electric currents. + garroter n. One who seizes a person by the throat from behind, with a view to strangle and rob him. + ganil n. A kind of brittle limestone. + gigantomachy n. A war of giants; especially, the fabulous war of the giants against heaven. + gore v.t. To pierce or wound, as with a horn; to penetrate with a pointed instrument, as a spear; to stab. + gothicism n. Rudeness of manners; barbarousness. + group n. An assemblage of objects in a certain order or relation, or having some resemblance or common characteristic; as, groups of strata. + gnashing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gnash + gibbered imp.|p.p. of Gibber + gynecocracy n. Government by a woman, female power; gyneocracy. + graduation n. The act of graduating, or the state of being graduated; as, graduation of a scale; graduation at a college; graduation in color; graduation by evaporation; the graduation of a bird's tail, etc. + garmenture n. Clothing; dress. + glamour n. A kind of haze in the air, causing things to appear different from what they really are. + gaud n. Trick; jest; sport. + gather v.t. To bring closely together the parts or particles of; to contract; to compress; to bring together in folds or plaits, as a garment; also, to draw together, as a piece of cloth by a thread; to pucker; to plait; as, to gather a ruffle. + gamester n. A prostitute; a strumpet. + gumminess n. The state or quality of being gummy; viscousness. + glean v.t. To gather after a reaper; to collect in scattered or fragmentary parcels, as the grain left by a reaper, or grapes left after the gathering. + gad n. A sharp-pointed rod; a goad. + galoshe n. Same as Galoche. + gift v.t. Anything given; anything voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; a present; an offering. + glued imp.|p.p. of Glue + garget n. A diseased condition of the udders of cows, etc., arising from an inflammation of the mammary glands. + glitteringly adv. In a glittering manner. + glade n. An opening in the ice of rivers or lakes, or a place left unfrozen; also, smooth ice. + gourd n. Alt. of Gourde + guzzle n. An insatiable thing or person. + game v.i. A scheme or art employed in the pursuit of an object or purpose; method of procedure; projected line of operations; plan; project. + grammar n. treatise on the elements or principles of any science; as, a grammar of geography. + gleaning p.pr.|vb.n. of Glean + globed imp.|p.p. of Globe + greased imp.|p.p. of Grease + glacial a. Pertaining to ice or to its action; consisting of ice; frozen; icy; esp., pertaining to glaciers; as, glacial phenomena. + gothamite n. An inhabitant of New York city. + gainly a. Handily; readily; dexterously; advantageously. + grice n. A little pig. + geometrical a. Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem. + guiacum n. Same as Guaiacum. + grecize v.t. To translate into Greek. + groined imp.|p.p. of Groin + graveclothes n.pl. The clothes or dress in which the dead are interred. + gleek n. A game at cards, once popular, played by three persons. + grind n. A hard student; a dig. + gymnocytode n. A cytode without either a cell wall or a nucleus. + graciously adv. Fortunately; luckily. + gird v. To strike; to smite. + geranine n. A liquid terpene, obtained from the crane's-bill (Geranium maculatum), and having a peculiar mulberry odor. + gluttonous a. Given to gluttony; eating to excess; indulging the appetite; voracious; as, a gluttonous age. + generality n. The main body; the bulk; the greatest part; as, the generality of a nation, or of mankind. + growthful a. Having capacity of growth. + glancingly adv. In a glancing manner; transiently; incidentally; indirectly. + granulation n. The state of being granulated. + goody n. A bonbon, cake, or the like; -- usually in the pl. + gymnocarpous a. Naked-fruited, the fruit either smooth or not adherent to the perianth. + gorbelly n. A prominent belly; a big-bellied person. + gangue n. The mineral or earthy substance associated with metallic ore. + gallican n. An adherent to, and supporter of, Gallicanism. + genii pl. of Genius + gazetteer n. A writer of news, or an officer appointed to publish news by authority. + gratifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Gratify + grass n. The season of fresh grass; spring. + germane a. Literally, near akin; hence, closely allied; appropriate or fitting; relevant. + game fowl A handsome breed of the common fowl, remarkable for the great courage and pugnacity of the males. + gambolled of Gambol + grain n. The hair side of a piece of leather, or the marking on that side. + gyrostatics n. The doctrine or theory of the gyrostat, or of the phenomena of rotating bodies. + girth n. The measure round the body, as at the waist or belly; the circumference of anything. + guinea n. A district on the west coast of Africa (formerly noted for its export of gold and slaves) after which the Guinea fowl, Guinea grass, Guinea peach, etc., are named. + gudgeon n. What may be got without skill or merit. + gratuitous a. Not called for by the circumstances; without reason, cause, or proof; adopted or asserted without any good ground; as, a gratuitous assumption. + gulping p.pr.|vb.n. of Gulp + gleucometer n. An instrument for measuring the specific gravity and ascertaining the quantity of sugar contained in must. + gladiolus n. A genus of plants having bulbous roots and gladiate leaves, and including many species, some of which are cultivated and valued for the beauty of their flowers; the corn flag; the sword lily. + gorge n. The throat; the gullet; the canal by which food passes to the stomach. + grumble v.i. To growl; to snarl in deep tones; as, a lion grumbling over his prey. + gemmae pl. of Gemma + grahamite n. One who follows the dietetic system of Graham. + gres n. Grass. + goggle v.i. To roll the eyes; to stare. + glue n. A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated with water, it becomes viscid and tenaceous, and is used as a cement for uniting substances. The name is also given to other adhesive or viscous substances. + guarantee n. In law and common usage: A promise to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some duty, in case of the failure of another person, who is, in the first instance, liable to such payment or performance; an engagement which secures or insures another against a contingency; a warranty; a security. Same as Guaranty. + glatified a. Pleased; indulged according to desire. + glazer n. A tool or machine used in glazing, polishing, smoothing, etc.; amoung cutlers and lapidaries, a wooden wheel covered with emery, or having a band of lead and tin alloy, for polishing cutlery, etc. + gladden v.t. To make glad; to cheer; to please; to gratify; to rejoice; to exhilarate. + gonorrhoeal a. Of or pertaining to gonorrhea; as, gonorrheal rheumatism. + gracillent a. Slender; thin. + grimy superl. Full of grime; begrimed; dirty; foul. + grundel n. A groundling (fish). + guarantor n. One who makes or gives a guaranty; a warrantor; a surety. + guilding n. The art or practice of overlaying or covering with gold leaf; also, a thin coating or wash of gold, or of that which resembles gold. + grumose a. Clustered in grains at intervals; grumous. + granddaughter n. The daughter of one's son or daughter. + greeze n. A step. See Gree, a step. + glunch n. A sullen, angry look; a look of disdain or dislike. + grimly adv. In a grim manner; fiercely. + generalissimo a. The chief commander of an army; especially, the commander in chief of an army consisting of two or more grand divisions under separate commanders; -- a title used in most foreign countries. + genian a. Of or pertaining to the chin; mental; as, the genian prominence. + germander n. A plant of the genus Teucrium (esp. Teucrium Chamaedrys or wall germander), mintlike herbs and low shrubs. + glomerulus n. The bunch of looped capillary blood vessels in a Malpighian capsule of the kidney. + gore n. Blood; especially, blood that after effusion has become thick or clotted. + gimlet n. A small tool for boring holes. It has a leading screw, a grooved body, and a cross handle. + glutinous a. Havig a moist and adhesive or sticky surface, as a leaf or gland. + gall v.i. To scoff; to jeer. + grandmamma n. A grandmother. + gyromancy n. A kind of divination performed by drawing a ring or circle, and walking in or around it. + germanium n. A rare element, recently discovered (1885), in a silver ore (argyrodite) at Freiberg. It is a brittle, silver-white metal, chemically intermediate between the metals and nonmetals, resembles tin, and is in general identical with the predicted ekasilicon. Symbol Ge. Atomic weight 72.3. + gallantries pl. of Gallantry + grume n. A thick, viscid fluid; a clot, as of blood. + godsend n. Something sent by God; an unexpected acquisiton or piece of good fortune. + gry n. A measure equal to one tenth of a line. + grampus n. A kind of tongs used in a bloomery. + grudgingly adv. In a grudging manner. + great superl. More than ordinary in degree; very considerable in degree; as, to use great caution; to be in great pain. + garbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Garble + gnash v.i. To grind or strike the teeth together. + gopher n. One of several North American burrowing rodents of the genera Geomys and Thomomys, of the family Geomyidae; -- called also pocket gopher and pouched rat. See Pocket gopher, and Tucan. + grained a. Having a grain; divided into small particles or grains; showing the grain; hence, rough. + gnash v.t. To strike together, as in anger or pain; as, to gnash the teeth. + gallop v.t. To cause to gallop. + grown p. p. of Grow. + gliden p. p. of Glide. + going n. Departure. + ganister n. Alt. of Gannister + grafter n. An instrument by which grafting is facilitated. + greekish a. Peculiar to Greece. + gloss n. A foreign, archaic, technical, or other uncommon word requiring explanation. + gourd n. A fleshy, three-celled, many-seeded fruit, as the melon, pumpkin, cucumber, etc., of the order Cucurbitaceae; and especially the bottle gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris) which occurs in a great variety of forms, and, when the interior part is removed, serves for bottles, dippers, cups, and other dishes. + gopher n. A large burrowing snake (Spilotes Couperi) of the Southern United States. + gluttonies pl. of Gluttony + gearing n. Harness. + glave n. See Glaive. + grated a. Furnished with a grate or grating; as, grated windows. + goter n. a gutter. + gerland n. Alt. of Gerlond + greek n. A swindler; a knave; a cheat. + gaining p.pr.|vb.n. of Gain + generate v.t. To cause to be; to bring into life. + gush v.t. A sentimental exhibition of affection or enthusiasm, etc.; effusive display of sentiment. + gein n. See Humin. + grandpapa n. A grandfather. + gumbo n. A soup thickened with the mucilaginous pods of the okra; okra soup. + gallian a. Gallic; French. + grail n. A book of offices in the Roman Catholic Church; a gradual. + go n. Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance; push; as, there is no go in him. + garden v.i. To lay out or cultivate a garden; to labor in a garden; to practice horticulture. + gig n. A playful or wanton girl; a giglot. + glad v.t. To make glad; to cheer; to gladden; to exhilarate. + ginglymoidal a. Pertaining to, or resembling, a ginglymus, or hinge joint; ginglyform. + gravities pl. of Gravity + germanized imp.|p.p. of Germanize + gawk n. A cuckoo. + gifted imp.|p.p. of Gift + grooved imp.|p.p. of Groove + gong n. A flat saucerlike bell, rung by striking it with a small hammer which is connected with it by various mechanical devices; a stationary bell, used to sound calls or alarms; -- called also gong bell. + germinating p.pr.|vb.n. of Germinate + glory n. That quality in a person or thing which secures general praise or honor; that which brings or gives renown; an object of pride or boast; the occasion of praise; excellency; brilliancy; splendor. + glossology n. The definition and explanation of terms; a glossary. + gatherer n. One who gathers or collects. + garnish v.t. Fetters. + gearing n. The parts by which motion imparted to one portion of an engine or machine is transmitted to another, considered collectively; as, the valve gearing of locomotive engine; belt gearing; esp., a train of wheels for transmitting and varying motion in machinery. + gownman n. One whose professional habit is a gown, as a divine or lawyer, and particularly a member of an English university; hence, a civilian, in distinction from a soldier. + gif conj. If. + guardless a. Without a guard or defense; unguarded. + greatheartedness n. The quality of being greathearted; high-mindedness; magnanimity. + gynandrian a. Alt. of Gynandrous + granuliform a. Having a granular structure; granular; as, granuliform limestone. + ghast a. To strike aghast; to affright. + grenadier n. Any marine fish of the genus Macrurus, in which the body and tail taper to a point; they mostly inhabit the deep sea; -- called also onion fish, and rat-tail fish. + garlanded imp.|p.p. of Garland + glossological a. Of or pertaining to glossology. + gladioli pl. of Gladiolus + gally v.t. To frighten; to worry. + gastronomic a. Alt. of Gastronomical + groanful a. Agonizing; sad. + glased imp.|p.p. of Glase + gout n. A disease of cornstalks. See Corn fly, under Corn. + glorification n. The state of being glorifed; as, the glorification of Christ after his resurrection. + glassy a. Resembling glass in its properties, as in smoothness, brittleness, or transparency; as, a glassy stream; a glassy surface; the glassy deep. + glance n. A name given to some sulphides, mostly dark-colored, which have a brilliant metallic luster, as the sulphide of copper, called copper glance. + gruf adv. Forwards; with one's face to the ground. + gutwort n. A plant, Globularia Alypum, a violent purgative, found in Africa. + gasify v.i. To become gas; to pass from a liquid to a gaseous state. + ghost n. A false image formed in a telescope by reflection from the surfaces of one or more lenses. + glair a. The white of egg. It is used as a size or a glaze in bookbinding, for pastry, etc. + gospel v. Anything propounded or accepted as infallibly true; as, they took his words for gospel. + gained imp.|p.p. of Gain + guilloche n. An ornament in the form of two or more bands or strings twisted over each other in a continued series, leaving circular openings which are filled with round ornaments. + gear n. The harness of horses or cattle; trapping. + gathering n. That which is gathered, collected, or brought together + gardenly a. Like a garden. + guzzling p.pr.|vb.n. of Guzzle + grating a. That grates; making a harsh sound; harsh. + galactin n. An amorphous, gummy carbohydrate resembling gelose, found in the seeds of leguminous plants, and yielding on decomposition several sugars, including galactose. + gerrymander v.t. To divide (a State) into districts for the choice of representatives, in an unnatural and unfair way, with a view to give a political party an advantage over its opponent. + greith v.t. To make ready; -- often used reflexively. + gribble n. A small marine isopod crustacean (Limnoria lignorum or L. terebrans), which burrows into and rapidly destroys submerged timber, such as the piles of wharves, both in Europe and America. + guarded imp.|p.p. of Guard + bouge v.t. To scoop out with a gouge. + gall v.t. To impregnate with a decoction of gallnuts. + goldin n. Alt. of Golding + generalize v.t. To bring under a genus or under genera; to view in relation to a genus or to genera. + girdle n. The zodiac; also, the equator. + garnered imp.|p.p. of Garner + grizzle n. Gray; a gray color; a mixture of white and black. + grimily adv. In a grimy manner. + good superl. Possessing moral excellence or virtue; virtuous; pious; religious; -- said of persons or actions. + gynantherous a. Pertaining to an abnormal condition of the flower, in which the stamens are converted into pistils. + guyle v.t. To guile. + ground n. A conducting connection with the earth, whereby the earth is made part of an electrical circuit. + glance v.i. To look with a sudden, rapid cast of the eye; to snatch a momentary or hasty view. + guarantees pl. of Guarantee + guest v.t. To receive or entertain hospitably. + graduated a. Tapered; -- said of a bird's tail when the outer feathers are shortest, and the others successively longer. + geniture n. Generation; procreation; birth. + gasolier n. Same as Gasalier. + goaves pl. of Goaf + gabion n. A hollow cylinder of wickerwork, like a basket without a bottom. Gabions are made of various sizes, and filled with earth in building fieldworks to shelter men from an enemy's fire. + gallop v.i. A mode of running by a quadruped, particularly by a horse, by lifting alternately the fore feet and the hind feet, in successive leaps or bounds. + gomer n. A Hebrew measure. See Homer. + gear v.t. To provide with gearing. + gimmor n. A piece of mechanism; mechanical device or contrivance; a gimcrack. + glitterand a. Glittering. + gemsbok n. A South African antelope (Oryx Capensis), having long, sharp, nearly straight horns. + grain n. A tine, prong, or fork. + gonoblastidium n. A blastostyle. + grege v.t. Alt. of Gregge + gratified imp.|p.p. of Gratify + gait n. Manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving. + glare n. A fierce, piercing look or stare. + gasp n. The act of opening the mouth convulsively to catch the breath; a labored respiration; a painful catching of the breath. + gorging p.pr.|vb.n. of Gorge + generalities pl. of Generality + gimp v.t. To notch; to indent; to jag. + gilt n. Money. + grabble v.i. To lie prostrate on the belly; to sprawl on the ground; to grovel. + greenhead n. Alt. of Greenhood + gasket n. The plaited hemp used for packing a piston, as of the steam engine and its pumps. + groveling a. Lying prone; low; debased. + gender n. Kind; sort. + galoshe A gaiter, or legging, covering the upper part of the shoe and part of the leg. + grees pl. of Gree + goldilocks n. Same as Goldylocks. + gospel v. A selection from one of the gospels, for use in a religious service; as, the gospel for the day. + grandmotherly a. Like a grandmother in age or manner; kind; indulgent. + grass tree A similar Australian plant (Kingia australis). + graduate n. To bring to a certain degree of consistency, by evaporation, as a fluid. + glare v.t. To shoot out, or emit, as a dazzling light. + graced a. Endowed with grace; beautiful; full of graces; honorable. + grate v.i. To make a harsh sound by friction. + gleety a. Ichorous; thin; limpid. + gyrose a. Turned round like a crook, or bent to and fro. + garbled imp.|p.p. of Garble + gerfalcon n. See Gyrfalcon. + gest n. Gesture; bearing; deportment. + guess v.t. To hit upon or reproduce by memory. + grammalogue n. Literally, a letter word; a word represented by a logogram; as, it, represented by |, that is, t. pitman. + gamophyllous a. Composed of leaves united by their edges (coalescent). + gabert n. A lighter, or vessel for inland navigation. + gare n. Coarse wool on the legs of sheep. + guiltily adv. In a guilty manner. + gtratuities pl. of Gratuity + great superl. Large in space; of much size; big; immense; enormous; expanded; -- opposed to small and little; as, a great house, ship, farm, plain, distance, length. + glyceric a. Pertaining to, or derived from, glycerin. + gastrotomy n. A cutting into, or opening of, the abdomen or the stomach. + glabrate a. Becoming smooth or glabrous from age. + grysbok n. A small South African antelope (Neotragus melanotis). It is speckled with gray and chestnut, above; the under parts are reddish fawn. + gurniad n. See Gwiniad. + grammar n. A treatise on the principles of language; a book containing the principles and rules for correctness in speaking or writing. + garrot n. A stick or small wooden cylinder used for tightening a bandage, in order to compress the arteries of a limb. + guardant n. A guardian. + griskin n. The spine of a hog. + galleries pl. of Gallery + globularity n. The state of being globular; globosity; sphericity. + guard n. To keep watch over, in order to prevent escape or restrain from acts of violence, or the like. + gar v. The gar pike. See Alligator gar (under Alligator), and Gar pike. + gentleman n. One who bears arms, but has no title. + glitter n. A bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy; as, the glitter of arms; the glitter of royal equipage. + giantry n. The race of giants. + grind v.t. To reduce to powder by friction, as in a mill, or with the teeth; to crush into small fragments; to produce as by the action of millstones. + gill n. An organ for aquatic respiration; a branchia. + gorse n. Furze. See Furze. + gairish n. Alt. of Gairish/ness + genua pl. of Genu + gourdiness n. The state of being gourdy. + gild v.t. To make red with drinking. + galiot n. A small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, built mainly for speed. It was moved both by sails and oars, having one mast, and sixteen or twenty seats for rowers. + glove n. A cover for the hand, or for the hand and wrist, with a separate sheath for each finger. The latter characteristic distinguishes the glove from the mitten. + gaily adv. Merrily; showily. See gaily. + gratis adv. For nothing; without fee or recompense; freely; gratuitously. + glasssponge n. A siliceous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, and allied genera; -- so called from their glassy fibers or spicules; -- called also vitreous sponge. See Glass-rope, and Euplectella. + grunting p.pr.|vb.n. of Grunt + guerdon n. A reward; requital; recompense; -- used in both a good and a bad sense. + grudgeful a. Full of grudge; envious. + gentlemanhood n. The qualities or condition of a gentleman. + geotropic a. Relating to, or showing, geotropism. + graticulation n. The division of a design or draught into squares, in order the more easily to reproduce it in larger or smaller dimensions. + guidage n. The reward given to a guide for services. + gauge v.t. To measure or to ascertain the contents or the capacity of, as of a pipe, barrel, or keg. + greeter n. One who weeps or mourns. + griever n. One who, or that which, grieves. + galliardness n. Gayety. + guara n. The scarlet ibis. See Ibis. + gynaecium n. The part of a large house, among the ancients, exclusively appropriated to women. + gum v.i. To exude or from gum; to become gummy. + gospelizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gospelize + gastrostege n. One of the large scales on the belly of a serpent. + guard n. To protect the edge of, esp. with an ornamental border; hence, to face or ornament with lists, laces, etc. + gismondine n. Alt. of Gismondite + glut n. A block used for a fulcrum. + georgic a. Alt. of Georgical + guttler n. A greedy eater; a glutton. + gluey a. Viscous; glutinous; of the nature of, or like, glue. + gesture v.t. To accompany or illustrate with gesture or action; to gesticulate. + girdle n. The clitellus of an earthworm. + gosherd n. One who takes care of geese. + ginhouse n. A building where cotton is ginned. + guarantor n. One who engages to secure another in any right or possession. + glump v.i. To manifest sullenness; to sulk. + guncotton See under Gun. + gemote v.t. A meeting; -- used in combination, as, Witenagemote, an assembly of the wise men. + gravigrade a. Slow-paced. + gimleted imp.|p.p. of Gimlet + graving n. The act of cleaning a ship's bottom. + gyreful a. Abounding in gyres. + gall v.t. To injure; to harass; to annoy; as, the troops were galled by the shot of the enemy. + gynecian a. Of or relating to women. + galvanize v.t. To affect with galvanism; to subject to the action of electrical currents. + god n. A being conceived of as possessing supernatural power, and to be propitiated by sacrifice, worship, etc.; a divinity; a deity; an object of worship; an idol. + grazioso adv. Gracefully; smoothly; elegantly. + gleek n. A jest or scoff; a trick or deception. + guarana n. A preparation from the seeds of Paullinia sorbilis, a woody climber of Brazil, used in making an astringent drink, and also in the cure of headache. + griding p.pr.|vb.n. of Gride + get v.t. To obtain mental possession of; to learn; to commit to memory; to memorize; as to get a lesson; also with out; as, to get out one's Greek lesson. + gnat n. A blood-sucking dipterous fly, of the genus Culex, undergoing a metamorphosis in water. The females have a proboscis armed with needlelike organs for penetrating the skin of animals. These are wanting in the males. In America they are generally called mosquitoes. See Mosquito. + graced imp.|p.p. of Grace + gabble v.i. To talk fast, or to talk without meaning; to prate; to jabber. + gullet n. A concave cut made in the teeth of some saw blades. + gather v.t. To pick out and bring together from among what is of less value; to collect, as a harvest; to harvest; to cull; to pick off; to pluck. + giggot n. See Gigot. + grunbled imp.|p.p. of Grumble + grew imp. of Grow + gutta n. A drop. + goitered a. Alt. of Goitred + glooming p.pr.|vb.n. of Gloom + granulating p.pr.|vb.n. of Granulate + goal n. The final purpose or aim; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain. + graduated imp.|p.p. of Graduate + guise n. Customary way of speaking or acting; custom; fashion; manner; behavior; mien; mode; practice; -- often used formerly in such phrases as: at his own guise; that is, in his own fashion, to suit himself. + gotten of Get + guard v.t. One who has charge of a mail coach or a railway train; a conductor. + gumma n. A kind of soft tumor, usually of syphilitic origin. + gibe n. An expression of sarcastic scorn; a sarcastic jest; a scoff; a taunt; a sneer. + glamour n. Witchcraft; magic; a spell. + gnarl v.i. To growl; to snarl. + genial a. Belonging to one's genius or natural character; native; natural; inborn. + gog n. Haste; ardent desire to go. + groveling p.pr.|vb.n. of Grovel + galage n. See Galoche. + gainage v.t. The horses, oxen, plows, wains or wagons and implements for carrying on tillage. + golde n. Alt. of Goolde + gratuity n. Something given freely or without recompense; a free gift; a present. + grakle n. See Grackle. + gleam v.t. To shoot, or dart, as rays of light; as, at the dawn, light gleams in the east. + gauge v.t. To draw into equidistant gathers by running a thread through it, as cloth or a garment. + gaskins n.pl. Packing of hemp. + grumbler n. One who grumbles. + bouge v.t. To scoop out, as an eye, with the thumb nail; to force out the eye of (a person) with the thumb. + grown p.p. of Grow + grate v.t. To fret; to irritate; to offend. + grow v.i. To spring up and come to matturity in a natural way; to be produced by vegetation; to thrive; to flourish; as, rice grows in warm countries. + gramme n. The unit of weight in the metric system. It was intended to be exactly, and is very nearly, equivalent to the weight in a vacuum of one cubic centimeter of pure water at its maximum density. It is equal to 15.432 grains. See Grain, n., 4. + galvanograph n. A copperplate produced by the method of galvanography; also, a picture printed from such a plate. + gut n. An intenstine; a bowel; the whole alimentary canal; the enteron; (pl.) bowels; entrails. + gravelling of Gravel + gymnotoka n.pl. The Athecata. + gourdworm n. The fluke of sheep. See Fluke. + gilt v.t. A female pig, when young. + grouty a. Cross; sulky; sullen. + guid n. A flower. See Gold. + gainless a. Not producing gain; unprofitable. + guileful a. Full of guile; characterized by cunning, deceit, or treachery; guilty. + goddess n. A woman of superior charms or excellence. + grandific a. Making great. + gravely adv. In a grave manner. + gauffering n. A mode of plaiting or fluting. + glow n. White or red heat; incandscence. + gaveloche n. Same as Gavelock. + gar n. To cause; to make. + gowdnook n. The saury pike; -- called also gofnick. + genie n. See Genius. + galactin n. An amorphous, gelatinous substance containing nitrogen, found in milk and other animal fluids. It resembles peptone, and is variously regarded as a coagulating or emulsifying agent. + griping p.pr.|vb.n. of Gripe + gravel v.t. To hurt or lame (a horse) by gravel lodged between the shoe and foot. + gyrencephala n.pl. The higher orders of Mammalia, in which the cerebrum is convoluted. + gnomonically adv. According to the principles of the gnomonic projection. + grotesque n. Artificial grotto-work. + grayback n. The California gray whale. + giving n. A gift; a benefaction. + glyphograph n. A plate made by glyphography, or an impression taken from such a plate. + granulate v.t. To raise in granules or small asperities; to make rough on the surface. + goniatite n. One of an extinct genus of fossil cephalopods, allied to the Ammonites. The earliest forms are found in the Devonian formation, the latest, in the Triassic. + gret a. Alt. of Grete + gleam v.t. To shine; to cast light; to glitter. + gittith n. A musical instrument, of unknown character, supposed by some to have been used by the people of Gath, and thence obtained by David. It is mentioned in the title of Psalms viii., lxxxi., and lxxxiv. + grate n. A structure or frame containing parallel or crosed bars, with interstices; a kind of latticework, such as is used ia the windows of prisons and cloisters. + gall n. Anything extremely bitter; bitterness; rancor. + girandole n. An ornamental branched candlestick. + gorgon n. One of three fabled sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, with snaky hair and of terrific aspect, the sight of whom turned the beholder to stone. The name is particularly given to Medusa. + glasscrab n. The larval state (Phyllosoma) of the genus Palinurus and allied genera. It is remarkable for its strange outlines, thinness, and transparency. See Phyllosoma. + globularly adv. Spherically. + glumal a. Characterized by a glume, or having the nature of a glume. + germanization n. The act of Germanizing. + gag n. A mouthful that makes one retch; a choking bit; as, a gag of mutton fat. + germogen n. The primitive cell in certain embryonic forms. + gybe v.t.|i. To shift from one side of a vessel to the other; -- said of the boom of a fore-and-aft sail when the vessel is steered off the wind until the sail fills on the opposite side. + groat n. An old English silver coin, equal to four pence. + gale n. A state of excitement, passion, or hilarity. + gluten n. The viscid, tenacious substance which gives adhesiveness to dough. + gastronomical a. Pertaining to gastromony. + glacis n. A gentle slope, or a smooth, gently sloping bank; especially (Fort.), that slope of earth which inclines from the covered way toward the exterior ground or country (see Illust. of Ravelin). + galvanist n. One versed in galvanism. + gern v.t. To grin or yawn. + gloomth n. Gloom. + glutton a. Gluttonous; greedy; gormandizing. + gatepost n. A post to which a gate is hung; -- called also swinging / hinging post. + grangerize v.t.|i. To collect (illustrations from books) for decoration of other books. + grenade n. A hollow ball or shell of iron filled with powder of other explosive, ignited by means of a fuse, and thrown from the hand among enemies. + glaring a. Clear; notorious; open and bold; barefaced; as, a glaring crime. + grandevity n. Great age; long life. + goddess n. A female god; a divinity, or deity, of the female sex. + glome n. One of the two prominences at the posterior extremity of the frog of the horse's foot. + gonoblastidia pl. of Gonoblastidium + guardroom n. The room occupied by the guard during its term of duty; also, a room where prisoners are confined. + giblet a. Made of giblets; as, a giblet pie. + ghostly adv. Spiritually; mystically. + gallopin v.i. An under servant for the kitchen; a scullion; a cook's errand boy. + gee v.t. To cause (a team) to turn to the off side, or from the driver. + garnet n. A mineral having many varieties differing in color and in their constituents, but with the same crystallization (isometric), and conforming to the same general chemical formula. The commonest color is red, the luster is vitreous, and the hardness greater than that of quartz. The dodecahedron and trapezohedron are the common forms. + granatite n. See Staurolite. + grizzly n. A grizzly bear. See under Grizzly, a. + gnome n. A dwarf; a goblin; a person of small stature or misshapen features, or of strange appearance. + globose a. Having a rounded form resembling that of a globe; globular, or nearly so; spherical. + glucina n. A white or gray tasteless powder, the oxide of the element glucinum; -- formerly called glucine. + garland n. A book of extracts in prose or poetry; an anthology. + gossamer n. A fine, filmy substance, like cobwebs, floating in the air, in calm, clear weather, especially in autumn. It is seen in stubble fields and on furze or low bushes, and is formed by small spiders. + generalize v.t. To derive or deduce (a general conception, or a general principle) from particulars. + gunwale n. The upper edge of a vessel's or boat's side; the uppermost wale of a ship (not including the bulwarks); or that piece of timber which reaches on either side from the quarter-deck to the forecastle, being the uppermost bend, which finishes the upper works of the hull. + garbage v.t. To strip of the bowels; to clean. + gauziness n. The quality of being gauzy; flimsiness. + guardsman n. One who guards; a guard. + gruesome a. Ugly; frightful. + ghostfish n. A pale unspotted variety of the wrymouth. + glottidean a. Of or pertaining to the glottis; glottal. + gouty a. Swollen, as if from gout. + galea n. Headache extending all over the head. + greasy superl. Affected with the disease called grease; as, the heels of a horse. See Grease, n., 2. + gnarling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gnarl + garnishee n. One who is garnished; a person upon whom garnishment has been served in a suit by a creditor against a debtor, such person holding property belonging to the debtor, or owing him money. + grave n. To carve or cut, as letters or figures, on some hard substance; to engrave. + gluing p.pr.|vb.n. of Glue + gymnosperm n. A plant that bears naked seeds (i. e., seeds not inclosed in an ovary), as the common pine and hemlock. Cf. Angiosperm. + glossarial a. Of or pertaining to glosses or to a glossary; containing a glossary. + goot n. A goat. + glaucophane n. A mineral of a dark bluish color, related to amphibole. It is characteristic of certain crystalline rocks. + geophila n.pl. The division of Mollusca which includes the land snails and slugs. + go v.i. To move from the person speaking, or from the point whence the action is contemplated; to pass away; to leave; to depart; -- in opposition to stay and come. + gripe n. That on which the grasp is put; a handle; a grip; as, the gripe of a sword. + giddy v.t. To make dizzy or unsteady. + gentle superl. Soft; not violent or rough; not strong, loud, or disturbing; easy; soothing; pacific; as, a gentle touch; a gentle gallop . + garble v.t. To pick out such parts of as may serve a purpose; to mutilate; to pervert; as, to garble a quotation; to garble an account. + gaudy superl. Gay; merry; festal. + gladly a. With pleasure; joyfully; cheerfully; eagerly. + grade v.t. To cross with some better breed; to improve the blood of. + gesticulate v.i. To make gestures or motions, as in speaking; to use postures. + gurgeons n.pl. Coarse meal. + gentlemanly a. Of, pertaining to, resembling, or becoming, a gentleman; well-behaved; courteous; polite. + guardable v.t. Capable of being guarded or protected. + gothamist n. A wiseacre; a person deficient in wisdom; -- so called from Gotham, in Nottinghamshire, England, noted for some pleasant blunders. + gastromancy n. A species of divination, by means of glasses or other round, transparent vessels, in the center of which figures are supposed to appear by magic art. + give n. To excite or cause to exist, as a sensation; as, to give offense; to give pleasure or pain. + gin conj. If. + gloze v.t. To smooth over; to palliate. + glassrope n. A remarkable vitreous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, first brought from Japan. It has a long stem, consisting of a bundle of long and large, glassy, siliceous fibers, twisted together. + glycogenic a. Pertaining to, or caused by, glycogen; as, the glycogenic function of the liver. + gowk n. The European cuckoo; -- called also gawky. + grid n. A grating of thin parallel bars, similar to a gridiron. + graduateship n. State of being a graduate. + gabber n. One addicted to idle talk. + greith v. Goods; furniture. + gig v.t. To fish with a gig. + gap v.t. To make an opening in; to breach. + gralloch v.t. To remove the offal from (a deer). + gulch n. A glutton. + guze n. A roundlet of tincture sanguine, which is blazoned without mention of the tincture. + gabbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gabble + glutinousness n. The quality of being glutinous. + grace n. An act, vote, or decree of the government of the institution; a degree or privilege conferred by such vote or decree. + gunny cloth A strong, coarse kind of sacking, made from the fibers (called jute) of two plants of the genus Corchorus (C. olitorius and C. capsularis), of India. The fiber is also used in the manufacture of cordage. + guib n. A West African antelope (Tragelaphus scriptus), curiously marked with white stripes and spots on a reddish fawn ground, and hence called harnessed antelope; -- called also guiba. + greeter n. One who greets or salutes another. + great superl. Endowed with extraordinary powers; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; strong; powerful; mighty; noble; as, a great hero, scholar, genius, philosopher, etc. + godhood n. Divine nature or essence; deity; godhead. + grammaticized imp.|p.p. of Grammaticize + gnomon n. A style or column erected perpendicularly to the horizon, formerly used in astronomocal observations. Its principal use was to find the altitude of the sun by measuring the length of its shadow. + gin v.t. To catch in a trap. + gloom n. In gunpowder manufacture, the drying oven. + gurnard n. Alt. of Gurnet + gallomania n. An excessive admiration of what is French. + gubernate v.t. To govern. + gratitude a. The state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; kindness awakened by a favor received; thankfulness. + gigeria pl. of Gigerium + gargle n. See Gargoyle. + gladioluses pl. of Gladiolus + gilt p.p.|a. Gilded; covered with gold; of the color of gold; golden yellow. + green n. The color of growing plants; the color of the solar spectrum intermediate between the yellow and the blue. + gerocomy n. That part of medicine which treats of regimen for old people. + garrisoned imp.|p.p. of Garrison + goliath beetle Any species of Goliathus, a genus of very large and handsome African beetles. + garden v.t. To cultivate as a garden. + glombe v.i. Alt. of Glome + grafter n. One who inserts scions on other stocks, or propagates fruit by ingrafting. + groper n. One who gropes; one who feels his way in the dark, or searches by feeling. + galley n. An oblong tray of wood or brass, with upright sides, for holding type which has been set, or is to be made up, etc. + geologize v.i. To study geology or make geological investigations in the field; to discourse as a geologist. + gleam v.t. To shoot out (flashes of light, etc.). + generous a. Exhibiting those qualities which are popularly reregarded as belonging to high birth; noble; honorable; magnanimous; spirited; courageous. + gulaund n. An arctic sea bird. + gurts n.pl. Groatts. + goldfish n. A small domesticated cyprinoid fish (Carassius auratus); -- so named from its color. It is native of China, and is said to have been introduced into Europe in 1691. It is often kept as an ornament, in small ponds or glass globes. Many varieties are known. Called also golden fish, and golden carp. See Telescope fish, under Telescope. + glase v.t. To incrust, cover, or overlay with a thin surface, consisting of, or resembling, glass; as, to glaze earthenware; hence, to render smooth, glasslike, or glossy; as, to glaze paper, gunpowder, and the like. + gnathopodite n. Any leglike appendage of a crustacean, when modified wholly, or in part, to serve as a jaw, esp. one of the maxillipeds. + gelatinous a. Of the nature and consistence of gelatin or the jelly; resembling jelly; viscous. + grudge v.t. To look upon with desire to possess or to appropriate; to envy (one) the possession of; to begrudge; to covet; to give with reluctance; to desire to get back again; -- followed by the direct object only, or by both the direct and indirect objects. + grappling n. A grapple; a struggle. A match for yards in fight, in grappling for the bear. + gynaecian a. The same as Gynecian. + galena n. Lead sulphide; the principal ore of lead. It is of a bluish gray color and metallic luster, and is cubic in crystallization and cleavage. + garget n. The throat. + gablet n. A small gable, or gable-shaped canopy, formed over a tabernacle, niche, etc. + gravity a. Sobriety of character or demeanor. + gnaw v.i. To use the teeth in biting; to bite with repeated effort, as in eating or removing with the teethsomething hard, unwiedly, or unmanageable. + generant n. A generatrix. + griffe n. The offspring of a mulatto woman and a negro; also, a mulatto. + glib superl. Smooth; slippery; as, ice is glib. + gavel n. A mason's setting maul. + gestured imp.|p.p. of Gesture + glandulosity n. Quality of being glandulous; a collection of glands. + galvanized imp.|p.p. of Galvanize + grilled imp.|p.p. of Grill + grindlet n. A small drain. + gauche n. Winding; twisted; warped; -- applied to curves and surfaces. + gambogian a. Alt. of Gambogic + goaded imp.|p.p. of Goad + gesturement n. Act of making gestures; gesturing. + qraspine p.pr.|vb.n. of Grasp + grenadillo n. A handsome tropical American wood, much used for making flutes and other wind instruments; -- called also Grenada cocos, or cocus, and red ebony. + grackle n. An Asiatic bird of the genus Gracula. See Myna. + gummatous a. Belonging to, or resembling, gumma. + genevese a. Of or pertaining to Geneva, in Switzerland; Genevan. + gaudy n. A feast or festival; -- called also gaud-day and gaudy day. + gladii pl. of Gladius + gape v.i. Expressing a desire for food; as, young birds gape. + grammaticize v.t. To render grammatical. + ground n. Any definite portion of the earth's surface; region; territory; country. Hence: A territory appropriated to, or resorted to, for a particular purpose; the field or place of action; as, a hunting or fishing ground; a play ground. + grangerism n. The practice of illustrating a particular book by engravings collected from other books. + glance n. An incidental or passing thought or allusion. + gradient a. Moving by steps; walking; as, gradient automata. + gnashed imp.|p.p. of Gnash + gerundive n. The future passive participle; as, amandus, i. e., to be loved. + gyre n. A circular motion, or a circle described by a moving body; a turn or revolution; a circuit. + geoscopy n. Knowledge of the earth, ground, or soil, obtained by inspection. + gadman n. A gadsman. + gnomon n. The index of the hour circle of a globe. + gunshot n. The distance to which shot can be thrown from a gun, so as to be effective; the reach or range of a gun. + glutted imp.|p.p. of Glut + grabber n. One who seizes or grabs. + gill n. The fleshy flap that hangs below the beak of a fowl; a wattle. + gin n. Against; near by; towards; as, gin night. + guider n. A guide; a director. + gabionade n. A structure of gabions sunk in lines, as a core for a sand bar in harbor improvements. + graft n. To implant a portion of (living flesh or akin) in a lesion so as to form an organic union. + gaffer n. An old fellow; an aged rustic. + gasification n. The act or process of converting into gas. + guiser n. A person in disguise; a masker; a mummer. + governable a. Capable of being governed, or subjected to authority; controllable; manageable; obedient. + goldcup n. The cuckoobud. + grinting n. Grinding. + gasifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Gasify + gird v.t. To clothe; to swathe; to invest. + gynocracy n. Female government; gynecocracy. + gritrock n. Alt. of Gritstone + gest n. A roll recting the several stages arranged for a royal progress. Many of them are extant in the herald's office. + glaucodot n. A metallic mineral having a grayish tin-white color, and containing cobalt and iron, with sulphur and arsenic. + gloss n. A false or specious explanation. + gentle v.t. To make smooth, cozy, or agreeable. + gad n. The point of a spear, or an arrowhead. + gismondite n. A native hydrated silicate of alumina, lime, and potash, first noticed near Rome. + great superl. Large in number; numerous; as, a great company, multitude, series, etc. + gablock n. A false spur or gaff, fitted on the heel of a gamecock. + glidden p. p. of Glide. + grandiosity n. The state or quality of being grandiose, + genial a. Contributing to, and sympathizing with, the enjoyment of life; sympathetically cheerful and cheering; jovial and inspiring joy or happiness; exciting pleasure and sympathy; enlivening; kindly; as, she was of a cheerful and genial disposition. + gnar v.i. To gnarl; to snarl; to growl; -- written also gnarr. + galloway n. A small horse of a breed raised at Galloway, Scotland; -- called also garran, and garron. + glabellum n. The median, convex lobe of the head of a trilobite. See Trilobite. + gangrened imp.|p.p. of Gangrene + graze v.t. To feed or supply (cattle, sheep, etc.) with grass; to furnish pasture for. + gummiferous a. Producing gum; gum-bearing. + went imp. of Go + gummite n. A yellow amorphous mineral, essentially a hydrated oxide of uranium derived from the alteration of uraninite. + glossarist n. A writer of glosses or of a glossary; a commentator; a scholiast. + gibed imp.|p.p. of Gibe + gory a. Covered with gore or clotted blood. + goodman n. A familiar appellation of civility, equivalent to "My friend", "Good sir", "Mister;" -- sometimes used ironically. + gamekeeper n. One who has the care of game, especially in a park or preserve. + gavot n. A kind of difficult dance; a dance tune, the air of which has two brisk and lively, yet dignified, strains in common time, each played twice over. + gospelize v.t. To form according to the gospel; as, a command gospelized to us. + gambadoes n. Same as Gamashes. + grit n. A hard, coarse-grained siliceous sandstone; as, millstone grit; -- called also gritrock and gritstone. The name is also applied to a finer sharp-grained sandstone; as, grindstone grit. + gorge n. To glut; to fill up to the throat; to satiate. + gavelet n. An ancient special kind of cessavit used in Kent and London for the recovery of rent. + glyptics n. The art of engraving on precious stones. + galagos pl. of Galago + goiter n. Alt. of Goitre + gallantness n. The quality of being gallant. + gahnite n. Zinc spinel; automolite. + going p.pr.|vb.n. of Go + gote n. A channel for water. + gentle v.t. To make genteel; to raise from the vulgar; to ennoble. + gear n. Anything worthless; stuff; nonsense; rubbish. + globe n. The earth; the terraqueous ball; -- usually preceded by the definite article. + glossy superl. Smooth; specious; plausible; as, glossy deceit. + glyconin n. An emulsion of glycerin and the yolk of eggs, used as an ointment, as a vehicle for medicines, etc. + granule n. A little grain a small particle; a pellet. + gradually adv. In a gradual manner. + grilse n. A young salmon after its first return from the sea. + gyri n.pl. See Gyrus. + gelder n. One who gelds or castrates. + gneissose a. Having the structure of gneiss. + glottology n. The science of tongues or languages; comparative philology; glossology. + gorfly n. A dung fly. + getup n. General composition or structure; manner in which the parts of a thing are combined; make-up; style of dress, etc. + garnishee v.t. To attach (the fund or property sought to be secured by garnishment); to trustee. + gutted imp.|p.p. of Gut + gladeye n. The European yellow-hammer. + greasiness n. The quality or state of being greasy, oiliness; unctuousness; grossness. + granitoid a. Resembling granite in granular appearance; as, granitoid gneiss; a granitoid pavement. + greeneyed a. Having green eyes. + gunsmith n. One whose occupation is to make or repair small firearms; an armorer. + glided imp.|p.p. of Glide + ginned imp.|p.p. of Gin + gemel a. Coupled; paired. + grateful a. Having a due sense of benefits received; kindly disposed toward one from whom a favor has been received; willing to acknowledge and repay, or give thanks for, benefits; as, a grateful heart. + gangway v.i. A passage or way into or out of any inclosed place; esp., a temporary way of access formed of planks. + glary a. Of a dazzling luster; glaring; bright; shining; smooth. + grain n. A reddish dye made from the coccus insect, or kermes; hence, a red color of any tint or hue, as crimson, scarlet, etc.; sometimes used by the poets as equivalent to Tyrian purple. + gulosity n. Excessive appetite; greediness; voracity. + gunnel n. A small, eel-shaped, marine fish of the genus Muraenoides; esp., M. gunnellus of Europe and America; -- called also gunnel fish, butterfish, rock eel. + gynander n. A plant having the stamens inserted in the pistil. + gyrland v.t. To garland. + grab n. A vessel used on the Malabar coast, having two or three masts. + gue n. A sharper; a rogue. + give n. To allow or admit by way of supposition. + greenhouse n. A house in which tender plants are cultivated and sheltered from the weather. + gastroscopy n. Examination of the abdomen or stomach, as with the gastroscope. + gripe v.i. To clutch, hold, or pinch a thing, esp. money, with a gripe or as with a gripe. + gospelized imp.|p.p. of Gospelize + gazehound n. A hound that pursues by the sight rather than by the scent. + grayhound n. See Greyhound. + gob n. A little mass or collection; a small quantity; a mouthful. + gilbbery a. Slippery; changeable. + gavel n. Tribute; toll; custom. [Obs.] See Gabel. + gasometer n. An apparatus for holding and measuring of gas; in gas works, a huge iron cylinder closed at one end and having the other end immersed in water, in which it is made to rise or fall, according to the volume of gas it contains, or the pressure required. + girn n. To grin. + guevi n. One of several very small species and varieties of African antelopes, of the genus Cephalophus, as the Cape guevi or kleeneboc (Cephalophus pygmaea); -- called also pygmy antelope. + glycolyl n. A divalent, compound radical, CO.CH2, regarded as the essential radical of glycolic acid, and a large series of related compounds. + goodden interj. A form of salutation. + glabrous a. Smooth; having a surface without hairs or any unevenness. + gorget n. A crescent-shaped, colored patch on the neck of a bird or mammal. + gem n. Anything of small size, or expressed within brief limits, which is regarded as a gem on account of its beauty or value, as a small picture, a verse of poetry, a witty or wise saying. + grimly a. Grim; hideous; stern. + gadling v.i. Gadding about. + griddle n. An iron plate or pan used for cooking cakes. + ghess v.t.|i. See Guess. + geometrically adv. According to the rules or laws of geometry. + gravel v.t. To check or stop; to embarrass; to perplex. + griped imp.|p.p. of Gripe + gigantesque a. Befitting a giant; bombastic; magniloquent. + gaper n. A European fish. See 4th Comber. + governability n. Governableness. + gastromyth n. One whose voice appears to proceed from the stomach; a ventriloquist. + gear n. Business matters; affairs; concern. + gorgonize v.t. To have the effect of a Gorgon upon; to turn into stone; to petrify. + greasy superl. Composed of, or characterized by, grease; oily; unctuous; as, a greasy dish. + gypsy n. A dark-complexioned person. + galaxies pl. of Galaxy + gill n. A woody glen; a narrow valley containing a stream. + gentleman n. A man well born; one of good family; one above the condition of a yeoman. + gain n. A square or beveled notch cut out of a girder, binding joist, or other timber which supports a floor beam, so as to receive the end of the floor beam. + gizzard n. A stomach armed with chitinous or shelly plates or teeth, as in certain insects and mollusks. + grunter n. One who, or that which, grunts; specifically, a hog. + gomphiasis n. A disease of the teeth, which causes them to loosen and fall out of their sockets. + go n. The fashion or mode; as, quite the go. + garrison v.t. To secure or defend by fortresses manned with troops; as, to garrison a conquered territory. + generalty n. Generality. + gobioid a. Like, or pertaining to, the goby, or the genus Gobius. + gladly a. Preferably; by choice. + globe n. A round or spherical body, solid or hollow; a body whose surface is in every part equidistant from the center; a ball; a sphere. + gyri pl. of Gyrus + glossing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gloss + gleire n. Alt. of Gleyre + gasoscope n. An apparatus for detecting the presence of any dangerous gas, from a gas leak in a coal mine or a dwelling house. + grooming p.pr.|vb.n. of Groom + gregarine n. One of the Gregarinae. + gird v.t. To prepare; to make ready; to equip; as, to gird one's self for a contest. + glorify v.t. To make glorious by bestowing glory upon; to confer honor and distinction upon; to elevate to power or happiness, or to celestial glory. + gentle n. One well born; a gentleman. + gold v.t. Money; riches; wealth. + glum n. Sullenness. + gallant n. A man of mettle or spirit; a gay; fashionable man; a young blood. + graphical a. Of or pertaining to the art of writing. + groover n. A miner. + graveness n. The quality of being grave. + gore v. A wedgeshaped or triangular piece of cloth, canvas, etc., sewed into a garment, sail, etc., to give greater width at a particular part. + godroon n. An ornament produced by notching or carving a rounded molding. + ghastly adv. In a ghastly manner; hideously. + gastroscope n. An instrument for viewing or examining the interior of the stomach. + guard v.t. Watch; heed; care; attention; as, to keep guard. + gouge n. An incising tool which cuts forms or blanks for gloves, envelopes, etc. from leather, paper, etc. + gris a. Gray. + gall v.t. To fret; to vex; as, to be galled by sarcasm. + gloss n. Brightness or luster of a body proceeding from a smooth surface; polish; as, the gloss of silk; cloth is calendered to give it a gloss. + garth n. A hoop or band. + greatgrandson n. A son of one's grandson or granddaughter. + gamy a. Having the flavor of game, esp. of game kept uncooked till near the condition of tainting; high-flavored. + gladiatory a. Gladiatorial. + gulles pl. of Gully + gin v.t. To clear of seeds by a machine; as, to gin cotton. + gibbsite n. A hydrate of alumina. + goaves n. Old workings. See Goaf. + graip n. A dungfork. + gymnocopa n.pl. A group of transparent, free-swimming Annelida, having setae only in the cephalic appendages. + ghastly superl. Horrible; shocking; dreadful; hideous. + glans n. The acorn or mast of the oak and similar fruits. + gleeful a. Merry; gay; joyous. + gothicized imp.|p.p. of Gothicize + gastroduodenitis n. Inflammation of the stomach and duodenum. It is one of the most frequent causes of jaundice. + gnashingly adv. With gnashing. + greenfish n. See Bluefish, and Pollock. + gambogic a. Pertaining to, resembling, or containing, gamboge. + geodephagous a. Living in the earth; -- applied to the ground beetles. + geoselenic a. Pertaining to the earth and moon; belonging to the joint action or mutual relations of the earth and moon; as, geoselenic phenomena. + ginglymus n. A hinge joint; an articulation, admitting of flexion and extension, or motion in two directions only, as the elbow and the ankle. + gumption n. Megilp. + gemmification n. The production of a bud or gem. + gymnospermous n. Having naked seeds, or seeds not inclosed in a capsule or other vessel. + glowworm n. A coleopterous insect of the genus Lampyris; esp., the wingless females and larvae of the two European species (L. noctiluca, and L. splendidula), which emit light from some of the abdominal segments. + generally adv. Collectively; as a whole; without omissions. + gentlewoman n. A woman of good family or of good breeding; a woman above the vulgar. + gaff n. A barbed spear or a hook with a handle, used by fishermen in securing heavy fish. + glance v.i. To make an incidental or passing reflection; to allude; to hint; -- often with at. + grassgreen a. Green with grass. + garfish n. One of several species of similar fishes of the genus Tylosurus, of which one species (T. marinus) is common on the Atlantic coast. T. Caribbaeus, a very large species, and T. crassus, are more southern; -- called also needlefish. Many of the common names of the European garfish are also applied to the American species. + gives n. Fetters. + grimness n. Fierceness of look; sternness; crabbedness; forbiddingness. + gomer n. A conical chamber at the breech of the bore in heavy ordnance, especially in mortars; -- named after the inventor. + goffered imp.|p.p. of Goffer + gnomically adv. In a gnomic, didactic, or sententious manner. + get n. Offspring; progeny; as, the get of a stallion. + gotten p. p. of Get. + gender v.i. To copulate; to breed. + gather v.i. To concentrate; to come to a head, as a sore, and generate pus; as, a boil has gathered. + glycocoll n. A crystalline, nitrogenous substance, with a sweet taste, formed from hippuric acid by boiling with hydrochloric acid, and present in bile united with cholic acid. It is also formed from gelatin by decomposition with acids. Chemically, it is amido-acetic acid. Called also glycin, and glycocin. + garnish v.t. To warn by garnishment; to give notice to; to garnishee. See Garnishee, v. t. + gill n. A young woman; a sweetheart; a flirting or wanton girl. + gravitational a. Of or pertaining to the force of gravity; as, gravitational units. + growse v.i. To shiver; to have chills. + gauze a. Having the qualities of gauze; thin; light; as, gauze merino underclothing. + gourd n. A false die. See Gord. + gradualness n. The quality or state of being gradual; regular progression or gradation; slowness. + general a. Common to many, or the greatest number; widely spread; prevalent; extensive, though not universal; as, a general opinion; a general custom. + great superl. Entitled to earnest consideration; weighty; important; as, a great argument, truth, or principle. + gyroidal a. Spiral in arrangement or action. + galactagogue n. An agent exciting secretion of milk. + gangrening p.pr.|vb.n. of Gangrene + grating p.pr.|.vb.n. of Grate + gastronomer n. One fond of good living; an epicure. + government n. The body politic governed by one authority; a state; as, the governments of Europe. + garter v.t. To invest with the Order of the Garter. + gateway n. A passage through a fence or wall; a gate; also, a frame, arch, etc., in which a gate in hung, or a structure at an entrance or gate designed for ornament or defense. + g G is the name of the fifth tone of the natural or model scale; -- called also sol by the Italians and French. It was also originally used as the treble clef, and has gradually changed into the character represented in the margin. See Clef. G/ (G sharp) is a tone intermediate between G and A. + gerful a. Changeable; capricious. + grubber n. One who, or that which, grubs; especially, a machine or tool of the nature of a grub ax, grub hook, etc. + genitor n. One who begets; a generator; an originator. + galoshe Hence: An overshoe worn in wet weather. + gestural a. Relating to gesture. + goosewinged a. Said of a fore-and-aft rigged vessel with foresail set on one side and mainsail on the other; wing and wing. + garnishment n. A fee. See Garnish, n., 4. + glottal a. Of or pertaining to, or produced by, the glottis; glottic. + gardener n. One who makes and tends a garden; a horticulturist. + gutty a. Charged or sprinkled with drops. + groove n. A shaft or excavation. + galliot n. See Galiot. + gaslight n. A gas jet or burner. + gauffre n. A gopher, esp. the pocket gopher. + ganoidei n.pl. One of the subclasses of fishes. They have an arterial cone and bulb, spiral intestinal valve, and the optic nerves united by a chiasma. Many of the species are covered with bony plates, or with ganoid scales; others have cycloid scales. + gerontocracy n. Government by old men. + gurlet n. A pickax with one sharp point and one cutting edge. + gorget n. A cutting instrument used in lithotomy. + godlike a. Resembling or befitting a god or God; divine; hence, preeminently good; as, godlike virtue. + generous a. Open-handed; free to give; not close or niggardly; munificent; as, a generous friend or father. + grail n. One of the small feathers of a hawk. + getpenny n. Something which gets or gains money; a successful affair. + gopher n. A large land tortoise (Testudo Carilina) of the Southern United States, which makes extensive burrows. + goramy n. Same as Gourami. + glance v.i. To strike and fly off in an oblique direction; to dart aside. "Your arrow hath glanced". + gravelstone n. A pebble, or small fragment of stone; a calculus. + gib v.i. To balk. See Jib, v. i. + giddypaced a. Moving irregularly; flighty; fickle. + guenon n. One of several long-tailed Oriental monkeys, of the genus Cercocebus, as the green monkey and grivet. + grossbeak n. See Grosbeak. + gathering n. A tumor or boil suppurated or maturated; an abscess. + gonfanon n. The ensign or standard in use by certain princes or states, such as the mediaeval republics of Italy, and in more recent times by the pope. + gear v.t. To dress; to put gear on; to harness. + gentility n. The quality or qualities appropriate to those who are well born, as self-respect, dignity, courage, courtesy, politeness of manner, a graceful and easy mien and behavior, etc.; good breeding. + gmelinite n. A rhombohedral zeolitic mineral, related in form and composition to chabazite. + gladder n. One who makes glad. + gerundively adv. In the manner of a gerund; as, or in place of, a gerund. + gallicanism n. The principles, tendencies, or action of those, within the Roman Catholic Church in France, who (esp. in 1682) sought to restrict the papal authority in that country and increase the power of the national church. + gazetted imp.|p.p. of Gazette + gliff n. A transient glance; an unexpected view of something that startles one; a sudden fear. + gambier n. Catechu. + gonothec pl. of Gonotheca + gamble v.t. To lose or squander by gaming; -- usually with away. + gleen v.i. To glisten; to gleam. + gruntingly adv. In a grunting manner. + greeting n. Expression of kindness or joy; salutation at meeting; a compliment from one absent. + gothicism n. Conformity to the Gothic style of architecture. + gargarize v.t. To gargle; to rinse or wash, as the mouth and throat. + gully n. A large knife. + glossal a. Of or pertaining to the tongue; lingual. + glaringness n. A dazzling luster or brilliancy. + gnathostoma n.pl. A comprehensive division of vertebrates, including all that have distinct jaws, in contrast with the leptocardians and marsipobranchs (Cyclostoma), which lack them. + gnathothecae pl. of Gnathotheca + ginseng n. A plant of the genus Aralia, the root of which is highly valued as a medicine among the Chinese. The Chinese plant (Aralia Schinseng) has become so rare that the American (A. quinquefolia) has largely taken its place, and its root is now an article of export from America to China. The root, when dry, is of a yellowish white color, with a sweetness in the taste somewhat resembling that of licorice, combined with a slight aromatic bitterness. + geason a. Rare; wonderful. + gangion n. A short line attached to a trawl. See Trawl, n. + grize n. Same as 2d Grise. + grudge n. Slight symptom of disease. + graphical a. Written or engraved; formed of letters or lines. + groin v.i. To grunt to growl; to snarl; to murmur. + gutter v.t. To cut or form into small longitudinal hollows; to channel. + gin v.i. To begin; -- often followed by an infinitive without to; as, gan tell. See Gan. + gael n.sing.|pl. A Celt or the Celts of the Scotch Highlands or of Ireland; now esp., a Scotch Highlander of Celtic origin. + groundwork n. That which forms the foundation or support of anything; the basis; the essential or fundamental part; first principle. + gaze v.i. To fixx the eyes in a steady and earnest look; to look with eagerness or curiosity, as in admiration, astonishment, or with studious attention. + geocentric a. Alt. of Geocentrical + glum v.i. To look sullen; to be of a sour countenance; to be glum. + girt n. Same as Girth. + girting p.pr.|vb.n. of Girt + granger n. A farm steward. + galilean a. Of or pertaining to Galileo; as, the Galilean telescope. See Telescope. + glaucic a. Of or pertaining to the Glaucium or horned poppy; -- formerly applied to an acid derived from it, now known to be fumaric acid. + gritty a. Containing sand or grit; consisting of grit; caused by grit; full of hard particles. + gyve n. A shackle; especially, one to confine the legs; a fetter. + granular a. Consisting of, or resembling, grains; as, a granular substance. + giglot a. Giddi; light; inconstant; wanton. + governor n. A contrivance applied to steam engines, water wheels, and other machinery, to maintain nearly uniform speed when the resistances and motive force are variable. + grievous a. Full of, or expressing, grief; showing great sorrow or affliction; as, a grievous cry. + giggle v.t. To laugh with short catches of the breath or voice; to laugh in a light, affected, or silly manner; to titter with childish levity. + gobioid n. A gobioid fish. + gable n. The end wall of a building, as distinguished from the front or rear side. + gnostic a. Knowing; wise; shrewd. + grimace n. A distortion of the countenance, whether habitual, from affectation, or momentary aad occasional, to express some feeling, as contempt, disapprobation, complacency, etc.; a smirk; a made-up face. + gastroenteric a. Gastrointestinal. + gummous a. Of or pertaining to a gumma. + gulgul n. A cement made in India from sea shells, pulverized and mixed with oil, and spread over a ship's bottom, to prevent the boring of worms. + grow v.i. To increase in size by a natural and organic process; to increase in bulk by the gradual assimilation of new matter into the living organism; -- said of animals and vegetables and their organs. + grit v.i. To give forth a grating sound, as sand under the feet; to grate; to grind. + george noble A gold noble of the time of Henry VIII. See Noble, n. + grease v.t. To bribe; to corrupt with presents. + gate n. A way; a path; a road; a street (as in Highgate). + gunner n. A warrant officer in the navy having charge of the ordnance on a vessel. + galvanography n. A method of producing by means of electrotyping process (without etching) copperplates which can be printed from in the same manner as engraved plates. + glaired imp.|p.p. of Glair + geomantic a. Alt. of Geomantical + gobble n. A noise made in the throat. + gazetteer n. An alphabetical descriptive list of anything. + grab v.t.|i. To gripe suddenly; to seize; to snatch; to clutch. + globulin n. An albuminous body, insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute solutions of salt. It is present in the red blood corpuscles united with haematin to form haemoglobin. It is also found in the crystalline lens of the eye, and in blood serum, and is sometimes called crystallin. In the plural the word is applied to a group of proteid substances such as vitellin, myosin, fibrinogen, etc., all insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute salt solutions. + gibbeting p.pr.|vb.n. of Gibbet + griddlecake n. A cake baked or fried on a griddle, esp. a thin batter cake, as of buckwheat or common flour. + gurglingly adv. In a gurgling manner. + gulf n. A portion of an ocean or sea extending into the land; a partially land-locked sea; as, the Gulf of Mexico. + gamy a. Showing an unyielding spirit to the last; plucky; furnishing sport; as, a gamy trout. + grow v.i. To increase in any way; to become larger and stronger; to be augmented; to advance; to extend; to wax; to accrue. + gibbet v.t. To hang and expose on a gibbet. + give n. To set forth as a known quantity or a known relation, or as a premise from which to reason; -- used principally in the passive form given. + gentlefolk n.pl. Alt. of Gentlefolks + gadhelic a. Of or pertaining to that division of the Celtic languages, which includes the Irish, Gaelic, and Manx. + grame a. Sorrow; grief; misery. + go v.i. To proceed by a mental operation; to pass in mind or by an act of the memory or imagination; -- generally with over or through. + grizzled a. Gray; grayish; sprinkled or mixed with gray; of a mixed white and black. + gallows n.sing. A wretch who deserves the gallows. + griffin n. Alt. of Griffon + glore v.i. To glare; to glower. + grumous a. See Grumose. + galeate a. Alt. of Galeated + genteelish a. Somewhat genteel. + gager n. A measurer. See Gauger. + go n. A circumstance or occurrence; an incident. + gules n. The tincture red, indicated in seals and engraved figures of escutcheons by parallel vertical lines. Hence, used poetically for a red color or that which is red. + gallows n.sing. The rest for the tympan when raised. + gurgling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gurgle + groomed imp.|p.p. of Groom + garous a. Pertaining to, or resembling, garum. + geed imp.|p.p. of Gee + greenstone n. A name formerly applied rather loosely to certain dark-colored igneous rocks, including diorite, diabase, etc. + gaspereau n. The alewife. + ghyll n. A ravine. See Gill a woody glen. + gelatinize v.t. To coat, or otherwise treat, with gelatin. + gasteropoda n.pl. Same as Gastropoda. + git n. See Geat. + gale n. A moderate current of air; a breeze. + golgotha n. Calvary. See the Note under Calvary. + gayne v.i. To avail. + gristle n. Cartilage. See Cartilage. + goutweed n. Alt. of Goutwort + gashful a. Full of gashes; hideous; frightful. + gardenless a. Destitute of a garden. + gammon v.t. To beat in the game of backgammon, before an antagonist has been able to get his "men" or counters home and withdraw any of them from the board; as, to gammon a person. + gipsyism n. See Gypsyism. + gallotannic a. Pertaining to the tannin or nutgalls. + grizzly a. Somewhat gray; grizzled. + gaggling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gaggle + guttate a. Spotted, as if discolored by drops. + greenshank n. A European sandpiper or snipe (Totanus canescens); -- called also greater plover. + grief a. Pain of mind on account of something in the past; mental suffering arising from any cause, as misfortune, loss of friends, misconduct of one's self or others, etc.; sorrow; sadness. + gardening p.pr.|vb.n. of Garden + gruntle v.i. To grunt; to grunt repeatedly. + gossib n. A gossip. + gracious a. Abounding in grace or mercy; manifesting love,. or bestowing mercy; characterized by grace; beneficent; merciful; disposed to show kindness or favor; condescending; as, his most gracious majesty. + guanos pl. of Guano + grade n. A harsh scraping or cutting; a grating. + grow v.i. To pass from one state to another; to result as an effect from a cause; to become; as, to grow pale. + grafting p.pr.|vb.n. of Graft + girdle n. That which girds, encircles, or incloses; a circumference; a belt; esp., a belt, sash, or article of dress encircling the body usually at the waist; a cestus. + gimmal n. A quaint piece of machinery; a gimmer. + glowlamp n. An incandescent lamp. See Incandescent, a. + generification n. The act or process of generalizing. + guttle n. To put into the gut; to swallow greedily; to gorge; to gormandize. [Obs.] L'Estrange. + grutch v. See Grudge. + gepound n. See Gipoun. + graunt v.|n. See Grant. + gondolet n. A small gondola. + gome n. The black grease on the axle of a cart or wagon wheel; -- called also gorm. See Gorm. + grace n. Beauty, physical, intellectual, or moral; loveliness; commonly, easy elegance of manners; perfection of form. + glandes pl. of Glans + gyrostat n. A modification of the gyroscope, consisting essentially of a fly wheel fixed inside a rigid case to which is attached a thin flange of metal for supporting the instrument. It is used in studying the dynamics of rotating bodies. + glycogeny n. Alt. of Glycogenesis + gravamen a. The grievance complained of; the substantial cause of the action; also, in general, the ground or essence of a complaint. Bouvier. + greenness n. Immaturity; unripeness; as, the greenness of fruit; inexperience; as, the greenness of youth. + granolithic n. A kind of hard artificial stone, used for pavements. + gnawer n. A rodent. + gustard n. The great bustard. + gross superl. Thick; dense; not attenuated; as, a gross medium. + get v.i. To arrive at, or bring one's self into, a state, condition, or position; to come to be; to become; -- with a following adjective or past participle belonging to the subject of the verb; as, to get sober; to get awake; to get beaten; to get elected. + grained a. Having tubercles or grainlike processes, as the petals or sepals of some flowers. + ginning p.pr.|vb.n. of Gin + gesse v.t.|i. To guess. + gibingly adv. In a gibing manner; scornfully. + grossness n. The state or quality of being gross; thickness; corpulence; coarseness; shamefulness. + generant a. Generative; producing + gather v.i. To grow larger by accretion; to increase. + grate v.i. To produce the effect of rubbing with a hard rough material; to cause wearing, tearing, or bruising. Hence; To produce exasperation, soreness, or grief; to offend by oppression or importunity. + gile n. Guile. + graille n. A halfround single-cut file or fioat, having one curved face and one straight face, -- used by comb makers. + gorged a. Having a gorge or throat. + generator n. The principal sound or sounds by which others are produced; the fundamental note or root of the common chord; -- called also generating tone. + gynobase n. A dilated base or receptacle, supporting a multilocular ovary. + glyphography n. A process similar to etching, in which, by means of voltaic electricity, a raised copy of a drawing is made, so that it can be used to print from. + girtline n. A gantline. + grith n. Peace; security; agreement. + graceless a. Unfortunate. Cf. Grace, n., 4. + galley n. One of the small boats carried by a man-of-war. + grit n. Sand or gravel; rough, hard particles. + geometer n. One skilled in geometry; a geometrician; a mathematician. + grip n. The griffin. + granite n. A crystalline, granular rock, consisting of quartz, feldspar, and mica, and usually of a whitish, grayish, or flesh-red color. It differs from gneiss in not having the mica in planes, and therefore in being destitute of a schistose structure. + glissando n.|a. A gliding effect; gliding. + gravitated imp.|p.p. of Gravitate + governess n. A female governor; a woman invested with authority to control and direct; especially, one intrusted with the care and instruction of children, -- usually in their homes. + giglot n. Alt. of Giglet + go n. Noisy merriment; as, a high go. + gallantry n. Bravery; intrepidity; as, the troops behaved with great gallantry. + geodesical a. Of or pertaining to geodesy; geodetic. + gaudy n. One of the large beads in the rosary at which the paternoster is recited. + godspeed n. Success; prosperous journeying; -- a contraction of the phrase, "God speed you." + graft n. A portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty. + gluttonish a. Gluttonous; greedy. + goer n. A foot. + generation n. The formation or production of any geometrical magnitude, as a line, a surface, a solid, by the motion, in accordance with a mathematical law, of a point or a magnitude; as, the generation of a line or curve by the motion of a point, of a surface by a line, a sphere by a semicircle, etc. + gamashes n.pl. High boots or buskins; in Scotland, short spatterdashes or riding trousers, worn over the other clothing. + gazette n. A newspaper; a printed sheet published periodically; esp., the official journal published by the British government, and containing legal and state notices. + gramme n. Same as Gram the weight. + griego n. See Greggoe. + gustable v. Capable of being tasted; tastable. + genera n.pl. See Genus. + gazeful a. Gazing. + geranium n. A genus of plants having a beaklike tours or receptacle, around which the seed capsules are arranged, and membranous projections, or stipules, at the joints. Most of the species have showy flowers and a pungent odor. Called sometimes crane's-bill. + grasp n. Forcible possession; hold. + grivet n. A monkey of the upper Nile and Abyssinia (Cercopithecus griseo-viridis), having the upper parts dull green, the lower parts white, the hands, ears, and face black. It was known to the ancient Egyptians. Called also tota. + gyroma n. A turning round. + gathering a. Assembling; collecting; used for gathering or concentrating. + glandage n. A feeding on nuts or mast. + glycoluril n. A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance, obtained by the reduction of allantoin. + gate n. An opening for passage in any inclosing wall, fence, or barrier; or the suspended framework which closes or opens a passage. Also, figuratively, a means or way of entrance or of exit. + ground n. In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied; as, Brussels ground. See Brussels lace, under Brussels. + gallinaceae n.pl. Same as Gallinae. + gybe n.|v. See Gibe. + gnomonist n. One skilled in gnomonics. + giambeux n.pl. Greaves; armor for the legs. + globularness n. Sphericity; globosity. + garreted a. Protected by turrets. + gentile a. Denoting a race or country; as, a gentile noun or adjective. + guidance n. The act or result of guiding; the superintendence or assistance of a guide; direction; government; a leading. + gorge v.i. To eat greedily and to satiety. + grate n. A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning. + gaudiness n. The quality of being gaudy. + goman n. A husband; a master of a family. + gluttonizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gluttonize + grapple v.t. A seizing or seizure; close hug in contest; the wrestler's hold. + granulated imp.|p.p. of Granulate + gasometrical a. Of or pertaining to the measurement of gases; as, gasometric analysis. + generate v.t. To beget; to procreate; to propagate; to produce (a being similar to the parent); to engender; as, every animal generates its own species. + grade v.t. To arrange in order, steps, or degrees, according to size, quality, rank, etc. + gasconade v.i. To boast; to brag; to bluster. + greece n.pl. See Gree a step. + genuflection n. The act of bending the knee, particularly in worship. + goldless a. Destitute of gold. + goldfish n. A California marine fish of an orange or red color; the garibaldi. + gouland n. See Golding. + goracco n. A paste prepared from tobacco, and smoked in hookahs in Western India. + gradatory a. Proceeding step by step, or by gradations; gradual. + gallant a. Showy; splendid; magnificent; gay; well-dressed. + genesee epoch The closing subdivision of the Hamilton period in the American Devonian system; -- so called because the formations of this period crop out in Genesee, New York. + guardsmen pl. of Guardsman + galloper n. One who, or that which, gallops. + grandiose a. Impressive or elevating in effect; imposing; splendid; striking; -- in a good sense. + graffer n. a notary or scrivener. + goby n. A passing without notice; intentional neglect; thrusting away; a shifting off; adieu; as, to give a proposal the go-by. + glasynge n. Glazing or glass. + garroted imp.|p.p. of Garrote + granulose n. The main constituent of the starch grain or granule, in distinction from the framework of cellulose. Unlike cellulose, it is colored blue by iodine, and is converted into dextrin and sugar by boiling acids and amylolytic ferments. + grecianize v.i. To conform to the Greek custom, especially in speech. + game v.i. Animals pursued and taken by sportsmen; wild meats designed for, or served at, table. + galloped imp.|p.p. of Gallop + guan n. Any one of many species of large gallinaceous birds of Central and South America, belonging to Penelope, Pipile, Ortalis, and allied genera. Several of the species are often domesticated. + gainpain n. Bread-gainer; -- a term applied in the Middle Ages to the sword of a hired soldier. + gender n. Sex, male or female. + goggle v.i. Any screen or cover for the eyes, with or without a slit for seeing through. + grant v.t. To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, particularly in answer to prayer or request; to give. + goden ly adv. In golden terms or a golden manner; splendidly; delightfully. + growl v.i. To utter a deep guttural sound, sa an angry dog; to give forth an angry, grumbling sound. + gelatinate v.i. To be converted into gelatin, or into a substance like jelly. + gonangium n. See Gonotheca. + gradation n. The act or process of bringing to a certain grade. + guilor n. A deceiver; one who deludes, or uses guile. + gaucherie n. An awkward action; clumsiness; boorishness. + garpike See under Gar. + geoponic a. Alt. of Geoponical + glaciation n. That which is formed by freezing; ice. + gentoos pl. of Gentoo + graith n. Furniture; apparatus or accouterments for work, traveling, war, etc. + glandulation n. The situation and structure of the secretory vessels in plants. + grating n. A partition, covering, or frame of parallel or cross bars; a latticework resembling a window grate; as, the grating of a prison or convent. + gryllus n. A genus of insects including the common crickets. + greenback n. One of the legal tender notes of the United States; -- first issued in 1862, and having the devices on the back printed with green ink, to prevent alterations and counterfeits. + galatian a. Of or pertaining to Galatia or its inhabitants. -- A native or inhabitant of Galatia, in Asia Minor; a descendant of the Gauls who settled in Asia Minor. + gerlond n. A garland. + governor n. One who governs; especially, one who is invested with the supreme executive authority in a State; a chief ruler or magistrate; as, the governor of Pennsylvania. + gainsaid imp.|p.p. of Gainsay + galvanize v.t. To coat, as iron, with zinc. See Galvanized iron. + granularly adv. In a granular form. + gravitation n. The act of gravitating. + gasp v.i. To open the mouth wide in catching the breath, or in laborious respiration; to labor for breath; to respire convulsively; to pant violently. + gambrel n. The hind leg of a horse. + gaming p.pr.|vb.n. of Game + gamma n. The third letter (/, / = Eng. G) of the Greek alphabet. + garden n. A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country. + gremial n. A cloth, often adorned with gold or silver lace, placed on the bishop's lap while he sits in celebrating mass, or in ordaining priests. + grisette n. A French girl or young married woman of the lower class; more frequently, a young working woman who is fond of gallantry. + groundsel v. An annual composite plant (Senecio vulgaris), one of the most common and widely distributed weeds on the globe. + gentilize v.i. To live like a gentile or heathen. + glycyrrhiza n. The root of Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorice root), used as a demulcent, etc. + gravelly a. Abounding with gravel; consisting of gravel; as, a gravelly soil. + gascon n. A native of Gascony; a boaster; a bully. See Gasconade. + gyrfalcon n. One of several species and varieties of large Arctic falcons, esp. Falco rusticolus and the white species F. Islandicus, both of which are circumpolar. The black and the gray are varieties of the former. See Illust. of Accipiter. + green v.t. To make green. + gratification n. A reward; a recompense; a gratuity. + glean n. A collection made by gleaning. + goer n. A horse, considered in reference to his gait; as, a good goer; a safe goer. + goring cloth n. A piece of canvas cut obliquely to widen a sail at the foot. + grabbed imp.|p.p. of Grab + grind v.i. To move with much difficulty or friction; to grate. + glowbard n. The glowworm. + georama n. A hollow globe on the inner surface of which a map of the world is depicted, to be examined by one standing inside. + glossic n. A system of phonetic spelling based upon the present values of English letters, but invariably using one symbol to represent one sound only. + gasogen n. A volatile hydrocarbon, used as an illuminant, or for charging illuminating gas. + guard v.t. A chain or cord for fastening a watch to one's person or dress. + good now An exclamation of wonder, surprise, or entreaty. + garron n. Same as Garran. + gasp v.i. To pant with eagerness; to show vehement desire. + ganesa n. The Hindoo god of wisdom or prudence. + galei n.pl. That division of elasmobranch fishes which includes the sharks. + governail n. Management; mastery. + gestation n. The act of wearing (clothes or ornaments). + galvanography n. The art or process of depositing metals by electricity; electrotypy. + groats n.pl. Dried grain, as oats or wheat, hulled and broken or crushed; in high milling, cracked fragments of wheat larger than grits. + gorge n. To swallow; especially, to swallow with greediness, or in large mouthfuls or quantities. + graphoscope n. An optical instrument for magnifying engravings, photographs, etc., usually having one large lens and two smaller ones. + gobbet v.t. To swallow greedily; to swallow in gobbets. + grenadier n. A bright-colored South African grosbeak (Pyromelana orix), having the back red and the lower parts black. + geographer n. One versed in geography. + gossamer n. Any very thin gauzelike fabric; also, a thin waterproof stuff. + ghost v.t. To appear to or haunt in the form of an apparition. + glueyness n. Viscidity. + good superl. Clever; skillful; dexterous; ready; handy; -- followed especially by at. + geraniaceous a. Of or pertaining to a natural order of pants (Geraniaceae) which includes the genera Geranium, Pelargonium, and many others. + gonidium n. A special groove or furrow at one or both angles of the mouth of many Anthozoa. + graaper n. One who grasps or seizes; one who catches or holds. + gathering n. A crowd; an assembly; a congregation. + gentilize v.i. To act the gentleman; -- with it (see It, 5). + gratiolin n. One of the essential principles of the hedge hyssop (Gratiola officinalis). + glade n. An open passage through a wood; a grassy open or cleared space in a forest. + gently adv. In a gentle manner. + glove v.t. To cover with, or as with, a glove. + grinning p.pr.|vb.n. of Grin + gibbet n. A kind of gallows; an upright post with an arm projecting from the top, on which, formerly, malefactors were hanged in chains, and their bodies allowed to remain asa warning. + gowd n. Gold; wealth. + grego n. A short jacket or cloak, made of very thick, coarse cloth, with a hood attached, worn by the Greeks and others in the Levant. + gisle n. A pledge. + grammaticaster n. A petty grammarian; a grammatical pedant or pretender. + gliddery a. Giving no sure footing; smooth; slippery. + gryphaea n. A genus of cretaceous fossil shells allied to the oyster. + gastropod n. One of the Gastropoda. + girder n. One who girds; a satirist. + gonoblastid n. A reproductive bud of a hydroid; a simple gonophore. + goad v.t. A pointed instrument used to urge on a beast; hence, any necessity that urges or stimulates. + gallicism n. A mode of speech peculiar to the French; a French idiom; also, in general, a French mode or custom. + graff n.|v. See Graft. + gonochorism n. Separation of the sexes in different individuals; -- opposed to hermaphroditism. + gibbering p.pr.|vb.n. of Gibber + gentility n. Good extraction; dignity of birth. + girondist a. Of or pertaining to the Girondists. + gone p. p. of Go. + gon of Gin + ground n. A floor or pavement supposed to rest upon the earth. + gasconaded imp.|p.p. of Gasconade + garland n. A grommet or ring of rope lashed to a spar for convenience in handling. + gable n. The vertical triangular portion of the end of a building, from the level of the cornice or eaves to the ridge of the roof. Also, a similar end when not triangular in shape, as of a gambrel roof and the like. + guard v.t. A plate of metal, beneath the stock, or the lock frame, of a gun or pistol, having a loop, called a bow, to protect the trigger. + guaranty n. In law and common usage: To undertake or engage that another person shall perform (what he has stipulated); to undertake to be answerable for (the debt or default of another); to engage to answer for the performance of (some promise or duty by another) in case of a failure by the latter to perform; to undertake to secure (something) to another, as in the case of a contingency. See Guarantee, v. t. + glazer n. One who applies glazing, as in pottery manufacture, etc.; one who gives a glasslike or glossy surface to anything; a calenderer or smoother of cloth, paper, and the like. + grout n. Coarse meal; ground malt; pl. groats. + glaucomatous a. Having the nature of glaucoma. + globing p.pr.|vb.n. of Globe + gain n. To get, as profit or advantage; to obtain or acquire by effort or labor; as, to gain a good living. + germinative a. Pertaining to germination; having power to bud or develop. + gally a. Like gall; bitter as gall. + gipser n. Alt. of Gipsire + grisons n.pl. The largest and most eastern of the Swiss cantons. + germinal n. The seventh month of the French republican calendar [1792 -- 1806]. It began March 21 and ended April 19. See VendEmiaire. + gleaning n. The act of gathering after reapers; that which is collected by gleaning. + glomuliferous a. Having small clusters of minutely branched coral-like excrescences. + greaving p.pr.|vb.n. of Greave + geode n. A nodule of stone, containing a cavity, lined with crystals or mineral matter. + graze n. A light touch; a slight scratch. + germination n. The process of germinating; the beginning of vegetation or growth in a seed or plant; the first development of germs, either animal or vegetable. + gonads pl. of Gonad + gonorrhoea n. A contagious inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract, affecting especially the urethra and vagina, and characterized by a mucopurulent discharge, pain in urination, and chordee; clap. + germain a. See Germane. + gear n. An apparatus for performing a special function; gearing; as, the feed gear of a lathe. + gambol n. A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank. + geminal a. A pair. + gossiping p.pr.|vb.n. of Gossip + grounden p. p. of Grind. + glumness n. Moodiness; sullenness. + grains n.pl. See 5th Grain, n., 2 (b). + greyhound n. A slender, graceful breed of dogs, remarkable for keen sight and swiftness. It is one of the oldest varieties known, and is figured on the Egyptian monuments. + greet n. Greeting. + glister v.i. To be bright; to sparkle; to be brilliant; to shine; to glisten; to glitter. + gentility n. Paganism; heathenism. + greeve n. See Grieve, an overseer. + gipsy n.a. See Gypsy. + gossiper n. One given to gossip. + goodlooking a. Handsome. + guttiferous a. Pertaining to a natural order of trees and shrubs (Guttiferae) noted for their abounding in a resinous sap. + grecoroman a. Having characteristics that are partly Greek and partly Roman; as, Greco-Roman architecture. + guebre n. Same as Gheber. + glandule n. A small gland or secreting vessel. + graphicness n. Alt. of Graphicalness + godhead n. A god or goddess; a divinity. + geometry n. That branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and angles; the science which treats of the properties and relations of magnitudes; the science of the relations of space. + gelsemium n. The root of the yellow jasmine, used in malarial fevers, etc. + generation n. Race; kind; family; breed; stock. + gibbous a. Hunched; hump-backed. + gaugeable a. Capable of being gauged. + gross sing.|pl. The number of twelve dozen; twelve times twelve; as, a gross of bottles; ten gross of pens. + giggly a. Prone to giggling. + glinting p.pr.|vb.n. of Glint + gimmer n. Alt. of Gimmor + geld v.t. To deprive of anything exceptionable; as, to geld a book, or a story; to expurgate. + gad n. A pointed or wedge-shaped instrument of metal, as a steel wedge used in mining, etc. + gradatory n. A series of steps from a cloister into a church. + goloeshoe n. A galoche. + goaf n. That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; -- called also gob . + governante n. A governess. + gymnasiarch n. An Athenian officer who superintended the gymnasia, and provided the oil and other necessaries at his own expense. + goff n. A silly clown. + gnomonic a. Alt. of Gnomonical + galleys pl. of Galley + grammarian n. One versed in grammar, or the construction of languages; a philologist. + gastrology n. The science which treats of the structure and functions of the stomach; a treatise of the stomach. + glyptodont n. One of a family (Glyptodontidae) of extinct South American edentates, of which Glyptodon is the type. About twenty species are known. + guarantee n. In law and common usage: to undertake or engage for the payment of (a debt) or the performance of (a duty) by another person; to undertake to secure (a possession, right, claim, etc.) to another against a specified contingency, or at all avents; to give a guarantee concerning; to engage, assure, or secure as a thing that may be depended on; to warrant; as, to guarantee the execution of a treaty. + genera pl. of Genus + ginkgoes pl. of Ginkgo + grapple v.t. An instrument, usually with hinged claws, for seizing and holding fast to an object; a grab. + greenhead n. The mallard. + gonangiums pl. of Gonangium + guideboard n. A board, as upon a guidepost having upon it directions or information as to the road. + gazer n. One who gazes. + gear n. Goods; property; household stuff. + guerdon n. To give guerdon to; to reward; to be a recompense for. + grossification n. The act of making gross or thick, or the state of becoming so. + god v.t. To treat as a god; to idolize. + gorma n. The European cormorant. + gentlesse n. Gentilesse; gentleness. + gurnet n. One ofseveral European marine fishes, of the genus Trigla and allied genera, having a large and spiny head, with mailed cheeks. Some of the species are highly esteemed for food. The name is sometimes applied to the American sea robins. + grotesque n. A whimsical figure, or scene, such as is found in old crypts and grottoes. + gentlemen pl. of Gentleman + gravity a. Lowness of tone; -- opposed to acuteness. + growler n. A four-wheeled cab. + gritting p.pr.|vb.n. of Grit + gurding p.pr.|vb.n. of Guard + glandulose a. Same as Glandulous. + gye v.t. To guide; to govern. + gaitre n. Alt. of Gaytre + garland n. The top; the thing most prized. + glint v.t. To glance; to turn; as, to glint the eye. + gladiatorial a. Alt. of Gladiatorian + geniculated imp.|p.p. of Geniculate + goatherd n. One who tends goats. + generalship n. Military skill in a general officer or commander. + gunflint n. A sharpened flint for the lock of a gun, to ignite the charge. It was in common use before the introduction of percussion caps. + gladiator n. One who engages in any fierce combat or controversy. + general a. Having a relation to all; common to the whole; as, Adam, our general sire. + grudgeons n.pl. Alt. of Gurgeons + gulae pl. of Gula + gallnut n. A round gall produced on the leaves and shoots of various species of the oak tree. See Gall, and Nutgall. + gasped imp.|p.p. of Gasp + grave v.t. To clean, as a vessel's bottom, of barnacles, grass, etc., and pay it over with pitch; -- so called because graves or greaves was formerly used for this purpose. + gratulatory a. Expressing gratulation or joy; congratulatory. + gradation n. A gradual passing from one tint to another or from a darker to a lighter shade, as in painting or drawing. + ghostlike a. Like a ghost; ghastly. + geniculate a. Bent abruptly at an angle, like the knee when bent; as, a geniculate stem; a geniculate ganglion; a geniculate twin crystal. + glenlivat n. Alt. of Glenlivet + guelphic a. Alt. of Guelfic + gantlet n. A glove. See Gauntlet. + granitic a. Consisting of granite; as, granitic mountains. + gery a. Changeable; fickle. + great superl. Pregnant; big (with young). + geldable a. Capable of being gelded. + gentianic a. Pertaining to or derived from the gentian; as, gentianic acid. + gesticulation n. The act of gesticulating, or making gestures to express passion or enforce sentiments. + germens pl. of Germen + graveling n. Alt. of Gravelling + gymnastics n. Athletic or disciplinary exercises; the art of performing gymnastic exercises; also, disciplinary exercises for the intellect or character. + gimblet n.|v. See Gimlet. + gibbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gib + glean v.i. To pick up or gather anything by degrees. + gerundive a. Pertaining to, or partaking of, the nature of the gerund; gerundial. + glode imp. of Glide. + gradely a. Decent; orderly. + globiferous a. Having a round or globular tip. + gilder n. One who gilds; one whose occupation is to overlay with gold. + guard v.t. Any fixture or attachment designed to protect or secure against injury, soiling, or defacement, theft or loss + germina pl. of Germen + guilty superl. Conscious; cognizant. + grain n. The fruit of certain grasses which furnish the chief food of man, as corn, wheat, rye, oats, etc., or the plants themselves; -- used collectively. + graphics n. The art or the science of drawing; esp. of drawing according to mathematical rules, as in perspective, projection, and the like. + guttered imp.|p.p. of Gutter + gros n. A heavy silk with a dull finish; as, gros de Naples; gros de Tours. + gorm n. Axle grease. See Gome. + germinant a. Sprouting; sending forth germs or buds. + gittern v.i. To play on gittern. + gram n. Alt. of Gramme + garrot n. The European golden-eye. + graphical a. Having the faculty of, or characterized by, clear and impressive description; vivid; as, a graphic writer. + gullet n. Something shaped like the food passage, or performing similar functions + gasalier n. A chandelier arranged to burn gas. + god n. The Supreme Being; the eternal and infinite Spirit, the Creator, and the Sovereign of the universe; Jehovah. + gest n. A stage in traveling; a stop for rest or lodging in a journey or progress; a rest. + galena n. A remedy or antidose for poison; theriaca. + genteel a. Suited to the position of lady or a gentleman; as, to live in a genteel allowance. + gedd n. The European pike. + gaff v.t. To strike with a gaff or barbed spear; to secure by means of a gaff; as, to gaff a salmon. + game n. To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards, or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win money or other thing waged upon the issue of the contest; to gamble. + grade n. A graded ascending, descending, or level portion of a road; a gradient. + giggling p.pr.|vb.n. of Giggle + grunt n. A deep, guttural sound, as of a hog. + grassy a. Covered with grass; abounding with grass; as, a grassy lawn. + genialness n. The quality of being genial. + groundage n. A local tax paid by a ship for the ground or space it occupies while in port. + grotesgue a. Like the figures found in ancient grottoes; grottolike; wildly or strangely formed; whimsical; extravagant; of irregular forms and proportions; fantastic; ludicrous; antic. + glenoid a. Having the form of a smooth and shallow depression; socketlike; -- applied to several articular surfaces of bone; as, the glenoid cavity, or fossa, of the scapula, in which the head of the humerus articulates. + girondist n. A member of the moderate republican party formed in the French legislative assembly in 1791. The Girondists were so called because their leaders were deputies from the department of La Gironde. + geometric a. Alt. of Geometrical + geocentrical a. Having reference to the center of the earth. + gree n. Rank; degree; position. + graft v.i. To insert scions from one tree, or kind of tree, etc., into another; to practice grafting. + government n. The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case. + giddy v.i. To reel; to whirl. + gallivat n. A small armed vessel, with sails and oars, -- used on the Malabar coast. + guy n. A person of queer looks or dress. + gradually adv. In degree. + greenweed n. See Greenbroom. + gantry n. See Gauntree. + gauge n. The distance between the rails of a railway. + galerite n. A cretaceous fossil sea urchin of the genus Galerites. + glisten v.i. To sparkle or shine; especially, to shine with a mild, subdued, and fitful luster; to emit a soft, scintillating light; to gleam; as, the glistening stars. + grama grass The name of several kinds of pasture grasses found in the Western United States, esp. the Bouteloua oligostachya. + grant v.t. To admit as true what is not yet satisfactorily proved; to yield belief to; to allow; to yield; to concede. + gleed v.i. A live or glowing coal; a glede. + gentle superl. Well-born; of a good family or respectable birth, though not noble. + grum a. Low; deep in the throat; guttural; rumbling; as, + grumpy a. Surly; dissatisfied; grouty. + goslet n. One of several species of pygmy geese, of the genus Nettepus. They are about the size of a teal, and inhabit Africa, India, and Australia. + gay superl. Excited with merriment; manifesting sportiveness or delight; inspiring delight; livery; merry. + gothamite n. A gothamist. + galled imp.|p.p. of Gall + glair a. Any viscous, transparent substance, resembling the white of an egg. + grant v.i. To assent; to consent. + gustless a. Tasteless; insipid. + glasshouse n. A house where glass is made; a commercial house that deals in glassware. + gutter v.t. To supply with a gutter or gutters. + go v.t. To bet or wager; as, I'll go you a shilling. + gimbals n. A contrivance for permitting a body to incline freely in all directions, or for suspending anything, as a barometer, ship's compass, chronometer, etc., so that it will remain plumb, or level, when its support is tipped, as by the rolling of a ship. It consists of a ring in which the body can turn on an axis through a diameter of the ring, while the ring itself is so pivoted to its support that it can turn about a diameter at right angles to the first. + grave superl. Of importance; momentous; weighty; influential; sedate; serious; -- said of character, relations, etc.; as, grave deportment, character, influence, etc. + grocer n. A trader who deals in tea, sugar, spices, coffee, fruits, and various other commodities. + greenhead n. The striped bass. See Bass. + ganoid a. Of or pertaining to Ganoidei. -- n. One of the Ganoidei. + gap v.t. To notch, as a sword or knife. + generation n. A single step or stage in the succession of natural descent; a rank or remove in genealogy. Hence: The body of those who are of the same genealogical rank or remove from an ancestor; the mass of beings living at one period; also, the average lifetime of man, or the ordinary period of time at which one rank follows another, or father is succeeded by child, usually assumed to be one third of a century; an age. + gear v.i. To be in, or come into, gear. + gnarring p.pr.|vb.n. of Gnar + game v.i. Sport of any kind; jest, frolic. + gladiature n. Swordplay; fencing; gladiatorial contest. + gastful a. Alt. of Gastly + glut v.i. To eat gluttonously or to satiety. + gripe v.t. To catch with the hand; to clasp closely with the fingers; to clutch. + galeated a. Wearing a helmet; protected by a helmet; covered, as with a helmet. + gate n. The places which command the entrances or access; hence, place of vantage; power; might. + glasstonbury thorn A variety of the common hawthorn. + graceless a. Wanting in grace or excellence; departed from, or deprived of, divine grace; hence, depraved; corrupt. + godly n. Pious; reverencing God, and his character and laws; obedient to the commands of God from love for, and reverence of, his character; conformed to God's law; devout; righteous; as, a godly life. + gerrymandered imp.|p.p. of Gerrymander + grateful a. Affording pleasure; pleasing to the senses; gratifying; delicious; as, a grateful present; food grateful to the palate; grateful sleep. + guhr n. A loose, earthy deposit from water, found in the cavities or clefts of rocks, mostly white, but sometimes red or yellow, from a mixture of clay or ocher. + gastromyces n. The fungoid growths sometimes found in the stomach; such as Torula, etc. + gentianella n. A kind of blue color. + govern v.t. To direct and control, as the actions or conduct of men, either by established laws or by arbitrary will; to regulate by authority. + glittered imp.|p.p. of Glitter + genius n. A good or evil spirit, or demon, supposed by the ancients to preside over a man's destiny in life; a tutelary deity; a supernatural being; a spirit, good or bad. Cf. Jinnee. + glorious n. Ecstatic; hilarious; elated with drink. + gelatinization n. Same as Gelatination. + grazing p.pr.|vb.n. of Graze + gout n. Taste; relish. + grant v.t. The thing or property granted; a gift; a boon. + give n. To exhibit as a product or result; to produce; to show; as, the number of men, divided by the number of ships, gives four hundred to each ship. + gnaw v.t. To bite in agony or rage. + grower n. One who grows or produces; as, a grower of corn; also, that which grows or increases; as, a vine may be a rank or a slow grower. + gonangia pl. of Gonangium + guatemala grass See Teosinte. + government n. The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil, church, or family government. + goroon shell A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell (Triton femorale). + garookuh n. A small fishing vessel met with in the Persian Gulf. + glucose n. A variety of sugar occurring in nature very abundantly, as in ripe grapes, and in honey, and produced in great quantities from starch, etc., by the action of heat and acids. It is only about half as sweet as cane sugar. Called also dextrose, grape sugar, diabetic sugar, and starch sugar. See Dextrose. + grunter n. A hook used in lifting a crucible. + groundnut n. A leguminous, twining plant (Apios tuberosa), producing clusters of dark purple flowers and having a root tuberous and pleasant to the taste. + gaditanian n. A native or inhabitant of Cadiz. + gemmule n. One of the imaginary granules or atoms which, according to Darwin's hypothesis of pangenesis, are continually being thrown off from every cell or unit, and circulate freely throughout the system, and when supplied with proper nutriment multiply by self-division and ultimately develop into cells like those from which they were derived. They are supposed to be transmitted from the parent to the offspring, but are often transmitted in a dormant state during many generations and are then developed. See Pangenesis. + gothic n. The style described in Gothic, a., 2. + glandulous a. Containing glands; consisting of glands; pertaining to glands; resembling glands. + garbel v.t. Anything sifted, or from which the coarse parts have been taken. + ginnet n. See Genet, a horse. + gravery n. The act, process, or art, of graving or carving; engraving. + gridiron n. An openwork frame on which vessels are placed for examination, cleaning, and repairs. + geldable a. Liable to taxation. + gade n. A small British fish (Motella argenteola) of the Cod family. + gelatin n. Alt. of Gelatine + grain n. The fiber which forms the substance of wood or of any fibrous material. + graduator n. One who determines or indicates graduation; as, a graduator of instruments. + gommelin n. See Dextrin. + giggot n. A leg of mutton. + goldtit n. See Verdin. + ginkgo n. A large ornamental tree (Ginkgo biloba) from China and Japan, belonging to the Yew suborder of Coniferae. Its leaves are so like those of some maidenhair ferns, that it is also called the maidenhair tree. + give v.i. To move; to recede. + grange n. A farmhouse, with the barns and other buildings for farming purposes. + gnosticism n. The system of philosophy taught by the Gnostics. + gneissoid a. Resembling gneiss; having some of the characteristics of gneiss; -- applied to rocks of an intermediate character between granite and gneiss, or mica slate and gneiss. + glutaconic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, an acid intermediate between glutaric and aconitic acids. + genially adv. By genius or nature; naturally. + gastro A combining form from the Gr. /, /, the stomach, or belly; as in gastrocolic, gastrocele, gastrotomy. + guess v.t. To solve by a correct conjecture; to conjecture rightly; as, he who guesses the riddle shall have the ring; he has guessed my designs. + growl v.t. To express by growling. + growthead n. A lazy person; a blockhead. + dgregarinida Gregarinae. + gilt n. Gold, or that which resembles gold, laid on the surface of a thing; gilding. + gentiopikrin n. A bitter, yellow, crystalline substance, regarded as a glucoside, and obtained from the gentian. + glist n. Glimmer; mica. + grin v.t. To express by grinning. + gall v.t. To fret and wear away by friction; to hurt or break the skin of by rubbing; to chafe; to injure the surface of by attrition; as, a saddle galls the back of a horse; to gall a mast or a cable. + goodlyhead n. Alt. of Goodlyhood + godhead n. Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; godhood. + gubernatorial a. Pertaining to a governor, or to government. + gypsy n. A cunning or crafty person + gymnonoti n.pl. The order of fishes which includes the Gymnotus or electrical eel. The dorsal fin is wanting. + glare n. A bright, dazzling light; splendor that dazzles the eyes; a confusing and bewildering light. + green superl. Having a sickly color; wan. + glossly adv. Like gloss; specious. + gouger n. See Plum Gouger. + graduate n. A graduated cup, tube, or flask; a measuring glass used by apothecaries and chemists. See under Graduated. + gully n. A channel or hollow worn in the earth by a current of water; a short deep portion of a torrent's bed when dry. + generant a. acting as a generant. + grottowork n. Artificial and ornamental rockwork in imitation of a grotto. + germinal a. Pertaining or belonging to a germ; as, the germinal vesicle. + gout n. A drop; a clot or coagulation. + grame a. Anger; wrath; scorn. + gullery n. An act, or the practice, of gulling; trickery; fraud. + grout v.t. To fill up or finish with grout, as the joints between stones. + guard v.t. A man, or body of men, stationed to protect or control a person or position; a watch; a sentinel. + gas n. An aeriform fluid; -- a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be permanently elastic, as oxygen, hydrogen, etc., in distinction from vapors, as steam, which become liquid on a reduction of temperature. In present usage, since all of the supposed permanent gases have been liquified by cold and pressure, the term has resumed nearly its original signification, and is applied to any substance in the elastic or aeriform state. + grisons n.pl. Inhabitants of the eastern Swiss Alps. + gloze v.i. To flatter; to wheedle; to fawn; to talk smoothly. + gleam v.i. To disgorge filth, as a hawk. + give v.i. To yield to force or pressure; to relax; to become less rigid; as, the earth gives under the feet. + gallop v.i. To ride a horse at a gallop. + gutturalism n. The quality of being guttural; as, the gutturalism of A [in the 16th cent.] + glochidiate a. Having barbs; as, glochidiate bristles. + gore v.t. To cut in a traingular form; to piece with a gore; to provide with a gore; as, to gore an apron. + gigerium n. The muscular stomach, or gizzard, of birds. + gastrocolic a. Pertaining to both the stomach and the colon; as, the gastrocolic, or great, omentum. + genesis n. The act of producing, or giving birth or origin to anything; the process or mode of originating; production; formation; origination. + glandiferous a. Bearing acorns or other nuts; as, glandiferous trees. + galeopithecus n. A genus of flying Insectivora, formerly called flying lemurs. See Colugo. + gray superl. Old; mature; as, gray experience. Ames. + guelph n. Alt. of Guelf + get n. Fashion; manner; custom. + genipap n. The edible fruit of a West Indian tree (Genipa Americana) of the order Rubiaceae. It is oval in shape, as a large as a small orange, of a pale greenish color, and with dark purple juice. + gliding p.pr.|vb.n. of Glide + gradino n. A step or raised shelf, as above a sideboard or altar. Cf. Superaltar, and Gradin. + grafting n. A scarfing or endwise attachment of one timber to another. + grotesqueness n. Quality of being grotesque. + ginger n. A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and West Indies. The species most known is Z. officinale. + geminate v.t. To double. + gentes pl. of Gens + grogginess n. State of being groggy. + graining n. The process of separating soap from spent lye, as with salt. + gallegan n. Alt. of Gallego + guy n. A grotesque effigy, like that of Guy Fawkes, dressed up in England on the fifth of November, the day of the Gunpowder Plot. + gloom n. Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness. + golden a. Very precious; highly valuable; excellent; eminently auspicious; as, golden opinions. + groveled imp.|p.p. of Grovel + generable a. Capable of being generated or produced. + goutiness n. The state of being gouty; gout. + gallflies pl. of Gallfly + gattoothed a. Goat-toothed; having a lickerish tooth; lustful; wanton. + gyrant a. Gyrating. + gallopading p.pr.|vb.n. of Gallopade + gesticulatory a. Representing by, or belonging to, gestures. + guelf n. One of a faction in Germany and Italy, in the 12th and 13th centuries, which supported the House of Guelph and the pope, and opposed the Ghibellines, or faction of the German emperors. + globeshaped a. Shaped like a globe. + glabreate v.t. Alt. of Glabriate + got imp. of Get + goggler n. A carangoid oceanic fish (Trachurops crumenophthalmus), having very large and prominent eyes; -- called also goggle-eye, big-eyed scad, and cicharra. + green n. A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green. + gibbous a. Swelling by a regular curve or surface; protuberant; convex; as, the moon is gibbous between the half-moon and the full moon. + gaggle v.i. A flock of wild geese. + glib v.t. To castrate; to geld; to emasculate. + gloria n. A portion of the Mass (Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Glory be to God on high), and also of the communion service in some churches. In the Episcopal Church the version in English is used. + gnome n. A brief reflection or maxim. + goodlyhood n. Goodness; grace; goodliness. + glyceride n. A compound ether (formed from glycerin). Some glycerides exist ready formed as natural fats, others are produced artificially. + geothermometer n. A thermometer specially constructed for measuring temperetures at a depth below the surface of the ground. + gendarme n. An armed policeman in France. + grist n. Ground corn; that which is ground at one time; as much grain as is carried to the mill at one time, or the meal it produces. + goodby n.interj. Alt. of Good-bye + game a. Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock; ready to fight to the last; plucky. + glorifying p.pr.|vb.n. of Glorify + grossification n. The swelling of the ovary of plants after fertilization. Henslow. + godild A corruption of God yield, i. e., God reward or bless. + garble v.t. To sift or bolt, to separate the fine or valuable parts of from the coarse and useless parts, or from dros or dirt; as, to garble spices. + gimp a. Smart; spruce; trim; nice. + genius n. Distinguished mental superiority; uncommon intellectual power; especially, superior power of invention or origination of any kind, or of forming new combinations; as, a man of genius. + gravamina pl. of Gravamen + grapholite n. Any species of slate suitable to be written on. + gluttonized imp.|p.p. of Gluttonize + gannister n. A refractory material consisting of crushed or ground siliceous stone, mixed with fire clay; -- used for lining Bessemer converters; also used for macadamizing roads. + gargoyle n. A spout projecting from the roof gutter of a building, often carved grotesquely. + gastrohepatic a. Pertaining to the stomach and liver; hepatogastric; as, the gastrohepatic, or lesser, omentum. + glebe n. A lump; a clod. + gripe v.i. To tend to come up into the wind, as a ship which, when sailing closehauled, requires constant labor at the helm. + grandiloquent a. Speaking in a lofty style; pompous; bombastic. + grub n. The larva of an insect, especially of a beetle; -- called also grubworm. See Illust. of Goldsmith beetle, under Goldsmith. + grasp n. Reach of the arms; hence, the power of seizing and holding; as, it was beyond his grasp. + gaiter n. A covering of cloth or leather for the ankle and instep, or for the whole leg from the knee to the instep, fitting down upon the shoe. + gradient n. The rate of increase or decrease of a variable magnitude, or the curve which represents it; as, a thermometric gradient. + grouper n. The tripletail (Lobotes). + gypsography n. The act or art of engraving on gypsum. + graphical a. Of or pertaining to the arts of painting and drawing. + garroting p.pr.|vb.n. of Garrote + gull n. One easily cheated; a dupe. + gangrenous a. Affected by, or produced by, gangrene; of the nature of gangrene. + gimcrack n. A trivial mechanism; a device; a toy; a pretty thing. + gelsemine n. An alkaloid obtained from the yellow jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens), as a bitter white semicrystalline substance; -- called also gelsemia. + gherkin n. See Sea gherkin. + gymnoplast n. A cell or mass of protoplasm devoid of an envelope, as a white blood corpuscle. + gast v.t. To make aghast; to frighten; to terrify. See Aghast. + goout n. A sluice in embankments against the sea, for letting out the land waters, when the tide is out. + gravic a. Pertaining to, or causing, gravitation; as, gravic forces; gravic attraction. + gaffle n. An artificial spur or gaff for gamecocks. + groan v.i. To give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing; to utter a groan, as in pain, in sorrow, or in derision; to moan. + grouting n. The process of filling in or finishing with grout; also, the grout thus filled in. + garter n. A band used to prevent a stocking from slipping down on the leg. + guise n. Cover; cloak; as, under the guise of patriotism. + gon imp. & p. p. of Go. + gouging p.pr.|vb.n. of Bouge + gnar n. A knot or gnarl in wood; hence, a tough, thickset man; -- written also gnarr. + greaser n. One who, or that which, greases; specifically, a person employed to lubricate the working parts of machinery, engines, carriages, etc. + gradual n. A service book containing the musical portions of the Mass. + gum n. See Gum tree, below. + glassing p.pr.|vb.n. of Glass + guara n. A large-maned wild dog of South America (Canis jubatus) -- named from its cry. + glaciate v.t. To convert into, or cover with, ice. + gushing a. Rushing forth with violence, as a fluid; flowing copiously; as, gushing waters. + gorgonia n. A genus of Gorgoniacea, formerly very extensive, but now restricted to such species as the West Indian sea fan (Gorgonia flabellum), sea plume (G. setosa), and other allied species having a flexible, horny axis. + gadfly n. Any dipterous insect of the genus Oestrus, and allied genera of botflies. + girth v.t. To bind as with a girth. + gypseous a. Resembling or containing gypsum; partaking of the qualities of gypsum. + gynandrous a. Having stamens inserted in the pistil; belonging to the class Gynandria. + greit v.i. See Greet, to weep. + guttatrap n. The inspissated juice of a tree of the genus Artocarpus (A. incisa, or breadfruit tree), sometimes used in making birdlime, on account of its glutinous quality. + gargle n. A liquid, as water or some medicated preparation, used to cleanse the mouth and throat, especially for a medical effect. + glory n. An emanation of light supposed to proceed from beings of peculiar sanctity. It is represented in art by rays of gold, or the like, proceeding from the head or body, or by a disk, or a mere line. + gudgeon n. A person easily duped or cheated. + guide n. The leather strap by which the shield of a knight was slung across the shoulder, or across the neck and shoulder. + goosefish n. See Angler. + grand superl. Of large size or extent; great; extensive; hence, relatively great; greatest; chief; principal; as, a grand mountain; a grand army; a grand mistake. + gradatory a. Suitable for walking; -- said of the limbs of an animal when adapted for walking on land. + german a. Nearly related; closely akin. + gaudless a. Destitute of ornament. + gazement n. View. + garnished imp.|p.p. of Garnish + gallery a. Any communication which is covered overhead as well as at the sides. When prepared for defense, it is a defensive gallery. + gesturing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gesture + gear n. Whatever is prepared for use or wear; manufactured stuff or material. + gasometry n. The art or practice of measuring gases; also, the science which treats of the nature and properties of these elastic fluids. + girl n. A young person of either sex; a child. + guess n. An opinion as to anything, formed without sufficient or decisive evidence or grounds; an attempt to hit upon the truth by a random judgment; a conjecture; a surmise. + gumboil n. A small suppurting inflamed spot on the gum. + gard v.|n. See Guard. + grist n. Supply; provision. + gramashes n.pl. Gaiters reaching to the knee; leggings. + given p. p. & a. from Give, v. + green n. pl. Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food. + guide v.t. A noncommissioned officer or soldier placed on the directiug flank of each subdivision of a column of troops, or at the end of a line, to mark the pivots, formations, marches, and alignments in tactics. + gad n. To walk about; to rove or go about, without purpose; hence, to run wild; to be uncontrolled. + gradation n. A diatonic ascending or descending succession of chords. + guess v.i. To make a guess or random judgment; to conjecture; -- with at, about, etc. + gauding p.pr.|vb.n. of Gaud + glycosuria n. Same as Glucosuria. + galvanizer n. One who, or that which, galvanize. + goggling p.pr.|vb.n. of Goggle + goshawk n. Any large hawk of the genus Astur, of which many species and varieties are known. The European (Astur palumbarius) and the American (A. atricapillus) are the best known species. They are noted for their powerful flight, activity, and courage. The Australian goshawk (A. Novae-Hollandiae) is pure white. + gradual n. Proceeding by steps or degrees; advancing, step by step, as in ascent or descent or from one state to another; regularly progressive; slow; as, a gradual increase of knowledge; a gradual decline. + grandniece n. The granddaughter of one's brother or sister. + gambol v.i. To dance and skip about in sport; to frisk; to skip; to play in frolic, like boys or lambs. + gospelize v.t. To instruct in the gospel; to evangelize; as, to gospelize the savages. + gril a. Harsh; hard; severe; stern; rough. + go v.i. To be passed on fron one to another; to pass; to circulate; hence, with for, to have currency; to be taken, accepted, or regarded. + genevese n.sing.|pl. A native or inhabitant of Geneva; collectively, the inhabitants of Geneva; people of Geneva. + garlic n. A kind of jig or farce. + grossularia n. Same as Grossular. + get v.t. To procure to be, or to cause to be in any state or condition; -- with a following participle. + gocart n. A framework moving on casters, designed to support children while learning to walk. + gunner n. One who works a gun, whether on land or sea; a cannoneer. + godward adv. Toward God. + graduate v.i. To taper, as the tail of certain birds. + glome v.i. To gloom; to look gloomy, morose, or sullen. + gallooned a. Furnished or adorned with galloon. + gendered imp.|p.p. of Gender + gargyle n. See Gargoyle. + gordian n. One of the Gordiacea. + graduate n.|v. Arranged by successive steps or degrees; graduated. + garden n. A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables. + girted imp.|p.p. of Girt + girandole n. A kind of revolving firework. + gypsy n. The language used by the gypsies. + gymnal a.|n. Same as Gimmal. + graft n. To cover, as a ring bolt, block strap, splicing, etc., with a weaving of small cord or rope-yarns. + gnawer n. One who, or that which, gnaws. + goeland n. A white tropical tern (Cygis candida). + general a. As a whole; in gross; for the most part. + galloping p.pr.|vb.n. of Gallop + gromill n. See Gromwell. + gulf n. A hollow place in the earth; an abyss; a deep chasm or basin, + gloss v.t. To give a specious appearance to; to render specious and plausible; to palliate by specious explanation. + grunt v.t. To make a deep, short noise, as a hog; to utter a short groan or a deep guttural sound. + gaiter v.t. To dress with gaiters. + groomsmen pl. of Groomsman + giver n. One who gives; a donor; a bestower; a grantor; one who imparts or distributes. + gloze n. Specious show; gloss. + gueber n. Alt. of Guebre + gephyreoid a.|n. Gephyrean. + grass n. Popularly: Herbage; the plants which constitute the food of cattle and other beasts; pasture. + gather v.t. To bring together, or nearer together, in masonry, as where the width of a fireplace is rapidly diminished to the width of the flue, or the like. + glider n. One who, or that which, glides. + goosery n. A place for keeping geese. + gladiatorship n. Conduct, state, or art, of a gladiator. + glancing a. Shooting, as light. + gothite n. Alt. of Goethite + ghost v.i. To die; to expire. + graticule n. A design or draught which has been divided into squares, in order to reproduce it in other dimensions. + generalia n.pl. Generalities; general terms. + glaum v.i. To grope with the hands, as in the dark. + ground v.t. To cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching (see Ground, n., 5); or as paper or other materials with a uniform tint as a preparation for ornament. + gloomy superl. Affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy; dejected; as, a gloomy temper or countenance. + guiltylike adv. Guiltily. + ganglial a. Relating to a ganglion; ganglionic. + gibberish v.i. Rapid and inarticulate talk; unintelligible language; unmeaning words; jargon. + gerundial a. Pertaining to, or resembling, a gerund; as, a gerundial use. + gracious a. Produced by divine grace; influenced or controlled by the divine influence; as, gracious affections. + gentlemanlike a. Alt. of Gentlemanly + gambolling of Gambol + governance n. Exercise of authority; control; government; arrangement. + galvanometer n. An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic needle. + garnish v.t. To fit with fetters. + geologian n. A geologist. + gallopade n. I horsemanship, a sidelong or curveting kind of gallop. + galvanic a. Of or pertaining to, or exhibiting the phenomena of, galvanism; employing or producing electrical currents. + gassing n. The process of passing cotton goods between two rollers and exposing them to numerous minute jets of gas to burn off the small fibers; any similar process of singeing. + gome n. A man. + grubby a. Dirty; unclean. + gospeler n. A follower of Wyclif, the first English religious reformer; hence, a Puritan. + gymnastic n. A gymnast. + grandsire n. Specifically, a grandfather; more generally, any ancestor. + ground v.t. To lay, set, or run, on the ground. + gravedigger n. A digger of graves. + ground n. A gummy composition spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle. + guidguid n. A South American ant bird of the genus Hylactes; -- called also barking bird. + gestatory a. Pertaining to gestation or pregnancy. + globule n. A little globe; a small particle of matter, of a spherical form. + greek n. A native, or one of the people, of Greece; a Grecian; also, the language of Greece. + gavial n. A large Asiatic crocodilian (Gavialis Gangeticus); -- called also nako, and Gangetic crocodile. + garfish n. A European marine fish (Belone vulgaris); -- called also gar, gerrick, greenback, greenbone, gorebill, hornfish, longnose, mackerel guide, sea needle, and sea pike. + gravitative a. Causing to gravitate; tending to a center. + grapery n. A building or inclosure used for the cultivation of grapes. + glaucometer n. See Gleucometer. + gemination n. A doubling; duplication; repetition. + genteelness n. The quality of being genteel. + galley n. An oblong oven or muffle with a battery of retorts; a gallery furnace. + gaggled imp.|p.p. of Gaggle + gasp v.t. To emit or utter with gasps; -- with forth, out, away, etc. + gneiss n. A crystalline rock, consisting, like granite, of quartz, feldspar, and mica, but having these materials, especially the mica, arranged in planes, so that it breaks rather easily into coarse slabs or flags. Hornblende sometimes takes the place of the mica, and it is then called hornblendic / syenitic gneiss. Similar varieties of related rocks are also called gneiss. + groggery n. A grogshop. + gen A suffix used in scientific words in the sense of producing, generating: as, amphigen, amidogen, halogen. + geat n. The channel or spout through which molten metal runs into a mold in casting. + goatskin a. Made of the skin of a goat. + glory n. The presence of the Divine Being; the manifestations of the divine nature and favor to the blessed in heaven; celestial honor; heaven. + geodesic a. Alt. of Geodesical + glans n. Goiter. + galericulate a. Covered as with a hat or cap. + glover n. One whose trade it is to make or sell gloves. + generatrices pl. of Generatrix + gre n. See Gree, a step. + grudge v.i. To feel compunction or grief. + gentianose n. A crystallizable, sugarlike substance, with a slightly sweetish taste, obtained from the gentian. + goodman n. A husband; the master of a house or family; -- often used in speaking familiarly. + greasy superl. Gross; indelicate; indecent. + glare v.i. To shine with a bright, dazzling light. + gain n. To draw into any interest or party; to win to one's side; to conciliate. + guaiacum n. The heart wood or the resin of the Guaiacum offinale or lignum-vitae, a large tree of the West Indies and Central America. It is much used in medicine. + grene a. Green. + gour n. See Koulan. + gobbing n. The process of packing with waste rock; stowing. + gyve v.t. To fetter; to shackle; to chain. + glycyrrhizin n. A glucoside found in licorice root (Glycyrrhiza), in monesia bark (Chrysophyllum), in the root of the walnut, etc., and extracted as a yellow, amorphous powder, of a bittersweet taste. + gudgeon n. A metal eye or socket attached to the sternpost to receive the pintle of the rudder. + guild v.t. A guildhall. + ghee n. Butter clarified by boiling, and thus converted into a kind of oil. + gabionade n. A traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire. + guyed imp.|p.p. of Guy + gale v.i. To sale, or sail fast. + germ n. That which is to develop a new individual; as, the germ of a fetus, of a plant or flower, and the like; the earliest form under which an organism appears. + government n. The right or power of governing; authority. + greensward n. Turf green with grass. + grass v.t. To cover with grass or with turf. + girdler n. A maker of girdles. + gaviae n.pl. The division of birds which includes the gulls and terns. + genethliac n. A birthday poem. + gomarite n. One of the followers of Francis Gomar or Gomarus, a Dutch disciple of Calvin in the 17th century, who strongly opposed the Arminians. + grating n. A harsh sound caused by attrition. + glucogenesis n. Glycogenesis. + grantee n. The person to whom a grant or conveyance is made. + grimaced a. Distorted; crabbed. + gorgon a. Like a Gorgon; very ugly or terrific; as, a Gorgon face. + genetically adv. In a genetical manner. + giganticide n. The act of killing, or one who kills, a giant. + geographies pl. of Geography + general a. The roll of the drum which calls the troops together; as, to beat the general. + geanticlinal n. An upward bend or flexure of a considerable portion of the earth's crust, resulting in the formation of a class of mountain elevations called anticlinoria; -- opposed to geosynclinal. + gainsome a. Prepossessing; well-favored. + goggle v.i. A strained or affected rolling of the eye. + guards n.pl. A body of picked troops; as, "The Household Guards." + gelsemium n. A genus of climbing plants. The yellow (false) jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is a native of the Southern United States. It has showy and deliciously fragrant flowers. + grammarianism n. The principles, practices, or peculiarities of grammarians. + get v.t. To beget; to procreate; to generate. + glorying p.pr.|vb.n. of Glory + goatskin n. The skin of a goat, or leather made from it. + green v.i. To become or grow green. + graining n. Indentation; roughening; milling, as on edges of coins. + gammoning n. The act of imposing upon or hoaxing a person. + gorgelet n. A small gorget, as of a humming bird. + green superl. Not seasoned; not dry; containing its natural juices; as, green wood, timber, etc. + greengill n. An oyster which has the gills tinged with a green pigment, said to be due to an abnormal condition of the blood. + gloomy superl. Imperfectly illuminated; dismal through obscurity or darkness; dusky; dim; clouded; as, the cavern was gloomy. + glance v.t. To shoot or dart suddenly or obliquely; to cast for a moment; as, to glance the eye. + gauge n. Any instrument or apparatus for measuring the state of a phenomenon, or for ascertaining its numerical elements at any moment; -- usually applied to some particular instrument; as, a rain gauge; a steam gauge. + grammar v.i. To discourse according to the rules of grammar; to use grammar. + gauged imp.|p.p. of Gauge + gise n. Guise; manner. + grinder n. The restless flycatcher (Seisura inquieta) of Australia; -- called also restless thrush and volatile thrush. It makes a noise like a scissors grinder, to which the name alludes. + granulated a. Having numerous small elevations, as shagreen. + generality n. That which is general; that which lacks specificalness, practicalness, or application; a general or vague statement or phrase. + glair v.t. To smear with the white of an egg. + guttiferous a. Yielding gum or resinous substances. + ganza n. A kind of wild goose, by a flock of which a virtuoso was fabled to be carried to the lunar world. + grimsir n. A stern man. + general a. The whole; the total; that which comprehends or relates to all, or the chief part; -- opposed to particular. + glide n. A transitional sound in speech which is produced by the changing of the mouth organs from one definite position to another, and with gradual change in the most frequent cases; as in passing from the begining to the end of a regular diphthong, or from vowel to consonant or consonant to vowel in a syllable, or from one component to the other of a double or diphthongal consonant (see Guide to Pronunciation, // 19, 161, 162). Also (by Bell and others), the vanish (or brief final element) or the brief initial element, in a class of diphthongal vowels, or the brief final or initial part of some consonants (see Guide to Pronunciation, // 18, 97, 191). + gait n. A going; a walk; a march; a way. + general a. Comprehending many species or individuals; not special or particular; including all particulars; as, a general inference or conclusion. + germanic n. Teutonic. + guiding p.pr.|vb.n. of Guide + gyroscope n. A form of the above apparatus, invented by M. Foucault, mounted so delicately as to render visible the rotation of the earth, through the tendency of the rotating wheel to preserve a constant plane of rotation, independently of the earth's motion. + gullet n. A channel for water. + ghastness n. Ghastliness. + grassgreen a. Of the color of grass; clear and vivid green. + gelidly adv. In a gelid manner; coldly. + guardfish n. The garfish. + gens darmes pl. of Gendarme + grasshopper n. In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out and replaced with the key; -- called also the hopper. + gladen n. Sword grass; any plant with sword-shaped leaves, esp. the European Iris foetidissima. + girding p.pr.|vb.n. of Gird + glance n. A sudden flash of light or splendor. + gobble v.t. To swallow or eat greedily or hastily; to gulp. + gravimeter n. An instrument for ascertaining the specific gravity of bodies. + gauntry n. A frame for supporting barrels in a cellar or elsewhere. + globe v.t. To gather or form into a globe. + genoese n.sing.|pl. A native or inhabitant of Genoa; collectively, the people of Genoa. + guller n. One who gulls; a deceiver. + gurjun n. A thin balsam or wood oil derived from the Diptcrocarpus laevis, an East Indian tree. It is used in medicine, and as a substitute for linseed oil in the coarser kinds of paint. + goodless a. Having no goods. + graining p.pr.|vb.n. of Grain + gondola n. A long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, used in the canals of Venice. A gondola is usually propelled by one or two oarsmen who stand facing the prow, or by poling. A gondola for passengers has a small open cabin amidships, for their protection against the sun or rain. A sumptuary law of Venice required that gondolas should be painted black, and they are customarily so painted now. + gagtooth n. A projecting tooth. + garnishing p.pr.|vb.n. of Garnish + glycyrrhiza n. A genus of papilionaceous herbaceous plants, one species of which (G. glabra), is the licorice plant, the roots of which have a bittersweet mucilaginous taste. + gluconic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, glucose. + guidepost n. A post at the fork of a road, with a guideboard on it, to direct travelers. + groat n. Any small sum of money. + gruelly a. Like gruel; of the consistence of gruel. + gentleman n. A man, irrespective of condition; -- used esp. in the plural (= citizens; people), in addressing men in popular assemblies, etc. + glow n. Brightness or warmth of color; redness; a rosy flush; as, the glow of health in the cheeks. + gather n. The soffit or under surface of the masonry required in gathering. See Gather, v. t., 7. + glutinous a. Of the nature of glue; resembling glue; viscous; viscid; adhesive; gluey. + grecian a. Of or pertaining to Greece; Greek. + gorget n. A piece of plate armor covering the same parts and worn over the buff coat in the 17th century, and without other steel armor. + gaffle n. A lever to bend crossbows. + grazer n. One that grazes; a creature which feeds on growing grass or herbage. + galvanoplasty n. The art or process of electrotypy. + garrote v.t. To strangle with the garrote; hence, to seize by the throat, from behind, with a view to strangle and rob. + getter n. One who gets, gains, obtains, acquires, begets, or procreates. + game n. Crooked; lame; as, a game leg. + globeflower n. The American plant Trollius laxus. + gelding p.pr.|vb.n. of Geld + glomerate v.t.|i. To gather or wind into a ball; to collect into a spherical form or mass, as threads. + gashing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gash + guerrilla n. One who carries on, or assists in carrying on, irregular warfare; especially, a member of an independent band engaged in predatory excursions in war time. + gallicizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gallicize + gemmed imp.|p.p. of Gem + garcinia n. A genus of plants, including the mangosteen tree (Garcinia Mangostana), found in the islands of the Indian Archipelago; -- so called in honor of Dr. Garcin. + goad v.t. To prick; to drive with a goad; hence, to urge forward, or to rouse by anything pungent, severe, irritating, or inflaming; to stimulate. + grease n. An inflammation of a horse's heels, suspending the ordinary greasy secretion of the part, and producing dryness and scurfiness, followed by cracks, ulceration, and fungous excrescences. + grapnel n. A small anchor, with four or five flukes or claws, used to hold boats or small vessels; hence, any instrument designed to grapple or hold; a grappling iron; a grab; -- written also grapline, and crapnel. + gastly a. See Ghastful, Ghastly. + guerrilla a. Pertaining to, or engaged in, warfare carried on irregularly and by independent bands; as, a guerrilla party; guerrilla warfare. + gat of Get + graving n. That which is graved or carved. + glycocholic a. Pertaining to, or composed of, glycocoll and cholic acid. + genu n. The kneelike bend, in the anterior part of the callosum of the brain. + girding n. That with which one is girded; a girdle. + garbage n. Offal, as the bowels of an animal or fish; refuse animal or vegetable matter from a kitchen; hence, anything worthless, disgusting, or loathsome. + gutter n. A small channel at the roadside or elsewhere, to lead off surface water. + gesture v.i. To make gestures; to gesticulate. + glebeless a. Having no glebe. + gaditanian a. Of or relating to Cadiz, in Spain. + glimpsing p.pr.|vb.n. of Glimpse + gettable a. That may be obtained. + galwes n. Gallows. + gull n. A cheating or cheat; trick; fraud. + guillevat n. A vat for fermenting liquors. + gnomonical a. Of or pertaining to the gnomon, or the art of dialing. + gamin n. A neglected and untrained city boy; a young street Arab. + glazing n. The act or art of setting glass; the art of covering with a vitreous or glasslike substance, or of polishing or rendering glossy. + gangrenescent a. Tending to mortification or gangrene. + grain n. The remains of grain, etc., after brewing or distillation; hence, any residuum. Also called draff. + gossaniferous a. Containing or producing gossan. + get v.t. To procure; to obtain; to gain possession of; to acquire; to earn; to obtain as a price or reward; to come by; to win, by almost any means; as, to get favor by kindness; to get wealth by industry and economy; to get land by purchase, etc. + gronte obs. imp. of Groan. + gris n.sing.|pl. A little pig. + grewsome a. Alt. of Gruesome + griffon n. A species of large vulture (Gyps fulvus) found in the mountainous parts of Southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia Minor; -- called also gripe, and grype. It is supposed to be the "eagle" of the Bible. The bearded griffin is the lammergeir. + gadolinite n. A mineral of a nearly black color and vitreous luster, and consisting principally of the silicates of yttrium, cerium, and iron. + georgium sidus The planet Uranus, so named by its discoverer, Sir W. Herschel. + gyrolepis n. A genus of ganoid fishes, found in strata of the new red sandetone, and the lias bone beds. + grecque n. An ornament supposed to be of Greek origin, esp. a fret or meander. + galley n. A proof sheet taken from type while on a galley; a galley proof. + growl n. The deep, threatening sound made by a surly dog; a grumbling sound. + gastrovascular a. Having the structure, or performing the functions, both of digestive and circulatory organs; as, the gastrovascular cavity of c/lenterates. + gerrymandering p.pr.|vb.n. of Gerrymander + granulous a. Full of grains; abounding with granular substances; granular. + generic a. Alt. of Generical + gemmiparity n. Reproduction by budding; gemmation. See Budding. + grieve v.t. To sorrow over; as, to grieve one's fate. + geode n. The cavity in such a nodule. + gammoning p.pr.|vb.n. of Gammon + gripe n. Pinching and spasmodic pain in the intestines; -- chiefly used in the plural. + grind v.i. To become ground or pulverized by friction; as, this corn grinds well. + groundling n. A fish that keeps at the bottom of the water, as the loach. + grill n. To broil on a grill or gridiron. + gram n. The East Indian name of the chick-pea (Cicer arietinum) and its seeds; also, other similar seeds there used for food. + gemmiferous a. multiplying by buds. + gar v. Any slender marine fish of the genera Belone and Tylosurus. See Garfish. + gruel n. A light, liquid food, made by boiling meal of maize, oatmeal, or fiour in water or milk; thin porridge. + gauge n. Relative positions of two or more vessels with reference to the wind; as, a vessel has the weather gauge of another when on the windward side of it, and the lee gauge when on the lee side of it. + gorgonean a. See Gorgonian, 1. + gerlind n. A salmon returning from the sea the second time. + guttated a. Besprinkled with drops, or droplike spots. + grill v.t. That which is broiled on a gridiron, as meat, fish, etc. + gemmary n. A receptacle for jewels or gems; a jewel house; jewels or gems, collectively. + gynno v.i. To begin. See Gin. + gymnic a. Alt. of Gymnical + gallium n. A rare metallic element, found in certain zinc ores. It is white, hard, and malleable, resembling aluminium, and remarcable for its low melting point (86/ F., 30/C). Symbol Ga. Atomic weight 69.9. + graving n. The act or art of carving figures in hard substances, esp. by incision or in intaglio. + galenic a. Alt. of Galenical + greenlander n. A native of Greenland. + gang v.i. A number going in company; hence, a company, or a number of persons associated for a particular purpose; a group of laborers under one foreman; a squad; as, a gang of sailors; a chain gang; a gang of thieves. + girdlestead n. That part of the body where the girdle is worn. + gimmal n. Joined work whose parts move within each other; a pair or series of interlocked rings. + grapeless a. Wanting grapes or the flavor of grapes. + gump n. A dolt; a dunce. + gage n. A measure or standard. See Gauge, n. + guidon v.t. One who carries a flag. + gnatling n. A small gnat. + grainer n. One who paints in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc.; also, the brush or tool used in graining. + gemelliparous a. Producing twins. + goltschut n. A small ingot of gold. + guffaw n. A loud burst of laughter; a horse laugh. + gloam v.i. To begin to grow dark; to grow dusky. + grappling p.pr.|vb.n. of Grapple + gaping p.pr.|vb.n. of Gape + geometrid a. Pertaining or belonging to the Geometridae. + gourmand n. A greedy or ravenous eater; a glutton. See Gormand. + geometries pl. of Geometry + good superl. Possessing desirable qualities; adapted to answer the end designed; promoting success, welfare, or happiness; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; admirable; commendable; not bad, corrupt, evil, noxious, offensive, or troublesome, etc. + grapple v.t. A grappling iron. + gerah n. A small coin and weight; 1-20th of a shekel. + grabble v.i. To grope; to feel with the hands. + gear n. Warlike accouterments. + glide n. The act or manner of moving smoothly, swiftly, and without labor or obstruction. + gymnophiona n.pl. An order of Amphibia, having a long, annulated, snakelike body. See Ophiomorpha. + gallop v.i. To move or run in the mode called a gallop; as a horse; to go at a gallop; to run or move with speed. + galimatias n. Nonsense; gibberish; confused and unmeaning talk; confused mixture. + geeing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gee + globefish n. A plectognath fish of the genera Diodon, Tetrodon, and allied genera. The globefishes can suck in water or air and distend the body to a more or less globular form. Called also porcupine fish, and sea hedgehog. See Diodon. + girdling p.pr.|vb.n. of Girdle + gouge n. A bookbinder's tool for blind tooling or gilding, having a face which forms a curve. + gripeful a. Disposed to gripe; extortionate. + garland n. A wreath of chaplet made of branches, flowers, or feathers, and sometimes of precious stones, to be worn on the head like a crown; a coronal; a wreath. + griper a. One who gripes; an oppressor; an extortioner. + gauged p.a. Tested or measured by, or conformed to, a gauge. + glossolaly n. The gift of tongues. Farrar. + graceful a. Displaying grace or beauty in form or action; elegant; easy; agreeable in appearance; as, a graceful walk, deportment, speaker, air, act, speech. + gyrus n. A convoluted ridge between grooves; a convolution; as, the gyri of the brain; the gyri of brain coral. See Brain. + gryphite n. A shell of the genus Gryphea. + ghaut n. A range of mountains. + gristly a. Consisting of, or containing, gristle; like gristle; cartilaginous. + genitor n. The genitals. + goodnaturedly adv. With maldness of temper. + geogonical a. Of or pertaining to geogony, or to the formation of the earth. + greengrocer n. A retailer of vegetables or fruits in their fresh or green state. + glunch a. Frowning; sulky; sullen. + gentleman n. The servant of a man of rank. + ganglioform a. Having the form of a ganglion. + good v.t. To make good; to turn to good. + gendering p.pr.|vb.n. of Gender + gerent a. Bearing; carrying. + grind v.t. To oppress by severe exactions; to harass. + glyoxime n. A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance, produced by the action of hydroxylamine on glyoxal, and belonging to the class of oximes; also, any one of a group of substances resembling glyoxime proper, and of which it is a type. See Oxime. + gauzy a. Pertaining to, or resembling, gauze; thin and slight as gauze. + greatgrandfather n. The father of one's grandfather or grandmother. + giusto a. In just, correct, or suitable time. + gossip n. A sponsor; a godfather or a godmother. + guilder n. A Dutch silver coin worth about forty cents; -- called also florin and gulden. + glare n. A viscous, transparent substance. See Glair. + galeated a. Helmeted; having a helmetlike part, as a crest, a flower, etc.; helmet-shaped. + grain a. A sort of spice, the grain of paradise. + gregorian a. Pertaining to, or originated by, some person named Gregory, especially one of the popes of that name. + gladsome a. Pleased; joyful; cheerful. + griff n. An arrangement of parallel bars for lifting the hooked wires which raise the warp threads in a loom for weaving figured goods. + grasshopper n. Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families Acrididae and Locustidae. The species and genera are very numerous. The former family includes the Western grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged (Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely related species, but their ravages are less important. They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the Old World. See Locust. + griefful a. Full of grief or sorrow. + galley n. A vessel propelled by oars, whether having masts and sails or not + generate v.t. To originate, especially by a vital or chemical process; to produce; to cause. + gorgerin n. In some columns, that part of the capital between the termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or the space between two neck moldings; -- called also neck of the capital, and hypotrachelium. See Illust. of Column. + gonad n. One of the masses of generative tissue primitively alike in both sexes, but giving rise to either an ovary or a testis; a generative gland; a germ gland. + growled imp.|p.p. of Growl + greaser n. A nickname sometimes applied in contempt to a Mexican of the lowest type. + germanizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Germanize + glowered imp.|p.p. of Glower + give v.i. To give a gift or gifts. + glint v.i. To glance; to peep forth, as a flower from the bud; to glitter. + gland n. An organ for secreting something to be used in, or eliminated from, the body; as, the sebaceous glands of the skin; the salivary glands of the mouth. + globated a. Having the form of a globe; spherical. + gastronome n. Alt. of Gastronomer + geometrician n. One skilled in geometry; a geometer; a mathematician. + gainer n. One who gains. + grandmother n. The mother of one's father or mother. + groom v.i. To tend or care for, or to curry or clean, as a, horse. + gratification n. The act of gratifying, or pleasing, either the mind, the taste, or the appetite; as, the gratification of the palate, of the appetites, of the senses, of the desires, of the heart. + gastroscopic a. Of or pertaining to gastroscopy. + gather v.i. To come together; to collect; to unite; to become assembled; to congregate. + generically adv. With regard to a genus, or an extensive class; as, an animal generically distinct from another, or two animals or plants generically allied. + goldylocks n. A plant of several species of the genus Chrysocoma; -- so called from the tufts of yellow flowers which terminate the stems; also, the Ranunculus auricomus, a kind of buttercup. + godeyear n. The venereal disease; -- often used as a mild oath. + gigot n. Alt. of Giggot + garnishee v.t. To make (a person) a garnishee; to warn by garnishment; to garnish. + granaries pl. of Granary + grand superl. Having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other persons or things of the same name; as, a grand lodge; a grand vizier; a grand piano, etc. + gnaw v.t. To bite, as something hard or tough, which is not readily separated or crushed; to bite off little by little, with effort; to wear or eat away by scraping or continuous biting with the teeth; to nibble at. + globe n. Anything which is nearly spherical or globular in shape; as, the globe of the eye; the globe of a lamp. + germ n. That from which anything springs; origin; first principle; as, the germ of civil liberty. + gleek n. An enticing look or glance. + gust n. The sense or pleasure of tasting; relish; gusto. + grain v.|n. See Groan. + glutton n. Fig.: One who gluts himself. + glacialist n. One who attributes the phenomena of the drift, in geology, to glaciers. + glyoxal n. A white, amorphous, deliquescent powder, (CO.H)2, obtained by the partial oxidation of glycol. It is a double aldehyde, between glycol and oxalic acid. + gypsine a. Gypseous. + grudge v.t. To hold or harbor with malicioua disposition or purpose; to cherish enviously. + garreteer n. One who lives in a garret; a poor author; a literary hack. + gauntree n. Alt. of Gauntry + gastraea n. A primeval larval form; a double-walled sac from which, according to the hypothesis of Haeckel, man and all other animals, that in the first stages of their individual evolution pass through a two-layered structural stage, or gastrula form, must have descended. This idea constitutes the Gastraea theory of Haeckel. See Gastrula. + geissler tube A glass tube provided with platinum electrodes, and containing some gas under very low tension, which becomes luminous when an electrical discharge is passed through it; -- so called from the name of a noted maker in germany. It is called also Plucker tube, from the German physicist who devised it. + gallfly n. An insect that deposits its eggs in plants, and occasions galls, esp. any small hymenopteran of the genus Cynips and allied genera. See Illust. of Gall. + gnomological a. Pertaining to, of the nature of, or resembling, a gnomology. + gill n. A two-wheeled frame for transporting timber. + ganglions pl. of Ganglion + gorflies pl. of Gorfly + grind n. The act of reducing to powder, or of sharpening, by friction. + griman n. The man who manipulates a grip. + guirland n. See Garland. + guillemot n. One of several northern sea birds, allied to the auks. They have short legs, placed far back, and are expert divers and swimmers. + gean n. A species of cherry tree common in Europe (Prunus avium); also, the fruit, which is usually small and dark in color. + gabble n. Loud or rapid talk without meaning. + gossipry n. Idle talk; gossip. + greasing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grease + guiltless a. Without experience or trial; unacquainted (with). + garibaldi n. A jacket worn by women; -- so called from its resemblance in shape to the red shirt worn by the Italians patriot Garibaldi. + galvanometric a. Of, pertaining to, or measured by, a galvanometer. + gentilize v.i. To render gentile or gentlemanly; as, to gentilize your unworthy sones. + genio n. A man of a particular turn of mind. + graving p.pr.|vb.n. of Grave + given v. Granted; assumed; supposed to be known; set forth as a known quantity, relation, or premise. + globule n. A minute spherical or rounded structure; as blood, lymph, and pus corpuscles, minute fungi, spores, etc. + bouge v.t. To cheat in a bargain; to chouse. + glean v.t. To gather from (a field or vineyard) what is left. + gainstrive v.t.|i. To strive or struggle against; to withstand. + guzzle v.t. To swallow much or often; to swallow with immoderate gust; to drink greedily or continually; as, one who guzzles beer. + grasp n. The handle of a sword or of an oar. + grasp n. A gripe or seizure of the hand; a seizure by embrace, or infolding in the arms. + gyle n. Fermented wort used for making vinegar. + gothic a. Of or pertaining to a style of architecture with pointed arches, steep roofs, windows large in proportion to the wall spaces, and, generally, great height in proportion to the other dimensions -- prevalent in Western Europe from about 1200 to 1475 a. d. See Illust. of Abacus, and Capital. + gentilism n. Hethenism; paganism; the worship of false gods. + greasy superl. Like grease or oil; smooth; seemingly unctuous to the touch, as is mineral soapstone. + grenado n. Same as Grenade. + gelatinize v.i. Same as Gelatinate, v. i. + gowden a. Golden. + gallimatia n. Senseless talk. [Obs. or R.] See Galimatias. + gone p.p. of Go + gnat n. Any fly resembling a Culex in form or habits; esp., in America, a small biting fly of the genus Simulium and allies, as the buffalo gnat, the black fly, etc. + gilse n. See Grilse. + gigantine a. Gigantic. + gauffer v.t. To plait, crimp, or flute; to goffer, as lace. See Goffer. + green n. Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; -- usually in the plural. + gluepot n. A utensil for melting glue, consisting of an inner pot holding the glue, immersed in an outer one containing water which is heated to soften the glue. + gorgonian a. Pertaining to the Gorgoniacea; as, gorgonian coral. + geraniine n. Alt. of Geranine + glucic a. Pertaining to, or obtained from, sugar; as, glucic acid. + glassen a. Glassy; glazed. + green superl. Not roasted; half raw. + glass v.t. Anything made of glass. + gravenstein n. A kind of fall apple, marked with streaks of deep red and orange, and of excellent flavor and quality. + gleam n. A shoot of light; a small stream of light; a beam; a ray; a glimpse. + geal v.i. To congeal. + gobble v.t. To utter (a sound) like a turkey cock. + grisly a. Frightful; horrible; dreadful; harsh; as, grisly locks; a grisly specter. + grain n. A single small hard seed; a kernel, especially of those plants, like wheat, whose seeds are used for food. + galoshe A clog or patten. + goldseed n. Dog's-tail grass. + gluttony n. Excess in eating; extravagant indulgence of the appetite for food; voracity. + gossamery a. Like gossamer; flimsy. + generator n. One who, or that which, generates, begets, causes, or produces. + given v. Disposed; inclined; -- used with an adv.; as, virtuously given. + gelded imp.|p.p. of Geld + goloshe n. See Galoche. + gravid a. Being with child; heavy with young; pregnant; fruitful; as, a gravid uterus; gravid piety. + game v.i. That which is gained, as the stake in a game; also, the number of points necessary to be scored in order to win a game; as, in short whist five points are game. + gum n. A vegetable secretion of many trees or plants that hardens when it exudes, but is soluble in water; as, gum arabic; gum tragacanth; the gum of the cherry tree. Also, with less propriety, exudations that are not soluble in water; as, gum copal and gum sandarac, which are really resins. + geometrized imp.|p.p. of Geometrize + ganglia pl. of Ganglion + golden a. Made of gold; consisting of gold. + gnathopod n. A gnathopodite or maxilliped. See Maxilliped. + gossypium n. A genus of plants which yield the cotton of the arts. The species are much confused. G. herbaceum is the name given to the common cotton plant, while the long-stapled sea-island cotton is produced by G. Barbadense, a shrubby variety. There are several other kinds besides these. + glossopharyngeal a. Pertaining to both the tongue and the pharynx; -- applied especially to the ninth pair of cranial nerves, which are distributed to the pharynx and tongue. -- n. One of the glossopharyngeal nerves. + gemmule n. A bud produced in generation by gemmation. + grisliness n. The quality or state of being grisly; horrid. + graphitic a. Pertaining to, containing, derived from, or resembling, graphite. + goost n. Ghost; spirit. + gillie gilly n. A boy or young man; a manservant; a male attendant, in the Scottish Highlands. + gunner n. The great northern diver or loon. See Loon. + groin n. The surface formed by two such vaults. + gloved imp.|p.p. of Glove + gradation n. Any degree or relative position in an order or series. + gnathidium n. The ramus of the lower jaw of a bird as far as it is naked; -- commonly used in the plural. + guest v.i. To be, or act the part of, a guest. + gargantuan a. Characteristic of Gargantua, a gigantic, wonderful personage; enormous; prodigious; inordinate. + groceries pl. of Grocery + gleam n. Brightness; splendor. + glyconic a. Consisting of a spondee, a choriamb, and a pyrrhic; -- applied to a kind of verse in Greek and Latin poetry. + gloss v.t. To render clear and evident by comments; to illustrate; to explain; to annotate. + glottologist n. A linguist; a philologist. + got p.p. of Get + geropigia n. A mixture composed of unfermented grape juice, brandy, sugar, etc., for adulteration of wines. + grucche v.i. To murmur; to grumble. + grayback n. The redbreasted sandpiper or knot. + gnostic n. One of the so-called philosophers in the first ages of Christianity, who claimed a true philosophical interpretation of the Christian religion. Their system combined Oriental theology and Greek philosophy with the doctrines of Christianity. They held that all natures, intelligible, intellectual, and material, are derived from the Deity by successive emanations, which they called Eons. + griseous a. Of a light color, or white, mottled with black or brown; grizzled or grizzly. + gaysome a. Full of gayety. Mir. for Mag. + groove n. Hence: The habitual course of life, work, or affairs; fixed routine. + grubbla v.t.|i. To feel or grope in the dark. + goody n. An American fish; the lafayette or spot. + gunters scale A scale invented by the Rev. Edmund Gunter (1581-1626), a professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London, who invented also Gunter's chain, and Gunter's quadrant. + gerund n. A kind of verbal noun, having only the four oblique cases of the singular number, and governing cases like a participle. + groschen n. A small silver coin and money of account of Germany, worth about two cents. It is not included in the new monetary system of the empire. + gheber ghebre n. A worshiper of fire; a Zoroastrian; a Parsee. + gastromancy n. A kind of divination, by means of words seemingly uttered from the stomach. + grampus n. A toothed delphinoid cetacean, of the genus Grampus, esp. G. griseus of Europe and America, which is valued for its oil. It grows to be fifteen to twenty feet long; its color is gray with white streaks. Called also cowfish. The California grampus is G. Stearnsii. + gyration n. One of the whorls of a spiral univalve shell. + gloria n. A doxology (beginning Gloria Patri, Glory be to the Father), sung or said at the end of the Psalms in the service of the Roman Catholic and other churches. + grantor n. The person by whom a grant or conveyance is made. + goggle v.i. A kind of spectacles with short, projecting eye tubes, in the front end of which are fixed plain glasses for protecting the eyes from cold, dust, etc. + goodwife n. The mistress of a house. + garnish v.t. A fee; specifically, in English jails, formerly an unauthorized fee demanded by the old prisoners of a newcomer. + grievancer n. One who occasions a grievance; one who gives ground for complaint. + girt v. To gird; to encircle; to invest by means of a girdle; to measure the girth of; as, to girt a tree. + garb v.t. To clothe; array; deck. + gloving p.pr.|vb.n. of Glove + gratuitous a. Given without an equivalent or recompense; conferred without valuable consideration; granted without pay, or without claim or merit; not required by justice. + geomantical a. Pertaining or belonging to geomancy. + gibel n. A kind of carp (Cyprinus gibelio); -- called also Prussian carp. + gauge v.t. To measure the dimensions of, or to test the accuracy of the form of, as of a part of a gunlock. + glaireous a. Glairy; covered with glair. + giraffe n. An African ruminant (Camelopardalis giraffa) related to the deers and antelopes, but placed in a family by itself; the camelopard. It is the tallest of animals, being sometimes twenty feet from the hoofs to the top of the head. Its neck is very long, and its fore legs are much longer than its hind legs. + gretto imp. of Greet, to salute. + genethlialogy n. Divination as to the destinies of one newly born; the act or art of casting nativities; astrology. + grazing n. The act of one who, or that which, grazes. + gunters chain The chain ordinarily used in measuring land. See Chain, n., 4, and Gunter's scale. + gulleting n. A system of excavating by means of gullets or channels. + gravel v.t. To run (as a ship) upon the gravel or beach; to run aground; to cause to stick fast in gravel or sand. + gailer n. A jailer. + gazetting p.pr.|vb.n. of Gazette + grainer n. An infusion of pigeon's dung used by tanners to neutralize the effects of lime and give flexibility to skins; -- called also grains and bate. + gabionnade n. See Gabionade. + goose n. Any large web-footen bird of the subfamily Anserinae, and belonging to Anser, Branta, Chen, and several allied genera. See Anseres. + gride e.i. To cut with a grating sound; to cut; to penetrate or pierce harshly; as, the griding sword. + granitic a. Like granite in composition, color, etc.; having the nature of granite; as, granitic texture. + genethliac a. Pertaining to nativities; calculated by astrologers; showing position of stars at one's birth. + geognostic a. Alt. of Geognostical + gall n. A wound in the skin made by rubbing. + guilding n. Gold in leaf, powder, or liquid, for application to any surface. + grete a. Great. + greenwood n. A forest as it appears is spring and summer. + gravy n. Liquid dressing for meat, fish, vegetables, etc. + gambroon n. A kind of twilled linen cloth for lining. + grot n. A grotto. + grogran n. A coarse stuff made of silk and mohair, or of coarse silk. + green superl. Immature in age or experience; young; raw; not trained; awkward; as, green in years or judgment. + gent a. Gentle; noble; of gentle birth. + gage n. To bind by pledge, or security; to engage. + grippe n. The influenza or epidemic catarrh. + gay superl. Loose; dissipated; lewd. + groining p.pr.|vb.n. of Groin + gabble n. Inarticulate sounds rapidly uttered; as of fowls. + grinding p.pr.|vb.n. of Grind + geic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, earthy or vegetable mold. + goodgeon n. Same as Gudgeon, 5. + gradual n. An antiphon or responsory after the epistle, in the Mass, which was sung on the steps, or while the deacon ascended the steps. + garth n. A dam or weir for catching fish. + glow n. Intense excitement or earnestness; vehemence or heat of passion; ardor. + gardyloo n. An old cry in throwing water, slops, etc., from the windows in Edingburgh. + ghostly a. Of or pertaining to apparitions. + graspless a. Without a grasp; relaxed. + glucosuria n. A condition in which glucose is discharged in the urine; diabetes mellitus. + go p.p. Gone. + guard v.t. A posture of defense in fencing, and in bayonet and saber exercise. + grinded p.p. Ground. + ghastliness n. The state of being ghastly; a deathlike look. + gumming p.pr.|vb.n. of Gum + gully n. A grooved iron rail or tram plate. + getting n. The act of obtaining or acquiring; acquisition. + grain v.t. To form (powder, sugar, etc.) into grains. + grumble n. The noise of one that grumbles. + gorbellied a. Bog-bellied. + gyrostatic a. Of or pertaining to the gyrostat or to gyrostatics. + gibcat n. A male cat, esp. an old one. See lst Gib. n. + gorhen n. The female of the gorcock. + gastrulae pl. of Gastrula + gonorrhea n. Alt. of Gonorrhoea + grapple v.t. To seize; to lay fast hold of; to attack at close quarters: as, to grapple an antagonist. + garlic n. A plant of the genus Allium (A. sativum is the cultivated variety), having a bulbous root, a very strong smell, and an acrid, pungent taste. Each root is composed of several lesser bulbs, called cloves of garlic, inclosed in a common membranous coat, and easily separable. + genealogy n. An account or history of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor; enumeration of ancestors and their children in the natural order of succession; a pedigree. + grecian n. A jew who spoke Greek; a Hellenist. + grudger imp.|p.p. of Grudge + gleek n. Three of the same cards held in the same hand; -- hence, three of anything. + girlish a. Like, or characteristic of, a girl; of or pertaining to girlhood; innocent; artless; immature; weak; as, girlish ways; girlish grief. + greeve n. A manager of a farm, or overseer of any work; a reeve; a manorial bailiff. + gripsack n. A traveler's handbag. + grub v.i. To dig in or under the ground, generally for an object that is difficult to reach or extricate; to be occupied in digging. + gilttail n. A yellow-tailed worm or larva. + grate v.t. To furnish with grates; to protect with a grating or crossbars; as, to grate a window. + granilla n. Small grains or dust of cochineal or the coccus insect. + griffin n. An Anglo-Indian name for a person just arrived from Europe. + guild v.t. An association of men belonging to the same class, or engaged in kindred pursuits, formed for mutual aid and protection; a business fraternity or corporation; as, the Stationers' Guild; the Ironmongers' Guild. They were originally licensed by the government, and endowed with special privileges and authority. + glycerite n. A medicinal preparation made by mixing or dissolving a substance in glycerin. + gazel n. The black currant; also, the wild plum. + gainful a. Profitable; advantageous; lucrative. + group n. To form a group of; to arrange or combine in a group or in groups, often with reference to mutual relation and the best effect; to form an assemblage of. + gauge v.t. To measure the capacity, character, or ability of; to estimate; to judge of. + gravel n. Small stones, or fragments of stone; very small pebbles, often intermixed with particles of sand. + gauche n. Left handed; hence, awkward; clumsy. + garland v.t. To deck with a garland. + gallican a. Of or pertaining to Gaul or France; Gallic; French; as, the Gallican church or clergy. + grabbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grab + greasily adv. In a gross or indelicate manner. + ginn pl. of Ginnee + guidon v.t. A small flag or streamer, as that carried by cavalry, which is broad at one end and nearly pointed at the other, or that used to direct the movements of a body of infantry, or to make signals at sea; also, the flag of a guild or fraternity. In the United States service, each company of cavalry has a guidon. + goarish a. Patched; mean. + good adv. Well, -- especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied; equally well with as much advantage or as little harm as possible. + gelatinated imp.|p.p. of Gelatinate + goniometrical a. Pertaining to, or determined by means of, a goniometer; trigonometric. + glory n. Praise, honor, admiration, or distinction, accorded by common consent to a person or thing; high reputation; honorable fame; renown. + greatness n. Pride; haughtiness. + gentleness n. The quality or state of being gentle, well-born, mild, benevolent, docile, etc.; gentility; softness of manners, disposition, etc.; mildness. + grab n. A sudden grasp or seizure. + glimmering n. A faint view or idea; a glimpse; an inkling. + generally adv. In general; commonly; extensively, though not universally; most frequently. + gab n. The hook on the end of an eccentric rod opposite the strap. See. Illust. of Eccentric. + gemmeous a. Pertaining to gems; of the nature of gems; resembling gems. + girasole girasol n. A variety of opal which is usually milk white, bluish white, or sky blue; but in a bright light it reflects a reddish color. + gritted imp.|p.p. of Grit + germarium n. An organ in which the ova are developed in certain Turbellaria. + guarantied imp.|p.p. of Guaranty + gloria n. The musical setting of a gloria. + gird v.i. To gibe; to sneer; to break a scornful jest; to utter severe sarcasms. + greve n. A grove. + greatly adv. Nobly; illustriously; magnanimously. + groom n. One of several officers of the English royal household, chiefly in the lord chamberlain's department; as, the groom of the chamber; the groom of the stole. + gig n. A long, light rowboat, generally clinkerbuilt, and designed to be fast; a boat appropriated to the use of the commanding officer; as, the captain's gig. + grace n. The prerogative of mercy execised by the executive, as pardon. + gothicism n. A Gothic idiom. + gloss v.i. To make comments; to comment; to explain. + glebe n. Turf; soil; ground; sod. + gullish a. Foolish; stupid. + galliwasp n. A West Indian lizard (Celestus occiduus), about a foot long, imagined by the natives to be venomous. + galliardise a. Excessive gayety; merriment. + gunsmith ing n. The art or business of a gunsmith. + godship n. The rank or character of a god; deity; divinity; a god or goddess. + gloss n. A specious appearance; superficial quality or show. + gallows n.sing. A frame from which is suspended the rope with which criminals are executed by hanging, usually consisting of two upright posts and a crossbeam on the top; also, a like frame for suspending anything. + gailliarde n. A lively French and Italian dance. + grant v.t. The yielding or admission of something in dispute. + guard n. To protect from danger; to secure against surprise, attack, or injury; to keep in safety; to defend; to shelter; to shield from surprise or attack; to protect by attendance; to accompany for protection; to care for. + glazing p.pr.|vb.n. of Glase + gaidic a. Pertaining to hypogeic acid; -- applied to an acid obtained from hypogeic acid. + give n. To cause; to make; -- with the infinitive; as, to give one to understand, to know, etc. + guardiance n. Guardianship. + ganch n. To drop from a high place upon sharp stakes or hooks, as the Turks dropped malefactors, by way of punishment. + gneissic a. Relating to, or resembling, gneiss; consisting of gneiss. + gradate v.t. To grade or arrange (parts in a whole, colors in painting, etc.), so that they shall harmonize. + gisarm n. A weapon with a scythe-shaped blade, and a separate long sharp point, mounted on a long staff and carried by foot soldiers. + grained a. Dyed in grain; ingrained. + graveolent a. Having a rank smell. + grave v.i. To write or delineate on hard substances, by means of incised lines; to practice engraving. + gesling n. A gosling. + gutturally adv. In a guttural manner. + gore v. A small traingular piece of land. + gymnosomata n.pl. One of the orders of Pteropoda. They have no shell. + groin v.t. To fashion into groins; to build with groins. + gaze n. The object gazed on. + gasping p.pr.|vb.n. of Gasp + gloominess n. State of being gloomy. + genius n. A man endowed with uncommon vigor of mind; a man of superior intellectual faculties; as, Shakespeare was a rare genius. + gaiter n. A kind of shoe, consisting of cloth, and covering the ankle. + glimpse v.t. To catch a glimpse of; to see by glimpses; to have a short or hurried view of. + gladiatorian a. Of or pertaining to gladiators, or to contests or combatants in general. + gypsyism n. The state of a gypsy. + goodhumored a. Having a cheerful spirit and demeanor; good-tempered. See Good-natured. + greaten v.i. To become large; to dilate. + gadolinic a. Pertaining to or containing gadolinium. + greenockite n. Native cadmium sulphide, a mineral occurring in yellow hexagonal crystals, also as an earthy incrustation. + goldsmith n. An artisan who manufactures vessels and ornaments, etc., of gold. + green superl. Not ripe; immature; not fully grown or ripened; as, green fruit, corn, vegetables, etc. + glossanthrax n. A disease of horses and cattle accompanied by carbuncles in the mouth and on the tongue. + glue n. To join with glue or a viscous substance; to cause to stick or hold fast, as if with glue; to fix or fasten. + girt imp. & p. p. of Gird. + gastromalacia n. A softening of the coats of the stomach; -- usually a post-morten change. + gonidia pl. of Gonidium + gastrulation n. The process of invagination, in embryonic development, by which a gastrula is formed. + globigerin pl. of Globigerina + gastric a. Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the gastric artery. + glaucine a. Glaucous or glaucescent. + groving p.pr.|vb.n. of Groove + gameful a. Full of game or games. + gibbeted imp.|p.p. of Gibbet + goal n. The mark set to bound a race, and to or around which the constestants run, or from which they start to return to it again; the place at which a race or a journey is to end. + gradate v.t. To bring to a certain strength or grade of concentration; as, to gradate a saline solution. + gossip v.i. To make merry. + generalized imp.|p.p. of Generalize + gasconading p.pr.|vb.n. of Gasconade + giggler n. One who giggles or titters. + grace n. The divine favor toward man; the mercy of God, as distinguished from His justice; also, any benefits His mercy imparts; divine love or pardon; a state of acceptance with God; enjoyment of the divine favor. + grounding p.pr.|vb.n. of Ground + guilty superl. Having incurred guilt; criminal; morally delinquent; wicked; chargeable with, or responsible for, something censurable; justly exposed to penalty; -- used with of, and usually followed by the crime, sometimes by the punishment. + give n. To yield possesion of; to deliver over, as property, in exchange for something; to pay; as, we give the value of what we buy. + grize pl. of Gree + genius n. Peculiar character; animating spirit, as of a nation, a religion, a language. + grind v.i. To perform the operation of grinding something; to turn the millstones. + genous A suffix signifying producing, yielding; as, alkaligenous; endogenous. + garbed a. Dressed; habited; clad. + give n. To grant power or license to; to permit; to allow; to license; to commission. + gonozooid n. A sexual zooid, or medusoid bud of a hydroid; a gonophore. See Hydroidea, and Illust. of Campanularian. + gaberdine n. A coarse frock or loose upper garment formerly worn by Jews; a mean dress. + gyneolatry n. The adoration or worship of woman. + groped imp.|p.p. of Grope + gnomical a. Gnomonical. + gie v.t. To guide. See Gye . + glozed imp.|p.p. of Gloze + glinted imp.|p.p. of Glint + gonorrheal a. Alt. of Gonorrhoeal + goodlich a. Goodly. + greedy superl. Having a keen appetite for food or drink; ravenous; voracious; very hungry; -- followed by of; as, a lion that is greedy of his prey. + greek a. Of or pertaining to Greece or the Greeks; Grecian. + granulate v.i. To collect or be formed into grains; as, cane juice granulates into sugar. + gula n. A plate which in most insects supports the submentum. + gymnic n. Athletic exercise. + gore n. Dirt; mud. + graff n. A steward; an overseer. + gentlewoman n. A woman who attends a lady of high rank. + gorilla n. A large, arboreal, anthropoid ape of West Africa. It is larger than a man, and is remarkable for its massive skeleton and powerful muscles, which give it enormous strength. In some respects its anatomy, more than that of any other ape, except the chimpanzee, resembles that of man. + gorgeous n. Imposing through splendid or various colors; showy; fine; magnificent. + gerocomia n. See Gerocomy. + gnome n. A small owl (Glaucidium gnoma) of the Western United States. + grenadine n. A trade name for a dyestuff, consisting essentially of impure fuchsine. + gradin n. Alt. of Gradine + greet a. Great. + gladful a. Full of gladness; joyful; glad. + gummosity n. Gumminess; a viscous or adhesive quality or nature. + gradus n. A dictionary of prosody, designed as an aid in writing Greek or Latin poetry. + gaging p.pr|vb.n. of Gage + gale n. A strong current of air; a wind between a stiff breeze and a hurricane. The most violent gales are called tempests. + gaseous a. In the form, or of the nature, of gas, or of an aeriform fluid. + grubbed imp.|p.p. of Grub + gunshot n. Act of firing a gun; a shot. + glossily adv. In a glossy manner. + galley n. A large vessel for war and national purposes; -- common in the Middle Ages, and down to the 17th century. + galley n. The cookroom or kitchen and cooking apparatus of a vessel; -- sometimes on merchant vessels called the caboose. + gluttonize v.i. To eat to excess; to eat voraciously; to gormandize. + gouty a. Boggy; as, gouty land. + grace n. Ornamental notes or short passages, either introduced by the performer, or indicated by the composer, in which case the notation signs are called grace notes, appeggiaturas, turns, etc. + gem n. A precious stone of any kind, as the ruby, emerald, topaz, sapphire, beryl, spinel, etc., especially when cut and polished for ornament; a jewel. + gazeebo n. A summerhouse so situated as to command an extensive prospect. + gammoned imp.|p.p. of Gammon + girdled imp.|p.p. of Girdle + goatee n. A part of a man's beard on the chin or lower lip which is allowed to grow, and trimmed so as to resemble the beard of a goat. + geographic a. Alt. of Geographical + grapple v.i. To use a grapple; to contend in close fight; to attach one's self as if by a grapple, as in wrestling; to close; to seize one another. + gyrated imp.|p.p. of Gyrate + ghoulish a. Characteristic of a ghoul; vampirelike; hyenalike. + gland n. The movable part of a stuffing box by which the packing is compressed; -- sometimes called a follower. See Illust. of Stuffing box, under Stuffing. + ganocephalous a. Of or pertaining to the Ganocephala. + gathered imp.|p.p. of Gather + glassily adv. So as to resemble glass. + gommal a. Made or consisting of interlocked ring/ or links; as, gimmal mail. + give n. To pledge; as, to give one's word. + gargalize v.t. To gargle; to rinse. + gastrula n. An embryonic form having its origin in the invagination or pushing in of the wall of the planula or blastula (the blastosphere) on one side, thus giving rise to a double-walled sac, with one opening or mouth (the blastopore) which leads into the cavity (the archenteron) lined by the inner wall (the hypoblast). See Illust. under Invagination. In a more general sense, an ideal stage in embryonic development. See Gastraea. + gesticulate v.t. To represent by gesture; to act. + germless a. Without germs. + gatling gun An American machine gun, consisting of a cluster of barrels which, being revolved by a crank, are automatically loaded and fired. + gas n. A complex mixture of gases, of which the most important constituents are marsh gas, olefiant gas, and hydrogen, artificially produced by the destructive distillation of gas coal, or sometimes of peat, wood, oil, resin, etc. It gives a brilliant light when burned, and is the common gas used for illuminating purposes. + guideress n. A female guide. + glebous a. Alt. of Gleby + greenlet n. l. (Zool.) One of numerous species of small American singing birds, of the genus Vireo, as the solitary, or blue-headed (Vireo solitarius); the brotherly-love (V. Philadelphicus); the warbling greenlet (V. gilvus); the yellow-throated greenlet (V. flavifrons) and others. See Vireo. + gate n. In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into. + gastroepiploic a. Of or pertaining to the stomach and omentum. + gradinos pl. of Gradino + gloom v.i. To shine or appear obscurely or imperfectly; to glimmer. + grain n. A blade of a sword, knife, etc. + garnisher n. One who, or that which, garnishes. + genre n. A style of painting, sculpture, or other imitative art, which illustrates everyday life and manners. + guanin n. A crystalline substance (C5H5N5O) contained in guano. It is also a constituent of the liver, pancreas, and other glands in mammals. + go v.i. To proceed or happen in a given manner; to fare; to move on or be carried on; to have course; to come to an issue or result; to succeed; to turn out. + goujere n. The venereal disease. + goodnatured a. Naturally mild in temper; not easily provoked. + gregarious a. Habitually living or moving in flocks or herds; tending to flock or herd together; not habitually solitary or living alone. + gressorial a. Alt. of Gressorious + ged n. Alt. of Gedd + goddaughter n. A female for whom one becomes sponsor at baptism. + gloam n. The twilight; gloaming. + govern v.t. To require to be in a particular case; as, a transitive verb governs a noun in the objective case; or to require (a particular case); as, a transitive verb governs the objective case. + guess v.t. To think; to suppose; to believe; to imagine; -- followed by an objective clause. + genuflecting p.pr.|vb.n. of Genuflect + gubernation n. The act of governing; government + gallant v.t. To handle with grace or in a modish manner; as, to gallant a fan. + gib n. A male cat; a tomcat. + grauwacke n. Graywacke. + gouge n. A chisel, with a hollow or semicylindrical blade, for scooping or cutting holes, channels, or grooves, in wood, stone, etc.; a similar instrument, with curved edge, for turning wood. + ground n. The tune on which descants are raised; the plain song. + gust v.t. To taste; to have a relish for. + gooseries pl. of Goosery + gazetteer n. A newspaper; a gazette. + gelt n. Trubute, tax. + glycidic a. Pertaining to, or derived from, glycide; as, glycidic acid. + gage n. A glove, cap, or the like, cast on the ground as a challenge to combat, and to be taken up by the accepter of the challenge; a challenge; a defiance. + galling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gall + gorebill n. The garfish. + glen n. A secluded and narrow valley; a dale; a depression between hills. + gloom v.t. To render gloomy or dark; to obscure; to darken. + goldfinch n. A small American finch (Spinus tristis); the thistle bird. + glazy a. Having a glazed appearance; -- said of the fractured surface of some kinds of pin iron. + grounded imp.|p.p. of Ground + gift v.t. Some quality or endowment given to man by God; a preeminent and special talent or aptitude; power; faculty; as, the gift of wit; a gift for speaking. + galea n. A kind of bandage for the head. + grimace v.i. To make grimaces; to distort one's face; to make faces. + genealogies pl. of Genealogy + gain a. Convenient; suitable; direct; near; handy; dexterous; easy; profitable; cheap; respectable. + gyroidal a. Turning the plane of polarization circularly or spirally to the right or left. + gaverick n. The European red gurnard (Trigla cuculus). + glut n. That which is swallowed. + gingerbread n. A kind of plain sweet cake seasoned with ginger, and sometimes made in fanciful shapes. + gymnast n. One who teaches or practices gymnastic exercises; the manager of a gymnasium; an athlete. + groyne n. See Groin. + gain v.t. The obtaining or amassing of profit or valuable possessions; acquisition; accumulation. + greengage n. A kind of plum of medium size, roundish shape, greenish flesh, and delicious flavor. It is called in France Reine Claude, after the queen of Francis I. See Gage. + goliardery n. The satirical or ribald poetry of the Goliards. + guggle v.i. See Gurgle. + glowering p.pr.|vb.n. of Glower + gossip v.i. To prate; to chat; to talk much. + gregarian a. Gregarious; belonging to the herd or common sort; common. + genouillere n. That part of a parapet which lies between the gun platform and the bottom of an embrasure. + grouse n.sing.|pl. Any of the numerous species of gallinaceous birds of the family Tetraonidae, and subfamily Tetraoninae, inhabiting Europe, Asia, and North America. They have plump bodies, strong, well-feathered legs, and usually mottled plumage. The group includes the ptarmigans (Lagopus), having feathered feet. + gauded imp.|p.p. of Gaud + gripper n. One who, or that which, grips or seizes. + ground v.t. To found; to fix or set, as on a foundation, reason, or principle; to furnish a ground for; to fix firmly. + gamic a. Pertaining to, or resulting from, sexual connection; formed by the union of the male and female elements. + gazingstock n. A person or thing gazed at with scorn or abhorrence; an object of curiosity or contempt. + gent a. Neat; pretty; fine; elegant. + generosity n. Liberality in giving; munificence. + gasserian a. Relating to Casserio (L. Gasserius), the discover of the Gasserian ganglion. + glasswort n. A seashore plant of the Spinach family (Salicornia herbacea), with succulent jointed stems; also, a prickly plant of the same family (Salsola Kali), both formerly burned for the sake of the ashes, which yield soda for making glass and soap. + greenwood a. Pertaining to a greenwood; as, a greenwood shade. + grandducal a. Of or pertaining to a grand duke. + goldcrest n. The European golden-crested kinglet (Regulus cristatus, or R. regulus); -- called also golden-crested wren, and golden wren. The name is also sometimes applied to the American golden-crested kinglet. See Kinglet. + glass v.t. To smooth or polish anything, as leater, by rubbing it with a glass burnisher. + gemul n. A small South American deer (Furcifer Chilensis), with simple forked horns. + glycogen n. A white, amorphous, tasteless substance resembling starch, soluble in water to an opalescent fluid. It is found abundantly in the liver of most animals, and in small quantity in other organs and tissues, particularly in the embryo. It is quickly changed into sugar when boiled with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, and also by the action of amylolytic ferments. + golf n. A game played with a small ball and a bat or club crooked at the lower end. He who drives the ball into each of a series of small holes in the ground and brings it into the last hole with the fewest strokes is the winner. + goety n. Invocation of evil spirits; witchcraft. + gospeler n. A priest or deacon who reads the gospel at the altar during the communion service. + grandly adv. In a grand manner. + ground n. A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody. + ground n. One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which moldings, etc., are attached; -- usually in the plural. + gross superl. Coarse; rough; not fine or delicate. + get v.t. To prevail on; to induce; to persuade. + gemmaceous a. Of or pertaining to gems or to gemmae; of the nature of, or resembling, gems or gemmae. + grocery n. A retail grocer's shop or store. + gold n. Alt. of Goolde + grisamber n. Ambergris. + globuliferous a. Bearing globules; in geology, used of rocks, and denoting a variety of concretionary structure, where the concretions are isolated globules and evenly distributed through the texture of the rock. + ging n. Same as Gang, n., 2. + gonakie n. An African timber tree (Acacia Adansonii). + germinate v.t. To cause to sprout. + glome n. Gloom. + grille v.t. A lattice or grating. + grillage n. A framework of sleepers and crossbeams forming a foundation in marshy or treacherous soil. + good v.t. To manure; to improve. + gipsire n. A kind of pouch formerly worn at the girdle. + globulimeter n. An instrument for measuring the number of red blood corpuscles in the blood. + grub n. A short, thick man; a dwarf. + gorgonacea n.pl. See Gorgoniacea. + gonotheca n. A capsule developed on certain hydroids (Thecaphora), inclosing the blastostyle upon which the medusoid buds or gonophores are developed; -- called also gonangium, and teleophore. See Hydroidea, and Illust. of Campanularian. + gelatine n. Animal jelly; glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by prolonged boiling. Specifically (Physiol. Chem.), a nitrogeneous colloid, not existing as such in the animal body, but formed by the hydrating action of boiling water on the collagen of various kinds of connective tissue (as tendons, bones, ligaments, etc.). Its distinguishing character is that of dissolving in hot water, and forming a jelly on cooling. It is an important ingredient of calf's-foot jelly, isinglass, glue, etc. It is used as food, but its nutritious qualities are of a low order. + gut n. A narrow passage of water; as, the Gut of Canso. + gear n. Manner; custom; behavior. + gorm v.t. To daub, as the hands or clothing, with gorm; to daub with anything sticky. + gazelle n. One of several small, swift, elegantly formed species of antelope, of the genus Gazella, esp. G. dorcas; -- called also algazel, corinne, korin, and kevel. The gazelles are celebrated for the luster and soft expression of their eyes. + goring p.pr.|vb.n. of Gore + gymnospermous n. Belonging to the class of plants consisting of gymnosperms. + gossipy a. Full of, or given to, gossip. + grallic a. Pertaining to the Grallae. + gallinae n. An order of birds, including the common domestic fowls, pheasants, grouse, quails, and allied forms; -- sometimes called Rasores. + geologizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Geologize + gypsum n. A mineral consisting of the hydrous sulphate of lime (calcium). When calcined, it forms plaster of Paris. Selenite is a transparent, crystalline variety; alabaster, a fine, white, massive variety. + gladden v.i. To be or become glad; to rejoice. + gripe n. Oppression; cruel exaction; affiction; pinching distress; as, the gripe of poverty. + grassiness n. The state of abounding with grass; a grassy state. + graft n. To insert (a graft) in a branch or stem of another tree; to propagate by insertion in another stock; also, to insert a graft upon. + govern v.i. To exercise authority; to administer the laws; to have the control. + give v.i. To shed tears; to weep. + gainsaying p.pr.|vb.n. of Gainsay + gray superl. Gray-haired; gray-headed; of a gray color; hoary. + gripingly adv. In a griping or oppressive manner. + graniferous a. Bearing grain, or seeds like grain. + gripple n. A grasp; a gripe. + gnathite n. Any one of the mouth appendages of the Arthropoda. They are known as mandibles, maxillae, and maxillipeds. + genetical a. Pertaining to, concerned with, or determined by, the genesis of anything, or its natural mode of production or development. + gasometric a. Alt. of Gasometrical + grandinous a. Consisting of hail; abounding in hail. + gule v.t. To give the color of gules to. + gaudish a. Gaudy. + gag n. A speech or phrase interpolated offhand by an actor on the stage in his part as written, usually consisting of some seasonable or local allusion. + gill n. Malt liquor medicated with ground ivy. + general a. The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule. + giddy superl. Promoting or inducing giddiness; as, a giddy height; a giddy precipice. + gerund n. A verbal noun ending in -e, preceded by to and usually denoting purpose or end; -- called also the dative infinitive; as, "Ic haebbe mete to etanne" (I have meat to eat.) In Modern English the name has been applied to verbal or participal nouns in -ing denoting a transitive action; e. g., by throwing a stone. + gourd tree A tree (the Crescentia Cujete, or calabash tree) of the West Indies and Central America. + granger n. A member of a grange. + geologized imp.|p.p. of Geologize + gastriloquy n. A voice or utterance which appears to proceed from the stomach; ventriloquy. + godlyhead n. Goodness. + gowan n. The daisy, or mountain daisy. + graptolite n. One of numerous species of slender and delicate fossils, of the genus Graptolites and allied genera, found in the Silurian rocks. They belong to an extinct group (Graptolithina) supposed to be hydroids. + gaudily adv. In a gaudy manner. + gladiate a. Sword-shaped; resembling a sword in form, as the leaf of the iris, or of the gladiolus. + good n. That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.; -- opposed to evil. + grison n. A South American monkey (Lagothrix infumatus), said to be gluttonous. + gibbet v.t. To expose to infamy; to blacken. + gems n. The chamois. + gunter rig A topmast arranged with metal bands so that it will readily slide up and down the lower mast. + gibstaff n. A staff to guage water, or to push a boat. + gordian a. Pertaining to Gordius, king of Phrygia, or to a knot tied by him; hence, intricate; complicated; inextricable. + generalize v.t. To apply to other genera or classes; to use with a more extensive application; to extend so as to include all special cases; to make universal in application, as a formula or rule. + gynecology n. The science which treats of the structure and diseases of women. + gorge n. A defile between mountains. + guess warp A rope or hawser by which a vessel is towed or warped along; -- so called because it is necessary to guess at the length to be carried in the boat making the attachment to a distant object. + gabardine n. Alt. of Gaberdine + gelatinize v.t. To convert into gelatin or jelly. Same as Gelatinate, v. t. + gabbier n. One who gabbles; a prater. + gerous A suffix signifying bearing, producing; as, calcigerous; dentigerous. + gape n. The act of gaping; a yawn. + game a. Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game, or to the act or practice of hunting. + gemmosity n. The quality or characteristics of a gem or jewel. + gravelled of Gravel + generatrixes pl. of Generatrix + game n. To rejoice; to be pleased; -- often used, in Old English, impersonally with dative. + gorge n. That which is gorged or swallowed, especially by a hawk or other fowl. + gobline n. One of the ropes or chains serving as stays for the dolphin striker or the bowsprit; -- called also gobrope and gaubline. + gloriole n. An aureole. + gripe n. An assemblage of ropes, dead-eyes, and hocks, fastened to ringbolts in the deck, to secure the boats when hoisted; also, broad bands passed around a boat to secure it at the davits and prevent swinging. + gambled imp.|p.p. of Gamble + guttifer n. A plant that exudes gum or resin. + geologer n. Alt. of Geologian + gate v.t. To supply with a gate. + goethite n. A hydrous oxide of iron, occurring in prismatic crystals, also massive, with a fibrous, reniform, or stalactitic structure. The color varies from yellowish to blackish brown. + girdle n. The line ofgreatest circumference of a brilliant-cut diamond, at which it is grasped by the setting. See Illust. of Brilliant. + giantship n. The state, personality, or character, of a giant; -- a compellation for a giant. + graveled imp.|p.p. of Gravel + gena The cheek; the feathered side of the under mandible of a bird. + grapplement n. A grappling; close fight or embrace. + gonfanon n. A name popularly given to any flag which hangs from a crosspiece or frame instead of from the staff or the mast itself. + girdlestead n. The lap. + gird n. A stroke with a rod or switch; a severe spasm; a twinge; a pang. + genethliacs n. The science of calculating nativities, or predicting the future events of life from the stars which preside at birth. + gascoynes n.pl. Gaskins. + gieseckite n. A mineral occurring in greenish gray six-sided prisms, having a greasy luster. It is probably a pseudomorph after elaeolite. + gaingiving n. A misgiving. + gladness n. State or quality of being glad; pleasure; joyful satisfaction; cheerfulness. + gamomorphism n. That stage of growth or development in an organism, in which the reproductive elements are generated and matured in preparation for propagating the species. + gout n. A constitutional disease, occurring by paroxysms. It consists in an inflammation of the fibrous and ligamentous parts of the joints, and almost always attacks first the great toe, next the smaller joints, after which it may attack the greater articulations. It is attended with various sympathetic phenomena, particularly in the digestive organs. It may also attack internal organs, as the stomach, the intestines, etc. + galliard a. Gay; brisk; active. + gymnocyte n. A cytode without a proper cell wall, but with a nucleus. + goulards extract An aqueous solution of the subacetate of lead, used as a lotion in cases of inflammation. Goulard's cerate is a cerate containing this extract. + glaubers salts Sulphate of soda, a well-known cathartic. It is a white crystalline substance, with a cooling, slightly bitter taste, and is commonly called "salts." + giddy superl. Bewildering on account of rapid turning; running round with celerity; gyratory; whirling. + gurt n. A gutter or channel for water, hewn out of the bottom of a working drift. + glossa n. The tongue, or lingua, of an insect. See Hymenoptera. + goniometric a. Alt. of Goniometrical + gleet v.i. To flow slowly, as water. + gargarism n. A gargle. + golfer n. One who plays golf. + gladwyn n. See Gladen. + grape n. A mangy tumor on the leg of a horse. + glossitis n. Inflammation of the tongue. + ground n. That surface upon which the figures of a composition are set, and which relieves them by its plainness, being either of one tint or of tints but slightly contrasted with one another; as, crimson Bowers on a white ground. + gnawing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gnaw + grieve v.t. To occasion grief to; to wound the sensibilities of; to make sorrowful; to cause to suffer; to afflict; to hurt; to try. + gutturalize v.t. To speak gutturally; to give a guttural sound to. + gaggle v.i. To make a noise like a goose; to cackle. + gelation n. The process of becoming solid by cooling; a cooling and solidifying. + galvanologist n. One who describes the phenomena of galvanism; a writer on galvanism. + gibbier n. Wild fowl; game. + goggled a. Prominent; staring, as the eye. + galliard a. A gay, lively dance. Cf. Gailliarde. + grope v.i. To feel with or use the hands; to handle. + galoot n. A noisy, swaggering, or worthless fellow; a rowdy. + grave superl. Slow and solemn in movement. + gephyrean a. Belonging to the Gephyrea. -- n. One of the Gerphyrea. + gasolene n. See Gasoline. + gromwell n. A plant of the genus Lithospermum (L. arvense), anciently used, because of its stony pericarp, in the cure of gravel. The German gromwell is the Stellera. + ghostless a. Without life or spirit. + guest n. A visitor; a person received and entertained in one's house or at one's table; a visitor entertained without pay. + gauging rod See Gauge rod, under Gauge, n. + gyb n. Alt. of Gybe + glitter v.i. To sparkle with light; to shine with a brilliant and broken light or showy luster; to gleam; as, a glittering sword. + gored imp.|p.p. of Gore + garb n. Costume; fashion; as, the garb of a gentleman in the 16th century. + grindstone n. A flat, circular stone, revolving on an axle, for grinding or sharpening tools, or shaping or smoothing objects. + guanacos pl. of Guanaco + gang v.i. To go; to walk. + graveling n. Alt. of Gravelling + goober n. A peanut. + gripe n. The compass or sharpness of a ship's stern under the water, having a tendency to make her keep a good wind. + grub v.t. To supply with food. + goodtempered a. Having a good temper; not easily vexed. See Good-natured. + gobbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gobble + grinder n. One of the double teeth, used to grind or masticate the food; a molar. + guard v.t. Ornamental lace or hem protecting the edge of a garment. + gouged imp.|p.p. of Bouge + gomuti n. A black, fibrous substance resembling horsehair, obtained from the leafstalks of two kinds of palms, Metroxylon Sagu, and Arenga saccharifera, of the Indian islands. It is used for making cordage. Called also ejoo. + guerilla a. See Guerrilla. + germicide a. Destructive to germs; -- applied to any agent which has a destructive action upon living germs, particularly bacteria, or bacterial germs, which are considered the cause of many infectious diseases. + galeas n. See Galleass. + geck n. To cheat; trick, or gull. + gradual n. A series of steps. + glasseye n. A fish of the great lakes; the wall-eyed pike. + greasy superl. Smeared or defiled with grease. + garish a. Showy; dazzling; ostentatious; attracting or exciting attention. + greensand n. A variety of sandstone, usually imperfectly consolidated, consisting largely of glauconite, a silicate of iron and potash of a green color, mixed with sand and a trace of phosphate of lime. + grapsoid n. A grapsoid crab. + gatepost n. A post against which a gate closes; -- called also shutting post. + grindle stone A grindstone. + grammaticizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grammaticize + glaucous a. Of a sea-green color; of a dull green passing into grayish blue. + gust n. Intellectual taste; fancy. + gloriation n. Boast; a triumphing. + gree n. The prize; the honor of the day; as, to bear the gree, i. e., to carry off the prize. + gigget n. Same as Gigot. + greet v.t. To address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes; to salute; to hail; to welcome; to accost with friendship; to pay respects or compliments to, either personally or through the intervention of another, or by writing or token. + dgregarin n.pl. An order of Protozoa, allied to the Rhizopoda, and parasitic in other animals, as in the earthworm, lobster, etc. When adult, they have a small, wormlike body inclosing a nucleus, but without external organs; in one of the young stages, they are amoebiform; -- called also Gregarinida, and Gregarinaria. + gagger n. A piece of iron imbedded in the sand of a mold to keep the sand in place. + guise n. External appearance in manner or dress; appropriate indication or expression; garb; shape. + granulation n. One of the small, red, grainlike prominences which form on a raw surface (that of wounds or ulcers), and are the efficient agents in the process of healing. + graves disease Same as Basedow's disease. + ghawazi n.pl. Egyptian dancing girls, of a lower sort than the almeh. + gain n. To come off winner or victor in; to be successful in; to obtain by competition; as, to gain a battle; to gain a case at law; to gain a prize. + gire n. See Gyre. + gullies pl. of Gully + grossular a. Pertaining too, or resembling, a gooseberry; as, grossular garnet. + geogonic a. Alt. of Geogonical + gnathic a. Of or pertaining to the jaw. + gobbing n. The refuse thrown back into the excavation after removing the coal. It is called also gob stuff. + glazing n. The glass, glasslike, or glossy substance with which any surface is incrusted or overlaid; as, the glazing of pottery or porcelain, or of paper. + grammarian n. One who writes on, or teaches, grammar. + greylag n. See Graylag. + grieving a. Sad; sorrowful; causing grief. + gairishness n. Same as Garish, Garishly, Garishness. + gapesing n. Act of gazing about; sightseeing. + gaff n. Same as Gaffle, 1. + gawk v.i. To act like a gawky. + gauge n. The depth to which a vessel sinks in the water. + graphy A suffix denoting the art of writing or describing; also, the writing or description itself; a treatise; as, calligraphy, biography, geography. + gleg a. Quick of perception; alert; sharp. + galactin n. A white waxy substance found in the sap of the South American cow tree (Galactodendron). + gong n. An instrument, first used in the East, made of an alloy of copper and tin, shaped like a disk with upturned rim, and producing, when struck, a harsh and resounding noise. + gith n. The corn cockle; also anciently applied to the Nigella, or fennel flower. + gigantical a. Bulky, big. + ginglymi pl. of Ginglymus + gestant a. Bearing within; laden; burdened; pregnant. + ground n. In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief. + geld v.t. To castrate; to emasculate. + gallimaufry n. A hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout. + glycerin n. Alt. of Glycerine + glost oven An oven in which glazed pottery is fired; -- also called glaze kiln, or glaze. + gallowglass n. A heavy-armed foot soldier from Ireland and the Western Isles in the time of Edward / + goldbound a. Encompassed with gold. + grallatory a. Of or pertaining to the Grallatores, or waders. + gemarist n. One versed in the Gemara, or adhering to its teachings. + gunnage n. The number of guns carried by a ship of war. + geophagist n. One who eats earth, as dirt, clay, chalk, etc. + glioma n. A tumor springing from the neuroglia or connective tissue of the brain, spinal cord, or other portions of the nervous system. + grace v.t. To dignify or raise by an act of favor; to honor. + gaunt a. Attenuated, as with fasting or suffering; lean; meager; pinched and grim. + glasssnake n. A long, footless lizard (Ophiosaurus ventralis), of the Southern United States; -- so called from its fragility, the tail easily breaking into small pieces. It grows to the length of three feet. The name is applied also to similar species found in the Old World. + guttiform a. Drop-shaped, as a spot of color. + genteel a. Possessing or exhibiting the qualities popularly regarded as belonging to high birth and breeding; free from vulgarity, or lowness of taste or behavior; adapted to a refined or cultivated taste; polite; well-bred; as, genteel company, manners, address. + gypsywort n. A labiate plant (the Lycopus Europaeus). Gypsies are said to stain their skin with its juice. + guilding n. Any superficial coating or appearance, as opposed to what is solid and genuine. + gloating p.pr.|vb.n. of Gloat + grease v.t. To affect (a horse) with grease, the disease. + garnetiferous a. Containing garnets. + gape v.i. To pen or part widely; to exhibit a gap, fissure, or hiatus. + glyptographic a. Relating to glyptography, or the art of engraving on precious stones. + gooseberries pl. of Gooseberry + gown n. A loose wrapper worn by gentlemen within doors; a dressing gown. + germicidal a. Germicide. + gawn n. A small tub or lading vessel. + generated imp.|p.p. of Generate + groundnut n. A European plant of the genus Bunium (B. flexuosum), having an edible root of a globular shape and sweet, aromatic taste; -- called also earthnut, earth chestnut, hawknut, and pignut. + galea n. The upper lip or helmet-shaped part of a labiate flower. + grunted imp.|p.p. of Grunt + grinder n. One who, or that which, grinds. + gromet n. Same as Grommet. + gatehouse n. A house connected or associated with a gate. + goutwort n. A coarse umbelliferous plant of Europe (Aegopodium Podagraria); -- called also bishop's weed, ashweed, and herb gerard. + go v.i. To reach; to extend; to lead; as, a line goes across the street; his land goes to the river; this road goes to New York. + gaudful a. Joyful; showy. + gagger n. One who gags. + genterie n. Alt. of Gentrie + gelding p.pr.a.|vb.n. from Geld, v. t. + growth n. That which has grown or is growing; anything produced; product; consequence; effect; result. + german n. A native or one of the people of Germany. + glume n. The bracteal covering of the flowers or seeds of grain and grasses; esp., an outer husk or bract of a spikelt. + greenth n. The state or quality of being green; verdure. + gregge v.t. To make heavy; to increase. + gloom n. A shady, gloomy, or dark place or grove. + ground imp. & p. p. of Grind. + gripple a. Griping; greedy; covetous; tenacious. + good n. Advancement of interest or happiness; welfare; prosperity; advantage; benefit; -- opposed to harm, etc. + gashed imp.|p.p. of Gash + glistered imp.|p.p. of Glister + gnomonology n. A treatise on gnomonics. + glean n. Cleaning; afterbirth. + goutily adv. In a gouty manner. + gonimous a. Pertaining to, or containing, gonidia or gonimia, as that part of a lichen which contains the green or chlorophyll-bearing cells. + gizzard n. The second, or true, muscular stomach of birds, in which the food is crushed and ground, after being softened in the glandular stomach (crop), or lower part of the esophagus; the gigerium. + gallery a. A long and narrow platform attached to one or more sides of public hall or the interior of a church, and supported by brackets or columns; -- sometimes intended to be occupied by musicians or spectators, sometimes designed merely to increase the capacity of the hall. + gaffed imp.|p.p. of Gaff + gnaphalium n. A genus of composite plants with white or colored dry and persistent involucres; a kind of everlasting. + geranine n. A valuable astringent obtained from the root of the Geranium maculatum or crane's-bill. + gaudygreen a.n. Light green. + geering See Gear, Gearing. + guillotine n. Any machine or instrument for cutting or shearing, resembling in its action a guillotine. + genitourinary a. See Urogenital. + goa powder A bitter powder (also called araroba) found in the interspaces of the wood of a Brazilian tree (Andira araroba) and used as a medicine. It is the material from which chrysarobin is obtained. + gamogenetic a. Relating to gamogenesis. + goring n. Alt. of Goring cloth + gymnosophy n. The doctrines of the Gymnosophists. + g G is the seventh letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. It has two sounds; one simple, as in gave, go, gull; the other compound (like that of j), as in gem, gin, dingy. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 231-6, 155, 176, 178, 179, 196, 211, 246. + glyconic n. A glyconic verse. + gaydiang n. A vessel of Anam, with two or three masts, lofty triangular sails, and in construction somewhat resembling a Chinese junk. + grave superl. Not acute or sharp; low; deep; -- said of sound; as, a grave note or key. + guano n. A substance found in great abundance on some coasts or islands frequented by sea fowls, and composed chiefly of their excrement. It is rich in phosphates and ammonia, and is used as a powerful fertilizer. + girth n. A band or strap which encircles the body; especially, one by which a saddle is fastened upon the back of a horse. + gerontes n.pl. Magistrates in Sparta, who with the ephori and kings, constituted the supreme civil authority. + grampuses pl. of Grampus + ghole n. See Ghoul. + goggle v.i. A disk with a small aperture, to direct the sight forward, and cure squinting. + gammon v.t. To make bacon of; to salt and dry in smoke. + glyn n. Alt. of Glynne + grannam n. A grandam. + game n. To play at any sport or diversion. + gryfon n. See Griffin. + gallant v.t. To attend or wait on, as a lady; as, to gallant ladies to the play. + guide v.t. Any contrivance, especially one having a directing edge, surface, or channel, for giving direction to the motion of anything, as water, an instrument, or part of a machine, or for directing the hand or eye, as of an operator + goods n.pl. See Good, n., 3. + grazed imp.|p.p. of Graze + gentle superl. A compellative of respect, consideration, or conciliation; as, gentle reader. + gearing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gear + gambier n. The inspissated juice of a plant (Uncaria Gambir) growing in Malacca. It is a powerful astringent, and, under the name of Terra Japonica, is used for chewing with the Areca nut, and is exported for tanning and dyeing. + goldbeaten a. Gilded. + gosling n. A catkin on nut trees and pines. + gingival a. Of or pertaining to the gums. + grace n. Fortune; luck; -- used commonly with hard or sorry when it means misfortune. + greece pl. of Gree + gymnoblastic a. Of or pertaining to the Gymnoblastea. + grapeshot n. A cluster, usually nine in number, of small iron balls, put together by means of cast-iron circular plates at top and bottom, with two rings, and a central connecting rod, in order to be used as a charge for a cannon. Formerly grapeshot were inclosed in canvas bags. + grassless a. Destitute of grass. + gesticulator n. One who gesticulates. + grace n. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred. + goth n. One who is rude or uncivilized; a barbarian; a rude, ignorant person. + grind n. Any severe continuous work or occupation; esp., hard and uninteresting study. + gavel n. A small heap of grain, not tied up into a bundle. + goodies pl. of Goody + girlhood n. State or time of being a girl. + gaucho n. One of the native inhabitants of the pampas, of Spanish-American descent. They live mostly by rearing cattle. + galician a. Of or pertaining to Galicia, in Spain, or to Galicia, the kingdom of Austrian Poland. + goar n. Same as lst Gore. + glutamic a. Of or pertaining to gluten. + guava n. A tropical tree, or its fruit, of the genus Psidium. Two varieties are well known, the P. pyriferum, or white guava, and P. pomiferum, or red guava. The fruit or berry is shaped like a pomegranate, but is much smaller. It is somewhat astringent, but makes a delicious jelly. + generalizable a. Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of statement, or brought under a general rule. + guacharo n. A nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad (Steatornis Caripensis, or S. steatornis); -- called also oilbird. + glass v.t. A looking-glass; a mirror. + glomeration n. The act of forming or gathering into a ball or round mass; the state of being gathered into a ball; conglomeration. + glow v.i. To exhibit a strong, bright color; to be brilliant, as if with heat; to be bright or red with heat or animation, with blushes, etc. + gangway v.i. That part of the spar deck of a vessel on each side of the booms, from the quarter-deck to the forecastle; -- more properly termed the waist. + grandiloquence n. The use of lofty words or phrases; bombast; -- usually in a bad sense. + gnosis n. The deeper wisdom; knowledge of spiritual truth, such as was claimed by the Gnostics. + granting p.pr.|vb.n. of Grant + gammer n. An old wife; an old woman; -- correlative of gaffer, an old man. + gelt v.t. A gelding. + gravelliness n. State of being gravelly. + glabella n. The space between the eyebrows, also including the corresponding part of the frontal bone; the mesophryon. + generous a. Full of spirit or strength; stimulating; exalting; as, generous wine. + gelatinating p.pr.|vb.n. of Gelatinate + guillotined imp.|p.p. of Guillotine + gardened imp.|p.p. of Garden + greenish a. Somewhat green; having a tinge of green; as, a greenish yellow. + gnu n. One of two species of large South African antelopes of the genus Catoblephas, having a mane and bushy tail, and curved horns in both sexes. + genus n. An assemblage of species, having so many fundamental points of structure in common, that in the judgment of competent scientists, they may receive a common substantive name. A genus is not necessarily the lowest definable group of species, for it may often be divided into several subgenera. In proportion as its definition is exact, it is natural genus; if its definition can not be made clear, it is more or less an artificial genus. + graven p.p. of Grave + gramme machine A kind of dynamo-electric machine; -- so named from its French inventor, M. Gramme. + groomsman n. A male attendant of a bridegroom at his wedding; -- the correlative of bridesmaid. + george n. A kind of brown loaf. + griffon n. A fabulous monster, half lion and half eagle. It is often represented in Grecian and Roman works of art. + gastrurous a. Pertaining to the Gastrura. + grallatores n.pl. See Grallae. + gadre v.t.|i. To gather. + guipure n. A term used for lace of different kinds; most properly for a lace of large pattern and heavy material which has no ground or mesh, but has the pattern held together by connecting threads called bars or brides. + glanderous a. Of or pertaining to glanders; of the nature of glanders. + grinding a.|n. from Grind. + glareous a. Glairy. + gallery a. A room for the exhibition of works of art; as, a picture gallery; hence, also, a large or important collection of paintings, sculptures, etc. + galangal n. The pungent aromatic rhizome or tuber of certain East Indian or Chinese species of Alpinia (A. Galanga and A. officinarum) and of the Kaempferia Galanga), -- all of the Ginger family. + grumble n. A grumbling, discontented disposition. + gluer n. One who cements with glue. + glossata n.pl. The Lepidoptera. + glancing p.pr.|vb.n. of Glance + glucoside n. One of a large series of amorphous or crystalline substances, occurring very widely distributed in plants, rarely in animals, and regarded as influental agents in the formation and disposition of the sugars. They are frequently of a bitter taste, but, by the action of ferments, or of dilute acids and alkalies, always break down into some characteristic substance (acid, aldehyde, alcohol, phenole, or alkaloid) and glucose (or some other sugar); hence the name. They are of the nature of complex and compound ethers, and ethereal salts of the sugar carbohydrates. + gritty a. Spirited; resolute; unyielding. + gnow imp. Gnawed. + gonfalonier n. A Turkish general, and standard keeper. + gymnolaema n.pl. Alt. of Gymnolaemata + grouse v.i. To complain or grumble. + grenadier n. Originaly, a soldier who carried and threw grenades; afterward, one of a company attached to each regiment or battalion, taking post on the right of the line, and wearing a peculiar uniform. In modern times, a member of a special regiment or corps; as, a grenadier of the guard of Napoleon I. one of the regiment of Grenadier Guards of the British army, etc. + gadflies pl. of Gadfly + godhead n. The Deity; God; the Supreme Being. + guardian v.t. One who has, or is entitled to, the custody of the person or property of an infant, a minor without living parents, or a person incapable of managing his own affairs. + grit n. Grain, esp. oats or wheat, hulled and coarsely ground; in high milling, fragments of cracked wheat smaller than groats. + geological a. Of or pertaining to geology, or the science of the earth. + gormandize v.i.|t. To eat greedily; to swallow voraciously; to feed ravenously or like a glutton. + grant v.t. To give over; to make conveyance of; to give the possession or title of; to convey; -- usually in answer to petition. + gib v.t. To secure or fasten with a gib, or gibs; to provide with a gib, or gibs. + ganocephala n.pl. A group of fossil amphibians allied to the labyrinthodonts, having the head defended by bony, sculptured plates, as in some ganoid fishes. + gymnopaedic a. Having young that are naked when hatched; psilopaedic; -- said of certain birds. + gremial n. A bosom friend. + giallolino n. A term variously employed by early writers on art, though commonly designating the yellow oxide of lead, or massicot. + grandma n. Alt. of Grandmamma + galilee n. A porch or waiting room, usually at the west end of an abbey church, where the monks collected on returning from processions, where bodies were laid previous to interment, and where women were allowed to see the monks to whom they were related, or to hear divine service. Also, frequently applied to the porch of a church, as at Ely and Durham cathedrals. + grayfly n. The trumpet fly. + goldfinny n. One of two or more species of European labroid fishes (Crenilabrus melops, and Ctenolabrus rupestris); -- called also goldsinny, and goldney. + grumpily adv. In a surly manner; sullenly. + glase v.t. To furnish (a window, a house, a sash, a ease, etc.) with glass. + gypsy v.i. To play the gypsy; to picnic in the woods. + greenness n. The quality of being green; viridity; verdancy; as, the greenness of grass, or of a meadow. + gavel n. A gable. + grype n. A vulture; the griffin. + grand superl. Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent; -- generalIy used in composition; as, grandfather, grandson, grandchild, etc. + given p.p. of Give + ghastly superl. Like a ghost in appearance; deathlike; pale; pallid; dismal. + gusset n. A kind of bracket, or angular piece of iron, fastened in the angles of a structure to give strength or stiffness; esp., the part joining the barrel and the fire box of a locomotive boiler. + garrisoning p.pr.|vb.n. of Garrison + gauger n. One who gauges; an officer whose business it is to ascertain the contents of casks. + gozzard n. See Gosherd. + gravedigger n. See Burying beetle, under Bury, v. t. + gonidial a. Pertaining to, or containing, gonidia. + gullet n. The tube by which food and drink are carried from the pharynx to the stomach; the esophagus. + grain n. A rounded prominence on the back of a sepal, as in the common dock. See Grained, a., 4. + geminiflorous a. Having the flowers arranged in pairs. + guaiacum n. A genus of small, crooked trees, growing in tropical America. + grey a. See Gray (the correct orthography). + gonfalon n. Alt. of Gonfanon + gemmated a. Having buds; adorned with gems or jewels. + gephyrea n.pl. An order of marine Annelida, in which the body is imperfectly, or not at all, annulated externally, and is mostly without setae. + germiparity n. Reproduction by means of germs. + gallant a. Noble in bearing or spirit; brave; high-spirited; courageous; heroic; magnanimous; as, a gallant youth; a gallant officer. + gid a. A disease of sheep, characterized by vertigo; the staggers. It is caused by the presence of the C/nurus, a larval tapeworm, in the brain. See C/nurus. + giggled imp.|p.p. of Giggle + guide v.t. To regulate and manage; to direct; to order; to superintend the training or education of; to instruct and influence intellectually or morally; to train. + gaper n. An East Indian bird of the genus Cymbirhynchus, related to the broadbills. + geranium n. A cultivated pelargonium. + gutter v.i. To become channeled, as a candle when the flame flares in the wind. + gothicizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gothicize + gigantean a. Like a giant; mighty; gigantic. + grilling p.pr.|vb.n. of Grill + grottoes pl. of Grotto + goniometry n. The art of measuring angles; trigonometry. + guidon v.t. One of a community established at Rome, by Charlemagne, to guide pilgrims to the Holy Land. + grading n. The act or method of arranging in or by grade, or of bringing, as the surface of land or a road, to the desired level or grade. + gnomonics n. The art or science of dialing, or of constructing dials to show the hour of the day by the shadow of a gnomon. + grecize v.i. Alt. of Grecianize + gallows pl. of Gallows + gentilish a. Heathenish; pagan. + gossiprede n. The relationship between a person and his sponsors. + gouache n. A method of painting with opaque colors, which have been ground in water and mingled with a preparation of gum; also, a picture thus painted. + gowk n. A simpleton; a gawk or gawky. + gladiatorism n. The art or practice of a gladiator. + giddy superl. Characterized by inconstancy; unstable; changeable; fickle; wild; thoughtless; heedless. + glacious a. Pertaining to, consisting of or resembling, ice; icy. + genty a. Neat; trim. + grave n. An excavation in the earth as a place of burial; also, any place of interment; a tomb; a sepulcher. Hence: Death; destruction. + gland n. The crosspiece of a bayonet clutch. + geniculation n. The act of kneeling. + guillotine n. A machine for beheading a person by one stroke of a heavy ax or blade, which slides in vertical guides, is raised by a cord, and let fall upon the neck of the victim. + greaved imp.|p.p. of Greave + gathering p.pr.|vb.n. of Gather + geologic a. Alt. of Geological + globulous a. Globular; spherical; orbicular. + grizelin a. See Gridelin. + gardenship n. Horticulture. + gault n. A series of beds of clay and marl in the South of England, between the upper and lower greensand of the Cretaceous period. + gesticulation n. Antic tricks or motions. + greenhood n. A state of greenness; verdancy. + gird v.t. To make fast, as clothing, by binding with a cord, girdle, bandage, etc. + grandiloquous a. Grandiloquent. + groundnut n. The dwarf ginseng (Aralia trifolia). + gladship n. A state of gladness. + gallanted imp.|p.p. of Gallant + guachos pl. of Guacho + gibe v.i. To cast reproaches and sneering expressions; to rail; to utter taunting, sarcastic words; to flout; to fleer; to scoff. + geth the original third pers. sing. pres. of Go. + gamed imp.|p.p. of Game + geneagenesis n. Alternate generation. See under Generation. + gaffer n. A foreman or overseer of a gang of laborers. + gradine n. A toothed chised by sculptors. + give v.i. To have a misgiving. + gorcock n. The moor cock, or red grouse. See Grouse. + gnoscopine n. An alkaloid existing in small quantities in opium. + group n. A cluster, crowd, or throng; an assemblage, either of persons or things, collected without any regular form or arrangement; as, a group of men or of trees; a group of isles. + guana n. See Iguana. + garnisheed imp.|p.p. of Garnishee + gastrophrenic a. Pertaining to the stomach and diaphragm; as, the gastrophrenic ligament. + glisteringly adv. In a glistering manner. + gonophore n. A lengthened receptacle, bearing the stamens and carpels in a conspicuous manner. + gather n. A plait or fold in cloth, made by drawing a thread through it; a pucker. + grinte imp. of Grin, v. i., 1. + germ v.i. To germinate. + graduate n. To mark with degrees; to divide into regular steps, grades, or intervals, as the scale of a thermometer, a scheme of punishment or rewards, etc. + gargol n. A distemper in swine; garget. + go v.i. To pass from one place to another; to be in motion; to be in a state not motionless or at rest; to proceed; to advance; to make progress; -- used, in various applications, of the movement of both animate and inanimate beings, by whatever means, and also of the movements of the mind; also figuratively applied. + gunreach n. The reach or distance to which a gun will shoot; gunshot. + gummata pl. of Gumma + gastrosplenic n. Pertaining to the stomach and spleen; as, the gastrosplenic ligament. + glottological a. Of or pertaining to glottology. + graft n. A branch or portion of a tree growing from such a shoot. + grainfield n. A field where grain is grown. + graith v.t. See Greith. + gazon n. One of the pieces of sod used to line or cover parapets and the faces of earthworks. + glove n. A boxing glove. + glaymore n. A claymore. + gum n. A hive made of a section of a hollow gum tree; hence, any roughly made hive; also, a vessel or bin made of a hollow log. + gormander n. See Gormand, n. + gouge n. Imposition; cheat; fraud; also, an impostor; a cheat; a trickish person. + guerite n. A projecting turret for a sentry, as at the salient angles of works, or the acute angles of bastions. + gapeworm n. The parasitic worm that causes the gapes in birds. See Illustration in Appendix. + goodish a. Rather good than the contrary; not actually bad; tolerable. + genitocrural a. Pertaining to the genital organs and the thigh; -- applied especially to one of the lumbar nerves. + guardian v.t. One who guards, preserves, or secures; one to whom any person or thing is committed for protection, security, or preservation from injury; a warden. + grub v.i. To drudge; to do menial work. + gravies pl. of Gravy + glase v.t. To apply thinly a transparent or semitransparent color to (another color), to modify the effect. + genethliacal a. Genethliac. + grange n. A farm; generally, a farm with a house at a distance from neighbors. + gushingly adv. In a gushing manner; copiously. + gonys n. The keel or lower outline of a bird's bill, so far as the mandibular rami are united. + garniture v.t. That which garnishes; ornamental appendage; embellishment; furniture; dress. + gormand n. A greedy or ravenous eater; a luxurious feeder; a gourmand. + give n. To devote; to apply; used reflexively, to devote or apply one's self; as, the soldiers give themselves to plunder; also in this sense used very frequently in the past participle; as, the people are given to luxury and pleasure; the youth is given to study. + growan n. A decomposed granite, forming a mass of gravel, as in tin lodes in Cornwall. + grumble v.i. To rumble; to make a low, harsh, and heavy sound; to mutter; as, the distant thunder grumbles. + gre n. See Gree, good will. + guarantee n. The person to whom a guaranty is made; -- the correlative of guarantor. + germanism n. A characteristic of the Germans; a characteristic German mode, doctrine, etc.; rationalism. + great n. The whole; the gross; as, a contract to build a ship by the great. + graphotype n. A process for producing a design upon a surface in relief so that it can be printed from. Prepared chalk or oxide of zinc is pressed upon a smooth plate by a hydraulic press, and the design is drawn upon this in a peculiar ink which hardens the surface wherever it is applied. The surface is then carefully rubbed or brushed, leaving the lines in relief. + glacier n. An immense field or stream of ice, formed in the region of perpetual snow, and moving slowly down a mountain slope or valley, as in the Alps, or over an extended area, as in Greenland. + goggle a. Full and rolling, or staring; -- said of the eyes. + globe n. A body of troops, or of men or animals, drawn up in a circle; -- a military formation used by the Romans, answering to the modern infantry square. + gazed imp.|p.p. of Gaze + gong n. A privy or jakes. + gramineous a. Like, Or pertaining to, grass. See Grass, n., 2. + gust n. A sudden squall; a violent blast of wind; a sudden and brief rushing or driving of the wind. Snow, and hail, stormy gust and flaw. + glory n. To boast; to be proud. + gibbon n. Any arboreal ape of the genus Hylobates, of which many species and varieties inhabit the East Indies and Southern Asia. They are tailless and without cheek pouches, and have very long arms, adapted for climbing. + gangflower n. The common English milkwort (Polygala vulgaris), so called from blossoming in gang week. + gin n. A hoisting drum, usually vertical; a whim. + gallopade n. A kind of dance; also, music to the dance; a galop. + grated imp.|p.p. of Grate + gremial a. Of or pertaining to the lap or bosom. + gyrodus n. A genus of extinct oolitic fishes, having rounded teeth in several rows adapted for crushing. + gentlewomen pl. of Gentlewoman + gley v.i. To squint; to look obliquely; to overlook things. + glycin n. Same as Glycocoll. + grain a. Temper; natural disposition; inclination. + gauchos pl. of Gaucho + gyroscopic a. Pertaining to the gyroscope; resembling the motion of the gyroscope. + greatgrandmother n. The mother of one's grandfather or grandmother. + gestation n. Exercise in which one is borne or carried, as on horseback, or in a carriage, without the exertion of his own powers; passive exercise. + guerdonless a. Without reward or guerdon. + ghost n. The spirit; the soul of man. + greatness n. The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc. + grip v.t. To trench; to drain. + galoche Alt. of Galoshe + garb n. External appearance, as expressive of the feelings or character; looks; fashion or manner, as of speech. + gourami n. A very largo East Indian freshwater fish (Osphromenus gorami), extensively reared in artificial ponds in tropical countries, and highly valued as a food fish. Many unsuccessful efforts have been made to introduce it into Southern Europe. + graduation n. The marks on an instrument or vessel to indicate degrees or quantity; a scale. + genealogist n. One who traces genealogies or the descent of persons or families. + gralline a. Of or pertaining to the Grallae. + ganoidal a. Ganoid. + generating p.pr.|vb.n. of Generate + gutta n. One of a series of ornaments, in the form of a frustum of a cone, attached to the lower part of the triglyphs, and also to the lower faces of the mutules, in the Doric order; -- called also campana, and drop. + gairfowl n. See Garefowl. + gastness n. See Ghastness. + glomeruli pl. of Glomerulus + get n. Artifice; contrivance. + gushing a. Emitting copiously, as tears or words; weakly and unreservedly demonstrative in matters of affection; sentimental. + glimmered imp.|p.p. of Glimmer + galaxy n. The Milky Way; that luminous tract, or belt, which is seen at night stretching across the heavens, and which is composed of innumerable stars, so distant and blended as to be distinguishable only with the telescope. The term has recently been used for remote clusters of stars. + greek n. Something unintelligible; as, it was all Greek to me. + gangrene v.t.|i. To produce gangrene in; to be affected with gangrene. + granivorous a. Eating grain; feeding or subsisting on seeds; as, granivorous birds. + give n. To attribute; to assign; to adjudge. + guidebook n. A book of directions and information for travelers, tourists, etc. + glut n. Something that fills up an opening; a clog. + gallantly adv. In a gallant manner. + gade n. A pike, so called at Moray Firth; -- called also gead. + gentry a. Birth; condition; rank by birth. + glorioser n. A boaster. + granadilla n. The fruit of certain species of passion flower (esp. Passiflora quadrangularis) found in Brazil and the West Indies. It is as large as a child's head, and is a good dessert fruit. The fruit of Passiflora edulis is used for flavoring ices. + gunboat n. A vessel of light draught, carrying one or more guns. + gourde n. A silver dollar; -- so called in Cuba, Hayti, etc. + gridelin n. A color mixed of white, and red, or a gray violet. + gecarcinian n. A land crab of the genus Gecarcinus, or of allied genera. + gut n. The sac of silk taken from a silkworm (when ready to spin its cocoon), for the purpose of drawing it out into a thread. This, when dry, is exceedingly strong, and is used as the snood of a fish line. + geer Alt. of Geering + glass v.t. To reflect, as in a mirror; to mirror; -- used reflexively. + guile n. To disguise or conceal; to deceive or delude. + gallyambic a. Consisting of two iambic dimeters catalectic, the last of which lacks the final syllable; -- said of a kind of verse. + galvanoscope n. An instrument or apparatus for detecting the presence of electrical currents, especially such as are of feeble intensity. + geest n. Alluvial matter on the surface of land, not of recent origin. + gamecock n. The male game fowl. + gall n. Impudence; brazen assurance. + grain n. An iron first speak or harpoon, having four or more barbed points. + green superl. Full of life aud vigor; fresh and vigorous; new; recent; as, a green manhood; a green wound. + graniform a. Formed like of corn. + gonidial a. Of or pertaining to the angles of the mouth; as, a gonidial groove of an actinian. + gowdie n. See Dragont. + grease n. Animal fat, as tallow or lard, especially when in a soft state; oily or unctuous matter of any kind. + german n. Of or pertaining to Germany. + grayness n. The quality of being gray. + geocronite n. A lead-gray or grayish blue mineral with a metallic luster, consisting of sulphur, antimony, and lead, with a small proportion of arsenic. + grecize v.t. To render Grecian; also, to cause (a word or phrase in another language) to take a Greek form; as, the name is Grecized. + glassful a. Glassy; shining like glass. + gallinaceous a. Resembling the domestic fowls and pheasants; of or pertaining to the Gallinae. + germanic n. Of or pertaining to Germany; as, the Germanic confederacy. + grebe n. One of several swimming birds or divers, of the genus Colymbus (formerly Podiceps), and allied genera, found in the northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia. They have strong, sharp bills, and lobate toes. + glomerous a. Gathered or formed into a ball or round mass. + grinner n. One who grins. + gulch v.t. To swallow greedily; to gulp down. + gallic a. Pertaining to, or containing, gallium. + gowany a. Having, abounding in, or decked with, daisies. + groin n. The snout of a swine. + glassed imp.|p.p. of Glass + globe n. A round model of the world; a spherical representation of the earth or heavens; as, a terrestrial or celestial globe; -- called also artificial globe. + glass maker n. Alt. of Glassmaker + graafian a. Pertaining to, or discovered by, Regnier de Graaf, a Dutch physician. + gateless a. Having no gate. + gallanting p.pr.|vb.n. of Gallant + geste v.i. To tell stories or gests. + gelatigenous n. Producing, or yielding, gelatin; gelatiniferous; as, the gelatigeneous tissues. + genuine a. Belonging to, or proceeding from, the original stock; native; hence, not counterfeit, spurious, false, or adulterated; authentic; real; natural; true; pure; as, a genuine text; a genuine production; genuine materials. + galvanoglyphy n. Same as Glyphography. + glassfuls pl. of Glassful + graf n. A German title of nobility, equivalent to earl in English, or count in French. See Earl. + gymnoglossa n.pl. A division of gastropods in which the odontophore is without teeth. + gear n. Clothing; garments; ornaments. + globosity n. Sphericity. + grapy a. Composed of, or resembling, grapes. + gorget n. A small ornamental plate, usually crescent-shaped, and of gilded copper, formerly hung around the neck of officers in full uniform in some modern armies. + goldney n. See Gilthead. + grammatic a. Grammatical. + gentile a. Belonging to the nations at large, as distinguished from the Jews; ethnic; of pagan or heathen people. + gossamer n. An outer garment, made of waterproof gossamer. + glimpse v.i. to appear by glimpses; to catch glimpses. + grasp v.t. To lay hold of with the mind; to become thoroughly acquainted or conversant with; to comprehend. + gemmulation n. See Gemmation. + georgic a. A rural poem; a poetical composition on husbandry, containing rules for cultivating lands, etc.; as, the Georgics of Virgil. + gybe n. See Jib. + gnarly a. Full of knots; knotty; twisted; crossgrained. + garbel n. Same as Garboard. + gulch n. A ravine, or part of the deep bed of a torrent when dry; a gully. + glottis n. The opening from the pharynx into the larynx or into the trachea. See Larynx. + gave imp. of Give + geniculate v.t. To form joints or knots on. + gill n. The radiating, gill-shaped plates forming the under surface of a mushroom. + glyphic a. Of or pertaining to sculpture or carving of any sort, esp. to glyphs. + gestatory a. Capable of being carried or worn. + growlingly adv. In a growling manner. + gaffing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gaff + grecized imp.|p.p. of Grecize + gelseminic n. Pertaining to, or derived from, the yellow jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens); as, gelseminic acid, a white crystalline substance resembling esculin. + gentilitial a. Alt. of Gentilitious + guinea n. A gold coin of England current for twenty-one shillings sterling, or about five dollars, but not coined since the issue of sovereigns in 1817. + grasp v.i. To effect a grasp; to make the motion of grasping; to clutch; to struggle; to strive. + gloat v.i. To look steadfastly; to gaze earnestly; -- usually in a bad sense, to gaze with malignant satisfaction, passionate desire, lust, or avarice. + groundless a. Without ground or foundation; wanting cause or reason for support; not authorized; false; as, groundless fear; a groundless report or assertion. + guarded a. Cautious; wary; circumspect; as, he was guarded in his expressions; framed or uttered with caution; as, his expressions were guarded. + gull v.t. To deceive; to cheat; to mislead; to trick; to defraud. + gord n. An instrument of gaming; a sort of dice. + gordian a. Pertaining to the Gordiacea. + gush v.i. To make a sentimental or untimely exhibition of affection; to display enthusiasm in a silly, demonstrative manner. + glabella pl. of Glabellum + ground n. The basis on which anything rests; foundation. Hence: The foundation of knowledge, belief, or conviction; a premise, reason, or datum; ultimate or first principle; cause of existence or occurrence; originating force or agency; as, the ground of my hope. + glike n. A sneer; a flout. + guiacol n. A colorless liquid, C6H4,OCH3.OH, resembling the phenols, found as a constituent of woodtar creosote, aud produced by the dry distillation of guaiac resin. + genitive n. The genitive case. + gallow v.t. To fright or terrify. See Gally, v. t. + gentility n. The class in society who are, or are expected to be, genteel; the gentry. + gambist n. A performer upon the viola di gamba. See under Viola. + goura n. One of several species of large, crested ground pigeons of the genus Goura, inhabiting New Guinea and adjacent islands. The Queen Victoria pigeon (Goura Victoria) and the crowned pigeon (G. coronata) are among the beat known species. + gammoning n. The lashing or iron band by which the bowsprit of a vessel is secured to the stem to opposite the lifting action of the forestays. + glide n. The glede or kite. + grafting n. The transplanting of a portion of flesh or skin to a denuded surface; autoplasty. + goldenrod n. A tall herb (Solidago Virga-aurea), bearing yellow flowers in a graceful elongated cluster. The name is common to all the species of the genus Solidago. + gob n. The mouth. + glistening p.pr.|vb.n. of Glisten + gladsome a. Causing joy, pleasure, or cheerfulness; having the appearance of gayety; pleasing. + galactic a. Of or pertaining to the galaxy or Milky Way. + grievable a. Lamentable. + guaranteed imp.|p.p. of Guarantee + groggy a. Moving in a hobbling manner, owing to ten der feet; -- said of a horse. + greet v.i. To meet and give salutations. + grayling a. An American fish of the genus Thymallus, having similar habits to the above; one species (T. Ontariensis), inhabits several streams in Michigan; another (T. montanus), is found in the Yellowstone region. + ground n. The pit of a theater. + gooroo n. Alt. of Guru + grapevine n. A vine or climbing shrub, of the genus Vitis, having small green flowers and lobed leaves, and bearing the fruit called grapes. + graduated a. Marked with, or divided into, degrees; divided into grades. + glutazine n. A nitrogenous substance, forming a heavy, sandy powder, white or nearly so. It is a derivative of pyridine. + galbanum n. A gum resin exuding from the stems of certain Asiatic umbelliferous plants, mostly species of Ferula. The Bubon Galbanum of South Africa furnishes an inferior kind of galbanum. It has an acrid, bitter taste, a strong, unpleasant smell, and is used for medical purposes, also in the arts, as in the manufacture of varnish. + grange n. A building for storing grain; a granary. + glistened imp.|p.p. of Glisten + gust n. Gratification of any kind, particularly that which is exquisitely relished; enjoyment. + galliass n. Same as Galleass. + gosling n. A young or unfledged goose. + gambeson n. Same as Gambison. + guided imp.|p.p. of Guide + germinated imp.|p.p. of Germinate + gloar v.i. To squint; to stare. + grammatist n. A petty grammarian. + gunnie n. Space left by the removal of ore. + girkin n. See Gherkin. + glead n. A live coal. See Gleed. + gilthead n. The Pagrus, / Chrysophrys, auratus, a valuable food fish common in the Mediterranean (so named from its golden-colored head); -- called also giltpoll. + grumousness n. The state of being grumous. + germule n. A small germ. + grappling n. A laying fast ho1d of; also, that by which anything is seized and held, a grapnel. + goodfellowship n. Agreeable companionship; companionableness. + gardant a. Turning the head towards the spectator, but not the body; -- said of a lion or other beast. + goosefoot n. A genus of herbs (Chenopodium) mostly annual weeds; pigweed. + gar pike Alt. of Garpike + glacial a. Resembling ice; having the appearance and consistency of ice; -- said of certain solid compounds; as, glacial phosphoric or acetic acids. + grig n. A cricket or grasshopper. + gentil a.|n. Gentle. + gallature n. The tread, treadle, or chalasa of an egg. + garland n. A sort of netted bag used by sailors to keep provision in. + glory n. Pride; boastfulness; arrogance. + good superl. Not small, insignificant, or of no account; considerable; esp., in the phrases a good deal, a good way, a good degree, a good share or part, etc. + grindingly adv. In a grinding manner. + gustation n. The act of tasting. + glim n. A light or candle. + grond obs. imp. of Grind. + gentile a. One of a non-Jewish nation; one neither a Jew nor a Christian; a worshiper of false gods; a heathen. + griff n. Grasp; reach. + glomerule n. A head or dense cluster of flowers, formed by condensation of a cyme, as in the flowering dogwood. + genesis n. The first book of the Old Testament; -- so called by the Greek translators, from its containing the history of the creation of the world and of the human race. + gymnastical a. Pertaining to athletic exercises intended for health, defense, or diversion; -- said of games or exercises, as running, leaping, wrestling, throwing the discus, the javelin, etc.; also, pertaining to disciplinary exercises for the intellect; athletic; as, gymnastic exercises, contests, etc. + gonfalonier n. An officer at Rome who bears the standard of the Church. + goatfish n. A fish of the genus Upeneus, inhabiting the Gulf of Mexico. It is allied to the surmullet. + greening n. A greenish apple, of several varieties, among which the Rhode Island greening is the best known for its fine-grained acid flesh and its excellent keeping quality. + guaiac a. Pertaining to, or resembling, guaiacum. + gangway v.i. The opening through the bulwarks of a vessel by which persons enter or leave it. + gallopaded imp.|p.p. of Gallopade + godless a. Having, or acknowledging, no God; without reverence for God; impious; wicked. + gopher wood A species of wood used in the construction of Noah's ark. + gewgaw n. A showy trifle; a toy; a splendid plaything; a pretty but worthless bauble. + groaning p.pr.|vb.n. of Groan + gushing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gush + guarantying p.pr.|vb.n. of Guaranty + grave n. To dig. [Obs.] Chaucer. + geometrizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Geometrize + genesiolgy n. The doctrine or science of generation. + gawk n. A simpleton; a booby; a gawky. + gyre v.t.|i. To turn round; to gyrate. + godliness n. Careful observance of, or conformity to, the laws of God; the state or quality of being godly; piety. + gawby n. A baby; a dunce. + gingerly adv. Cautiously; timidly; fastidiously; daintily. + godown n. A warehouse. + giant n. A person of extraordinary strength or powers, bodily or intellectual. + galvanism n. The branch of physical science which treats of dynamical elecricity, or the properties and effects of electrical currents. + gunshot a. Made by the shot of a gun: as. a gunshot wound. + good superl. Not lacking or deficient; full; complete. + glanduliferous a. Bearing glandules. + galvanizing ppr.|vb.n. of Galvanize + glenoidal a. Glenoid. + gentrie n. Nobility of birth or of character; gentility. + gonfalonier n. He who bears the gonfalon; a standard bearer + grave superl. Of great weight; heavy; ponderous. + gossip n. One who runs house to house, tattling and telling news; an idle tattler. + grindery n. Leather workers' materials. + groundsel n. Alt. of Groundsill + gingham n. A kind of cotton or linen cloth, usually in stripes or checks, the yarn of which is dyed before it is woven; -- distinguished from printed cotton or prints. + germogen n. A polynuclear mass of protoplasm, not divided into separate cells, from which certain ova are developed. + gurge n. A whirlpool. + gurge v.t. To swallow up. + grote n. A groat. + gypsey n. A gypsy. See Gypsy. + gassy a. Full of gas; like gas. Hence: [Colloq.] Inflated; full of boastful or insincere talk. + generalization n. The act or process of generalizing; the act of bringing individuals or particulars under a genus or class; deduction of a general principle from particulars. + gaytre n. The dogwood tree. + grasping a. Avaricious; greedy of gain; covetous; close; miserly; as, he is a grasping man. + guardant v.t. Acting as guardian. + gather v.t. To accumulate by collecting and saving little by little; to amass; to gain; to heap up. + gothicize v.t. To make Gothic; to bring back to barbarism. + gleby a. Pertaining to the glebe; turfy; cloddy; fertile; fruitful. + glucogen n. See Glycogen. + guide v.t. A blade or channel for directing the flow of water to the wheel buckets. + geniohyoid a. Of or pertaining to the chin and hyoid bone; as, the geniohyoid muscle. + goosewinged a. Having a "goosewing." + gally n. See Galley, n., 4. + gurry n. An alvine evacuation; also, refuse matter. + granade n. Alt. of Granado + great superl. Older, younger, or more remote, by single generation; -- often used before grand to indicate one degree more remote in the direct line of descent; as, great-grandfather (a grandfather's or a grandmother's father), great-grandson, etc. + grozing iron A tool for smoothing the solder joints of lead pipe. + gownsman n. Alt. of Gownman + gainsay v.t. To contradict; to deny; to controvert; to dispute; to forbid. + glum a. Moody; silent; sullen. + gouty a. Pertaining to the gout. + glyptography n. The art or process of engraving on precious stones. + grandfather n. A father's or mother's father; an ancestor in the next degree above the father or mother in lineal ascent. + gusher n. One who gushes. + grandnephew n. The grandson of one's brother or sister. + glossarially adv. In the manner of a glossary. + gendarme n. One of a body of heavy cavalry. + gazet n. A Venetian coin, worth about three English farthings, or one and a half cents. + glazing n. Transparent, or semitransparent, colors passed thinly over other colors, to modify the effect. + go n. Act; working; operation. + goblin n. An evil or mischievous spirit; a playful or malicious elf; a frightful phantom; a gnome. + glossography n. The writing of glossaries, glosses, or comments for illustrating an author. + gagate n. Agate. + gonocalyx n. The bell of a sessile gonozooid. + gale v.i. To sing. + gudgeon n. The pin of iron fastened in the end of a wooden shaft or axle, on which it turns; formerly, any journal, or pivot, or bearing, as the pintle and eye of a hinge, but esp. the end journal of a horizontal. + gum n. A rubber overshoe. + gobbetly adv. In pieces. + gemmipara n.pl. Alt. of Gemmipares + gold v.t. A metallic element, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known (specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and ductile. It is quite unalterable by heat, moisture, and most corrosive agents, and therefore well suited for its use in coin and jewelry. Symbol Au (Aurum). Atomic weight 196.7. + graze v.t. To tend (cattle, etc.) while grazing. + geocentrically adv. In a geocentric manner. + grandevous a. Of great age; aged; longlived. + glassmaker n. One who makes, or manufactures, glass. + greekess n. A female Greek. + grazier n. One who pastures cattle, and rears them for market. + generous a. Of honorable birth or origin; highborn. + ground imp.|p.p. of Grind + garefowl n. The great auk; also, the razorbill. See Auk. + gramineal a. Gramineous. + grumbling p.pr.|vb.n. of Grumble + genial a. Denoting or marked with genius; belonging to the higher nature. + gymnite n. A hydrous silicate of magnesia. + glycerol n. Same as Glycerin. + gamester n. A merry, frolicsome person. + grandpa n. Alt. of Grandpapa + golden a. Having the color of gold; as, the golden grain. + gulf n. That which swallows; the gullet. + gormandizer n. A greedy, voracious eater; a gormand; a glutton. + gordius n. A genus of long, slender, nematoid worms, parasitic in insects until near maturity, when they leave the insect, and live in water, in which they deposit their eggs; -- called also hair eel, hairworm, and hair snake, from the absurd, but common and widely diffused, notion that they are metamorphosed horsehairs. + gainstand v.t. To withstand; to resist. + gain v.t. That which is gained, obtained, or acquired, as increase, profit, advantage, or benefit; -- opposed to loss. + genys n. See Gonys. + gurgoyle n. See Gargoyle. + gauntletted a. Wearing a gauntlet. + goodbye n.interj. Farewell; a form of address used at parting. See the last Note under By, prep. + guildable a. Liable to a tax. + goose n. A game played with counters on a board divided into compartments, in some of which a goose was depicted. + glade n. An everglade. + grew imp. of Grow. + glassgazing a. Given to viewing one's self in a glass or mirror; finical. + granatin n. Mannite; -- so called because found in the pomegranate. + greenness n. Freshness; vigor; newness. + gustable n. Anything that can be tasted. + grayback n. The dowitcher. + grave n. To entomb; to bury. + getterup n. One who contrives, makes, or arranges for, anything, as a book, a machine, etc. + ghetto n. The Jews'quarter in an Italian town or city. + glairy a. Like glair, or partaking of its qualities; covered with glair; viscous and transparent; slimy. + glossographer n. A writer of a glossary; a commentator; a scholiast. + gainst prep. A contraction of Against. + gadolinia n. A rare earth, regarded by some as an oxide of the supposed element gadolinium, by others as only a mixture of the oxides of yttrium, erbium, ytterbium, etc. + graminaceous a. Pertaining to, or resembling, the grasses; gramineous; as, graminaceous plants. + glutaric a. Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid so called; as, glutaric ethers. + grainy a. Resembling grains; granular. + grocery n. The commodities sold by grocers, as tea, coffee, spices, etc.; -- in the United States almost always in the plural form, in this sense. + grievance v.t. Grieving; grief; affliction. + grammar n. The art of speaking or writing with correctness or according to established usage; speech considered with regard to the rules of a grammar. + goose n. A silly creature; a simpleton. + gombo n. See Gumbo. + greillade n. Iron ore in coarse powder, prepared for reduction by the Catalan process. + gadwall n. A large duck (Anas strepera), valued as a game bird, found in the northern parts of Europe and America; -- called also gray duck. + glut v.t. To fill to satiety; to satisfy fully the desire or craving of; to satiate; to sate; to cloy. + godling n. A diminutive god. + glorioso n. A boaster. + gastrodisc n. That part of blastoderm where the hypoblast appears like a small disk on the inner face of the epibladst. + gasteromycetes n.pl. An order of fungi, in which the spores are borne inside a sac called the peridium, as in the puffballs. + guileless a. Free from guile; artless. + grain n. To form grains, or to assume a granular ferm, as the result of crystallization; to granulate. + grundsel n. Groundsel. + gash n. A deep and long cut; an incision of considerable length and depth, particularly in flesh. + guicowar n. [Mahratta g/ekw/r, prop., a cowherd.] The title of the sovereign of Guzerat, in Western India; -- generally called the Guicowar of Baroda, which is the capital of the country. + gig n. A kind of spear or harpoon. See Fishgig. + guillotine v.t. To behead with the guillotine. + gangrene n. A term formerly restricted to mortification of the soft tissues which has not advanced so far as to produce complete loss of vitality; but now applied to mortification of the soft parts in any stage. + gorgon n. Anything very ugly or horrid. + generalizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Generalize + gymnocladus n. A genus of leguminous plants; the Kentucky coffee tree. The leaves are cathartic, and the seeds a substitute for coffee. + gaster v.t. To gast. + gravity a. Importance, significance, dignity, etc; hence, seriousness; enormity; as, the gravity of an offense. + gemmy n. Spruce; smart. + guttural n. A sound formed in the throat; esp., a sound formed by the aid of the back of the tongue, much retracted, and the soft palate; also, a letter representing such a sound. + goggleeye n. The goggler. + gasify v.t. To convert into gas, or an aeriform fluid, as by the application of heat, or by chemical processes. + grubbing p.pr.|vb.n. of Grub + genderless a. Having no gender. + gage v.t. To measure. See Gauge, v. t. + garget n. See Poke. + grandson n. A son's or daughter's son. + gressorious a. Adapted for walking; anisodactylous; as the feet of certain birds and insects. See Illust. under Aves. + gloppen v.t.|i. To surprise or astonish; to be startled or astonished. + good superl. Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth. + greenery n. Green plants; verdure. + game v.i. In some games, a point credited on the score to the player whose cards counts up the highest. + goodly superl. Pleasant; agreeable; desirable. + gobbled imp.|p.p. of Gobble + gadding a.|n. Going about much, needlessly or without purpose. + grit n. The coarse part of meal. + gouge n. Soft material lying between the wall of a vein aud the solid vein. + gentleship n. The deportment or conduct of a gentleman. + georgian a. Of or relating to the reigns of the four Georges, kings of Great Britan; as, the Georgian era. + grip v.t. To give a grip to; to grasp; to gripe. + gill n. A leech. + grievous a. Characterized by great atrocity; heinous; aggravated; flagitious; as, a grievous sin. + gram A suffix indicating something drawn or written, a drawing, writing; -- as, monogram, telegram, chronogram. + gapeseed n. Any strange sight. + guesswork n. Work performed, or results obtained, by guess; conjecture. + gaddingly adv. In a roving, idle manner. + gormandizing p.pr.|vb.n. of Gormandize + grace n. The title of a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop, and formerly of the king of England. + globigerina n. A genus of small Foraminifera, which live abundantly at or near the surface of the sea. Their dead shells, falling to the bottom, make up a large part of the soft mud, generally found in depths below 3,000 feet, and called globigerina ooze. See Illust. of Foraminifera. + gargoulette n. A water cooler or jug with a handle and spout; a gurglet. + glyphographic a. Of or pertaining to glyphography. + glance v.i. To move quickly, appearing and disappearing rapidly; to be visible only for an instant at a time; to move interruptedly; to twinkle. + gesture n. A motion of the body or limbs expressive of sentiment or passion; any action or posture intended to express an idea or a passion, or to enforce or emphasize an argument, assertion, or opinion. + golore n. See Galore. + gonococcus n. A vegetable microorganism of the genus Micrococcus, occurring in the secretion in gonorrhea. It is believed by some to constitute the cause of this disease. + glyptodon n. An extinct South American quaternary mammal, allied to the armadillos. It was as large as an ox, was covered with tessellated scales, and had fluted teeth. + gorgon n. The brindled gnu. See Gnu. + goud n. Woad. + grunt n. Any one of several species of American food fishes, of the genus Haemulon, allied to the snappers, as, the black grunt (A. Plumieri), and the redmouth grunt (H. aurolineatus), of the Southern United States; -- also applied to allied species of the genera Pomadasys, Orthopristis, and Pristopoma. Called also pigfish, squirrel fish, and grunter; -- so called from the noise it makes when taken. + gnof n. Churl; curmudgeon. + glaucoma n. Dimness or abolition of sight, with a diminution of transparency, a bluish or greenish tinge of the refracting media of the eye, and a hard inelastic condition of the eyeball, with marked increase of tension within the eyeball. + gunner n. The sea bream. + grapple v.t. To fasten, as with a grapple; to fix; to join indissolubly. + gascon a. Of or pertaining to Gascony, in France, or to the Gascons; also, braggart; swaggering. + goodhumoredly adv. With a cheerful spirit; in a cheerful or good-tempered manner. + god a.|n. Good. + graphicalness n. The quality or state of being graphic. + ganja n. The dried hemp plant, used in India for smoking. It is extremely narcotic and intoxicating. + gan v. Began; commenced. + grice pl. of Gree + gove n. A mow; a rick for hay. + garrulous a. Having a loud, harsh note; noisy; -- said of birds; as, the garrulous roller. + government n. The mode of governing; the system of polity in a state; the established form of law. + globular a. Globe-shaped; having the form of a ball or sphere; spherical, or nearly so; as, globular atoms. + ginglymoid a. Alt. of Ginglymoidal + gibbet n. The projecting arm of a crane, from which the load is suspended; the jib. + gode a.|n. Good. + grass n. Metaphorically used for what is transitory. + gnathotheca n. The horney covering of the lower mandible of a bird. + gab v.i. To deceive; to lie. + gruff superl. Of a rough or stern manner, voice, or countenance; sour; surly; severe; harsh. + gross superl. Great; large; bulky; fat; of huge size; excessively large. + gargling p.pr.|vb.n. of Gargle + gliadin n. Vegetable glue or gelatin; glutin. It is one of the constituents of wheat gluten, and is a tough, amorphous substance, which resembles animal glue or gelatin. + glazen a. Resembling glass; glasslike; glazed. + glib n. A thick lock of hair, hanging over the eyes. + gossip n. The tattle of a gossip; groundless rumor. + gratulate a. To salute with declaration of joy; to congratulate. + gatherable a. Capable of being gathered or collected; deducible from premises. + gangliform a. Alt. of Ganglioform + gaultheria n. A genus of ericaceous shrubs with evergreen foliage, and, often, edible berries. It includes the American winter-green (Gaultheria procumbens), and the larger-fruited salal of Northwestern America (Gaultheria Shallon). + gallipoli oil An inferior kind of olive oil, brought from Gallipoli, in Italy. + gyall n. See Gayal. + gymnolaemata n.pl. An order of Bryozoa, having no epistome. + genealogical a. Of or pertaining to genealogy; as, a genealogical table; genealogical order. + glossology n. The science of language; comparative philology; linguistics; glottology. + galvanopuncture n. Same as Electro-puncture. + gynophore n. The pedicel raising the pistil or ovary above the stamens, as in the passion flower. + gamba n. A viola da gamba. + gunpowder n. A black, granular, explosive substance, consisting of an intimate mechanical mixture of niter, charcoal, and sulphur. It is used in gunnery and blasting. + guilt v.t. Exposure to any legal penalty or forfeiture. + gorge n. The groove of a pulley. + graveolence n. A strong and offensive smell; rancidity. + gerocomical a. Pertaining to gerocomy. + guttapercha n. A concrete juice produced by various trees found in the Malayan archipelago, especially by the Isonandra, / Dichopsis, Gutta. It becomes soft, and unpressible at the tamperature of boiling water, and, on cooling, retains its new shape. It dissolves in oils and ethers, but not in water. In many of its properties it resembles caoutchouc, and it is extensively used for many economical purposes. The Mimusops globosa of Guiana also yields this material. + goral n. An Indian goat antelope (Nemorhedus goral), resembling the chamois. + geographical a. Of or pertaining to geography. + gang v.i. A set; all required for an outfit; as, a new gang of stays. + gravity a. The state of having weight; beaviness; as, the gravity of lead. + glutinosity n. The quality of being glutinous; viscousness. + genial a. Same as Genian. + grader n. One who grades, or that by means of which grading is done or facilitated. + gripe n. A device for grasping or holding anything; a brake to stop a wheel. + gelidity n. The state of being gelid. + grounding n. The act, method, or process of laying a groundwork or foundation; hence, elementary instruction; the act or process of applying a ground, as of color, to wall paper, cotton cloth, etc.; a basis. + graining n. A small European fresh-water fish (Leuciscus vulgaris); - called also dobule, and dace. + geniculation n. The state of being bent abruptly at an angle. + gristmill n. A mill for grinding grain; especially, a mill for grinding grists, or portions of grain brought by different customers; a custom mill. + genevan n. A native or inhabitant of Geneva. + go n. That condition in the course of the game when a player can not lay down a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one. + guard v.t. The fibrous sheath which covers the phragmacone of the Belemnites. + gramercy interj. A word formerly used to express thankfulness, with surprise; many thanks. + grippleness n. The quality of being gripple. + gale n. A song or story. + generator n. An apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed from a liquid or solid by means of heat or chemical process, as a steam boiler, gas retort, or vessel for generating carbonic acid gas, etc. + gyrate n. To revolve round a central point; to move spirally about an axis, as a tornado; to revolve. + gig v.t. To engender. + germanic a. Pertaining to, or containing, germanium. + graved imp. of Grave + ghoul n. An imaginary evil being among Eastern nations, which was supposed to feed upon human bodies. + greet v.t. To accost; to address. + gomphosis n. A form of union or immovable articulation where a hard part is received into the cavity of a bone, as the teeth into the jaws. + ghaut n. A pass through a mountain. + generous a. Characterized by generosity; abundant; overflowing; as, a generous table. + grope v.t. To search out by feeling in the dark; as, we groped our way at midnight. + galvanize v.t. To plate, as with gold, silver, etc., by means of electricity. + galley n. A light, open boat used on the Thames by customhouse officers, press gangs, and also for pleasure. + gradient n. A part of a road which slopes upward or downward; a portion of a way not level; a grade. + grovy a. Pertaining to, or resembling, a grove; situated in, or frequenting, groves. + grace v.t. To supply with heavenly grace. + grieved imp.|p.p. of Grieve + granulate a. Alt. of Granulated + grip v.t. That by which anything is grasped; a handle or gripe; as, the grip of a sword. + gondola n. A flat-bottomed boat for freight. + gatten tree A name given to the small trees called guelder-rose (Viburnum Opulus), cornel (Cornus sanguinea), and spindle tree (Euonymus Europaeus). + gag v.i. To heave with nausea; to retch. + galvanographic a. Of or pertaining to galvanography. + gizzard n. A thick muscular stomach found in many invertebrate animals. + glower v.i. to look intently; to stare angrily or with a scowl. + gudgeon v.t. To deprive fraudulently; to cheat; to dupe; to impose upon. + gastight a. So tightly fitted as to preclude the escape of gas; impervious to gas. + grow v.i. To become attached of fixed; to adhere. + germicide n. A germicide agent. + gaudday n. See Gaudy, a feast. + graze v.t. To rub or touch lightly the surface of (a thing) in passing; as, the bullet grazed the wall. + gadling n. See Gad, n., 4. + greet n. Mourning. + gipoun n. A short cassock. + geomalism n. The tendency of an organism to respond, during its growth, to the force of gravitation. + girlond n. A garland; a prize. -